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AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas

Amurian Zoological Journal

Annales de paléontologie (back issues)

Annals of Bryozoology

Azerbaycan Geologu

Azərbaycanda Geofizika Yenilikləri

Bulletin de la Société géologique de France

Bulletin de la Société minéralogique de France

Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Chemistry. Geography. Ecology Series

Bulletin of the Osaka Museum of Natural History

Cainozoic research

De Tropische Natuur

Entomologische Berichten

Environmental Research Letters

Flora Neerlandica

Fossil Studies

Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India (new issues)

Malaysian Applied Geography

Mededelingen van de Werkgroep voor Tertiaire en Kwartaire Geologie 

Mémoires de la Société géologique de France

Mémoires de la Société géologique de France. Paléontologie


Natuurhistorisch Maandblad

Oltenia - Studii și comunicări. Științele naturii


Proceedings of Azerbaijan High Technical Educational Institutions

Recueil des travaux botaniques néerlandais

Schwäbische Heimat

Studii și Cercetări - Geology-Geography și Biology - Complexul Muzeal Bistrița - Năsăud 

Studii și Cercetări - Muzeul de Științe Naturale Piatra Neamț




And other useful hyperlinks :

Dinocyst database: https://palsys.org/genus

Journals by Australian museum: https://journals.australian.museum/

Periodicals of the Netherlands: https://natuurtijdschriften.nl/col/list?type=journal

Publications by Société géologique de France https://patrimoine.sorbonne-universite.fr/collection/collections-de-geologie

UNT (University of North Texas) Digital library https://digital.library.unt.edu/

3d models of geological objects: https://v3geo.com/search

Mapotecadigitized maps

New Jurassic publications are added (partially provided by E. Baraboshkin, P. Bitterli-Dreher, A. Doweld, A.Kuzmin, H. Parent, J. Pignatti, S.Jain)

Arber E.A. (1917) The Early Mesozoic Floras of New Zealand // New Zealand Geological Survey, Paleontological Bulletin No. 6. 80 p. pdf

Bitterli-Dreher P. (2020) Geologie und Paläontologie des Bergwerks Herznach. Teil 1: Die Erdgeschichte des «Meeresbodens» // Schweizer Strahler. Nr.2. S.22-31. pdf

Bitterli-Dreher P. (2021) Geologie und Paläontologie des Bergwerks Herznach. Teil 2: Die Erdgeschichte des Eisenerzes // Schweizer Strahler. Nr.4. S.22-33. pdf

Bitterli-Dreher P. (2023) Ein seltener Ammonit im Jurameer Mitteleuropas: Clydoniceras discus var. hochstetteri, Sow. 1813 // Schweizer Strahler. Nr.1. S.17-22. pdf

Collignon M. (1957) La partie supérieure du Jurassique au Nord de l’Analavelona (Sud de Madagascar) // Comptes rendus du 3ème Congr. Périlndian Organisation for Sciences and Arts, section C, Tananarive, P. 73-87. pdf

Collignon M. (1965) Sur quelques céphalopodes du Jurassique du Sahara tunisien // Annales de Paléontologie, T. 51, Fasc. 1, P. 45-48. pdf

Collignon M., Rebilly G., Roch E. (1959) Le Lias et le Jurassique moyen de la région de Kandreho (Madagascar) // Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., 7ème sér., T.1, P. 132-136. pdf

Collignon M., Sarrot-Reynaud J. (1961) Succession des zones d’Ammonites du Lias dans le Dôme de La Mure (Isère) et ses bordures // Colloque sur le Lias français, Chambéry 1960, Mém. B.R.G.M., Paris, n° 4, P. 685-690. pdf

Deslongchamps E. (1835) Mémoire sur les coquilles fossils du genre Münsteria // Mémoires de la Société linnéenne de Normandie, T.5, P.59-67. pdf

Deslongchamps E. (1835) Mémoir pour servirà l’histoire naturelle des Crustacés fossiles // Mémoires de la Société linnéenne de Normandie, T.5, P.37-46. pdf

Deslongchamps E. (1835) Mémoire sur les Teudopsides, animaux fossiles, voisins des calmars // Mémoires de la Société Linnéenne de Normandie, T.5. P. 68-78. pdf

Glaessner M.F. (1945) Mesozoic fossils from the central highlands of New Guinea // Proc. Roy. Soc. Vic., Vol. 56. no.2. P. 151-168. pdf

Hayami I. (1960) Jurassic inoceramids in Japan // Journ. Fac. Sci. Tokyo Univ., ser. II, Vol. 12. P.277-328. pdf

Katz Y.I., Popov A.M. (1974) New taxa of Mesozoic and Cenozoic brachiopods // Bulletin of Kharkov University. №108. P. 22-33. [in Russian] pdf

Mahboubi C.Y., Jain S., Naimi M.N. (2024) First record of the heteromorph ammonite genus Parapatoceras Spath, 1924 from the lower Callovian (Middle Jurassic) of Algeria // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie – Abhandlungen. Vol. 310. no. 3. P. 293-300. DOI: 10.1127/njgpa/2024/1184 pdf

Manikin A.G., Rogov M.A., Grischenko V.A., Dakirov R.S. (2018) New magnetostratigraphic data from the Upper Volgian of the Moscow region // JK2018 - International Meeting around the Jurassic-Cretaceous Boundary, by B. Granier (ed.). P.51-53. pdf

Microfauna of oil fields of the USSR (Collection I): Second Baku and Western Siberia // Transactions of VNIGRI. New series. Issue. 31 [in Russian] pdf

Contents (in part)

Dain L.G. Materials to the stratigraphy of the Jurassic deposits of the Saratov region

Bykova E.V. On the significance of fossil foraminifera for the stratigraphy of jurassic deposits of the Samarskaya Luka area.

Zaspelova V.S. Foraminifera of the Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits of the Western Siberian Lowland

Netskaya A.I. About some foraminifera from Upper Cretaceous deposits of Western Siberia

Mutvei H. (1967) On the microscopic shell structure in some Jurassic ammonoids // Neues Jb. Geol. Paläont., Abh. Bd. 129. Hft. 2. P. 157-166. pdf

Nguyen Xuan Han (1970) Spore-pollen complexes of Bathonian and Callovian deposits of the northwestern margin of Donbass // Bulletin of Kharkov University. №55. Ser.geol. Issue 1. P. 3-21. [in Russian] pdf

Nybelin O. (1974) A Revision of the Leptolepid fishes // Acta R. Soc. scient. litt. gothoburg. (Zoologica). Vol. 9. P.1-202. pdf

Pavia G. 1983. New data on Orthogarantiana (Torrensia) Sturani, 1971 (Ammonitina, Stephanocerataceae) in the European Upper Bajocian // Bollettino del Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Torino. Vol. 1. n. 2. P. 201-214. pdf

Polšak A. (1965) Megadiceras salopeki n. sp. iz malmskih naslaga zapadne Istre - Megadiceras salopeki n. sp. dans le couches du Malm de l'Istrie occidentale // Prirodoslovna istraživanja, Jugoslavenska Akademija znanosti i umjetnosti. Kn. 35 (Acta geologica, Kn. 5). S. 313-320. pdf

Riegraf W. (1982) New Coleoidea from the Lower Jurassic of Southwest Germany // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh., Hft. 2. P. 91-97. pdf

Rogov M.A. (2018) Panboreal and Boreal-Tethysian correlation of the Volgian Stage by ammonites // JK2018 - International Meeting around the Jurassic-Cretaceous Boundary, by B. Granier (ed.). P.68-70. pdf

Różycki S.Z. Budowa geologiczna północno-zachodniej części Ziemi Torella (Spitsbergen) // Studia geologica Polonica. 1959. Vol. II. 98 p. pdf

Salamon M.A., Benyoucef M., Benzaggagh M., Brachaniec T., Hoşgör İ., Jain S., Płachno B.J., Rahmonov O. (2023) Unlocking the secrets of the Early Jurassic of North Africa: first record of pseudoplanktonic crinoid Seirocrinus (Crinoidea, Pentacrinidae) from Morocco and Algeria // Historical Biology, pp.1-13. pdf

Saveliev A.A. (1960) Jurassic Trigoniids of Mangyshlak and Western Turkmenia // Transactions of VNIGRI. Issue 148. 114 p. [in Russian] pdf

Seilacher A. (1982) Ammonite shells as habitats in the Posidonia Shales of Holzmaden - floats or benthic islands?  // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh., Hft. 2. P. 98-114. pdf

Sellier de Civrieux J.M., Dessauvagie T.F.J. (1965) Reclassification de quelques Nodosariidae, particulièrement du Permien au Lias // Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enstitüsü Yayinlarindan (Publications de l’Institut d’Études et de Recherches Minières de Turquie). V. 124: P. 1-178. pdf

Sha J.G. (1992) Buchia and Aucellina beds of eastern Heilongjiang // J. Stratigr. Vol.16. no.1. P. 41-48. pdf

Shchepetova E., Rogov M., Kiselev D., Ukhov I., Maleonkina S., Khakhina A., Churkina V. (2018) Middle-late Volgian regression as it expressed in different depositional environments of Central Russian Sea // JK2018 - International Meeting around the Jurassic-Cretaceous Boundary, by B. Granier (ed.). P.81-84. pdf

Smith A.G., Smith D.G., Funnell B.M. (1994) Atlas of Mesozoic and Cenozoic Coastlines. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 99 p. pdf

Sun G., Zheng S., Sun X., He C., Piao T., Shang Y., Zhang C., Yu Z., Zhao Y. (1992) Recent advance in the research of the strata near the Jurassic - Cretaceous boundary in eastern Heilongjiang // J. Stratigr. Vol.16. no.1. P. 49-54. pdf

Thomson J.A. (1913) Materials for the palaeontology of New Zealand // New Zealand Geological Survey. Palæontological bulletin, no. 1. 104 p. pdf

Tkhorzhevskii E.S. (1970) New data on Jurassic brachiopods of the Peniny cliffs of Transcarpathians // Bulletin of Kharkov University. Ser. geol. Issue 1. P.48-61. [in Russian] pdf

Tkhorzhevskii E.S. (1971) A new genus of Jurassic terebratulids from the Peniny clippen zone (Transcarpathians) // Bulletin of Kharkov University. Ser. geol. Issue. 1. P. 62-65. [in Ukrainian] pdf

Tkhorzhevskii E.S. (1972) Tchegemithyrididae - a new family of Jurassic terebratuloid brachiopods // Bulletin of Kharkov University. Ser. geol. Issue. 3. P. 35-41. [in Ukrainian] pdf

Tkhorzhevskii E.S. (1974) New data on the internal structure and systematics of Jurassic terebratulid brachiopods from the superfamilies Terebratuloidea Gray, 1840 and Loboithyrididoidea Makridin, 1964 // Bulletin of Kharkov University. №108. Ser. geol. Issue 5. P.42-58. [in Russian] pdf

Voronets N.S. (1961) A new genus Eoinoceramus Voronetz, gen. nov. from the Jurassic deposits of northern Siberia // Collection of articles on stratigraphy and paleontology. Issue 25, P. 81-86. [in Russian] pdf

Williams D.M. (1927) Observations on the genus Promicroceras // Geological Magazine. Vol.64. No.2. P.76-80. pdf

Zinoviev M.S. (1964) To the study of bivalves of the Upper Jurassic in the vicinity of Lake Elton // Bulletin of Kharkov University. no 2. Geographical series. Issue 1. P. 145-157. [in Russian] pdf

Zinoviev M.S. (1967) Late Jurassic bivalves of the Lake Elton area and their stratigraphic significance // Bulletin of Kharkov University. № 25. Geology and geography series. Issue 2. P. 14-24. [in Russian] pdf

Zittel K.A. (1865) Fossile Mollusken und Echinodermen aus Neu-Seeland. Nebst Beiträgen von den Herren Bargrath Franz Ritter v. Hauer und Professor Eduard Suess // In: Hochstetter, F.v., Hörnes, M. & Hauer, F.R.v. (eds). Paläontologie von Neu-Seeland, Vol. 1: Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Fossilen Flora und Fauna der Provinzen Auckland und Nelson. Novara-Expedition. Geologischer Theil 1 (2), S. 15-68.  pdf


New Cretaceous publications are added (partially provided by E. Baraboshkin, A. Kuzmin, V. Marinov, J. Pignatti)

Aguirre-Urreta M.B., Rawson P.F. (1996) Oosterella (Ammonoidea, early Cretaceous) from the Neuquén Basin, Argentina // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte. Hft. 8. P.453-460. pdf

Airaghi C. (1904) Inocerami del Veneto // Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital. Vol. XXIII. P.178-199. pdf

Amon Е.О. (2000) Upper Cretaceous radiolarians of the Urals. Ekaterinburg: Publisher of Institute of Geology and Geochemistry, Uralian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. 209 p. [in Russian] pdf

Atabekyan A.A. (1966) A new genus Koulabiceras gen. nov. from the Turonian of the eastern part of Central Asia // Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR. Vol. XIX. No. 4. P.75-78. [in Russian] pdf

Atlas of guide groups of the Cretaceous fauna of Sakhalin. SPb.: Nedra, 1993. 327 p. [in Russian] pdf

Atlas of invertebrates of the Late Cretaceous seas of the Caspian Basin // Transactions of the Paleontological Institute. 1982. Vol.187. 253 p. [in Russian] pdf

Aubert J., Coustau D., Gendrot C. (1963) Montsechiana nov. gen., un nouveau genre de foraminifère du Crétacé supérieur à faciès récifal de l'Espagne et des Martigues (France) // Revue de Micropaléontologie. V. 6. No. 3. P. 169-174. pdf

Bayarunas M.V. (1915) Hypsopygaster, a new genus of sea urchins from Danish sediments of Mangyshlak // Geol. Bull. Vol.1. no.4. P.230-234. [in Russian] pdf

Billiard J., Moullade M. (1964) Etude de quelques représentants du genre Iraqia (Orbitolinidae) dans l'Aptien des contreforts pyrénéens français et espagnols // Revue de Micropaléontologie. V. 6. No. 4. P. 237-242. pdf

Cobban W.A., Kennedy W.J. (1988) Reesidites (Cretaceous Ammonoidea) from the upper Turonian of New Mexico // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte, Hft.2, P.65-70. pdf

Collignon M. (1951) Recherches sur les Faunes albiennes de Madagascar. V. L’Albien supérieur d'Andranofotsy (Cercle de Manja) avec une notice stratigraphique par P. Hirtz; Faune Maestrichtienne de la Côte d'Ambatry (Province de Betioky) Madagascar; Le Crétacé supérieur d’Antonibe // Annales géologiques du Service des Mines. Fasc. XIX. 189 p. pdf

Collignon M. (1952) La question du Maestrichtien malgache (Madagascar) // Congrès Géol. Intern. Rs., 19e session, Alger, 1952. 21. P. 137-143. pdf

Collignon M. (1960) Le Danien à Madagascar // 21e Congr. géol. Internat., Copenhague, 1960: part V, P. 117-119. pdf

Collignon M. (1960-1962) L’œuvre paléontologique de Paul Fallot. Livre a la memoire du professeur Paul Fallot // Memoire et vente a la Société Géologique de France, Paris, t.I, P.32-35. pdf

Cooper M.R. (1997) Towards a phylogenetic classification of the Cretaceous ammonites V. Euomphaloceratidae // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläntologie Abhandlungen. Bd. 203. P.1-21. pdf

Foury G. (1963) Deux nouvelles espèces d'Orbitolinidae du faciès urgonien des Alpilles (Bouches du Rhône) // Revue de Micropaléontologie. V. 6. No. 1. P. 3-12. pdf

Gendrot C. (1963) Quelques foraminifères nouveaux du Sénonien inférieur des Martigues (Bouches-du-Rhône) // Revue de Micropaléontologie. V. 6. No. 1. P. 67-72. pdf

Hall J., Meek F.B. (1855) Descriptions of new species of fossils, from the Cretaceous formations of Nebraska, with observations upon Baculites ovatus and B. compressus, and the progressive development of the septa in Baculites, Ammonites, and Scaphites // Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. 5. no.2. P. 379-411. pdf

Katz Y.I. (1964) New species of Late Cretaceous brachiopods of Central Asia // Bulletin of Kharkov University. №2. Geographical series. Issue 1. P.158-160. [in Russian] pdf

Kauffman E.G., Sageman B.B., Kirkland J.I., Elder W.P., Harries P.J., Villamil T. (1993) Molluscan biostratigraphy of the Cretaceous western interior basin, North America // Geological Association of Canada Special Paper. Vol. 39. P. 397-434. pdf

Keller S. (1982) Die Oberkreide der Sack-Mulde bei Alfeld (Cenoman-Unter-Coniac). Lithologic, Biostratigraphie und Inceramen // Geol. Jahrb., Reiche A. Bd. 64. S.3-171. pdf

Kennedy W.J., Amédro F., Colleté C. (1986) Late Cenomanian and Turonian ammonites from Ardennes, Aube and Yonne, eastern Paris Basin (France) // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie. Abhandlungen. Bd. 172. Hft. 2. P. 193-217. pdf

Kennedy W.J., Bilotte M. (2002) Baculites ovatus Say, 1820, a North American ammonite from the Maastrichtian of Roquefort, Landes, France // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie. Monatshefte. P. 159-170. pdf

Kirkland J.I. (1996) Paleontology of the Greenhorn Cyclothem (Cretaceous: Late Cenomanian to Middle Turonian) at Black Mesa, Northern Arizona // Bulletin of the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science. Vol. 9. 131 p. pdf

Mandov G. (1976) Un cas d’anomalie morphologique pathologique de la coquille du genre Bochianites // Rev. Bulg. Geol. Soc. Vol. XXXVII, pt. 2. P.217-221. [in Bulgarian] pdf

Marek S. (1968) Zarys stratygrafii kredy dolnej niecki brzeżnej // Kwartalnik Geologiczny. T.12. no.2. P.345-368. pdf

Marek S. (1969) Zarys stratygrafii kredy dolnej Kujaw // Kwartalnik Geologiczny. T.13. no.1. P.139-153. pdf

Marek S., Raczyńska A. (1979) Palaeogeographie der Unterkreide des nordpolnischen Beckens // Aspekte der Kreide Europas. IUGS Series A, No.6, P.447-462. pdf

Marinov V.A. (1998) The distribution of rotaliids (Foraminifera) in the Cretaceous and Paleogene of Yamal Peninsula // Zbl. Geol. Palaeont. Teil I, Hft.11-12. P. 1339-1348. pdf

Matsumoto T. (1978) A record of Neoptychites from the Cretaceous of Hokkaido (Studies of the Cretaceous ammonites from Hokkaido and Saghalien-32) // G.W.Chiplonkar, K.B. Powar, V.G.Phansalkar (Eds.). A Collection of Papers in Honour of Professor G. W. Chiplonkar. Recent Researches in Geology, vol.4, P.196-207. pdf

Matsumoto T. (1980) Cephalopods from the Shimanto Belt of Kochi Prefecture (Shikoku) // A.Taira, M.Tashiro (Ed.). Geology and paleontology of the Shimanto Belt. -Selected papers in honor of Prof. Jiro Katto. P.238-298, pls.45-49. Rinya-Kosai-Kai Press, Kochi. [In Japanese with English abstract.] pdf

Matsumoto T. (1984) Some gaudryceratid ammonites from the Campanian and Maastrichtian of Hokkaido. Part 1. (Studies of the Cretaceous ammonites from Hokkaido-49) // Science Report of the Yokosuka City Museum, no.32, P.1-10. pdf

Maync W. (1959) Martiguesia cyclamminiformis n. gen. n. sp., un nouveau genre de Lituolidés à structure complexe // Revue de Micropaléontologie. V. 2, No. 1. P. 21-26. pdf

Mesozoic of the oil-and-gas bearing regions of Central Asia (biostratigraphy and paleogeography). Moscow: Nauka, 1967. 152 p. [in Russian] pdf

Contents (in part)

Nekhrikova N.I., Galeeva L.I. New data on stratigraphy of Cretaceous deposits of Fergana.

Dubrovskaya E.N. Spore-pollen complexes of Lower Mesozoic deposits of some areas of the Issyk-Kul depression

Shilova D.D. Some data on the fauna of ostracods of the Neocomian deposits of Western Turkmenistan

Nekhrikova N.I. New data on the systematic composition of rhynchonellid brachiopods of Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene deposits of Transcaspian

Korotkov B.A. About some representatives of the genus Nummocalcar from Aptian-Albian deposits of Transcaspian

Aliev M.M., Alekseeva L.V., Korotkov V.A. Distribution of Foraminifera in Aptian-Albian deposits of Bolshoi Balkhan, Kuba-Dag and Tuarkyr (Western Turkmenistan).

Samsonov C.K. On the flora of the arid belt of the Upper Cretaceous epoch

Filina N.I. Palynological characterization of Cenomanian deposits of some areas of the South-Eastern Caucasus, Mangyshlak and Priaralie

Vinogradova K.V., Tsaturova A.A. Spore-pollen complexes of Jurassic deposits of Southern Mangyshlak (based on the materials of deep wells of Uzen and Zhetybai) and their stratigraphic significance


Moberg J.C. (1885) Cephalopoderna i Sveriges kritsystem. II. Arbeskrifning // Sveriges geologiska unders. Ser. C. No.73. 66 s. pdf


Müller A.H. (1964) Deckel von Serpuliden (Annelida, Polychaeta) aus der Schreibkreide (Unteres Maastricht) von Jasmund (Rügen) // Geologie, Jg.13, H.1, S.90-109. pdf


Müller A.H. (1964) Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Serpuliden-Fauna der Oberkreide // Geologie, Jg.13, H.5, S.617-627. pdf

Mutiu R. (1969) Noi contribuţii la studiul amonitic al cretacicului inferior din Platforma moesică // Petrol şi Gaze. T. 20. no.1. P. 14-18. pdf

Mutiu R. (1974) Notá asupra faunei vraconiene-cenomaniene din bazinul Rucár // Petrol si Gaze, T.25, P.248-251. pdf

Naydin D.P., Barskov I.S., Kiyashko C.I. (1987) The nature of the aragonite and calcite in the rostra of Upper Cretaceous belemnites of Western Taymyr: information on the oxygen and carbon stable isotope composition // Paleont. Journ. No.3. P.1-6. pdf

Nestler H. (1963) Das Operculum von Neomicrorbis (Granorbis) verrucosus Regenhardt (Polychaeta sedentaria) aus dem Unter-Maastricht von Rügen // Geologie, Jg.12, H.3, S.355-358. pdf

Nestler H. (1963) Querböden bei Serpuliden (Polychaeta sedentaria) aus dem Unter-Maastricht der Insel Rügen // Geologie, Jg.12, H.5, S.596-603. pdf

Nikolov T. (1962) Dobrogeites, a new genus of Valanginian ammonites // Comptes Rendus de l’Académie Bulgare des Science. T. 15. no.1. P. 69-72. pdf

Nikolov T.G. (1979) Le cadre paléobiogéographique du Crétacé Inférieur bulgare // J.Wiedmann (Ed.). Aspekte der Kreide Europas, International Union of Geological Sciences, series A, No.6, Stuttgart, S.425-433. pdf

Pasternak S.I., Gavrilishin V.I. (1977) The first finding of Collignoniceras woolgari (Mollusca, Cephalopoda) in the Cretaceous deposits of Volhyn-Podolia // Paleont. Shorn. No.14. P. 76-79. [in Russian] pdf

Pokhialainen V.P. (1994) Cretaceous of the North-East of Russia. Magadan: SVKNII FEB RAS. 37 p. [in Russian] pdf

Pozhariskaya G.F. (1971) Berriasian and Lower Valanginian aucelles of the Russian Platform // Transactions of VNIGNI. Vol. 110. P. 111-141. [in Russian] pdf

Rogov M.A., Marinov V.A., Baraboshkin E.Yu., Igol’nikov A.E., Košťák M. (2024) Ammonites of the subfamily Collignoniceratinae in the Turonian Stage (Upper Cretaceous) in Western Siberia and their implications for stratigraphy and paleogeography // Doklady Earth Sciences, DOI: 10.1134/S1028334X2460107X pdf

Rutherford R.L., Warren P.S. (1930) Geology and Water Resources in Parts of the Peace River and Grande Prairie Districts, Alberta // Research Council of Alberta. Report No. 21. 68 p. pdf

Seleznyova T.A. (1970) New data on Campanian and Maastrichtian ostracods of the Amvrosievsky area of the southern margin of Donbass // Bulletin of Kharkov University. №55. Ser. geol. Issue 1. P.77-93. [in Russian] pdf

Sornay J. (1947) Remarques sur le Crétacé supérieur dans le Sud de l’Ardèche // C. R. S. de la Société Géologique de France (Séance du 17 mars 1947). P.115-117. pdf

Sornay J. (1947) Sur le Crétacé supérieur de l'a région de Chàtillon-en-Diois et de la forêt de Saou; remarques sur la phase tectonique anté-sénonienne // C. R. S. de la Société Géologique de France. Séance du 30 juin 1947. P.245-246. pdf

Sornay J. (1948) Sur un faciès à faune silicifiée de la région de Verfeuil (Gard) // C.R.S. Soc. géol. Fr., Paris, no.16, P.351-352. pdf

Sornay J. (1951) Sur deux espèces d’Ammonites inédites de D’Orbigny et sur une espèce nouvelle du tuffeau de Touraine // Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France. T. 6. no.1.P. 627-631. pdf

Sornay J. (1951) Sur un variéte nouvelle d’Inocérame du sudouest du Gard // Bull. Mus., 2 sér., T.23, no.3, P.320–321. pdf

Sornay J. (1955) Nautile fossile a coquille anormale // Bulletin du Muséum, 2e série, T. XXVII, no. 3, P.260-261. pdf

Sornay J. (1956) Inoceramus angulosus // Palaeontologia Universalis. N.S. no.58. 2 p. pdf

Sornay J. (1959) Les faunes d’Inocérames du Crétacé supérieur en France // Comptes Rendu Congr. Soc. sav. Paris et Départ., Dijon 1959, Colloque sur le Crétacé supérieur français. P. 661–669. pdf

Sornay J. (1960) Le Barrémien et L’Aptien au NW de Viviers-Sur-Rhône (Ardèche) (Feuille Privas au 80.000) // Bulletin de la Carte Géologique de la France N° 261. T. LVII. Comptes rendus des Collaborateurs pour la Campagne de 1959. P.123-125. pdf

Stephenson L.W. (1952) Large invertebrate fossils of the Woodbine Formation (Cenomanian) of Texas // US Geological Survey, Professional Paper. no.242. P. 1-226. pdf

Teis R.V., Naidin D.P., Stoyanova-Vergilova M. (1975) Paleotemperatures of the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous of Bulgaria according to the isotopic oxygen composition of belemnites guards // Geol. Balcanica. Vol. 5, N 3. P. 65–80. pdf

Thieuloy J.-P. (1964) Un Céphalopode remarquable de l’Hauterivien basal de la Drôme: Himantoceras nov. gen. // Bull. Soc. géol. France. Sér. 7. T.VI. P.205-213. pdf

Thieuloy J.-P. (1965) Sur des centrums vertébraux d'Ichthyosauriens du Valanginien vocontien. C. R. Sommaire des séances de la Société Géologique de France, fasc.9, P.288-289. pdf

Thieuloy J.-P. (1969) Sur la présence du genre Capeloites Lisson (Ammonoidea) dans le Néocomien des Basses-Alpes et la signification des espèces migratrices transatlantiques // C. R. Sommaire des Seances de la Société Géologique de France, fasc.7, P.256-258. pdf

Thieuloy J.-P. (1973) Le genre Saynoceras (Ammonoidea) et la zonéographie valanginienne dans l'Arc subalpin de Castellane (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence) // Comptes rendus des séances de l’Académie des sciences, T.276, ser.D, P.925-927. pdf

Thomel G. (1961) Sur la presence du genre Schloenbachia dans le Vraconien superieur de Saint-Laurent de l'Escarene (Alpes-Maritimes) //  C. R. Sommaire des seances de la Société Géologique de France, fasc.2, P.37-38. pdf

Thomel G. (1965) L'evolution post-aptienne des Leiostraca dans le Sud-Est de la France // C.R. de l'Academie des Sciences, T.260, P.5606-5608. pdf

Thomel G. (1965) Limites et subdivisions du Cénomanien du Sud-Est de la France (Drôme orientale, Basses-Alpes, Nord du Var et Alpes Maritimes). C.R. Acad. Sei., Paris, T.260, Série D. P. 1458-1461. pdf

Thomel G. (1967) Sur l'existence de dépôts marins turoniens à l’Est de Sisteron (Basses-Alpes) // G. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, Série D. T. 265, P. 403-405. pdf

Thomel G. (1968) A propos de l’apparition précoce du genre Mantelliceras dans le Sud-Est de la France // C. R. Sommaire des Séances de la Société Géologique de France, Fascicule 3, séance du 18 mars 1968, P.102. pdf

Thomel G. (1968) Nouvelles précisions sur le rôle et l'importance paléogéographique de l'axe Maures-Pelvoux dans la région de Digne (Basses-Alpes) // C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, Série D. T. 266, P. 1914-1917. pdf

Thomel G. (1969) Etudes stratigraphiques et paléontologiques du Cénomanien subalpin entre Digne et Menton. I. Paléontologie: les Acanthoceratidae du Sud-Est de la France // C. R. Sommaire des Séances de la Société Géologique De France, Fascicule 7, séance du 3 novembre 1969, P.243. pdf

Thomel G. (1969) Réflexions sur les genres Eucalycoceras et Protacanthoceras (Ammonoidea) // C.R. de l'Academie des Sciences, Série D, Sciences Naturelles, T.268, P.649-652. pdf

Thomel G. (1972) Sur la position précise de Calycoceras naviculare (Mantell), à la limite des étages Cénomanien et Turonien // C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, Série D. T. 275. P. 2107-2109. pdf

Thomel G. (1973) De la méthode en Biostratigraphie // C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris. Série D. T. 277. P. 703-706. pdf

Thomel G. (1974) Age ou Etage? Essai d'application de la chronologie hémérale au Système Crétacé // C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, Série D. T. 279. P. 133-137. pdf

Thomel G. (1974) Faut-il supprimer les Stratôtypes? // C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, T. 278 (3 avril 1974) Série D. P.1943-1946. pdf

Thomel G. (1986) Nouvelles données sur les faunes d'Ammonites sénoniennes du Sud-Est de la France. Implications paléobiologiques // C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, T. 302, Série III, no. 16. P. 579-584. pdf

Tzankov V. (1943) Contribution a l'etude du genre Holcostephanus // Revue de la Societe bulgare de geologie. Vol.XIV, fasc.3, 40 p. [in Bulgarian] pdf

Voigt T., Tröger K.A. (1996) Sea-level changes during Late Cenomanian and early Turonian in the Saxonian Cretaceous Basin // Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg. Hft. 77. P. 275-290. pdf

Wiedmann J. (1960) Le Crétacé supérieur de l'Espagne et du Portugal et ses Céphalopodes // In: Colloque sur le Crétacé supérieur français, Compte rendu 84e Congrès des Sociétés Savantes, Dijon, 1959. P. 709-764.  pdf

Wiedmann J., Marcinowski R. (1985) Scaphamites passendorferi n. g. n. sp. (Ammonoidea, Cretaceous) - ancestor of Scaphitaceae Meek?  // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte, Hf.8, S.449-463. pdf

Wilckens O. (1922) The Upper Cretaceous gastropods of New Zealand // New Zealand Geological Survey. Palæontological bulletin, no. 9. 42 p. pdf

Woods H. (1917) The Cretaceous faunas of the north-eastern part of the South Island of New Zealand // New Zealand Geological Survey. Palæontological bulletin, no. 4. 41 p. pdf

Zakharov V.A., Lebedeva N.K., Marinov V.A. (2003) Biotic and abiotic events of the Late Cretaceous Arctic biogeographic realm // Russian Geology and Geophysics. Vol. 44. P.1053-1064. pdf


New Triassic publications are added

Arkhipov Y.V. (1974) Stratigraphy of Triassic deposits of Eastern Yakutia. Yakutsk: Yakutsk Book Publishing House, 270 p. [in Russian] pdf

Kittl E. (1907) Die Triasfossilien vom Heureka Sund // Reports of the Second Norwegian Arctic expedition in the "Fram", 1898-1902. Oslo, Videnskabs-Selskabet i Kristiania. Vol. II. No.7. P. 1-44. pdf

Polubotko I.V. (1980) Early Carnian halobians of Northeast Asia // Paleontol. Journ. no. 1. P. 47-54. [in Russian] pdf

Polubotko I.V. (1984) Zonal and correlational significance of Late Triassic halobiids // Soviet Geology. no. 6. P. 40-51. [in Russian] pdf

Stratigraphy, fauna and flora of the Triassic of Siberia // Transactions of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics. Vol. 600. 80 p. [in Russian] pdf


Betekhtina O.A., Mogucheva N.K. On the age of the volcanogenic series of the Tungus syneclise

Bychkov J.M., Dagis A.S. The Late Triassic fauna of the Koryakian mountain system and its importance for paleogeographic and paleotectonic reconstruction

Dagis A.A. New conodont Early Olenekian complex of the northern Middle Siberia

Dagis A.A, Anoikin V.I., Kletz T.V. The first finds of the conodonts from upper Triassic siliceous series of the Sickote-Alin

Dagis A.S., Konstantinov A.L. Genus Dieneroceras in Lower Triassic

Dagis A.S., Ermakoya S.P. Zone Prohungarites similis of the Kular ridge

Kurushin N. J. Lower and Middle Triassic Bivalve associations of the northern Middle Siberia

Mogucheva N.K. The new data on Late Triassic flora of the Eastern Taimyr

Truschelev A.M. The new Triassic Bivalve taxa of the Jakutia


New hyperlinks to open access periodicals are added


Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series C (Geology & Paleontology)

Geosystems and Geoenvironment

Journal of Kawamura Gakuen Woman's University

Mémoires de la Société royale des sciences, et belles-lettres de Nancy

Memoirs of the National Museum of Nature and Science (Tokyo)

National Museum of Nature and Science Monographs

Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Physics. Mathematics

Treatise Online

Veröffentlichungen des Naturkundemuseums Erfurt

New Jurassic publications are added (partially provided by V. Dietze, A.Kuzmin, H. Parent, J. Pignatti)

Averianov A.O., Zverkov N.G. (2020) New diplodocoid sauropod dinosaur material from the Middle Jurassic of European Russia // Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. Vol. 65. no.3. P. 499–509. pdf

Bitterli-Dreher P. (2023) Ammoniten der Gattung Quenstedtoceras aus dem Callovien des Bergwerks Herznach // Schweizer Strahler. Nr.4. S. 22-29. pdf

Bodylevsky V.I. (1956) On the ecology of the genus Harpax // Annuaire de la Société Paléontologique de Russie. Vol. XV. P.167-175. [in Russian] pdf

Castellana M., Manni R.P.C., Nicosia U. (1991) A new cyrtocrinid crinoid from Middle Jurassic of central Italy // Atti Soc. Nat. e Mat. di Modena. Vol.121. P. 17-26. pdf

Dadykin I.A., Shmakov A.S. (2023) New findings of Decapoda (Crustacea) in the Callovian of the Ryazan region (Central European Russia) // Journal of Paleontology, DOI 10.1017/jpa.2023.73 pdf

Dean W.T., Donovan D.T., Howarth M.K. (1960) The Liassic ammonite zones and subzones of the north-west European Province // Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology, Vol. IV. No.10. P. 435-506. pdf

Dietze V., Franz M. (2023) Nachtrag zur Ammonitenfauna im Grenzbereich Bathonium/Callovium (Mittlerer Jura) in Eningen unter Achalm (Mittlere Schwäbische Alb, SW-Deutschland), der Typuslokalität der Ammonitenart Kepplerites keppleri (Oppel, 1862) // Jh. Ges. Naturkde. Württemberg. Bd.179. S. 173–184. DOI: https://doi.org/10.26251/jhgfn.179.2023.173-184 pdf

Dubeykovsky S.G., Ochev V.G. (1967) On the remains of plesiosaurs from Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits of the upper Kama River basin // Problems of geology of the Southern Urals and Volga region. Issue 4. Pt. 1. Saratov: SGU. P. 97-103. [in Russian] pdf

Dykan К.V. (1986) New Late Jurassic Vaugonia // Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. Ser. B. Geological, chemical and biological sciences. No. 11. P.5-9. [in Russian] pdf

Etter W., Tang C.M. (2002) Posidonia shale: Germany’s Jurassic marine park // In: Exceptional fossil preservation. P. 265-291. pdf

Fallot P., Termier H. (1923) Ammonites nouvelles des Iles Baléares // Trabajos del Museo de Ciencias Naturales. Serie Geológica. Núm. 32. 77 p. pdf

Favre E. (1873) On some works relating to a new classification of Ammonites // The Annals and Magazine of Natural History. Ser. 4. Vol. XI. P.362-374. pdf

Flores-López R. (1967) La fauna Liásica de Mazatepec, Puebla // InstitutoMéxicano del Petróleo, Sección Geología, Monografía, 1, P.25-30. pdf

Gauthier H., Rioult M. (1999) Comparaison des spécimens-types des espèces densicosta Quenstedt et tetragona Wetzel (Ammonoidea, Stephanoceratidae, Garantianinae). Conséquences pour les indices biostratigraphiques du Bajocien supérieur ouest-européen et méditerranéen // Géologie de la France, no. 4. P. 59-65. pdf

Gauthier H., Rioult M., Trévisan M. (1996) Répartition biostratigraphique des ammonites dans l’Oolithe ferrugineuse de Bayeux (Bajocien) à Feuguerolles-sur-Orne (Calvados). Eléments nouveaux pour une révision des Garantianinae // Géologie de la France, no. 2. P. 27-67. pdf

Gautier M. (1759) Observations sur les belemnites // Mémoires de là Société Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres de Nancy. T.4. P.136-154. pdf

Hecker E.L., Hecker R.F. (1955) Remains of Teuthoidea from the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of the Volga region // Voprosy palaeontologii. Vol. 2. L.: LSU. P.36-44. [in Russian] pdf

Hyatt A. (1867) The fossil cephalopods of the Museum of Comparative Zoology // Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative zoology. Vol.1. no.5. P. 71-102. pdf

Issues of geology and palaeontology of Siberia. Collection of works. Tomsk: NTL Publishing House. 1997. 184 с. 1997. 184 p. [in Russian] pdf

Contents (in part):

Podobina V.M. Stratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous deposits of oil and gas bearing areas of Western Siberia

Podobina V.M. Foraminifera and stratigraphy of the Coniacian Stage of the Western Siberian regions

Podobina V.M. Foraminiferal complexes in the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary beds of the Crimea and other regions of the Northern Hemisphere.

Podobina V.M. Palaeobiogeographic subdivisions and types of foraminiferal assemblages of Late Cretaceous basins

Bystritskaya L.I. New species of Middle Jurassic fern

Kazakov A.M., Devyatov V.P., Smirnov L.V. Stratigraphy and facies of the Lower-Middle Jurassic of the Tomsk region.

Kseneva T.G. New species of Polymorphinidae from the Upper Cretaceous deposits of Western Siberia

Leshchinskiy S.V., Voronkevich A.V., Faingerz A.V., Shikhovtseva L.G. Some aspects of taphonomy and stratigraphic position of localities of the Shestakovsky complex of Early Cretaceous vertebrates.

Polkovnikova G.V., Tatyanin G.M. Biostratigraphy of the Oxfordian deposits of the Duklinsk field (Kaymysovsky oil and gas bearing region of Western Siberia).

Kamo S.L., Riccardi A.C. (2009) A new U–Pb zircon age for an ash layer at the Bathonian–Callovian boundary, Argentina // GFF, Vol. 131. no.1-2, P.177-182. pdf

Kapilima S. (1984) Stratigraphische und paläontologische Untersuchungen im Jura und der Kreide des tansanischen Küstenstreifens im Hinterland von Dar-Es-Salaam und Bagamoyo // Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. Reihe A, Geologie und Paläontologie. Bd. 57, 77 S., DOI: https://doi.org/10.23689/fidgeo-5408 pdf

Khabakov A.V. (1949) On two new forms of the problematic fossils Crookallia from the Carboniferous of the Donets Basin and Palaeoxyris from the Jurassic of the Crimea // Annuaire de la Société Paléontologique de Russie. Vol. XIII. P.83-88. [in Russian] pdf

Kröger B. (2000) Schalenverletzungen an jurassischen Ammoniten-ihre paläobiologische und paläoökologische Aussagefähigkeit // Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. Reihe E. Bd. 33. 97 S. pdf

Lissón C.I. (1907) Contribución a la Geología de Lima y sus alrededores. Librería é imprenta Gil. 123 p. pdf

Mitta V., Glinskikh L., Kostyleva V., Dzyuba O., Shurygin B., Nikitenko B. (2015) Biostratigraphy and sedimentary settings of the Bajocian–Bathonian beds in the Ishma River basin (European North of Russia) // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. V. 277. no. 3. P. 307–335. pdf

Moisseiev A.S. (1937) On some Triassic and Jurassic Brachiopods of the Pamirs // Materials of the Central Geological and Prospecting Institute. Paleontology and stratigraphy. Mag. 3. P.5-14. [in Russian] pdf

Romanovich V.V. (1978) Jurassic gastropods of the North-East of the European part of the USSR // Transactions of the Institute of Geology, Komi Branch, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, vol.25. P.48-58. [in Russian] pdf

Slavin V.I. (1963) Triassic and Jurassic deposits of the Eastern Carpathians and the Pannonian Middle Massif. Moscow: Gosgeoltekhizdat. 172 p. [in Russian] pdf

Startseva G.N. (1967) Lower Kimmeridgian substage on the territory of Ivanovo Oblast // Problems of geology of the Southern Urals and Volga region. Issue 4. Pt. 1. Saratov: SGU. P.232-236. [in Russian] pdf

Wiedmann J., Kullmann J. (1996) Crises in ammonoid evolution // In Ammonoid paleobiology. Boston, MA: Springer US. P. 795-813. pdf  


New Cretaceous publications are added (partially provided by A. Kuzmin, J. Pignatti, H. Parent)

Aliev M.M., Aliev R.A. (1960) Bivalve molluscs from Cenomanian deposits of the central Kopet-Dagh // Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Turkmenskoi SSR. No. 5. P. 93-102. [in Russian] pdf

Bobkova N.N. (1956) Representatives of the family Cardiidae Lamarck from the Cenomanian, Turonian and Coniacian deposits of the Lesser Caucasus // Annuaire de la Société Paléontologique de Russie. Vol. XV. P.125-154. [in Russian] pdf

Burkova G.N. (1963) Some representatives of the genus Korobkovitrigonia from the Albian and Cenomanian of the Gaurdak-Kugitansky district // Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Turkmenskoi SSR (Physical, Technical, Chemical and Geological Series). No. 2. P.108-115. [in Russian] pdf

Burkova G.N. (1963) New species of Korobkovitrigonia from the Cretaceous deposits of the Kugitangsky district // Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Turkmenskoi SSR (Physical, Technical, Chemical and Geological Series). No. 3. P. 84-91 [in Russian] pdf

Donovan D.T. (1954) Upper Cretaceous fossils from Traill and Geographical Society Øer, East Greenland // Meddelelser om Grønland. Bd.72. 2 Afd. Nr. 6. 33 p. pdf

Etayo-Serna F. (1985) Paleontologia estratigrafica del sistema cretacico en la sierra nevada del cocuy // Proyecto Cretácico, Contribuciones. XXIV. Publicaciones Geológicas Especiales del INGEOMINAS, 16. P.1-47. pdf

Fallot E. (1885) Étude géologique sur les étages moyens et supérieux du terrain Crétacé dans le Sud-Est de la France // Ann. des Sc. Géol. T.18. No. 1. 268 p. pdf

Garcia A. (coord.) (1982) El Cretácico de España. International Geological Correlation Programme. Project No. 58 - Mid-Cretaceous Events. Grupo Español de Trabajo. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 680 pp. pdf

Liverovskaya E. (1945) On a Cretaceous Fauna from the West Coast of Sakhalin (north of the village Khoy) // Annuaire de la Société Paléontologique de Russie. Vol. XII. P. 93-102. [in Russian] pdf

Luppov N.P. (1945) A Discovery of Pulchellia in North-Western Caucasus // Annuaire de la Société Paléontologique de Russie. Vol. XII. P. 133-137. [in Russian] pdf

Luppov N.P. (1949) A new species of the genus Cicatrites from the Upper Aptian deposits of the North Caucasus // Annuaire de la Société Paléontologique de Russie. Vol. XIII. P. 71-74. [in Russian]  pdf

Mamaeva S.A. (1970) Early Cretaceous foraminifera of Eastern Ustyurt // Biostratigraphy of the sedimentary formations of Uzbekistan. Compilation no. 9. P. 260-272. [in Russian] pdf

Martinson G.G. (1949) New Mesozoic freshwater gastropods from the Eastern Transbaikalia // Annuaire de la Société Paléontologique de Russie. Vol. XIII. P. 77-82. [in Russian] pdf

Montanari L. (1964) Orbitolina praecursor, nuova specie del Cretaceo inferiore della Sicilia // Riv. Ital. Paleont. Vol. LXX. n. 2. P. 265-276. pdf

Noetling F. (1885) Die Fauna der baltischen Cenoman-Geschiebe // Palaeontologische Abhandlungen. Bd. 2. Hft. 4. S.199-247. pdf

Pasternak S.I. (1954) Ancyloceras bipunctatum Schluter from the Maastrichtian of the Volyno-Podolsk Plate // Geological Collection of the Lvov Geological Society. No.1. P.157-159. [in Russian] pdf

Prynada V.D. (1945) Vargolopteris rossica gen et sp. nov., a new Fern from the Lower Cretaceous of the European part of the U.S.S.R. // Annuaire de la Société Paléontologique de Russie. Vol. XII. P.120-125. [in Russian] pdf

Shvetsova E.M. (1970) Some spore species from Cretaceous deposits of Eastern Ustyurt // Biostratigraphy of the sedimentary formations of Uzbekistan. Compilation no. 9. P. 246-259. [in Russian] pdf

Smirnova O.P. (1958) On some new and characteristic species of bryozoans from the Upper Cretaceous of the Southern Urals // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, Sect. Geology, Vol. 33, Iss. 3. P. 111-127. [in Russian] pdf

Spath L.F. (1930) On the Cephalopoda of the Uitenhage beds // Annals of the South African Museum, Vol. 28, P.131-157. pdf

Spath L.F. (1939) The Cephalopoda of the Neocomian belemnite beds of the Salt Range // Palaeontologia Indica. New series. Vol. XXV, Mem. No.1. 154 p. pdf

Szives O., Moreno–Bedmar J.A., Aguirre–Urreta B., Company M., Frau C., López–Horgue M., Pictet A., Ploch I., Salazar C., Barragán R., Latil J.L. (2023) Report on the 7th International Meeting of the IUGS Lower Cretaceous Ammonite Working Group, the Kilian Group (Warsaw, Poland, 21st August 2022): state of the art on the current Standard Ammonite Zonation of the Western Tethyan Mediterranean Province // Cretaceous Research. Vol. 153, 105716. pdf

Vinokurova E.G. (1969) Stratigraphy of Cretaceous deposits of Kyzyl-Kumy // Paleontological substantiation of the stratigraphy of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits of Uzbekistan. Issue 8. P. 3-58 [in Russian] pdf

Vinokurova E.G. (1970) New and some previously known species of bivalves from the Cretaceous exposures of the southwestern spurs of the Gissar Range // Biostratigraphy of the sedimentary formations of Uzbekistan. Compilation no. 9. P. 198-245. [in Russian] pdf

Yurovskikh V.K. (1970) Some foraminifera from unsubdivided upper Turonian-Coniacian and Danian deposits of Eastern Ustyurt // Biostratigraphy of the sedimentary formations of Uzbekistan. Compilation no. 9. P. 246-259. [in Russian] pdf


New Triassic publications are added (partially provided by J. Pignatti and E. Sobolev)

Chernyshev B.I. (1956) On Unio from the Upper Triassic sediments of the eastern slope of the Urals // Annuaire de la Société Paléontologique de Russie. Vol. XV. P. 161-165. [in Russian] pdf

Dagys A.S. (1974) Triassic brachiopods (morphology, classification, phylogeny, stratigraphical significance and biogeography) // Trans. Inst. Geol. Geophys. Sib. Branch Ac. Sci. USSR. Issue 214. 387 p. [in Russian] pdf

Kiparisova L.D. (1937) Fauna of the Triassic deposits of the Arctic regions of the Soviet Union // Transactions of the Arctic Institute. Vol.91. P.135-256. [in Russian] pdf

Kiparisova L.D. (1956) The genus Discoproptychites Kiparisova gen. nov. // Materials on palaeontology. New families and genera. Transactions of VSEGEI. New series. Vol. 12. P.77-78.  [in Russian] pdf

Kiselevsky F.Yu. (1967) New data on Triassic charophytes of the Caspian depression // Problems of geology of the Southern Urals and Volga region. Issue 4. Pt. 1. Saratov: SGU. P. 37-44. [in Russian] pdf

Korobkov I.A., Zharnikova N.K. (1970) Anaptychus from triassic deposits of Prymorski district // Vestnik of Leningrad University. Vol.12. Geology and Geography. Issue 2. P. 7-18. [in Russian] pdf

Kutassy A. (1933) Cephalopoda triadica II // Fossilium Catalogus. I: Animalia. Pars 56. S.371-832. pdf

Moisseiev A.S. (1937) On some Upper Triassic brachiopods from Verkhojansk-Kolyma Land // Materials of the Central Geological and Prospecting Institute. Paleontology and stratigraphy. Mag. 3. P.1-4. [in Russian] pdf

