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List of available papers

Abdulin A.A., Lipatova V.V., Volozh Yu.A. (Eds.) (1981) Triassic of the South Mangyshlak // Trans. VNIGNI. Issue 224. Moscow: Nedra. 210 p. pdf

Alekseev A.S., Kuzmicheva V.I., Chernov V.G. (1989) First records of Late Triassic Hydroids in the Mountain Crimea // Bull. MSU. Ser. 4. GeolNo.1. P.45-51. [in Russian] pdf

Alekseev S.N., Arkadiev V.V., Vavilov M.N. (1984) Inner structure and ontogeny of some Triassic Ceratites // Paleont. Journ. No.2. P.51-64. [in Russian] pdf

Arkadiev V.V. (1981) New data on stratigraphy of the Middle Triassic of North Verchoyanie // Bulletin of the Leningrad Mining Institute, Vol.LXXXV. P.50-55. [in Russian] pdf

Arkadiev V.V., Bucher H., Vavilov M.N. (1993) Structure and systematic position of the Middle Anisian genus Nevadisculites (Ammonoidea) from Nevada (USA) // Paleont. Journ. No.3. P.30-36. [in Russian] pdf

Arkadiev V.V., Vavilov M.N. (1984) Inner structure and ontogeny of the Late Anisian Beyrichitidae (Ammonoidea) of Middle Siberia // Paleont. Journ. No.4. P.63-72. [in Russian] pdf

Arkadiev V.V., Vavilov M.N. (1984) Middle Triassic Parapopanoceratidae and Nathorstitidae (Ammonoidea) of Boreal region: internal structure, ontogeny and phylogenetic patterns // Geobios. Vol.17, Iss.4. P. 397-425. pdf

Arkadiev V.V., Vavilov M.N. (1989) Anisian-Ladinian boundary in Boreal region based on ammonoidea // Palaeontographica Abt. A. Bd. 207. Lfg.1-3. P.49-78. pdf

Arkhipov Y.V. (1974) Stratigraphy of Triassic deposits of Eastern Yakutia. Yakutsk: Yakutsk Book Publishing House, 270 p. [in Russian] pdf

Arthaber G.V. (1896) Die cephalopodenfauna der reiflinger Kalke // Beitrage zur Paläontologie und Geologie Österreich-Ungarns und des Orients. Bd.10. S. 1-163. pdf

Arthaber G. (1911) Die Trias von Albanien // Beiträge zur Paläontologie und Geologie Österreich-Ungarns und des Orients. Bd.XXIV. S.169-288. pdf

Arthaber G.V. (1915) Die Trias von Bithynien (Anatolien) // Beitrage zur Paläontologie und Geologie Österreich-Ungarns und des Orients. Bd.XXVII. Hft. II-III. S.85-206. pdf

Astakhova T.V. (1968) Some Carnian ammonoids of Crimea // Paleontological collection. Iss.1. no.5. P.81-86. [in Russian] pdf

Astakhova T.V. (1968) Norian ammonoids of Crimea // Paleontological collection. Iss.2. no.5. P. 45-49. [in Russian] pdf

Astakhova T.V. (1971) Triassic bivalve and cephalopod mollusks of Crimea. Kiev: Naukova Dumka. 110 p. [in Ukrainian] pdf

Astakhova T.V. (1972) Palaeontological characteristics of the Triassic deposits of Crimea // Paleontological collection. Iss.2. no.9. P.57-63. [in Russian] pdf

Astakhova T.V. (1976) First record of the Middle Triassic ammonite from the Tauria Formation of Mountain Crimea // Geol. J. (Ukrainian). V.36. no.6. P.131-134. [in Russian] pdf

Atlas of the Late Triassic flora of Primorye. Vladivostok: DVGU, 2009. 185 p. [in Russian] pdf

Atlas of the Triassic fauna and flora of North-East of the USSR. Moscow: Nedra, 1976. 267 p. [in Russian] pdf

