
   Dmitry Nikolaevitch



Date of birth 07/05/1969

Location             Curriculum vitae                 Scientific interests              Current research           Honors and awards  

       Membership          Publications        Other interests               Contacts

Location & Organization

City, Country Russia, Yaroslavl

        Name of principal geologic organization and department Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D.Ushinsky

Position  Ph. D., Associate Professor


Scientific interests

Paleontology, stratigraphy and paleogeography of the Jurassic beds of the European Russia; ammonoidea of the Middle-Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous; a problems of the boreal-tethyan correlations of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous beds; a terminal and hydrological regimes of the Jurassic and Cretaceous seas; conservation of geological heritage; ecogenesis and theory of evolution.

Current research

Ammonoidea and biostratigraphy of the Callovian and Oxfordian beds of the European Russia; the boreal marine Upper Bathonian of the Middle Volga region and Bathonian-Callovian boundary of the European Russia; monographical research of the subfamilies Cadoceratinae and Kosmoceratinae (Ammonoidea); the Middle-Upper Volgian boundary of the Middle Volga region; ecology of the large taxa 


Russian Paleontological Society - since 1994

Geological Society of America - since 1994

ProGEO- since 2004

Publication list

(full list in Russian will be available from the Russian version of this page)


Baranov V.N., Muravin E.S., Kiselev D.N. (1996) Callovian and Oxfordian stratigraphy of Yaroslavl region  // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow., geol. Ň.71. no.3. P.69-77. [in Russian] pdf

Kiselev D.N. (1996) Ontogeny and systematic position of the Callovian ammonites Pseudocadoceras Buckman // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow. V.71. Iss.3. P.82-98. [in Russian] pdf

Kiselev D.N. (1996) Morphogenesis and systematics of genus Pseudocadoceras // Paleont. Zhurn. ą3. P.15-27. [in Russian] pdf

Kiselev D.N. (1997) A new species of the genus Cadoceras (Ammonoidea) from the Callovian of the Unzha River // Palaeontol. Journ. V.31. no.6. P.583-587. pdf

Gulyaev D.B., Kiselev D.N. (1999) Boreal Upper Bathonian in the Volga River Middle Courses (ammonites and stratigraphy) // Stratigraphy. Geological correlation. V.7. no.3. P.273-293. pdf

Gulyaev D.B., Kiselev D.N. (1999) On marine Boreal Upper Bathonian in the center of the Russian Plate // Doklady Earth Sciences.Vol.367. no.1. P.95-98. [in Russian] pdf

Kiselev D.N. (1999) Zonal and subzonal ammonite assemblages of the Middle Callovian of Central Russia // Problems of the Mesozoic stratigraphy and paleontology. Lecturing in memory of  M.S.Mesezhnikov. Saint-Petersburg: VNIGRI publ. P.87-106. [in Russian] pdf

Kiselev D.N. (2001) Zones, Subzones and biohorizons of the Central Russia Middle Callovian // Publications of the Pedagogical University of Yaroslavl., Natur.-Geogr. Fac. Spec. Paper no.1. 38 p. [in Russian] pdf

Gulyaev D.B., Kiselev D.N., Rogov M.A. (2002) Biostratigraphy of the Upper Boreal Bathonian and Callovian of the European Russia // in: Martire L. (ed.). 6th International Symposium on the Jurassic System, September 12-22 2002 , Palermo . Abstracts and program. P.81-82. pdf

Kiselev D.N.  (2002) About a direct correlation possibility of the callovian between the boreal and subboreal provinces by Cardioceratidae // in: Martire L. (ed.). 6th International Symposium on the Jurassic System, September 12-22 2002, Palermo. Abstracts and program.  P. 81-82. Full volume available

Kiselev D.N. (2003) Reconstruction of thermal and hydrological regimes of the Callovian - Oxfordian sea basins of Northwest Eurasia by distribution of ammonites // Mesozoic paleoceanography in respose to paleogeographic & paleoclimatic forcings. Paris, 10/11 juillet 2003. Séance spécialisée de la Société géologique de France. Abstract volume. P.45. Full volume available

Kiselev D.N., Gulyaev D.B., Rogov M.A. (2003) Origin and systematic position of Funiferites, a new genus of the Callovian cardioceratid ammonites // In: Bogdanov N.A., Vasil’eva T.I., Verzbitsky V.E. et al. (Eds.). Modern questions of geology. Materials of the 3rd Lectures in Memory of Yanshine, March 26-28, 2003. Moscow: Nauchny mir. P. 220-225., 1 fig. [in Russian]. pdf

Kiselev D.N., et al., (Eds.) (2003) Atlas of the Yaroslavl region geological monuments. Yaroslavl, 121 p. pdf