Premoli Silva I. (1964) Citaella iulia n. gen., n. sp. del Trias Inferiore della Carnia // Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia V. 70, N. 4, P. 657-670. pdf

Tuchkov I.I. (1956) Fauna of the marine Rhaetian of north-east Asia // Annuaire de la Société Paléontologique de Russie. Vol. XV. P. 177-222. [in Russian] pdf

Varyukhina L.M. (1972) Triassic myospores of the southern coast of the Chechskaya guba // Transactions of the Institute of Geology, Komi Branch, Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Vol.19. P. 85-95. [in Russian] pdf

Varyukhina L.M. (1978) Myospores of the Triassic of Kolguyev Island // Transactions of the Institute of Geology, Komi Branch, USSR Academy of Sciences. Vol.27. P. 35-37. [in Russian] pdf

Varyukhina L.M. (1978) New megaspores of the Late Permian and Early Triassic of the Northern Urals // Transactions of the Institute of Geology, Komi Branch, USSR Academy of Sciences. Vol.25. P. 42-47. [in Russian] pdf

Vu Khuc, Dagys A.S., Kiparisova L. D., Nguyen N. B., Srebrodolskaya I.N., Bao T.C. (1965) Hóa thạch chỉ đạo địa tầng trias miền Bắc Việt-Nam. Les fossiles caractéristiques du Trias au Nord Vietnam. Direction Générale de Géologie de la République démocratique du Viêt Nam, Hanoi, 77 p. pdf


21.09. 2023

New hyperlinks to open access periodicals are added

AoB Plants

Artificial Intelligence in Geosciences

Bericht des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins Landshut

Bulletins & Mémoirs de la Société géologique de France

Bulletin de la Société minéralogique de France

Bulletin trimestriel de la Société géologique de Normandie et des amis du Muséum du Havre

Bulletins de l'Académie Royale de Belgique

Comptes Rendus Géoscience

Evolving Earth

Fortschritte der Geologie und Palaeontologie


Fundamental Research

Geologie und Paläontologie in Westfalen (zobodat.at)

Integrative Systematics: Stuttgart Contributions to Natural History

International Journal of Geomate

Jahresberichte des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins Wuppertal

Jenaische Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaft

Joannea - Geologie und Paläontologie (zobodat.at)

Journal of the Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science


Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum Berlin

Natural History Sciences (formerly Atti della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale in Milano)

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The Nucleus

Rivista del Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali “Enrico Caffi”


Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand

Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand: Biological Sciences

Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand: Earth Sciences

Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand: Geology

Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand: Zoology

Wulfenia (zobodat.at)


New Jurassic publications are added (partially provided by A. d’Alessandro, S. Jain, H. Parent, J. Pignatti, D. Vidier)

Alifirov A.S., Aleynikov A.N., Meledina S.V. (2014) Ammonites and new Oxfordian zonal scale for West Siberia // News of palaeontoly and stratigraphy. Issue19. P.77-92. [in Russian] pdf

Andreeva T.F. (1971) Lamellibranchiate molluscs (family Mytilidae) from Jurassic deposits of the South-Eastern and Central Pamir // Proceedings of the Department of Geology of the Council of Ministers of the Tajik SSR. Issue 4. P.82-97. pdf

Atrops F., Marques B. (1988) Précisions stratigraphiques sur les formations a ammonites du Jurassique Supérieur dans le massif du Montejunto (Nord du Tage, Portugal) // International symposium on Jurassic stratigraphy. Lisboa, 1988. Vol. 2. P. 505-516. pdf

Basse E., Perrodon M. (1951) Macrocéphalitides du sud-ouest de Madagascar:  Macrocephalitidæ, Eucycloceratidæ, Mayaitidæ: récoltes de la mission É. Basse 1930-31 // : Mémoires de la Société géologique de France. N.S. T.XXX. no.65. 99 p. pdf

Blank R. (1990) Die kalkschaligen benthonischen Foraminiferen des Ober-Bajocium bis Unter-Callovium der südwestlichen Schwäbischen Alb, Baden-Württemberg // Tübinger Mikropaläontologische Mitteilungen, Nr. 8, S. 1-213. pdf

Boiko E.V. (1975) On the Jurassic chaetetids of the Pamir // Problems of palaeontology of Tajikistan. Dushanbe: Donish, P. 89-107. [in Russian] pdf

Brochwicz-Lewiński W. (1979) Kranaosphinctes Buckman, 1921 (Perisphinctidae, Ammonoidea) from the Oxfordian of Częstochowa // Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences. Série des Sciences de la Terre. Vol. XXVI. No.3-4. P.163-172. pdf

Brochwicz-Lewiński W. (1981) Early Oxfordian Perisphinctids of the Częstochowa area; their stratigraphic value // Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences. Série des Sciences de la Terre. Vol. XXVIII. No.4. P.233-242. pdf

Brochwicz-Lewiński W., Różak Z. (1975) Peristomal modifications of Upper Jurassic Perisphinctids (Ammonoidea) // Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences. Série des Sciences de la Terre. Vol. XXIII. No.1. P.53-58. pdf

Bulynnikova S.P. (1962) Foraminifera of the lower Volgian from sections of the Yeloguy and Turukhansk reference boreholes // Materials on paleontology and stratigraphy of Western Siberia. Proceedings of the SNIIGGiMS. Issue 23. P.74-78. [in Russian] pdf

Bulynnikova S.P. (1962) On the discovery of Callovian foraminifers in the northwestern part of the West Siberian Lowland // Materials on paleontology and stratigraphy of Western Siberia. Proceedings of the SNIIGGiMS. Issue 23. P.88-95. [in Russian] pdf

Cariou E., Sequeiros L. (1987) Les Taramelliceras (Ammonitina, Taramelliceratinae) du Callovien: découverte de formes ancestrales et origine progénétique présumée à partir du genre Paralcidia (Oppeliinae) // Geobios, T.20. no.4. P. 495-515. pdf

Cecca F. (1994) Usseliceras (Usseliceras) involutum sp. n. (Ammonitina) from the Lower Tithonian of Umbria-Marche Apennines // In: Pallini G. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd Pergola International Symposium "Fossili, Evoluzione, Ambiente", Pergola, 25-30 October 1990. Palaeopelagos, Special Publication, Vol. 1. P.41-42. pdf

Colombié C., Rameil N. (2007) Tethyan-to-boreal correlation in the Kimmeridgian using high-resolution sequence stratigraphy (Vocontian Basin, Swiss Jura, Boulonnais, Dorset) // International Journal of Earth Sciences. Vol. 96. P.567-591. pdf

Debrabant P., Adida B., Painset J., Deconinck J. F., Recourt P. (1994) Comportement géotechnique des Argiles de Châtillon (Kimméridgien/Tithonien du Bas-Boulonnais) // Annales de la Société géologique du Nord. Sér. 2. T.3. no.4. P. 145-153. pdf

Deconinck J.F., Chamley H., Debrabant P., Colbeaux J.P. (1983) Le Boulonnais au Jurassique supérieur: données de la minéralogie des argiles et de la géochimie // Annales de la Société géologique du Nord. T.CII. P.145-152. pdf

Deconinck J.F., Geyssant J.R., Proust J.N., Vidier J.P. (1996) Sédimentologie et biostratigraphie des dépôts kimméridgiens et tithoniens du Boulonnais // Annales de la Société géologique du Nord. Sér. 2. T.4. no.4. P. 157-170. pdf

Dommergues J.-L. (1994) Les faunes d’ammonites pandémiques et téthysiennes du Lias confrontées à un modèle de distribution pantropicale // In: Pallini G. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd Pergola International Symposium "Fossili, Evoluzione, Ambiente", Pergola, 25-30 October 1990. Palaeopelagos, Special Publication, Vol. 1. P.93-107. pdf

Donovan D.T. (1994) Evolution in some early Jurassic ammonites: Asteroceratinae, Oxynoticeratidae and related forms // In: Pallini G. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd Pergola International Symposium "Fossili, Evoluzione, Ambiente", Pergola, 25-30 October 1990. Palaeopelagos, Special Publication, Vol. 1. P.383-396. pdf

Doyle P. (1994) Aspects of the distribution of Early Jurassic belemnites // In: Pallini G. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd Pergola International Symposium "Fossili, Evoluzione, Ambiente", Pergola, 25-30 October 1990. Palaeopelagos, Special Publication, Vol. 1. P.109-120. pdf

El Albani A., Deconinck J. F., Herbin J.P., Proust J.N. (1993) Caractérisation géochimique de la matière organique et minéralogie des argiles du Kimméridgien du Boulonnais // Annales de la Société géologique du Nord. T.2. no.2. P.113-120. pdf

Enay R., Mangold C., Rioult M., Bonnet A., Dubrulle F., Dubrulle L., Musitelli P. (2012) Thamboceras Douvillé (Ammonitina, Thamboceratidae) un genre arabique en Normandie, singularités par rapport aux formes d’Arabie Saoudite et du Sinaï, Égypte // Bulletin de la Société Géologique de Normandie et des Amis du Muséum du Havre. Vol. 98(2011), P. 35-53. pdf

Fürsich F.T. (1981) Jurassicorbula n. g., a new bivalve genus from the Upper Jurassic of Portugal // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh., Hft.12. P. 737-741. pdf

Gallois R.W., Vadet A., Etches S. (2018) Correlation of the Kimmeridgian-Tithonian (Jurassic) boundary beds exposed in the Boulonnais, France with those at Kimmeridge, Dorset, UK // Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, Vol. 130. P. 187-195. pdf

Geyssant J.R., Vidier J.P., Herbin J.P., Proust J.N., Deconinck J.F. (1993) Biostratigraphie et paléoenvironnement des couches de passage Kimméridgien/Tithonien du Boulonnais (Pas-de-Calais): nouvelles données paléontologiques (ammonites), organisation séquentielle et contenu en matière organique // Géologie de la France. Vol. 4. P.11-24. pdf

Granier B., Ferry S., Benzaggagh M. (2023) Hiatuses and redeposits in the Tithonian-Berriasian transition at Le Chouet (Les Près, La Drôme, SE France): Sedimentological and biostratigraphical implications // Carnets Geol., Madrid, Vol. 23, no. 7, P. 123-147. pdf

Granier B., Benzaggagh M., Ferry S. (2023) Revised holostratigraphy of the Tithonian-Berriasian transition at Tré Maroua (Le Saix, Hautes-Alpes, SE France): Study of a rejected Berriasian GSSP candidate // Volumina Jurassica. Vol. XXI. P. 1–18. DOI: 10.7306/VJ.21.1 pdf

Hatem E., Tribovillard N., Averbuch O., Bout-Roumazeilles V., Trentesaux A., Deconinck J.-F., Baudin F., Adatte T. (2017) Small-scaled lateral variations of an organic-rich formation in a ramp-type depositional environment (the Late Jurassic of the Boulonnais, France): impact of the clastic supply // Bull. Soc. géol. Fr. T.188, 31. pdf

Hatem E., Tribovillard N., Averbuch O., Sansjofre P., Adatte T., Guillot F., Ader M., Vidier D. (2016) Early diagenetic formation of carbonates in a clastic-dominated ramp environment impacted by synsedimentary faulting-induced fluid seepage–Evidence from the Late Jurassic Boulonnais Basin (N France) // Marine and Petroleum Geology. Vol. 72. P.12-29. pdf

Hatem E., Tribovillard N., Averbuch O., Vidier D., Sansjofre P., Birgel D., Guillot F. (2014) Oyster patch reefs as indicators of fossil hydrocarbon seeps induced by synsedimentary faults // Marine and Petroleum Geology. Vol. 55. P.176-185. pdf

Herbin J.P., Fernandez-Martinez J.L., Geyssant J.R., Albani A.E., Deconinck J.F., Proust J.N., Colbeaux J.P.,Vidier J.P. (1995) Sequence stratigraphy of source rocks applied to the study of the Kim meridgian/Tithonian in the north-west European shelf (Dorset/UK, Yorkshire/UK and Boulonnais/France) // Marine and Petroleum Geology. Vol. 12. no.2. P. 177-194. pdf

Hofker J. (1954) Über die Familie Epistomariidae (Foram.) // Palaeontographica (Abt. A). Bd. 105. S. 166-206. pdf

Hollmann R. (1961) Simoceras (Simoceras) biruncinatum (Quenstedt, 1845) forma aegra calcar Zieten, 1830 (Ammonoidea) aus dem Untertithon der Sette Comuni (Norditalien) // Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale - Verona. Vol. 9, P. 267-272. pdf

Hua S., Vigneaud P., Vidier J.P., Delattre J.M. (1999) Un crocodilien marin dans des blocs d'altération du Jurassique supérieur du Boulonnais // Bulletin trimestriel de la Société géologique de Normandie et des amis du Muséum du Havre. T.86. no.1. P.31-33. pdf

International Symposium on Jurassic Stratigraphy, Erlangen, September 1-8, 1984. Symposium volume I. Edited by Michelsen O., Zeiss A. Copenhagen: Geological Survey of Denmark, 1984, 301 p. pdf

International Symposium on Jurassic Stratigraphy, Erlangen, September 1-8, 1984. Symposium volume III. Edited by Michelsen O., Zeiss A. Copenhagen: Geological Survey of Denmark, 1984, P.593-908. pdf

Ippolitov A.P., Rogov M.A., Zverkov N.G., Zakharov V.A., Kiselev D.N., Beznosov P.A., Saldin V.A., Eder V.G. (2023) Jurassic deposits of the Ukhta area (Komi Republic) // Transactions of the Geological Institute. Vol. 635. 102 p. DOI: 10.54896/00023272_2023_635_1 [in Russian] pdf

Jain S., Salamon M.A., Schweigert G., Płachno B.J. (2023) Morphological variations and geographic distribution of the rare Middle Jurassic ammonite Oecoptychius refractus // Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. Vol. 68. no.2. P. 321-335. pdf

Jurassic System of Russia: Problems of stratigraphy and рalaeogeography. Proceedings of the IXth All-Russian Meeting with international participation. Syktyvkar, September 9–16, 2023 / М.A. Rogov (resp. ed.), E.V. Shchepetova, A.P. Ippolitov, Е.М. Tesakova (eds). Syktyvkar: IG Komi SC UB RAS, 2023. 194 pp. [in Russian] pdf


Beznosov P.A., Zverkov N.G., Ippolitov A.P. Taphonomic features of articulated plesiosaur skeletons from the Bajocian–Bathonian of the European North of Russia

Bugdaeva E.V., Rychkova I.V. The Middle–Late Jurassic coal-forming plants of Western Siberia and Russian Far East

Bugdaeva E.V., Frolov A.O. The Early Jurassic coal-forming plants of the Irkutsk Basin

Burdelnaya N.S., Bushnev D.A., Burtsev I.N., Lyyurov S.V. Geochemistry of the organic matter in oil shales from the Aiyuva field

Burtsev I.N., Saldin V.A., Mashin D.O., Inkina N.S., Shebolkin D.N., Gruzdev D.A., Simakova Yu.S. Chim-Loptyugа oil shale field in the Upper Jurassic of the northeast of the Russian Plate

Velikikh A.V., Novak A.V., Fedorenko E.K. Sedimentation model of the Tyumen formation accumulation in the areas of its wedging towards the elevations of the basement

Vovshina A.Yu., Vuks V.Ja., Repin Yu.S. New preliminary results of the study of the Paromes Formation of the Pechora Jurassic

Vuks V.Ja. Zamezhnaya Formation of the Pechora syneclise

Glinskikh L.A. On the foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Middle Jurassic of the European part of Russia

Grinenko V.S. The South-Verkhoyansk type of marine sedimentation: new ideas about the subdivision of the reference section and paleogeography of the Early Jurassic at the western periphery of the Verkhoyansk-Kolyma folded area and adjacent parts of the Siberian Platform

Gulyaev D.B., Ippolitov A.P. Macrocephalites aff. triangularis Spath (Macrocephalitidae, Ammonitida) from the Middle Bathonian of Eastern Crimea

Gulyaev D.B., Ippolitov A.P., Desai B.G. Stratigraphy and ammonites of the Middle Jurassic of the Yanyshar Ranges (Eastern Crimea). Preliminary results

Gusev I.M. Mineralogy of siliceous matter in the rocks of the Bazhenovo horizon

Dzyuba O.S., Shurygin B.N. Bio- and chemostratigraphic criteria for the Boreal-Tethyan correlation of the Bajocian–Bathonian

Zaitsev B.A. Early Jurassic ammonoids in Mountain Crimea

Zlobina O.N. Organic remains of an unclear systemic position in the deposits of the Middle–Upper Jurassic of the northwest of Middle Siberia

Ippolitov A.P. On some peculiar belemnites from the Callovian of the Sysola River basin (Komi Republic)

Keleptrishvili Sh., Mikadze Kh. History of the study of the Jurassic system in Georgia

Kislukhin I.V., Marinov V.A. Geological structure of the Upper Jurassic deposits in the north of the Taz-Kheta structural-facies area of Western Siberia

Koksharova Yu.A. Characteristics of the groundwater of the Middle Jurassic aquifer complex as the main source of water supply in the southern regions of the Komi Republic

Levkovich O.S., Marinov V.A., Igolnikov A.E., Kolmakov A.Yu. Preliminary data on the structure of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary beds of the north-eastern regions of Western Siberia

Lidskaya A.V. Dinocysts from the reference sections of the Volgidiscus singularis Zone, terminal Volgian

Lutikov O.A. Biochronological zonation of the Toarcian–lower Aalenian of Eastern Siberia and North-East of Russia based on bivalves (family Oxytomidae Ichikawa, 1958)

Mironenko A.A. Rare and unusual findings of epizoans on Jurassic ammonites

Nugumanova A.A., Shimansky V.V., Taninskaya N.V., Nizyayeva I.S., Kolpenskaya N.N., Rayevskaya E.G., Vasil'yev N.Y., Myasnikova M.A., Zel'tser V.N., Grislina M.N., Mirzoeva I.I. Reconstruction of paleogeographic settings of the Jurassic sedimentation in the West Siberian basin

Peshtchevitskaya E.B. Marine and terrestrial palynomorphs in the Mikhaylovtsement section of the Callovian–Lower Oxfordian (Ryazan region)

Repin Yu.S. New species of Platyphylloceras (Ammonoidea, Phylloceratida) from the Сallovian of Eastern Taymyr

Rogov M.A. Ammonites of the family Virgatitidae in the Middle Volgian of northern part of European Russia: their significance for paleobiogeography and interregional correlations

Ryzhkova S.V. Geophysical characteristics of the Salym and Nyurol’ka sections of the Bazhenovo formation (Western Siberia)

Selkova L.A. Palynocomplex from the Callovian exposures of the Sysola River near the Votcha village (Russian Platform)

Smirnova O.I., Melikhova E.V., Smirnov M.V. New data on the subdivision of the Upper Jurassic of the Prikum-Central Caspian system of deflections and uplifts (Central Caspian)

Smokotina I.V. The Middle Jurassic palynological assemblages of the Kas depression (south-east of the West Siberian plate)

Starodubtseva I.A. Jurassic system of Russia in the Vernadsky State Geological Museum of RAS monographic collections

Tesakova Е.М., Ustinova М.А., Gulyaev D.B., Shchepetova Е.V., Rogov М.А., Zastrozhnov А.S.

Biostratigraphy of the Kamennyi Ovrag Formation of the Saratov Trans-Volga region based on ostracods

Urman O.S., Shurygin B.N., Zikin A.A., Dzyuba O.S., Shamonin E.S. Mollusk complexes and lithostratigraphy of the Lower Jurassic in the Onon-Borzya outcrop (Eastern Transbaikalia)

Shneyder G.V., Fediaevskiy A.G. New data on the distribution and stratification of Jurassic deposits on the Chelyuskin Peninsula (Based on drilling data from the Kara and Laptev Seas)

Shamonin E.S. Ontogenetic transformations of the sculpture and shape of the Late Bajoсian ammonite Cranocephalites Spath, 1932 (based on the materials from the YuryungTumus Peninsula, northern Siberia) in comparison with Arctocephalites Spath, 1928 and Arcticoceras Spath, 1924

Shurupova Ya.A. Heterochrony and sexual dimorphism of Middle Jurassic Lophocythere SylvesterBradley, 1948 (Ostracoda, Crustacea) from the Russian Plate

Shurygin B.N., Dzyuba O.S., Schraer C.D., Schraer D.J. Middle Volgian beds with Meleagrinella lata and Buchia mosquensis corresponding to shallow water facies as a reference level  (southeastern Western Siberia – southern Alaska)

Yudin V.V. Tectonics and paleogeodynamics of the Upper Jurassic of the Crimean Mountains

Yan P.A., Zamirailova A.G., Kostyreva E.A., Zaychikova E.V., Vakulenko L.G., Sotnich I.S. Features of identification of the Georgievka/Bazhenovo formations boundary in the southern part of the Silgin facial region of the Western Siberia (Kazanskaya area)

Keyserling A., Krusenstern P. (1846) Wissenschaftliche Beobachtungen auf Einer Riese in das Petschora-Land, im Jahre 1843. St. Petersburg: C. Kray. 406 S. pdf

Kirichkova A.I. (1976) Aalenian flora of Mangyshlak // Transactions of VNIGRI. Issue 388. P. 92-113. [in Russian] pdf

Klug C., Zatoń M., Parent H., Hostettler B., Tajika A. (2015) Mature Modifications and Sexual Dimorphism // In: Klug, Christian. Topics in Geobiology. Heidelberg New York London: Springer, P. 253-320. pdf

Kottek A. (1966) Die Ammonitenabfolge des griechischen Toarcium // Annales Géologiques des Pays Helléniques, première série T.17: P.1–157. pdf

Kozlova G.E. (1976) Late Volgian radiolarians of the north of USSR // Transactions of VNIGRI. Issue 388. P.79-83. [in Russian] pdf

Levina V.I. (1962) On the Distribution of an Assemblage with Recurvoides scherkalyensis in the Upper Jurassic of the North-West of the West Siberian Lowland // Materials on paleontology and stratigraphy of Western Siberia. Proceedings of the SNIIGGiMS. Issue 23. P.80-87. [in Russian] pdf

Lutikov O.A., Arp G. (2023) A Boreal Toarcian Biochronological Zonation Based on Bivalve Mollusks of the Genus Meleagrinella Whitfield, 1885 // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol. 31. no.2. P.49-70. pdf

Mancinelli A., Coccia B. (1999) Le Trocholine dei sedimenti mesozoici di piattaforma carbonatica dell'Appennino centro-meridionale (Abruzzo e Lazio) // Revue de Paléobiologie. V.18. no.1. P.147-171. pdf

Maslov V.P. (1958) Finding of the genus Coscinoconus Leupold and its true nature in the Jurassic of the Crimea // Dokl. Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol.124. no.3. P. 545-548. [in Russian] pdf

Melnikova G.K. (1975) New Early Jurassic representatives of Amphiastraeina (Scleractinia) of the South-Eastern Pamir // Problems of palaeontology of Tajikistan. Dushanbe: Donish, P. 108-118. [in Russian] pdf

Muir-Wood H.M. (1936) On the Liassic brachiopod genera Orthoidea and Orthotoma // Annals and Magazine of Natural History. Ser. 10. Vol. 17(98). P. 221-242. pdf

Muir-Wood H.M. (1953) On some Jurassic and Cretaceous Brachiopoda from Traill Ø, East Greenland // Meddelelser om Grønland. Bd. 111, Nr. 6, P. 1-15. pdf

Oloriz F., Tavera J.M. (1979) Simospiticeras (Ammonoidea) gen. nov. avance sobre nuevas morfologías pertenecientes a la base del Tithonico superior en las Cordilleras Béticas (Zona Subbetica) //  Cuadernos de Geología, Universidad de Granada. Vol. 8-9 [1977-1978]. P. 181-189. pdf

Ovcharenko V.N. (1975) Some new aspects of morphology, systematics and phylogeny of Mesozoic rhynchonellid brachiopods // Problems of palaeontology of Tajikistan. Dushanbe: Donish, P.121-136. [in Russian] pdf

Palaeopelagos Special Publication no.1. Proceedings of the 3rd Pergola International Symposium "Fossili, Evoluzione, Ambiente" Pergola, 25-30 October 1990. C.S.A. Université MLa Sapienza, Roma, 1994. 396 p. pdf


Borza V., Peterčáková M. The Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary beds in the Strazovce section (Strâzovské vrchy Mts., Western Carpathians)

Callomon J.H., Chandler R.B. Some early Middle Jurassic ammonites of Tethyan affinities from the Aalenian of southern England

Cecca F.  Usseliceras (Usseliceras) involutum sp. n. (Ammonitina) from the Lower Tithonian of Umbria-Marche Apennines

Combémorel R., Doyle P., Mariotti N., Santantonio M.  First description of Middle Jurassic belemnites from the Caloveto Group (Calabria, southern Italy)

Combémorel R., Mariotti N., Spaeth C. Bélemnites néocomiennes du Nord-Ouest de la Sicile

Cope J.C.W. Preservation, sexual dimorphism and mode of life of some Sinemurian ammonites

Delà Pierre F. Biozonazione della successione cretacica superiore della catena del Gran Sasso d'ltalia

Di Bucci D., Friello P., Pallini G., Santantonio M. Il sistema giurassico di piattaforma carbonatica pelagica/bacino nell’area di M. Scoccioni - Castelletta (Appennino marchigiano)

Dommergues J.-L. Les faunes d ’ammonites pandémiques et téthysiennes du Lias confrontées à un modèle de distribution pantropicale

Doyle P. Aspects of the distribution of Early Jurassic belemnites

Dzik J. Range-based biostratigraphy and evolutionary geochronology

Dzik J. Sexual dimorphism in the virgatitid ammonites

Ferretti A., Meister C. Composition des faunes d ’ammonites dans l ’Apennin des Marches et comparaison avec les principales régions téthysiennes et euroboréales

Főzy I., Kázmér M., Szente I. A unique Lower Tithonian fauna in the Gerecse Mts, Hungary

Galácz A. The age of the ammonite fauna from the classic Middle Jurassic locality of Swinitza (Banat, Romania)

Houša V. Variability and classification of inoceramids. Exemple of Inoceramus bohemicus Leonhard from the Cenomanian of Korycany (Czech Republic)

Kakabadze M.V. On biogeography of some Lower Cretaceous ammonites

Kennedy W.J. Cenomanian Ammonites from Cassis, Bouches-du-Rhône, France

Kennedy W.J. Lower Turonian Ammonites from Gard (France)

Matyja B.A. Developmental polymorphism in the Oxfordian ammonite subfamily Peltoceratinae

Myczyński R. Lower Tithonian ammonites from the Sierra del Rosario, Western Cuba

Rakús M. Les ammonites Lotharingiennes du Jebel Bou Hamid (Haut-Atlas de Rich, Maroc)

Rawson P. F. Sea level changes and their influence on ammonite biogeography in the European Early Cretaceous

Sarti C. Revisione di Nebrodites (Ammonoidea) del gruppo agrigentinus (Gemmellaro)

Venturi F. Origine ed evoluzione di ammoniti Hammatoceratinae nel Toarciano umbro-marchigiano

Vőrős A. Umbrian Liassic brachiopods in Hungary: review and comparison

Zeiss A., Benetti A., Pezzoni N.  A new ammonite fauna from the Tithonian (Semiformiceras Verruciferum Zone) of the Lessinian Alps, Verona Province, Northern Italy

Donovan D.T. Evolution in some early Jurassic ammonites: Asteroceratinae, Oxynoticeratidae and related forms

Pallini G. (1986) L’orizzonte a Paltechioceras del Lotharingiano superiore nella
«Corniola» del Monte Catria, Appennino Marchigiano // in: "Atti I Convegno Fossili, Evoluzione, Ambiente" 1984, Pallini G. (ed.), Comitato Centenario Raffaele Piccinini, Pergola. P.119-121. pdf

Parona C.F. (1931) I fossili del Giura superiore di Cima Campo nell'Altipiano di Lavarone // Memorie del Museo di Storia Naturale della Venezia Tridentina V.1, fasc.1-2, P.3-14. pdf

Pavia G. (1983) Ammoniti e biostratigrafia del Baiociano inferiore di Digne (Francia SE, Dip. Alpes-Haute-Provence) // Monografie, Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Torino, 2. 256 p. pdf

Renz C. (1906) Ueber die mesozoische Formationsgruppe der südwestlichen Balkanhalbinsel // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, Beilage-Band 21, S.213-301. pdf

Renz C. (1923) Vergleiche zwischen dem südschweizerischen, apenninischen und westgriechischen Jura // Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel Bd.34(1922-1923), S.264–296. pdf

Renz C. (1927) Die Entwicklung der Juraformation im adriatisch-ionischen Faziesgebiet von Hellas und Albanien // Praktika tes Academias Athenon, 2, S. 270-286. pdf

Rogov M., Ershova V., Gaina C., Vereshchagin O., Vasileva K., Mikhailova K., Krylov A. (2023) Glendonites throughout the Phanerozoic // Earth-Science Reviews, Vol. 241. 104430. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2023.104430 pdf

Rogov M.A., Mironenko A., Ippolitov A., Lutikov O. (2023) A first record of Lower Jurassic (Toarcian) coleoid jaws in Siberia // Diversity. Vol. 15, 742. DOI 10.3390/d15060742 pdf

Sarti C. (1994) Revisione di Nebrodites (Ammonoidea) del gruppo agrigentinus (Gemmellaro) // In: Pallini G. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd Pergola International Symposium "Fossili, Evoluzione, Ambiente", Pergola, 25-30 October 1990. Palaeopelagos, Special Publication, Vol. 1. P.327-342. pdf

Schnyder J., Baudin F., Du Chêne R.J. (2022) The Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian transition in the Boulonnais (France) and the onset of organic-rich marine deposits in NW Europe: a climatic control? // Comptes Rendus. Géoscience, Vol. 354(S3), P.107-124. pdf

Shchepetova E., Ippolitov A., Gulyaev D., Meleshin I. (2022) Middle Bathonian marginal-marine fine grained siliciclastic sequence of the central and south-eastern parts of the Russian Platform // 2nd Mediterranean Geosciences Union. Annual Meeting (MedGu 2022). Marrakech, 27–30 November. 2022. P. 427. pdf

Shurygin B.N. (1986) Zonal scale of the Lower and Middle Jurassic of northern Siberia on bivalves. Novosibirsk: IGiG SB AS USSR, 33 p. [in Russian] pdf

Siemiradzki J. (1891) Fauna kopalna warstw oxfordzkich i kimerydzkich w okregu krakowskim i przyległych częściach Królestwa Polskiego. Cz. I. Głowonogi // Pamiętnik Wydziału  matematyczno-przyrodniczego Akademii Umiejętności w Krakowie. T. 18. 92 S. pdf

Spath L.F. (1930) The Jurassic ammonite faunas of the neighbourhood of Mombasa // Monographs of the Geological Department of the Hunterian Museum, IV, P. 13-71. pdf

Spath L.F. (1936) On a new ammonite genus (Sphenarpites) from the Lias of Baluchistan // Annals and Magazine of Natural History. Ser. 10. Vol. 17(102). P. 641-645. pdf

Spath L.F. (1945) The type of the genus Ammonites // Annals and Magazine of Natural History. Ser. 11. Vol. 12(91). P. 490-497. pdf

Thierry J., Vidier J.P., Garcia J.P., Marchand D. (1996) Le Dogger du Boulonnais: lithostratigraphie, biostratigraphie et stratigraphie séquentielle des séries à l'affleurement // Annales de la Société géologique du Nord. Sér.2. T. 4. no.4. P.127-155. pdf

Timoshina N.A. (1976) Fossil representatives of the genus Dicksonia L'Herit. and their significance for stratigraphy of Jurassic deposits of Mangyshlak // Transactions of VNIGNI. Issue 388. P.84-91. [in Russian] pdf

Tribovillard N., Bout-Roumazeilles V., Guillot F., Baudin F., Deconinck J. F., Abraham R., Ventalon S. (2023) A sedimentological oxymoron: highly evolved glauconite of earliest diagenetic origin // Comptes Rendus. Géoscience. Vol. 355(G1), P.157-173. pdf

van der Hoeven I.C., Verreussel R.M.C.H., Riboulleau A., Tribovillard N., van de Schootbrugge B. (2023) Climate controlled organic matter accumulation as recorded in the Upper Jurassic Argiles de Châtillon Formation, a shallow-marine counterpart of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation // Geological Magazine. Vol. 160. P. 579–600. pdf

Venturi F. (1973) Ammoniti toarciane dei generi Mercaticeras, Pseudomercaticeras, Crassiceras e Brodieia (famiglia Hildoceratidi) di Monte Serano (Umbria Centrale) e Monte Aspra (Umbria Meridionale) // Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana Vol. 11, no. 2 (1972), P. 198-228. pdf

Venturi F. (1994) Origine ed evoluzione di ammoniti Hammatoceratinae nel Toarciano umbro-marchigiano // In: Pallini G. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd Pergola International Symposium "Fossili, Evoluzione, Ambiente", Pergola, 25-30 October 1990. Palaeopelagos, Special Publication, Vol. 1. P.343-355. pdf

Vidier J.P., Marchand D., Bonnot A., Fortwengler D. (1993) The Callovian and Oxfordian of the Boulonnais area in northern France: new biostratigraphic data // Acta Geologica Polonica, Vol. 43. no.3-4. P.169-182. pdf

Wiedmann J., Kullmann J. (1981) Ammonoid sutures in ontogeny and phylogeny // The Ammonoidea, Systematics Association Spec. Vol. 18 (M. R. House and J. R. Senior. eds.). New York: Academic Press, P.215-256. pdf


New Cretaceous publications are added (partially provided by J. Pignatti, H. Parent)

Alekseev A.S., Kopaevich L.F. (1997) Foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the uppermost Campanian-Maastrichtian in SW Crimea (Bakhchisaray and Chakhmakhly sections) // Bull. Inst. Roy. Sci. Natur. Belgique. Sci. Terre. T.67. P.103-118. pdf

Anderson F.M. (1902) Cretaceous Deposits of the Pacific Coast // Proceedings of the California academy of sciences, Third series, Geology. Vol. 2, Iss. 1. 155 p. pdf

Arzumanova E.M. (1971) Stratigraphic and geographical distribution of Late Cretaceous inoceramids of Turkmenistan // Issues of biostratigraphy and geology of minerals of Turkmenistan. Ashgabat: Ylym. P.3-15. [in Russian] pdf

Ashurov A.A., Nemkov G.I. (1975) The first discovery of Siderolites in the Tajik depression // Problems of palaeontology of Tajikistan. Dushanbe: Donish, P. 138-145. [in Russian] pdf

Bulatova Z.I. (1962) Some Reophacidae from the Cretaceous of the West Siberian Lowland // Materials on paleontology and stratigraphy of Western Siberia. Proceedings of the SNIIGGiMS. Issue 23. P.5-12. [in Russian] pdf

Bulot L. (1990) Evolution des Olcostephaninae (Ammonitina, Cephalopoda) dans le conteste paléo-biogéographique du Crétacé inférieur (Valanginien-Hauterivien) du sud-est de la France (Doctoral dissertation). 178 pp. pdf

Collignon M. (1932) Les ammonites pyriteuses de l'Albien supérieur du Mont Raynaud à Madagascar // Annales géologiques du Service des Mines de Madagascar. Fasc. 2. P. 5–36. pdf

Company M., Tavera J. M. (1985) Los Protancyloceratinae (Ancyloceratina) del Berriasense-Valanginiense en el Mediterráneo. Factores implicados en su distribución // Cuadernos de Geología, Universidad de Granada. Vol. 12 [1984-1985], P. 157-167. pdf

Dubrovskaya N.F.  (1962) The Trochammina polymera Zone of the Valanginian sequence in north western Tjumen Preurals // Materials on paleontology and stratigraphy of Western Siberia. Proceedings of the SNIIGGiMS. Issue 23. P.68-72. [in Russian] pdf

Eristavi M.S. (1957) Comparison of Cretaceous deposits of Georgia and Crimea. Moscow: Ac. Sci. USSR. 83 p. [in Russian] pdf

Farinacci A. (1965) Laffitteina marsicana nuova specie di Rotalide nel calcare Maestrichtiano a Rhapydionina liburnica di M. Turchio (Marsica) // Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia. Vol. 71. P.1254-1256. pdf

Farinacci A., Koylugoglu M. (1985) Antalyna koryai n. sp. in the phyletic lineage of the Nezzazatidae (Foraminifera) // Revue de Micropaléontologie. Vol. 28. no.2. P. 103-108. pdf

Karpuk M., Shcherbinina E., Shchepetova E., Glinskikh L., Aleksandrova G., Kozlova E., Pokrovsky B., Latysheva I., Brovina E. (2023) Late Barremian–Aptian paleoenvironmental variations and OAE1a environmental effect in the eastern Crimea // Cretaceous Research. Vol. 148, 105535. pdf

Kopaewich L.F., Walaszczyk I. (1990) An integrated inoceramid-foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Turonian and Coniacian strata in south-western Crimea, Soviet Union // Acta Geologica Polonica. Vol. 40. no.1-2. P.83-96. pdf

Kuzmicheva E.I. (1987) Upper Cretaceous and Palaeogene corals of the USSR. M.: Nauka.187 p. [in Russian] pdf

Marcinowski R. (1980) Cenomanian ammonites from German Democratic Republic, Poland, and the Soviet Union // Acta Geologica Polonica. Vol. 30. no.3. P. 215-326. pdf

Marinov V.A., Baraboshkin E.Yu., Gnibidenko Z.N., Walaszczyk I., Agalakov S.E., Kudamanov A.I., Novoselova M.Yu. (2023) Upper Cretaceous Berezovian regional stage of West Siberia // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow. Ser. geol. Vol. 97. Issue 4. P.12-39. [in Russian] pdf

Maync W. (1949) The Сretaceous beds between Kuhn Island and Cape Franklin (Gauss Peninsula), Northern East Greenland // Meddelelser om Grønland. Bd.133. Nr.3. 291 p. pdf

Mironenko A.A., Rogov M.A. (2016) First direct evidence of ammonoid ovoviviparity // Lethaia, Vol.49, Iss.2, P.245–260. DOI: 10.1111/let.12143 pdf

Podobina V.M. (2009) Foraminifera, Biostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene of Western Siberia. Tomsk: Tomsk State University. 432 p. [in Russian] pdf

Putrya F.S. (1962) Nonionids of the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene deposits of the West Siberian Lowland // Materials on paleontology and stratigraphy of Western Siberia. Proceedings of the SNIIGGIMS. Issue 23. P.26-43. [in Russian] pdf

Radoičić R. (1959) Nekoliko problematičnih mikrofosila iz dinarske krede [Some problematic microfossils from the Dinarian Cretaceous] // Bull. Serv. Géol. Géophys. RP Serbie. T.XVII. P. 87-92. pdf

Rahaghi A. (1992) The geographic and stratigraphic range of the genus Laffitteina Marie, 1946, in Iran, with description of Laffitteina jaskii n.sp. // Revista española de micropaleontología, Vol. 24, P. 5-12. pdf

Reiman V.M. (1975) Corals from Cenomanian deposits of southern Central Asia // Problems of palaeontology of Tajikistan. Dushanbe: Donish, P.149-162. [in Russian] pdf

Seifert A. (1955) Stratigraphie und Paläogeographie des Cenomans und Turons im sächsischen Elbtalgebiet // Freiberger Forschungshefte: Geologie. C 14. S.1-218. pdf

Sokolow D.W. (1914) Kreideinoceramen des russischen Sachalin // Mémoires du Comité Géologique, Nouvelle Série, T. 83. 95 S. pdf

Spath L.F. (1925) Sur quelques ammonites du Gault nommées par P. Reynès // Annales du Musée d'histoire naturelle de Marseille. T. 20. P. 95–106. pdf

Spath L.F. (1937) On the Canadian ammonite genus Gastroplites in the English Gault // Annals and Magazine of Natural History. Ser. 10. Vol. 19(110). P. 257-260. pdf

Stratigraphy and fauna of molluscs of Upper Cretaceous and Palaeocene deposits of southern and eastern Turkmenistan. Ashgabat: Ylym, 1974. 281 p. [in Russian] pdf


Arustamov A.L. Late Cretaceous gastropods of eastern Turkmenia

Mania A.A. Stratigraphy and ammonites of Cenomanian deposits of Southern Turkmenia

Tanacheva M.I. (1962) New data on the distribution of the Discorbis zone in the West Siberian lowlands // Materials on paleontology and stratigraphy of Western Siberia. Proceedings of the SNIIGGIMS. Issue 23. P. 18-25. [in Russian]

Vasilenko V.K. (1955) Crania of the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Crimea // Voprosy palaeontologii. T. II. L.: LSU, P.61-69. [in Russian] pdf

Yanin B.T. (2021) Bivalvia and Stratigraphy of the Lower and Middle Berriasian of the Crimea // Paleontological Journal. Vol. 55, Suppl. 1, P. S1–S152. pdf


New Triassic publications are added (partially provided by J. Pignatti and E. Sobolev)

Dagys A.S., Dagys A.A., Ermakova S.P., Konstantinov A.G., Kurushin N.I., Sobolev E.S., Truschelev A.M. (1996) Triassic fauna of north-east Asia // Transactions of the OIGGM RAS. Issue 812. 232 p. [in Russian] pdf

Penndorf H. (1951) Die Ceratiten-Schichten am Meißner in Niederhessen // Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft. Bd. 484. S. 1-24. pdf

Renz C. (1931) Die Fauna der hydriotischen Bulogkalke // Praktika tes Academias Athenon, 6: 291-295. pdf



New hyperlinks to open access periodicals are added


Archives du Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Lyon / Nouvelles archives du Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Lyon


Biodiversity Data Journal

Bulletin de l’Association de géographes français

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece (new web-site)

Bulletin of the Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History

Carnets de géographes

Geological Survey of South Australia Bulletins

Geological Survey of South Australia Special Publications

Jahreshefte der Gesellschaft für Naturkunde in Württemberg (1969-1982)

Journal of Geosciences Research

Management of Biological Invasions

Mediterranean Marine Science (new web-site)

The Mosasaur: The Journal of the Delaware Valley Paleontological Society

Palaeontologia Indica (& other journals by Geological survey of India)

Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Quarterly Geological Notes


Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der gesammten Naturwissenschaften zu Marburg


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Global Paleomagnetic Database


New Jurassic publications are added (partially provided by E. Baraboshkin, A. Kuzmin, V. Marinov, H. Parent, J. Pignatti, E. Soboilev, E. Tesakova, V. Vishnevskaya)

A. Th. v. Middendorff's Reise in den äussersten Norden und Osten Sibiriens. Bd. 1. Einleitung.  Klmatologie. Geognosie. Botanik. Theil 1.  Einleitung. Meteorologische, geothermische, magnetische und geognostische beobachtungen, fossile Hölzer, Mollusken und Fische. St. Petersburg, Buchdr. der K. Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1848. 274 S. pdf

Alberti M., Parent H., Garrido A.C., Andersen N., Garbe-Schönberg D. Danise S. (2020) Stable isotopes (δ13C, δ18O) and element ratios (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca) of Jurassic belemnites, bivalves, and brachiopods from the Neuquén Basin (Argentina): challenges and opportunities for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions // Journal of the Geological Society of London. Vol. 178. P. 1-16. pdf

Andreu B., Charcosset P., Ciszak R. (1999) Ostracodes du Bathonien moyen et supérieur des Grands-Causses, sud de la France. Associations et paléoenvironnements // Revue de micropaléontologie, Vol. 42. no.3. P. 187-211. pdf

Barbera C. (1964) Sulla presenza del genere Aulacostephanus Tornquist 1896 (Subord. Ammonitina) nel Giurassico di M. Terminillo (F. 139, III, N. O.) // Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, Vol. 3. no.2. P. 212-218. pdf

Basha S.H. (1980) Ostracoda from the Jurassic System of Jordan, including a Stratigraphical outline // Rev. Espanola Micropal., Vol. XII, no3, P.281-284. pdf

Bate R.H. (1968) Praeschuleridea ventriosa ventriosa (Plumhoff) and Paraschuleridea ornata Bate [Ostracoda] from the Bajocian of NE England // Journal of Natural History. Vol. 2. no. 2. P. 205-214. pdf

Bauer Fr. (1898) Die Ichthyosaurier des oberen weissen Jura // Palaeontographica. Bd. 44. 6 Lief. S.283-328. pdf

Bendukidze N.S. (1949) Upper Jurassic Corals of Racha and South Ossetia // Proceedings of the Geological Institute of the Ac. Sci. Georgian SSR. Ser. Geol. Vol. V(X). P.55-172. [in Russian] pdf

Besnosov N.V., Mitta V.V. (1998) Catalogue of ammonitida and key sections of the Upper Bajocian-Lower Bathonian of North Caucasus // Bulletin of CF VNIGNI. no.1. 70 p. [in Russian] pdf

Bizon J. J. (1958) Foraminiferes et Ostracodes de l'Oxfordien de Villers-sur-Mer (Calvados) // Revue de l’Institut Français du Pétrole. T.XIII. no.1. P.3-45. pdf

Blaison J. (1963) Observations nouvelles sur la stratigraphie du Jurassique de la région de Kandreho (Madagascar) // Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, Sér. 7. T. V.  P. 969-979. pdf

Błaszyk J., Malz H. (1955) Terquemula n.g., eine neue Ostracoden-Gattung aus dem Ober-Bathonien // Senckenberg. Lethaea. Bd. 46. S.443-451. pdf

Bonnot A., Neige P., Tarkowski R., Marchand D. (1994) Mirosphinctes Schindewolf et Euaspidoceras Spath du niveau vert de Zalas [Pologne](Oxfordien inférieur, zone à Cordatum): dimorphes sexuels? // Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Earth Sciences. T. 42. P. 181-205. pdf

Bourquin J., Contini D. (1968) Données nouvelles sur la stratigraphie et la paléogéographie du Callovien du Jura franc-comtois // Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, Sér. 7. T. X.  P. 362-369. pdf

Bourrouilh R., Rasplus L. (1962) Neritopsis legrosae, espece nouvelle de gasteropode du Dogger italien // Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, Sér. 7. T. IV. no.6. P. 840-843. pdf

Brand E., Malz H. (1962) Glyptocythere n.g. // Senck. leth. Bd. 43. S. 433-435. pdf

Cantaluppi G., Montanari L. (1969) Carixiano superiore e suo passaggio al Domeriano a NW di Arzo (Canton Ticino) // Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana. Vol. 7, no. 1, P. 57-77. pdf

Cherchi A., Schroeder R. (1982) Spiraloconulus giganteus n. sp., a new lituolid foraminifer from the Dogger of NW Sardinia (Italy) // Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana. Vol. 20[1981]. no. 2. P. 163-168. pdf

Christensen O.B. (1968) Some deposits and microfaunas from the Upper Jurassic in Scania // Sver. Geol. Unders. Ser. C. nr. 362. Arsbok 62. P. 3-46. pdf

Crick G.C. (1921) On Nautilus Pseudotruncatus n. sp., from the Liassic Rocks of England // Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists Field Club, Vol. XX. No.3. P. 245-247. pdf

Crick G.C. (1921) On some Dibranchiate Cephalopods from the Upper Lias of Gloucesterhsire // Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists Field Club, Vol. XX. No.3. P. 249-256. pdf

Cuzzi G. (1962) Osservazioni sul genere Puntaptychus e sulla specie Puntaptychus punctatus Voltz f. typ. // Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, Vol. 1. no.2. P. 43-51. pdf

d’Orbigny A. (1842) Paleontologie Francaise, Tome 1. Description Zoologique Et Geologique de Tous Les Animaux Mollusques Et Rayonnes Fossiles de France, Comprenant Leur Application A La Reconnaissance Des Couches; Terrains Oolitiques Ou Jurassiques. Paris. 642 p. pdf

Dagis A.A. (1974) Toarcian ammonites (Hildoceratidae) of the north Siberia // Transact. Inst. Geol.Geophys. SB Ac. Sci USSR, vol. 99. 107 p. [in Russian] pdf

Dimke M., Zeiss A. (1997) Die Hangenden Bankkalke östlich von Liptingen (Unter-Tithon, südwestliche Schwäbische Alb)–Stratigraphie, Faziesübersicht und neue Fossilfunde // Geologische Blätter für Nordost-Bayern und angrenzende Gebiete, Bd. 47, S. 71-98. pdf

Dragastan O. (1970) Durandella, un nouveau genre de Tintinnide du Jurassique supérieur de Roumanie // Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, Sér. 7. T. XII. P. 937-939. pdf\

Edmunds M. (2009) A revision of the Lower Jurassic ammonite genus Eoderoceras Spath and its immediate descendants and other relatives // Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society, Vol. 163. No. 633, P. 1-89. pdf

Federici P. R. (1968) Une nouvelle espèce d'ammonite (Pararnioceras apenninicum n. sp.) du Sinémurien de l'Apennin septentrional // Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, Vol. 6, no. 2 [1967], P.176-179. pdf

Fraas E. (1889) Loliginites (Geoteuthis) Zitteli Eb. Fraas. Ein vollständig erhaltener Dibranchiate aus den Laibsteinen // Jahreshefte des Vereins fur vaterlandische Naturkunde in Wurttemberg, Jh. 45, S. 217-240. pdf

Fraas O. (1855) Beitrage zum obersten weissen Jura in Schwaben // Jahreshefte des Vereins fur vaterlandische Naturkunde in Wurttemberg, Jh. 11, S. 76-106. pdf

Freneix S. (1963) Remarques sur Posidonomya dalmasi Dumortier du Jurassique de l'Ardeche // Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, Sér. 7. T.V. P. 993-994. pdf