Atlas of Triassic invertebrates of Pamirs. Moscow: Nauka, 2001. 190 p. [in Russian] pdf

Barskov I.S., Bogoslovskaya M.F., Zhuravleva F.A., Kiselev G.N., Kuzina L.F., Leonova T.B., Shimanskii V.N., Yatskov S.V. (1994) Main Morphological Events in the Evolution of Paleozoic Cephalopods // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol.2. No.1. P.49-55. pdf

Bayarunas M.V. (1932) Cephalopoda of the Kolyma-Indigirka Triassic // Trans. Board of Study of Productive Forces (Tr. SOPS). Issue 11. P.35-43. [in Russian] pdf

Beiträge zur Geologie von Niederländisch-Indien. II. Abteilung — 1. bis 3. Abschnitt // Palaeontographica. Supplement Band IV. 1914. pdf


Krumbeck L. Obere Trias von Buru und Misol. (Die Fogi-Schichten und Asphaltschiefer West-Burus und der Athyridenkalk des Misol-Archipels.). S.1-162.

v. Seidlitz W. Misolia, eine neue Brachiopoden-Gattung aus den Athyridenkalken von Buru und Misol. S. 163-194.

Krumbeck L. Obere Trias von Sumatra (Die Padang-Schichten von West Sumatra nebst Anhang) nebst einer Einleitung: R. D. M. Verbeek, Die Lagerungsverhältnisse der Trias-Schichten im Padangschen Hochlande. S. 195-266.

Bittner A. (1899) Versteinerungen aus den Trias-Ablagerungen des Süd-Ussuri Gebietes in der ostsibirischen Küstenprovinz // Mém. Com. Géol. Vol.VII. no.4. P.1-35. pdf

Blodgett R.B., Sralla B. (2008) A Major Unconformity Between Permian and Triassic Strata at Cape Kekurnoi, Alaska Peninsula: Old and New Observations on Stratigraphy and Hydrocarbon Potential // Studies by the U.S. Geological Survey in Alaska, 2006. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1739–E. 13 p. pdf

Blodgett R.B., Frýda J., Stanley G.D., Jr. (2001) Delphinulopsidae, a new neritopsoidean gastropod family from the Upper Triassic (upper Carnian or lower Norian) of the Wallowa terrane, northeastern Oregon // Journal of the Czech Geological Society. Vol. 46. no.1-2. P.221-232. pdf

Blom G.I. (1968) Catalogue of localities of fossil remains in the Lower Triassic deposits of the Middle Volga and Kama Regions. Kazan: Kazan University Publishing House, 376 p. [in Russian] pdf

Boiko E.V. (1979) Late Triassic Hydrozoa of the south-eastern Pamir. Dushanbe: Donish. 145 p. pdf

Bolotov S.N., Dhont A. (1999) On the new record of Monotis Bronn, 1830 (Monotidae, Bivalvia) in the Bodrak river valley (Mountain Crimea) // Bull. MSU. Ser.4. Geol. no.4. P.71-74. [in Russian] pdf

Bolotov S.N., Panov D.I., Yaroshenko O.P. (2004) New data on palynological characteristics of the Triassic and Lias deposits of the basin of river Bodrak deposits (Crimea) // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow. Sect.geol. V.79. no.3. P.13-19. [in Russian] pdf

Borissjak A. (1909) Pseudomontis ochotica Tell. From the Crimean-Caucasian Triassic // Bull. Geol. Com. V.28. no.2. P.87-98. [in Russian] pdf

Bragin N.Yu. (1994) Radiolarians as Indicators of Triassic Climate in Northeast Asia // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol.2. No.1. P. 75-79. pdf

Bragin N.Yu. (2007) Late Triassic Radiolarians of Southern Cyprus // Paleontological Journal. Vol.41. No.10. P.951–1029. pdf