Rogov M.A., Kiselev D.N. (2003) Signature of the climatic changes in the ammonite and spore-pollen assemblages and their comparison with palaeotemperature data from the Late Callovian till Early Oxfordian // Mesozoic paleoceanography in respose to paleogeographic & paleoclimatic forcings. Paris, 10/11 juillet 2003. Séance spécialisée de la Société géologique de France. Abstract volume. P.39., 1 fig. Full volume available

Kiselev D.N. (2004) The thermal regime dynamics in Callovian-Oxfordian seas of Northwestern Eurasia: implications of relative paleotemperature data // Stratigraphy. Geological Correlation.V.12. no.4. P.347-366. pdf

Kiselev D.N., Meledina S.V. (2004) Ammonite assemblages and biohorizons of the Kosmoceras Jason Subzone (Middle Callovian) of the Russian Plate // News of Paleontology and Stratigraphy. Issue 6-7. P.157-175. [in Russian] pdf

Kiselev D.N., Rogov M.A. (2004) Preliminary report on the Callovian/Oxfordian boundary in the Central Russia // 32nd Int. Geol. Congr., electronic version posted on-line on July 20, 2004, Abs. Vol., pt. 1, abs. 177-19, P.824. pdf

Kiselev D.N., Rogov M.A. (2005) Zones, Subzones and biohorizons of the Upper Callovian and Lower Oxfordian of the European part of Russia// in: Zakharov V.A., Rogov M.A., Dzyuba O.S. (Eds) Materials of the first All-Russian Meeting "Jurassic System of Russia: problems of stratigraphy and paleogeography". Moscow: GIN RAS. P.128-134.[in Russian] pdf

Kiselev D.N., Rogov M.A. (2005) Infrazonal stratigraphy and ammonites of the Middle-Upper Volgian boundary beds of the European Russia // in: Zakharov V.A., Rogov M.A., Dzyuba O.S. (Eds) Materials of the first All-Russian Meeting "Jurassic System of Russia: problems of stratigraphy and paleogeography". Moscow: GIN RAS. P.135-139.[in Russian] pdf of the whole volume

Kiselev D.N. (2006) Ammonites and biostratigraphy of the Callovian beds in the Votcha  section on the Sysola river // News of paleontology and stratigraphy. Vol.9. P.47-69. (Supplement toRussian Geology & Geophysics, Vol.47) [in Russian] pdf

Kiselev D.N., Rogov, M. A., Guzhikov A. M., Pimenov M. N., Tesakova E.P,  Dzyuba O.S. (2006) Dubki (Saratov region, Russia), the reference section for the Callovian/Oxfordian boundary // Volumina Jurassica. V.IV. P.178-180. Full volume available

Rogov M., Zakharov V., Kiselev D. (2006) Molluscan migrations and biogeographical ecotone in the Middle Russian Sea during the Jurassic // Volumina Jurassica. V.IV. P.132-134. Full volume available

Zakharov V. A., Rogov, M. A.,  Kiselev D.N. (2006) The Volgian Stage and Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary in the Panboreal Superrealm // Volumina Jurassica. V.IV. P. 224-226. Full volume available

Kiselev D.N., Rogov M.A. (2007) Stratigraphy of the Bathonian–Callovian Boundary Deposits in the Prosek Section (Middle Volga Region). Article 1. Ammonites and Infrazonal Biostratigraphy //  Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol.15. no.5. P.485–515. pdf

Rogov M.A., Kiselev D.N. (2007) The Kimmeridgian of Russia and adjacent areas, its subdivision and correlation. Field trip guidebook. Moscow: Geological Institute of RAS. 35 p. pdf

Rogov M.A., Kiselev D.N. (2007) Middle-Upper Volgian boundary beds of the Russian Plate and their correlation with Portlandian succession by ammonites // 4th Symposium IGCP-506, University of Bristol, 4-8 July 2007. Bristol. P.18-20. pdf of full volume

Rogov M.A., Kiselev D.N. (2008) Correlation of the Volgian and Portlandian Stages: an integrate approach // in: Alekseev A.S. (Ed.) Paleostrat-2008. Annual meeting of paleontological section of Moscow Society of Naturalists and Moscow Branch of Russian Paleontological Society (Moscow, January 28-29, 2008). Abstracts. Moscow. P.48. [in Russian] pdf of the whole volume

Wierzbowski A., Glowniak E., Kiselev D., Rogov M., Wright J. K. (2008) Correlation potential of the flodigarriensis horizon of proposed GSSP for the base of Kimmeridgian (Staffin Bay, Isle of Skye, Scotland) in the light of new data from Russian and Polish sections // The 5th International Symposium of IGCP 506 on: Marine and non-marine Jurassic: global correlation and major geological events, Tunisia (Hammamet), March 28-31, 2008. Abstract Volume. P.47-48. pdf of whole volume