Gallitelli M.F. (1964)  Ritrovamento di un Ammonite del gen. Bouleiceras Thevenin nel Toarciano dell'Appennino centrale // Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, Vol. 2. no.2.[1963]. P. 107-110. pdf

Gallitelli Wendt M.F. (1970) Ammoniti e stratigrafia del Toarciano Umbro-Marchigiano (Appennino centrale) // Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, Vol. 8, no. 1 [1969], P. 11-62. pdf

Gaudant J. (1966) Les Actinoptérygiens du Mésozoïque continental d’Asie centrale et orientale et le problème de l’origine des Téléostéens // Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, Sér. 7. T. VIII. P. 107-113. pdf

Gramann F., Luppold F.W. (1991) Zur Mikropaläontologie des oberen Jura im Autobahn-Einschnitt Uppen, östlich Hildesheim, und der Grenze Korallenoolith-Kimmeridge in Niedersachsen // Geologisches Jahrbuch. Reihe A. Bd.126. S. 197-233. pdf

Gründel J. (1973) Zur Fassung der Gattung Lophocythere (Ostracoda, Crustacea) // Zeitschrift geol. Wiss. Bd. 4. S. 581-585. pdf

Gründel J. (1974) Zur Taxonomie und Phylogenie der Cytherettidae Triebel 1952 (Ostracoda, Crustacea) // Freib. Forsch. Nr. C 298. S. 81-99. pdf

Gründel J. (1976) Neue taxonomische Einheiten der Cytherocopina Gründel, 1967 (Ostracoda) // Zeitschrift geol. Wiss. Bd. 4. S. 1295-1304. pdf

Gründel J. (1978) Zur Entwicklung der Cytherettidae Triebel 1952 (Cytherocopina, Ostracoda) im Jura und in der Kreide // Freib. Forsch. Nr. C 342. S. 67-89. pdf

Gründel J. (1981) Die Gattungen des Tribus Eucytherurini Puri, 1974 (Cytheracea s.  str., Cytherocopina, Ostracoda) // Zeitschrift geol. Wiss. Bd. 9. S. 5411-552. pdf

Hirano H., Fukuda Y., Sekiya R. (1990) Microstructure of some Jurassic ammonoid (Hildoceratid) jaw plates // Bulletin of Science and Engineering Research Laboratory, Waseda University. Vol. 128. P. 28-42. pdf

Huxley T.H. (1864) On the structure of the Belemnitidae; with a description of a more complete specimen of Belemnites than any hitherto known, and an account of a new genus of Belemnitidae, Xiphoteuthis // Memoirs of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom. Vol.2. P.1–22. pdf

Ioannides N.S., Colin J.-P., Jan du Chêne P. (1988) A preliminary investigation of Kimmedgian Dinoflagellates and Ostracodes from Quercy, Southwest France // Bull. Centres Rech. Explor.-Prod. Elf-Aquitaine. Vol. 12. no.1. P. 471-491. pdf

Issues of Paleontology and Stratigraphy of Mesozoic Deposits of Georgia // Proceedings of the Geological Institute of the Georgian SSR. New Series. 1975. Vol. 47. [in Russian] pdf

Contents (in part)

Todria V.A. Foraminifera of Upper Jurassic epicontinental deposits of Racha and South Ossetia

Sikharulidze G.Y. Agermatip corals of the family Caryophilliidae Gray from the Lower Albian of the Dziruli massif

Kvantaliani I. V., Nazarishvili T. Yu. On the Unknown Lower Cretaceous Belemnitids of Georgia

Gambashidze R.A., Magalashvili G.I. Some New and Unknown Upper Cretaceous Ammonites from the Southern Periphery of the Dziruli Massif


Joly B., Parent H., Garrido A.C. (2023) Aalenian phylloceratid ammonites from Picún Leufú, Neuquén Basin, Argentina // Revue de Paléobiologie. Vol.42. no.1. P. 143-148. pdf

Kakhadze J. (1936) Les ammonites bajociennes de la Géorgie occidentale // Bull. Inst. Géol. Géorgie. Vol. 2, no. 2, P. 65-199. pdf

Kiselev D.N., Rogov M.A. (2023) New Data on the Structure of the Terminal Part of the Volgian Stage of the Upper Jurassic in the Reference Section near the Village of Vasilyevskoye, Yaroslavl Oblast //  Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol. 31. No. 2. P. 71–88. pdf

Kozur H. (1974) Eine neue Gattung der Familie Polycopidae (Cladocopida, Ostracoda) // Zeitschrift geol. Wiss. Bd. 2. S.853-855. pdf

Krumbeck L. (1923) XX. Zur Kenntnis des Juras der Insel Timor sowie des-Aucellen-Horizontes von Seran und Buru // Paläontologie von Timor, Lief. XII. 120 S. pdf

Lapparent A. F. D., Stocklin J. (1972) Sur le Jurassique et le Crétacé du Band-e-Turkestan (Afghanistan du Nord-Ouest) // Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, Sér. 7. T.XIV. P. 159-164. pdf

Lemoigne Y., Thierry J. (1968) La paléoflore du Jurassique moyen de Bourgogne // Bulletin de la Société géologique de France. Sér. 7. T.X. P. 323-333. pdf

Loreau J.-P., Tintant H. (1968) Le calcaire de Tonnerre et les formations adjacentes du Jurassique supérieur de l’Yonne. Observations stratigraphiques et paléontologiques // Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, Sér. 7. T. X. P. 341-357. pdf

Luppold F.W. (2003) Neue und seltene Index-Foraminiferen und -Ostrakoden  aus dem Jura NW-Deutschlands // Senckenbergiana lethaea. Bd. 83. Nr. 1/2. S.15-37. pdf

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Tikeridze L.R. Barremian foraminifers from the Lower Cretaceous deposits of the south wing of the Racha-Lechkhumi Syncline

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Remane J., Bakalova-Ivanova D., Borza K., Knauer J., Nagy J., Pop G., Tardi-Filácz E. Agreement on the subdivision of the standard calpionellid zones defined at the IIss Planktonic Conference, Roma 1970

Remane J. Calpionellids and the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary

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New Cretaceous publications are added (partially provided by A. Kuzmin, V. Marinov, J. Pignatti, H. Parent)

Arnaud-Vanneau A., Peybernès B. (1978) Les représentants éocrétacés du genre Nautiloculina Mohler, 1938 (Foraminifera, Fam. Lituolidae?) dans les chaines subalpines septentrionales (Vercors) et les Pyrénées franco-espagnoles // Geobios, no.11, fasc. 1. P. 67-81. pdf

Avnimelech M.A., Shoresh R. (1962) Les Céphalopodes cénomaniens des environs de Jérusalem // Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, Sér. 7. T. IV. P. 528-535. pdf

Barskov I.S., Weiss A.F. (1992) The ontogenesis of some Early Cretaceous belemnoids // Paleont. Journ. Vol. 26. no.2. P. 70-85. pdf

Bendukidze N.S. (1961) On the Study of Lower Cretaceous Corals of the Crimea // Transactions of the Geological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the GSSR, Geology Series, T. XII (XVII). P. 5-40. [in Russian] pdf

Bilotte M. (1978). Adrahentina iberica nov. gen., nov. sp. Miliolidé nouveau du Maestrichtien pyrénéen // Geobios, no.11, fasc.1. P. 125-131.  pdf

Bobkova N. N. (1974) Late Cretaceous rudists of southeastern Central Asia. Moscow, Nedra. 196 p. (Transactions of VSEGEI. New series. Vol.196). [in Russian] pdf

Cherchi A., Radoičić R., Schroeder R. (1976) Broeckina (Pastrikella) balcanica, n. subgen., n. sp., nuovo macroforaminifero del Cenomaniano dell'Europa meridionale // Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana. Vol. 15. no. 1. P. 35-47. pdf

Damotte R. (1968) Protocythere Triebel 1938, Mandocythere Gruendel 1964 et Costacythere Gruendel 1966 (Ostracodes) dans le Crétacé du Bassin de Paris // Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, Sér. 7. T. X. P. 384-392. pdf

Dieni I., Massari F., Moullade M. (1964) Sur quelques Orbitolinidae des calcaires à facies «urgonien» du Crétacé inférieur des environs d'Orosei (Sardaigne) // Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, Vol. 2. no.2 [1963]. P. 3-8. pdf

Dieni I., Middlemiss F.A. (1982) Pygopid brachiopods from the Venetian Alps // Bollettino della Società Paleontologica italiana. Vol. 20[1981], no.1, P. 19-48. pdf

Donze P. (1970) Influence du milieu sur le mode de reproduction de Cythereis? castellanensis, Ostracode nouveau du Cénomanien-Turonien de la Foux (Basses-Alpes) // Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, Sér. 7. T. XII. P. 932-936. pdf

Druschits V.V., Kvantaliani I.V., Knorina M.V., Sharikadze M.Z (1981) Some results of an investigation of the internal structure of shells of the Aptian ammonites Cheloniceras and Epicheloniceras // Bull. Ac. Sci. Georg. SSR. Vol. 104. P. 649-652. [in Russian] pdf

Dvali T.K. (1963) On Some Lower Cretaceous Gastropods of Western Georgia // Transactions of the Geological Institute of the Academy of Sciences GSSR, Geological Series, Vol. XIII (XVIII). P.37-49. [in Russian] pdf

Dzhalilov M.R., Atabekyan A.A., Korchagin O.A., Khakimov F.H. (1986) On the extreme eastern location of Late Cretaceous belemnitellids in the southern regions of the USSR // Doklady Ac.Sci. Tadzhik. SSR. Vol. Т. 29, no. 11. P. 619-623. [in Russian] pdf

Dzhalilov M. R., Goltman E. V., Kortchagin V. I., Kortchagin О. A., Кhakimov F. Ch. (1985) Biostratigraphy of Cenomanian-Turonian boundary deposits in Tadzhik depression // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol. 60. no.4. P.74-83. [in Russian] pdf

Fischer V., Benson R.B.J., Zverkov N.G., Arkhangelsky M.S., Stenshin I.M., Uspensky G.N., Prilepskaya N.E. (2023) Anatomy and relationships of the bizarre Early Cretaceous pliosaurid Luskhan itilensis // Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 2023. V. XX. P. 1–37. pdf

Fritsch A., Schlönbach U. (1872) Cephalopoden der böhmischen Kreideformation. Prag: Verlag der Verfassers. 52 S. pdf

Gambashidze R.A. (1963) Fauna of the Santonian-Danian deposits of the periphery of the Loki and Khrami massifs // Transactions of the Geological Institute of the Academy of Sciences GSSR, Geological Series, Vol. XIII (XVIII). P. 161-196. [in Russian] pdf

Gambashidze R.A. (1963) Fauna of the Cenomanian-Turonian deposits of the periphery of the Loki and Khrami massifs // Transactions of the Geological Institute of the Academy of Sciences GSSR, Geological Series, Vol. XIII (XVIII). P.109-160. [in Russian] pdf

Gambashidze R.A. (1974) On some finds of the Upper Turonian molluscan fauna in the Azerbaijanian part of the Lesser Caucasus // Bull. Ac. Sci. Georg. SSR. Vol. 74. P. 625-628. [in Russian] pdf

Gambashidze R.A. (1974) Some Upper Cretaceous species of Inoceramus from the Debeda-Shamkhor-Chai interfluve // Bull. Ac. Sci. Georg. SSR. Vol. 74. P. 369-372. [in Russian] pdf

Gamkrelidze N.P. (1974) On the Coniacian Rudista of the tufogene-volcanc sedimentary formaton of the Somkheto-Karabikhian zone (the Lesser Caucasus) // Bull. Ac. Sci. Georg. SSR. Vol. 76. P. 745-748. [in Russian] pdf

Gerhardt H. (1964) Biometrische Untersuchungen zur Phylogenie von Haplophragmium und Triplasia (Foram.) aus der tieferen Unterkreide Nordwestdeutschlands // Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, Vol. 2. no.2 [1963]. P. 9-74. pdf

Gorbach L.P. (1980) New bivalvia Vulsellas from Maastrichtian and Danish deposits of the Crimea // Paleontological Collection. No. 17. P. 51-54. [in Russian] pdf

Jannin F. (1968) Biométrie et utilisation chronostratigraphique de Saracenaria vestita (Berthelin) (Foraminifera, Nodosariidae) dans l’Albien de l’Aube // Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, Sér. 7. T. X. P. 376-383. pdf

Kakabadze I. (2004) The representatives of the Hauterivian genera Pseudothurmannia Spath, 1923 and Simbirskites Pavlow, 1892 from Western Georgia // Proceeding of the Alexandre Djanelidze Institute of Geology. New Series. Vol. 119. P.380-391. [in Russian] pdf

Keleptrishvili Sh. (1998) Stratigraphical Significance of the Early Cretaceous Belemnitida of Georgia // Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences. Vol. 157. no. 3. P.443-446. [in Russian] pdf

Keleptrishvili Sh. (2000) The Early Cretaceous Duvaliidae of Georgia // Proceeding of the Alexandre Djanelidze Institute of Geology. New Series. Vol. 115. P.131-138. [in Russian] pdf

Keleptrishvili Sh., Kvantaliani I. (2004) Stratigraphic distribution of some Hauterivian-Barremian belemnitids in Georgia // Proceeding of the Alexandre Djanelidze Institute of Geology. New Series. Vol. 119. P.311-316. [in Russian] pdf

Kennedy W.J., Cobban W.A. (1993) Lower Cenomanian Forbesiceras brundrettei zone ammonite fauna in Texas, U.S.A // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen. Bd. 188, P.327-344. pdf

Kennedy W.J., Cobban W.A., Hancock J.M., Hook S.C. (1989) Biostratigraphy of the Chispa Summit Formation at its type locality: A Cenomanian through Turonian reference section for Trans-Pecos Texas // Bulletin of the Geological Institutions of the University of Uppsala, New Series. Vol. 15, P.39-119. pdf

Kennedy W.J., Cooper M.R. (1977) Ammonites prosperianus d'Orbigny, 1841 (Cretaceous Ammonoidea) is a chimaera // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläntologie Monatshefte 1977, 36-46. pdf

Kennedy W.J., Jagt J.W.M. (1995) Lower Campanian heteromorph ammonites from the Vaals Formation around Aachen, Germany, and adjacent parts of Belgium and the Netherlands // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläntologie Abh. Bd. 197. P.275-294. pdf

Kennedy W.J., Wright CW, Hancock J.M. (1983) Ammonite zonation and correlation of the uppermost Cenomanian and Turonian of southern England and the type areas of Sarthe and Touraine in France // Mém. Mus. Nat. Hist. Natur., nouv.sér. Sér. C. Sciences de la Terre. T.XLIX. P.175-181. pdf

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Kvakhadze N.N. (1974) A new genus of the Lower Cretaceous Kingenidae from Georgia (Brachiopoda) // Bull. Ac. Sci. Georg. SSR. Vol. 73. no.2. P. 493-496. [in Russian] pdf

Kvakhadze N.N. (1976) A new genus of the family Basiliolidae of the Berriasian of Western Georgia  (Brachiopoda) // Bull. Ac. Sci. Georg. SSR. Vol. 82. no.2. P. 505-508. [in Russian] pdf

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Kvantaliani I.V. (1980) On the systematics of the families Deshayesitidae and Leymeriellidae // Bull. Ac. Sci. Georg. SSR. Vol. 97. no.1. P. 121-124. [in Russian] pdf

Kvantaliani I.V. (1981) New representatives of the family Leymeriellidae (Ammonoidea) // Bull. Ac. Sci. Georg. SSR. Vol. 101. no.2. P. 81-84. [in Russian] pdf

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Plotnikova L.F. (1979) Tritaxia and related forms in the Cretaceous deposits of Crimea and Black Sea region // Paleontological Collection. No. 16. P.12-19. [in Russian] pdf

Poslavskaya G.G. (1955) New species of pelecypods from Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Medveditsa-Ilovlya dislocations // Proceedings [Uchenye zapiski], Saratov State University. Geological series. Vol. 45. P. 13-20. [in Russian] pdf

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Riccardi A.C., Aguire-Urreta M. B. (1988) Bioestratigrafía del Cenomaniano-Santoniano en la Patagonia Argentina // V Conreso Geologico Chileno, Santiago, 8-12 Agosto de 1988. T. II. P. C375-C394. pdf

Sakhelashvili L. (2004) Some representatives of the family Holcodiscidae Spath, 1923 (Ammonitida, Desmoceratoidea) from Lower Barremian sediments of Georgia //  Proceeding of the Alexandre Djanelidze Institute of Geology. New Series. Vol. 119. P.371-379. [in Russian] pdf

Salfity J.A. (Ed.) (1994) Cretaceous Tectonics of the Andes. Braunschweig; Wiesbaden: Vieweg. 345 p. pdf

Sikharulidze G.Ya. (1985) Hexacorals of the Urgonian facies of the Dzirul massif and its northern rim // Proceedings of the A.I. Janelidze Geological Institute Ac. Sci. GSSR. New Series. Vol. 88. 79 p. [in Russian] pdf

Sornay J. (1978) Précisions paléontologiques et stratigraphiques sur divers inocérames cénomaniens et, en particulier, sur ceux de la Sarthe figurés par E. Guéranger en 1867 // Geobios, Vol.11, no.4, P.505-515. pdf

Sornay J., Marin Ph. (1972) Sur la faune de la Tejeria De Josa (Teruel, Espagne) // Annales de paléontologie (invertébrés), t. LVIII, fascicule 1. P.3-16. pdf

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Tsirekidze L.R. (1999) Biostratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous deposits of Georgia by microfauna // Proceedings of the A.I. Janelidze Geological Institute Ac. Sci. GSSR. New Series. Vol. 109. 222 p. [in Russian] pdf

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New Triassic publications are added (partially provided by A. Ippolitov, J. Pignatti and E. Sobolev)

Crick R. E., Sobolev E.S. (1994) Perunautilus quadratus n. gen. et sp. (Cephalopoda, Nautilida) from the Triassic (Norian) of central Peru // Palaeontographica. Abteilung A: Palaeozoologie-Stratigraphie. Vol. 233. № 1-6. P. 161-167. pdf

Cuif J.P. (1966) Structure de quelques polypiers phacéloïdes triasiques // Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, Sér. 7. T. VIII. P. 125-132. pdf

Dagys A.S., Sobolev E.S. (1995) Parastratotype of the Olenekian stage (Lower Triassic) // Albertiana. № 16. P. 8-16. pdf

Dagys A.S., Weitschat W., Konstantinov A.G., Sobolev E.S. (1993) Evolution of the boreal marine biota and biostratigraphy at the Middle/Upper Triassic boundary // Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-palaeontologischen Institut der Universitaet Hamburg. Hft.  75. P. 193-209. pdf

Dufour T. (1962) Nouvelles données sur les Ammonoïdés triasiques du gisement de l’Asklépiéion (Argolide, Grèce) // Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, Sér.7. T.IV. P. 844-848. pdf

Naugolnykh S.V., Pronin A.P. (2022) Late Triassic flora of the northern part of the Fore-Caspian depression (Kazakhstan) as exemplified by data from the S.Nurzhanov-509 borehole // Global Geology. Vol. 25 (4). P: 195-213. pdf

Russo F. (1981) Nuove spugne calcaree triassiche di Campo (Cortina d'Ampezzo, Belluno) // Bollettino della Societa Paleontologica Italiana. T. 20. no.1. P. 3-17. pdf

Shevyrev A.A. (1994) Major events in the history of the Triassic ammonoids // Paleontological Journal. Vol. 28. no.1A. P. 67-72. pdf

Sobolev E.S. (1985) Revision of the Triassic genus Phaedrysmocheilus (Nautiloidea) // Paleontological Journal. No. 1. P. 52-58. [in Russian] pdf

Sobolev E.S. (1989) Triassic nautilids of the Svalbard Archipelago // Transactions of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, SB Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol. 732. P. 122-134. [in Russian] pdf

Sobolev E.S. (1991) The morphology, systematics and evolution of the clydonautilaceans (Nautiloidea) // Paleontological Journal. Vol. 25. no.4. P.54-64. pdf

Sobolev E.S. (1991) Triassic nautilids from allochthonous blocks of Koryakia // Biostratigraphy and paleontology of the Triassic of Siberia: Collection of scientific papers. Novosibirsk. P. 21-40. [in Russian] pdf

Sobolev E.S. (1994) Stratigraphic range of Triassic Boreal Nautiloidea // Mem. geol. Lausanne. P. 127-138. pdf

Sobolev E.S. (1998) New species of coiled nautiloids (Mollusca) from the Middle and Upper Triassic of Siberia // News of Paleontology and Stratigraphy. Supplement to journal Geologiya i Geofizika. Issue 1. P. 133-151. pdf

Sobolev E.S. (2014) Geographic differentiation of the Late Triassic nautilids and biogeographic zoning of Late Triassic marine basins // 9th International Symposium Cephalopods - Present and Past in combination with the 5th International Symposium Coleoid Cephalopods through Time (Zurich, Switzerland, September 4-14, 2014): Abstracts and program. Zurich. P. 82. pdf

Waterhouse J.B. (2001) Late Paleozoic Brachiopoda and Mollusca, chiefly from Wairaki Downs, New Zealand, with notes on Scyphozoa and Triassic ammonoids and new classifications of Linoproductoidea (Brachiopoda) and Pectinida (Bivalvia) // Earthwise, Vol. 3. P.1-195. pdf

Zakharov Y.D., Biakov A.S., Horacek M., Kutygin R.V., Sobolev E.S., Bond D.P.G. (2020) Environmental Control on Biotic Development in Siberia (Verkhoyansk Region) and Neighbouring Areas During Permian-Triassic Large Igneous Province Activity // Morphogenesis, Environmental Stress and Reverse Evolution. - Cham: Springer International Publishing. P. 197-231. pdf



New hyperlinks to open access periodicals are added

Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Upsala

Fieldiana Geology memoirs

FUDMA Journal of Sciences

Geology, Ecology, and Landscapes

INSUGEO Serie Correlación Geológica

Iranian Geological Quarterly

The Journal of the Indian Association of Sedimentologists

Journal of Petroleum Research

Journal of Sea Research

Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi

Meddelanden från Lunds Geologiska Fältklubb

Peer Community Journal

Petro Vietnam

Scientific African

Sedimentary Geology and Tethyan Geology

Verhandlungen des Naturhistorisch-medizinischen Vereins zu Heidelberg (1912-1956)

Dissertations by University of Szeged https://doktori.bibl.u-szeged.hu/

New Jurassic publications are added (partially provided by L. Bulot, A. Kuzmin, H. Parent, J. Pignatti, O. Urman, V. Vishnevskaya)

11th International Symposium on Cephalopods Present and Past, Abstracts.  47 pp. pdf

Amon E.O., Vishnevskaya V.S., Gatovsky Yu.A. (2022) Morphotypes of radiolarians and some features of paleogeography of Arctic periphery of Western Siberia (Yamal Peninsula) during Late Jurassic // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow. Sect.geol. Vol. 97. no.1. P.15-45. [in Russian] pdf

Arkadiev V.V. (2022) Catalogue of the collection to the E. I. Eichwald’s monograph by "Lethaea Rossica ou Paléontologie de la Russie", 1865–1868 (Mesozoic arthropods, fish, reptiles and lants). Saint-Petersburg, LEMA Publishing House. 134 p. [n Russian] pdf

Atlas of fauna and flora of Paleozoic-Mesozoic of Transbaikalia. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2002. 714 p. [in Russian] pdf

Batyaeva S. K. (1974) New Ctenis from the Middle Jurassic deposits of the Kuznetsk basin // Tansactions of SNIIGGiMS. Issue 173. P. 114-117. [in Russian] pdf

Batyaeva S. K. (1974) New plant species from Jurassic deposits of the Kuznetsk basin // New data on geology and mineral resources of Western Siberia. Issue 9. Tomsk: Tomsk. Univ., P. 62-64. [in Russian] pdf

Batyaeva S. K. (1974) New Jurassic plants of the Kuznetsk basin // Tansactions of SNIIGGiMS. Issue 192. P.96-98. [in Russian] pdf

Bettoni A. (1900) Fossili domeriani della provincia di Brescia // Mémoires de la Société Paléontologique Suisse. Vol. XXVII. P.1-88. pdf

Bonnot A. (1995) Les Aspidoceratidae (Ammonitina) en Europe Occidentale au Callovien supérieur et à l'Oxfordien inférieur (Doctoral dissertation, Dijon). 509 p. pdf

Bourquin J. (1968) Les reineckéidés. Thèses Université de Besançon, Institut des Sciences Naturelles. (Ann. Sci. Univ. Besançon. Géologie. 3 Sér. Fasc.4.) 169 p. pdf

Bourquin J. (1971) Documents nouveaux sur des reineckeides du Callovien du Jura // Ann. Sci. Univ. Besançon. Géologie. 3 Sér. Fasc.13. P.49-67. pdf

Bourquin J., Contini D. (1973) Quelques observations sur le genre Bonarellites Elmi, 1966 (Famille des Oppeliidae) // Ann. Sci. Univ. Besançon. Géologie. 3 Sér. Fasc.18. P.135-141. pdf

Brill R. (1921) Aucella Bronni im schwäbischen Jura // Centralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie. Jg. 1921. S.379-381. pdf

Burckhardt C. (1900) Coupe géologique de la Cordillère entre Las Lajas et Curacautin // Annales del Museo de La Plata. Sección geológica y mineralógica III. 102 p. pdf

Burckhardt C. (1927) Cefalopodos del Jurasico medio de Oaxaca y Guerrero // Boletín del Instituto Geológico de México. No. 47. 108 p. pdf

Burckhardt C. (1930) Etude synthétique sure le Mésozoique mexicain. Premiére Partie // Mémories de la Societé Paléonologique Suisse. Vol. 49, P.1-123. pdf

Bystritskaya L.I. (1974) Plant assemblages in Jurassic deposits of Kuzbass // Materials on stratigraphy and paleontology of Western Siberia. Transactions of Tomsk State University. Vol. 227. P.32-49. [in Russian] pdf

Bystritskaya L.I. (1978) Ginkgoites from Jurassic deposits of Kuzbass // Stratigraphy and paleontology of Siberia and the Urals. Tomsk: Tomsk Univ. P. 29-53. [in Russian]pdf

Bystritskaya L.I. (1978) On the flora of the Tersyuk formation of the Central Kuzbass // Materials for the stratigraphy of the West Siberian Plain. Tomsk: Tomsk Univ. P. 92-96. [in Russian] pdf

Chaline J. (1985) Une nouvelle conception de la formation des espèces et ses conséquences dans I'interprétation de l'évolution // Le Courier du CNRS, T.59. P.23-24. pdf

Coëmme S. (1917) Note critique sur le genre Cadomoceras // Bulletin de la Societé géologique de France, série 4, T.17. P.44–54. pdf

Collot L. (1917) Les Aspidoceras des couches a minerai de fer de la Coté dOr // Bulletin de la Societé géologique de France, série 4, T.17. P.3-19. pdf

Contini D. (1976) Le Portlandien de Franche-Comté septentrionale // Annales Scientifiques de l'Université de Besançon, Géologie 3 Sér. fasc. 26. P.1-10. pdf

Courville P., Cronier C. (2004) La Callovien et l'Oxfordien à Latrecey-Ormoy-sur-Aube (Haute-Marne). Enregistrements sédimentaires, paléontologique et biostratigraphique // Bulletin de Association géologique Auboise, no. 24-25. P.31-55. pdf

d’Orbigny A. (1850) Prodrome de paléontologie stratigraphique universelle des animaux mollusques & rayonnés, faisant suite au Cours élémentaire de paléontologie et de géologie stratigraphiques. Premier volume. Paris: Masson. 394 p. pdf

d’Orbigny A. (1850) Prodrome de paléontologie stratigraphique universelle des animaux mollusques & rayonnés, faisant suite au Cours élémentaire de paléontologie et de géologie stratigraphiques. Deuxième volume. Paris: Masson. 428 p. pdf

d’Orbigny A. (1852) Prodrome de paléontologie stratigraphique universelle des animaux mollusques & rayonnés, faisant suite au Cours élémentaire de paléontologie et de géologie stratigraphiques. Troisième volume. Paris: Masson. 191 p. pdf

Dacque E. (1914) Neue Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Jura in Abessynien // Beiträge zur Paläontologie und Geologie Österreich-Ungarns und des Orients. Bd.XXVII. S. 1-17. pdf

Del Castillo A., Aguilera J.G. (1895) Fauna fosil de la Sierra de Catorce, en San Luis Potosi // Boletin de la Comision Geologica de Mexico. No. 1. 55 p. pdf

Dellapé D.A., Mombrú C., Pando G.A., Riccardi A.C., Ulianka M.A., Westermann G.E. (1979) Edad y correlación de la Formación Tábanos en Chacay Melehue y otras localidades de Neuquén y Mendoza // Obra del Centenario del Museo de La Plata, T.V. P. 81-105. pdf

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Dubar G., Mouterde R. (1978) Les formations à Ammonites du Lias moyen dans le Haut Atlas de Midelt et du Tadla // Notes et memoires du Serv. géol. Maroc. No.274. 113 p. pdf

Dunker W. (1846-1851) Ueber die in dem Lias bei Halberstadt vorkommenden Versteinerungen // Palaeontographica. Bd 1. S.34-41, 107-125, 176-181, 319-320. pdf

Enay R. (1963)  La nomenclature stratigraphique du jurassique terminal - ses problèmes et sa normalisation // Bulletin Trimestriel Service Information Géologique du Bureau de la Recherche Géologique et Minere (Paris). T.59. P. 1-9. pdf

Enay R. (1976) A propos du dimorphisme chez les ammonites jurassiques. Quelques réflexions // Haliotis. Vol. 6. P. 97-118. pdf

Enay R. (1980) Paleobiogeographie et Ammonites jurassiques: "Rythmes fauniques" et variations du niveau marin; voies d'echanges, migrations et domaines biogeographiques // Livre Jubilaire de la Société géologique de France, Mém. h.-s. n° 10. P.261-281. pdf

Enay R. (1983) Spéciation phyletique dans le genre d'Ammonites téthysien Semiformiceras Spath du Tithonique inférieur d es chaines bétiques (Andalousie, Espagne) // Colloque international CNRS 330: Modalités, rhytmes et mécanism es de l’évolution biologique, Dijon 1982, P. 115-132. pdf

Ershova V., Prokopiev A., Stockli D., Kurapov M., Kosteva N., Rogov M., Khudoley K., Petrov E.O. (2022) Provenance of the Mesozoic succession of Franz Josef Land (north-eastern Barents Sea): Paleogeographic and tectonic implications for the High Arctic // Tectonics. Vol. 41, e2022TC007348 pdf

Fantini Sestini N. (1968) Lower Oxfordian Ammonites from the Dalichai Formation // Rivista Italiana Paleont. Vol. 74. no.2. P.403-418. pdf

Fezer R., Geyer O.F. (1988) Der Oberjura von Calanda im nordöstlichen Keltiberikum (Provinz Teruel, Spanien). I. Stratigraphie // Arb. Inst. Geol. Paläont. Univ. Stuttgart N.F. Bd.84. S.207-237. pdf

Filatova N.I., Konstantinovskaya E., Vishnevskaya V. (2022) Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous siliceous rocks and black shales from allochthonous complexes of the Koryak-Western Kamchatka orogenic belt, East Asia // International Geology Review, Vol. 64. no.3. P.311-330. DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2020.1848649 pdf

Fischer E. (1915) Jura- und Kreideversteinerungen aus Persien // Beiträge zur Paläontologie und Geologie Österreich-Ungarns und des Orients. Bd.XXVII. S.207-273. pdf

Főzy I., Fodor L., Grabowski J., Lodowski G.D., Price G., Scherziner A., Szente I., Vörös A., Szives O. (2022) Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous fossil localities of the Bakony Mountains, Hungary – Rocks, fossils and stratigraphy // In: Főzy, I. (ed.): Fauna, biostratigraphy, facies and paleotectonic evolution of the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous formations in the Bakony Mountains (Transdanubian Range, Hungary). Institute of Geosciences, University of Szeged, GeoLitera Publishing House, P. 45–99. pdf

Főzy I., Scherzinger A., Szives O. (2022) Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous (Kimmeridgian–Barremian) ammonites of the Bakony Mountains (Transdanubian Range, Hungary) // In: Főzy, I. (ed.): Fauna, biostratigraphy, facies and paleotectonic evolution of the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous formations in the Bakony Mountains (Transdanubian Range, Hungary). Institute of Geosciences, University of Szeged, GeoLitera Publishing House, P. 243–360. pdf

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Gottsche C. (1925) Contribuciones a la paleontología de la República Argentina. Sobre fósiles jurásicos de la cordillera argentina (Paso del Espinacito. provincia de San Juan). Completado por los resultados paleontológicos de la obra “El Dogger en el Paso de Espinacito”, por A. Tornquist // Actas Academia Nacional de Ciencias, Córdoba, tomo VIII, 1924, P. 231-196. pdf

Grabowski J., Frau C., Schnabl P., Svobodová A. (2022) Magnetic susceptibility and gamma ray spectrometry in the Tré Maroua section (Tithonian/Berriasian, SE France) – terrigenous input and comparison with Tethyan record // Volumina Jurassica. Vol. 20. P. 47-58. pdf

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Preobrazhenskaya E. N., Shkola I.V., Korchinskaya M.V. Stratigraphy of Triassic deposits of the Franz Josef Land archipelago (based on parametric drilling materials)

Korchinskaya M.V. Faunal characteristics of the Triassic deposits of Franz Josef Land

Kasatkina E.A. Microfaunal characteristics of Triassic deposits from the Hayes well (Franz Josef Land Archipelago)

Vasilevskaya N.D. Triassic flora of Franz Josef Land and Novaya Zemlya

Lev O.M., Gerke A.A. Late Triassic ostracods of the Nordvik-Khatanga district

Kasatkina E.A., Preobrazhenskaya E.N., Cherkesov O.V. Foraminifera assemblages from terrigenous rocks of Permian, Lower and Middle Triassic of the northwest coast of Kotelny Island

Sokolov A.R. Biostratigraphic sundivision and characteristic types of foraminifera of the Middle Jurassic deposits of the Arctic regions of the USSR

Kartseva G.N., Obrazkova V.P. Correlation of sections of the Middle and Upper Jurassic on the Sredneyarovskaya area in the western part of the Yenisei-Khatanga trough

Shulgina N.I., Burdykina M.D. New data on the stratigraphy of the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Northern Timan

Pavlov V.V., Fefilova L.A., Lodkina L. B. Palynological characteristics of Mesozoic deposits of the southern part of the Barents Sea shelf

Abramova L.N. Cretaceous conifers from the Bunge formation of Faddeevsky Island (Novosibirsk Islands)

Vasilevskaya N.D., Pavlov V.V., Lodkina L. B. New Early Cretaceous Hausmannia fern from the Pronchishchev ridge area

Vasilenko L. V. Foraminifera in Late Cretaceous deposits of the eastern coast of Penzhinskaya Bay (North-Western Kamchatka)

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Pchelina T.M. History of Triassic sedimentation in Svalbard and the adjacent shelf of the Barents Sea

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New Cretaceous publications are added (partially provided by L. Bulot L. Kopaevich, A. Kuzmin, J. Pignatti, H. Parent)

11th Cretaceous Symposium. Warsaw, Poland, 2022. Abstract volume. 397 p. pdf

Abramova L. N. (1970) Early Cretaceous flora of Zhigansk and adjacent areas of the Lena basin // Scientific notes of NIIGA. Paleontology and stratigraphy. Issue 29. P.36-57. [in Russian] pdf

Abramova L. N. (1979) A new species of oak from the Upper Cretaceous of the Koryak Highlands // Paleontol. Journal., No. 1. P.144-147. [in Russian] pdf

Alsen P. (2006) The Early Cretaceous (late Ryazanian-early Hauterivian) ammonite fauna of North-East Greenland: taxonomy, biostratigraphy, and biogeography // Fossils and strata. No. 53. 229 p. pdf

Baumberger E. (1903) Fauna der untern Kreide im westschweizerischen Jura. I Teil. Stratigraphische Einleitung // Abhandlungen der schweizerischen paläontologischen Gesellschaft. Vol. XXX. S.1-59. pdf

Baumberger E. (1905) Fauna der untern Kreide im westschweizerischen Jura. Zweiter Teil. Die Ammonitiden der untern Kreide im westschweizerischen Jura, mit einer kurzen Übersicht über die Stratigraphie der Hauteriviensedimente in diesem Gebiete // Abhandlungen der schweizerischen paläontologischen Gesellschaft. Vol. XXXII. S.1-80. pdf

Baumberger E. (1906) Fauna der untern Kreide im westschweizerischen Jura. Dritter Teil. Die Ammonitiden der untern Kreide im westschweizerischen Jura. (Fortsetzung.) // Abhandlungen der schweizerischen paläontologischen Gesellschaft. Vol. XXXIII. S.1-29. pdf

Baumberger E. (1907) Fauna der untern Kreide im westschweizerischen Jura. Vierter Teil. Die Ammonitiden der untern Kreide im westschweizerischen Jura. (Fortsetzung.) // Abhandlungen der schweizerischen paläontologischen Gesellschaft. Vol. XXXIV. S.1-48. pdf

Baumberger E. (1908) Fauna der untern Kreide im westschweizerischen Jura. Sechster Teil. Die Ammonitiden der untern Kreide im westschweizerischen Jura. (Schluss) // Abhandlungen der schweizerischen paläontologischen Gesellschaft. Vol. XXXV. S.1-40. pdf

Baumberger E. (1910) Fauna der untern Kreide im westschweizerischen Jura. FünfterTeil. Die Ammonitiden der untern Kreide im westschweizerischen Jura. (Fortsetzung.) // Abhandlungen der schweizerischen paläontologischen Gesellschaft. Vol. XXXVI. S.1-57. pdf

Baumberger E., Heim A. (1907) Palaeontologisch-stratigraphische Untersuchung zweier Fossilhorizonte an der Valangien - Hauterivien – Grenze im Churfirsten – Mattstockgebiet // Abhandlungen der schweizerischen paläontologischen Gesellschaft. Vol. XXXIV. S.1-33. pdf

Bogdanova T.N., Mikhailova I.A. (2016) Middle Aptian biostratigraphy and ammonoids of the Northern Caucasus and Transcaspia // Paleontological Journal. V. 50. no. 8. P.725–933. pdf

Bonarelli G., Nagera J. J. (1921) Observaciones geológicas en las inmediaciones del lago San Martín (Territorio de Santa Cruz) // Boletín Ministerio de Agricultura. Dirección General de Minas, Geología e Hidrología Serie B (Geología) No. 27. 40 p. pdf

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Cuvillier J., Deloffre R. (1964) Organismes peu connus ou «incertae sedis» dans le Crétacé inférieur du Sud-Ouest de l'Aquitaine // Revue de Micropaléontologie, Vol. 7(1), P.3-13. pdf

Dumas E. (1876) Statistique géologique, minéralogique, métallurgique et paléontologique du département du Gard. Pt. 2. 735 p. pdf

Dunker W. (1851) Ueber Ammonites Gervilianus, d’Orb. aus dem norddeutschen Hilsthone // Palaeontographica. Bd 1. S.324-235. pdf

Fossa-Mancini E. (1928) Foraminifere del calcare grigio di Sciusciul (Lago Pancong) // Dainelli G. (ed.), Relazioni Scientifiche della Spedizione Italiana De Filippi, nell'Himàlaia, Caracorùm e Turchestàn cinese (1913-1914), (Serie II, Resultati geologici e geografici), Vol. 6. 189-223. pdf

Gerth H. (1921) Fauna und Gliederung des Neocoms in der argentinischen Kordillere // Centralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie. Jg. 1921. S.112-148. pdf

Gerth H. (1926) Die Fauna des Neokoms in der argentinische Kordillere // Geologische Rundschau, Sonderband 17. S.463-494. pdf

Ivanov A.V. (1993) Oxytoms of Santonian and Campanian of the Saratov Volga region // Questions of Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic stratigraphy, Vol. 7. P.149-156. [in Russian] pdf

Ivanov A.V. (1995) A new family of bivalves from the Upper Cretaceous of the Volga region // Volga and Pricaspian region resources. Issue 9. P. 32-38.  [in Russian] pdf

Kemper E. (1973) Die Unterkreide im Untergrund der Gehrdener Berge und in der Deister-Mulde // Bericht der naturhistorischer Gesellschaft zu Hannover. Bd. 117. S.29-54. pdf

Khomentovsky O.V., Zakharov V.A., Lebedeva N.K., Vorobeva O.I. (1999) The Santonian-Campanian boundary in Northern Siberia // Russian Geology and Geophysics. Vol. 40. P. 494-511. pdf

Klein J. (2005) Lower Cretaceous ammonites I. Perisphinctaceae 1, Himalayitidae, Olcostephanidae, Holcodiscidae, Neocomitidae, Oosterellidae // Fossilium catalogus 1: Animalia. Pars 139. 484 p. pdf

Klein J. (2014) Lower Cretaceous Ammonites VII. Hoplitoidea & Engonoceratoidea // Fossilium catalogus 1: Animalia. Pars 152. 279 p. pdf

Klein J. (2015) Lower Cretaceous Ammonites VIII. Turrilitoidea 1. Anisoceratidae, Hamitidae, Turriiitidae, including the Upper Cretaceous representatives // Fossilium catalogus 1: Animalia. Pars 154. 265 p. pdf

Klein J. (2016) Lower Cretaceous Ammonites X. Scaphitoidea, including the Upper Cretaceous representatives // Fossilium catalogus 1: Animalia. Pars 157. 203 p. pdf

Klein J. (2016) Lower Cretaceous Ammonites IX. Turrilitoidea 2 - Bacultidae, including the Upper Cretaceous representatives // Fossilium catalogus 1: Animalia. Pars 155. 140 p. pdf

Klein J. (2018) Lower Cretaceous Ammonites XI. Acanthoceratoidea: Leymeriellidae, Brancoceratidae, Lyelliceratidae, Flickiidae, Forbesiceratidae, including the Upper Cretaceous representatives // Fossilium catalogus 1: Animalia. Pars 158. 333 p. pdf

Klein J., Bogdanova T. (2013) Lower Cretaceous Ammonites VI. Douvilleiceratoidea & Deshayesitoidea // Fossilium catalogus 1: Animalia. Pars 151. 299 p. pdf

Klein J., Busnardo R., Company M., Delanoy G., Kakabadze M., Reboulet S., Ropolo P., Vašíček Z., Vermeulen J. (2007) Lower Cretaceous Ammonites III. Bochianitoidea, Protancyloceratoidea, Ancyloceratoidea, Ptychoceratoidea // Fossilium catalogus 1: Animalia. Pars 144. 381 p. pdf

Klein J., Hoffmann R., Joly B., Shigeta Y., Vašíček Z. (2009) Lower Cretaceous Ammonites IV. Boreophylloceratoidea, Phylloceratoidea, Lytoceratoidea, Tetragonitoidea, Haploceratoidea, including the Upper Cretaceous representatives // Fossilium catalogus 1: Animalia. Pars 146. 416 p. pdf

Klein J., Vašíček Z. (2011) Lower Cretaceous Ammonites V. Desmoceratoidea // Fossilium catalogus 1: Animalia. Pars 148. 311 p. pdf

Klein J., Vermeulen J. (2006) Lower Cretaceous Ammonites II. Perisphinctaceae 2: Polyptychitidae; Endemocerataceae: Pulchelliidae // Fossilium catalogus 1: Animalia. Pars 141. 278 p. pdf

Komarov V.N. (2003) New data on the Lower Cretaceous rhyncholites of the Eastern Crimea // Proceedings of higher educational institutions. Geology and exploration. No. 3. P.19-22. [in Russian] pdf

Neumann M. (1964) A propos des genres Cyclolina d'Orbigny et Cyclopsinella Galloway // Revue de Micropaléontologie, Vol. 7(1). P.47-56. pdf

Popov E.V. (1993) Upper Cretaceous coprolites of the Lower Volga region // Questions of Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic stratigraphy, vol. 7. P.149-156. [in Russian] pdf

Rawson P.F., Kemper E. (1978) Varlheidites, n.gen. (Ammonoidea, Neocomitinae) aus dem Obervalangin NW-Deutschlands // Geol. Jb. A 45. S. 163-181. pdf

Roveda V. (1964) Découverte de Gabonella dans le Crétacé Supérieur du Sahara espagnol // Revue de Micropaléontologie, Vol. 7(3). P.195-204. pdf

Sarasin C., Schöndelmaer C. (1901) Étude monographique des ammonites du Crétacique inférieur de Chatel-Saint-Denis. Première partie // Mémoires de la Société Paléontologique Suisse. Vol. XXVIII.  No. 2. P.3-91. pdf

Sarasin C., Schöndelmaer C. (1902) Étude monographique des ammonites du Crétacique inférieur de Chatel-Saint-Denis // Mémoires de la Société Paléontologique Suisse. Vol. XXVIII-XXIX. P.95-196. pdf

Schroeder R. (1972) Zwei neue Orbitolinidae [Foram.] der spanischen Kreide // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh. Jg. 1972, Hft. 2, S. 108-119. pdf

Schroeder R. (1979) Les orbitolines de l'Aptien: Définitions, origine et évolution // Geobios, Vol. 12, Supplement 1, P.289-299. pdf

Sealey P.L., Lucas S.G. (2019) Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Campanian) ammonite systematic paleontology and biostratigraphy, southeastern San Juan Basin, Sandoval County, New Mexico // Bulletin of the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science. Vol. 80. 245 p. pdf

Thieuloy J.-P. (1979) Matheronites limentinus n. sp. (Ammonoidea) espèce-type d'un horizon-repère Barrémien supérieur du Vercors méridional (massif subalpin Français) // Geobios, Vol. 12, Supplement 1, P.305-317. pdf

Warren P.S., Stelck C.R. (1940) Cenomanian and Turonian faunas in the Pouce Coupe district, Alberta and British Columbia // Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3. Vol.XXXIV. Sect. IV. P.143-152. pdf

Wegner T. (1905) Die Granulatenkreide des westlichen Münsterlandes // Zeitschrift der deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft. Bd. 57. S.112-232. pdf

Zakharov V.A., Beizel A.L., Lebedeva N.K., Khomentovskii O.V. (1991) Evidence of Upper Cretaceous world ocean eustacy in the north of Siberia // Soviet Geology and Geophysics. Vol. 32. no.8. P.1-6. pdf


New Triassic publications are added (partially provided by J. Pignatti)

Arthaber G.V. (1896) Die cephalopodenfauna der reiflinger Kalke // Beitrage zur Paläontologie und Geologie Österreich-Ungarns und des Orients. Bd.10. S. 1-163. pdf

Arthaber G.V. (1915) Die Trias von Bithynien (Anatolien) // Beitrage zur Paläontologie und Geologie Österreich-Ungarns und des Orients. Bd.XXVII. Hft. II-III. S.85-206. pdf

Claus H. (1921) Über Ptychites und Arniotites aus dem Schaumkalke der Umgegend von Jena // Centralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie. Jg. 1921. S.120-126. pdf

Diener C. (1921) Neue Ammonoidea leiostraca aus den Hallstätter Kalken des Salzkammergutes  // Denkschriften der Akademie der Wissenschaften.Math. Natw. Kl. Bd. 97. S.341-389. pdf

Diener C. (1921)  Neue Tropidoidea aus den Hallstätter Kalken des Salzkammergutes // Denkschriften der Akademie der Wissenschaften. Math. Natw. Kl. Bd. 97. S.465-519. pdf

Popov Yu.N. (1964) Belemnite from the Karnian deposits of the Kharaulakh Mountains // Scientific notes of NIIGA. Paleontology and stratigraphy. Issue  6. P. 72-74. [in Russian] pdf

Shevyrev А.А. (1995) Triassic ammonites of northwestern Caucasus // Transactions of the Paleontological Institute. Vol. 264. 174 p. [in Russian] pdf

Spath L.F. (1934) Catalogue of the Fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum (natural History). Part IV: The Ammonoidea of the Trias. London: British Museum. 521 p. pdf

Spath L.F. (1951) Catalogue of the Fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum (natural History). Part V: The Ammonoidea of the Trias (II). London: British Museum. 228 p. pdf

Zaninetti L., Ciarapica  G., Cirilli S., Cadet  J- P. (1985) Miliolechina stellata, n. gen., n. sp. et Hirsutospirella pilosa, n. gen., n. sp. (Foraminifères), dans le Trias Supérieur (Norien) à faciès récifal des Dinarides // Revue de Paléobiologie,  Vol. 4. no.2. P. 331-341. pdf

Zaninetti L., Senowbari-Daryan B., Ciarapica G., Cirilli S. (1985) Orthotrinacria, n. gen. (Protista: Foraminiferida) from upper Triassic (Norian) reefs of Sicily // Revue de Paléobiologie. Vol. 4. no.2. P. 297-300. pdf



New hyperlinks to open access periodicals are added

Acta Geologica

Acta Musei Moraviae. Scientiae Geologicae

Annales Musei historico-naturalis hungarici

Atti dell’Academia Pontifica dei nuovi Lincei (1847-1856)

Atti della Reale Academia dei Lincei. Rediconti (1892-1924)

Biológiai Közlemények / Biológia

Fossils and strata

Freiberger Forschungshefte / Reihe C Geowissenschaften, Paläontologie

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Geological survey of Illinois (BHL)

Intercontinental Geoinformation Days


Jenaische Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaft

Journal of Mineral Resources Engineering

Journal of Palaeosciences (formerly The Palaeobotanist)

Magyar Geofizika


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Treballs del Museu de Geologia de Barcelona

Zitteliana (new issues; back issues)


