"Cretaceous" publications


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11th Cretaceous Symposium. Warsaw, Poland, 2022. Abstract volume. 397 p. pdf


A contribution to project Mid-Cretaceous events. Organic evolution and biostratigraphy in the middle of the Cretaceous Period. Vladivostok, 1981. 144 pp. [in Russian] pdf


Naldin D.P., Alexeev A.S. Bearing of the DSDP results on the interpretation of sedimentary and biotic environments in the Cenomanian of the Crimea Mountains

Naidin D.P., Alexeev A.S., Kopaievich L.F. Turonian fauna from the Katcha -Bodrak watershed and the Cenomanian - Turonian boundary

Saveliev A.A. On the zonal ammonite division of the Albian stage in Mangyshlak

Zakharov Ju.D., Grabovskaja V.S., Kalishevitch T.G. Succession of marine invertebrates from the Najbinskaja and Bykovskaja suits of the reference Upper Cretaceous section in Sakhalin

Grabovskaja V.S. Ontogeny of the suture line in the Cretaceous Phylloccratidae of Sakhalin

Pokhialaynen V.P. Evolution of the Pacific inoceramids in the Cenomanian - Turonian time

Krassilov V.A., Nevolina S.I., Philippova G.G. Floristic evolution in the Far East and the middle Cretaceous geological events

Markevitch V.S. Albian palynoflora of Primorve

Aarhus N., Verdenius J., Birkelund T. (1986) Biostratigraphy of a Lower Cretaceous section from Sklinnabanken, Norway, with some comments on the Andoya exposure // Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift. V. 66. P.17–43. pdf

Abdel-Gawad G.I., El-Sheikh H.A., Abdelhamid M.A., El-Beshtawy M.K., Abed M.M., Fürsich F.T., El Qot G.M. (2004). Stratigraphic studies on some Upper Cretaceous successions in Sinai, Egypt // Egyptian Journal of Paleontology, Vol.4. P.263-303. pdf

Abdesselam-Mahdaoui S.B., Benzaggagh M., Razgallah S., Rebah A., Rakia B. (2011) Les associations des calpionelles du Berriasien et du Valanginien inférieur de la Tunisie septentrionale. Comparaison avec les associations du Rif externe (Maroc) // Comptes Rendus Palevol, Vol.10, Issue 7. P.527-535. pdf

Abramova L. N. (1970) Early Cretaceous flora of Zhigansk and adjacent areas of the Lena basin // Scientific notes of NIIGA. Paleontology and stratigraphy. Issue 29. P.36-57. [in Russian] pdf

Abramova L. N. (1979) A new species of oak from the Upper Cretaceous of the Koryak Highlands // Paleontol. Journal., No. 1. P.144-147. [in Russian] pdf

Abramova L.N. (1983) Late Cretaceous flora of the Khatanga river basin // Paleontological substantiation of subdivision of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic of Arctic regions of the USSR. Collection of scientific papers. Leningrad: Sevmorgeologiya. P.118-127. [in Russian] pdf

Aguire-Urreta M.B. (1986). Aptian ammonites from the Argentinian Austral basin: the subfamily Helicancylinae Hyatt, 1894 // Ann. S. Afr. Mus. Vol. 96. no.7. P. 271-314. pdf

Aguirre-Urreta M.B., Castadìo S., Cichowolski, Lazo D.G., Rodrìguez D.L. Afinidades paleobiogeográficas de los invertebrados cretácicos de la Cuenca Neuquina // Ameghiniana (Rev. Asoc. Paleontol. Argent.). Vol.45. no.3. P.593-613. pdf

Aguirre-Urreta M.B., Klinger H.C. (1986) Upper Barremian Heteroceratinae (Cephalopoda, Ammonoidea) from Patagonia and Zululand, with comments on the systematics of the subfamily // Annales of the South African Museum, Vol.96. P.315-358. pdf

Aguirre Urreta M.B., Ramos V.A. (1981) Estratigrafia y paleontologia de la Alta Cuenca del Rio Roble Cordillera Patagonica – Provincia de Santa Cruz // VIII Congreso Geológico Argentino. P. 101-133. pdf

Aguirre-Urreta M.B., Rawson P.F. (1996) Oosterella (Ammonoidea, early Cretaceous) from the Neuquén Basin, Argentina // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte. Hft. 8. P.453-460. pdf

Aguirre-Urreta M.B., Rawson P.F. (2010) Lower Cretaceous ammonites from the Neuquen Basin, Argentina: the neocomitids of the Pseudofavrella angulatiformis Zone (upper Valanginian) // Cretaceous Research. Vol.31. P.321–343. pdf

Aguirre Urreta M.B., Riccardi A.C. (1989) El género Lithancylus Casey (Ammonoidea) en el Aptiano Superior de Patagonia // Notas del Museo de la Plata. T.21 (Paleontología n.107). P.195-207. pdf

Airaghi C. (1904) Inocerami del Veneto // Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital. Vol. XXIII. P.178-199. pdf

Akimets V.S. (1971) New data on stratigraphy and foraminifers from the Lower Cretaceous deposits of the eastern part of Belorussia // in: Paleontology and stratigraphy of Baltic and Belorussia, Vol.3. Vilnus: Mintis, P.117-184. [in Russian] pdf

Akimets V.S., Benyamovsky V.N., Gladkova V.I., Kopaevich L.F., Naidin D.P. (1983) Benthic foraminifera and belemnites of the Campanian and Maastrichtian of the Eastern Peri-Caspian // Bull. Sco. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol.53, Issue 4. P.42-53. [in Russian] pdf

Alabushev A.I. (1987) Gastroplitins on the boundary of the Cretaceous series (North-East of the USSR). Preprint. Magadan: SKVNII DVO AN SSSR. 26 p. [in Russian] pdf

Alabushev A.I. (1987) Peculiarities of morphology of North Pacific Cleoniceras and their place in the system of Albian ammonites (Hoplitidae) // Palaeontological Journal. no.2, P.128-130.  [in Russian] pdf

Alabushev A.I. (1988) Rapidoplacenticeras - a new genus of Cretaceous ammonites // Paleontol. Journ. No.1. P.110-113. [in Russian] pdf

Alabushev A.I. (1988) Patterns of historical development of Albian and Lower Cenomanian ammonoids (Desmocerataceae and Hoplitaceae) of the North-East of the USSR. Abstracts of PhD Thesis. Moscow. 17 p. [in Russian] pdf

Alabushev A.I. (1989) Morphogenesis of Albian and Early Cenomanian ammonitids of the north-east of the USSR. Magadan. 103 pp. [in Russian] pdf

Alabushev A.I. (1989) Scaphitids and some other Late Cretaceous ammonites of Far East. Preprint. Magadan: SVKNII DVO AN SSR. 56 p. [in Russian] pdf

Alabushev A. (1995) Ammonite faunas and biostratigraphy of the Albian to Middle Cenomanian (Cretaceous) in western Korjak-Kamchatka, NE Russia // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen. Bd.196. P.109-139. pdf

Alabushev A.I., Alabusheva A.V. (1988) Ammonoidea of Albian and Lower Cenomanian of the North-East of the USSR. Preprint. Magadan: SVKNII DVO AN SSR, 41 p. [in Russian] pdf

Alabushev A.I., Alabusheva A.V. (1988) Dimorphism of the Late Cretaceous ammonite  Yokoyamoceras jimboi Matsumoto. Preprint. Magadan: SVKNII DVO AN SSR, 17 p. pdf

Alabushev A.I., Wiedmann J. (1993) On the ontogeny of Damesites Matsumoto (Ammonoidea, Upper Cretaceous) // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte. Hft. 9. P. 553-560. pdf