Kiselev D.N. (2009) Evaluation of sutural complexity and functional aspects of septal shape in ammonoids // in: Leonova T.B., Barskov I.S., Mitta V.V. (Eds.) Contributions to current Cephalopod research: morphology, systematics, evolution, ecology and biostratigraphy. Moscow: PIN RAS. P.131-136. pdf of the whole volume

Kiselev D.N. (2009) Parallel evolution of the Arctic and Central-Russian Paracadoceras (Cadoceratinae, Ammonoidea) // in: Leonova T.B., Barskov I.S., Mitta V.V. (Eds.) Contributions to current Cephalopod research: morphology, systematics, evolution, ecology and biostratigraphy. Moscow: PIN RAS. P.41-46. [in Russian with English summary] pdf of the whole volume

Glowniak E., Kiselev D.N., Rogov M., Wierzbowski A., Wright J.K. (2010) The Mikhalenino Section of the Russian Platform: A Key Section for Palaeobiogeography and Ammonite Correlation of the Middle Oxfordian to Lowermost Kimmeridgian in Europe // Earth Science Frontiers, Vol. 17, Special Issue, P.87-88. pdf

Gulyaev D.B., Rogov M.A., Kiselev D.N. (2010) Nomenclature Problems of Ammonite Biohorizons (Faunal Horizons) in Jurassic and Cretaceous Stratigraphy // Earth Science Frontiers, Vol. 17, Special Issue, P.91-93. pdf

Rogov M.A., Kiselev D.N., Gulyaev D.B., Okhapkina E.A. (2011) New data on the Craspedites nodiger Zone (Upper Volgian Substage) of the Yaroslavl region // in: Zakharov V.A., Rogov M.A., Ippolitov A.P. (Eds) Jurassic System of Russia: Problems of stratigraphy and đaleogeography. Fourth All-Russian meeting. September 26-30, 2011, St.-Petersburg. Scientific materials. St.-Petersburg: LEMA. P.184-186. [in Russian] pdf

Kiselev D.N. et al. (2012) Geosites of the Yaroslavl area: stratigraphy, paleontology, paleogeography. Moscow: Yustitsinform. 304 pp. [in Russian, with English Table of contents at p.203] pdf

Rogov M. A., Gulyaev D. B., Kiselev D. N. (2012) Biohorizons as infrazonal biostratigraphic units: an attempt to refine the Jurassic stratigraphy based on ammonites // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, Vol. 20, No. 2, P.211–229. doi: 10.1134/S0869593812010066 pdf 

Rogov M.A., Kiselev D.N., Shchepetova E.V. (2012) Stratigraphy of the Callovian and Upper Jurassic of Orenburg region: new biostratigraphic results and proposals on lithostratigraphic subdivision // Bulletin of the Regional Interdepatrmental Stratigraphic Commission on South and Center of the Russian Platform. Issue 5. Moscow: Russ. Ac. Nat. Sci. P.129-137. [in Russian] pdf

Tesakova E.M., Demidov S.M., Guzhov A.V., Rogov M.A., Kiselev D.N. (2012) Middle Oxfordian – Lower Kimmeridgian ostracod zones from the Mikhalenino section (Kostroma region) and their comparison with synchronous strata of the Eastern and Western Europe // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh., Bd. 266. P.239-249. pdf

Bragin N.Yu., Kiselev D.N. (2013) Radiolarians from Upper Jurassic (Middle Oxfordian and Upper Kimmeridgian) Deposits of Yaroslavl Oblast // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 2013, Vol. 21, No. 6, P. 628–636. pdf

Kiselev D.N. (2013) New data on the biostratigraphy of the Callovian in the Chermenino reference section (Unzha river, Kologriv area) // Jurassic System of Russia: Problems of stratigraphy and đaleogeography. Fifth AllRussian meeting. September 23-27, 2013, Tyumen. Scientific materials. (V.A.Zakharov (ch. ed.), M.A.Rogov, B.N.Shurygin (eds.). Yekaterinburg: “ID “IzdatNaukaServis” LLC, 2013. P. 102-108. [in Russian] pdf

Kiselev D.N., Ohapkina E.A. (2013) Preliminary results of “chromostratigraphic” method approvals for the studying of the Callovian in the Tchermenino reference section (Unzha river, Kologriv area) // Jurassic System of Russia: Problems of stratigraphy and đaleogeography. Fifth AllRussian meeting. September 23-27, 2013, Tyumen. Scientific materials. (V.A.Zakharov (ch. ed.), M.A.Rogov, B.N.Shurygin (eds.). Yekaterinburg: “ID “IzdatNaukaServis” LLC, 2013. P.109-115. [in Russian] pdf