New Jurassic publications are added (partially provided by E. Baraboshkin, A. Kuzmin, J. Pignatti)

Bayle E. (1878) Fossiles principaux des terrains de la France // Explication de la Carte géologique de France, T.4. Part 1. Atlas. Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, 158 pl. pdf

Bentz A. (1928) Über Strenoceraten und Garantianen insbesondere aus dem mittleren Dogger von Bielefeld // Jahrbuch der Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt zu Berlin für das Jahr 1928. Bd. 49. S.138-206. pdf

Canavari M. (1903) La fauna degli strati con Aspidoceras acanthicum di Monte Serra presso Camerino. Parte quinta (Cephalopoda: Aspidoceras [Continuaz.]) // Palaentographia Italica. Vol. IX. P.1-19. pdf

Chernyshev B.I. (1939) About some pelecypods from Transbaikalia and the Far Eastern Region // Transactions of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Economic Mineralogy. Fasc. 143. P.61-68. [in Russian] pdf

Crame J.A. (1982) Late Jurassic inoceramid bivalves from the Antarctic Peninsula and their stratigraphic use // Palaeontology. Vol. 25. Pt.3. P. 555-603. pdf

Del Campana D. (1903) Fossili del Giura superiore nei Sette Comuni // Atti della Reale Academia dei Lincei. Rediconti. Anno CCC. Serie quinta. Vol. XII. P. 382-387. pdf

Fischer P. (1800-1887) Manuel de conchyliologie et de paleontologie conchyliologique: ou, Histoire naturelle des mollusques vivants et fossiles. Paris, F. Savy. 1369 pp. pdf

Fucini A. (1901) Cefalopodi liassici del Monte di Cetona Parte prima // Palaentographia Italica. Vol. VII. P.1-90. pdf

Fucini A. (1902) Cefalopodi liassici del Monte di Cetona Parte seconda // Palaentographia Italica. Vol. VIII. P.131-218. pdf

Fucini A. (1903) Cefalopodi liassici del Monte di Cetona. Parte terza // Palaentographia Italica. Vol. IX. P.125-186. pdf

Fucini A. (1904) Cefalopodi liassici del Monte di Cetona. Parte quarta // Palaentographia Italica. Vol. X. P.275-298. pdf

Fucini A. (1905) Cefalopodi liassici del Monte di Cetona. Parte quinta ed ultima // Palaentographia Italica. Vol. XI. P.1-92. pdf

Mayer M.C. (1864) Description de Coquilles fossiles des terrains jurassiques // Journal de Conchyliologie. Sér. 3. T.IV. Vol. XII. P.368-378. pdf

Mayer M.C. (1865) Description de Coquilles fossiles des terrains jurassiques (suite) // Journal de Conchyliologie. Sér. 3. T.IV. Vol. XIII. P.317-327. pdf

Model R., Model E. (1938) Die Schichten von Trockau in Oberfranken nebst einem Anhang: Castor-Pollux-Zone und Obductus-Lager // Jahrbuch der Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt zu Berlin für das Jahr 1937. Bd. 58. S.631-665. pdf

Palaeobotanica. Fasc. VI (Institutum Botanicum Acta, Ser. VIII): Problemata cognitionis florae fosilis depositionm carboniferarum URSS. 203 pp. [in Russian] pdf


Shilkina I.A. The fossil woods of Franz-Josef Landскопаемые древесины Земли Франца-Иосифа

Delle G.V.  The Middle Jurassic flora of the Tkvarchelian coal-basin (Transcaucasia)

Samyluna V.A. The Mesozoic flora of the area to the west of the Kolyma river (the Zyruanka coal-basin). II. Ginkgoales. General chapters

Sveshnikova I.N. Late Cretaceous coniferae of the USSR. I. Fossil coniferae of the Viliuyia depression

Pavia G., Cresta S. (Coords.) (2002) Revision of Jurassic ammonites of the Gemmellaro collections // Quad. Museo G.G. Gemmellaro. Palermo. 6. 408 p. pdf

Pietrzenuk E. (1961) Zur Mikrofauna einiger Liasvorkommen in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik // Freiberger Forschungshefte. Reihe C Geowissenschaften, Paläontologie. C113. S.1-129. pdf

Rakús M. (1994) Les ammonites lotharingiennes du jebel Bou Hamid (Haut-Atlas de Rich Maroc) // Palaeopelagos, Special Publication, Vol. 1. P.299-316. pdf

Reyment R. A. (1958) Some factors in the distribution of fossil cephalopods // Acta Universitatis Stockholmesis. Stockholm contributions in geology. Vol. I. No.6. P. 79-184. pdf

Sapunov I. (1968) The ammonite zones of the Toarcian in Bulgaria // Bulletin of the Geolological Insitute, Series Paleontology. Vol.XVII. P.133-165. pdf

Schindewolf O. (1931) Zur Stammesgeschichte der Cephalopoden // Jahrbuch der Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt zu Berlin für das Jahr 1930. Bd. 51. Teil 2. S.258-283. pdf

Schmidtill E., Krumbeck L. (1931) Über die Parkinsonien-Schichten Nordbayerns mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Parkinsonien-Schichten Nordwestdeutschlands // Jahrbuch der Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt zu Berlin für das Jahr 1930. Bd. 51. Teil 2. S.819-905. pdf


New Cretaceous publications are added (partially provided by E. Baraboshkin, A. Kuzmin, J. Pignatti, E. Yazykova)

Böhm J., Riedel L. (1933) Uber eine als Placenticeras beschriebene Oppelia (Bornhardticeras n. gen.) aus dem Neocom von Deutsch-Ostafrika // Jahrbuch der Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt zu Berlin für das Jahr 1932. Bd.53. S.112-124. pdf

BouDagher-Fadel M.K. (1996) The planktonic Foraminifera of the Early Cretaceous of Tunisia compared to those of western and central Tethys // Paleopelagos, Vol. 5. P.137-159. pdf

Brun I., Canérot J. (1979) Torremiroella hispanica n. gen. n. sp. – un nouveau Lituolidé (Foraminifère) du Barrémien supérieur du Maestrazgo (Espagne) //  Bull. Cent. Rech. Explor.-Prod. Elf-Aquitaine, Vol.3, no.2, P.311-335. pdf

Cretaceous System of Russia and Neighboring Countries: Problems of Stratigraphy and Paleogeography : materials of the 11th All-Russian meeting. September 19-24, 2022, Tomsk / Chief Editor E.Yu. Baraboshkin. Tomsk: TSU Publishing, 2022. 316 pp. [in Russian] pdf

Cuvillier J., Bonnefous J., Hamaoui M., Tixier M. (1969) Reticulina reicheli, nouveau Foraminifere du Crétacé supérieur // Bulletin de Centre de Recherches Pau-SNPA, Vol. 3, no.2. P. 207-257. pdf

De Castro P., Drobne K., Gušič I. (1994) Fleuryana adriatica n. gen., n. sp. (Foraminiferida) from the Uppermost Maastrichtian of the Brač Island (Croatia) and some other localities on the Adriatic carbonate platform // Razprave IV. razreda Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti. Vol. 35, P. 129-149. pdf

Deloffre X., Hamaoui M. (1969) Biostratigraphie des “brèches de Soumoulou” et description de Pseudobroeckinella soumoulouensis n. gen, n. sp., foraminifère du Cretacé supérieur d’Aquitaine // Bulletin Centre Recherche Pau-SNPA, Vol. 3. no.1. P. 5-31. pdf

Deloffre R., Hamauoi M. (1970) Praereticulinella cuvillieri, Foraminifère nouveau du Barrémien d'Espagne // Bull. Centre Rech. Pau SNPA, Vol. 4. no.1. P. 41-77. pdf

Deloffre R., Hamauoi M. (1979) Découverte de Pseudedomia (Foraminifère) en Aquitaine // Bull. Cent. Rech. Explor.-Prod. Elf Aquitaine, Vol.3, no. 1. P. 37-61. pdf

Dundo O. P. (1971) Analysis of fossil fauna from the Maastrichtian deposits of the western part of the Koryak Highlands // Vasilevskaya N. D. (ed.). Reference section of the Maastrichtian deposits of the central part of the Koryak Highlands. L.: NIIGA, P. 84-92. [in Russian] pdf

Faraoni P., Marini A., Pallini G. (1996) The Hauterivian ammonite succession in the Central Apennines, Maiolica formation (Petrano Mt., Cagli -PS). Preliminary results // Palaeopelagos. Vol. 5, P.227-235. pdf

Farinacci A., Yeniay G. (1995) Tekkeina anatoliensis n.gen. n.sp., a new foraminifer from Susuz Dağ, western Taurus, Turkey // Palaeopelagos. Vol. 4[1994], P. 47-59. pdf  

Glaessner M.F. (1930) Neue Krebsreste aus der Kreide // Jahrbuch der Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt zu Berlin für das Jahr 1930. Bd. 51. Th.1. S. 577-586. pdf

Golovneva L. B., Nosova N. B. (2012) Albian-Cenomanian fl ora of Western Siberia. — Saint-Petersburg: Marathon. 436 p. [in Russian] pdf

Hamaoui M. (1963) Reissella ramonensis gen. nov., sp. nov. (Foraminifera) from the Cenomanian of Israel // Israel Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol.12, P.58-64. pdf

Hamaoui M. (1973) Barkerina et forms voisines (Foraminifères) // Bulletin de Centre de Recherches Pau-SNPA, Vol. 7. P.337-359. pdf

Hamaoui M. (1979) Note sur quelques Foraminifères du Crétacé supérieur mésogéen // Bull. Cent. Rech. Explor.-Prod. Elf-Aquitaine, Vol. 3. no. 2. P. 337-350. pdf

Hamaoui M., Fourcade E. (1973) Révision des Rhapydionininae (Alveolinidae, Foraminifères) // Bulletin du Centre de Recherches de Pau. Vol. 7. P. 361-393. pdf

Hamaoui M., Raab M. (1965) Biostratigraphy of the Type Shivta and Nezer Formation // State of Israel, Ministry of Development, Geological Survey. Stratigraphic sections. No. 2c. 11 pp. pdf

Hamaoui M., Saint-Marc P. (1970).Microfaunes et microfaciès du Cénomanien du Proche-Orient // Bulletin du Centre de Recherches Pau-SNPA, Vol. 4. P.257-352. pdf

Hanai T., Obata I., Hayami I. (1968) Notes on the Cretaceous Miyako Group // Mem. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo. Vol. 1. P. 20-28. pdf

Hirano H. (1979) Polymorphism of Cretaceous Ammonoids // Nature Study, Vol. 3, P. 27-31. pdf

Hirano H. (1979) Importance of transient polymorphism in systematics of Ammonoidea // Gakujutsu Kenkyu School of Education, Waseda University, Biology and Geology. Vol. 28, P.35-42. pdf

Iovcheva .M., Trifonova E. (1961) Microfauna of the Tithonian-Valangian in north-west Bulgaria // Annuaire de la Direction generale des rechereches geologiques. Serie A. Vol. XI. 1960. P.161-195. pdf

Khomentovsky O.V. (1992) Inocerams of the Cenomanian - Turonian boundary beds of the Ust-Yenisei depression // Geological history of the Arctic in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. St. Petersburg, VNIIOkeangeologiya. P.78-85. [in Russian] pdf

Korchagin O.A. (1989) Agglutinated foraminifers from the Cenomanian and Turonian deposits of the Tajik depression // in New Species of the Phanerozoic Fauna and Flora of Tajikistan. Donish, Dushanbe. P.14–26. [in Russian] pdf

Luperto Sinni E. (1969) Nummofallotia apula n. sp. Foraminifero del Cretaceo superiore delle Murge // Bollettino della Società dei Naturalisti in Napoli, Vol. 77 [1968]. P. 93-101. pdf

Luperto Sinni E. (1999) Nummofallotia cenomana, nuova specie di foraminifero del Cenomaniano delle Murge (Puglia - Italia meridionale) // Geologica Romana. Vol. 34[1998], P. 1-7. pdf

Memmi L. (1974) Neohoploceras solignaci, Ammonite nouvelle de l’Hauterivien de Tunisie  // Annales des Mines et de la Géologie, Tunis. No. 26. P. 299-303. pdf

Naidin D.P. (1959) On the paleogeography of the Russian platform during the Upper Cretaceous epoch // Acta Universitatis Stockholmesis. Stockholm contributions in geology. Vol. III. No.6. P.127-138. pdf

Naidin D.P. (1960) The stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous of the Russian Platform // Acta Universitatis Stockholmesis. Stockholm contributions in geology. Vol. VI. No.4. P.39-61. pdf

Najdin D.P. (1969) Biostratigraphie und Paläogeographie der Oberen Kreide der Russischen Tafel // Geol. Jahrb. Bd.87. S.157-186. pdf

Obata I., Tanabe K., Hirano H., Fukuda Y. (1981) Recent progress of ammonite paleobiology in Japan // Recent Progress of Natural Sciences in Japan. Vol. 6. P. 100-106. pdf

Rey J. (1972) Recherches géologiques sur le Crétacé Inférieur de l'Estramadura (Portugal) (Doctoral dissertation, Toulouse). 529 p. pdf

Reyment R.A., Naidin D.P. (1962) Biometric study of Actinocamax verus s.l. from the Upper Cretaceous of the Russian Platform // Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. Stockholm Contributions in Geology. Vol.9, N 4. P. 147–206. pdf

Riedel L. (1931) Zur Stratigraphie und Faciesbildung im Oberemscher und Untersenon am Südrande des Beckens von Münster // Jahrbuch der Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt zu Berlin für das Jahr 1930. Bd. 51. Th.2. S. 605-713. pdf

Saint-Marc P. (1977) Broeckina alaouitensis (Forminifere) nouvelle espece du Cenomanien // Rev. Micropaleont. Vol. 20. no.3. P. 167-172. pdf

Sarkar S. (1968) Two new Genera of Ammonites from the Cretaceous of South India // Quaarterty Journal of the Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Society of India. Vol. XL, No. 2. P.117-118. pdf

Seitz O. (1931) Zur Morphologie der Ammoniten aus dem Albien // Jahrbuch der Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt zu Berlin für das Jahr 1930. Bd. 51. Th.1. S. 8-35. pdf

Seitz O. (1935) Die Variabilität des Inoceramus labiatus v. Schloth. // Jahrbuch der Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt zu Berlin für das Jahr 1934. Bd. 55. Th.1. S. 429-474. pdf

van Gorsel J.T. (1974) Some complex Upper Cretaceous rotaliid foraminifera from the northern border of the Aquitaine Basin (SW France). I and II // Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Proceedings Series B, 77. no.4. P. 319-339. pdf

Walaszczyk I., Todes J. (2022) Cretaceous of Poland and of adjacent areas. Field trip Guides. Warsaw: University of Warsaw; Faculty of Geology. 408 p. pdf

Yabe H., Shimizu S. (1926) A new Lower Cretaceous ammonite, Crioceratites ishiwarai, from Oshima, Province of Rikuzen // Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography. Vol.4. P.85-87. pdf

Zlatarski V. (1968) Diplocteniopsidae, une nouvelle famille de Madreporaria de l’Aptien de la Bulgarie du Nord // Bulletin of the Geolological Insitute, Series Paleontology. Vol. XVII. P. 49-107. pdf


New Triassic publications are added (partially provided by J. Pignatti)

Chen J. H., Chen C. Z. (1980) Jianchuania, a new Genus of Bivalves from the Upper Triassic in Yunnan //Acta Paleontologica Sinica. Vol. 19. no.1. P. 57-60. pdf

Martelli A. (1904) Cefalopodi triasici di Boljevici presso Vir nel Montenegro // Palaentographia Italica. Vol. X. P.75-140. pdf

Trifonova E. (1962) Upper Triassic foraminifera from the surroundings of Kotel – the Eastern Balkan // Annuaire de la Direction generale des rechereches geologiques. Serie A. Vol. XII. 1961. P.141-170. pdf



New hyperlinks to open access periodicals are added

Bulletin de l’Institut Scientifique, Section Sciences de la Terre

Bulletin de l’Institut Scientifique, Section Sciences de la Vie

Bulletin of Earth Sciences of Thailand

Central Asian Journal of STEM

Dări de seama ale ședințelor

Estudios del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Álava

Jahresbericht der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft zu Hannover

The Journal of Engineering Geology (지질공학)

Journal of University of Babylon for Pure and Applied Sciences


Memoriile Institutului Geologic al Romaniei

Romanian Journal of Mineral Deposits

Romanian Journal of Mineralogy

Romanian Journal of Paleontology

Romanian Journal of Stratigraphy

Romanian Journal of Tectonics and Regional Geology

Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin

University of Kurdistan Hewlêr Journal of Science and Engineering

Verhandlungen des Naturhistorischen Vereines der Preussischen Rheinlande und Westphalens

New Jurassic publications are added (partially provided by E. Baraboshkin, D. Kiselev, N. Kuznetsov, J. Pignatti, E. Tesakova)

Althoff W. (1936) Trigonia (Clavotr.) interrupticosta n. sp. aus dem unteren Dogger von Bielefeld // Zentralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, (Abteilung B), S. 154-157. pdf

Ascoli P. (1976) Foraminiferal and ostracod biostratigraphy of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic, Scotian Shelf, Atlantic Canada // Maritime Sediments Special Publications. Vol. 1. P. 653–771. pdf

Ascoli P. (1988) Epistominid foraminiferal zonation of the Middle-Late Jurassic and Earliest Cretaceous on the Canadian Atlantic Shelf // 2nd International symposium on Jurassic stratigraphy. P. 649-668. pdf

Ascoli P. (1990) Foraminiferal, ostracode and calpionellid zonation and correlation of 42 selected wells from the north Atlantic margin of North America // Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, Vol. 38. no.4. P. 485-492. pdf

Avram E. (1984) Remarques stratigraphiques sur la Formation de Murguceva (Tithonique supérieur-Hauterivien) de la région de Svinita (Banat) basées sur l'étude des Calpionelles // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 4. Stratigrafie. 1981. Vol. LXVIII. P. 17-34. pdf

Bachnou A. (1992) Stratigraphie et faunes d’ammonites du Malm-Berriasien basal dans la région du moyen Ouerrha (Prérif interne, Maroc). These Université Claude Bernard - Lyon 1, Sciences de la Terre. 196 p. pdf

Bădăluţă A. (1976) Précisions biostratigraphiques sur la Série Mésojurassique d'Anina (Zone Reşiţa, Banat) // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 4. Stratigrafie. 1974-1975. Vol. LXII. P. 73-84. pdf

Bărbulescu A., Mantea G., Bordea J. (1976) Date noi privind depozitele neojurasice din vestul masivu Trascău // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 4. Stratigrafie. 1974-1975. Vol. LXII. P.85-92. pdf

Bassiouni M.A.A. (1974) Paranotacythere n.g. (Ostracoda) aus dem Zeitraum Oberjura bis Unterkreide (Kimmeridgium bis Albium) von Westeuropa // Geologisches Jahrbuch Reihe A, Bd. A 17. 111 S. pdf

Bellini R. (1900) Les ammonites du calcaire rouge ammonitique (Toarcien) de l’Ombrie // Journal de Conchyliologie. Vol.XLVIII. no.2. P.122-164. pdf

Beurlen K. (1926) Zur Systematik der Perisphincten // Centralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, (Abteilung B). S.78-95. pdf

Boldur C., Stăiou I. Stllă Al. (1964) Cosideraţii asupra doggerului din structura pleşiva (zona Reşiţa – Moldova nouă, Banat) // Dări de Seamă ale Şedinţelor. 1961-1962. Vol. XLIX. P.93-97. pdf

Boldur C., Stilla A. (1967) Malmul inferior din Regiunea Ohaba-Ponor (Haţeg) cu privire specială asupra Callovianului superior cu Kosmoceras (Carpaţii Meridionali) // Dări de Seamă ale Şedinţelor. 1965-1966. Vol. LIII. P. 305-310. pdf

Bonarelli G. (1896) Le ammoniti del "Rosso Ammonitico" descritte e figurate da Giuseppe Meneghini // Bolletino de la Società Malacologica italiana. Vol.XX. P. 198-219.pdf 

Buckman S.S. (1902) Emendations of ammonite nomenclature. Cheltenham: Norman, Sawyer and co., 7 p. pdf

Bucur I.I., Bădăluţă A., Popescu O. (1982) Date noi privind biostratigrafia depozitelor jurasice şi cretacice din partea mediană a zonei Reşiţa (Banat) // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 4. Stratigrafie. 1979. Vol. LXVI. P.21-51. pdf

Bulynnikova S.P. (1987) New species of foraminifera of the genus Trochammina Parker et Jones, 1859 from the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary beds of Siberia // New species of ancient plants and invertebrates of the Phanerozoic of Siberia. Novosibirsk: SNIIGGiMS. P.24-28. [in Russian] pdf

Bulynnikova S.P. (1987) Nodosariaceae (Foraminifera) of the Volgian Stage and Neocomian f Siberia // New species of ancient plants and invertebrates of the Phanerozoic of Siberia. Novosibirsk: SNIIGGiMS. P.28-35. [in Russian] pdf

Busnardo R., Donze P., Khessibi M., Le Hegart G., Memmi L., M'Rabet A. (1981) La formation Sidi Kralif (Tithonique - Berriasien) en Tunisie centrale: synthese stratigraphique et sedimentologique // Actes du Premier Congres National des Sciences de la Terre, Tunis, Septembre 1981, P.115-119. pdf

Denckmann A. (1887) Ueber die geognostischen Verhältnisse der Umgegend von Dörnten nördlich Goslar: mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Fauna des oberen Lias // Abhandlungen zur geologischen Specialkarte von Preussen und den Thüringischen Staaten. Bd. VIII. Hft 2. S.115-222. pdf

Dieterich E. (1932) Einige stratigraphische Beobachtungen im Weißen Jura β Württembergs // Centralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, (Abteilung B), 1932, S. 242-249. pdf

Dorn P. (1937) Fossile Perlen in Ostreen des Dogger Delta Schwabens nebst paläogeographischen Bemerkungen // Zentralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, (Abteilung B), 1937, S. 295-304. pdf

Doyle P.(1990) The biogeography of the Aulacocerida (Coleoidea) // Atti del Secondo Convegno Internazionale, Fossili, Evoluzione, Ambiente. P. 263-271. pdf

El Kamar A., Boutakiout M., Elmi S., Sadki D., Ruget C. (1997-1998) Foraminifères et ostracodes du Lias supérieur et du Bajocien de la Ride de Talghemt (Haut-Atlas central, Maroc) // Bulletin de l’Institut Scientifique, Rabat, no.21. P. 31-41. pdf

Elmi S., Caloo-Fortier B. (1985) Eléments essentiels des peuplements d'ammonites du Toarcien terminal-Aalénien en Oranie (Algérie occidentale) // Lès Cahiers de l’Institut Catholique de Lyon. n°14. P.43-57. pdf

Faraoni P., Marini A., Pallini G., Venturi F. (1994) Nuove faune ad ammoniti delle zone ad E. mirabilis ed H. serpentinus nella Valle del F. Bosso (PS) e loro riflessi sulla biostratigrafia del limite Domeriano-Toarciano in Appennino // Studi Geologici Camerti volume speciale, “Biostratigrafia dell’Italia centrale", P. 247-297. pdf

Fucini A. (1919) Il Lias superiore di Taormina ed i suoi fossili // Palaeontographia Italica. Vol. XXV. P.173-191. pdf

Ganss O. (1935) Crinoidenhaftscheiben auf Ammoniten // Zentralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, (Abteilung B), 1935, S. 325-336. pdf

Gočanin M. (1938) Über die fossilführenden Schichten Kimmeridgien, Tithon, Valanginien und Hauterive aus der Umgebung von Beograd // Vesnik Geološkog instituta Kraljevine Jugoslavije za god IV. P.35-71. pdf

Grekoff N., Krommelbein K. (1967) Étude comparée des ostracodes mésozoïques continentaux des bassins atlantiques: série de Cocobeach, Gabon et série de Bahia, Brésil // Revue de l'Institut français du Pétrole. Vol. XXII. No.9. P. 1307-1353. pdf

Gründel J. (1976) Zur Taxonomie und Phylogenie der Cytherurinae G.W. Müller, 1894 (Cytherocopina, Ostracoda) im Zeitraum höhere Trias bis Unterkreide // Z. geol. Wiss. 4. S. 1531-1541. pdf

Hatch F.H., Corstorphine G.S. (1905) The Geology of South Africa. London: Macmillan and Co., 348 p. pdf

Howarth M. K. (1958) A monograph of the ammonites of the Liassic family Amaltheidae in Britain // Palaeontographical Society Monograph. Vol. 111-112. 53 p. pdf

Jaworski E. (1926) Bemerkungen zur Paläontologie und Stratigraphie des argentinischen Oberlias und Unterdogger // Centralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, (Abteilung B). S. 273-285. pdf

Jaworski E. (1933) Revision der Arieten, Echioceraten und Dactylioceraten des Lias von Niederländisch-Indien // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, Beilage-Band Abteilung B. Bd.70. S.251-334. pdf

Kiselev D.N. (2022) Ammonites and infrazonal stratigraphy of the boreal and subboreal Bathonian and Callovian // Transactions of the Geological Institute. Vol. 628. 667 p. [in Russian] pdf

Klingler W. (1955) Mikrofaunistische und stratigraphisch-fazielle Untersuchungen im Kimmeridge und Portland des Weser-Aller-Gebietes // Geol. Jb. Bd. 70 S.167-246. pdf

Kristan-Tollmann E. (1962). Stratigraphisch wertvolle Foraminiferen aus Obertrias und Liaskalken der voralpinen Fazies bei Wien // Erdoel-Zeitschrift fur Bohr-und Fordertechnik, Hft.4. S.228-233. pdf

Kuhn O. (1936) Foraminiferen aus dem deutschen Ornatenton // Zentralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, (Abteilung B), 1936, S. 445-453. pdf

Kuznetsova K.I., Priladnykh A.T. (1964) New data on the stratigraphy of Upper Jurassic deposits of the northwestern part of the Dnieper-Donets depression // Transactions of Soyuzburgaz. Vol. 4. P.18-25. [in Russian] pdf

Leitfossilien der Mikropaläontologie. Ein Abriß. Schweizerbart, 1962. 432 S. pdf

Leuchs O. (1932) Eine anormale Belemnitenform // Centralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, (Abteilung B), 1932, S. 212-216. pdf

Liebau A. (1977) Homologous sculpture patterns in Trachyleberididae and related ostracods. Translated and published for the Smithsonian Institution and the National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C., by the Nolit Publishing House, Terazije 27/11, Belgrade, Yugoslavia. 93 p. pdf

Lutze G.F. (1960) Zur Stratigraphie und Paläontologie des Callovien und Oxfordien in Nordwest-Deutschland // Geol. Jb. Bd. 77 S. 391- 532. pdf

Malz H. (1958) Die Gattung Macrodentina und einige andere Ostracoden-Arten aus dem Oberen Jura von NW-Deutschland, England und Frankreich // Abh. senckenb. naturf. Ges. Nr. 497. S.1-67. pdf

Malz H., Hofmann K., Radtke G., Cherchi A. (1985) Biostratigraphy of the Middle Jurassic of NW Sardinia by mean of Ostracoda // Senckenbergiana lethaea, Bd.66. Hft. 3/5. P. 299-345. pdf

Mantea Gh., Popa E., Iordan M. (1982) Biostratigraphic Data on the Eojurassic Deposits in the Someşul Cald Graben (the Bihor Mountains) // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 4. Stratigrafie. 1979. Vol. LXVI. P.63-87. pdf

Marchand D., Menot J.-C., Perrin P. (1982) Sur la presence du genre Larcheria Tintant dans la zone à Bifurcatus (sous-zone à Stenocycloides) de de Bourgogne // Bulletin Scientifique de Bourgogne. T.35. no.2.P. 101-113. pdf

Mette W., Geiger M. (2004) Taxonomy and palaeoenvironments of Callovian Ostracoda from the Morondava Basin (south-west Madagascar) // Beringeria. Bd. 34. P. 57-87. pdf

Mitzopoulos M.K. (1930) Beitrage zur Cephalopodenfauna des oberen Lias der Alta Brianza // Pragmateiai tēs Akadēmias Athēnōn. T. β', arithmos 2. 114 S. pdf

Nagy J., Løfaldli M., Bomstad K. (1983) Marginal marine microfaunas of the Jurassic (Bajocian) Yons Nab Beds of the Yorkshire coast // Proceedings·of the First Workshop on Arenaceous Foraminifera 7.-9. September 1981. IKU Publication no. 108. P.111-127.  pdf

Năstăseanu S., Bădăluţă A. (1984) Les faunes à Parkinsoniidae - une présence d’exception pour les formations mésojurassiques méditerranéennes de Roumanie // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 3. Paleontologie. 1981. Vol. LXVIII. P.83-89. pdf

Năstăseanu S., Dincă Al., Stănoiu I., Stillă Al. (1964) Contribuţii la cunoaşterea stratigrafiei depozitelor paleo-. mesozoice din regiunea Poleşnicu-Cameniţa (Banat) // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 1961-1962. Vol. XLIX. P.149-156. pdf

Năstăseanu S., Stancu C. (1978) Nouveaux repères lithostratigraphiques pour la corrélation des dépôts toarciens-aaléniens des zones de Sirinia et de Presacina – Banat // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 4. Stratigrafie. 1976-1977. Vol. LXIV. P.171-181. pdf

Neale J.W., Kilenyi T.I. (1961) New species of Mandelstamia (Ostracoda) from the English Mesozoic // Palaeontology, Vol. 3. Pt. 4. P. 439-449. pdf

Oertli H.J. (1958) Une Novelle Espèce de Vernoniella (Ostracoda) dans le Jurassique Supérieur de Normandie // Revue Micropaléont. Vol. 1. P. 121-124. pdf

Patrulius D., Istocescu D. (1967) Cîteva fosile oxfordiene din Pădurea Craiului (Munţii Apuseni) // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 1965–1966. Vol. LIII. Pt. 2a. P. 27-32. pdf

Pompeckj J.F. (1896) Beiträge zu einer Revision der Ammoniten des schwäbischen Jura. Lieferung I-II. Stuttgart: Schweizerbart, 178 S. pdf

Pop G. (1976) Tithonian-Valanginian calpionellid zones from Cuba // Dǎri de Seamǎ ale Şedinţelor. 3. Paleontologie. 1974-1975. Vol. LXII. P.237-266. pdf

Pop G. (1986) Les zones des calpionelles Tithonique-Néocomiennes de la région de Sviniţa (Carpathes méridionales) // Dări de Seamă ale Şedinţelor. 4. Stratigraphie. 1983, 1984. Vol. 70-71. P.87-108. pdf

Pop G. (1998) Stratigraphic distribution and biozonation of Tithonian praecalpionellids and calpionellids from the South Carpathians // Romanian Journal of Stratigraphy, Vol. 77. P. 3-25. pdf

Popa E. (1967) Amoniţii Toarcianului superior autohton (zona cu Grammoceras thouarsense) din munții Perşani (Carpaţii orientali) // Dări de Seamă ale Şedinţelor. 1965-1966. Vol. LIII. Pt. 2a. P.33-49. pdf

Popa E. (1969) Asupra prezenţei speciei Pleuroceras solare (zona Spinaturn) în calcarele Domerianului autohton din munţii Perşani (Carpaţii orientali) // Dări de Seamă ale Şedinţelor. 1966-1967. Vol. LIV. Pt. 2a. P.41-45. pdf

Popa E. (1970) Asupra prezenţei zonei Tenuicostatum (Toarcian inferior) în împrejurimile Braşovului, la Cristian (Carpaţii Orientali) // Dări de Seamă ale Şedinţelor. 3. Paleontologie. 1967-1968. Vol. LV. P.85-94. pdf

Popa E. (1971) Amoniti din zona Bifrons in Toarcianul din grabenul Remeti (Muntii Apuseni) // Dări de Seamă ale Şedinţelor. 3. Paleontologie. 1969-1970. Vol. LVII. P. 49-56. pdf

Popa E., Năstăseanu S., Antonescu E. (1977) Nouvelles données concernant la biostratigraphie de Sirinia (Banat) // Dări de Seamă ale Şedinţelor. 4. Stratigraphie. 1976. Vol. LXIII. P.7-24. pdf

Popa E., Bleahu M., Dragastan O. (1982) Contribution à la biostratigraphie des dépôts jurassiques du Bihor central (Apuseni Nord) // Dări de Seamă ale Şedinţelor. 4. Stratigraphie. Vol.LXIX. P.39-56. pdf

Prinz G. (1904) Die Fauna der älteren Jurabildungen im nordöstlichen Bakony // Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche der Königlich Ungarischen Geologischen Anstalt. Bd. XV. S.1-142. pdf

Radoičić R. (1962) Mikrofauna gornjolijaskih krečnjaka sjeverne Crne Gore, stare Raške i Rožaja // Vesnik Zavoda za Geološka i Geofizička Istraživanja (Geologija). Serija A. Kn.XX. P. 211-216. pdf

Ragozin L.A. (1938) On some pelecypods from the coal-bearing strata of the Tunguska basin // Records of Tomsk Kuybyshev University. Series G Geology. 1937. Vol. 93. P. 127-146. [in Russian] pdf

Rasnitsyn A.P. (1975) Hymenoptera Apocrita of Mesozoic //Transactions of the Paleontological Institute. Vol. 147. 134 p. [in Russian]  pdf

Reuter L. (1908) Die Ausbildung des oberen Braunen Jura im nördlichen Teile der Fränkischen Alb (Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Fränkischen Jurameeres) // Geognostische Jahreshefte. Zwanzigster Jahrgang. S.19-134. pdf

Rogov M.A. (2020) Comment on paper by Villaseñor, A.B., and Olóriz, F. “Mexican Kossmatia - historical review and proposed revision. Journal of South American Earth Sciences (2019), 102105, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsames.2019.05.011” // Journal of South American Earth Sciences. Vol. 99, 102357. DOI 10.1016/j.jsames.2019.102357 pdf

Rogov M.A., Mironenko A.A. (2016) Patterns of the evolution of aptychi of Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Boreal ammonites // Swiss Journal of Palaeontology. Vol. 135. no.1. P.139-151. DOI 10.1007/s13358-015-0110-1 pdf

Roll A. (1935) Über Fraßspuren an Ammonitenschalen // Zentralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, (Abteilung B), 1935, S. 120-124. pdf

Săndulescu M., Tomescu C., Iva M. (1976) Date noi cu privire la microfaciesurile şi biostratigrafia formaţiunilor mezozoice din Sinclinalul Rarău // Dări de Seamă ale Şedinţelor. 4. Stratigraphie. 1974-1975. Vol. LXII. P. 167-188. pdf

Schirardin J. (1960) Sur la limite du Toarcien et de l'Aalénien en Alsace // Bull. Serv. Carte Géol. Als. Lorr., T.13, fasc. 3. P. 95-126. pdf

Schmidt G. (1955) Stratigraphie und Mikrofauna des mittleren Malm im nordwest-deutschen Bergland mit einer Kartierung am südlichen Ith. // Abh. senckenb. naturf. Ges. Nr. 491. S.1-76. pdf

Schmidt M. (1929) Anaptychen von Lytoceras cornu copiae Young a. Bird. // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, Beilage-Band, (Abteilung B). Bd. 61. S. 399-432. pdf

Schneid Th. (1915) Geologie der fränkischen Alb zwichen Eichtätt und Neuburg a.D. (Erste Hälfte) // Geognost. Jh. 1914. S.59-172. pdf

Schneid Th. (1916) Geologie der fränkischen Alb zwichen Eichtätt und Neuburg a.D. (Zweite Hälfte) // Geognost. Jh. 1915. S.1-61. pdf

Seyed-Emami K. (1975) Jurassic-Cretaceous Boundary in Iran // AAPG Bulletin.Vol. 59. no.2. P. 231-238. pdf

Sieverts-Doreck H. (1938) Pseudocupressocrinus Valette, 1934, ein Synonym von Cyathidiu m Steenstrup, 1847 // Zentralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, (Abteilung B), 1938, S. 29-32. pdf

Stănoiu I. (1967) Contribuţii la cunoaşterea Liasicului şi Aaleniamilui din materialul exotic asociat depozitelor de tip Wildflysch din sinclinalul Rarău (Carpaţii orientali) // Dări de Seamă ale Şedinţelor. Pt. 1-a. 1965-1966. Vol. LIII. P. 457-463. pdf

Stănoiu I. (1978) Les calpionelles des couches de Sinaia de la région située entre les vallées de Motru et de Coşuştea (Carpates Méridionales) // Dări de Seamă ale Şedinţelor. 4. Stratigraphie. 1976-1977. Vol. LXIV. P. 183-191. pdf

Stolley E. (1935) Zur Kenntnis des Jura und der Unterkreide von Misol. II. Paläontologischer Teil // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, Beilage-Band Abteilung B, Bd. 73. S. 42-69. pdf

Stolley E. (1938) Zur Kenntnis der arktischen Belemniten von König-Karls-Land // Zentralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, (Abteilung B), 1938, S. 19-28. pdf

Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Phanerozoic of the North-East of the USSR. Magadan: SVKNII DVO of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1988. 165 pp. pdf

Includes the following papers, among the others:

Bychkov Yu.M., Chekhov A.D. Triassic deposits of the western coast of Lake Peculnean

Milova L.V. New Early Jurassic bivalve molluscs of the North-East of the USSR

Paraketsov K.V. New species of Buchia from the Upper Jurassic deposits of the North-East of the USSR

Pohialainen V.P. Morphology of the ligamentous site in colonicerams

Terekhova G.P. On the age of the Krivorechenskaya suite and the Grebenkinsky floral complex

Tilmann N. (1917) Die Fauna des unteren und mittleren Lias in Nord- und Mittel-Peru // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie. Beilage-Band XLI. S.628-712. pdf

Tomescu C., Bordea S. (1976) Asupra prezenţei unor amoniţi ai Sinemurianului inferior în unitatea de Urmă (Valea Mare-Munții Bihor) // Dări de Seamă ale Şedinţelor. 3. Paleontologie. 1974-1975. Vol. LXII. P.175-182. pdf

Trauth F. (1935) Die Anaptychen des Lias // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, Beilage-Band (Abteilung B). Bd. 73. S. 70-99. pdf

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Wilkinson I P., Yakovleva S., Kolpenskaya S. (1997) Stratigraphical and Palaeoecological applications of Volgian microfaunas. Volume I // British Geological Survey. Technical report. Stratigraphy Series Report WH97/208R. 173 p. pdf

Wilkinson I P., Yakovleva S., Kolpenskaya S. (1997) Stratigraphical and Palaeoecological applications of Volgian microfaunas. Volume II: Systematic Micropalaeontology // British Geological Survey. Technical report. Stratigraphy Series Report WH97/209R. 124 p. pdf

Yin J. (1975) The belemnites from the Qomolangma Feng region // In: Wu T. (Ed.): A report of scientific investigations in the Qomolangma Feng region, Palaeontology]. Part 1 (for 1966-1968). P. 239-266 [in Chinese] pdf


New Cretaceous publications are added (partially provided by E. Baraboshkin, A. Kuzmin, J. Pignatti, E. Tesakova)

Alexandrescu Gr. (1980) Asupra unei asociaţii de amoniţi din stratele de Bistra (Carpaţii Orientali) // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 3. Paleontologie. 1977-1978. T.LXV. no.3. P.5-16. pdf

Alexandrescu Gr. (1982) Asupra unei asociaţii de amoniţi vraconieni de la Negrileasa-Ostra (Carpaţii Orientali) // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 3. Paleontologie. 1979-1980. T.LXVII. no.3. P.5-18. pdf

Alexandrescu Gr., Ion J. (1982) Date paleontologice noi asupra Şisturilor Negre din pînza de Audia (Carpaţii Orientali) // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 3. Paleontologie. 1979-1980. T.LXVII. no.3. P.19-32. pdf

Andert H. (1911) Die Inoceramen des Kreibitz-Zittauer Sandsteingebirges // Festschrift des Humboldtvereins zur Feier seines 50jährigen Bestehens am 22 Oktober 1911. S.33-64. pdf

Antonescu E. (1999) Trilobosporites, Impardecispora, Concavissimisporites et autres types de spores du Crétacé inférieur de Roumanie // Romanian Journal of Paleontology. Vol. 77 A. Special Issue. 41 p. pdf

Avram E. (1984) Correspondent species of the genera Macroscaphites Meek and Costidiscus Uhlig // 75 Years Lab. Paleont. Spec. Vol. P. 67-80. pdf

Avram E. (1990) Considérations sur l'âge des marnes de Civina (Zone Resita-SO de la Roumanie) // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 3. Paleontologie. 1987. Vol.LXXIV. P. 33-68. pdf

Avram E., Bordea S., Cociuba I., Huza R., Preda I. (2001) Ammonite assemblages of the Ecleja Formation (Northern Apuseni Mts., Romania) // Romanian Journal of Stratigraphy Vol. 79. P. 13-20. pdf

Avram E., Dusa A., Lupu D. (1990) La faune d'Ammonites des couches de Dumeşti (Monts Apuseni de Sud, Roumanie) // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 3. Paleontologie. 1987. Vol.LXXIV. P.87-109. pdf

Avram E., Matei V. (1964) Date paleontologice noi privind flisul crectacic din partea de NE a bazinului Doftana // Studii şi Cercetări. Geolologie Geofizică Geografie. Seria Geologic. Vol. 2 (9). P.321-327. pdf

Avram E., Melinte M.C. (1998) Barremian-Aptian boundary in the Dambovicioara area (Rumanian Carpathians) // Zbl. Geol. Palaont. Teil I. H. 11/12 P. 1117-1129. pdf

Avram E., Turculeţ I., Melinte M.C. (1998) Boreal immigrants into the Valanginian successions of the Romanian Carpathians // Romanian Journal of Stratigraphy. Vol. 77. no.4.P. 27-35. pdf

Bordea S., Bordea J., Georgescu V., Mantea Gh. (1968) Asupra prezenţei unei faune hauteriviene în masivul calcaros Cetea-Pleaşa din zona Galda-Râmeţi // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 1966-1967. Vol. LIV. P. 223-237. pdf

Busnardo R., Cotillon P. (1964) Stratigraphie du Crétacé inférieur dans la région des Gorges du Verdon (Basses-Alpes et Var) // Compte Rendu Sommaire et Séances de la Société Géologique de France. T.8. P.321-322. pdf

Casey R. (1961) The stratigraphical palaeontology of the Lower Greensand // Palaeontology, Vol.3. Pt.4. P. 487-621. pdf

Catullo T. (1847) Appendice al catalogo degli ammoniti delle Alpi Venete: accompagnata da una tavola, che sarebbe la 12. del Prodromo (specie Neocomiane). Padova, 8 p. pdf

Catullo T. (1847) Seconda appendice al catalogo degli ammoniti delle Alpi Venete: accompagnata da una tavola, che sarebbe la XIII del Prodromo (specie Neocomiane). Padova, P.9-16. pdf

Danilova A. (1963) Neoiraqia convexa - nov foraminifer iz cenoman-turona Kosova polja // Vesnik Zavoda za Geološka i Geofizička Istraživanja, ser. a, T.20, P.223-226. pdf

Das R.M., Chatterjee B.P. (1963) Upper Cretaceous smaller foraminifera from the gypseous clays of the Uttattur beds of the Uttattur Group, Trichinopoly District, Madras State // Bulletin of the Geological, Mining & Metallurgical Society of India.no.28. 20 p. pdf

Dincă Al. (1964) Asupru prezenţei Senonianului inferior în bazinul Rusca Montană // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 1961-1962. Vl. XLIX. P.173-175. pdf

Drooger C.W. (1952) Foraminifera from Cretaceous-Tertiary transitional strata of the Hodna mountains, Algeria // Contribution of Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research, Vol. 3. no.2. P. 89-103. pdf

Gründel J. (1974) Zur Entwicklung der Trachyleberididae (Ostracoda) in der Unterkreide und in der tiefen Oberkreide Teil II : Phylogenie // Z. geol. Wiss. 2. 1. S. 61-71. pdf

Ippolitov A.P., Desai B., Arkadev V.V. (2015) First find of Parabelemnopsis, the alien belemnite from the southern hemisphere, in the Upper Berriasian of Central Crimea // In The International Scientific Conference on the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary. September 7-13, 2015, Samara (Russia). Togliatti: Kassandra. P. 52-59. pdf

Jagt J.W.M., Kennedy W.J. (1994) Jeletzkytes dorfi Landman Waage, 1993, a North American marker fossil from the lower Upper Maastrichtian of Belgium, and the numerical age of the Lower/Upper Maastrichtian boundary // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläntologie Monatshefte, P.239-245. pdf

Janssen N.M.M., Rogov M.A., Zakharov V.A. (2022) Ryazanian (Berriasian) molluscs and biostratigraphy of the Dutch and Norwegian North Sea area (south of Viking Graben) // Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, Vol.101, e8. DOI: 10.1017/njg.2022.5 pdf

Jayet A. (1968) Le problème des mélanges de faunes dans le Crétacé moyen des Alpes calcaires de Haute-Savoie // C. r. Seanc. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Geneve, 3. P. 23-31. pdf

Jefferies R.P.S. (1962). The palaeoecology of the Actinocamax plenus subzone (lowest Turonian) in the Anglo-Paris Basin // Palaeontology, Vol. 4. Pt.4. P.609-647. pdf

Juignet P., Damotte R., Fauconnier D., Kennedy W.J., Magniez-Jannin F., Monciardini C., Odin G.S. (1983) Étude de trois sondages dans la région-type du Cénomanien. La limite Albien-Cénomanien dans la Sarthe (France) // Géologie de la France. n°3. P. 193-234. pdf

Kennedy W.J. (1986) Campanian and Maastrichtian ammonites from northern Aquitaine, France // Spec. Pap. Palaeont. No. 36, P.1-145. pdf

Kokoszyńska B. (1956) Dolna Kreda okolic Tomaszowa Mazowieckiego // Biuletyn Instytut Geologiczny. T. 113. P. 5-64. pdf

Liu C. (1987) New knowledge of the geographical distribution of Pseudorbitoides (Foraminifera) and its new species from south Tibet, China // Scientia Geologica Sinica. No.1. P. 93-96. [in Chinese] pdf

Luppov N.P. (1936) On ammonites from the Barremian deposits of the East-Karabugaz district (North-Western Turkmenistan) // Transactions of the Leningrad Society of Naturalists. Vol.65, Issue 1. pp.116-124. [in Russian] pdf

Lupu D. (1965). Desmoceras (Pseudouhligella) devae, o nouă speciae de amonit Cenomanian de la Chergheş // Dări de Seama ale şedinţelor. 1963-1964. Vol. LI. No.2. P.19-22. pdf

Lupu D. (1976) Contribuţii la studiul rudiştilor senonieni din Munţii Apuseni // Memoriile Institutului Geologic al Romaniei. Vol. XXIV. P.83-152. pdf

Marie P. (1952) Quelques genres nouveaux de foraminifères du Crétacé à facies récifal // Comptes Rendus de la dix-neuvième session, Congrès Gèologique International, Alger, P.117-124. pdf

Marie P. (1959) Sur les facies a foraminiferes du Coniacien subrecifal de la region de Foissac (Gard) et sur le nouveau genre Sornayina // Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 7 sé r. T.1. P. 320-326. pdf

Matei V. (1970) Fauna vraconiană de pe valea Macla // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 3. Paleontologie. 1967-1968. Vol.LV. P.82-84. pdf

Materials to the Fundamentals of Paleontology, Issue 2. M., 1958. 119 p. pdf

Includes the following aers, among the others: 

Mikhailova I.A. Deshayesitids from the Lower Cretaceous deposits of Dagestan and the Central Caucasus

Birstein Ya.A. New langoust (Crustacea, Decapoda) from Cretaceous deposits of Western Kamchatka

Becker-Migdisova E.E. New fossil equidoptera


Materials to the Fundamentals of Paleontology, Issue 3. M., 1959. 125 p. pdf

Includes the following aers, among the others:

Popov Yu.N. New Triassic cephalopods

Shimansky V.N. New species of nautiloids from the genus Teichertia

Novozhilov N. New Permian and Triassic Conchostraca from Southern Belarus, the Urals and Yakutia

Becker-Migdisova E.E. Some new representatives of the Sternorynchus group from Permian and the Mesozoic of the USSR

Dorofeev P.I. Fossil pine cone from the Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Kuban River

Martynova O.M. New insects from Permian and Mesozoic deposits of the USSR

McLearn F.H. (1931) The Gastroplites and other Lower Cretaceous faunas of the northern Great Plains // Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada (series 3). Vol. 25(section 4). P. 1-8. pdf

McLearn F.H. (1933) The ammonoid genera Gastroplites and Neogastroplites // Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada (series 3, section 4). Vol. 27. P. 13-26. pdf

McLearn F.H. (1933) Pelecypods of the Lower Cretaceous Clearwater Formation // Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. Vol. 27 (section 4). P. 139-156. pdf

Mutihac V. (1957) Contribuţii la cunoaşterea Cretacicului inferior dintre Valea Minişului şi Valea Nerei (Banat). Comunicare preliminară // Buletin Ştiinţifíc, Secţia de Geologie şi geografie. T.II. no.2. P.355-367. pdf

Muţiu R. (1966) Contribuţii la studiul Neocomianului ammonitic din platforma Moesică (Partea Centrală) // Petrol şi Gaze. Vol. XVII. Nr.9. P. 447-454. pdf

Myatlyuk E.V. (1971) On the systematics of planospiral representatives of haplofragmoidids (Foraminifera) // Transactins of VNIGRI. Issue 291. New in microfauna taxonomy. P.18-25. [in Russian] pdf