Bragin N.Yu. (2011) Triassic radiolarians of Kotel’nyi Island (New Siberian Islands, Arctic) // Paleontological Journal, Vol. 45, No.7, P.1–68. pdf

Branson C.C. (1930) Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Phosphoria Formation // Missouri University Studies. Vol. 5. P. 1-99. pdf

Burij G.I. (1989) Triassic conodonts and stratigraphy of Sikhote-Alin. Vladivostok: FEB Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 136 p. [in Russian] pdf

Burij I.V., Zharnikova N.K. (1983) Ammonoidea fom the Tirolites zone of South Primorie // Paleont. Journ. no.3. P.61-69. [in Russian] pdf

Bychkov Yu.M. (1973) New Late Triassic trachyceratids of North-East of the USSR // Kolyma. ¹ 10. P. 35-38. [in Russian]  pdf

Bychkov Yu.M. (1974) First tibetids in North-East of the USSR // Kolyma ¹ 8. P. 42-43. [in Russian pdf

Bychkov Yu.M. (1975) Norian Sirenites of North-East of the USSR and questions of trachyceratid systematics // Palaeont. Journ. ¹4. P.9-19. [in Russian] pdf

Bychkov U.M. (1991) Biostratigraphy of the Norian deposits in Northern Yukon // Geology of the folded margins of the Amersian Subbasin. SPb.: Sevmogeologiya. P.78-83 (+Bychkov U.M. (1991) Comparisons between Northern Yukon and Northern Chukotka // P. 84-93; Bychkov U.M. (1991) Triassic sequence Bychkov U.M. Some Norian bivalves from Northern Yukon // P.94-103) [in Russian] pdf

Bychkov Yu.Ì. (1995) Late Triassic trachyceratids and sirenitids, the upper stream of the Yana Okhotskaya River basin. Preprint. Magadan: NESC FEB RAS. 67 p. [in Russian] pdf

Bychkov Yu. M. (2007) Some new genera and subgenera of the Late Triassic bivalves and ammonoids of the North-East Asia // in Chereshnev I.A. (Resp. ed.). Conference Dedicated to the Memory of Academician Ê. V. Simakov: Conference Proceedings (Magadan, November 27-29, 2007). Magadan: NESC FEB RAS, P.43-44. [in Russian] pdf

Capellini C.G. (1866) Fossili infraliassici dei dentorni del golfo della Spezia // Memoire dell’Academia delle scienze dell’Instituto di Bologna. Ser.2. vol.5. P.413-486. pdf

Chen J. H., Chen C. Z. (1980) Jianchuania, a new Genus of Bivalves from the Upper Triassic in Yunnan //Acta Paleontologica Sinica. Vol. 19. no.1. P. 57-60. pdf

Chernyshev B.I. (1956) On Unio from the Upper Triassic deposits of the eastern slope of the Urals // Annuaire de la Société Paléontologique de Russie. Vol. XV. P. 161-165. [in Russian] pdf

Chumakov N.M., Zharkov M.A. (2002) Climate during Permian-Triassic Biosphere Reorganizations, Article 1: Climate of the Early Permian // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol.10. No.6. P. 586-602. pdf

Claus H. (1921) Über Ptychites und Arniotites aus dem Schaumkalke der Umgegend von Jena // Centralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie. Jg. 1921. S.120-126. pdf

Crick R. E., Sobolev E.S. (1994) Perunautilus quadratus n. gen. et sp. (Cephalopoda, Nautilida) from the Triassic (Norian) of central Peru // Palaeontographica. Abteilung A: Palaeozoologie-Stratigraphie. Vol. 233. ¹ 1-6. P. 161-167. pdf

Cuif J.P. (1966) Structure de quelques polypiers phacéloïdes triasiques // Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, Sér. 7. T. VIII. P. 125-132. pdf

Dagys A.S. (1959) New Triassic Terebratellaceae // Lietuvos TSR Mokslu Akademijos Darbai, Serija B, T.3, no. 19. P.97-102. [in Russian] pdf