Alabushev A.I., Wiedmann J. (1993) Suture ontogenies of Zelandites Marshall and Saghalinites Wright, Matsumoto (Ammonoidea, Cretaceous) // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte. Hft.10. P. 577-584. pdf

Alabushev A.I., Wiedmann J. (1993) The ontogeny of the kossmaticeratid ammonite Yokoyamaoceras jimboi Matsumoto from the Upper Cretaceous of Far East Russia // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte. Hft. 11. P. 681-686. pdf

Alabushev A.I., Wiedmann J. (1994) A new ammonite Neogastroplites kamchatkensis, from the Lower Cenomanian (Cretaceous) of north east Russia (with comments on related forms) // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte. Hft. 2. P. 65-74. pdf

Alabushev A.I., Wiedmann J. (1994) Palaeogeographic significance of the distribution of Albian (Cretaceous) ammonite faunas in the Pacific coast of North-East Russia // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte. Hft. 4. P. 193-204. pdf

Alabushev A.I., Wiedmann J. (1994) Ammonite fauna and genesis of the Santonian/Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) boundary beds of northwestern Kamchatka (north-east Russia) // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte, Hft.9. P. 528-536. pdf

Alekseev S.N. (1984) New data on the zonal subdivision of the Berriasian Stage in the north of Siberia // in. Menner V.V. (Ed.). Boundary stages of the Jurassic and Cretaceous System. Trans. Inst. Geol. Geophys. no.644. P.18-27. [in Russian] pdf

Alekseev A.S., Gorbachik T.N., Smirnova S.B., Bragin N.Yu. (1996) Age of the Paramonovo Formation (Albian of the Russian Platform) and global transgressive-regressive cyclicity of the Cretaceous // Stratigraphy. Geological correlation. Vol.4. no.4. P.31-52. [in Russian] pdf

Alekseev A.S., Kopaevich L.F. (1997) Foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the uppermost Campanian-Maastrichtian in SW Crimea (Bakhchisaray and Chakhmakhly sections) // Bull. Inst. Royal Scien. Natur. Belg. Sciences de la Terre, T.67. P.103-118. pdf

Alekseev A.S., Nazarov M.A., Barsukova L.D., Kolesov G.M., Nizhegorodova I.V., Amanniyazov K.N. (1988) Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in South Turkmenia and its geochemistry // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol.63. no.2. P.55-69. [in Russian] pdf

Alekseeva L.V. (1972) Agglutinating foraminifera of the Lower Cretaceous deposits of Western Turkmenistan. Moscow: Nauka. 63 p. [in Russian] pdf

Alexandrescu Gr. (1980) Asupra unei asociaţii de amoniţi din stratele de Bistra (Carpaţii Orientali) // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 3. Paleontologie. 1977-1978. T.LXV. no.3. P.5-16. pdf

Alexandrescu Gr. (1982) Asupra unei asociaţii de amoniţi vraconieni de la Negrileasa-Ostra (Carpaţii Orientali) // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 3. Paleontologie. 1979-1980. T.LXVII. no.3. P.5-18. pdf

Alexandrescu Gr., Ion J. (1982) Date paleontologice noi asupra Şisturilor Negre din pînza de Audia (Carpaţii Orientali) // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 3. Paleontologie. 1979-1980. T.LXVII. no.3. P.19-32. pdf

Ali-Zade Ak.A. (1961) New representatives of belemnites from the Aptian deposits of south-east Caucasus // Proc. Ac. Sci. AzerSSR. Ser. geol-geogr. sci. and oil. no 4. P.39-56. pdf [in Russian]

Ali-Zade Ak.A. (1968) Late Cretaceous belemnites of Azerbaijan. Baku: Azerbaijan State publ. 201 p. [in Russian] pdf

Ali-Zade Ak.A. (1972) Cretaceous belemnites of Azerbaijan. Moscow: Nedra. 280 p. [in Russian] pdf

Ali-Zade Ak.A. (resp.ed.) (1988) Cretaceous fauna of Azerbaijan. Baku: Elm. 648 p. [in Russian] pdf

Ali-Zade Ak.A., Aliev S.A. (1975) Isotopic paleotemperatures of Aptiamn basins pf the South-East Caucasus // Geochemistry. No.10. P.1585-1589. [in Russian] pdf

Ali-Zade Ak.A., Aliev S.A., Mamedalizadeh, Gamzaev G.A. (1982) Isotope temperatures of the Early Cretaceous basins of East Azerbaijan // Geochemistry. no.9. P.1370-1373. pdf

Aliev M.M., Aliev R.A. (1959) Ammonites from the Campanian and Maastrichtian of central Kopet-Dagh // Transactions of the Instiite of Geology Ac. Sci. Turkmenian SSR. T.II. P.199-211. [in Russian] pdf

Aliev M.M., Aliev R.A. (1959) Ammonites from the Cenomanian of central Kopet-Dagh // Transactions of the Instiite of Geology Ac. Sci. Turkmenian SSR. T.II. P.212-221. [in Russian] pdf

Aliev M.M., Aliev R.A. (1960) Bivalve molluscs from Cenomanian deposits of the central Kopet-Dagh // Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Turkmenskoi SSR. No. 5. P. 93-102. [in Russian] pdf

Aliev M.M., Krylov N.A., Pavlova M.M. (1986) Upper Cretaceous of the south of the USSR. Moscow: Nauka, 232 p. [in Russian] pdf

Aliev M.M., Mammadzadeh R.N. (1958) Description of some representatives of ammonites from Cenomanian sediments of Hadrut region (Lesser Caucasus) // Izv. of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR, Ser. Geol.-geogr. sciences, No. 6, P.51-61. [in Russian] pdf

Aliev M.M., Purliev Ch. (1965) Pelecypods of the Aptian and Albian deposits of the Bolshoi Balkhan // Biostratigraphy and palaeontology of the Mesozoic of the Caspian Sea and adjacent areas. M., Nauka, P. 50-56. [in Russian] pdf

Aliev O.B., Aliev R.A. (1966) New and little-known ammonites from the Lower Coniacian deposits of the Azerbaijani part of the Lesser Caucasus // Izvestia of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR, Series of Earth Sciences, No. 2. P.3-10. [in Russian] pdf

Aliev O.B., Aliev R.A. (1980) Ghost shrimps from the Upper Cretaceous of the Lesser Caucasus // Palaeontological Journal, No. 2. P.141-143. [in Russian] pdf

Aliev R.A. (1961) Findings of rhyncholites in the Lower Cretaceous deposits of the South-Eastern Caucasus // Palaeontological Journal. ¹ 4. Ñ. 160-162. [in Russian] pdf

Aliev R.A. (1962) On records of re-deposited Lower Cretaceous fauna on northern slope South-East Caucasus // Proc. Ac. Sci. Azerbaijan SSR, ser. geol-georg. science. No.6. P.63-77. [in Azerbaijanian] pdf

Aliev R.A. (1968) Aucellines of Aptian deposits of the South-Eastern Caucasus // Proc. of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR, Vol. XXIV, No. 8. P.69-72. [in Russian] pdf

Alsen P. (2006) The Early Cretaceous (late Ryazanian-early Hauterivian) ammonite fauna of North-East Greenland: taxonomy, biostratigraphy, and biogeography // Fossils and strata. No. 53. 229 p. pdf

Aly M.F. (2006) Aptian cephalopods from Gabal Aru Ruqum, North Sinai, Egypt // Egypt. J. Paleontology. Vol.6. P.347-385. pdf

Amedro F. (1976) Une nouvelle espèce d'Ammonite: Neophlycticeras (Eotropitoides) destombesi nov. sp. (Lyelliceratidae) de l'Albien de Wissant (Boulonnais) // Ann. Soc. Géol. Nord. T.XCVI, no.2. P.107-112. pdf