Neal D.V. (1966) Ostracods from the lower Valangin of the Central Crimea // Paleontol. Journal No. 1. P. 87-100. [in Russian] pdf

Nikolov T.G. (1962) Dobrogeites - a new genus of Valanginian ammonites // Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences. T.15. no.1. P. 69-71. pdf

Nikolov T.G. (1965) A new Valanginian ammonites (Dobrodgeiceras benavidesi sp. nov.) from Peru // Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences. T.18. no.12. P. 1153-1155. pdf

Omara S., Strauch F. (1965) Über ein Vorkommen der Foraminiferen-Gattung Nezzazata Omara in Deutschland // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh., Hft. 2. S. 84-90. pdf

Pašić M. (1962).Orbitoline gornje krede Dinarida (zapadna Srbija) // Vesnik Zavoda za geološka i geofizička istraživanja. Serija A, Geologija. Kn. XX. P.153-177. pdf

Patrulius D., Szasz L. (1976) Specii ale genului Gauthiericeras în Neocretacicul din România // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 3. Pawentologie. 1974-1975. Vol. LXIII. P.155-159. pdf

Pavlow M. (1886) Les ammonites du groupe Olcostephanus versicolor // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscou. T. LXII. No.2. P.27-42. pdf

Popescu G., Patrulius D. (1968) Formaţiunile cretacice pe marginea nordică a depresiunii getice, între V. Oltului şi Mas. Vânturariţa (C. Meridionali) // Dări de Seamă ale Şedinţelor. 1966-1967. Pt.1. Vol. LIV. P.313-340. pdf

Rasheed D.A. (1964) Some calcareous foraminifera belonging to Lagenidae, Ellipsoidinidae and Heterohelicidae from the Cullygoody (Dalmiapuram) Limestone, Trichinopoly Cretaceous of South India // J. Madras Univ. 1963. B. Vol. XXXIII. No.3. P. 231-248. pdf

Riccardi A.C., Westermann G.E. (1970) The Valanginian Dobrodgeiceras Nikolov [Ammonitina] from Peru // Journal of Paleontology. Vol. 44. no.5. P. 888-892. pdf

Rodighiero A. (1919) Il sistema Cretaceo del Veneto occidentale compreso fra l'Adige e il Piave, con speciale riguardo al Neocomiano dei Sette Comuni // Paleontographia Italica. Vol. XXV. P.37-126. pdf

Sanchez J. (1977) Macrofauna cretacica de la isla de Menorca // Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Pub. de Geologia. No.9. 159 p. pdf

Schroeder R. (1964) Orbitoliniden-Biostratigraphie des Urgons nordöstlich von Teruel (Spanien) // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte. Hft. 8. S. 462-474. pdf

Seyed-Emami K. (1980) Parahoplitidae (Ammonoidea) aus dem Nordost- und Zentraliran. Parahoplitidae (Ammonidea) from Northeast and Central Iran // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläntologie Monatshefte, Hft. 12. S. 719-737. pdf

Seyed-Emami K. (1982) Turrilitidae (Ammonoidea) aus dem Glaukonitkalk bei Esfahan (Zentraliran) // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen. Bd. 163. Hft.3. S. 417-434. pdf

Seyed-Emami K., Immel H. (1996) Ammoniten aus dem Alb (Hoehere Unterkreide) des Zentralirans // Palaeontographica, Abt.A, Hft.241, Lfg.1-3, S.1-26. pdf

Seyed-Emami K., Immel H., Alavi-Naini M. (1993) Neue Leymeriellen (Kreide-Ammoniten) aus dem tieferen Unteralb (tardefurcata-Zone) des noerdlichen Zentralirans // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen. Bd.187. Hft.3, S.325-343. pdf

Szász L. (1976) Nouvelles espèces d’ammonites dans le Cénomanien de la region de Hateg (Carpates méridionales) // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 3. Paleontologie. 1974-1975. Vol.LXII. P. 53-82. pdf

Szász L. (1976) Biostratigrafia si Paleontologia Cretacicului Superior din Basinul Brezoi (Carpatii Meridionali) // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 4. Stratigraphie. 1974-1975. Vol.LXII. P. 189-220. pdf

Szász L. (1982) Inoceramus labiatus (Schlotheim) à Test de Maramureş (Carpates Orientales) // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 3. Paleontologie. 1979. Vol.LXVI. P.57-60. pdf

Szász L. (1982) Les ammonites hétéromorphes campaniennes des Carpatcs Méridionales (Roumanie) // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 3. Paleontologie. 1979. Vol.LXVI. P.45-56. pdf

Szász L. (1982) Les subdivisions et la corrélation du Cénomanien de Roumanie à partir de la faune d’Ammonites // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 4. Stratigrafie. 1979-1980. Vol.LXVII. P.97-113. pdf

Szász L. (1982) Sur la présence des ammonites cénomaniennes dans le bassin de Babadag (Dobrogea de Nord) // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 3. Paleontologie. 1979. Vol.LXVI. P.27-44. pdf

Szász L. (1986) Biostratigraphy and Correlation of the Turonian in Romania on the Basis of Ammonites and Inoceramids // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 4. Stratigrafie. 1983; 1984. Vol.70-71. P.147-174. pdf

Szász L. (1986) Coniacian in Romania Boundaries, Subdivisions, Ammonite and Inoceramid Assemblages and Their Importance for Global Correlations Inoceramids // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 4. Stratigrafie. 1983; 1984. Vol.70-71. P.175-201. pdf

Tavani G. (1942) Molluschi del Cretâceo della Somalia // Palaeontographia Italica. Vol. 32, no.4(2), P.7-47. pdf

Tavani G. (1948) Fauna malacologica cretacea della Somalia e dell'Ogaden. Parte Prima. Lamellibranchiata // Paleontographica Italica. Vol.XLIII (n.s. Vol. XIII). P.83-154. pdf

Wedekind R. (1910) Über die Lobenentwicklung der Simbirskiten. Eine Studie zur Noetlingschen Lobentheorie // Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin. No.3. S.93-105. pdf

Wedekind R. (1940) Die papillaten Flabellinen der Kreide und die Stufengliederung des Senons. // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, Beilage-Band (Abt. B). Bd. 84. S. 177-204. pdf

Wiedman J. (1962) Notizen zur Systematik der Kreideammoniten II. Die Gabbioceratinae Breistroffer // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. Bd. 115. Nr. 1. S. 1-43. pdf

Zberea A. (1962) Date noi asupra stratigrafiei munţilor Baraolt // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 1959-1960. Vol. XLVII. P.281-284. pdf


New Triassic publications are added (partially provided by J. Pignatti)

di Bari D., Laghi G.F. (1994) Involutinidae Bütschli (Foraminiferida) in the Carnian of the northeastern Dolomites (Italy) // Memorie di Scienze Geologiche. Vol. 46 P. 93-118. pdf

Dumitrică P. (1978) Family Eptingiidae n. fam. extinct Nasselaria (Radiolarla) with Sagital ring // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor. 3. Paleontologie. 1976-1977. T.LXIV. P.27-38. pdf

Geology of Poland. Vol. III Atlas of guide and characteristic fossils. Part 2a. Mesozoic. Triassic. Warsaw: Wydawnictwa Geologiczne, 1986. 253 p. pdf

Huene F. v. (1940) Eine Reptilienfauna aus der ältesten Trias Nordrußlands // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, Beilage-Band (Abt. B). Bd. 84. S.1–23. pdf

Koehn-Zaninetti L., Brönnimann P. (1968) Triasina oberhauseri, n. sp., un Foraminifére nouveau de la Dolomie principale des Alpes Calcaires septentrionales (Autriche). Geneve: Fontana. 6 p. pdf

Koehn-Zaninetti L., Bronnimann P., Gall J.C. (1969) Description de quelques Foraminifères du grès à Voltzia (Buntsandstein supérieur) des Vosges (France) // Bull. Serv. Carte géol. Als. Lorr., T.22, no.2. P. 121-130. pdf

Kristan-Tollmann E. (1973) Neue sandschalige Foraminiferen aus der alpinen Obertrias // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh. Hft.7. S.416-428. pdf

Mojsisovics E. (1873-1902) Die Cephalopoden der Halstätter Kalke. Wien: Geol. Reich. 356 S. pdf

Pantiċ S. (1967) Turrispirillina minima n. sp. iz trijaskih sedimenata Dinarida // Vesnik Zavoda za Geološka i Geofizička Istraživanja, ser. a, Kn.XXIV/XXV. P. 255-258. pdf

Senowbari-Daryan B., Zankl H. (2000) Goellipora triasica n. gen. n. sp.: Eine sessile Foraminifere aus den norischen Dachstein-Riffkalken des Hohen Gölls (Nördliche Kalkalpen, Österreich) // Senckenbergiana lethaea. Bd. 80. Hft.2. S.397-403. pdf

Vu-Khuc D. (1977) Revision of some genera of bivalve mollusks from the Upper-Triassic deposits of Northern Vietnam // Dokl. Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol. 232. no.3. P.876-879. [in Russian] pdf

Wanner J. (1907) Triaspetrefakten der Molukken und des Timorarchipels // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, Beilage-Band. Bd. 24. S.161-220. pdf

Wanner J. (1911) Triascephalopoden von Timor und Rotti // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, Beilage-Band B. Bd. 32. S.177-196. pdf

Zhu K.Y., Bian Z. (1984) Sinobelemnitidae, a new family of Belemnitida from the Upper Triassic of Longmenshan, Sichuan // Acta Palaeontologica Sinica. Vol. 23. no.3. P. 300-317. pdf



New hyperlinks to open-access periodicals are added:

Acta Musei Silesiae, Scientiae Naturales

Applications in Plant Sciences

Archiv für Molluskenkunde (new site)

Buletin Științific. Revistă de Etnografie, Științele Naturii și Muzeologie. Serie nouă

Bulletin of the ecological Society of America

Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum (new site)


Edinburgh Geologist


International Journal of Microbiology

Iranian Journal of Energy and Environment

Jahrbuch für Landeskunde von Niederösterreich

Journal of Scientific Research of the Banaras Hindu University

Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research

Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science

Mitteilungen aus den Königlichen naturwissenschaftlichen Instituten in Sofia (=Bulletin des Institutions royales d’histoire naturelle á Sophia)

Molecular Biology and Evolution

Nature Conservation Research

Perspectives of Earth and Space Scientists

Plant-Environment Interactions

Plant Direct

Plant Diversity

Prace Naukowe Instytutu Nafty i Gazu – Państwowego Instytutu Badawczego

Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science

Psyche: a journal of Entomology

Revista Botanică

Revista Geológica de América Central

Rudolfinum- Jahrbuch des Landesmuseums für Kärnten

Studia Universitatis Moldaviae Seria Stiințe ale naturii

The University of Missouri studies. Science series

Wildlife Biology


New Jurassic publications are added (partially received from E. Baraboshkin, A. Kuzmin and J. Pignatti):

Benecke E.W. (1905) Die Versteinerungen der Eisenerzformation von Deutsch-Lothringen und Luxemburg // Abh. geol. Spezialkarte Elsass-Lothringen. N. F. 6. 598 S. pdf

Chapman F. (1904) On a Collection of Upper Palaeozoic and Mesozoic Fossils from West Australia and Queensland, in the National Museum, Melbourne // Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. New series. Vol. XVI. Pt.2. P.306-335. pdf

Chapman F. (1904) On Some Foraminifera and Ostracoda from Jurassic (Lower Oolite) Strata, Near Geraldton, Western Australia // Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. New series. Vol. XVI. Pt.2. P.185-206. pdf

Doyle P., Mariotti N. (1991) Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous belemnites from Northwestern Anatolia (Turkey) // Geologica Romana. T.27. P. 347-379. pdf

Drushchits V.V., Shimansky V.N. (1982) Basic questions of the systematics of ectocochleate cephalopods // Bull. MOIP. Sect. geol. Vol. 57, No. 6. P. 94-107. [in Russian] pdf

Farinacci A. (1991) Emendation of Vidalina Schlumberger and the new genus Agerina (Foraminifera) // Paleopelagos. Vol. 1. P. 5-17. pdf

Hillebrandt A. v. (1987) Liassic ammonite zones of South America and correlations with other provinces. Description of new genera and species of ammonites // In: Volkheimer, W. (Ed.), Bioestratigrafía de los Sistemas Regionales del Jurásico y Cretácico en América del Sur. Comité Sudamericano del Jurásico y Cretácico, Mendoza, Vol. 1. P.111-157. pdf

Jack R.L., Etheridge R. (1892) The Geology and Paleontology of Queensland and New Guinea Brisbane, London:             Government Press. 768 p. pdf

Komarov V.N. (2021) Rhyncholites of the Crimean Mountains. Moscow: Ltd TIIC. 210 p. [n Russian] pdf

McLearn F.H. (1930) Notes on some Canadian Mesozoic faunas // Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada (series 3, section 4). Vol.24. P. 1-11. pdf

Mutvei H. (1971) The siphonal tube in Jurassic Belemnitida and Aulacocerida (Cephalopoda: Coleoidea) // Bull. geol. Inst. Univ. Upsala, N. S., Vol.3. no.3. P. 27–36. pdf

Newton H., Jenney W.P. (1880) Report on the Geology and Resources of the Black Hills of Dakota. Washington: US Government Printing Office. 556 p. pdf

Oppel A. (1854) Der mittlere Lias Schwabens // Jahreshefte des Vereins für vaterländische Naturkunde in Württemberg, Jg.10. S. 39-136. pdf

Phillips J. (1829) Illustrations of the Geology of Yorkshire, or, a description of the strata and organic remains of the Yorkshire Coast: accompanied by a geological map, sections, and plates of the fossil plants and animals. York: Wilsons & sons. 192 p. pdf

Rogov M.A. (2021) Ammonites and infrazonal stratigraphy of the Kimmeridgian and Volgian stages of Panboreal Superrealm // Transactions of the Geological Institute. Vol. 627. 732 p. DOI: 10.54896/00023272_2021_627_1 pdf

Rothpletz A. (1886) Geologisch-palaeontologische Monographie der Vilser Alpen, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Brachiopoden-Systematik // Palaeontographica. Bd. 33. S.1-180. pdf 

Rulleau L. (1995) Ammonites du Toarcien inférieur et moyen de la région lyonnaise. Section géologie et Paléontologie du Comité d’entreprise Lafarge. 15 p. pdf

Rulleau L. (1996) Les Hammatoceratidae du Toarcien et de l’Aalénien de la région lyonnaise. Section Géologie et Paléontologie du Comité d’Entreprise Lafarge Ciments. 14 p. pdf

Stefanov A. (1934) Geologie des Vorbalkan von Ellena (Stratigraphische, tektonische und palaeontologische Untersuchungen) // Mitteilungen aus den Königlichen naturwissenschaftlichen Instituten in Sofia. Bd. 7. S.189-221. pdf

Villalba J.B. (1996) La Biozona Bifurcatus en el Sector Nororiental (Rama Aragonesa) de la Cordillera Ibérica: asociaciones de ammonites y bioestratigrafía // Coloquios de paleontología. No. 48. P. 11-24. pdf

Young G., Bird J. (1822) A geological survey of the Yorkshire Coast: describing the strata and fossils occurring between the Humber and the Tees, from the German Ocean to the Plain of York. Whitby: Printed at the Office of R. Kirby. 235 p. pdf

Zakharov V.A., Shurygin B.N. (1979) The Jurassic Sea in the north of Central Siberia (according to the analysis of bivalve mollusc communities) // Trans. IGiG SB RAS. Vol. 411. P. 56-81. [in Russian]  pdf


New Cretaceous publications are added (partially received from E. Baraboshkin, A. Kuzmin and J. Pignatti):

Alekseeva L.V. (1972) Agglutinating foraminifera of the Lower Cretaceous deposits of Western Turkmenistan. Moscow: Nauka. 63 p. [in Russian] pdf

Böse E. (1923) Algunas faunas cretaciсas de Zacatecas, Durango y Guerrero // Boletín del Instituto Géologica de México. Num.42. 219 p. pdf

Calzada S., Campuzan R., Urquiola M.M. (1996) Nueva cita de сefalópodos en el macizo de Garra // Batalleria. Vol. 6. P.63-66. pdf

Collignon M., Faure-Muret A. (1968) Ammonites crétacées des rides prérifaines (région du Dahar-en-Nsour) // Notes et Mém. Serv. géol. Maroc, Rabat, n° 211, P.19-28. pdf

Geinitz H.B. (1849) Das Quadersandsteingebirge oder Kreidegebirge in Deutschland. Freiberg: Craz and Gerlach. 292 S. pdf

Guzhikov A.Yu., Baraboshkin E.Yu., Aleksandrova G.N., Ryabov I.P., Ustinova M.A., Kopaevich L.F., Mirantsev G.V., Kuznetsov A.B., Fokin P.A., Kosorukov V.L. (2021) New Bio-, Chemo-, and Magnetostratigraphy of the Santonian–Campanian Boundary in the Kudrino and Aksu-Dere Sections (SW Crimea): Problems of Global Correlation and Selection of the Lower Boundary Stratotype of the Campanian. 1. Geological Framework, Sedimentology, Biostratigraphy // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol. 29, No. 4. Pp. 450–494. pdf

Guzhikov A.Yu., Baraboshkin E.Yu., Aleksandrova G.N., Ryabov I.P., Ustinova M.A., Kopaevich L.F., Mirantsev G.V., Kuznetsov A.B., Fokin P.A., Kosorukov V.L. (2021) New Bio-, Chemo-, and Magnetostratigraphy of the Santonian–Campanian Boundary in the Kudrino and Aksu-Dere Sections (SW Crimea): Problems of Global Correlation and Selection of the Lower Boundary Stratotype of the Campanian. 2. Magneto- and Chemostratigraphy, Discussion // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol. 29. No. 5. Pp. 27–58. pdf

Harries P.J., Kauffman E.G., Crampton J.S., Bengtson P., Cech S., Crame J.A., Dhont A.V., Ernst G., Hilbrecht H., Lopez ., Mortimore R., Troeger K-A., Walaszczik I., Wood C.J. (1996) Lower Turonian Euramerican Inoceramidae: a morphologic, taxonomic, and biostratigraphic overview // Mitteilungen aus dem geologisch-paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg. Hft.77. P. 641-671. pdf

Kilian W. (1892) Sur quelques Ammonitides appartenant au Museum d'Histoire naturelle de Lyon. G.Sayn, W.Kilian. Contribution a l'etude des Cephalopodes Cretaces du Sud-Est de la France // Archives du Muséum d'Histoire naturelle de Lyon. T.V. P.1-9. pdf

Kolbe H. (1958) Die Erzablagerungen im Salzgittergebiet // Geographische Rundschau. Bd.10. Hft.3. S.92-99. pdf

Kvantaliani I.V. (1971) Aptian ammonites of Abkhazia (phylloceratids, tetragonitids, parahoplitids, desmoceratids and cheloniceratids). Tbilisi: Publishing House of State Polytechn. Inst. 175 p. [in Russian] pdf

Kvantaliani I.V., Sakharov А.S. (1986) Valanginian ammonites from Northern Caucasus // Geologica Balcanica. Т.16. №1. Р. 55-68. [in Russian] pdf

Laube G.C., Bruder G. (1887) Ammoniten der böhmischen Kreide // Palaeontographica. Bd.33. S. 217-239. pdf

Luperto Sinni E., Reina A. (1991) Tetraminouxia salentina nuova specie di foraminifero dei calcari campaniani del Salento (Puglia, Italia meridionale) //  Paleopelagos. Vol. 1. P. 39-45. pdf

Luperto Sinni E., Reina A. (1992) Heterocoskinolina bariensis nuova specie di foraminifero del Cenomaniano delle Murge (Puglia, Italia meridionale) // Paleopelagos. Vol. 2. P. 55-63. pdf

Marcinowski R. (1983) Upper Albian and Cenomanian ammonites from some sections of the Mangyshlak and Tuarkyr régions, Transcaspia, Soviet Union // Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte. P. 156-180. pdf

Meek F.B., Hayden F.V. (1865) Palaeontology of the Upper Missouri: A Report Upon Collections Made Principally by the Expeditions Under Command of Lieut. GK Warren, US Top. Engrs., in 1855 and 1856. Invertebrates // Smitsonian contributions to knowledge. Vol. XIV. 135 p. pdf

Meunier S. (1887) Contribution à la géologie de l’Afrique occidentale // Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France. 3ème série. T.6. P.61-63. pdf

Myczynski R., Trif J. (1986) Los ammonites del Cretacico Inferior de las provincias de Pinar del Rio y Matanzas // Bull. Pol. Acad. Sciences, Earth Science. T.34. no.1. P. 113-137. pdf

Reeside J.B. (1927) The cephalopods of the Eagle Sandstone and related formations in the Western Interior of the United States // US Geol. Suv. Professional Paper 151. 40 p. pdf

Riccardi A.C., Medina F.A. (2002) The Beudanticeratinae and Cleoniceratinae (Ammonitida) from the Lower Albian of Patagonia // Revue Paleobiol. T.21. no.1. P. 291-351. pdf

Schlüter C. (1876) Cephalopoden der oberen Kreide // Palaeontographica. Bd. 24. S. 1-144. pdf

Schlüter C. (1877) Kreide-Bivalven. Zur Gattung Inoceramus // Palaeontographica. Bd. 24. S. 249-288. pdf

Urmanova S.H. (1962) About a new ammonite species from the Lower Cretaceous deposits of Turkmenistan // Paleontological Journal. No. 2. pp. 76-79. [in Russian] pdf

Zakharov V.A., Turbina A.S. (1979) Early Neocomian inoceramids of Northern Siberia and their role in bottom communities // Trans. IGiG SB RAS. Vol 411. P. 23-36. [in Russian] pdf

Zonova T.D. (1965) On new Late Cretaceous inocerams from Sakhalin Island // Biostratigraphic collection. Issue 1. Transactions of VSEGEI. New series. Vol.115. C.188-194. [in Russian] pdf

Zonova T.D. (1974) Zonal subdivision of Cretaceous deposits of Sakhalin Island by inocerams // Stratigraphy and lithology of Cretaceous, Paleogene and Neogene deposits of the Koryak-Anadyr region. L.: NIIGA, P.82-91. [in Russian] pdf

Zonova T.D. (1977) The discovery of a new species of Inoceramus on Sakhalin Island // Annual of the All-Union Paleontological Society. Vol. XX. P. 98-104. [in Russian] pdf

Zonova T.D. (1979) New representatives of Coniacian inoceramids of the Far East and a description of their ligamentous strips // Annual of the All-Union Paleontological Society. Vol. XXII. P.11-18. [in Russian]  pdf

Zonova T.D. (1982) Cretaceous inoceramids of Sikhote-Alin and the Lower Amur region // New data on stratigraphy and paleogeography of the Far East. Vladivostok, P.42-45. [in Russian]  pdf

Zonova T.D. (1985) Features of the shell structure of radial-ribbed inoceramids and calyptriform gastropods of the Campanian of the north of the Pacific region // Annual of the All-Union Paleontological Society. Vol. XXVIII. P. 134-147. [in Russian] pdf

Zonova T.D. (1989) A note on Cretaceous inocerams from Lake Udyl and from the Anyui River basin (Lower Amur region) // // Annual of the All-Union Paleontological Society. Vol. XXXII. P.280-287. [in Russian] pdf


New Triassic publications are added:

Branson C.C. (1930) Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Phosphoria Formation // Missouri University Studies. Vol. 5. P. 1-99. pdf

Khramova S. N. (1977) Triassic flora of the Pechora basin and its significance for stratigraphy // Transactions of VNIGRI. Vol. 380. 100 p. [in Russian] pdf    

Novozhilov N.I. (1951) Estheriae from the Lower Triassic of the Eastern Taimyr // Transactios of the Inst. Arct. Geol. Vol.XVII. P.66-79. [in Russian] pdf



Happy New Year 2022!

New hyperlinks to open-access periodicals are added (partially provided by C. Svitak):

Acta Scientifica Malaysia

Advances in oceanography & limnology

Advancements in Life Sciences

African Journal of Biological Sciences


Anales de la Sección de Ciencias del Colegio Universitario de Gerona

Annals of the Durban Museum

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

Archiv Natur- und Landeskunde Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Avances en ciencias de la tierra

Azerbaijan Chemical Journal

Baylor Geological Studies (BGS) Bulletin

Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. Reihe A, Geologie und Paläontologie


Biodiversity and natural history

Biology Open

Boletim da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras, Universidade de São Paulo. Zoologia e Biologia

Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia

Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española

Brazilian Journal of Biological Sciences

BULOMA (Buletin Oseanografi Marina)

Butlletí del Centre d'Estudis de la Natura del Barcelonès-Nord

Bulletin of Geology

Ecologia mediterranea

Egyptian journal of aquatic biology and fisheries

El botánico - Revista de la AIMJB

Electronic Journal of the Freiberg Geoscience Departement

Fish Pathology (Gyobyō kenkyu)

Geologica Bavarica

Geologie en Mijnbouw – back issues: https://www.kngmg.nl/geologie-en-mijnbouw/

Geologische Blätter für Nordost-Bayern

Geologische Rundschau

Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences (IJMS)

International aquatic research

International Journal of Biology and Biological Sciences

International Journal of Paleobiology & Paleontology

International Journal of Scientific Research in Biological Sciences

International Research Journal of Biological Sciences

Isurus (Asociación Paleontológica Alcoyana "Isurus")

Izvestiya of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Geologic series

Jahreshefte der Gesellschaft für Naturkunde in Württemberg (c 2001 года)

Journal of Geomechanics

Journal of Geophysics - Zeitschrift für Geophysik

Journal of shellfish research

Lejeunia (Revue de Botanique)

Mediterranean Botany

Mémoires du Comité géologique

Mitteilungen der Grossherzoglich Badischen Geologischen Landesantalt

Mitteilungen der Reichsanstalt für Erdbebenforschung in Jena

Molluscan Research (back issues)

Monografías Bioespeleológicas

Nachrichten von der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse

Naturalia Cantabricae

Die Naturwissenschaften (back issues)

Neubrandenburger Geologische Beiträge



Revista brasileira de biociências

Revista Catalana de Micologia

Revista de la Sociedad Gaditana de Historia Natural

Rodeno - revista de geología aragonesa

San Francisco estuary and watershed science

Scientia Plena


Studia botanica

Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning (Rapporter och meddelanden; Series C, K, etc)

Terr@ Plural

Terra Nostra - Schriften der GeoUnion Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung

Transactions of the Botanical Society

Transylvanian review of systematical and ecological research

Trazos - trabajos zoológicos


Verhandlungen der Russisch-Kaiserlichen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft zu St. Petersburg

Veröffentlichungen der Reichsanstalt für Erdbebenforschung in Jena

Veröffentlichungen des Geobotanischen Institutes Rübel in Zürich

Washington Geologic Survey Publications


Zeitschrift der Naturwissenschaftlichen Abteilung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kunst und Wissenschaft, Bromberg

Zeitschrift für Geophysik


New Jurassic publications are added:

Anderson F. W. (1966) New genera of Purbeck and Wealden ostracoda // Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology Series. Vol. 11. no.9. P.437-446 (+Barker D. (1966) Ostracods from the Portland beds of Dorset // P. 447-457; Barker D. (1966) Ostracods from the Portland and Purbeck Beds of the Aylesbury district // P. 458-487.) pdf

Archangelsky S. (1963) A new Mesozoic flora from Ticó, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina // Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology Series. Vol. 8, No. 2. P.45-92. pdf
Bate R. H. (1963) Middle Jurassic Ostracoda from South Yorkshire // Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology Series. Vol. 9, No. 2. P.19-46. pdf

Bate R. H. (1963) Middle Jurassic Ostracoda from North Lincolnshire // Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology Series. Vol. 8, No. 4. P.173-219. pdf

Bate R. H. (1964) Middle Jurassic Ostracoda from the Millepore Series, Yorkshire // Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology Series. Vol. 10, No. 1. P.1-33. pdf

Bate R. H. (1965) Middle Jurassic Ostracoda from the Grey Limestone series, Yorkshire // Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology Series. Vol. 11, No. 3. P.73-133. pdf

Bate R. H. (1967) The Bathonian Upper Estuarine Series of eastern England. 1: Ostracoda // Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology Series. Vol. 14, No. 2. P.21-66. pdf

Bate R. H. (1969) Some Bathonian Ostracoda of England with a revision of the Jones 1884 and Jones & Sherborn 1888 collections // Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology Series. Vol. 17, No. 8. P.377-437. pdf

Chernyshof B.I. (1937) Jurassic Lamellibranchs from Fergana // Transactions of the Geological Trust of the Central Asia. Part 1. 34 p. pdf

De Gregorio A. (1886) Fossiles tithoniques des Stramberg-Schichten du „Bian-cone" de „Roverè di Velo" de Verone // Ann. de Géol. et de Paléont. Livr. 3. 8 p. pdf

De Gregorio A. (1922) Monografia dei fossili Titonici di "Casale di Sopra"(Busambra) conservati nel mio privato gabinetto (Zona a Terabratula diphya e janitor) // Ann. de Géol. et de Paléont. Livr. 36. 28 p. pdf

Fraas E. (1909) Weitere Beiträge zur Fauna des Jura von Nordost-Groenland // Meddelelser om Grønland. Heft 29. S.277-286. pdf

Gulyaev D.B., Ippolitov A.P. (2021) Lower Callovian of Kanev dislocations, Cherkasy oblast, Ukraine: ammonites and stratigraphy // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol. 29. No. 7. P. 767–847. pdf

Halder K., Bardhan S. (1997) On some new Late Bathonian paracenoceratids (Nautiloidea) from Kutch, India and their evolutionary and biostratigraphic implications // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie-Monatshefte. Hft.9. P. 543-561. pdf

Hillebrandt A.von, Westermann G.E.G. (1985) Aalenian (Jurassic) ammonite faunas and zones of the Southern Andes // Zitteliana. Hft. 12. P. 3-55. pdf

Hoedemaeker P.J., Janssen N.M.M., Casellato C.E., Gardin S., Reháková D., Jamrichová M. (2016) Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary in the Río Argos succession (Caravaca, SE Spain) // Revue de Paléobiologie. Vol.35. no.1. P.111-247. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.51872 pdf

Ippolitov A.P., Kiselev D.N. (2021) Geological Features of the Bajocian–Bathonian in the Reference Section of the Izhma River Basin (European North of Russia) and the Succession of Ammonites of the Subfamily Arctocephalitinae Meledina // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol. 29. no. 6. P.742-755. pdf

Johnson A. (1984) The palaeobiology of the bivalve families Pectinidae and Propeamussiidae in the Jurassic of Europe // Zitteliana. Hft. 11. P. 3-235. pdf

Lundgren B. (1881) Undersökningar öfver molluskfaunan i Sveriges äldre mesozoiska bildningar // Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning, Ser. C. no. 47. 57 p. pdf

Lutikov O.A. (2021) Biochronological Scale of the Upper Toarcian–Lower Aalenian of Eastern Siberia by Bivalve Mollusks of the Genus Arctotis Bodylevsky, 1960 // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol. 29. no. 6. P. 680-709. pdf

Lutikov O.A., Shurygin B.N., Sapjanik V.V., Aleinikov A.N., Alifirov A.S. (2021) New Data on Stratigraphy of the Jurassic (Pliensbachian–Aalenian) Sediments of the Cape Tsvetkov Region, Eastern Taimyr // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol. 29. no. 6. P. 655-679. pdf

Madsen V.C. (1909) On Jurassic fossils from east-Greenland // Meddelelser om Grønland. Heft 29. S.157-210. pdf

Mitta V.V. (2021) On the First Record of Infragarantiana (Ammonoidea: Perisphinctidae) from the Upper Bajocian Niortense Zone (Middle Jurassic) of the Northern Caucasus, Russia // Paleontological Journal. Vol. 55. no. 6. P. 618-624. pdf

Palechek T.N., Mitta V.V., Ustinova M.A., Tesakova E.M., Zhegallo E.A., Zaytseva L V. (2021) Microfauna and Stratigraphy of the Ogarkovo Jurassic–Cretaceous Reference Section on the Unzha River (Russia, Kostroma Region) // Paleontological Journal. Vol. 55. no. 8. P. 863-875. pdf

Seyed-Emami K., Schairer G., Bolourchi M.H. (1985) Ammoniten aus der unteren Dalichy-Formation (oberes Bajocium bis unteres Bathonium) der Umgebung von Abe-garm (Avaj, NW-Zentraliran) // Zitteliana. Hft. 12. S. 57-85. pdf

Urlichs M. (1971) Alter und Genese des Belemnitenschlachtfeldes im Toarcium von Franken // Geologische Blätter für Nordost-Bayern. Hft. 21. S. 65–83. pdf

Werner W. (1986) Palökologische und biofazielle Analyse des Kimmeridge (Oberjura) von Consolagäo, Mittelportugal // Zitteliana. Hft. 13. S. 3-109. pdf

Whatley R.C. (1970) Scottish Callovian and Oxfordian Ostracoda // Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology Series. Vol. 19, No. 6. P.297-358. pdf

Whiteaves J.F. (1895-1898) Contributions to Canadian Paleontology. Vol. 1. 436 p. pdf


New Cretaceous publications are added:

Cooper M.R., Kennedy W. J. (1979) Upper Albian (Stoliczkaia dispar Zone) ammonites from Angola Littoral // Annals of the South African Museum. Vol. 77. P. 175-308. pdf

De Grossouvre A. (1894) Recherches sur la Craie supérieure. Duexième partie: Paléontologie. Les ammonites de la Craie supérieure // Mémoires pour servir à l'explication de la carte géologique détaillée de la France. 264 p. pdf

Howarth M.K. (1965) Cretaceous ammonites and nautiloids from Angola // Bulletin of the British Museum, Natural History. Geology. Vol. 10. no. 10. P. 337-412. pdf

Howarth M.K. (1985) Cenomanian and Turonian ammonites from the Novo Redondo area, Angola // Bulletin of the British Museum, Natural History. Geology. Vol. 39. no. 2. P.73-105. pdf

Immel H. (1987) Die Kreideammoniten der Nördlichen Kalkalpen // Zitteliana. Hft. 15. S. 3-163. pdf

Immel H., Seyed-Emami K. (1985) Die Kreideammoniten des Glaukonitkalkes (O. Alb - O. Cenoman) des Kolah-Qazi-Gebirges südöstlich von Esfahan (Zentraliran) // Zitteliana. Hft. 12. S. 87-137. pdf

Kaye P. (1964) Revision of British marine Cretaceous Ostracoda with notes on additional forms // Bulletin of the British Museum, Natural History. Geology. Vol. 10. no. 2. P.35-79. pdf

Kaye P. (1965) Some new British Albian Ostracoda // Bulletin of the British Museum, Natural History. Geology. Vol. 11. no. 5. P.215-253. pdf

Scupin H. (1913) Die Löwenberger Kreide und ihre Fauna // Palaeontographica-Supplementband VI. S. 1-276. pdf

Smith J. P. (1900) The development and phylogeny of Placenticeras // Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. 3d Ser., Geology, Vol. I. P.182-240. pdf

Spath L.F. (1921) V. On upper Cretaceous Ammonoidea from Pondoland // Annals of the Durban Museum. Vol. III. Pt. 2. P. 39-57. pdf

Zaborski P.P. (1985) Upper Cretaceous ammonites from the Calabar region, south-east Nigeria // Bulletin of the British Museum, Natural History. Geology. Vol. 39. no. 1. P.1-72. pdf


New Triassic publications are added:

Beiträge zur Geologie von Niederländisch-Indien. II. Abteilung — 1. bis 3. Abschnitt // Palaeontographica. Supplement Band IV. 1914. pdf


Krumbeck L. Obere Trias von Buru und Misol. (Die Fogi-Schichten und Asphaltschiefer West-Burus und der Athyridenkalk des Misol-Archipels.). S.1-162.

v. Seidlitz W. Misolia, eine neue Brachiopoden-Gattung aus den Athyridenkalken von Buru und Misol. S. 163-194.

Krumbeck L. Obere Trias von Sumatra (Die Padang-Schichten von West Sumatra nebst Anhang) nebst einer Einleitung: R. D. M. Verbeek, Die Lagerungsverhältnisse der Trias-Schichten im Padangschen Hochlande. S. 195-266.



New hyperlinks to open-access periodicals are added (partially provided by C. Svitak):

Aceh Journal of Animal Science

Advances in Earth Science

American Journal of Marine Science

American Journal of Zoological Research

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Naturae

Annali online, Università degli studi di Ferrara, Sezione di Museologia Scientifica e Naturalistica

Annals of Carnegie Museum

Applied sedimentology



Beiträge zur Entomologie

Beiträge zur naturkundlichen Forschung in Südwestdeutschland

Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung

Biologica Nyssana

Boletín de la Unión de Ornitólogos del Perú

Boletín Ingemmet. Serie D: Estudios Regionales

Bollettino del Museo civico di Storia Naturale di Verona. Geologia Paleontologia Preistoria

Brukenthal Acta Musei. Natural History

Bulletin de la Société de Sciences naturelles de la Haute-Marne

Bulletin des centres de recherches exploration - Production Elf-Aquitaine

Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Great Britain

Bulletin of the Marine Geology

Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology Special Publications Series

Bulletin of the Natural History Society of British Columbia

Bulletin of Nepal Geological Society

California Birds, Western Birds


Cercetari Marin - Researches Marines

Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia

Comptes Rendus Palevol (back issues available through sciencedirect )

Contributions in Biology and Geology of the Milwaukee Public Museum

Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse Serie A

Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse Serie B

Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse I. Række

Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse II. Række

Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse III. Række

Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse IV. Række

Dysona - Life Science

Earth Sciences Pakistan


Frontiers in Marine Science

Frontiers in Science and Engeneering


Geological Behavior

Geoscience (China)

GEUS Bulletin (Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland)


Hastings and District Geological Society Journal

Helgoland Marine Research


IJRDO Journal of Biological Sciences

Indonesian Journal of Geology and Mining (RISET Geologi dan Pertambangan)

International Journal of Marine Biology and Research

International Journal of Terrestrial Heat Flow and Applied Geothermics


Italian Journal of Mycology


Journal and proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales

Journal of Aquatic Science

Journal of Botanical Research

Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences

Journal of the Geological Survey of Brazil

Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology

Journal of International Environmental Application and Science

Journal of Marine Science

Journal of Marine Science: Research & Development

Journal of Ocean Research

Journal of Oceanography and Marine Research

Journal of Sedimentary Environments

Journal of the Selva Andina Biosphere

Journal of Vegetable Science

Journal of Zoological Research

Karlsruher Naturhefte


Lotos - Zeitschrift fuer Naturwissenschaften

Malaysian Journal of Geosciences

Mammalogy Notes

Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyūsyū University. Series D, Geology

Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Namibia

Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology

Memoirs of the San Diego Society of Natural History

Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona. 2 serie. Serie B Sezione Scienze della Terra

Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona. 2 serie. Serie A Sezione Scienze della Vita

Mittheilungen aus dem naturwissenschaftlichen Vereine von Neu-Vorpommern und Rügen

Mitteilungen des Vereins für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften in Ulm a.D.

Mitteilungen Zoologie und Botanik

Modern Phytomorphology

New York State Museum Record

North American Bird Bander

The North Queensland Naturalist: the journal and magazine of the North Queensland Naturalist Club

Northwestern Geology

Novitates Caribaea (República Dominicana)

Nuevas especies (Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales)

Occasional Papers of the San Diego Society of Natural History


Pakistan Journal of Geology



Papers on Paleontology (University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology)

Päiperlek – Lëtzebuerger Entomologesch Zäitschrëft

Phuket Marine Biological Center Special Publication

Polarforschung (new issues)

Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland

Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse

Records of the Queen Victoria Museum Launceston

Records of the Western Australian Museum - Supplement

Recueil des mémoires et des travaux publiés par la Société de botanique du grand-duché de Luxembourg


Rendiconti della Società Paleontologica Italiana

Report Institute of Geological Sciences

Reportes científicos de la FACEN (Paraguay)

Research in Ecology

Researches in Earth Sciences

Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales

Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, N.S.

Revista Kawsaypacha (Peru)

Revista Latinoamericana de Herpetología

Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad

Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi

Soil Organisms

Special Occasional Publication on Mollusks

Studi e ricerche sui giacimenti terziari di Bolca

Studies in Fungi

Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom

Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom and Museum of Practical Geology

Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of Great Britain and the Museum of Practical Geology


Verhandlungen der Russisch-Kaiserlichen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft zu St. Petersburg

Verhandlungen des naturhistorischen Vereines der preussischen Rheinlande

Vie et Milieu



Jayakar Knowledge Resource Centre, Savitribai Phule Pune University (repository of PhD Theses)

National Library of Poland: https://polona.pl/


New Jurassic publications are added:

Agassiz L. (1839) Mémoire sur les moules de mollusques vivans et fossiles: 1ère partie: moules d'acéphales vivans. Neuchatel: Impr. Petitpierre. 48 p. pdf

Agassiz L. (1840) Etudes critiques sur les mollusques fossiles. Livr. 1. Mémoire sur les trigonies. Neuchatel: Impr. Petitpierre. 58 p. pdf

Agassiz L. (1842) Etudes critiques sur les mollusques fossiles. Livr. 2. Contenant les Myes de Jura et de la Craie Suisses. Neuchatel. 141 p. pdf

Agassiz L. (1842) Etudes critiques sur les mollusques fossiles. Livr. 3. Contenant les Myes de Jura et de la Craie Suisses. Neuchatel. P.142-287. pdf

Arkadiev V.V. (2021) Catalogue of the collection to the E. I. Eichwald’s monograph by "Lethaea Rossica ou Paléontologie de la Russie", 1865–1868 (Mesozoic gastropods, brachiopods, echinoids and crinoids). Saint-Petersburg, LEMA Publishing House. 146 p. [in Russian] pdf

Arkadiev V.V. (2021) Catalogue of the collection to the E. I. Eichwald’s monograph by "Lethaea Rossica ou Paléontologie de la Russie", 1865–1868 (Mesozoic sponges, corals, worms, scaphopods and bryozoans). Saint-Petersburg, LEMA Publishing House. 182 p. [in Russian] pdf

Barbera C. (1967) Ammoniti giurassici del Gran Sasso e dell'Aquilano // Atti della Accademia delle scienze fisiche e matematiche, Ser.3, vol. 6, no. 3, P. 227-313. pdf

Brauns D. (1865) Die Stratigraphie und Paläontographie des südöstlichen Theiles der Hilsmulde auf Grund neuer, bei den Eisenbahnbauten in den Jahren 1861-1864 angestellter Beobachtungen // Palaeontographica. Bd. 13. S. 75-146. pdf

Brauns D.A. (1871) Der untere Jura im nordwestlichen Deutchland von der Grenze der Trias bis zu den Amaltheethonen: mit besonderer Berücksichtigung seiner Molluskenfauna. Nebst Nachträgen zum mittleren Jura. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg. 493 S. pdf

Caruthers A.H., Smith P.L. (2012) Pliensbachian ammonoids from the Talkeetna Mountains (Peninsular Terrane) of Southern Alaska // Revue de Paléobiologie, Vol. spéc. 11. P. 365-378. pdf

Caruthers A.H., Smith P.L., Gröcke D.R., Gill B.C., Them II T.R., Trabucho Alexandre J.P. (2018) Pliensbachian–Toarcian (Early Jurassic) Ammonoids from the Luning Embayment, West-Central Nevada, U.S.A. // Bulletins of American Paleontology, no. 393. 84 pp. pdf

Cione A., Gasparini Z., Leanza H., Zeiss A. (1987) Marine oberjurassiche Plattenkalke in Argentinien (Ein erster Forschungsbericht) // Archaeopteryx. Nr.5. S. 13-22. pdf

Contributions to current cephalopod research: Morphology, Systematics, Evolution, Ecology and Biostratigraphy. Proceeding of conference (Moscow, 25 – 27 October, 2021). Moscow: PIN RAS, 2021. 96 pp. [in Russian] pdf

Coquand H. (1871) Sur le Klippenkalk des départements du Var et des Alpes Maritimes // Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France. 2ème série. T.28. P. 208–234. pdf

Crickmay C.H. (1930) Fossils from Harrison Lake Area, British Columbia (Geological series) // Contributions to Canadian Paleontology. Bull. 63. 66 p. pdf

Cuzzi G. (1958) La fauna ad “Aptycus” del giura superiore (malm) di ca’del Cherio (Val Cavallina) // Atti della Società italiana di Scienze naturali di Milano. T. 97. P. 251-283. pdf Dagis A.A. (1974) A new scheme of detailed stratigraphy of the Upper Pliensbachian deposits of the North-Eastern USSR // Geol. geophys. No.11. P.39-43. pdf

Dalland A. (1984) Fossilar frå jura og kritt periodane på Andøya // Ottar. Nr. 146. P.46-56. pdf

Eichwald E. (1830) Naturhistorische Skizze von Lithauen, Volhynien und Podolien in geognostisch-mineralogischer, botanischer und zoologischer Hinsicht. Wilna: J. Zawadski. 256 S. pdf

Eichwald E. (1830) Zoologia specialis quam expositis animalibus tum vivis, tum fossilibus potissimum Rossiae in universum, et Poloniae in specie. Pars altera. Vilnae: Typis Josephi Zawadzki. 323 p. pdf

Énay R., Mangold C. (2021) Jurassic ammonites from Central Saudi Arabia (Jebel Tuwaiq and adjacent areas) // Revue de Paléobiologie. Vol. 40. no.1. P. 1-197. pdf

Fatmi A.N. (1969) Lower Callovian ammonites from Wam Tangi, Nakus, Baluchistan. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Pakistan // Palaeontologia Pakistanica, Vol. 8, 14 p. pdf

Frebold H., Mountjoy E., Reed R. (1959) The Oxfordian beds of the Jurassic Fernie group: Alberta and British Columbia // Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 53, viii, 47 p. pdf

Goldfuss A. (1826-1833) Petrefacta Germaniae, tam ea, Quae in Museo Universitatis Regiae Borussicae Fridericiae Wilhelmiae Rhenanea, serventur, quam alia quaecunque in Museis Hoeninghusiano Muensteriano aliisque, extant, iconibus et descriiptionns illustrata. I. Düsseldorf: Arnz & Co. 252 S. pdf

Golovanova M.A. (1980) Shell microstructure of Early Cretaceous Pseudomelania jaccardi Рiсtеt et Cаmрiсhе (Pseudomelanidae, Gastropoda) // Dokl. Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol. 255. no. 2. P. 451-453. [in Russian] pdf

Gulyaev D.B. (1997) New Ammonites of the Family Cardioceratidae from the Lower Callovian of the Russian Platform // Paleontological Journal. Vol. 31. P.35-41. pdf

Gulyaev D.B. (2001) New Ammonoids from the Subfamily Proplanulitinae Buckman from the Upper Part of the Lower Callovian of Central Russia // Paleontological Journal. Vol. 35. P. 18-22. pdf

Hall R.L., Westermann G.E.G. (1980) Lower Bajocian (Jurassic) cephalopod faunas from western Canada and proposed assemblage zones for the Lower Bajocian of North America // Palaeontographica Americana. Vol. 9. Nr. 52. 93 p. pdf

Hauff B. (1921) Untersuchung der Fossilfundstätten von Holzmaden im Posidonienschiefer des oberen Lias Württembergs // Palaeontographica. Bd. 64. Lief. 1-3. S.1-42. pdf

Haughton S. (1856-1857) Geological Notes and Illustrations // The Journal of the Royal Dublin Society. Vol. 1. P.239-250. pdf

Herrmannsen A.N. (1846) Indicis generum malacozoorum primordia: nomina subgenerum, generum, familiarum, tribuum, ordinum, classium: adjectis auctoribus, temporibus, locis systematicis atque literariis, etymis, synonymis: praetermittuntur Cirripedia, Tunicata et Rhizopoda (Vol. 1). Cassellis: Sumptibus & typis T. Fischeri. 638 S. pdf

Hoffmann K. (1968) Neue Ammonitenfunde aus dem tieferen Unter-Toarcium (Lias ε) des nordlichen Harzvorlandes und ihre feinstratigraphische Bedeutung // Geol. Jb. Bd. 85. S. 1-32. pdf

Howarth M.K. (1973) The stratigraphy and ammonite fauna of the Upper Liassic Grey Shales of the Yorkshire coast // Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology. Vol. 24. no.4. P.237-277. pdf

Jurassic and Cretaceous inocerams of the north-east of the USSR // Transactions of the North-East Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute. Vol. 32. 193 p. [in Russian] pdf


Koshelkina Z.V. General characteristics and morphology of the shell of the genus Retroceramus

Koshelkina Z.V. Inocerams of the Jurassic of the Okhotsk coast, Western and Eastern Prikolymye and Koryak Highlands

Pohialainen V.P. On the nature of the articulation of the valves in Neocomian inoceramids

Pohialainen V.P. Neocomian inocerams of the Anadyr-Koryak folded region

Terekhova G.P. On the lower zone of the Cenomanian Stage of the Cretaceous System in the Anadyr-Koryak region

Koshelkina Z.V. New data on the stratigraphy of Jurassic deposits of the Anadyr River basin

Milova L.V. New Early Jurassic bivalves of the Bolshoy Anyuy river basin

Kilian W. (1889) Le gisement tithonique de Fuente de los Frailes pres de Cabra (Province de Cordoue); Études paléontologiques sur les terraines secondaires et tertiaires de l’Andalousie // Mission d’Andalousie. Mémoires de l’Académie des Sciences de l’Institute National de France, Paris, T. XXX. No.2. P.581–739. pdf

Kirichkova A.I., Nosova N.V., Kostina E.I., Yaroshenko О.P. (2020) Jurassic continental deposits of the Irkutsk coal basin (Western Siberia). Saint Petersburg. 288 p. pdf