Dagys A.S. (1959) Neue triasische Terebratulidstämme // Lietuvos TSR ma geologijos ir geografijas institutas mokslinae pranesimae, geologija, geografija. T.IX. S.23-41. pdf

Dagys A.S. (1965) Triassic brachiopods of Siberia. Moscow: Nauka. 186 p. [in Russian] pdf

Dagys A.S. (1974) Triassic brachiopods (morphology, classification, phylogeny, stratigraphical significance and biogeography) // Trans. Inst. Geol. Geophys. Sib. Branch Ac. Sci. USSR. Issue 214. 387 p. [in Russian] pdf

Dagys A.S. (1987) On the system and phylogeny of Longobarditidae // Trans. Inst. Geol. Geophys. Sib. Branch Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol.688. P.63-70. [in Russian] pdf

Dagys A.S., Arkhipov Yu.V., Bychkov Yu.M. (1979) Stratigraphy of the Triassic system of the North-Eastern Asia. Moscow: Nauka. 245 p. [in Russian] pdf

Dagys A.S., Dagys A.A., Ermakova S.P., Konstantinov A.G., Kurushin N.I., Sobolev E.S., Truschelev A.M. (1996) Triassic fauna of north-east Asia // Transactions of the OIGGM RAS. Issue 812. 232 p. [in Russian] pdf

Dagys A.S., Ermakova S.P. (1981) Triassic ammonoids of North Siberia (family Parapopanoceratidae) // Transactions of the Inst. Geol. Geophys. Sib. Branch Ac. Sci. USSR, Vol. 495. 107 p. [in Russian] pdf

Dagis A.S., Ermakova S.P. (1990) Early Oleneklan ammonoids of Siberia. Moscow: Nauka. 112 p. [in Russian] pdf

Dagys A.S., Kazakov A.M. (1980) Stratigraophy of the Ladinian Stage on the north of Middle Siberia // Palaeontology and stratigraphy of the Triassic of Middle Siberia. Trans. Inst. Geol. Geophys. Sib. Branch Ac. Sci. USSR. Issue 488. P.36-50. [in Russian] pdf

Dagys A.S., Kazakov A.M. (1984) Stratigraphy, lithology and cyclicity of the Triassic deposits of north of the Middle Siberia // Trans. Inst. Geol. Geophys. Sib. Branch Ac. Sci. USSR. Issue 586. 177 pp. [in Russian] pdf

Dagys A.S., Keupp H. (1998) Internal ventral keels in Triassic ceratid ammonoids: description and functional interpretation as muscle scars // Z. dt. geol. Ges., Bd.149. P.81-89. pdf

Dagys A.S., Kurushin N.I. (1985) Triassic brachiopods anfd bivalves of north of Middle Siberia // Trans. Inst. Geol. Geophys. Sib. Branch Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol. 633. 160 p. [in Russian] pdf

Dagys A.S., Nalniaeva T.I. (1987) The revision of the genus Belemnococeras from Carnian of Siberia // Trans. Inst. Geol. Geophys. Sib. Branch Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol.688. P.89-94. [in Russian] pdf

Dagys A.S., Shvanov V.N. (1965) On discovery of the Middle Triassic in the Tauria Formation of Crimea // Trans. Ac. Sci USSR. V.164.  no.1. P.161-163. [in Russian] pdf

Dagys A.S., Sobolev E.S. (1995) Parastratotype of the Olenekian stage (Lower Triassic) // Albertiana. ¹ 16. P. 8-16. pdf

Dagys A.S., Weitschat W., Konstantinov A.G., Sobolev E.S. (1993) Evolution of the boreal marine biota and biostratigraphy at the Middle/Upper Triassic boundary // Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-palaeontologischen Institut der Universitaet Hamburg. Hft.  75. P. 193-209. pdf