Amedro F. (1992) L'Albien du bassin anglo-parisien: Ammonites, zonation phyletique, sequences // Bulletin des Centres de Recherche Exploration-Production, Elf Aquitaine, T.16. P.187-233. pdf

Amedro F., Magniez-Jannin F. (1981) Corrélations lithologiques et biostratigraphiques (ammonites, foraminifères) dans l'Albien du Boulonnais  // Ann. Soc. Géol. Nord. T.CI. P.133-143. pdf

Amédro F., Matrion B., Touch R., Verrier J.-M. (2012) Extension d’un niveau repère riche en Inoceramus crippsi [Bivalve] dans le Cénomanien basal du Bassin Anglo-Parisien // Ann. Soc. Géol. du Nord. T. 19 (2ème série), P.9-23. pdf

Amon Å.Î. (2000) Upper Cretaceous radiolarians of the Urals. Ekaterinburg: Publisher of Institute of Geology and Geochemistry, Uralian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. 209 p. [in Russian] pdf

Amon E.O. (2004) Upper Cretaceous radiolarian zonal standard for Urals // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol.79. no.2. P.48-59. [in Russian] pdf

Anderson F.M. (1902) Cretaceous Deposits of the Pacific Coast // Proceedings of the California academy of sciences, Third series, Geology. Vol. 2, Iss. 1. 155 p. pdf

Anderson F.M. (1938) Lower Cretaceous deposits in California and Oregon // Geol. Soc. America., Spec. Pap.16. 339 p. pdf

Anderson F.M. (1958) Upper Cretaceous of the Pacific Coast // The Geological Society of America Memoir 71. 378 pp. pdf

Andert H. (1911) Die Inoceramen des Kreibitz-Zittauer Sandsteingebirges // Festschrift des Humboldtvereins zur Feier seines 50jährigen Bestehens am 22 Oktober 1911. S.33-64. pdf

Andert H. (1934) Die Kreideablagerungen zwischen Elbe und Jeschken. Teil III: Die Fauna der obersten Kreide in Sachsen, Böhmen und Schlesien // Abhandlungen der Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt. Neue Folge. Heft 159. 477 S. pdf

Anthula D.J. (1900) Ueber die Kreidefossilien des Kaukasus mit einem allgemeinen Ueberblick uber die Sedimentarbildungen des Kaukasus // Beiträge zur Paläontologie und Geologie Österreich-Ungarns und des Orients. Bd.XII. S.53-159. pdf

Antonescu E. (1999) Trilobosporites, Impardecispora, Concavissimisporites et autres types de spores du Crétacé inférieur de Roumanie // Romanian Journal of Paleontology. Vol. 77 A. Special Issue. 41 p. pdf

Arambourg C. (1952) Les Vertébrés fossiles des gisements de phosphates (Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie) // Service géologique Maroc. Notes et Mémoires. No.92. 398 p. pdf

Arapova N.D., Suleymanov N.S. (1966) On foraminifers from the Coniacian deposits of Western Uzbekistan and Kyzylkum // Tashkent State University. Vol.273. P.121-127. [in Russian] pdf

Aristov V.N. (1967) On the Boreal Lower Hauterivian and its fauna in the USSR // Russian Geology and Geophysics. no.9. P.6-22. [in Russian] pdf

Aristov V.N. (1968) On the Polyptychites-Simbirskites ammonite fauna of the Yaroslavl region // Notes on history of the geological-geographical knowledge. Yaroslavl. P.165-178. [in Russian] pdf

Aristov V.N. (1974) On ammonites from the genus Homolsomites from Lower Cretaceous of the Russian Platform // Biostratigraphy of the Boreal Mesozoics. Trans. Inst. Geol. GeophysSib. Branch Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol.136. P.149-154. pdf

Aristov V.N. (1984) About the fauna and age of the Homolsomites beds of the Yaroslavl Volga area // Problems of geology of the european north of the USSR. Collection of scientific papers. Moscow: V.I.Lenin Pedagogical Inst. P.87-93. [in Russian] pdf

Arkad’ev V.V. (2002) New genus Leiophylloceras (Phylloceratida, Ammonoidea) from the Berriassian of the Mountain Crimea // Paleont. Journ. no.6. P.41-45. [in Russian] pdf

Arkadiev V.V. (2003) Zone Berriasiella jacobi - Pseudosubplanites grandis of the Berriassian of Mountain Crimea // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, ser. geol. Vol.78. Issue 6. P. 29-35. [in Russian] pdf

Arkad’ev V.V. (2007) Some Upper Berriassian ammonites of Crimea // Questions of stratigraphy, paleontology and paleogeography (in memoir of 100 anniversary of G.Ya.Krimholz). Saint-Petersburg. P.103-117. [in Russian] pdf

Arkad’ev V.V. (2007) Ammonite Fauriella boissieri (Pictet), the index species of the Berriasian upper zone from the Crimean Mountains // Stratigraphy. Geological Correlation. T.15. no.2. P.185-192. pdf

Arkadiev V.V. (2011) Representatives of genera Fauriella, Tirnovella and Jabronella (Neocomitidae, Ammonoidea) from the Berriasian of the Mountainous Crimea and their stratigraphic significance // Bull. Saint-Petersburg Univ., ser.7.Geol., geogr. No.2. P.3-20. [in Russian] pdf

Arkadiev V.V. (2014) Representatives of the Substeuroceras genus (Neocomitidae, Ammonoidea) from the Berriasian of the Mountainous Crimea // Bulletin of the Saint-Petersburg State University; Series 7: Geology, Geography. Issue 4. P. 79-87. [in Russian] pdf

Arkadiev V.V. (2024) Catalogue of the collection to the N. I. Karakasch monograph by “Lower Cretaceous deposits of Crimea and their fauna”.  Saint-Petersburg, LEMA Publishing House, 2024. 470 p. [in Russian] pdf

Arkadiev V. V., Atabekyan A.A., Baraboshkin E.Yu., Bogdanova T. N. (2000) Stratigraphy and ammonites of Cretaceous deposits of South-West Crimea // Palaeontographica. Abt.A. Bd.255. Lfg.4-6. P.85-128. pdf

Arkadiev V.V., Bagaeva M.I., Guzhikov A.Yu., Manikin A.G., Perminov V.A., Yampolskaya O.B. (2010) Bio- and magnetostratigraphical characteristics of the Upper Berriasian section “Zavodskaya Balka” (East Crimea,       Feodosiya) //  Vestnik SPbGU. Geologiya, Geographiya. Ser. 7 (Bulletin of the Saint-Petersburg State University; Series 7: Geology, Geography). Issue 2. P. 32-48. [in Russian] pdf

Arkadiev V.V., Baraboshkin E.Yu., Bagaeva M.I., Bogdanova T.N., Guzhikov A.Yu., Manikin A.G., Piskunov V.K., Platonov E.S., Savel’eva Yu.N., Feodorova A.A., Shurekova O.V. (2015) New Data on Berriasian Biostratigraphy, Magnetostratigraphy, and Sedimentology in the Belogorsk Area (Central Crimea) // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol. 23, No. 2, P. 155–191. pdf

Arkadiev V.V., Bogdanova T.N. (Eds) (1997) Atlas of the Cretaceous fauna of south-west Crimea. Saint-Petersburg: Mining Institute. 357 p. [in Russian] pdf

Arkad’ev V.V., Bogdanova T.N. (2001) Revision of the Ptychophylloceras (Phylloceratida, Ammonoidea) from the Berriassian of Crimea // Paleont. Journ. no.5. P.27-34. [in Russian] pdf

Arkadiev V.V., Bogdanova T.N. (2004) The genus Berriasella (Ammonoidea) and zonal subdivision of the Berriassian of the Mountain Crimea // Stratigraphy. Geological correlation. Vol.12. no.4. P.54-67. [in Russian] pdf