Kiritchkova A.I., Travina T.A., Bistritskaja L.I. (2002) The Genus Phoenicopsis (Systematics, History, Distribution and Stratigraphic Significance) // Biochronology and correlation of Phanerozoic of oil and gas basins of the Russia. Vol. 3 205 p. [in Russian] pdf

Kirina T.I., Kiritchkova A.I. (1977) New Data on the continental deposits of Middle Jurassic in West Yakutia // Geology and Geophysics. No.10. P.31-38. [in Russian]  pdf

Krajewski K.P. (1992) Phosphorite-bearing sequence of the Wilhelmøya Formation at Hornsund and along western coast of Sørkapp Land, Spitsbergen // Studia Geologica Polonica. Vol. XCVIII. P. 201-233. pdf

Krimgolts N.G. (1974) On the distribution of Dactyloceratidae in the Toarcian deposits of Vilyui Syneclise // Geology and Geophysics. No.11. P.31-38. [in Russian] pdf

Krimgolts N.G. (1977) Aalenian and Bajocian Ammonites from West Yakutia // Geology and Geophysics. No.10. P.20-30. [in Russian] pdf

Krymgolts G.Ya., Tazikhin N.N. (1963) Ammonites of Suntar and some questions of stratigraphy of Jurassic deposits of the Vilyui syneclise // Transactions of VNIGRI. Vol. 220. P.205-219. [in Russian] pdf

Kryshtofovich А. (1923) The plant-remains from the Jurassic lake deposits of Transbaikalia // Mém. Soc. Russ. Minér. Sér. 2. Vol. 51. P.77-98. [in Russian] pdf

Kuhn O. (1935) Die Fauna des untersten Lias delta (Gibbosus-Zone) aus dem Sendelbach im Hauptsmoorwald östlich Bamberg // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie etc. Beil.-Bd. 73. Abt. B. S.465-493. pdf

Lamagna C.B. (1970) Stratigrafia e paleontologia della formazione degli scisti ad aptici dei dintorni di Bolognola (Macerata). 1) Studio sistematico e strutturale degli aptici giurassici // Memorie della Società dei Naturalisti in Napoli. Vol. 1. Parte 1. P.215-246. pdf

Lehmann U. (1968) Stratigraphie und Ammonitenführung der Ahrensburger Glazial-Geschiebe aus dem Lias epsilon (Unt. Toarcium) // Mitteilungen aus dem Geologischen Staatsinstitut in Hamburg. Heft 37. S. 41-68. pdf

McGowan C. (1973) The cranial morphology of the Lower Liassic latipinnate ichthyosaurs of England // Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology. Vol. 24. no.1. P.1-109. pdf

Mikhailova K., Rogov M., Ershova V., Vereshchagin O., Shurekova O., Feodorova A., Zakharov V. (2021) Middle Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous glendonites from the eastern Barents Shelf as a tool for paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic reconstructions // Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Vol. 579. 110600.  doi 10.1016/j.palaeo.2021.110600 pdf

Microfauna of the oil fields of the Caucasus, Emba and Central Asia. Moscow-Leningrad: Gostoptehizdat, 1947. 264 p. pdf

Contents (only Mesozoic papers are listed):

Vasilenko V.P., Myatlyuk E.V. Foraminifera and stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous of the South Emba district

Bykova N.K. Materials for the study of the fauna of the foraminifera of the Cenomanian of the Bukhara region

Mandelstam M.I. Ostracoda from the Middle Jurassic deposits of the Mangyshlak peninsula

Monestier J. (1921) Ammonites rares ou peu connues et ammonites nouvelles du toarcien supérieur du Sud-Est de l'Aveyron // Mémoires de la Société géologique de France. Paléontologie. Mém. 54. 44 p. pdf

Nikitin S.N. (1881) Die Jura-ablagerungen zwischen Rybinsk, Mologa und Myschkin. I. Der oberen Wolga // Mémoires de l’Academie Impériale des Sciences de St.-Pétersburg, VII Sér. T.XXVIII. no.5. 98 p. pdf

Nitzopoulos G. (1974) Faunistisch-ökologische, stratigraphische und sedimentologische Untersuchungen am Schwammstotzen-Komplex bei Spielberg am Hahnenkamm (Ob. Oxfordien, Südliche Frankenalb) // Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde. Serie B (Geologie und Paläontologie), Nr. 16. 143 S. pdf

Norborg A.K. Wulff-Pedersen E. (1997) Andøyas mesozoiske bergarter og fossiler // Naturen. Nr.1. P. 40-45. pdf

Oertli H.J. (ed.) (1985). Atlas des Ostracodes de France // Bull. Centres Rech. Explor.-Prod. Elf-Aquitaine, Мém. 9. 377 p. pdf

Oppel A. (1865) Die tithonische Etage // Z. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Bd.XVII. S.535-558. pdf

Passendorfer E. (1930) Étude stratigraphique et paleontologique du Crétace de la série hauttatrique dans les Tatras // Travaux de la Service Geologique de Pologne. T. 2. P. 511-676. pdf

Polubotko I.V., Sei I.I. (1981) Subdivision of the Middle-Jurassic sediments on mytilocerams in eastern part of the USSR // Proc. USSR Ac. Sci. Geol. Ser. No.12. P.63-70. [in Russian] pdf

Practical manual on microfauna. Vol. 7: Mesozoic Ostracoda. SPb.: VSEGEI Press, 1999. 244 p. pdf

Raspail F.V. (1829) Histoire naturelle des Bélemnites, accompagnée de la description et de la classification des espèces, que M. Emeric de Castellane a recuillies dans les Basses-Alpes de Provence.-Ann. Sci. Observ., 1: 271-331. pdf

Rogov M.A. (2013) The end-Jurassic extinction // Extinction. Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia. Detroit: Gale/Cengage Learning.  P. 487-495. pdf

Rogov M.A., Mironenko A.A. (2021) Jaw apparatuses of Jurassic Aspidoceratidae (Ammonoidea) and Cope's rule in evolution of aspidoceratid ammonites (comment on “Giant Middle Jurassic (Bathonian) cf. Laevaptychus sp. of the Aztlán section, Hidalgo State, central Mexico” by C. Esquivel-Macías, P. Zell, JA Moreno-Bedmar and K. Flores-Castro [Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 110, 103302]) // Journal of South American Earth Sciences. Vol. 112, 103529. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2021.103529 pdf

Sakharov A.S. (1977) Kranaosphinctes kionensis Sacharov n.sp. from the Lower Oxfordian deposits of North Ossetia // Geology of Mesozoic and Paleogene deposits of the Northeast Caucasus Proceedings of the North Caucasus Petroleum Research Institute (Sevkavnipineft). Vol. XII. P.3-7. [in Russian] pdf

Sakharov A.S. Starostina E.A. (1977) On the joint occurrence of ammonites and Scleractinia in the reef massifs of the Upper Jurassic deposits of North Ossetia // Geology of Mesozoic and Paleogene deposits of the North-Eastern Caucasus. Proceedings of the North Caucasus Petroleum Research Institute (Sevkavnipineft). Vol. XII. P.8-14. [in Russian] pdf

Schloenbach U. (1865-1866) Beiträge zur Paläontologie der Jura- und Kreide-Formation im nordwestlichen Deutschland // Palaeontographica. Bd. 13. Lief. 4, 6. S. 147-192, 267-332. pdf

Schmidt F. (1872) Wissenschaftliche Resultate der zur Aufsuchung eines angekündigten Mammutbcadavers von der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften an den unteren Jenissei ausgesandten Expedition // Mémoires de l’Academie Impériale des Sciences de St.-Pétersburg, VII Sér. T.XVIII. no.1. 168 p. pdf

Sei I.I., Kalacheva E.D. (1971) New data on stratigraphy of South Sikhote-Alin Lower Jurassic deposits // Dokl. Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol. 198. no.4. P.921-924. [in Russian] pdf

Simpson M. (1884) The fossils ofthe Yorkshire Lias; described from Nature. 2nd ed., xxiii+256 pp. pdf

Smith P.L., Tipper H.W. (1996) Pliensbachian (Lower Jurassic) Ammonites of the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia // Bulletins of American Paleontology, Vol. 108. no.348. P. 1–122. pdf

Spath L.F. (1925) Jurassic Cephalopoda from Madagascar // Bulletins of Amerecan Paleontology Vol. 11. no. 44. Р. 141-170. pdf

Stanek K.-P., Wormbs J. (1985) Jurassic ammonites from the Orville Coast, Antarctic Peninsula // Zeitschrift fuer Geologische Wissenschaften. Bd. 18. S. 369-372. pdf

Stevens G.R. (1990) The influence of palaeogeography, tectonism and eustasy on faunal development in the Jurassic of New Zealand // G.Pallini (Ed.). Atti 1 Conv. “Fossili, Evoluzione, Ambiente”, Pergola, Ostra Vetere (AN), P. 441-457. pdf

Sveshnikova I. N., Budantsev L. Y. (1969) Florulae fossiles arcticae. I. Florulae paleozoicae ac mesozoicae insularum Spetsbergiae occidentalis, Sibiriae Novae et terrae Franz-Joseph dictae. Leningrad: Nauka. 130 p. [in Russian] pdf

Westermann G.E.G., Getty T.A. (1970) New Middle Jurassic Ammonitina from New Guinea // Bulletins of American Paleontology. Vol. 57. no. 256. P.231-321. pdf

Westermann G.E.G. (1964) The ammonite fauna of the Kialagvik Formation at Wide Bay, Alasca peninsula. Pt. I. Lower Bajocian (Aalenian) // Bulletins of American Paleontology. Vol. 47. no. 216. Р.329-496. pdf

Westermann G.E.G. (1969) The ammonite fauna of the Kialagvik Formation at Wide Bay, Alasca peninsula. Pt. II. Sonninia sowerbyi Zone (Bajocian) // Bulletins of American Paleontology. Vol. 57. no.255. Р.1-226. pdf

Zakharov V.A., Shurygin B.N., Levchuk M.A., Pinous O.V., Sahagian D.L. (1998) Eustatic signals in the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous (Neocomian) deposits of the West-Siberian sedimentary basin // Russian Geology and Geophysics. Vol. 39. P. 1493-1504. pdf

Zwierzycki J. (1913-1914) Die Cephalopodenfauna der Tendaguru-Schichten in Deutsch-Ostafrika // Archiv für Biontologie, Band 3, Heft 4, S.1-96. pdf


New Cretaceous publications are added:

Alabushev A.I., Wiedmann J. (1994) Ammonite fauna and genesis of the Santonian/Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) boundary beds of northwestern Kamchatka (north-east Russia) // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte, Hft.9. P. 528-536. pdf

Cobban W.A., Hook S.C. (1984) Mid-Cretaceous molluscan biostratigraphy and paleogeography of southwestern part of the Western Interior, United States // Geological Association of Canada Special Paper 27, P. 257-271. pdf

Continental deposits of eastern districts of the Middle Asia and Kazakhstan (lithology and biostratigraphy). Leningrad: Nauka, 1969. 152 p. [in Russian] pdf

Includes, among the other papers:

Sochava А.V. Types of Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous Red beds of Middle and Central Asia

Martinson G.G. Biostratigraphy and Fauna of the Cretaceous Continental Deposits of Tadjik Depression, Kisilkum and Tashkent Tchuly

Kyansep-Romashkina N.P. On Some Early Cretaceous Charophyta from the Fergana and Tadjik Depressions

Kryachkova Z.V. On Some Late Cretaceous Subsalinewater Gastropods from Middle Asia

Stankevich E.S., Poyarkova Z.N. Turonian Vascoceratidae from South Kirghizia and Tadjik Depression

Stepanov I.V. Conchostraca from the Cretaceous Continental Deposits of Northern Tadjikistan

Darmoian S.A. (1975) Planktonic foraminifera from the Upper Cretaceous of southeastern Iraq: biostratigraphy and systematics of the Heterohelicidae // Micropaleontology. Vol. 21. no.2. P.185-214. pdf

Desor E. (1854) Quelques mots sur l’étage inférieur du groupe néocomien // Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchâtel. T.3. P. 172–177. pdf

Doguzhaeva L.A. (2005) A gladius-bearing coleoid cephalopod from the Aptian of Central Russia // Mitteilungen des Geologisch-Paläontologischen Instituts, Universität Hamburg. Heft 89. P. 41-48. pdf

Drushchits V.V., Doguzhayeva L.A. (1978) The structure of the skeletal elements of Early Cretaceous ammonites and their systematic importance // Malacological Review. Vol. 11. P. 134-137. pdf

Drushchits V.V., Knorina M.V. (1980) Morphogenesis of boreal representatives of the genus Phyllopachyceras and general characteristics of phylloceratids (Ammonitea) // Bulletin of the Moscow University, series 4. geology, No. 6. P. 55-71. [in Russian] pdf

Drushchits V.V., Kvantaliani I.V., Knorina M.V., Sharikadze M.Z. (1982) Morphogenesis of the shell of two Aptian ammonites Cheloniceras Hyatt and Epicheloniceras Casey (Ammonoidea, Cephalopoda) // Bulletin of the Moscow University, series 4. geology, No.3. P. 51-66. [in Russian] pdf

Duxbury S. (1977) A palynostratigraphy of the Berriasian to Barremian of the Speeton Clay of Speeton, England // Palaeontographica. Abt. B. Bd. 160. Lfg. 1-3. P.17-67. pdf

Duxbury S. (1980) Barremian phytoplankton from Speeton, east Yorkshire // Palaeontographica. Abt. B. Bd. 173. Lfg. 4-6. P. 107-146. pdf

Duxbury S. (1983) A study of dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs from the Lower Greensand (Aptian to Lower Albian) of the Isle of Wight, Southern England // Palaeontographica. Abt. B. Bd. 186. Lfg. 1-3. P.18-80. pdf

Gangopadhyay T.K., Bardhan S. (1998) Apertural modifications and jaw structures of placenticeratid ammonites from the Upper Cretaceous Bagh Group, central India // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie-Monatshefte. Hft.4. P. 193-202. pdf

Glaessner M.F. (1936) Die Foraminiferengattungen Pseudotextularia und Amphimorphina // Problems of Paleontology. Vol. 1. P.95-134. pdf

Glaessner M.F. (1937) Studien über Foraminiferen aus der Kreide und dem Tertiär des Kaukasus: die Foraminiferen der ältesten Tertiärschichten des Nordwestkaukasus // Problems of Paleontology. Vol. II-III. P.349-423. pdf

Golovinova M.A. (1980) Shell microstructure of Early Cretaceous Pseudomelania jaccardi Рiсtеt et Cаmрiсhе (Pseudomelanidae, Gastropoda) // Dokl. Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol. 255. no. 2. P. 451-453. [in Russian] pdf

Hyatt A. (1903) Pseudoceratites of the Cretaceous // Monograph United States Geological Survey. Vol. 44. P. 1-351. pdf

Jalilov M.R. (1977) Cretaceous gastropods of the southeast of Central Asia. Dushanbe: Donish. 202 p. [in Russian] pdf

Kennedy W.J. (1988) Late Cenomanian and Turonian ammonite faunas from north-east and central Texas // Special Papers in Palaeontology. No.39. 131 p. pdf

Kennedy W.J., Klinger H.C. (1979) Cretaceous faunas from Zululand and Natal, South Africa. The ammonite family Gaudryceratidae // Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Geol.). Vol. 31. Pt. 2. P. 121-174. pdf

Klinger H.C. (1989) The ammonite subfamily Labeceratinae Spath, 1925: systematics, phylogeny, dimorphism and distribution (with a description of a new species) // Annals of the South African Museum, Vol. 98. Pt.7. P.189-219. pdf

Klinger H.C., Kennedy W.J. (1989)  Cretaceous faunas from Zululand and Natal, South Africa. The ammonite family Placenticeratidae Hyatt, 1900; with comments on the systematic position of the genus Hypengonoceras Spath, 1924 // Annals of the South African Museum. Vol. 98. P. 241–408. pdf

Lobacheva S.V., Smirnova T.N. (1994) A new brachiopod genus of the family Ochotorhynchiidae from the Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Crimea // Paleontological Journal, No. 3, P. 131-135. [in Russian] pdf

Nestler H. (1992) Die Heteroheliciden aus dem Unter-Maastricht der Insel Rügen (Ostsee) // Zeitschrift für geologische Wissenschaften. Bd. 20. S. 67-95. pdf

Riccardi A.C. (1974) Eubaculites Spath (Ammonoidea) del Cretäcico superior de Argentina // Ameghiniana. Vol. 11. P. 379-399. pdf

Ropolo P. (2005) The Deshayesitidae Stoyanov, 1949 (Ammonoidea) of the Aptian historical stratotype region at Cassis La Bédoule (SE France) // Workshop on the Lower Cretaceous Ammonite Working Group, Kilian Group - 8 September 2005. 7th Internacional Symposium on the Cretaceous, Neuchatel, 5-9 September 2005. 14 pp. pdf

Rozumeyko S.V. (1978) Foraminifera of Upper Cretaceous deposits of the South-west of the East European Platform. Kiev: Naukova dumka. 180 p. [in Russian] pdf

Sapunov I.G. (1957) Stratigraphy and Tectonics of a Pre-Balkan Area between Dryanovskata and Veselina Rivers // Izv. Geol. Inst. Bulgar. Akad. Nauk 5, P. 139–174. pdf

Sasonova I.G., Sasonov N.T. (1983) The Berriasian of the European realm // Zitteliana. Vol. 10. P. 439-446. pdf

Scholz G. (1979) Vracon-Ammoniten (Oberalb, dispar Zone) aus dem Flammenmergel von Salzgitter // Aspekte der Kreide Europas, U.G.S. (series A) 6, S.589-606. pdf

Séronie-Vivien M. (1972) Contribution à l’étude du Sénonien en Aquitaine septentrionale. Les stratotypes: Coniacien, Santonien, Campanien // Les stratotypes français 2, C.N.R.S., 195 p. pdf

Sharpe D. (1853-1909) Description of the fossil remains of Mollusca found in the Chalk of England. Cephalopoda // Monographs of the Palaeontographical Society. 68 p. pdf

Shokhina V.A. (1937) The genus Hantkenina and its stratigraphical distribution in the North Caucasus // Problems of Paleontology. Vol. II-III. P.425-441. pdf

Skwarko S.K., Thieuloy J.-P. (1989) Early Barremian (Early Cretaceous) mollusca from Western Irian Jaya, Indonesia // Publication of the Geological Research and Development Centre [Indonesia], Paleontology Series, No.6, P.26-43. pdf

Sokolov D.N. (1923) Aucellidae de la Province Transcaspienne et du Caucase // Mémoire de la Société russe de Mineralogie. Ser. 2. Vol. 51. P.289-312. pdf

Stănoiu I. (1967) Contribuţii la cunoaşterea Liasicului şi a Aalenianului din Materialul exotic asociat depozitelor de tip Wildflysch din sinclinalul Rarău (Carpaţii Orientali) // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor, Vol. 53, no. 1 (1965-1966), P. 457-463. pdf

Stefanov A. (1934) Geologie des Vorbalkan von Elena // Mitt. Naturwiss. Inst. Sofia. 7, S.189–224. pdf

Terekhova G.P. (1972) About some Lower Cretaceous heteromorph ammonites of the North-East of the USSR // Materials on geology and mineral resources of the North-East of the USSR, vol. 20. P. 200-210. [in Russian] pdf

Toshimitsu S. (1988) Biostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous Santonian Stage in northwestern Hokkaido // Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University (Geology). Vol. 26. no.2. P. 125-192. pdf

Veselinović D. (1953) O Baremskom Katu Na Vrškoj Čuki U Istočnoj Srbiji // Zbornik radova SAN, XXXIII, Geol. C. 87-93. pdf

Warren P.S. (1930) Three new ammonites from the Cretaceous of Alberta // Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada (series 3, section 4). Vol. 24, no.1. P.21-26. pdf

Weiss W. (1983) Heterohelicidae (seriale planktonische Foraminiferen) der tethyalen Oberkreide (Santon bis Maastricht) // Geologisches Jahrbuch. Reihe A. Bd. 72. S. 3-93. pdf

Wiedmann J., Dieni I. (1968) Die Kreide Sardiniens und ihre Cephalopoden // Palaeontographia Italica, T.64. S. 1-171. pdf

Woods H. (1904-1913) A Monograph of the Cretaceous Lamellibranchia of England. Vol. II // Monographs of the Palaeontographical Society. 473 pp. pdf

Wright C.W. (1979) The ammonites of the English Chalk Rock (Upper Turonian) // Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series. Vol. 31 No. 4. P.281-332. pdf


New Triassic publications are added:

Neuburg M.F. (1959) Triassic coal-bearing deposits of the Pechora basin, based on Paleobotanical evidence // Dokl. Ac.Sc. USSR. Vol. 127. no.3. P.681-684. [in Russian] pdf

Yakovlev N. (1923) La faune triassique des vertébrés de la série des roches bigarrées des gouvernements de Vologda et de Kostroma // Mémoire de la Société russe de Mineralogie. Ser. 2. Vol. 51. P.337-360. pdf



31.12.2020. Happy New Year!


New hyperlinks to open-access periodicals are added:

Acta Aquatica Turcica

Acta biologica

Acta Biologica Benrodis

Acta biologica plantarum Agriensis

Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis

Advances in Entomology

African Entomology

African Zoology

Akuatika Indonesia

Al-Kufa University Journal for Biology


Anales del Museo de Historia Natural de Valparaíso

Anales del Museo de La Plata. Sección zoológica

Anatolian Journal of Botany

Aquatic Biosystems

Aquatic Research

Aquatic Sciences and Engineering


Archivio Zoologico Italiano

Arizona Geological Survey Open File Reports

Arizona Geological Survey Special Paper

Bartin University International Journal of Natural And Applied Sciences (JONAS)

Beiblätter Mitteilungen Zoologie

Beiträge zur Entomofaunistik

Biodiversity research and conservation

Biodiversity Studies

Bionatura (Indonesia)

Biotika - Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi (Indonesia)

Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona BOTANICA ZOOLOGIA

Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona GEOLOGIA PALEONTOLOGIA PREISTORIA

Botanica Orientalis

Botanica Serbica

Bulletin (Kentucky Geologic Survey)

Bulletin of Scientific Contribution : GEOLOGY (Indonesia)

Bulletin Series (Geological Survey of South Dakota)

Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences

Circular Series Geological Survey of South Dakota

Communications in Plant Sciences

Cuadernos de Botanica Canaria



Dipteron: Bulletin of the Dipterological Section of the Polish Entomological Society


Earth Evolution Sciences

Earth Science Reports

Earth Sciences Malaysia (ESMY)


Egyptian academic journal of biological sciences. Botany

Egyptian academic journal of biological sciences (A.Entomology)

Egyptian academic journal of biological sciences (B.Zoology)

Eurasian Mining

European Journal of Biology

Faune de Belgique / Fauna van België

Folia cryptogamica

Fortschritte der Botanik

Frontiers in Earth Science

Frontiers in plant science

Galapagos Research

Galaxea, Journal of Coral Reef Studies


Gayana (Concepción)

Gayana Oceanologia

Geologie en Mijnbouw (1931 – 1960)

Geologie en Mijnbouw (1961 – 2004)

Geosciences Contribution Series (University of Massachusetts)

Harvard Papers in Botany

Hortus botanicus


ICES Journal of Marine Science

Iheringia. Série botanica

Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences

Indiana Journal of Earth Sciences

Indonesian Journal on Geoscience

Information Pamphlet Series (Geological Survey of South Dakota)

International Journal of Biology Research

International Journal of Biology Sciences

International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

International Journal of Entomology Research

International Journal of Environmental and Ecology Research

International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research

International Journal of Oceanography and Marine Ecological System

International Journal of Zoology

International Journal of Zoology Studies

Jambura Geoscience Review

Joannea Zoologie

Journal of Advanced Applied Geology

Journal of Critical Review (Malaysia)

Journal of Geological Sciences and Applied Geology (Indonesia)

Journal of the Oceanographical Society of Japan

Journal of Marine and Aquatic Sciences

Journal of Marine Research

Journal of Zoology Studies

Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society

Jurnal Ekologi dan Pembangunan (Indonesia)

Jurnal Geologi dan Sumberdaya Mineral  (Journal of Geology and Mineral Resources)


Koedoe: African Protected Area Conservation and Science

Korean Journal of Malacology

Korean Journal of Mycology



Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin


Magyarhoni Foldtani Társulat munkálatai

Mémoires de la Société zoologique de France (BHL:1888-1918; Gallica: 1888-1917)

Midcontinent Geoscience


Miscellaneous Investigation Series (Geological Survey of South Dakota)

Mitteilungen der Abteilung für Geologie und Paläontologie am Landesmuseum Joanneum

Mitteilungen Zoologie

Naturhistorisk tidsskrift

Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum: Researches of the National Museum

Notizen zur Flora der Steiermark

Open File Report (Delaware Geological Survey)

Open-File Reports on Basic and Analytical Studies Series (Geological Survey of South Dakota)

Open Journal of Animal Sciences

Padjadjaran Geoscience Journal (Indonesia)

The Paleontograph

Plant Varieties Studying and Protection

Proceedings Geological Society of Malaysia

Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Biology and Ecology

Progress in Earth and Planetary Science


Report of Investigation (Delaware Geological Survey)

Report of Investigations (Kentucky Geologic Survey)

Report of Investigation Series (Geological Survey of South Dakota)

Revista del Museo de La Plata. Sección Paleontología

Revista Neritica

Rostrum : Newsletter of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa

ScienceRise: Biological Science


Serie NOTAS A (Instituto de Fisiografía y Geología, Argentina)

Singapore Journal of Scientific Research

Special Report Series (Geological Survey of South Dakota)

Tätigkeitsbericht der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Baselland


Transvaal Museum Memoirs

Transvaal Museum Monographs

University of Texas at Austin Bulletins and Publications

Veld & Flora

Verhandlungen der Geologischen Staatsanstalt

Walia - Journal of Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society

Warta Geologi (Malaysia)



New Jurassic publications are added:

Braga Alarcón J.C. (1983). Ammonites del Domerense de la zona subbetica (Cordilleras beticas, Sur de España). Tesis Doctoral, Universidad de Granada. 410 p. pdf

Dommergues J. L. (1993) Les ammonites du Sinémurien supérieur de Bourgogne (France): biostratigraphie et remarques paléontologiques // Revue de Paléobiologie, Vol. 12. no.1, P.67-173. pdf

Dumortier E. (1867) Études paléontologiques sur les dépôts jurassiques du bassin du Rhône. Pt. 2. Lias-inférieur. Paris: F. Savy, 252 p. pdf

Dzik J. (1990) The concept of chronospecies in ammonites // Atti del Secondo Convegno Internazionale Fossili, Evoluzione, Ambiente, Pergola, 1987. P.273-289. pdf

Favre E. (1875) Description des fossiles du terrain jurassique de la Montagne des Voirons (Savoie) // Mém. Soc. Paléont. Suisse. Vol. II. 78 p. pdf

Fischer R., Turinsky F. (1975) Mittellias-Ammoniten von der Kesselspitze (Nordtirol) // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatschefte. Hft. 10. S. 593-605. pdf

Guex J. (1995) Ammonites hettangiennes de la Gabbs Valley Range (Nevada, USA) // Mémoires de Géologie (Lausanne). No. 27, 131 p. pdf

Kelly S.R.A. (1984) Bivalvia of the Spilsby Sandstone and Sandringham Sands (late Jurassic -early Cretaceous) of eastern England. Part 1 // Monogr. palaeontogr. Soc. London (Publ. No. 566, part of Vol. 137 for 1983), P.1-94. pdf

Krasnov E.V. (1964) New Tithonian corals from Crimea // Paleontol. Journ. No. 4, P.61-71. [in Russian] pdf

Lehmann W. (1905) Les Terebratulaeea des couches avec Virgatites virgatus et Oxynoticeras catenulatus // Travaux de Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de St.-Petersbourg. Vol. XXXIV, livr. 5. P.192-223. pdf

Lewy Z. (1982) Gryphaeligmus n. gen. (Bivalvia; Malleidae) from the Bathonian of the Middle East // Journal of Paleontology, Vol. 56, No. 3, P.811-815. pdf

Malinowska L. (1981) The Cawtoniceras tenuiserratum Zone of the Middle Oxfordian of Poland // Biuletyn Instytutu Geologicznego, T.335, P.27-49. pdf

Meister C. (1989) Les Ammonites du Domérien des Causses (France). Analyses paléontologiques et stratigraphiques. Cahiers de Paléontologie. 80 p. pdf

Meneghini J. (1867–1881) Monographie des fossiles du calcaire rouge ammonitique (Lias supérieur) de Lombardie et de l’Apennin central. Milan: Bernadoni di C. Rebeschini. 242 p. pdf

Merla G. (1933) Ammoniti giuresi dell’Appennino centrale, II. Hammatoceratinae Buckm. // Palaeontogr. Ital., Vol.XXXIV. P.1-29. pdf

Parent H., Garrido A.C., Brambilla L., Alberti M. (2020) Upper Bathonian ammonites from Chacay Melehué (Neuquén Basin, Argentina) and the chronostratigraphy of the Steinmanni Zone // Boletín del Instituto de Fisiografía y Geología, Vol. 90. P. 1-37. pdf

Pompeckj J.F. (1901) Ueber Aucellen und Aucellen-ähnliche Formen // N. Jahrb. Miner. Geol. Paläont, Beil-Bd. XIV. S.319-368. pdf

Pyatkova D.M., Permyakova M.N. (1978) Foraminifera and ostracoda of the Jurassic of Ukraine. Paleontological guide. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 289 p. [in Russian] pdf

Rakús M. (1975) Hettangian ammonites from the Strážovská hornatina Mts. (West Carpathians) // Západně Karpaty. Séria paleontológia. No. 1. P. 7-23. pdf

Rogov M.A. (2020) Infrazonal ammonite biostratigraphy, paleobiogeography and evolution of Volgian craspeditid ammonites // Paleontological Journal, Vol. 54, No. 10. P. 1189-1219. DOI 10.1134/S0031030120100068 pdf

Schafhäutl K.E. von (1851) Geognostische Untersuchungen des südbayerischen Alpengebirges // Geognostische Untersuchungen der Bayerischen Lande, Erster Beitrag. S.1-146. pdf

Spath L.F. (1950) A new Tithonian ammonoid fauna from Kurdistan, northern Iraq // Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology. Vol.1. no.4. P.93-146. pdf

Vadász M.E. (1908) Die unterliassische Fauna von Alsórákos im Komitat Nagyküküllő // Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche der Kgl. ungarischen Geologischen Anstalt. Bd. 16, S. 307-406. pdf

Venturi F., Bilotta M. (2001) Posizione tassonomica di Galaticeras (Ammonoidea): un genere medio-liassico della Tetide mediterranea // Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana. Vol. 40. no. 3, P.325-338. pdf

Venturi F., Nannarone C. (2002) Ammoniti del Sinemuriano inferiore del Monte Cetona (Prov. di Siena) // Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana. Vol. 41. no. 2/3, P.131-162. pdf

Vishnevskaya V.S. (2001) Jurassic to Cretaceous radiolarian biostratigraphy of Russia. Moscow: GEOS. 376 p. [in Russian] pdf

Whittaker J.E., Hart M.B. (eds) (2009) Ostracods in British Stratigraphy. The Micropalaeontological Society, Special Publications. The Geological Society, London. 485 p. pdf

Withers T.H. (1951) Some Jurassic and Cretaceous crabs (Prosoponidae) // Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology. Vol.1. no.6. P.171-192. pdf


New Cretaceous publications are added:

Császár G. (1976) The Middle Cretaceous in Hungary // Evenements de la partie Moyenne du Cretace, Uppsala ´75, Ann. du Museum d´Histoire Nat. de Nice, Vol.4, no. XI, P. 1-14. pdf

Fatmi A.N. (1977) Neocomian Ammonites from northern areas of Pakistan // Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History, Geology. Vol. 28. N. 4. P. 255-296. pdf

Georgescu M.D. (2016) Handbook of Late Cretaceous Planktic Foraminifera: Practical Classification, Biostratigraphy. Nova Science Publishers. 331 p. pdf

Harbort E. (1905) Die Fauna der Schaumburg-Lippischen Kreidemulde // Abh. K. Preuss. geol. Landesanst. N.F., Hft1. 45, 112 S. pdf

Jolkichev N.A., Naidin D.P. (1999) Upper Cretaceous of North Bulgaria, Crimea and Mangyshlak. 2. Upper Cretaceous stratigraphy of south-western Mountain Crimea // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow. Sect. geol. Vol.75. Issue 5. P.48-59. [in Russian] pdf

Jolkichev N.A., Naidin D.P. (2000) Upper Cretaceous of North Bulgaria, Crimea and Mangyshlak. 3. Upper Cretaceous stratigraphy of western Mountain Mangyshlak // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow. Sect. geol. Vol.75. Issue 6. P.62-75. [in Russian] pdf

Karakasch N. (1897) Dépôts crétacés du versant septentrional de la chaîne principale du Caucase et leur faune. Saint-Petersburg. 205 p. pdf

Karpuk M.S. (2020) New Protocytheridae and Mandocytheridae Ostracods from the Aptian of the Crimean Mountains // Paleontological Journal, Vol. 54, No. 7, P.728–733. pdf

Kelly S.R.A. (1996) The Austral palaeobiogeography of an Early Cretaceous (Albian) trigoniid bivalve assemblage from the upper part of the Fossil Bluff Group, Alexander Island, Antarctica // C.Spaeth (Ed.). New Developments in Cretaceous research topics. Proceedings of the 4th International Cretaceous Symposium, Hamburg, 1992. Hamburg, Universitat Hamburg. Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Palaontologischen Institut der Universitat Hamburg, Hf.77, P.129-139. pdf

Kutek J., Marcinowski R. (1996) Faunal changes in the Valanginian of Poland: tectonic or eustatic control? // Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg, Hf.77. P. 83-88. pdf

Lewy Z. (1981) A Late Albian Hypengonoceras (Ammonoidea) from the "Bentonite-Bed" at Makhtesh Ramon, Southern Israel // Israel Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 30, P. 35–38. pdf

Robaszynski, F., Caron, M., Gonzalez Donoso, J. M., Wonders, A. A. H. (1984). the European working group on Planktonic Foraminifera, 1984. Atlas of Late Cretaceous globotruncanids. Revue de Micropaléontologie, 26, 145-305. pdf

Sharikadze M.Z., Kvantaliani I.V. (1975) On unknown Lower Albian lytoceratids of Dzirul Massif // Transact. VNIGRI, Georgian branch. Issue 188. P.12-31. [in Russian] pdf

Stoikova К. (1983) Ammonites from the Aptian Stage in Northeast Bulgaria // Review of the Bulg. Geol. Soc., vol. XLIV, раrt 1. P.77-90. [in Bulgarian] pdf

Stoykova К., lvanov М. (1988) Palaeontological proofs for the Aptian Age of the Svistov Formation in its type area (Central North Bulgaria) // Review of the Bulg. Geol. Soc., vol. XLIX, раrt 1. P.1-10. [in Bulgarian] pdf

Vermeulen J. (2002) Etude stratigraphique et paléontologique de la famille des Pulchelliidae (Ammonoidea, Ammonitina, Endemocerataceae) // Géologie Alpine. H.S. no.42. 333 p. pdf

Yanin B.T. (2020) Gigantic Valletia (Bivalvia, Rudistae) from the Lower Berriasian of Southwestern Crimea // Paleontological Journal. Vol. 54, No. 7, P. 698–700. pdf


New Triassic publications are added:

Stanislavsky F.A. (1987) Rhaetian flora of north-west part of the Donbass. Kiev: Naukova dumka. 96 p. [in Russian] pdf



New hyperlinks to open-access periodicals are added:

Acta Biologica Sibirica

ANAS Transactions, Earth Sciences

Archiv für die Naturkunde Liv-, Ehst- und KurlandsArchiv für die Naturkunde Liv-, Ehst- und Kurlands (or here)

Atti della Società toscana di scienze naturali, residente in Pisa

Austrobaileya: A Journal of Plant Systematics

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia

Bulletin of Goshoura Cretaceous Museum

Carnegie Institution of Washington Yearbook

Geology of the Intermountain West

Jahrbuch des Beskiden-Vereines Bielsko

Jornal de sciências mathematicas, physicas e naturaes

Journal of The Japan Petroleum Institute

Journal of the Japanese Association for Crystal Growth

Journal of the Japanese Association for Petroleum Technology

The Journal of the Japanese Association of Mineralogists, Petrologists and Economic Geologists

Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology

Journal of Shanghai Ocean University

Kosmos (Czasopismo Polskiego tow. Im. Kopernika)

Magazin für die Oryktographie von Sachsen

Mediterránea. Serie de Estudios Biológicos

Mediterránea. Serie de Estudios Geológicos

Notes et mémoires - Haut Commissariat de la République française en Syrie et au Liban, Service des travaux publics, Section d'études géologiques

PalArch. Netherlands Scientific Journals in Palaeontology & Egyptology

Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy

Publicación Electrónica de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina

Revista Geoaraguaia

Revue algologique

Schriften der Königlichen Physikalisch-Ökonomischen Gesellschaft zu Königsberg

Studi geologici Camerti


New Jurassic publications are added:

Bonarelli G. (1895) Fossili domeriani della Brianza // Rendiconti della Reale Instituto Lombardo di Scienze Naturali. Ser. II. Vol. XXVIII. P. 326-341. pdf

Bonarelli G. (1900) Cefalopodi sinemuriani dell’Appennino centrale // Palaeontographia Italica. Vol.V. P.55-84. pdf

Borrelli L. (2014) Les Aulacostephanidae du Kimméridgien supérieur: systématique, évolution et biochronologie // Revue de Paléobiologie, Vol.33. no.1. P.1-37. pdf

Brambilla G. (1970) Le Ammoniti Domeriane di Clivio (Varesotto) // Atti della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali e Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano. Vol. CX. no.3. P. 256–276. pdf

Brandt K. (1986) Glacioeustatic cycles in the Early Jurassic? // N.Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh., no.5. P.257-274. pdf

Brinkmann R. (1927) Der ostpreußisch-litauische Dogger und Unteroxford // Schriften der Physikalisch­Ökonomischen Gesellschaft zu Königsberg, Bd.65. S.1-49. pdf

Cantaluppi G., Brambilla G. (1970) Le Ammoniti del Ripiantino (Saltrio) e della Breggia (Canton Ticino). Riflessi biostratigrafici sul Domeriano ed il suo limite // Atti della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali e Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano. Vol. CX. no.3. P. 277-315. pdf

Couffon O. (1919) Le Callovien du Chalet Commune de Montreuil-Bellay (M-&-L). Text. Atlas // Bulletin de la Société d’Études Scientifiques d’Angers. Nouvelle Série (Année XLVII-XLIX). 245 p. pdf

Damborenea S.E. (1987) Early Jurassic Bivalvia of Argentina. Part 2: Superfamilies Pteriacea, Buchiacea and part of Pectinacea // Palaeontographica. Abteilung A, Paläozoologie, Stratigraphie, Bd.199. Lief. 4-6, P.113-216. pdf

Dubar G., Mouterde R. (1961) Les faunes d'Ammonites du Lias moyen et supérieur // Mém. Bur. Rech. Géol. Min., no. 4. P. 236-244. pdf

Enay R., Gallois R., Etches S. (2014) Origin of the Kimmeridgian-Tithonian Boreal perisphinctid faunas: migration and descendants of the Tethyan genera Crussoliceras and Garnierisphinctes // Revue de Paléobiologie, Genève. Vol.33. no.2. P.299-377. pdf

Fantini-Sestini N. (1974) Phylloceratina (Ammonoidea) del Pliensbachiano italiano // Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia. Vol. 80. P. 193-250. pdf

Fatmi A.N. (1972) Stratigraphy of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous rocks and Jurassic ammonites from northern areas of West Pakistan // Bull. Brit. Mus. Natur. Hist., Geol. Vol. 20. no.7. Р.300-380. pdf

Fucini A. (1896). Faunula del Lias medio di Spezia // Bollettino della Societa Geologica Italiana. Vol. XV. P.123-164. pdf

Fucini A. (1897) Fauna del lias medio del Monte Calvi: presso campiglia marittima // Palaeontographia Italica. Vol. II. P.203-250. pdf

Fucini A. (1900) Ammoniti del Lias medio dell’Appennino centrale esistenti nel Museo di Pisa // Palaeontographia Italica. Vol. V. P.145-186. pdf

Fucini A. (1920) Fossili domeriani dei dintorni di Taormina // Palaeontographia Italica. Vol. XXVI. P.. 75-116. pdf

Gallois R.W. (2012) The Norfolk Oil-Shale Rush, 1916-1921 // Proc. Geol. Assoc., Vol. 123, 64-73. pdf

Gallois R.W. (2016) The stratigraphy of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation (Jurassic) at Westbury, Wiltshire, U.K // Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association. Vol. 127. P.280-287. pdf

Gallois R.W. (2017) A revised description and field guide for the Kimmeridge Clay Formation at Kimmeridge, Dorset, UK: Eudoxus and Autissiodorensis zones // Geoscience in South-West England. Vol. 14. P.107–120. pdf

Gallois R.W., Énay R., Etches S.M. (2015) The first record of the Kimmeridgian (late Jurassic) ammonite Aulacostephanus yo (d'Orbigny) in situ in the UK and its stratigraphical significance // Geoscience in South-West England, Vol. 13. P. 445-449. pdf

Gallois R.W., Etches S.M. (2010) The distribution of the ammonite Gravesia (Salfeld, 1913) in the Kimmeridge Clay Formation (late Jurassic) in Britain // Geoscience in South-West England, Vol. 12, P.240-249. pdf

Gallois R.W., Vadet A., Etches S. (2018) Correlation of the KimmeridgianTithonian (Jurassic) boundary beds exposed in the Boulonnais, France with those at Kimmeridge, Dorset, UK // Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association. Vol. 130. P. 187-195. pdf

Gavshin V.M., Zakharov V.A. (1991) “Bazhenovites” on the Norwegian continental shelf // Soviet Geology Geology and Geophysics. Vol 3. no.1, P.52-59. pdf

Géczy B. (1967) Ammonoides Jurassique de Csernye, Montagne Bakony, Hongrie. Part. II (excl. Hammatoceratidae) // Geologica Hungarica, ser. palaeont., Vol. 35, 413 p. pdf

Géczy B., Meister C. (1998). Les ammonites du Domérien de la montagne de Bakony (Hongrie) // Revue de Paléobiologie, Vol. 17. no.1. P. 69-161. pdf

Greco B. (1896) Il Lias superiore nel circondario di Rossano Calabro // Bollettino della Societa Geologica Italiana. Vol. XV. P.92-121. pdf

Guérin-Franiatte S. (1966) Ammonites du lias inférieur de France, Psilocerataceae: Arietitidae.  Vol. 2 (plates). Paris :Centre national de la recherche scientifique. 231 pl. pdf

Haas O. (1913) Die Fauna des mittleren Lias von Ballino in Südtirol. II Teil, Cephalopoda // Beitr. Geol. Paläont. Oesterreich-Ungarns, Bd. XXVI. S.1-161. pdf

Jurassic System of Russia: Problems of stratigraphy and рalaeogeography. Proceedings of the VIIIth All-Russian Meeting with international participation. Online, September 7–10, 2020 / V.A. Zakharov (resp. ed.), M.A. Rogov, E.V. Shchepetova, A.P. Ippolitov (eds). Syktyvkar: IG Komi SC UB RAS, 2020. 294 pp. pdf


Zakharov V.A., Ippolitov A.P., Rogov M.A. Welcome words to the participants

Alekseev M.A. Early Jurassic deposits and foraminifers from the middle reaches of Amga River and Yakutsk City area

Antonovskaya T.V. Some features of reservoir fluids in the Jurassic deposits of Western Siberia, exemplified by the Pogranichnoye oil field

Aukhatov Ya.G., Sitdikova L.M. Atypical sections of the potentially oil-producing Bazhenovо Formation in Western Siberia

Baraboshkin E.Yu. Sudak Fortress (eastern Crimea) – open-air ichnofossil museum

Beisel A.L. Development of an inversion scale of stratigraphic formations for the Jurassic of Siberia based on geographical cycles

Boldushevskaya L.N. Stratigraphy, lithology, oil and gas potential and composition of reservoir fluids of the Middle Jurassic deposits of the eastern part of the Yenisei-Khatanga regional

Bugdaeva E.V., Markevich V.S., Volynets E.B. Coal-forming plants of the Pereyaslovka coal mine of the Kansk-Achinsk Basin

Bugdaeva E.V., Markevich V.S., Volynets E.B. Coal-forming plants of the Nazarov coal mine of the Kansk-Achinsk Basin

Bugdaeva E.V., Markevich V.S., Volynets E.B. Coal-forming plants of the Aban coal mine of the Kansk-Achinsk Basin

Vaytekhovich А.P., Kotochkova J.А., Pronina N.V. Accumulation conditions of the Tyumen formation (West Siberian Basin)

Vishnevskaya V.S., Gatovsky Yu.A. Late Jurassic Saturnalidae (Radiolaria) of Yamal (Arctic Siberia)

Goryacheva A.A. Preliminary results of palynological studies of the Upper Toarcian – Lower Aalenian boundary strata of the Northeastern Siberia (outcrop 7A, Kelimyar River)

Grinenko V.S., Baranov V.V., Kirichkova A.I., Deviatov V.P. New volcanic-sedimentary type of the Upper Jurassic – Late Cretaceous section of the Vilyui syneclise

Gusev I.M., Panchenko I.V., Smirnova M.E., Taldykin Y.B., Kulikov P.Yu. Approaches to assessing the maturity of organic matter in the Bazhenovo formation according to a comparison of pyrolytic parameters, lithology and stratigraphy of sections

Dzyuba O.S., Urman O.S., Shurygin B.N., Glinskikh L.A., Goryacheva A.A. New data on paleontology and stratigraphy of the Middle Jurassic of the Bureya sedimentary basin (Russian Far East)

Zhukovskaia E.A., Shpindler A.A. Evolution of West Siberian Lower–Middle Jurassic river systems

Zabrodin V.Yu. Interference of the Central Asian and Pacific fold belts in Priamurie (Russian Far East) in the Jurassic

Zamirailova A.G., Eder V.G. Ultramicrostructures in the Upper Jurassic phosphorites of the Bazhenovо and Georgievka Formations of the West Siberian basin

Zakharov V.A. Memories associated with the immersion into being a paleontologist

Ilyasov V.S., Staroverov V.N. Perspective objects for searching of hydrocarbons within the sediments of Upper Jurassic Dorsoplanites panderi zone, Kotsebinskoe oil shale field

Ippolitov A.P., Gulyaev D.B. Additional data on the Bathonian of southwestern part of the Republic of Tatarstan (Tarkhanovskaya pristan’ – Dolinovka section)

Kiselev D.N. A new version of the Boreal (Arctic) Standard for Bathonian and Callovian by ammonites and principles of its construction

Kiselev D.N. Infrazonal volume of the Middle Jurassic stages of European Russia and its spatial change

Kiselev D.N., Ippolitov A.P. On the sequence of Arctocephalitinae (Ammonoidea) in the Upper Bajoсian and Lower Bathonian of the Timan-Pechora region

Koksharova Yu.A. Underground waters of the Middle Jurassic of the Sysola Dome

Kosenko I.N., Ippolitov A.P. Encrusters and borings on Gryphaea shells from the Middle Callovian of the Fokino section (Bryansk region): taphonomical and palaeoecological interpretation

Latysheva I.V.,, Stafeev A.N., Suhanova T.V., Kosorukov V.L., Zhirenko D.O., Strashko A.V. Geological structure of Jurassic deposits of the Belbek river valley head (SW Crimea)

Lutikov O.A., Arp G. Revision of Monotis substriata (Münster, 1831) and new species of bivalve in the Lower Toarcian in northern Russia and southern Germany (family Oxytomidae Ichikawa, 1958)

Lutikov O.A., Arp G. Biochronological scale of the Lower Toarcian for bivalve mollusks of the family Oxytomidae Ichikawa, 1958

Malenkina S.Yu. Morphological variability of the Jurassic microbial buildings of European Russia as a reflection of the environment of their formation

Manikin A.G., Grishenko V.A., Dakirov R.S., Naumov E.V. Results of magnetostratigraphic studies of reference sections of the JurassicCretaceous boundary strata of the Middle Volga region

Mironenko A. Phosphatized membranes in the phragmocones of Jurassic ammonites

Mironenko A.A., Mitta V.V. On the lower jaws of Kosmoceratidae (Ammonoidea: Stephanoceratoidea) from the Middle Jurassic of Central Russia

Mityusheva T.P. Deposits of the Jurassic underground waters of the Pechora basin

Naugolnykh S.V. Jurassic paleosol of the Rusavkino section (Moscow region)

Novikov D.A., Vakulenko L.G., Dultsev F.F., Chernykh A.V., Nikolenko O.D. Groundwaters equilibruim of the Oxfordian horizon Yu1 of the northern part of Novosibirsk oblast

Ostroukhov S.B. The use of the retene-cadalene index for characterizing Jurassic oils in the Middle Caspian

Palechek T.N., Mitta V.V., Ustinova M.A., Zhegallo E.A., Zaytseva L.V. The Jurassic and Cretaceous Ogarkovo key section on the Unzha River (Kostroma region): the results of an integrative study

Panchenko I.V. The problem of the absence of a stratotype in the conditions of the necessary unification of the stratigraphy of the Bazhenovo horizon of Western Siberia in the framework of creating a methodological guide for calculating hydrocarbon reserves