Danilov A.I. (1973) Remains of postcranial skeleton of Uralokannemeyeria (Dicynodontia) // Paleont. Journ. no.2. P.128-131. [in Russian] pdf

De Lorenzo G. (1897) Fossili del Trias medio di Lagonegro // Palaeontographia Italica. Vol. II. P.113-148. pdf

di Bari D., Laghi G.F. (1994) Involutinidae Bütschli (Foraminiferida) in the Carnian of the northeastern Dolomites (Italy) // Memorie di Scienze Geologiche. Vol. 46 P. 93-118. pdf

Diener C. (1921) Neue Ammonoidea leiostraca aus den Hallstätter Kalken des Salzkammergutes  // Denkschriften der Akademie der Wissenschaften.Math. Natw. Kl. Bd. 97. S.341-389. pdf

Diener C. (1921)  Neue Tropidoidea aus den Hallstätter Kalken des Salzkammergutes // Denkschriften der Akademie der Wissenschaften. Math. Natw. Kl. Bd. 97. S.465-519. pdf

Diener C. (1923) Lamellibranchiata triadica // Fossilium Catalogus. I: Animalia. Pars 19. 259 S. pdf

Dobruskina I.A. (1994) Triassic Floras of Eurasia // Schriftenreihe der Erdwissenschaftlichen Kommissionen. Band 10. 422 p. pdf

Dobruskina I.A., Jurkovšek B., Kolar-Jurkovšek T. (2001) Upper Triassic flora from »Raibl beds« of Julian Alps (Italy) and Karavanke Mts. (Slovenia) // Geologija. Vol.44. no.2. P. 263-290. pdf

Doguzhaeva L., Mutvei H., Dunca E. (2004) Bituminous soft body tissues in the body chamber of the Late Triassic ceratitid Austrotrachyceras from the Austrian Alps // Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg. Heft 88. S.37-50. pdf

Dufour T. (1962) Nouvelles données sur les Ammonoïdés triasiques du gisement de l’Asklépiéion (Argolide, Grèce) // Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, Sér.7. T.IV. P. 844-848. pdf

Dumitrică P. (1978) Family Eptingiidae n. fam. extinct Nasselaria (Radiolarla) with Sagital ring // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 3. Paleontologie. 1976-1977. T.LXIV. P.27-38. pdf

Efimov V.M., Rogov M.A., Khudoley A.K., Verzbitsky V.E., Tuchkova M.I., Zdobin D.Yu. (2010) First valid record of the ichthyosaur remains in the Middle Triassic of Northern Siberia // in: Podobina V.M. (resp.ed.) Evolution of Life on the Earth: Proceedings of the IV International Symposium, November 10-12, 2010. Tomsk: TML-Press. P.343-345. [in Russian] [in Russian] pdf

Efremov J.A. (1940) Preliminary description of the new Permian and Triassic Tetrapoda from USSR // Travaux de l’Institut Paleontologique. Vol.10. no.2. 140 pp. [in Russian] DjVu

Efremov I.A., Vyushkov B.P. (1955) Catalogue of the localities of Permian and Triassic terrestrial vertebrates in the territory of the USSR // Transact. Palaeont. Ins. Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol. XLVI. 194 p. [in Russian] pdf

Ermakova S.P. (1981) Ammonoidea and biostratigraphy of the Lower Triassic of Verkhoyansk Ridge. Moscow: Nauka. 140 p. [in Russian] pdf

Ermakova S.P. (1998) Evolution of the Ammonoid Boreal Family Keyserlingitidae // Paleont. Journ. No.4. P.31-35. [in Russian] pdf

Ermakova S.P. (1999) Stages of the Early Triassic Ammonoid Evolution in the Eastern Boreal Province // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol.7. No.1. P.59-63. pdf

Ermakova S.P. (2002) Zonal standart of the Boreal Lower Triassic. Moscow: Nauka. 109 p. pdf