Arkadiev V.V., Bogdanova T.N. (2005) Genus Delphinella (Ammonoidea) from the Berirassian of the Crimean Mountains // Paleon. Journ. V.39. no.5. P.487-497. pdf

Arkadiev V. V., Bogdanova T. N. (2009) Representatives of the Neocosmoceras (Neocomitidae, Ammonoidea) genus from the Berriasian of the Crimean Mountains and their stratigraphic significance // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol. 17. No. 4. P.415–429. pdf

Arkadiev V.V., Bogdanova T.N., Guzhikov A. Yu., Lobacheva S. V., Myshkina N.V., Platonov E.S., Savelyeva Yu. N., Shurekova O.V., Yanin B.T. (2012) Berriasian Stage of the Mountainous Crimea. Saint-Petersburg: LEMA. 472 pp. [in Russian with English summary] pdf

Arkadiev V.V., Bogdanova T.N., Lobacheva S.V. (2005) The new data on biostratigraphy of the Berriassian deposits of the Tonas river basin (Mountain Crimea) // in: Arkadiev V.V., Prozorovski V.A. (Eds.) The Cretaceous System of Russia: problems of stratigraphy and paleogeography. Saint-Petersburg. P.111-135. [in Russian] pdf

Arkad’ev V. V., Bogdanova T. N., Lysenko N. I. (2007) Representatives of genera Malbosiceras and Pomeliceras (Neocomitidae, Ammonoidea) from the Berriasian of the Crimean Mountains // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation.Vol. 15.  No.3. P.277–296. pdf

Arkadiev V.V., Bugrova I.Yu. (1999). Facies of the Cretaceous (Berriasian) Deposits from the River Belbek Area (Southwestern Crimea) // Facies. Vol 40. P.71-80. pdf

Arkadiev V.V., Grishchenko V.A., Guzhikov A.Yu., Manikin A.G., Savelieva Yu.N., Feodorova A.A., Shurekova O.V. (2017) Ammonites and magnetostratigraphy of the Berriasian–Valanginian boundary deposits from eastern Crimea // Geologica Carpathica, 68, 6. P. 505–516. pdf

Arkadiev V.V., Guzhikov A.Yu., Savelieva J.N., Feodorova A.A., Shurekova O.V., Bagaeva M.I., Grishchenko V.A., Manikin A.G. (2015) New data on bio- and magnetostratigraphy of the Upper Berriasian section “Zavodskaya balka” (Eastern Crimea, Feodosiya) // Vestnik of St.Petersburg University. Series 7. Geology. Geography. Issue 4. P. 4-36. [in Russian with English summary] pdf

Arkadiev V.V., Prozorovsky V.A. (Eds.) (2005) The Cretaceous system of Russia: problems of stratigraphy and paleogeography. Collection of papers of the Second All-Russian conference. SPb. 248  p. [in Russian] pdf


Lobacheva S. V. Nikolai Pavlovich Luppov (11.07.1904-23.03.1975)

Prozorovski V.A., Tashliev M.Sh. The role of the professor N.P. Luppov in the investigations of geology of the west Middle Asia

Bogdanova T.N., Mikhailova LA. Scientific activities of N.P. Luppov in paleontological and stratigraphical spheres

Prozorovski V.A. Correlative stratigraphical units, their classification and nomenclature

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Baraboshkin E.J., Mikhailova I.A. Genus Arcthoplites Spath,  1925:  distribution and systematic position

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Alekseev A.S., Kopaevich L.F., Ovechkina M.N., Olferiev A.G. Maastrichtian and Lower Palaeocene o f Northern Saratov Region (Russian Platform, Volga River): Foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton

Dhondt A.V. Upper Maastrichtian bivalve faunas from the Crimea, Maastricht and Mangyshlak

Cobban W.A., Kennedy W.J., Landman N.H. Platyscaphites, a new ammonite from the Lower Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) of the United States Western Interior

Gale A.S., Hancock J.M., Kennedy W.J. Biostratigraphical and sequence correlation of the Cenomanian successions in Mangyshlak (W. Kazakhstan) and Crimea (Ukraine) with those in southern England

Gabdullin R.R., Guzhikov A.Ju., Bogachkin A.B., Bondarenko N.A., Lubimova T.V., Widrik A. B. Periodites below and above the ÊÓÒ boundary

Kennedy W.J., Cobban W.A. Pachydiscus (Pachydiscus) hombyense Jones, 1963, and P. (P.) catarinae (Anderson & Hanna, 1935) (Cretaceous, Campanian: Ammonoidea), Pacific Realm marker fossils in the Western Interior Seaway o f North America

Kopaevich L.F., Beniamovskii V.N. Foraminiferal distribution across the Maastrichtian/ Danian boundary o f Mangyshlak p e ninsula (West Kazakhstan)

Jagt J.W.Ì. An overview o f Late Cretaceous and Early Palaeogene echinoderm faunas from Liege-Limburg (Belgium, The N e therlands)

Nikishin A.M., Ziegler P.A., Stephenson R.A., Ustinova M.A. Santonian to Palaeocene tectonics o the East-European craton and adjacent areas

Robaszynski F., Cretaceous Stages Boundaries in central Tunisia: how to follow the Brussels 1995 Symposium Recommendations

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Fletcher Â.N. The distribution of Lower Cretaceous (Berriasian-Barremian) foraminifera in the Speeton Clay of Yorkshire, England

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Memmi L. Biostratigrafia dell'Aptiano in Tunisia nord-orientale. Considerazioni stratigrafiche sull'Aptiano e l'Albiano in Tunisia

Rawson P.F.  The "Boreal" Early Cretaceous (Pre-Aptian) ammonite sequences of NW Europe and their correlation with the western Mediterranean faunas

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Ropolo P. Implications of variation in coiling in some Hauterivian (Lower Cretaceous) heteromorph ammonites from the Vocontian basin, France

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Includes, among the other papers:

Sochava À.V. Types of Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous Red beds of Middle and Central Asia

Martinson G.G. Biostratigraphy and Fauna of the Cretaceous Continental Deposits of Tadjik Depression, Kisilkum and Tashkent Tchuly

Kyansep-Romashkina N.P. On Some Early Cretaceous Charophyta from the Fergana and Tadjik Depressions

Kryachkova Z.V. On Some Late Cretaceous Subsalinewater Gastropods from Middle Asia

Stankevich E.S., Poyarkova Z.N. Turonian Vascoceratidae from South Kirghizia and Tadjik Depression

Stepanov I.V. Conchostraca from the Cretaceous Continental Deposits of Northern Tadjikistan

Cooper M.R. (1981) Revision of the Late Valanginian Cephalopoda from the Sundays River Formation of South Africa, with special reference to the genus Olcostephanus // Annals of the South African Museum. Vol. 83. P.147-366. pdf

Cooper M.R. (1997) Towards a phylogenetic classification of the Cretaceous ammonites V. Euomphaloceratidae // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläntologie Abhandlungen. Bd. 203. P.1-21. pdf

Cooper M.R. (1998) A revision of the Turrilitidae (Cretaceous Ammonoidea) from the Cambridge Greensand // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen. Bd. 207. Hft.2. P.145-170. pdf

Cooper M.R. (1998) Towards a phylogenetic classification of the Cretaceous ammonites VI. Mammitinae // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläntologie Abhandlungen, Bd. 209, Hft.2. P. 217-230. DOI: 10.1127/njgpa/209/1998/217 pdf

Courville Ph.  (1992)  Les Vascoceratnae  et  les Pseudotissotinae (Ammonitina) d'Ashaka  (NE Nigeria) : relations  avec  leur  environnement biosédimentaire  // Bull. Centres Rech  Explof.- Prod  Elf Aquitaine. T.16. no.2. P.407-457. pdf  