Panchenko I.V., Sobolev I.D., Latyshev A.V. Pyroclastic material in the Bazhenovo deposits of Western Siberia: its role in sedimentogenesis and possible sources

Pestchevitskaya E.B., Lidskaya A.V., Rostovceva Yu.I. Results of biostratigraphic analysis of dinocysts from the Upper Jurassic in the Eganovo section (Moscow area)

Punanova S.A. Geochemical detail of the genetic characteristics of the organic matter of the Bazhenovo formation

Punanova S.A. Jurassic oil and gas complexes of Western Siberia: prospects and combined traps

Rogov M.A. Lower Volgian Substage of Spitsbergen and its Panboreal correlation by ammonites

Rizhkova S.V., Zamirailova A.G., Eder V.G., Kostyreva E.A., Sotnich I.S. Complex characteristics of the boundary strata of the Bazhenovo and Kulomzino horizons in the central and southeastern parts of West Siberia

Savelieva J.N. Ostracods from the Upper Bajocian–Bathonian of Northern Caucasus (the Bolshoy Zelenchuk river basin)

Sitdikova L.M., Aukhatov Ya.G. Generation potential of organic matter in "anomalous sections" of the Bazhenovo formation (Western Siberia)

Stafeev A.N., Latysheva I.V., Rogov M.A., Bychkov A.J., Kosorukov V.L., Zhirenko D.O. Kimmeridgian and Volgian deposits of Kheta river valley head (southwest of the Yenisei-Khatanga trough) – interpretation of the sedimentary conditions

Tesakova E.M., Glinskikh L.A., Fedyaevsky A.G., Mironenko A.A., Ippolitov A.P. Microfossils from the Lower Сallovian Subpatruus Zone of the Nizhny Novgorod region

Urman O.S., Shurygin B.N., Dzyuba O.S. A new conception about the dating of the Retroceramus based zones of the Bajocian–Bathonian of the Yuryung-Tumus Peninsula (northern Siberia)

Frolov А.О., Enushchenko I.V. Angiosperm plant fossils from the Middle Jurassic sediments of Eastern Siberia

Shamonin E.S., Knyazev V.G. The sequence of Upper Bajoсian – Lower Oxfordian ammonites in the lower reaches of Lena river (Chekurovka section)

Schneyder G.V., Alekseev M.A. Jurassic deposits of North Taimyr (Chelyuskin Peninsula)

Shurupova Ya.A., Tesakova E.M. Heterochrony in different sexes, as a method of detailing zonal scales (exemplified by ostracods)

Shurygin B.N., Dzyuba O.S., Schraer C.D., Schraer D.J. Middle Jurassic molluscs from the problematic fossil locality in the Boulder Creek region of the Talkeetna Mountains (southern Alaska)

Shchepetova E.V., Rogov M.A., Gulyaev D.B., Zastrozhnov A.S., Tesakova E.M., Ustinova M.A., Kostyleva V.V. Local stratigraphic units, lithology and sedimentary environments of the Bajocian–Bathonian of the Saratov region (left bank of the Volga River): preliminary results

Yudin V.V., Zaitsev B.A. The problem of the Eskiorda formation in Crimea

Yudin V.V., Zaitsev B.A. The structure of Hayasy Hill in Simferopol melange (Republic of Crimea) Wierzbowski H., Ippolitov A.P., Gulyaev D.B., Rogov M.A. Callovian oxygen and carbon isotope records of the Russian Platform: indices of oceanographic and climatic changes

Kovács L. (1942) Monographie der liassischen Ammonites des nordlichen Bakony // Geol. Hungarica, ser. Palaeont., Bd. 17, 220 S. pdf

Krimholz G. (1937) A belemnite from the Upper Lias of the Kolyma river basin // Contributions to the knowledge of the Okhotsk-Kolyma Land. Series I. Geology and Geomorphology. Fascicle 5. P.41-43. [in Russian] pdf

Lange W. (1973) Ammoniten und Ostreen (Biostratigraphie, Ökologie, Zoogeographie) des Callovium/Oxfordium Grenzbereichs in Wiehengebirge // Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie. Bd.27. 209 S. pdf

Lanquine A. (1935) Le Lias et le Jurassique des chaines provençales, recherches stratigraphiques et paléontologiques. Tome 2. Le Jurassique moyen et supérieur // Bulletin des Services de la Carte Géologique de la France et des Topographies souterraines. T.38. no. 191. P. 1-135. pdf

Leanza A.F. (1947) Ammonites coralianos en el Jurásico de Chile // Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina. T.2. no.4. P.285-295. pdf

Levi G. (1896) Gasteropodi giurassici dei Dintorni di Aquila // Bollettino della Societa Geologica Italiana. Vol. XV. Fasc. 3. P.314-324. pdf

Levi G. (1896) Sui fossili degli strati a Terebratula aspasia di M. Calvi presso Campiglia // Bollettino della Societa Geologica Italiana. Vol. XV. P.262-276. pdf

Levi Setti F. (1970) Ammoniti del genere Dumortieria nella serie Toarciana del Passo del Furlo (Appennino Centrale) // Atti della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali e Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano. Vol. 110. P. 317-347. pdf

Meneghini G. (1875) Nuove specie di Phylloceras e di Lytoceras del Lias sup. d’ Italia // Atti della Soc. Tosc. di Sc. Nat., Memorie, Vol.1. P.104-109. pdf

Rakús M. (1964) Paläontologische Studien im Lias der Grossen Fatra und des Westteils der Niederen Tatra // Sborník Geologickýh ved. Zápandné Karpaty. Rad. Zk. Zv.1. S.95-156. pdf

Repman E.A. (1941) Some data about the Jurassic fauna of southern Uzbekistan (Yakkobag and Shirabad districts) // Geology of the Middle Asia. Issue 1. P.3-31. [in Russian] pdf

Rostovtsev K.O. (1962) Lower and Middle Jurassic of the West Caucasus and West Subcaucasus // Proceedings of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Geol. ser. No.12. P.46-60. [in Russian] pdf

Rostovtsev K.O. (1963) Lower Jurassic deposits of the zone of longitudinal depressions in the mountainous part of the northern slope of West Caucasus // Dokl. Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol.151. no.3. P.667-670. [in Russian] pdf

Rostovtsev K.O. (1967) Stratigraphy of Lower a Middle Jurassic deposits within the Guzeripl’ subzone of the Northern versant in the West Caucasus // Proceedings of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Geol. ser. No.2. P.95-108. [in Russian] pdf

Rostovtsev K.O., Kornev G.P. (1963) Lower and Middle Jurassic layers in the North-Western Caucasus // Soviet geology. No.8. P.100-107. [in Russian] pdf

Schmidtill E. (1926) Zur Stratigraphie und Faunenkunde des Doggersandsteins im nördlichen Frankenjura // Palaeontographica. Bd. LXVIII Lfg. 1-3. S.1-110. pdf 

Schneid Th. (1915) Die Ammonitenfauna der obertithonischen Kalke von Neuburg a.D. // Geol. Paläont. Abhandl., N.F. Bd.13. Hf.3. S.3(305)-114(416). pdf

Schröder J. (1927) Die Ammoniten der jurassischen Fleckenmergel in den Bayrischen Alpen // Palaeontographica. Bd. LXVIII. S.111-232. pdf

Schröder J. (1927) Die Ammoniten der jurassischen Fleckenmergel in den Bayrischen Alpen // Palaeontographica. Bd. LXVIII. S.233-342. pdf

Stratigraphy and paleontology of Paleozoic and Mesozoic deposits of North-East of the USSR. Moscow. 207 pp. [in Russian] pdf

Include the following articles devoted to Mesozoic:

Bychkov Yu.M. Stratigraphy and ammonoidea of Induan Stage of the Kolyma river headwaters

Repin Yu.S. Ammonites from the Lower Jurassic and Aalenian deposits of Viliga river basin (North-East of the USSR)

Paraketsova G.I. Late Jurassic bivalves of Bolshoy Anyui river basin

Paraketsov G.V. Some ammonites from the Lower Cretaceous deposits of Umkuveem Depression (Eropol river basin)

Filippova G.G. Cretaceous conifers of the middle flows of Anadyr river basin

Samylina V.A. On the Cretaceous flora of Kananyga river (Northern Priokhotie)

Pokhialaynen V.P. Late Senonian heteromorphy ammonites of the Anadyr-Koryakia region

Sturani C. (1964) Ammoniti mediogiurassiche del Veneto: faune del Baiociano terminale (zone a garantiana e a parkinsoni) // Memorie degli Istituti di Geologia e Mineralogia dell’ Università di Padova. Vol. XXIV. 44 p. pdf

Taxonomy and ecology of Cephalopoda. Scientific papers. Leningrad: Zoological Institute Ac. Sci. USSR, 1983. 148 p. [in Russian] pdf

Includes the following papers about fossil cephalopods:

Barskov I. S. Ecological classification and ecogenesis of Paleozoic  Cephalopoda

Bogoslovsky В. I. Continuity and discontinuity of evolutionary development of main features of Ammonoidea

Drushits V.V. Structure of the skeletons of Jurassic and Cretaceous Cephalopods and methods of their study

Drushits V.V., Nerodenko V.M. Comparative analysis of the structure of skeletons of Belemnitida, Diplobelida and Belemnoteuthida

Ivanov A. N. Were macro- and microconchs of Ammonites sexual dimorphes?

Kabanov G.К. Variation in the shape of rostres of extinct and recent Coleoidea

Kabanov G.K. Biology of Belemnitida

Klimova I. G. Taxonomy of early Valanginian Polyptychitidae

Nerodenko V.M. Early Cretaceous Belemnites from the south of the U.S.S.R.

Shevyrev A. A. System and phylogeny of Ceratitida

Shimansky V.N. On the possibility of correlation of higher taxa in extinct Cephalopods

Shimansky V.N. Extinct and recent Nautiloidea

Starobogatov Ya. I. System of Cephalopoda

Starobogatov Ya. I. Phylogeny of Cephalopoda

Zakharov Yu. D. Growth and development of Ammonoidea and some problems of its ecology and evolution

Topchishvili M.V. (1969) Stratigraphy and fauna of the Lower Jurassic deposits of Dziruli Massif // Transactions of the Geol. Inst. Ac. Sci. Georg. SSR. New series. Issue 21. 115 p. [in Russian] pdf

Topics of stratigraphy and lithology of Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits of the Krasnodar territory // Transactions Krasnodar Branch Scient. Oil and Gas Inst. Issue 12. 280 p. [in Russian] pdf

Contents (only Mesozoic articles are listed):

Antonova Z.A., Shmygina T.A., Gnedina A.G., Kalugina O.M. Neocomian and Aptian foraminifers of Pschekha – Ubin interflows (North-West Caucasus)

Rostovtcev K.O. Lower and Middle Jurassic of Krasnodar territory

Egoyan V.L. Stratigraphic sketch of the Lower Cretaceous of North-West Caucasus

Venzo S. (1952) Nuove faune ad Ammoniti del Domeriano-Aleniano dell’Alpe Turati e dintorni (Alta Brianza). La successione stratigrafica // Atti Soc. Ital. Sc. Nat., Vol. 91. P. 95-123. pdf

Voronetz N. S. (1937) On the discovery of a Jurassic fauna of the Okhotsk-Kolyma Land // Contributions to the knowledge of the Okhotsk-Kolyma Land. Series I. Geology and Geomorphology. Fascicle 5. P.44-49. [in Russian] pdf


New Cretaceous publications are added:

Baraboshkin E.Yu., Fokin P.A. (2019) Cephalopods from Santonian/Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) boundary interval of Aksudere section (Mountain Crimea) // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow. Vol.94. no.4. P.77-84. [in Russian] pdf

Baraboshkin E.Yu., Mikhailova I.A. (2020) Revision of the Early Cretaceous genus Paraspiticeras Kilian, 1910 (Ancyloceratoidea, Ammonoidea) // Proc. Geol. Assoc., doi 10.1016/j.pgeola.2019.06.006 pdf

Desio A. (1920) La Creta nel bacino di Firenze // Palaeontographia Italica. Vol. XXVI. P. 189-243. pdf

ed-Din Mahmoud G. I. (1955) Études paléontologiques sur la faune crétacique du massif du Moghara, Sinaï, Egypte // Publications de l’Institut du Desert d’Egypte. No.8. 192 p. pdf

Gongadze G.S. (1979) Late Cretaceous echinoidea of Georgia and their stratigraphic significance. Tbilisi: Tbilisi University. 223 pp. [in Russian] pdf

Krivin A.L., Maslov V.P.(1962) New data on the stratigraphy and algae of the Upper Cretaceous - Lower Paleocene in the Marmaroshsky Mountain // Proceedings of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Geol. ser. No.12. P.61-72. [in Russian] pdf

Noetling F. (1885) Die Fauna Der Baltischen Cenoman-Geschiebe // Palaeontologische Abhandlungen. Bd. 2. Hft. 3. S. 199-247. pdf

Parona C.F., Bonarelli G. (1897) Fossili albiani d'Escragnolles, del Nizzardo et della Liguria occidentale // Palaeontographia Italica. Vol. II. P.53-112. pdf

Shishlov S.B., Dubkova K.A., Arkadiev V.V., Bugrova I.Yu., Bugrova E.M., Trikolidi F.A., Zakrevskaya E.Yu. (2020) Cretaceous and Paleogene of the Bodrak River Basin (South-Western Crimea): Training Manual. SPb: LEMA, 2020. 271 p. [in Russian] pdf


New Triassic publications are added:

De Lorenzo G. (1897) Fossili del Trias medio di Lagonegro // Palaeontographia Italica. Vol. II. P.113-148. pdf

Ermakova S.P. (1981) Ammonoidea and biostratigraphy of the Lower Triassic of Verkhoyansk Ridge. Moscow: Nauka. 140 p. [in Russian] pdf

Korchinskaya M.V. (1982) Explanatory notes for stratigraphic scheme of Mesozoic (Triassic) of Svalbard. Leningrad: Sevmorgeologiya. 99 p.  [in Russian] pdf

Kutygin R.V., Budnikov I.V., Biakov A.S., Davydov V.I., Kilyasov A.N., Silantiev V.V. (2019) First findings of Otoceras (Ceratitida) in the Kobyuma zone of the Southern Verkhoyansk region, Northeastern Russia // Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki, Vol. 161, no. 4, P. 550–570. doi: 10.26907/2542-064X.2019.4.550-570. [in Russian] pdf

Minikh M.G. (1977) Triassic lungfishes of the east of the European part of the USSR. Saratov: Saratov State University. 96 p. [in Russian] pdf

Tommasi A. (1896) Nuovi fossili Triassici di Sardegna // Bollettino della Societa Geologica Italiana. Vol. XV. Fasc. 4. P.497-503. pdf

Tommasi A. (1900) La fauna dei calcari rossi e grigi del Monte Clapsavon nella Carnia occidentale // Palaeontographia Italica. Vol.V. P.1-54. pdf



New hyperlinks to open-access periodicals are added:

Acta et Commentationes Imp. Universitatis Jurievensis, 1893-1917

Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis (Dorpatensis). A, Mathematica, Physica, Medica

Arbeiten des Naturforschenden-Vereins zu Riga, 1847-1938

Archives du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle

Bericht des Ehstländischen landwirtschaftlichen Vereins, 1851-1913

Boletim informativo - MALEO

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Norfolk

Bulletin of the Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History

Communications Earth & Environment

Correspondenzblatt des Naturforschenden Vereins zu Riga, 1846-1942

European Journal of Mineralogy

Geoscience Communication

Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems

History of Geo- and Space Sciences

Isis von Oken

Journal of Cephalopod Palaeontology

Memorie della Società italiana di scienze naturali e del Museo civico di storia naturale di Milano

Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Geschichte Liv-, Ehst- und Kurland's 1837-1939

Natura Bresciana: la rivista di scienze naturali del Museo

Philippia. Abhandlungen und Berichte aus dem Naturkundemuseum im Ottoneum zu Kassel

Proceedings of the Romanian Academy – Series B: Chemistry, Life Sciences and Geosciences

Revue Roumaine de Géographie

Revue Roumaine de Géologie

Sitzungsberichte der Naturforscher-Gesellschaft bei der Universität Jurjew

Sitzungsberichte der Physikalisch-Medizinischen Sozietät zu Erlangen

Spanish Journal of Paleontology

Swiss Journal of Geosciences

Vertebrate Anatomy, Morphology, Palaeontology

Volumes de Congressos Nacionais de Geologia (Portugal)


New Jurassic publications are added:

Aberhan M. (1994) Early Jurassic Bivalvia of northern Chile. Part I. Subclasses Palaeotaxodonta, Pteriomorphia, and Isofilibranchia // Beringeria. Hft. 13. P. 3-115. pdf

Aberhan M. (1998) Early Jurassic Bivalvia of western Canada. Part I. Subclasses Palaeotaxodonta, Pteriomorphia, and Isofilibranchia // Beringeria. Hft. 21. P. 57-150. pdf

Aberhan M. (2004) Early Jurassic Bivalvia of northern Chile. Part II. Subclass Anomalodesmata // Beringeria. Hft. 34. P.117-154. pdf

Aberhan M. (2007) A new species of Coelastarte (Astartidae; Bivalvia) from the Early Jurassic of Chile and unusual ornamentation in eastern Pacific Jurassic bivalves // Beringeria. Hft. 37. P. 3-9. pdf

Birkenmajer K. (1975) Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sedimentary formations of SW Torell Land, Spitzbergen // Stud. Geol. Polon. V.44. P.7-43. pdf

Buckman S. S. (1929) Jurassic Ammonoidea // Mesozoic palaeontology of Blairmore region, Alberta; National Museum of Canada; National Museum of Canada, Bulletin no. 58. P. 1-27. pdf

Cantaluppi G. (1970) Le Hildoceratidae del lias medio delle regioni mediteranee: loro successione e modificazioni nel tempo riflessi biostratigrafici e sistematici // Memorie della Società italiana di scienze naturali e del Museo civico di storia naturale di Milano. Vol. XIX. Fasc.1. P.7-46. pdf

Cantaluppi G., Montanari L. (1971) Quadro biostratigrafico conclusivo del Carixiano e suo passaggio al Domeriano nelle Prealpi lombarde occidentali // Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana. Vol. 10, no. 2, P. 43-74. pdf

Dommergues J. L., Meister C., Jaillard E. (2004). Ammonites de la formation Santiago de la zone subandine du SE de l’Equateur (Jurassique inférieur, Sinémurien) // Revue de Paléobiologie, T.23. no.1. P. 355-371. pdf

Faure Ph. (2002) Le Lias des Pyrénées // Strata. Sér. II. Vol. 39. 761 p. pdf

Garassino A., Schweigert G. (2006) The Upper Jurassic Solnhofen decapod crustacean fauna: review of the types from old descriptions. 1. Infraorders Astacidea, Thalassinidea, and Palinura // Memorie della Società italiana di Scienze naturali e del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Milano. Vol.XXXIV. Fasc.1. P.3-64. pdf

Mascke E. (1907) Die Stephanoceras-Verwandten in den Coronatenschichten von Norddeutschland. Inaugural-Dissertation Erlangung der Doktorwürde der hohen philosophischen Fakultät der Georg-August Universität zu Göttingen. Göttingen: A. Dobler. 38 S. DOI: 10.5962/bhl.title.15037 pdf

McLearn F.H. (1926) New Jurassic species from the Hazelton Group of British Columbia // Contributions to Canadian palaeontology; Geological Survey of Canada, Museum Bulletin no. 44. P.89-99, doi 10.4095/105021 pdf

McLearn F.H. (1928) New Jurassic Ammonoidea from the Fernie Formation, Alberta // Contributions to Canadian palaeontology; Geological Survey Museum; Geological Survey of Canada, Museum Bulletin no. 49. P. 19-22. doi 10.4095/105030 pdf

McLearn F.H. (1929) Contributions to the stratigraphy and palaeontology of Skidegate Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C. // Contributions to Canadian palaeontology; National Museum of Canada; National Museum of Canada, Bulletin no. 54. P. 1-27, doi 10.4095/306007 pdf

Noetling F. (1887) Der Jura am Hermon. Eine geognostische Monographie. Stuttgart: Schweizerbart. 46 S. pdf

Pavia G. (1971) Ammoniti del Baiociano superiore di Digne (Francia SE. dip. Basses-Alpes) // Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana. Vol. 10, n. 2. P. 75-142. pdf

Pelosio G. (1968) Ammoniti del Lias Superiore (Toarciano) dell'Alpe Turati (Erba, Como). Parte IV ed ultima: generi Hildoceras, Phymatoceras, Paroniceras e Frechiella - Conclusioni generali // Memorie della Società italiana di Scienze naturali e del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Milano. Vol.XVII. Fasc.III. P.146-204. pdf

Pérez E., Aberhan M., Reyes R., Hillebrandt A. von (2008) Early Jurassic Bivalvia of northern Chile. Part III. Order Trigonioida. Beringeria. Hft. 39. P. 51-102. pdf

Pignatti J., Mariotti N., D'Arpa C., Sorbini C. (2019) Mesosceptron Fucini, 1915 from the Sinemurian of Sicily: an aulacoceratid cephalopod and not an octocoral // Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, Vol.58. no. 2. P. 155-163. pdf

Pinna G. (1968) Ammoniti del Lias superiore (Toarciano) dell'Alpe Turati (Erba, Como): Parte III: famiglie Lytoceratidae, Nannolytoceratidae, Hammatoceratidae (excl. Phymatoceratinaè), Hildoceratidae (excl. Hildoceratinae e Bouleiceratinae) // Memorie della Società italiana di Scienze naturali e del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Milano. Vol.XVII. Fasc.I. P.3-69. pdf

Pinna G. (1969) Revisione delle ammonti figurate da Giuseppe Meneghine nelle tav. 1-22 della "Monographie des fossiles du calcaire rouge ammonitique" (1867-1881) // Memorie della Società italiana di Scienze naturali e del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Milano. Vol.XVIII. Fasc.I. P.7-21. pdf

Pinna G., Levi-Setti F. (1971) I Dactylioceratidae della Provincia Mediterranea (Cephalopoda Ammonoidea) // Memorie della Società italiana di Scienze naturali e del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Milano. Vol.XIX. Fasc.II. P.49-136. pdf

Reuter L. (1908) Die Ausbildung des oberen Braunen Jura im nördlichen Teile der Fränkischen Alb (Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Fränkischen Jurameeres). Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der hohen philosophischen Fakultät der Friedrich-Alexanders-Universität Erlangen. 119 S. pdf

Ri J. N., Ri J.C. (1994) Explanatory text for tectonic map of Korea (1: 1,000,000 scale). North Korea. Pyongyang: Central Geological Survey of Mineral Resources, 22 p. pdf

Rogov M.A., Zverkov N.G., Zakharov V.A., Arkhangelsky M.S. (2019) Marine Reptiles and Climates of the Jurassic and Cretaceous of Siberia // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol. 27, No. 4, P.398–423. DOI: 10.1134/S0869593819040051 pdf

Ryu J. R., Ri J.N. (1994) Explanatory text for geological map of Korea (1: 1,000,000 scale). North Korea. Pyongyang: Central Geological Survey of Mineral Resources, 39 p. pdf

Sacchi Vialli S., Cantaluppi G. (1967) I nuovi fossili di Gozzano (Prealpi Piemontesi) // Memorie della Società italiana di Scienze naturali e del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Milano. Vol.XVI. Fasc.II. P.63-127. pdf

Smith A. G., Hurley A. M., Briden J. C. (1981) Phanerozoic paleocontinental world maps. Cambridge: Cambridge Earth Science Series. 102 p. pdf

Teisseyre L. (1887) Notiz über einige seltenere Ammoniten der Baliner Oolithe // Verhandlungen der k.k. Geologische Reichsanstalt. Nr.2. S.48-54. pdf

Teisseyre L. (1888) Studya paleontologiczne, I. Proplanulites novum genus. Rzecz o faunie ammonitowej krakowskich oolitów // Pamiętnik Akademii Umiejętności w Krakowie. Wydział Matematyczno-Przyrodniczy. T.XIV. P.75-100. pdf

Vialli V. (1959) Ammoniti sinemuriane del Monte Albenza (Bergamo) // Memorie della Società italiana di Scienze naturali e del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Milano. Vol.XII. Fasc.III. P.143-188. pdf

Zanzucchi G. (1963) Le Ammoniti del Lias superiore (Toarciano) di entratico in Val Cavallina (Bergamasco orientale) // Memorie della Società italiana di Scienze naturali e del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Milano. Vol.XIII. Fasc.III. P.101-146. pdf


New Cretaceous publications are added:

Caldwell M.V. (2006) A new species of Pontosaurus (Squamata, Pythonomorpha) from the Upper Cretaceous of Lebanon and a phylogenetic analysis of Pythonomorpha // Memorie della Società italiana di Scienze naturali e del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Milano. Vol.XXXIV. Fasc.III. P.3-43. pdf

Grewingk C. (1872) Zur Kenntniss ostbaltischer Tertiär- und Kreide-Gebilde. Dorpat. 61 S. pdf


New Triassic publications are added:

Pelosio G. (1973) Le ammoniti del Trias medio di Asklepieion (Argolide, Grecia). I. - Fauna del «calcare a Ptychites» (Anisico sup.) // Memorie della Società italiana di Scienze naturali e del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Milano. Vol.XIX. Fasc.III. P.141-168. pdf

Rein S. (1993) Eine Platte mit Kauapparaten der germanischen Ceratiten // Veröff. Naturhist. Mus. Schleusingen, 7/8, S. 3-8. pdf

Rein S. (2010) Die Stellung der Chronospezies Ceratites evolutus in der Ceratitenphylogenese – Ergebnisse einer Populationsanalyse // Vernate. Bd. 29. S. 5-23. pdf

Rein S. (2011) Zur Biologie der Ceratiten der enodis/posseckeri-Zone – Variabilität und autökologische Potenz // Vernate. Bd. 30. S. 29-48. pdf

Venzo S., Pelosio G. (1968) Nuova fauna a ammonoidi dell'Anisico superiore di Lenna in Val Brembana (Bergamo) // Memorie della Società italiana di Scienze naturali e del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Milano. Vol.XVII. Fasc.II. P.73-141. pdf



New hyperlinks to open-access periodicals are added:

China Geology

Earth Science (Chikyu Kagaku)

Folia Conchyliologica


Geographical Review of Japan

Iraqi Geological Journal

Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology


Revue Géographique de l'Est


New Jurassic publications are added:

Beznosov N.V. (1958) Material on systematics of families Lytoceratidae Neumayr and Nannolytoceratidae Spath // Bull. Moscow State Univ. no.1. P. 109-117. [in Russian] pdf

Bourquin M., Contini D. (1969) Découverte d’une espèce boréale: Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) nikitini Sokolov, dans le Callovien moyen du Jura // Bulletin de la Fédération des Sociétés d’Histoire Naturelle de Franche-Comté. T.71. no. 2. P. 1–3. pdf

Catalogue of the collection to the E. I. Eichwald’s monograph by "Lethaea Rossica ou Paléontologie de la Russie", 1865–1868 (Mesozoic bivalves). Compiled by: V. V. Arkadiev. Saint-Petersburg, LEMA Publishing House, 2020. 328 p. [in Russian] pdf

Efimov V. M., Akhmedenov K. M., Yakupova D. B. (2019) A new member of the Undorosauridae family from the Middle Volgian deposits of the republic of Kazakhstan // Bull. Western Kazakhstan State University. No. 4(76). p.512-526. [in Russian] pdf

New species of ancient plants and invertebrates of the USSR. Leningrad: Nedra, 1973. 180 p. [in Russian] pdf

Till A. (1911) Die Ammonitenfauna des Kelloway von Villäny // Beiträge zur Paläontologie und Geologie Österreich-Ungarns und des Orients. Bd.XXIV. S.1-49. pdf


New Cretaceous publications are added:

Kner R. (1848) Versteinerungen des Kreidemergels von Lemberg und seiner Ungebung // Naturwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. Bd. 3(2), S. 1-42. pdf

Kotetishvili E.V. (1980) Family Pulchelliidae H.Douville (from the Lower Cretaceous of the south of USSR) // Transactions of the geological institute of the Academy of Sciences of Georgian SSR. New series. Issue 67. 110 p. [in Russian] pdf

Litchkow B. (1912) Trigonies mésozoïques de Manghychlak // Mémoires de la Société des Naturalistes de Kiev. T. XXII. Livr.2. P.89-148. pdf

Litchkow B. (1915) Hoplites (Desmoceras) pseudoauritus Sem. de l'Albien Supérieur de Manghychlak // Mémoires de la Société des Naturalistes de Kiev. T. XXIV. Livr.4. P.83-94. pdf

Matsumoto T. (1970) Uncommon keeled ammonites from the Upper Cretaceous of Hokkaido and Saghalien // Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University (series D, Geology). Vol. 20, P.305-317. pdf

Whiteaves J.F. (1876) On some invertebrates from the coal-bearing rocks of the Queen Charlotte Islands. In J.F. Whiteaves: Volume I, Part I, P. 1-92. pdf

Whiteaves J.F. (1879) On the fossils of the Cretaceous rocks of Vancouver and adjacent islands in the Strait of Georgia. J.F. Whiteaves: Mesozoic fossils: 1, P. 93-190. pdf


New Triassic publications are added:

Arthaber G. (1911) Die Trias von Albanien // Beiträge zur Paläontologie und Geologie Österreich-Ungarns und des Orients. Bd.XXIV. S.169-288. pdf

Novikov I.V. (2019) Triassic tetrapod assemblages of Timan-North Urals region and adjacent areas // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow., sect.geol. Vol.94. no. 2. P.33-37. [in Russian] pdf

Zharnikova N.K. (1985) Ammonoids of the Lower Triassic Columbites zone in the Southern Primorye // Paleont. journ. No.2. P.31-37. [in Russian] pdf



New hyperlinks to open access periodicals are added:

Abhandlungen der Geologischen Landesuntersuchung am Bayerischen Oberbergamt

Annales géologiques de la Peninsule balkanique


Boletín Geológico (Bogota)

Bulgarian Geophysical Journal (Българско геофизично списание)

Bulletin mineralogicko-petrologického oddělení Národního muzea v Praze

Bulletin Mineralogie Petrologie

Czech Polar Reports

Geognostische Jahreshefte des Staatlichen Geologischen Dienstes

Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Journal

Mitteilungen der Reichsstelle für Bodenforschung Zweigstelle München

Mongolian Geoscientist


Publications by British geological survey (Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom; Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom and Museum of Practical Geology; Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of Great Britain and the Museum of Practical Geology; Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Great Britain; Report Institute of Geological Sciences; BGS Reports)



New Jurassic publications are added:

Birkenmajer K., Pugaczewska H. (1975) Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous marine fauna of SW Torell Land, Spitsbergen // In: K.Birkenmajer (Ed.), Geological Results of the Polish 1957-1958, 1959, 1960 Spitsbergen Expeditions. Pt.VII. Studia geologica Polonica. Vol.XLIV. P.46-90. pdf

Callomon J.H., Donovan D.J., Trumpy R. (1972) An annotated map of the Permian and Mesozoic formations of East Greenland // Medd. Grønland. Bd. 168. Nr. 3. P.1-34. pdf

Dietl G., Schweigert G. (1999) Ein Nautilus mit in-situ liegendem, vollständigem Kieferapparat aus dem Nusplinger Plattenkalk (Oberjura, SW-Deutschland) // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie-Abhandlungen. Bd. 211. Hft.1/2. S.75-87. pdf

Erben H.K., Flajs G. (1975) Über die Cicatrix der Nautiloideen // Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg. Heft 44. S.59-68. pdf

Frebold H. (1929) Die Schichtenfolge des Jura und der Unterkreide an der Ostküste Südwest-Spitzbergens // Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften Herausgegeben vom Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein in Hamburg. Bd. XXII. Hft. 3-4. S.253-292. pdf

Fuchs D., Laptikhovsky V., Nikolaeva S., Ippolitov A., Rogov M. (2020) Evolution of reproductive strategies in coleoid molluscs // Paleobiology, Vol. 46. no.1. P.82–103. doi 10.1017/pab.2019.41 pdf

Gofman E.A. (1961) Some species of Jurassic foraminifera of the south-east Crimea // Geological journal (Kiev), Vol. XXI. No.2. P.97-101. [in Russian] pdf

Guzhov A.V. (2004) Jurassic gastropods of European Russia (orders Cerithiiformes, Bucciniformes and Epitoniiformes) // Paleontological journal. Vol. 38, suppl. 5. P.457-562. pdf

Guzhov A.V. (2019) Heterobranchia (Gastropoda) from the Jurassic Deposits of Russia // Paleontological Journal. Vol. 53. no.11. P.1162-1187. pdf

Guzhov A.V. (2019) New data on Jurassic Cerithiopsidae (Gastropoda) from European Russia // Paleontological Journal. Vol. 53. no.11. P.1147-1161. pdf

Howarth M.K. (1978) The stratigraphy and ammonite fauna of the Upper Lias of Northamptonshire // Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Geology series. Vol. 29. No. 3. P. 235-288. pdf

Kirichkova A.I., Kulikova N.K., Ovchinnikova L.L., Timoshina N.A., Travina T.A., Fedorova V.A. (1999) Biostratigraphic Subdivision of Mesozoic Deposits Penetrated by the Tyumen Superdeep Borehole // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol.7. No.1. P.64-78. pdf

Kuznetsova K.I. (1994) Evolution of the Jurassic Tethyan Foraminifera // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol.2. no.1. P.80-87. pdf

Kuznetsova K.I. (1998) Differentiation of Foraminiferal Assemblages and Dynamics of Their Taxonomic Diversification in the Jurassic // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol.6, No.1. P.34-46. pdf

Mikhailova K., Ershova V., RogovM., Pokrovsky B., Vereshchagin O. (2020) Glendonites from Mesozoic succession of eastern Barents sea: distribution, genesis and paleoclimatic implications // EGU General Assembly 2020, EGU2020-19076, DOI 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-19076 pdf

Milova L.V. (1988) Early Jurassic bivalve mollusks of the north-east of the USSR. Vladivostok: FEB AcSci USSR. 128 p. [in Russian] pdf

Mitta V.V. (2019) Ammonites and Stratigraphy of the Upper Bajocian Garantiana garantiana Zone in the Interfluve between the Kuban and Urup Rivers (Northern Caucasus) // Paleontological Journal. Vol. 53. No. 11. P.1188–1202. pdf

Pearce J.C. (1847) On the fossil Cephalopoda constituting the genus Belemnoteuthis, Pearce // The London geological journal. No.1. P.75-78. pdf

Repin Yu.S., Polubotko I.V. (1996) The Lower and Middle Jurassic of North- Eastern Russia. Magadan, NESC FEB RAS. 48 p. [in Russian] pdf

Shurupova Ya.A., Tesakova E.M. (2019) Species Interrelatedness in the Genus Lophocythere Silvester-Bradley, 1948 (Ostracoda) in the Late Callovian of the Russian Plate // Paleontological Journal. Vol. 53, No. 9, P. 933–938. pdf

Shurygin В.N. (1974) Distribution of bivalve mollusks in the late Middle and early Upper Jurassic time in northern parts of Central Siberia // Geol. Geophys. No.7. P.156-161. [in Russian] pdf

Shurygin В.N. (1987) Lower Jurassic and Aalenian zonal scale for the Northern Siberia by bivalves // Geol. Geophys. No.6. P.3-11. [in Russian] pdf

Shurygin В.N. (1987) Stratigraphic volume and the position of bivalve zones in the Lower and Middle Jurassic scale for the northern Siberia // Geol. Geophys. No.11. P.12-19. [in Russian] pdf

Sturani C. (1971) Ammonites and stratigraphy of the "Posidonia Alpina" beds of the Venetian Alps (Middle Jurassic, mainly Bajocian) // Memorie degli Istituti di Geologia e Mineralogia dell’ Universita di Padova. Vol. XXVIII. 190 p. pdf

Ustinova M.A. (2019) New Data on the Upper Jurassic (Middle–Upper Oxfordian and Middle Volgian) Foraminifers in the East of the Moscow // Paleontological Journal. Vol. 53, No. 9, P. 922–926. pdf

Záruba B. (1996) Oysters. Catalogue of the supraspecific taxa of the suborder Ostreina (Bivalvia). Prague: Vesmir. 88 p. pdf

Zakharov V.A., Rogov M.A. (2020) High-resolution stratigraphy of buchiid bivalves and ammonites from the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary beds in the Paskenta area (California) // Cretaceous Research. Vol. 110, 104422. DOI 10.1016/j.cretres.2020.104422 pdf


New Cretaceous publications are added:

Birkelund T., Clausen C.K., Hansen H.N., Holm L. (1982) The Hectoroceras kochi Zone (Ryazanian) in the North Sea Central Graben and remarks on the Late Cimmerian Unconformity // Danm. geol. Unders., Årbog 1982. P. 53-72. pdf

Bøgvad R., Rosenkrantz A. (1934) Beiträge zur Kenntnis der unteren Kreide Ost Grönlands // Meddelelser om Grønland, Bd. 93, Nr. 1. S.1-28. pdf

Gaida K.-H., Kemper E., Zimmerle W. (1978) Das Oberapt von Sarstedt und seine Tuffe // Geologisches Jahrbuch, Reihe A, Hf.45, S.43-123. pdf

Grishchenko V.A., Manikin A.G., Savelieva Y.N., Feodorova A.A. (2020) Magnetostratigraphy and Biostratigraphy of the Valanginian in the Crimean Mountains. In: Yanovskaya T., Kosterov A., Bobrov N., Divin A., Saraev A., Zolotova N. (eds) Problems of Geocosmos–2018. Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Springer, Cham. P. 53-81. pdf

Pervushov E.M., Ryabov I.P., Guzhikov A.Yu., Vishnevskayac V.S., Kopaevich L.F., Guzhikova A.A., Kalyakin E.A., Fomin V.A., Seltser V.B., Ilinskii E.I., Mirantsev G.V., Proshina P.A. (2019) TuronianConiacian Deposits of the Kamennyi Brod-1 Section (Southern Ulyanovsk-Saratov Trough) // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol. 27. No. 7. P. 804–839. pdf

Thomel G. (1987) La famille des Tetragonitidae (Ammonoidea) dans le Cénomanien du Sud-Est de la France // Annales de paléontologie. T.73. no.4. P. 241-272. pdf

Zharkov M.A., Murdmaa I.O., Filatova N.I. (1998) Paleogeography of the Berriasian-Barremian Ages of the Early Cretaceous // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol.6. No.1. P.47-69. pdf


New Triassic publications are added:

Barskov I.S., Bogoslovskaya M.F., Zhuravleva F.A., Kiselev G.N., Kuzina L.F., Leonova T.B., Shimanskii V.N., Yatskov S.V. (1994) Main Morphological Events in the Evolution of Paleozoic Cephalopods // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol.2. No.1. P.49-55. pdf

Bayarunas M.V. (1932) Cephalopoda of the Kolyma-Indigirka Triassic // Trans. Board of Study of Productive Forces (Tr. SOPS). Issue 11. P.35-43. [in Russian] pdf

Boiko E.V. (1979) Late Triassic Hydrozoa of the south-eastern Pamir. Dushanbe: Donish. 145 p. pdf

Bragin N.Yu. (1994) Radiolarians as Indicators of Triassic Climate in Northeast Asia // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol.2. No.1. P. 75-79. pdf

Chumakov N.M., Zharkov M.A. (2002) Climate during Permian-Triassic Biosphere Reorganizations, Article 1: Climate of the Early Permian // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol.10. No.6. P. 586-602. pdf

Ermakova S.P. (1999) Stages of the Early Triassic Ammonoid Evolution in the Eastern Boreal Province // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol.7. No.1. P.59-63. pdf

Nevesskaya L.A. (1994) Changes in the Taxonomic and Ecologic Composition of Shelf Benthic Assemblages at the Permian-Triassic Boundary // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol.2. No.1. P.68-74. pdf

Norina D.A., Stupakova A.V., Kiryukhina T.A. (2014) Depositional environments and the hydrocarbon generative potential of Triassic rocks of the Barents Sea Basin // Moscow University Geology Bulletin. Vol. 69. no.1. P.1-10. pdf

Soloviev A.V., Zaionchek A.V., Suprunenko O.I., Brekke H., Faleide J.I., Rozhkova D.V., Khisamutdinova A.I., Stolbov N.M., Hourigan J.K. (2015) Evolution of the provenances of Triassic rocks in Franz Josef Land: U/Pb LA-ICP-MS dating of the detrital zircon from Well Severnaya // Lithology and Mineral Resources. Vol. 50. no. 2. P.102-116. pdf

Vuks V.Ja., Punina T.A. (2019) Distribution of Triassic Foraminifers in the Limestone Massifs of the Dalnegorsk District, Primorsky Krai // Paleontological Journal, 2019, Vol. 53, No. 9, P. 939–945. pdf

Zakharov Yu.D., Shigeta Y., Popov A.M., Sokarev A.N., Burii G.I., Golozubov V.V.  (2002) Candidates for a Global Stratotype of the Induan-Olenekian Boundary (Lower Triassic) in Southern Primor’e // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol.10. No.6. P.575-585. pdf


30.12.2019 Happy New Year 2020!

New hyperlinks to open access periodicals are added:

Abhandlungen und Berichte des Naturkundemuseums Görlitz

Acta Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Upsaliensis

Advances in Polar Sciences

AGU Advances

Archives de Zoologie Experimentale et Générale

Bollettino della Società zoologica italiana

Botaniska notiser

Bulletin de Minéralogie / Bulletin de la Société minéralogique de France / Bulletin de la Société française de Minéralogie (1878-1988)

Bulletin de la Société française de Minéralogie (1886-1944)

Bulletin de la Société Ramond (Bagnères-de-Bigorre)

Bulletin du Groupe français des Argiles

Bulletin of the Wyoming State Geological Survey

Bulletin international de l'Académie des sciences de Cracovie, Classe des sciences mathématiques et naturelles

Catesbeiana: bulletin of the Virginia Herpetological Society

Communications biology

Earth Surface Dynamics

Energy Exploration & Exploitation

Entomologische berichten

Flora oder Botanische Zeitung

Forhandlinger ved de Skandinaviske Naturforskeres

Geodesy and Geodynamics

Géologie Méditerranéenne

Geoscientific Model Development


GSA Today

International Journal of Earth Science and Geophysics

Iranian Journal of Geoscience Museum

Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi)

Kaseki (Fossils)


London Naturalist


Memoirs of the New South Wales Naturalists' Club

Memorie della Società italiana di scienze naturali

Mitteilungen des Kaukasischen Museums

Nachrichtsblatt der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft

Norsk Polarinstitutt Årbok

Posiedzenia Naukowe Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego (Comptes-Rendus des Seances du Service Geologique de Pologne)

Rivista di biologia


The Sarawak Museum journal

Sciences Géologiques, bulletins et mémoires (& Mémoires du Service de la carte géologique d'Alsace et de Lorraine)

SOCAR Proceedings

Sprawozdania Polskiego Instytutu Geologicznego (Bulletin du Service Géologique de Pologne)

Stanford University publications. Geological sciences

Tasmanian Field Naturalists' Club Bulletin

Telopea: Journal of plant systematics

Transactions of the City of London Entomological & Natural History Society

Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club

Transactions of the Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union

Travaux et Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie de Lyon

Xinjiang Petroleum Geology


As well as other useful web-sites:

Dimensions – search engine for scientific publications https://app.dimensions.ai/discover/publication

UTM to Latitude and Longitude Converter https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/utm-latitude-longitude-d_1370.html


New Jurassic publications are added:

Arkadiev V., Lescano М., Concheyro A., Guzhikov A., Baraboshkin E. (2019) The calcareous nannofossils and magnetostratigraphic results from the Upper Tithonian–Berriasian of Feodosiya region (Eastern Crimea) // Geologica Carpathica, Vol. 70, P. 355–369. pdf

Arkhangelsky, M. S., Zverkov, N. G., Rogov, M. A., Stenshin, I. M., & Baykina, E. M. (2019) Colymbosaurines from the Upper Jurassic of European Russia and their implication for palaeobiogeography of marine reptiles // Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments. doi: 10.1007/s12549-019-00397-0 pdf

Callomon J.H., Donovan D.T., Trümpy R. (1972) An annotated map of the Permian and Mesozoic formations of East Greenland // Medd. om Grønland. Vol. 168, no. 3. 35 p. pdf

Gaillard C. (1983) Les biohermes à spongiaires et leur environnement dans l'Oxfordien du Jura méridional // Docum. Lab. Géol. Lyon. No. 90. 515 p. pdf

Giżejewska M., Wieczorek J. (1976) Remarks on the Callovian and Lower Oxfordian of the Zalas area (Cracow Upland, Southern Poland) // Bulletin de l’Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Série des Sciences de la terre. T.24. P.167-175. pdf

Gofman E.A. (1967) Jurassic foraminifera of the Northern Caucasus. Moscow, Nauka. 148 p. [in Russian] pdf

Grewingk C. (1850) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der orographischen und geognostischen Beschaffenheit der nordwest-Küste Amerikas mit den anliegenden Inseln // Verhand. K. Mineralog. Gesell. 1848-1849. S.3-350. pdf

Hirszberg F. (1924) Sur quelques vertèbres des Ichthyosauriens et des Plesiosauriens du Kimmeridgien et du Portlandien des euvirons de Tomaszów Rawski (sur la Pilica) // Travaux du Service Géologique de Pologne. Vol. I. P.199-236. pdf

Jain S., Abdelhady A.A., Alhussein M. (2019) Responses of benthic foraminifera to environmental variability: A case from the Middle Jurassic of the Kachchh Basin (Western India) // Marine Micropaleontology. Vol. 151, 101749 pdf

Jain S., Singh A. (2019) First calcareous nannofossil record from the Jurassic strata exposed in the Blue Nile Basin (Ethiopia) // Journal of African Earth Sciences, Vol. 158, 103553 pdf

Kamysheva-Elpatievskaya V.G., Nikolaeva V.P., Troizkaya E.A. (1956) Identification guide of the Jurassic ammonites of Saratov Volga area. Moscow: Gostoptechizdat. 59 pp. [in Russian] pdf

Knyazev V.G., Meledina S.V., Alifirov A.S. (2019) Monographic description of the middle Callovian genus Protolongaeviceras // Geology and Mineral Resources of Siberia, no.2. P. 16-23. pdf

Koerner U. (1963) Beitrage zur Stratigraphie und Ammonitenfauna der Weibjura- α/β - Grenze (Oberoxford) auf der Westlischen Schwäbischen Alb // Jb. Geol. Landesamt Baden-Württemberg. Bd.6. S.337-394. pdf

Kolb A. (1955) Über zwei abnorme Ammonitengehäuse der Gattung Paltopleuroceras // Geologische Blätter für Nordost-Bayern, Nr. 5. S.148–150. pdf

Konovalova I.V. (1976) New Middle Jurassic Mytiloceramus from South Sikhote-Alin // Proceedings of the Institute of Biology and Pedology, Far East Centre Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol. 42 (145). P.51-53. [in Russian] pdf

Kopik J. (1968) Remarks on some Toarcian ammonites from the Hornsund area, Vestspitsbergen // Studia Geologica Polonica. Vol. 21. P. 33-51. pdf

Kuljinskaja-Voronetz N. (1936) Representatives of the genera Trigonia and Inoceramus from the Jurassic of South Ussuri-Land // Materials on geology and mineral resources of the Far East.  No. 67. 37 p. pdf

Lutikov O.A. (1984) New Early Jurassic astartids of the eastern Siberia // In: New species of ancient invertebrates and plants of the oil-and-gas bearing provinces of Siberia. Novosibirsk, SNIIIGiMS. P.67-71. [in Russian] pdf

Maync W. (1947) Stratigraphie der Jurabildungen Ostgrönlands zwischen Hochstetterbugten (75°N) und dem Kejser Franz Joseph Fjord (73°N) // Medd. om Grønland. Bd. 132, Nr. 2. 223 S. pdf

Mitta V. V., Schweigert G., Sherstyukov M. P., Dietze V. (2018). First find of aptychi of Leioceras and Bredyia (Ammonoidea, Hildoceratoidea) in the Aalenian of Northern Caucasus, Russia // PalZ, Vol. 92, P.605-615. pdf

New species of plants and invertebrates of the USSR. Moscow: Nauka, 1972. 371 p. [in Russian] pdf

Palechek T.N., Palandzhan S.A. (2007) Jurassic radiolarians and age of cherty rocks in the Povorotnyi Cape, the Taigonos Peninsula (northeast Russia) // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, Vol. 15. no.1. P. 67-88. pdf

Pavia G. (1983) Ammoniti e biostratigrafia del Baiociano inferiore di Digne (Francia SE, Dip. Alpes-Hautes-Provence) // Monographie Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, 2, P.1-254. pdf

Pchelintseva G.T. (1962) Stratigraphy and fauna of Lamellibranchiates from the western Priokhotie // Transactions of the A.P. Karpinsky geological museum. Issue IX. 88 p. [in Russian] pdf

Pergament M.A. (Ed.) Jurassic and Cretaceous inocerams and their stratigraphic importance (Materials of the IIIth and IVth All-Union Colloqiums). Moscow, 1978. 132 p. [in Russian] pdf


Velikzhanina L.S. New data on systematics of Middle Jurassic mitiloceramids

Sei I.I. On systematics of Middle Jurassic inoceramids

Bogdanova T.N. Inocerams of the Berriasian and Valanginian of Mangyshlak

Velikzhanina L.S. On inset tests of Upper Jurassic mitiloceramids

Pergament M.A. The history of study of inocerams as a key group of Late Cretaceous fauna (1814-1960)

Iolkichev N.A. The specific composition of Jurassic and Cretaceous inocerams in Bulgaria