Gallois R. W. (2001) The stratigraphy of the Mercia Mudstone Group (Mid to Late Triassic) of the south Devon coast // Geoscience in South-West England, Vol.10, P.195-205. pdf

Gallois R.W. (2003) The distribution of halite (rock-salt) in the Mercia Mudstone Group (mid to late Triassic) in south-west England // Geoscience in -south-west England, Vol.10, P.383-389. pdf

Gallois R.W. (2004) The type section of the junction of the Otter Sandstone Formation and the Mercia Mudstone Group (mid Triassic) at Pennington Point, Sidmouth // Geoscience in south-west England. Vol.11. P.51-58. pdf

Gallois R.W. (2007) The stratigraphy of the Penarth Group (late Triassic) of the east Devon coast // Geoscience in south-west England, Vol.11, P.287-297. pdf

Gallois R.W. (2009) The lithostratigraphy of the Penarth Group (late Triassic) of the Severn Estuary area // Geoscience in South-West England, Vol.12, P.71-84. pdf

Ganev M. (1961) Die triassische Cephalopodenfauna in Gebiet des Flußdurchbruchs der Luda-Kamcia // Travaux sur la géologie de Bulgarie. Série Paléontologie. Vol.III, P.177-207. [in Bulgarian] pdf

Ganev M. (1966) Untertriassische Ammoniten aus dem Ostbalkan (Bulgarien) // Travaux sur la géologie de Bulgarie. Série Paléontologie. Vol.VIII. P.21-28. pdf

Gavrilova V.A. (2007) Upper Olenekian of the Mountain Mangyshlak (stratigraphy, correlation, ammonoids) // Bulletin of the Saint-Petersburg State University; Series 7: Geology, Geography. Issue 3. P.20-36. [in Russian] pdf

Geology of Poland. Vol. III Atlas of guide and characteristic fossils. Part 2a. Mesozoic. Triassic. Warsaw: Wydawnictwa Geologiczne, 1986. 253 p. pdf

Geology of the oil-and-gas bearing regions of the south of the USSR // Trans. Moscow Inst. Oil-chem. and gas industry. 1973. 248 p. [in Russian] pdf

Including papers on Triassic and Cretaceous:

Schleifer A.G. Ostracods from the Triassic deposits of the Peri-Caspian depression

Dmitrienko O.B. Nannoplancton in the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Peri-Caspian depression

Gower D.J., Hancox P.J., Botha-Brink J., Sennikov A.G., Butler R.J. (2014) A New Species of Garjainia Ochev, 1958 (Diapsida: Archosauriformes: Erythrosuchidae) from the Early Triassic of South Africa // PLoS ONE 9(11): e111154. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0111154 pdf

Hautmann M. (2001) Die Muschelfauna der Nayband-Formation (Obertrias, Nor-Rhät) des östlichen Zentraliran // Beringeria. Bd. 29, 181 S. pdf

Holmes W.B.K. (2001) Equisetalean Plant Remains from the Early to Middle Triassic of New South Wales, Australia // Records of the Australian Museum. Vol.53. P.9–20. pdf

Huene F. v. (1940) Eine Reptilienfauna aus der ältesten Trias Nordrußlands // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, Beilage-Band (Abt. B). Bd. 84. S.1–23. pdf

Ivachnenko M.F. (1973) New cotylosaurs from Cisuralia // Paleont. Journ. no.2. P.131-134. [in Russian] pdf

Kasumzadeh A.A. (2000) Advances in research of the Triassic deposits in Azerbaijan and problems of the Permian-Triassic boundary. Baku: 2000. 116 p. pdf

Kazakov A.M. (Ed.). (2002) Stratigraphy of oil-and-gas basins of Siberia. Triassic System. Novosibirsk: Geo. 322 p. [in Russian] pdf

Kazakov A.M., Dagys A.S., Karagodin Yu.N. (1982) Lithostratigraphical subdivisions of the Triassic of the north of Middle Siberia // in: Bio- and lithostratigraphy of the Triassic of Siberia. Trans. Inst. Geol. Geophys. Sib. Branch Ac. Sci. USSR. Issue 462. P.5-36. [in Russian] pdf