Cretaceous Ecosystems and Their Responses to Paleoenvironmental Changes in Asia and the Western Pacific:  Short papers for the Fourth International Symposium of IGCP Project 608, Novosibirsk, August 15–20, 2016 / Dzyuba, O.S., Pestchevitskaya, E.B., and Shurygin, B.N., Eds. Novosibirsk, IPGG SB RAS, 2016. 134 p. pdf



Zakharov V.A., Shurygin B.N. Vladimir N. Saks: geologist and paleontologist, and the founding father of the Mesozoic paleontology and stratigraphy Research Group in Novosibirsk Academy Town (to the 105th anniversary of the birth of V.N. Saks)

Session 1: Biodiversity of terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Cretaceous fauna and flora of Asia and the Western Pacific

Afonin M.A. Fossil woods from the Bykov Formation (Late Cenomanian–Early Campanian) of Sakhalin Island, Russian Far East

Bugdaeva E.V., Markevich, V.S. The change of the Early Cretaceous ecosystems of Gusinoozerskiy Basin (the Buryat Republic)

Golovneva L.B., Alekseev P.I. Taxonomy and morphological diversity of infructescences co-occurred with Trochodendroides leaves

Herman A.B., Spicer R.A. The composition and dynamics of the Late Cretaceous and Paleocene Arctic plant communities 

Kosenko I.N. Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous oysters (Bivalvia, Ostreoidea) from Siberia: Taxonomy, palaeoecology, distribution and variations of carbon and oxygen isotopes 

Makarkin V.N. The neuropteran assemblage (Insecta) of the mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber confirms transitional character of its biota

Markevich V.S., Bugdaeva E.V., Kovaleva T.A., Volynets E.B., Afonin M.A. The mid-Cretaceous swamp plant communities of northeastern Asia 

Smokotina I.V. Upper Cretaceous palynology (spores, pollen and dinoflagellate cysts) of the Yakovlevskaya-2 borehole, Ust-Yenisei region

Sun B.N., Xu X.H., Yan D.F., Jin P.H. Conifer fossils from the Lower Cretaceous of Inner Mongolia, North China and their geologic significance

Volynets E.B., Bugdaeva E.V., Markevich V.S., Kovaleva T.A. First flowering plants in Primorye region (Russia)

Session 2: Cretaceous paleogeography and paleobiogeography

Bajpai S. Late Cretaceous paleobiogeography of peninsular India: An overview of constraints from fossil tetrapods

Jafar S.A. Terminal Maastrichtian–Danian marine incursion in Central India: Myth or Reality? 

Li G.B., Han Z.C., Li X.F., Niu X.L., Wang T.Y., Han Y., Yao Y.J., Lv B.B., Zhang W.Y. The discovery of the CORB in the Southern Tethyan Himalaya and its paleogeographic implication

Sha J.G., Cestari R. Palaeobiogeographic implications of the Late Aptian–Albian polyconitid rudist fauna

Session 3: Cretaceous climate and environmental changes

Kirillova G.L., Medvedeva S.A. Cretaceous paleoenvironments of the Russian Southeast

Lebedeva N.K. Palynomorphs and biofacies in the Upper Cretaceous sediments of northern Siberia

Malkani M.S. Pakistan paleoclimate under greenhouse conditions; Closure of Tethys from Pakistan; Geobiological evolution of South Asia (Indo-Pak subcontinent)

Mohabey D.M., Samant B. Assessing effects of Deccan volcanism on biota and environments of non-marine Maastrichtian–Palaeogene sediments of Central India

Pestchevitskaya E.B. Environmental changes in Early Cretaceous palaeobasin of Western Siberia based on marine and terrestrial palynomorphs

Pestchevitskaya E.B., Nikolenko O.D., Vakulenko L.G., Ershov S.V., Yan P.A. Palaeoenvironmental changes in the Early Cretaceous of Gydan region (NW Siberia)

Samant B., Yadav D., Mohabey D.M. Palynological study of intertrappean sediments in the central and eastern parts of Deccan volcanic province of India to understand age and depositional environment

Uranbileg L., Ichinnorov N., Eviikhuu A. The Cretaceous flora of Mongolia and its paleoenvironment

Zorina S.O., Pavlova O.V. Discontinuous euxinia during the early Aptian oceanic anoxic event (OAE 1a): A case study from the Russian Platform

Session 4: Cretaceous stratigraphy and sedimentology

Ando H., Hasegawa H., Ichinnorov N., Hasebe N., Ohta T., Hasegawa T., Yamamoto M., Li G.B., Erdenetsogt B., Heimhofer U. Chronostratigraphy of the Jurassic–Cretaceous lacustrine deposits in southeast Mongolia: Brief results of Japan-Mongolia Joint research project

Beisel A.L. Supersequenses in the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of Western Siberia

Dzyuba O.S., Shurygin B.N. The Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary in the Asian part of Russia

Ichinnorov N., Hofmann Ch.-Ch., Hasegawa H., Uranbileg L. Lower Cretaceous formations and palynology of the Matad area (Tamsag Basin), southeastern Mongolia

Igolnikov A.E., Rogov M.A., Alifirov A.S. Ryazanian (Boreal Berriasian) ammonite succession of the Nordvik section (Russian Arctic): Revision and new data

Li G.B. The closing age of Himalayan Tethys: New evidence from planktic foraminifera

Malkani M.S. Revised stratigraphy of Indus Basin (Pakistan): Sea level changes

Teerarungsigul N. Stratigraphy of Jurassic–Cretaceous rocks of Thung Yai–Khlong Thom area, peninsular Thailand

Thakre D., Samant B., Mohabey D.M. Palynology and magnetostratigraphy of Deccan volcanic associated sedimentary sequence of Amarkantak Group in Central India: Age and paleoenvironment

Urman O.S., Dzyuba O.S., Shurygin B.N., Kirillova G.L. Bio- and lithostratigraphy of the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary deposits in the Komsomolsk section (Russian Far East)

Zlobina O.N. Environments of conservation of the dinosaurs in the Mesozoic deposits of south-eastern West Siberia (Shestakovskii Yar section)

Session 5: Cretaceous vertebrates of Asia and the Western Pacific

Amiot R., Lazzerini N., Lécuyer Ch., Fourel F. Stable isotope composition of modern and fossil archosaur eggshells as a tracer of animal ecology, living environment and reproductive strategy

Bhadran A. Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) vertebrate fossils from inland basins of Indian peninsula  – their palaeogeographic significance

Demidenko N.V., Maschenko E.N. Results of paleontological excavations 2014–2015 held by the Kemerovo Regional Museum at the Early Cretaceous Shestakovo vertebrate localities

Feofanova O.A. Historical stages of natural science collection formation in the Kemerovo Regional Museum

Hirayama R., Takisawa T., Sasaki K., Sonoda T., Yoshida M., Takekawa A., Mitsuzuka Sh., Kobayashi Y., Tsuihiji T., Matsumoto R., Kurosu M., Takakuwa Y., Miyata S., Tsutsumi Y. Fossil vertebrates from the Late Cretaceous Tamagawa Formation (Turonian) of Kuji City, Iwate Prefecture, northeastern Japan

Ivantsov S.V., Fayngerts A.V., Leshchinskiy S.V., Rezviy A.S., Skutschas P.P., Averianov A.O. The Lower Cretaceous continental vertebrate fauna from the Shestakovo locality (West Siberia): Results of 20-year research

Kostyunin A.E. The history of discovery and research of the Shestakovo locality of Early Cretaceous vertebrates

Kusuhashi N., Wang Y.-Q., Li C.-K. Reinvestigation of an Early Cretaceous eutherian mammal Endotherium niinomii