Kiselev D., Rogov M., Glinskikh L., Guzhikov A., Pimenov M., Mikhailov A., Dzyuba O., Matveev A., Tesakova E. (2013) Integrated stratigraphy of the reference sections for the Callovian/Oxfordian boundary in European Russia // Volumina Jurassica. V.XI. P.59-96. pdf

Wierzbowski H., Rogov M.A., Matyja B.A., Kiselev D., Ippolitov A. (2013) Middle-Upper Jurassic (Upper Callovian–Lower Kimmeridgian) stable isotope and elemental records of the Russian Platform: indices of oceanographic and climatic changes // Global and Planetary Change, V.107. P.196-212. pdf

Gulyaev D.B., Ippolitov A.P., Kiselev D.N. (2014) Jurassic geology and biostratigraphy of the Early Callovian in the Kanev district area (Cherkassy region, Ukraine) // 9th International Congress on the Jurassic System, Jaipur, India. Abstracts. Beringeria, Special Issue 8. P. 62-64. pdf

Kiselev D.N. (2015) Taxonomic value of the final signs of growth in the morphogenesis of the ammonite subfamily Dorsoplanitinae Arkell, 1950 and its contribution to the family systematics // Contributions to current cephalopod research: Morphology, Systematics, Evolution, Ecology and Biostratygraphy. Proceeding of conference (Moscow, 2-4 April, 2015); Russian Academy of Sciences, Borissiak Paleontological Institute; eds. T.B. Leonova, I.S. Barskov,V.V.Mitta. P.55-58. [in Russian with English abstracts] pdf

Kiselev D.N. (2018) Variability of Relative Body Chamber Length in Jurassic Ammonites of the Family Cardioceratidae Siemiradzki, 1891, and Its Taxonomic Significance // Paleontological Journal, Vol. 52, No. 13, P. 1517–1544. pdf

Kiselev D.N., Rogov M.A. (2018) Ammonites and stratigraphy of the terminal part of the Middle Volgian Substage (Upper Jurassic; Epivirgatites nikitini Zone and its equivalents) of the Panboreal Realm: 2. Titanites and Glaucolithites // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, Vol. 26, No. 1, P. 15–61. DOI 10.1134/S0869593818010057 pdf

Kiselev D.N., Rogov M.A., Zakharov V.A. (2018) The Volgidiscus Singularis Zone of the terminal horizons of the Volgian Stage of European Russia and its significance for interregional correlation and paleogeography // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, Vol. 26. P.206-233. pdf

Stepanov I.A., Kazansky A.Yu., Kiselev D.N., Kosarev L.R., Rogov M.A., Tesakova E.M., Shchepetova E.V., Shurupova Ya.A. (2019) The Potential of Petromagnetic Methods in Paleoecological Reconstructions Based on the Example of Jurassic Deposits (Callovian–Lower Oxfordian) of the Mikhailovtsement Section (Ryazan Region) // Moscow University Geology Bulletin. Vol. 74. No. 3. P.258–266. DOI 10.3103/S0145875219030104 pdf

Kiselev D.N. (2020) Genus Arcticoceras Spath, 1924 (Ammonidea) and Infrazonal Biostratigraphy of the Lower Bathonian of the Boreal Realm // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol. 28. P. 177-201. pdf

Kiselev D.N. (2020) Morphogenesis Rate Variability and Modularity of Development in Jurassic Ammonites of the Genus Arcticoceras Spath, 1924 // Paleontological Journal. Vol. 54. P. 20-33. pdf

Zakharov V. A., Ippolitov A. P., Zverkov N. G., Beznosov P. A., Kiselev D. N. (2020) Middle Jurassic Retroceramids and Unionids from the Izhma River Basin, North of European Russia // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, Vol. 28. no. 4. P. 381-401. DOI 10.1134/S0869593820040115 pdf

Kiselev D.N. (2022) Ammonites and infrazonal stratigraphy of the Boreal and Subboreal Bathonian and Callovian // Transactions of the Geological Institute. Vol. 628. 667 p. [in Russian] pdf

Kiselev D.N.(2023) Nomenclature and classification of heterochrony // Transactions of the Geological Institute. Vol.  629. 260 p. [in Russian] pdf


Other (non-scientific) interests

Painting, art-photo, music



Telephone +7(4852)72-78-21

Address for correspondence Geography dept., Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University, Kotoroslnaya nab., 46, Yaroslavl, 150000, Russia

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         Last updated  24.04.2024           Rogov Mikhail, & Russian Team for Jurassic Research, 2007-2008