Khramova S. N. (1977) Triassic flora of the Pechora basin and its significance for stratigraphy // Transactions of VNIGRI. Vol. 380. 100 p. [in Russian] pdf    

Kiparisova L. (1936) Upper Triassic pelecypods from the Kolyma-Indigirka land // Transactions of the Arctic Institute. Vol.XXX. P. 71-136. pdf

Kiparisova L.D. (1937) Fauna of the Triassic deposits of the Arctic regions of the Soviet Union // Transactions of the Arctic Institute. Vol.91. P.135-256. [in Russian] pdf

Kiparisova L. (1938) Upper Triassic Pelecypoda of Siberia (Arctic and Subarctic regions, Ussuri Land and Transbaikalia) // Palaeontology of USSR Monographs. Vol.47. Pelecypoda of the Triassic System of USSR. Fasc. 1. 56 p. pdf

Kiparisova L.D. (1954) Field atlas of the characteristic faunal and floral assemblages of the Triassic deposits of Primorie area. Moscow: Gosgeoltechizdat. 126 p. [in Russian] pdf

Kiparisova L.D. (1956) The genus Discoproptychites Kiparisova gen. nov. // Materials on palaeontology. New families and genera. Transactions of VSEGEI. New series. Vol. 12. P.77-78.  [in Russian] pdf

Kiparisova L.D. (1972) Palaeontological substantiation of stratigraphy of the Triassic deposits of Primorie region. Part 2. Late Triassic bivalves and general stratigraphy // Trans. VSEGEI, new series. Vol.181. 248 p. [in Russian] pdf

Kiparisova L.D., Polyakova M.V., Schalimov A.I. (1969) First record of the Middle Triassic deposits in the Mountain Crimea // Trans. Ac. Sci USSR. V.184. no.1. P.179-182. [in Russian] pdf

Kirichkova A.I. (1990) Taxonomical revision of some Triassic plants from Eastern Urals // Botanical Journal. Vol.75. no.9. P.1288-1294. [in Russian] pdf

Kiselevsky F.Yu. (1967) New data on Triassic charophytes of the Caspian depression // Problems of geology of the Southern Urals and Volga region. Issue 4. Pt. 1. Saratov: SGU. P. 37-44. [in Russian] pdf

Kiselevsky F.Yu. (1969) Triassic charophytes of the border zone of Peri-Caspian depression // Questions of stratigraphy, paleontology and lithology of Lower Volga area. Saratov. P.203-212. [in Russian] pdf

Kisielevsky F. Yu. (1993) Charophyta from the Inder Horizon of the Caspian Depression // Paleont. Journ. No.1. P.87-94. [in Russian] pdf

Kiselevsky F.Yu., Rykov S.P. (1972) On correlation of the Triassic deposits of the Peri-Caspian and North German depressions by Charophyta // Questions of geology of Southern Urals and Volga area. Issue 8. Saratov: Saratov University. P.76-80. [in Russian] pdf

Kittl E. (1891-1894) Die Gastropoden der Schichten von St.Cassian der südlapinen Trias I-III Theil // Annalen des k.k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums. Bd.6, Hft.2, S.166-262 ; Bd.7, Hft.1, S.35-97 ; Bd.9, Hft.2, S.143-277. pdf

Kittl E. (1894) Die trisdischen Gastropoden der Marmolata und verwandter Fundstellen in den weissen Riffkalken Südtirols // Jahrbuch d.k.k. geol. Reichsanstalt. Bd.44. Hft.1. S.99-182. pdf

Kittl E. (1899) Die Gastropoden der Esinokalke, nebst einer Revision der Gastropoden der Marmolatankalke // Annalen des k.k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums. Bd.XIV, Hft.1, S.1-237. pdf

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