Malkani M.S. Vitakri Dome of Pakistan – a richest graveyard of titanosaurian sauropod dinosaurs and mesoeucrocodiles in Asia

Sonkusare H., Samant B., Mohabey D.M. Lithostratigraphy and biota of the Late Cretaceous dinosaur bearing Lameta and Intertrappean sediments along Salbardi fault in Betul and Amravati districts of Central India 

Summart O.-U., Wongko K., Chantasit Ph. Early Cretaceous fossil sites in Kalasin Province, Thailand


Cretaceous of the Western Tethys. Proceedings of the 3rd International Cretaceous Symposium Tübingen 1987 (Edited by Jost Wiedmann). Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1989. 1005 pp. pdf


A. Western Mediterranean

Malod J. A.: Iberian Kinematics during the Cretaceous - Paleogeographic consequences

Rat P. The Iberian Cretaceous: Climatic Implications

Kuhnt W., Obert D. Two Transversals through the Cretaceous North African Continental Margin: The Tellian Units of the Western Rif (Morocco) and of the Babors (Algeria)

Kuhnt W.,Kaminski M. Upper Cretaceous Deep-Water Agglutinated Benthic Foraminiferal Assemblages from the Western Mediterranean and Adjacent Areas

Martins U.P. Sedimentary Evolution of the Shallow-Marine Late Cretaceous in the Southern Basco-Cantabrian Basin (Northern Spain)

Lamolda M.A., Lopez G., Martinez R. Turonian integrated Biostratigraphy in the Estella Basin (Navarra, Spain)

Kochler T., Ernst G. Integrated Biostratigraphy of the Turonian-Coniacian Transition Interval in Northern Spain with Comparison to NW Germany

Kuechler R., Kutz A. Biostratigraphie des Campan bis Unter-Maastricht der E-Barranca und des Urdiroz/Imiscoz-Gebietes (Navarra, N-Spanien)

Pascual O., Pons J., Vicens E. Rudist Horizons in the Montsec (South Central Pyrenees)

Caus E., Gomez-Garrido A. Correlation of Larger Benthic and Planktonic Foraminifera of the Late Cretaceous in the South-Central Pyrenees

Gierlowski-Kordesch E., Janofske D. Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of the Weald around Uña (Serranía de Cuenca, Cuenca Province, Spain)

Carenas B., Garcia A., Calonge A., Perez P., Segura M. Middle Cretaceous (Upper Albian - Turonian) in the Central Sector of the Iberian Ranges (Spain)

Dhondt A.V., Dieni I. The Sardinian Early Cretaceous Bivalves and their Paleobiogeographic Affinities

Salaj J., Wiedmann J. The Campanian-Maastrichtian Boundary in the El Kef Section, Tunisia

B. Alps, Carpathians, Dinarids, Caucasus

Nikolov T.G. Mobile Belts and Early Cretaceous Orogenic History of the Mediterranean Region - A Review

Adatte T., Rumley G. Sedimentology and Mineralogy of the Valanginian and Hauterivian in the Stratotypic Region (Jura Mountains, Switzerland)

Salomon D. Paleoecology and Environmental Analysis of the Lower Cretaceous Shallow-Marine Drusberg and Schrattenkalk Facies of the Gottesacker Area (Allgäu/Vorarlberg)

Csaszar G., Oberhaeuser R., Lobitzer H. The Schrattenkalk of Vorarlberg: An Example of Urgonian Sedimentation

Bodrogi I. Foraminiferen, Kalkalgen und die Biostratigraphie des Schrattenkalks von Vorarlberg (Österreich)

Czabalay L. Korrelation der Pachyodonten-Faunenzonen des Urgons der westlichen Tethys

Hilbrecht H., Liedholz J. Redeposited Blocks of Seewen Limestone and Facies Differentiation in the Helvetic Amden Formation (Santonian-Campanian), German Alps

Weidich K.F. Planktonic and Benthonic Foraminiferal Zonations of the Lower Cretaceous of the Northern Calcareous Alps

Horvath A. Zur Lebensweise der Ammoniten der Penzeskut- Formation (Alb-Cenoman), Ungarn

Peza L.H. An Outline of the Cretaceous of Albania

Michalik J., Vasicek Z. Lower Cretaceous Stratigraphy and Paleogeography of the Czechoslovakian Western Carpathians

Pop G. Age and Facies of the Calpionellid Formations from the South Carpathians

Kotetishvili E.V. Biofacies Characteristics of Lower Cretaceous Deposits of Georgia

Kakabadze M.V. The Barremian Biostratigraphical Subdivisions of Georgia (USSR) and Comparison with some Western Mediterranean Regions

C. Events

Coccioni R., Franchi R., Nesci O., Wezel F.-C., Battistini F., Pallecchi P. Stratigraphy and Mineralogy of the Selli Level (Early Aptian) at the Base of the Marne a Fucoidi in the Umbro-Marchean Apennines (Italy)

Foellmi K.B. Mid-Cretaceous Platform Drowning, Current-Induced Condensation and Phosphogenesis, and Pelagic Sedimentation along the Eastern Helvetic Shelf (Northern Tethys Margin)

Dupasquier Ch., Ligouis B., Caron M. The Organic Matter of "Mid-Cretaceous" Deposits of the Median Prealps

Breheret J.-G., Delamette M. Correlations between Mid- Cretaceous Vocontian Black Shales and Helvetic Phosphorites in the Western External Alps

Cech S. Upper Cretaceous Didymotis Events from Bohemia

Lahodynsky R. The K/T Boundary and "Yellow Clay" Layers in the Gosau Group, Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria

Mutterlose J. Faunal and Floral Distribution in Late Hauterivian Rhythmic Bedded Sequences and their Implications

D. Biostratigraphy, Correlation, Paleogeography

Kutek J., Marcinowski R., Wiedmann J. The Wawaf Section, Central Poland - An important Link between Boreal and Tethyan Valanginian

Marek S. Sedimentäre und paläotektonische Entwicklung der epikontinentalen Unterkreide Polens

Zakharov V.A., Bogomolov J.L. Correlating Boreal and Subtethyan Valanginian with Buchias and Ammonites

Shulgina N. Subdivisions of the Marine "Neocomian" in Siberia and Correlation with the Type Section - A Review

Yi-Yong Z. Late Cretaceous Palynoflora from the Western Tarim Basin of South Xinjiang, NW China

Leanza H.A., Wiedmann J. Nuevos ammonites del Berriasiano/Valanginiano (Cretacico inferior) de Neuquen, Argentina

Musacchio E. Biostratigraphy of the Non-Marine Cretaceous of Argentina Based on Calcareous Microfossils

Reitner J. Lower and Mid-Cretaceous Coralline Sponge Communities of the Boreal and Tethyan Realms in Comparison with the Modern Ones - Palaeoecological and Palaeogeographic Implications

Kuss J., Malchus N. Facies and Composite Biostratigraphy of Late Cretaceous Strata from Northeast Egypt

Troeger K.-A. Problems of Upper Cretaceous Inoceramid Biostratigraphy and Paleobiogeography in Europe and Western Asia

Wiedmann J., Kaplan U., Lehmann J., Marcinowski R. Biostratigraphy of the Cenomanian of NW Germany

E. Volcanism, Magneto-Stratigraphy

Zimmerle W. Vestiges of Volcanic Activity in Cretaceous Sediments of Europe

Hemling J. Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene Magnetic Stratigraphy from the "Atlas Gulf" (Western High Atlas Mountains, SW Morocco)

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The Cretaceous System in East and South Asia. Research Summary 1994. Newsletter Special Issue IGCP 350. Fukuoka: Kyushu University, 1994. 68 p. pdf

Cretaceous System of Russia and adjacent areas: problems of stratigraphy and palaeogeography. Collection of materials of 3rd All-Russian Meeting (Saratov, September 26-30, 2006). Saratov: SO EAGO, 2006. 176 p. [in Russian]  pdf

Cretaceous System of Russia and CIS countries: problems of stratigraphy and palaeogeography (Materials of 6th all-Russian meeting, Gelendzhik, 10-15 September 2012), E.Ju. Baraboshkin, N.A. Bondarenko. K.E. Baraboshkin (Eds.). Krasnodar: Krasnodar State University publ., 2012. 337 pp. [in Russian with English table of contents] pdf

Cretaceous system of Russia and CIS countries: problems of stratigraphy and paleogeography. Proceedings / Ed. E.Y. Baraboshkin. Simferopol: Chernomorpress Publishing House, 2016. 298 p. pdf

Cretaceous System of Russia and Neighboring Countries: Problems of Stratigraphy and Paleogeography : materials of the 11th All-Russian meeting. September 19-24, 2022, Tomsk / Chief Editor E.Yu. Baraboshkin. Tomsk: TSU Publishing, 2022. 316 pp. [in Russian] pdf

Cretaceous System of Russia and Neighboring Countries: Problems of Stratigraphy and Paleogeography: materials of the 12th All-Russian Conference. 7-11 October, 2024, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk / Chief Editor E. Yu. Baraboshkin. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: Publishing LLC Indigo, 2024. 310 pp. [in Russian] pdf

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Klikushin V. G. Ecogeny of the pentacrinid crinoids

Solovjev A. N. New echinoid genus Echolaster (Spatangoida, Holasteridae) from the Berriasian

Melikov O. G. Morphological peculiarity of the new species of the genus Heteraster Orbigny, 1853 (Echinoidea) from the urgonian facies of Azerbaijan

Poretzkaya E. S. New echinoid species Codechinus prosorovskyi from the Barremian of Turkmenistan

Alekseev A. S., Ende1ma n L. G. Association of ectoparasitic prosobranch gastropods with Upper Cretaceous echinoid Galerites

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Luppov N.P. Palaeontological substantiation of the stratigraphy of the upper part of Albian deposits of Peri-Caspian and their correlation with West-European sections

Ivannikov O.V. Mollusan fauna of the Lower-Upper Cretaceous boundary beds of the south-ewst part of the East-European Platform

Kaptarenko-Chernousova O.K., Lipnik O.S. Changes in microfauna as criteria for the recognition of the Lower and Upper Cretaceous in the North-East Ukraine

Martinene R.A. Selachian teeth in the Albioan deposits near the Kanev

Savchinskaya O.V. Stages of the development of the fauna and supposed boundary between the Lower and Upper series of the Cretaceous System in the Ukrainian SSR (based on materials from the Donets basin and some other region)

Pasternak S.I., Gavrilishin V.I. Significance of the molluscan faunas for the recognition of the Lower and Upper Cretaeous boundary in the Volyn-Podolia

Plotnikova L.F. Foraminifers from the Albian-Cenomanian boundary beds of the south of Ukraine

Maslakova N.I. Planctonic foraminifers and recognition of the Albian and Cenomanian boundary in Crimea and Soviet Carpathians

Gorbunov V.S. Radiolarians from the Albian and Cenomanian deposits of Ukraine

Akimets V.S. Albian deposits of the north-west part of the Dnepr-Donets depression

Akimets V.S., Grigelis A.A., Lipnik O.O. Foraminifer zones of the Cenomanian of the western part of the European part of the USSR

Morozov M.S., Poslavskaya G.G. About the boundary between the Lower and Upper series of the Cretaceous System of the Lower Volga area

Voloshina G.M. About the Albian foraminifers of the Volin-Podolie

Aliulla H. Significance of the planctonic foraminifers for the recognition of the Lower and Upper Cretaceous boundary

Permyakova M.M. Ostracod genus Lophocythere in the Jurassic deposits of the Dnepr-Donets depression

Lulieva S.A. Coccolithophorids from the Campanian deposits of the Black Sea depression

Teslenko O.V. Lower Sarmatian plants from the vicinity of Zaporozhie

Voronova M.A. Concerning the evolution of the Ukrainian vegetation during the Albian-Cenomanian and problem of the boundary between the Lower and Upper Cretaceous

Shumenko S.². Calcareous nannoplancton in the Lower-Upper Cretaceous boundary of the Crimea


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Kolesnikov Ch.M. Microstructure of exoskeleton of the Mesozoic limnic mollusks and questions of phylogeny

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Fözy I., Fogarasi A., Szives O. (2002) Integrated ammonite and calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Borehole Lábatlan-35 (Upper Barremian-Aptian, Transdanubian Range, Hungary) // Földtani Közlöny. T.132. no.1, P.45-56. pdf

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Gambashidze R.A. (1963) Fauna of the Cenomanian-Turonian deposits of the periphery of the Loki and Khrami massifs // Transactions of the Geological Institute of the Academy of Sciences GSSR, Geological Series, Vol. XIII (XVIII). P.109-160. [in Russian] pdf

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Garcia A. (coord.) (1982) El Cretácico de España. International Geological Correlation Programme. Project No. 58 - Mid-Cretaceous Events. Grupo Español de Trabajo. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 680 pp. pdf

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Antonova Z.A. Foraminifers from Clansayan and Albian of the Western Caucasus

Egoyan V.L. Ammonties from Clansayan of the Western Caucasus

Baidova L.A. Subdivision of the Lower Cretaceous deposits of Pshekha-Kurdzhips interflow by foraminifers

Georgescu M.D. (2016) Handbook of Late Cretaceous Planktic Foraminifera: Practical Classification, Biostratigraphy. Nova Science Publishers. 331 p. pdf

Gerasimov P.A. (1971) On Berriassian and Lower Valanginian of the Russian Platform // Trans. Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol..198. no.5. P.1156-1157. pdf

Gerasimov P.A. (1980) Medusa moulds from the Lower Cretaceous of the Ryazan region // Paleont. journ. No.1. P.136-138. [in Russian] pdf

Gerhardt H. (1964) Biometrische Untersuchungen zur Phylogenie von Haplophragmium und Triplasia (Foram.) aus der tieferen Unterkreide Nordwestdeutschlands // Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, Vol. 2. no.2 [1963]. P. 9-74. pdf

Gerth H. (1921) Fauna und Gliederung des Neocoms in der argentinischen Kordillere // Centralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie. Jg. 1921. S.112-148. pdf

Gerth E. (1925) La fauna neocomiana de la Cordillera Argentina en la parte meridional de la provincia de Mendoza. Actas de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias, T.9. P.57-132. pdf

Gerth H. (1926) Die Fauna des Neokoms in der argentinische Kordillere // Geologische Rundschau, Sonderband 17. S.463-494. pdf

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Glaessner M.F. (1936) Die Foraminiferengattungen Pseudotextularia und Amphimorphina // Problems of Paleontology. Vol. 1. P.95-134. pdf

Glaessner M.F. (1937) Studien über Foraminiferen aus der Kreide und dem Tertiär des Kaukasus: die Foraminiferen der ältesten Tertiärschichten des Nordwestkaukasus // Problems of Paleontology. Vol. II-III. P.349-423. pdf

Glasunova A.E. (1949) Some Upper Albian ammonites of Kopet-Dagh // Annual of the All-Russian Palaeontological Society. Vol.XIII. P.43-51. [in Russian] pdf

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Glasunova A.E. (1960) New Cretaceous representatives of the Suborder Lytoceratinae from the Asian part of the USSR // in: New species of ancient plants and animals of the USSR. Part 2. Moscow: Gosgeoltechizdat. P.161-163. pdf

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Materials to the Fundamentals of Paleontology, Issue 2. M., 1958. 119 p. pdf

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Mikhailova I.A. Deshayesitids from the Lower Cretaceous deposits of Dagestan and the Central Caucasus

Birstein Ya.A. New langoust (Crustacea, Decapoda) from Cretaceous deposits of Western Kamchatka

Becker-Migdisova E.E. New fossil equidoptera


Materials to the Fundamentals of Paleontology, Issue 3. M., 1959. 125 p. pdf

Includes the following aers, among the others:

Popov Yu.N. New Triassic cephalopods

Shimansky V.N. New species of nautiloids from the genus Teichertia

Novozhilov N. New Permian and Triassic Conchostraca from Southern Belarus, the Urals and Yakutia

Becker-Migdisova E.E. Some new representatives of the Sternorynchus group from Permian and the Mesozoic of the USSR

Dorofeev P.I. Fossil pine cone from the Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Kuban River

Martynova O.M. New insects from Permian and Mesozoic deposits of the USSR

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Contents (in part)

Nekhrikova N.I., Galeeva L.I. New data on stratigraphy of Cretaceous deposits of Fergana.

Dubrovskaya E.N. Spore-pollen complexes of Lower Mesozoic deposits of some areas of the Issyk-Kul depression

Shilova D.D. Some data on the fauna of ostracods of the Neocomian deposits of Western Turkmenistan

Nekhrikova N.I. New data on the systematic composition of rhynchonellid brachiopods of Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene deposits of Transcaspian

Korotkov B.A. About some representatives of the genus Nummocalcar from Aptian-Albian deposits of Transcaspian

Aliev M.M., Alekseeva L.V., Korotkov V.A. Distribution of Foraminifera in Aptian-Albian deposits of Bolshoi Balkhan, Kuba-Dag and Tuarkyr (Western Turkmenistan).

Samsonov C.K. On the flora of the arid belt of the Upper Cretaceous epoch

Filina N.I. Palynological characterization of Cenomanian deposits of some areas of the South-Eastern Caucasus, Mangyshlak and Priaralie

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Including the following Jurassic-Cretaceous papers:

Aliev M.M., Mamedzade R.N. Biostratigraphy and palaeogeography of the Upper Senonian of Koshkarchai – Debetchai interflows (Lesser Caucasus)

Aliev M.M., Nehrikova N.I. Maastrichtian and Danian brachiopods of Central Kopet-Dagh (Turkmenian SSR)

Samsonov S.K. Again about the Late Cretaceous flora of Karatau

Pavlova M.M., Zabelina T.M. On the Coniakian deposits of Mountain Mangyshlak

Zabelina T.M. Some new data about the stratigraphical subdivision of the Upper Cretaceous deposits of Kara-Bogaz-Gol bay by foraminiferal fauna

Zabelina T.M., Movshovich E.B. Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Astrakhan Peri-Caspian

Aliev M.M., Aliev O.B. Biostratigraphy and palaeogeography of the Lower Cretaceous and lower Upper Cretaceous of the Koshkarchai – Terterchai interflows (Lesser Caucasus)

Aliev M.M., Aliev O.B. Biostratigraphy and palaeogeography of the Upper Senonian and Danian of the Koshkarchai – Terterchai interflows (Lesser Caucasus)

Movshovich E.B. Stratigraphical subdivision and correlation of the Lower Cretaceous sections of Astrakhan Peri-Caspian

Alekseeva L.V. On the stratigraphy of the Cretaceous deposits of North Karshi and Bekdash areas

Alekseeva L.V. Forarminiferal fauna of the Cretaceous deposits of Krasnovodsk peninsula

Genkina R.Z. On the age of the continental deposits of the Atjuss region of Northern Urals

Vinogradova K.V. Spore-pollen assemblages of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits of Mountain Mangyshlak, Tuarkyr, Bolshoi Balkhan and their stratigraphic significance

Genkina R.Z. Cycadophytes from the Jurassic deposits of Sogutinsk area in the south bank of Issyk-Kul lake

Palechek T.N., Baraboshkin E.J., Solovjev A.V., Lopatina D.A., Lander A.V. (2005) New data on a structure and age Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits of cape Hajryuzova (Western Kamchatka). Yu.B.Gladenkov, S.A.Palandzhyan (Ed.). Western Kamchatka: geological development in Mesozoic. Institute of the lithosphere, marginal and inner seas. Geological Institute of Russian Academy of Science. Moscow, Publishing house the Nauchnyi Mir, p.77-91, 5 fig., 2 tab., 5 pl. (In Russian) pdf

Palma, R.M., Bressan, G.S., Kietzmann, D.A. (2008) Diagenesis of a bioclastic oyster deposit from the lower Cretaceous (Chachao Formation). Neuquén Basin. Mendoza province, Argentina // Carbonates and Evapotites. V.23. no.1. P.39-49. pdf

Pan Y., Sha J., Fürsich F.T., Wang Y., Zhang X., Yao X. (2011) Dynamics of the lacustrine fauna from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation, China: implications of volcanic and climatic factors // Lethaia, Vol. 45, P.299–314. pdf

Pan Y., Sha J., Yao X. (2012) Taphonomy of Early Cretaceous freshwater bivalve concentrations from the Sihetun area, western Liaoning, NE Chinan // Cretaceous Research. Vol.34. P.94-104. pdf

Paraketsov K.V. (1984) Some ammonites from Lower Cretaceous deposits of Ukkuveem depression (Eropol river basin) // Stratigraphy and paleontology of Paleozoic and Mesozoic deposits of North-East USSR. Collection of scientific papers. Moscow. P.140-153. [in Russian] pdf

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Pasternak S.I. (1954) Ancyloceras bipunctatum Schluter from the Maastrichtian of the Volyno-Podolsk Plate // Geological Collection of the Lvov Geological Society. No.1. P.157-159. [in Russian] pdf

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Includes the following articles about Cretaceous:

Vakhrameev V.A. Migration of ancient conifers in the Jurassic and Cretaceous and the reasons for this phenomenon

Samylina V.A. Late Cretaceous floras of the Northern Priokhotie and their place among the Cretaceous floras of the North-East Asia

Snegirevskaya N.S. Once again about the status of the genus Pleuromeia Corda

Shilkina I.A. Coniferous wood from the Lower Cretaceous of Kirov Oblast (new species)

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Rahaghi A. (1992) The geographic and stratigraphic range of the genus Laffitteina Marie, 1946, in Iran, with description of Laffitteina jaskii n.sp. // Revista española de micropaleontología, Vol. 24, P. 5-12. pdf

Rapid Environmental/Climate Changes and Catastrophic Events in Late Cretaceous and Early Paleogene. RECCCE Workshop. IGCP 555 European Group Meeting Abstracts and Excursion Guide April 25th – 28th, 2009 Gams, Austria // Berichte Geol. B.-A. 2009. Bd.78. 74 pp. pdf

Rasheed D.A. (1964) Some calcareous foraminifera belonging to Lagenidae, Ellipsoidinidae and Heterohelicidae from the Cullygoody (Dalmiapuram) Limestone, Trichinopoly Cretaceous of South India // J. Madras Univ. 1963. B. Vol. XXXIII. No.3. P. 231-248. pdf

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Alekseev A.S., Trofimov V.T., Shlezinger  À.Å.  Dmitryi Pavlovich Naidin. Òî the 90th  birthday

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Keutgen N., Jagt J.W.M. Correlation of Maastrichtian strata in the southeast Netherlands and adjacent regions, northern Germany, northern Spain and USA  71

Jagt J.W.M., Jagt-Yazykova E.A., van Neer R. Belemnellocamax ex gr. grossouvrei, a rare mid-Campanian belemnitellid (Cephalopoda, Coleoidea) from the Hannover area, Northern Germany 

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