Troeger K.A. Biostratigraphy of inocerams from the Upper Albian to the Lower Campanian on the DDR territory

Zazvorka V.I. Upper Cretaceous inocerams of Czechia

Efremova V.I. Inocerams of Turohian deposits of the Ust-Yenisei depression

Efremova V.I. On methods and unification of measurements of morphological elements of inoceram tests

Zоnova T.D., Sei I.I. On types of bonding lines of Jurassic inocerams

Riabinin A. (1909) Zwei Plesiosaurier aus den Jura- und Kreideablagerungen Russlands // Mém. Com. Géol., Nouv. sér., Livr. 43. P.1-49. pdf

Rogov M.A. (2019) Pseudoinversion of septal sutures in Middle Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous non-heteromorph ammonites // Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, Vol. 138. Iss. 1. P.163-176. DOI 10.1007/s13358-019-00193-5 pdf

Rogov M.A., Zverkov N.G., Zakharov V.A., Arkhangelsky M.S. (2019) Marine Reptiles and Climates of the Jurassic and Cretaceous of Siberia // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol. 27, No. 4, P.398–423. DOI: 10.1134/S0869593819040051 pdf

Rogov M.A., Zakharov V.A. (2019) The birth of a forearc: The basal Great Valley Group, California, USA: comment // Geology. Vol. 47. no. 12, e493, DOI 10.1130/G46884C.1 pdf

Smorodine (Moltchanow) N. (1929) Etude sur les relations genetique des ammonites de la famille des Cardioceratidae // Bull. Assoc. Scient. Inst. Phys.-Math. Fac. Moscow State Univ. Vol.1. issue 1-2. P. 97-114. pdf

Tintant H. (1960) Un genre nouveau d’Ammonite de l’Argovien du Jura: Beauvaisia nov. gen. // Bull. Sci. Bourgogne. T.XIX. P.105-108. [+Tintant H. (1960) Etudes sur les Ammonites de l’Oxfordien supérieur de Bourgogne. Les Genres Platysphinctes nov. et Larcheria nov. // Bull. Sci. Bourgogne. T.XIX. P.109-145.] pdf

Travaux de l’Institute Géologique, Académie des Sciences de la RSS Géorgienne. Sér. géol. 1948. Vol.IV(IX). 200 pp. [in Georgian] pdf


Kakhadze I.R. Liassic and Bajocian inocerams of the Georgia

Nutsubidze K.S. Upper Jurassic brachiopods of the Upper Racha and South Osetia

Eristavi M.S. Middle Cretaceous aucellins of the Georgia

Vasileva K.Y., Rogov M.A., Ershova V.B., Pokrovsky B.G. (2019) New results of stable isotope and petrographic studies of Jurassic glendonites from Siberia // GFF, Vol. 141. no.4. P.225-232. doi 10.1080/11035897.2019.1641549 pdf

Zaitsev B.A., Arkad’ev V.V. (2019) New data on the Lower Jurassic ammonites of the Bodrak River Basin (Southwestern Crimea) // Regional geology and metallogeny. No.78. P.21-30. [in Russian] pdf

Zesashvili V.I. (1955) Geology of the part of the Poladauri river basin // Travaux de l’Institute Géologique, Académie des Sciences de la RSS Géorgienne. Sér. géol. 1955. Vol. IX(XIV). P.47-188. pdf


New Cretaceous publications are added:

Aguire-Urreta M.B. (1986). Aptian ammonites from the Argentinian Austral basin: the subfamily Helicancylinae Hyatt, 1894 // Ann. S. Afr. Mus. Vol. 96. no.7. P. 271-314. pdf

Alabushev A.I. (1989) Morphogenesis of Albian and Early Cenomanian ammonitids of the north-east of the USSR. Magadan. 103 pp. [in Russian] pdf*

Aristov V.N. (1984) About the fauna and age of the Homolsomites beds of the Yaroslavl Volga area // Problems of geology of the european north of the USSR. Collection of scientific papers. Moscow: V.I.Lenin Pedagogical Inst. P.87-93. [in Russian] pdf

Atabekyan, A.A., Akopyan, V.T. (1969) Late Cretaceous ammonites of the Armenian SSR (Pachydiscidae) // Izvestiya AN Armyanskoj SSR, nauki o zemle. Vol. 22. no.6. P. 3-20. [In Russian] pdf

Avram E. (1972) Considerations sur l´age du «Complexe des marnes st gres calcaires (couches de Mogos)» [Consideraţii asupra vârstei “complexului de marne şi gresii calcaroase (strate de Pârâul Mogoşului)” la obârşia Văii Doftanei şi Văii Târlungului] // Studii şi cercetări de geologie, geofizică şi geografie, Seria Geologie 17/2, P. 259-269. pdf

Avram E. (1974) Egoianiceras nouveau sous-genre du genre Colombiceras Spath,1923 (Ammonitina) // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor - Institutul de Geologie şi Geofizică, Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor - Institutul de Geologie şi Geofizică, Bucuresti, vol.XL (1972-1973), ser.3. Paleontologie, Paleozoologie, P.3-10. pdf

Avram E. (1978) Une nouvelle espece de céphalopode dans le Barrémien supérieur de la Roumanie: Costidiscus tardus n. sp. // Dări de seamă ale şedinţelor - Institutul de Geologie şi Geofizică, Bucuresti, vol.LXIV (1976-1977), ser.3, paleontologie, paleozoologie, P.5-8. pdf

Balakhmatova V.T., Lipman R.H., Romanova V.I. (1955) Characteristic foraminifera of the Cretaceous and Paleogene of the Western Siberian plain // Materials of VSEGEI. New series. Issue 123 p. [in Russian] pdf

Birkelund T. (1965) Ammonites from the Upper Cretaceous of west Greenland // Medd. om Grønland. Vol. 179. no.7. 192 pp. pdf

Breskovski S. (1965) Sur la valeur stratigraphique de quelques représentants du genre Neocomites Uhlig, 1906 // CBGA, VII Congress Sofia, Reports, part II, 1. P. 207-209. pdf

Breskovski S. (1980) Des genres nouveaus du Crétacé inférieurde la famille Desmoceratidae Zittel,1895 (Ammonoidea) // Comptes Rendus de l´Academie Bulgare des Sciences. Vol.33. No.2. P.245-248. pdf

Busnardo R., Sornay J. (1965) Au sujet de Delphinites, genre d´ammonites Valanginiennes // Travaux des Laboratoires de Geologie de la Faculte des Sciences de Lyon (new series). T.12. P.137-141. pdf

Collignon M. (1955) Ammonites néocrétacées du Menabe (Madagascar). II. Les Pachydiscidae // Annales Géologiques du Service des Mines Madagascar, fasc.XXI, 98 p. pdf

Dauphin Y. (1973) La faune albienne de gourdon (Alpes-maritimes): Étude du remplissage et des structures internes des ammonites . Orsay: Univ. Paris-sud, Travaux du laboratoire de paléontologie de la faculte des sciences d´Orsay, 116 p. pdf

Harding I.C. (1990) A dinocyst calibration of the European Boreal Barremian // Palaeontographica. Abteilung B. Bd. 218. Lief.1-3. P.1-76. pdf

Ivannikov O.V. (1956) New data about the Lower Cretaceous deposits of Kanev dislocations area // Geological collection. No. 6. P. 59-64. [in Ukrainian] pdf

Kaplan U., Keller S., Wiedmann J. (1984) Ammoniten- und Inoceramen-Gliederung des norddeutschen Cenoman. // Schriftenreihe der Erdwissenschaftlichen Kommission, 1, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. 307-347. pdf

Kennedy W.J., Klinger H.C. (1977) Cretaceous faunas from Zululand and Natal, South Africa. The ammonite family Tetragonitidae Hyatt, 1900 // Annals of the South African Museum. Vol.73. P. 149-197. pdf

Klinger H.C., Kennedy W.J. (1977) Cretaceous faunas from Zululand, South Africa, and Southern Mozambique. The Aptian Ancyloceratidae (Ammonoidea) // Annals of the South African Museum. Vol.73. P.215-344. pdf

Klinger H.C., Wiedmann J., Kennedy W.J. (1975) A new carinate phylloceratid ammonite from the early Albian (Cretaceous) of Zululand, South Africa // Palaeontology, Vol. 18. P. 657- 664. pdf

Lister J.K., Batten D.J. (1988) Stratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental distribution of Early Cretaceous dinoflagellate cysts in the Hurlands Farm borehole, West Sussex, England // Palaeontographica. Abteilung B. Bd. 210. Lfg.1-3. P. 9-89. pdf

Magalashvili G.I., Gambashidze R.A. (1971) New finds of the Maastrichtian ammonites in the southern periphery of the Dziruli crystal massif (Western Georgia) // Transactions of the Georgian Polytechnical Institute, ser. geol. and mining. No. 2 (142). P. 94-99. [in Russian] pdf

Marek S. (1967) Infrawalanżyn Kujaw // Inst. Geol. Biul. T. 200. P. 133–236. pdf

Raszyńska A. (1967) Stratygrafia i sedymentacja osadów kredy dolnej w Polsce zachodniej // Inst. Geol. Biul. T. 210. P. 129–181. pdf

Mirzoev G.G. (1967) New species of Douvilleiceras from the Lower Albian deposits of the south-west outskirts of Gissar Range // Paleontological journal. No.1. P.57-67. [in Russian] pdf

Mirzoev G.G. (1970) New ammonite from the Lower Albian of Turkmenia // Paleontological journal. No.2. P.113-114.  [in Russian] pdf

Mirzoev G.G., Melnikova T.P. (1971) Ontogenetic development of Albian ammonite Anahoplites // Paleontological journal. No.3. P.116-119. [in Russian]

Robaszynski F., Caron M., Dupuis C., Amédro F., Gonzalez-Donoso J.M., Linares D., Hardenbol J., Gartner S., Calandra F., Deloffre R. (1990) A tentative integrated stratigraphy in the Turonian of Central Tunisia: formations, zones and sequential stratigraphy in the Kalaat Senan area // Bulletin des Centres de Recherches Exploration-Production Elf Aquitaine. T.14. P.213–384. pdf

Rogov M. A., Shchepetova E. V., Ippolitov A. P., Seltser V. B., Mironenko A. A., Pokrovsky B. G., Desai B. G. (2019) Response of cephalopod communities on abrupt environmental changes during the early Aptian OAE1a in the Middle Russian Sea // Cretaceous Research. Vol. 96. P. 227-240. DOI 10.1016/j.cretres.2019.01.007 pdf

Solov’ev A.V., Palechek T.N., Shapiro M.N., Johnston S.A., Garver J.I., Ol’shanetskii D.M. (2007) New data on the Baraba Formation age (the Sredinnyi Range of Kamchatka) // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, Vol. 15. no.1. P. 112-119. pdf

Shchepetov S.P., German A.B., Belaya В.V. (1992) Middle-Cretaceous flora of the right bank of Anadyr Biver (Stratigraphic setting, systematic composition, atlas of fossil plants). Magadan: North-East Interdisciplinary Research Institute, Far East Division of USSR Academy of Sciences. 83 pp. [in Russian] pdf

Shantser А.Е., Chelebaeva A.I. (2005) The Late Cretaceous of Central Kamchatka. Moscow: GEOS, 116 p. pdf

Spath L.F. (1946) Preliminary notes on the Cretaceous ammonite faunas of East Greenland // Medd. om Grønland. Vol. 132. no.4. 12 pp. pdf

Tsagarély A. (1942) Les Inocérames crétacés de la Géorgie // Travaux de l’Institute Géologique, Académie des Sciences de la RSS Géorgienne. Sér. géol. Vol.I(VI). 134 pp. [in Georgian] pdf


New Triassic publications are added:

Bychkov U.M. (1991) Biostratigraphy of the Norian deposits in Northern Yukon // Geology of the folded margins of the Amersian Subbasin. SPb.: Sevmogeologiya. P.78-83 (+Bychkov U.M. (1991) Comparisons between Northern Yukon and Northern Chukotka // P. 84-93; Bychkov U.M. (1991) Triassic sequence Bychkov U.M. Some Norian bivalves from Northern Yukon // P.94-103) [in Russian] pdf

Melnikova G.K. (1975) Late Triassic scleractinians of the south-east Pamirs. Dushanbe: Donish. 235 p. [in Russian] pdf

Polubotko I.V. (2010) On the occurrence of Norian and Rhaetian deposits in the north of Siberian Platform // News of paleontology and stratigraphy. Issue 14. P.51-60. [in Russian] pdf

Vavilov M.N., Zakharov Ju.D. (1976) The revision of Early Triassic genus Pachyproptychites // Proceedings of the Institute of Biology and Pedology, Far East Centre Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol. 42 (145). P.60-67. [in Russian] pdf

Zakharov Ju. D. (1976) A new discovery of the Triassic genus Pearylandites in the East of USSR // Proceedings of the Institute of Biology and Pedology, Far East Centre Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol. 42 (145). P.68-72. [in Russian] pdf



New hyperlinks to open access periodicals are added (partially received from C. Svitak):




Anales del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Buenos Aires

Anales del Centro de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia

Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity

Annuaire du Musée zoologique de l'Académie des sciences de St. Pétersbourg

Arquivos de Zoologia

Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny

Asian Herpetological Research

Beihefte (Institute of Geosciences of the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg)

Biologiske Meddelelser

Boletin del Museo de Entomologia de la Universidad del Valle

Bollettino dell'Istituto di Entomologia Guido Grandi della Università degli Studi di Bologna

Bulletin (Idaho Geological Survey)

Bulletin (Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey)

Bulletin de la Société géologique de France - BSGF - Earth Sciences Bulletin

Bulletin of the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History

Colgate University Journal of the Sciences

County Reports (Idaho Geological Survey)

Denver Museum of Nature & Science Annals

Denver Museum of Nature & Science Technical Reports

Der Aufschluss

Earth Science Series (Idaho Geological Survey)

Educational Series (Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey)

Entomologica Fennica

Evolutionary Systematics

Fact Sheet (Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey)

Field Trip Guide Book (Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey)

Florida Entomologist

Fondren Science Series (Southern Methodist University Press)


Galemys: Spanish Journal of Mammalogy

Geologic Maps (Idaho Geological Survey)

Geologica Balcanica - Special issues

Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Map Series

GeoNotes (Idaho Geological Survey)

Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften

Holarctic Lepidoptera

Information Circular (Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey)

International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering

IOP Conference series

Italian Botanist

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

Journal of Palaeogeography [Springer]

Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology

Journal of Raptor Research

Journal of the Graduate Research Center (Southern Methodist University Press) 

Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals

Map (Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey)

Marine Ornithology

Meadowlark: A Journal of Illinois Birds

Memoranda Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica

Miscellaneous Reports (Idaho Geological Survey)

Natural Gas Industry B

New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin Series

Nota Lepidopterologica

Nyt magazin for Naturvidenskaberne

Occasional papers of the Boston Society of Natural History

Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, Louisiana State University

Open-File Report (Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey)

Ornis Norvegica

Ornithological Monographs

Pamphlets (Idaho Geological Survey)


Petroleum Exploration and Development

Proceedings of the Denver Museum of Natural History (discontinued)

Revista Brasileira de Zoociências

Science Series (Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History)

Series Operum Singulorum (Geologica Balcanica)

SHILAP - Revista de Lepidopterología

Special Report (Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey)

Staff Reports (Idaho Geological Survey)


Studii si Comunicari

Studies in Avian Biology

Subterranean Biology

Surficial Geologic Maps (Idaho Geological Survey)

Technical Reports (Idaho Geological Survey)

Technical Reports, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County

Technical Report (Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey)

The Condor

Tropical Lepidoptera Research


Zoologia Baetica

Zoosystematics and Evolution


New Jurassic publications are added:

조선의 화석 [Korean fossils, Vol. 2 – Mesozoic fossils]. Science and Encylcopedy publ., 112 p. [in Korean] pdf

조선의 지질 [Korean geology]. Ac. Sci. DPRK, 1960. 320 p. [in Korean] pdf

Arifdzhanov M.H. (1975) Reef complex of the Callovian-Oxfordian of Uzbekistan, Tashkent: Fan. 176 p. [in Russian] pdf

Arkadiev V., Guzhikov A., Baraboshkin E., Savelieva Ju., Feodorova A., Shurekova O., Platonov E., Manikin A. (2018) Biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy of the upper Tithonian – Berriasian of the Crimean Mountains // Cretaceous Research. Vol. 87. P. 5-41. pdf

Atlas of fossil fauna of the Armenian SSR. Erevan: Ac. Sci. Arm.SSR pub., 1974. 838 p. [in Russian] pdf

Atlas of the guide faunal groups of the Mesozoic of south and east of the USSR. Saint-Petersburg: Nedra, 1992. 376 p. [in Russian] pdf


Okuneva T.M. Norian bivalve mollusks and ammonoids of Transbaikalia and Far East

Rostovtsev K.O., Krymholz N.G. Ammonoids from the Lower and Middle Jurassic of the Caucasus

Polubotko I.V. Inoceramid bivalves of the Lower and Middle Jurassic of North-East of the USSR and north of Siberia

Sey I.I., Kalacheva E.D. Bivalve mollusks and ammonoids from the Middle and Upper Jurassic of Far East

Kazintsova L.I. Albnian-Turonian radiolatians of the south and east of USSR

Favorskaya T.A. Campanian and Maastrichtian bryozoans of the south of USSR

Titova M.V. Upper Creraceous brachiopods of the south of USSR

Zonova T.D. Cretaceous inoceramids of the east of USSR

Yazykova E.A. Upper Cretaceous ammonoidea of the east of USSR

Atabekyan A.A. Upepr Albian and Lower Cenomanian ammonites of the south of USSR

Atlas of the guide forms of the fossil faunas of the USSR. Vol. VIII. The Lower and Middle Jurassic. Moscow-Leningrad. 279 p. [in Russian] pdf

Caloo B. (1971) Caractères morphologiques non mesurables chez les Graphoceratines (Ammonitina) (Aalénien au Nord de Digne, Basses-Alpes, France) // Docum. Lab. Géol. Fac. Sci. Lyon. No.45. P.1-18. pdf

Cariou E. (1985) Biostratigraphic subdivision of the Callovian Stage in the Subtethyan Province // In: International Symposium on Jurassic Stratigraphy, Erlangen 1984. P. 315–326. pdf

Casey R., Mesezhnikov M.S., Shulgina N.I. (1987) Ammonite zones of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary deposits in the Boreal Realm // Newsletter of the Working Group on the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary. No.8. 24 p. pdf

Catalogue of the collection to the E.I. Eichwald’s monograph by "Lethaea Rossica ou Paléontologie de la Russie", 1865-1868 (ammonites).Compiled by: V.V. Arkadiev. Saint-Petersburg, LEMA Publishing House, 2018. 168 p. [in Russian] pdf

Catalogue of the collection to the E.I. Eichwald’s monograph by "Lethaea Rossica ou Paléontologie de la Russie", 1865–1868 (Mesozoic nautiloids and belemnites). Compiled by: V.V. Arkadiev. – Saint-Petersburg, LEMA Publishing House, 2019. 80 p. [in Russian] pdf

Chandler R., Whicher J. (2015) Fossils of Dorset. Inferior Oolite ammonites. Lower Bajocian. Commemorative issue celebrating the work of John Callomon and the 200th year since the production of William Smith's geological map of England and Wales. Wessex Cephalopod Club. 76 p. pdf

Douvillé R. (1915) Études sur les Cosmocératidés des collections de l'École nationale supérieure des Mines et de quelques autres collections publiques ou privées. Paris : Impr. Nationale, 75 p. pdf

Enay R., Mangold C. (1980) Synthèse paléogéographique du Jurassique français // Document laboratoire géologie de Lyon. h.s. 5. 210 p. pdf

Gulyaev D.B. (2019) Ammonites and Infrazonal Stratigraphy of the Lower Bathonian Besnosovi Zone of the Russian Plate // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, Vol. 27, No. 1, P.95–117. pdf

Hengsbach R. (1976) Über Sutur-Asymmetrie bei Cymbites laevigatus (Ammonoidea; Jura) // Senckcnbergiana lethaea. Bd. 56. S. 463-468. pdf

Hengsbach R. (1979) Weitere Anomalien an Amaltheen-Gehäusen (Ammonoidea; Lias) // Senckenbergiana lethaea. Bd. 60. S. 243-251. pdf

Hengsbach R. (1980) Über die Sutur-Asymmetrie bei Hecticoceras (Ammonoidea; Jura) // Senckenbergiana lethaea. Bd. 60. S.463-473. pdf

Huf W. (1968) Über Sonninien und Dorsetensien aus dem Bajocium von Nordwestdeutschland // Beihefte zum geologischen Jahrbuch. Hft. 64. 126 S. pdf

Jain S. (2019) On the occurrence of the Indonesian ammonite Macrocephalites keeuwensis Boehm [M & m] from Kachchh (Western India) // Zitteliana. Bd. 93. P.3-24. pdf

Kaptarenko-Chernousova O.K. (1961) Lenticulina from the Jurassic deposits of the Dnepr-Donets depression and Donbass outskirts // Transactions of the Institute of geological sciences. Series stratigraphy and palaeontology. Issue 36. 102 p. [inUkrainian] pdf

Kiselev D.N. (2018) Variability of Relative Body Chamber Length in Jurassic Ammonites of the Family Cardioceratidae Siemiradzki, 1891, and Its Taxonomic Significance // Paleontological Journal, Vol. 52, No. 13, P. 1517–1544. pdf

Kiselev D.N., Rogov M.A. (2018) Detailed biostratigraphy of the Middle Callovian – lowest Oxfordian in the Mikhaylov reference section (Ryazan region, European part of Russia) by ammonites // Volumina Jurassica. Vol. XVI. P. 73-186. DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0012.7990 pdf

Koshelkina Z.V. (1961) Inocerams and their stratigraphic significance for subdivision of the Jurassic deposits of Siberia // Transactions of all-Union Aerogeological Trust. Issue 7. P.140-166. [in Russian] pdf

Koshelkina Z.V. (1962) New species of Inoceramus from the Middle and Upper Jurassic deposits of the Lena river lower flows // Paleontological journal. No.1. P.66-73. [in Russian] pdf

Lewiński J. (1912) Utwory jurajskie na zachodnlem zboozu gór Świętokrzyskich [Les depots jurassiques du versant oooidental des montagnes de Święty Krzyż] // Wydział nauk matematycznych i przyrodniczych. Rok V. Nr. 8. S.501-599. pdf

Manikin A. G., Grishchenko V. A., Guzhikov A. Yu., Kolpakov V. V. (2019) Magnetic Stratigraphy of the Bazhenov Suite of Western Siberia and the Surrounding Deposits // In: Nurgaliev D., Shcherbakov V., Kosterov A., Spassov S. (eds) Recent Advances in Rock Magnetism, Environmental Magnetism and Paleomagnetism. Springer Geophysics. Springer, Cham. P. 411-423. pdf

Mironenko A.A., Komarov V.N. (2019) New findings of rhyncholites in the Middle and Upper Jurassic of Crimea // Proceedings of higher educational establishments. Geology and Exploration. No. 1. P.5-15. (In Russ.) DOI 10.32454/0016-7762-2019-1-5-15 [in Russian] pdf

Mouterde R. (1964-1965) Le Lias de Peniche (Suite, bibliographie) // Comunicações dos Serviços Geológicos de Portugal. T.XLVIII. P.5-11. pdf

Mouterde R. (1967) Le Lias du Portugal Vue d’ensemble et division en Zones // Comunicações dos Serviços Geológicos de Portugal. T.LII. P.209-226. pdf

Mouterde R. (1970) Le Lias moyen de São Pedro de Muel (Deuxième partie: Paléontologie) // Comunicações dos Serviços Geológicos de Portugal. T.LIV. P.39-74. pdf

Pčelincev V. (1931) Materials for the Study of the Upper Jurassic Deposits of the Caucasus // Transactions of the Geological and Prospecting Service of U.S.S.R. Fasc. 91. 170 p. [in Russian] pdf

Popkhadze M.V. (1977) Variability and intermutation of the upper Mesozoic and Paleogene brachiopods of the Georgia. Tbilisi: Metsniereba. 70 p. [in Russian] pdf

Rogov M.A. (2018) Comments on “New aragonite 87Sr/86Sr records of Mesozoic ammonoids and approach to the problem of N, O, C and Sr isotope cycles in the evolution of the Earth” by Yuri D. Zakharov, Sergei I. Dril, Yasunari Shigeta, Alexander M. Popov, Eugenij Y. Baraboshkin, Irina A. Michailova and Peter P. Safronov [Sedimentary Geology, 364 (2018): 1–13] // Volumina Jurassica. Vol. XVI. P.189-194. pdf

Rogov M.A., Kuznetsov A.B., Konstantinova G.V., Turchenko T.L. (2018) The Strontium Isotopic Composition in Glendonites of the Middle Jurassic in Northern Siberia // Doklady Earth Sciences. Vol. 482. Issue 1. P.1168–1172. pdf

Rogovich A. S. (1860) About fossil fishes of provinces of Kiev school district // Transactions of the commission in the Imperial St. Vladimir University for description of governments of the Kiev school district. Vol.IV. no.1. 87 p. [in Russian] pdf

Romanov L.F. (1973) Jurassic marine bivalve mollusks of the Dnestr-Prut interflow. Kishinev: Shtiintsa. 227 p. [in Russian] pdf

Till A. (1907) Die fossilen Cephalopodengebisse // Jahrbuche der K.K. Geolog. Reichsanstalt. Bd. 57. S. 535-682. pdf

Ustinova M. A. (2018) Middle Oxfordian–Lower Kimmeridgian Calcareous Nannoplankton and Foraminifers in Ivanovo Oblast, European Part of Russia // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, Vol. 26, No. 7, P.771–782. pdf

Vishnevskaya V.S. (1984) Radiolarites as analogs of recent radiolarian muds. Moscow: Nauka, 120 p. [in Russian] pdf

Vuks V.Ya (1983) On Jurassic foraminifers of the genus Ceratolamarckina // Bull. Leningr. University. Geology and geophysics. Issue 3. P.69-74. [in Russian] pdf

Vuks V.Ja. (2014) Lower and Middle Jurassic Stratigraphic Scheme of the Western Caucasus: Problems of Correlation and Division // STRATI 2013. First International Congress on Stratigraphy. At the Cutting Edge of Stratigraphy. Springer Geology, P.609-613. pdf

Yin J. (2010) Jurassic Ammonites of Tibet. Huayu Nature Book Trade Co.Ltd. 247 p. pdf

Yin J. (2016) 西藏喜马拉雅晚侏罗世- 早白垩世菊石 [Xizang Ximalaya Wanzhuluoshi -Zaobaieshi Jushi] 308 p. pdf

Zverkov N.G., Prilepskaya N.E. (2019) A prevalence of Arthropterygius (Ichthyosauria: Ophthalmosauridae) in the Late Jurassic - earliest Cretaceous of the Boreal Realm // PeerJ 7:e6799  DOI 10.7717/peerj.6799 pdf


New Cretaceous publications are added:

Ali-zade Ak.A. (1968) Late Cretaceous belemnites of Azerbaijan. Baku: Azerbaijan State publ. 201 p. [in Russian] pdf

Ali-zade Ak.A. (1972) Cretaceous belemnites of Azerbaijan. Moscow: Nedra. 280 p. [in Russian] pdf

Atabekyan A.A. (1987) Turrilitidae de l'Albien supérieur et du Cénomanien du sud de l'URSS. Association Géologique Auboise. 85 p. pdf

Birkelund T. (1967) Submicroscopic shell structures in early growth-stage Maastrichtian ammonites (Saghlintes and Scaphites) // Meddelelser fra Dansk Geologisk Forening, V.17. P. 95-102. pdf

Birkelund T., Hansen H.J. (1968) Early shell growth and structures of the septa and the siphuncular tube in some Maastrichtian ammonites // Meddelelser fra Dansk Geologisk Forening, Vol. 18, no.1. P. 71-78. pdf

Eristavi M.S., Egoyan V.L. (1959) Lower Cretaceous fauna of the Kafan district of the Armenian SSR. Erevan: Ac. Sci. Arm. SSR. 62 p. [in Russian] pdf

Geology and oil-and-gas bearing of the Western Caucasus and Western Peri-Caucasus (fauna and stratigraphy of Mesozoic and Cenozoic) // Transactions of All-Union oil-and-gas scientific institute. Issue 19. 320 p. [in Russian] pdf

Includine the following Cretaceous papers:

Antonova Z.A. Foraminifers from Clansayan and Albian of the Western Caucasus

Egoyan V.L. Ammonties from Clansayan of the Western Caucasus

Baidova L.A. Subdivision of the Lower Cretaceous deposits of Pshekha-Kurdzhips interflow by foraminifers

Hengsbach R. (1977) Zur Sutur-Asymmetrie bei Platylenticeras (Ammon., Kreide) // Zoologische Beitraege, Neue Folge. Bd. 23. S. 459-468. pdf

Hengsbach R. (1978) Zur Sutur-Asymmetrie bei Anahoplites (Ammonoidea; Kreide) // Senckcnbergiana lethaea. Bd. 59. S.377-385. pdf

Kennedy W.J., Klinger H.C. (1979) Cretaceous faunas from Zululand and Natal, South Africa. The ammonite superfamily Haplocerataceae Zittel, 1884 // Ann. S. Afr. Mus. Vol. 77. no.6. P. 85-121. pdf

Naidin D.P. (1964) Upper Cretaceous belemnites of the Russian Platform and adjacent areas (Actinocamax, Gonioteuthis and Belemnellocamax). Moscow: MSU publ. 213 p. [in Russian] pdf

Podobina V.M. (2018) Foraminifers and biostratigraphy of the middle Cretaceous of the Western Siberia. Tomsk: Tomsk State University, 138 p. [in Russian] pdf

Pravoslavlev P.A. (1916) Elasmosaurus from the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Don region // Travaux de Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de St.-Petersbourg. Vol. XXXVIII. livr. 5. P. 153-334. [in Russian] pdf

Simonovich S., Sorokin A., Batsevich L. (1874) Geological description of the parts of Kutaissi and Sharopan districts of Kutaissi government. Tiflis. 120 p. [in Russian] pdf

Whitehouse F.W. (1926) The Cretaceous Ammonoidea of eastern Australia // Memoirs of the Queensland Museum. Vol. VIII. Pt.III. P.195-242. pdf


New Triassic publications are added:

Bittner A. (1899) Versteinerungen aus den Trias-Ablagerungen des Süd-Ussuri Gebietes in der ostsibirischen Küstenprovinz // Mém. Com. Géol. Vol.VII. no.4. P.1-35. pdf

Hautmann M. (2001) Die Muschelfauna der Nayband-Formation (Obertrias, Nor-Rhät) des östlichen Zentraliran // Beringeria. Bd. 29, 181 S. pdf

Kryshtofovich A.N., Prynada V.D. (1933) Upper Triassic plants from Armenia // Transactions of the United Geological and Prospecting Service of USSR. Fasc. 336. 26 p. [in Russian] pdf

Salaj J., Borza K., Samuel O. (1983) Triassic Foraminifers of the West Carpathians. Bratislava: Geogický ústav Dionýza Stura. 213 p. pdf



New hyperlinks to periodicals are added:


Abhandlungen der Königlich Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt : neue Folge  (1889-1944)

Anales del Museo de La Plata. Paleontología argentina

Annales historico-naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici (back issues)

Archive of Mining Sciences

Arctic Environmental Research


Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Série 3. Zoologie (BHL)

Experiment in geosciences

Fossilium catalogus. II: Plantae

G3 (Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems)

Giornale di Malacologia

Journal of Nannoplankton Research

Journal of the Perthshire Society of Natural Science

Michigan botanist

Mitteilungen aus dem Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein für Neuvorpommern und Rügen in Griefswald

Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche der Königlich Ungarischen Geologischen Anstalt

Mitteilungen der Geologischen Landesanstalt von Elsass-Lothringen

The Nautilus, A Quarterly Devoted to Malacology (BHL)


Őslénytani viták (Discussiones Palaeontologicae)

Plant Science Bulletin

Polish Polar Research (or here)

Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina

South Africa Journal of Science

Special publications - The Museum, Texas Tech University

Studia biologica

The Tasmanian Naturalist

Transactions and Proceedings of the Perthshire Society of Natural Science

Veröffentlichungen aus dem Naturkunde-Museum Bielefeld

Virginia journal of science

Zoological letters


Additional useful hyperlinks:

http://www.mikrotax.org/ website currently hosts three main databases - Acritax, Nannotax and pforams@mikrotax

New Jurassic publications are added (received from or/and scanned by A. Doweld,. R. Enay, S. Jain, С. Kim, M. Rogov, A. Ippolitov):

Akopyan V.T. (1962) Stratigraphy of the Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits of south-east Zangezur. Erevan: Arm. Ac. Sci. publ., 264 p. [in Russian] pdf

Amanniyazov K.N. (1971) Upper Jurassic ammonites of Kugitang // Palaeontological substantiation of reference sections of the Jurassic System of Uzbekistan and adjacent areas. Collection no.10. Leningrad: Nedra. P.41-55. [in Russian] pdf

Azaryan N.R. (1963) Stratigraphy and fauna of the Jurassic deposits of Alaverdy ore district of the Armenian SSR. Erevan: Arm. Ac. Sci. publ. 255 p. [in Russian] pdf

Butticaz P. (1943) Ammonites séquaniennes du Reculet (Jura français). Étude paléontologique et stratigraphique // Univ. Geneve. Fac. Sci., Lab. Géol. 98. These 1053. Mém. Suesses Paléont. V.64. 31 p. pdf

Dzyuba O.S., de Lagausie B. (2018)  New belemnites (Megateuthididae, Cylindroteuthididae) from the Bajocian and Bathonian of the Yuryung-Tumus Peninsula, northern Siberia, Russia and their palaeobiogeographic implications // Palaontologische Zeitschrift. V. 92. no. 1. P. 87-105. pdf

Énay R., Howarth M.K. (2017) The Upper Oxfordian and Lower Kimmeridgian ammonite genera Idoceras Burckhardt, 1906, and Subnebrodites Spath, 1925 // Paleontological Contributions, no. 17, 3 p. pdf

Énay R., Howarth M.K. (2018) Stevensites, Zittelites, and Gyrophylloceras, new generic names proposed for Stevensia Enay, 2009, Zittelia Tavera Benitez, 1985, and Gyrophyllites Wiedmann, 1963 (Mollusca: Ammonoidea) // Paleontological Contributions. No.19. 2 p. pdf

Geological Constitution of Korea. Vol 3. Mesozoic and Cenozoic stratigraphy. 1990. 402 p. [in Korean] pdf

Geology of Korea. Pyongyang: Foreign language books publishing office, 1993. 619 pp. pdf

Gerke A.A. (1961) Foraminifera of Permian, Triassic and Liassic deposits of oil-bearing regions of north of Central Siberia // Trans. Inst. Geol. Arct., Vol. 120. 519 p. [in Russian] pdf

Goryacheva A.A. Lower Jurassic Palynostratigraphy of Eastern Siberia // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 2017, Vol. 25, No. 3, P. 29–60. DOI: 10.1134/S0869593817030042 pdf

Hengsbach R. (1990) Studien zur Paläopathologie der Invertebraten. 1: Die Paläoparasitologie, eine Arbeitsrichtung der Paläobiologie // Senckenbergiana lethaea. Bd. 70. Hft. 4/6. S. 439-461. pdf

Jain S. (2017) Occurrences, age and paleobiogeography of rare genera Phlycticeras and Pachyerymnoceras from South Tethys // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie-Abhandlungen, V. 283. no.2. P.119-149. pdf

Kerimov O.L. (1966) Some cephalopods from the Callovian deposits of Daghestan // Scientific reports of Azerbaijan State University. Series geology – geography. No.6. P.72-77. pdf

Kiselev D.N., Rogov M.A., Zakharov V.A. (2018) The Volgidiscus Singularis Zone of the terminal horizons of the Volgian Stage of European Russia and its significance for interregional correlation and paleogeography // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, Vol. 26. P.206-233. pdf

Klieber D. (1981) Zum Problem der Abgrenzung von Amoeboceras alternans (v. Buch 1831) und Amoeboceras ovale (Quenstedt 1849) // Geol. Bl. N. O.-Bayern. Bd. 31. №1-4. S. 271-284. pdf

Krajewski M., Schlagintweit D. (2018) Crescentiella‑microbial‑cement microframeworks in the Upper Jurassic reefs of the Crimean Peninsula // Facies 64:21. pdf

Kuzmichev A.B., Danukalova M.K., Aleksandrova G.N., Zakharov V.A., Herman A.B., Nikitenko B.L., Khubanov V.B., Korostylev E.V. (2018) Mid-Cretaceous Tuor-Yuryakh section of Kotelnyi Island, New Siberian Islands: how does the probable basement of sedimentary cover of the Laptev Sea look on land? // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, Vol. 26. P. 403-432. pdf

Mangold C., Martin A., Prieur A, (2012) Les Périsphinctidés du Bathonien moyen et supérieur du Mâconnais (Saône-et-Loire, France) // Docum. Lab. Géol. Lyon, no. 169, 155 p. pdf

Mironenko A.A., Gulyaev D.B., Rogov M.A., Khapisov O.K. (2018) New data on ammonoid jaws of the rhynchaptychus type // Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie. Hft. 110. P.82-83. pdf

Mjatliuk E.V. (1939) The foraminifera from the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Middle Volga region and Obschiy Syrt // Transactions of the geological oil institute. Ser. A. Fasc. 120. 76 p. pdf

Morales C., Ouromova O., Bloem M., Rogov M., Janssen N., Appleyard T., van de Schootbrugge B. (2018) An assessment of Mesozoic polar environments and climate change based on glendonites from Svalbard and Siberia // Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 20, EGU2018-2806 pdf

Pakuckas Č. (1932) Die Ammoniten - Fauna des Oxford und Kelloway von Papilé // Mémoire de la Faculte des Sciences de l'Universite de Vytautas le Grand, Section de Géologie, T.VI. P. 3-87. pdf

Pelecypods and corals from the Jurassic deposits of Armenian SSR. Erevan, 1983, 127 p. [in Russian] pdf


Azaryan N.R. Jurassic pelecypods of the Armenian SSR

Papoyan A.S. Jurassic corals (scleractinians) of northern part of the Armenian SSR


Phytostratigraphy and morphology of old plants spores of oil-and-gas bearing provinces of the USSR. Collection of scientific papers. Leningrad: VNIGRI, 1989. 113 p. [in Russian] pdf

Including following Mesozoic papers:

Kulikova N.K. Palynostratigraphy of Lower Triassic deposits of south part of the Lena-Anabar depression (Buur-Olenek region) (pp. 17-25)

Menshikova N.Ya. Palynocomplexes of the Upper Triassic deposits of Peri-Caspian depression (pp. 25-29)

Kirichkova A.I., Chirva S.A., Khramova S.N. Jurassic flora of the Pechora river (pp. 30-40) Timoshina N.A. Pteridophyte spores from the Sary-Diirmen Formation of Western Kazakhstan (pp. 40-47)

Kirichkova A.I., Moskvin A.G. New species of the genus Phoenicopsis from the Middle Jurassic deposits of south of the Middle Siberia (pp. 47-51)

Fedorova V.A. New species of dinocysts and prasynophytes from Boreal Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous deposits of the USSR

Repin Yu.S. (2016) Lower Jurassic ammonite geologic time scale of Northeast Asia // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya i Praktika, 2016, vol. 11, no. 4, 45 p. [in Russian] pdf

Repin Yu.S. (2017) Genus Pseudolioceras Buckman (Ammonoidea) of Arctic Jurassic area // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya i Praktika, 2017, vol. 12, no. 4, 46 p. [in Russian] pdf

Rogov M.A. (2018) Comments on “New aragonite 87Sr/86Sr records of Mesozoic ammonoids and approach to the problem of N, O, C and Sr isotope cycles in the evolution of the Earth” by Yuri D. Zakharov, Sergei I. Dril, Yasunari Shigeta, Alexander M. Popov, Eugenij Y. Baraboshkin, Irina A. Michailova and Peter P. Safronov [Sedimentary Geology, 364 (2018): 1–13] // Volumina Jurassica. Vol. XVI. No.1. pdf

Rogov M. (2018) High-resolution ammonite-based biostratigraphy of the Adventdalen Group (Middle Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous) of Spitsbergen // Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 20, EGU2018-17980 pdf

Rogov M.A. (2018) Pseudoinversion of septal sutures in Middle Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous non-heteromorph ammonites and its significance for ammonoid palaeobiology // Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie. Hft. 110. P.94-95. pdf

Rogov M.A., Ustinova M.A. (2018) High-latitude Late Jurassic nannofossils and their implication for climate and palaeogeography // Norwegian Journal of Geology. Vol. 98, P.17–23. DOI 10.17850/njg98-1-02 pdf

Rogov M., Zakharov V., Shchepetova E. (2018) Late Jurassic – earliest Cretaceous Boreal Shelf Anoxic Event (SAE) and its possible causes // Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 20, EGU2018-17895-1 pdf

Sadki D. (1996) Le Haut-Atlas central (Maroc). Stratigraphie et paléontologie du Lias supérieur et du Dogger inférieur. Dynamique du bassin et des peuplements // Docum. Lab. Géol. Lyon, no. 142, P. 1-245. pdf

Talib A., Jain S., Irshad R. (2017) Integrated Benthic Foraminiferal and Ammonite Biostratigraphy of Middle to Late Jurassic Sediments of Keera Dome, Kachchh, Western India // Advanced Micropaleontology. Pradeep K. Kathal, Rajiv Nigam & Abu Talib (Editors). Scientific Publishers (India), P. 71-81. pdf

Teisseyre L. (1883) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Cephalopodenfauna der Ornatenthone im Gouverment Riasan-Russland // Sitzh. d. Keiser. Akad. d. Wissensch. 1883. Bd. LXXXVIII. I. Abth. S.538-628. pdf

Thierry J. (1978) Le genre Macrocephalites au Callovien inférieur (Ammonites, Jurassique moyen) // Mémoires de l’Université de Dijon, 4: 491 p., Dijon. pdf

Wierzbowski H., Bajnai D., Wacker U., Rogov M.A., Fiebig J., Tesakova E.M. (2018) Clumped isotope record of salinity variations in the Subboreal Province at the Middle–Late Jurassic transition // Global and Planetary Change, Vol. 167. P. 172-189. DOI 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2018.05.014 pdf

Zittel K.A. (1868) Palaeontologische studien über Grenzschichten der Jura- und Kreide- Formation im gebiete der Karpaten, Alpen und Apenninen. Abh. I. Die Cephalopoden der Strambergen Schichten // Palaeont. Mittheilungen. Bd. II. Stuttgart. S. v-viii, 1-118. pdf


New Cretaceous publications are added (received from or/and scanned by A. Doweld, S. Jain, M. Kaminski, M. Rogov, V. Seltser):

Atlas of the reference foraminifera from the Lower Cretaceous deposits of Peri-Caspian depression, Mangyshlak Peninsula and Usturt. Leningrad: Nedra, 1988. 263 p. [in Russian] pdf

Blaszkiewicz A. (1980) Campanian and Maastrichtian of the Middle Vistula river, Poland: a stratigraphic-paleontological study // Prace Instytutu Geologiczniego. T.XCII. 63 pp. pdf

Ershova E.S. (1980) Some Early Valanginian ammonites of Spitsbergen // Geology of the sedimentary cover of Svalbard archipelago. Leningrad, P. 70-80. [in Russian] pdf

Farouk S., Jain S. (2017) Sea-level changes in the Paleocene (Danian–Thanetian) succession at the Dakhla Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt: implications from benthic foraminifera // Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association. V. 128. P. 764–778. pdf

Farouk S., Jain S. (2018) Benthic foraminiferal response to relative sea-level changes in the Maastrichtian–Danian succession at the Dakhla Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt // Geological Magazine, V.155. P.729-746. pdf

Guzhikova A. A. (2018) First Magnetostratigraphic Data on the Maastrichtian of Mountain Crimea (Bakhchysarai Region) // Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Earth Sciences, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 1, рр. 41–49 (in Russian). DOI: 10.18500/1819-7663-2018-18-1-41-49 pdf

Jain S., Farouk S. (2017) Shallow water agglutinated foraminiferal response to Late Cretaceouse - Early Paleocene sea-level changes in the Dakhla Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt // Cretaceous Research. V. 78. P.1-18. pdf

Juignet P., Kennedy W.J. (1976) Faunes d 'Ammonites et biostratigraphie comparée du Cénornanien du nord-ouest de la France (Normandie) et du sud de l'Angleterre // Bulletin trimestriel de la Société Géologique de Normandie et des amis du muséum du Havre. T. LXIII. Fasc. 2. 193 pp. pdf

Mandov G. (1976) L’Etage Hauterivien dans les Balkanides Occidentales (Bulgarie de l’Ouest) et sa faune d’ammonites // Ann. Univ. Sofia, fac. Geol.geogr. Livre 1. Geol. Т.67. P.11-99. pdf

Martirosyan Yu.A. (1970) Foraminifera of Upper Cretaceous and Lower Paleogene deposits of south-west part of the Armenian SSR (Artashat and Vedino districts) // Inst. Geol. Sci. Arm. SSR, ser. Paleont. and stratigr. Issue 8. P.7-79. [in Russian] pdf

Reyment R.A. (1954) Some new Upper Cretaceous ammonites from Nigeria // Colonial Geology and Mineral Resources, V. 4, no. 3. pp. 248-270. pdf

Reyment R.A. (1955) The Cretaceous Ammonoidea of Southern Nigeria and the Southern Cameroons // Bull. Geol. Surv. Nigeria no.25. 112 p. pdf

Reyment R.A. (1966) A note on Paleocene nautiloids from Nigeria // Overseas Geology and Mineral Resources, V. 10. P.47-55. pdf

Vasilevskaya N.D. (1980) Early Cretaceous flora of the Spitsbergen // Geology of the sedimentary cover of Svalbard archipelago. Leningrad, P. 61-69. [in Russian] pdf

Yun H.S. (1981) Dinoflagellaten aus der Oberkreide (Santon) von Westfalen // Palaeontographica Abteilung B, Abt.177, Lfg.1-4. S.1-89. pdf


New Triassic publications are added:

Dagys A.S., Dagys A.A., Ermakova S.P. et al. Triassic fauna of the north-east Asia. Novosibirsk: Nauka. 232 p. [in Russian] pdf

Korchinskaya M.V. (1972) Biostratigraphy of the Triassic deposits of Svalbard // Mesozoic deposits of Svalbard. Leningrad, P. 21-26. [in Russian] pdf

Korchinskaya M.V. (1972) Nathorstites distribution in the Triassic deposits of Svalbard // Mesozoic deposits of Svalbard. Leningrad, P. 64-74. [in Russian] pdf

Korchinskaya M.V. (1980) Early Norian fauna of Svalbard archipelago // Geology of the sedimentary cover of Svalbard archipelago. Leningrad, P. 30-43. [in Russian] pdf

Morakhovskaya E.D. (2000) Triassic of the Timan-Ural region (reference sectiobs, stratigraphy, correlation) // Biochronology and correlation of the Phanerozoic of oil-and-gas bearing basins of Russia. Issue 1. 80 p. [in Russian] pdf

Pchelina T.M. (1972) Triassic deposits of the Bear island // Mesozoic deposits of Svalbard. Leningrad, P.5-20. [in Russian] pdf

Vasilevskaya N.D. (1972) Late Triassic flora of Svalbard // Mesozoic deposits of Svalbard. Leningrad, P. 27-63. [in Russian] pdf

Vasilevskaya N.D. (1983) Late Triassic plants from the Hope island (Svalbard) // Geology pf Spitsbergen. Collection of scientific papers. Leningrad, P. 142-149. [in Russian] pdf

Vuks V.Ja., Punina T.A. (2018) Late Triassic foraminifers of the southern Far East // Regional geology and metallogeny. Issue 74. P. 71–77. [in Russian] pdf

Yaroshenko O.P. (1978) Miospore assemblages and Triassic stratigraphy of the West Caucasus // Transactions of the Geological Institute, Vol.324. 128 p. [in Russian] pdf



New hyperlinks to open access periodicals are added:

Abhandlungen aus dem Westfälischen Provinzial-Museum für Naturkunde

Abhandlungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins Schwaben

Annalen des Wiener Museums der Naturgeschichte

Annales, Series Historia Naturalis (Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies. Series historia naturalis)

Arbeitstagung der Geologischen Bundesanstalt

Archiv für Naturgeschichte

Arctica (1931-1936)

Beiträge zur Naturkunde Preussens

Berichte der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Freiburg im Breisgau

Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology

Folder Geologie Joanneum

Geological Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publications

Jahrbuch des Vereins zum Schutze der Alpenpflanzen und -Tiere

Jahrbücher der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft

Jahresbericht des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins Osnabrück

Jahreshefte des Vereins für vaterländische Naturkunde in Württemberg

Journal of Iberian Geology (new issues)

Journal of Micropalaeontology

Mada-Géo: journal des sciences de la terre


Malakozoologische Blätter

Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club

Mitteilungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Steiermark

Mittheilungen aus dem Gesammtgebiete der Botanik

Natur und Mensch - Jahresmitteilungen der naturhistorischen Gesellschaft Nürnberg e.V.

Osnabrücker Naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen


Paleoceanography (back issues)

Revue de Paléobiologie (since 2014)

Zoologische Annalen - Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Zoologie


New search engine for publications: https://app.dimensions.ai/

Alerts about new publications: https://app.peer.us


New Jurassic publications are added:

Amannijasov K. (1960) Cardioceras from the Lower Oxfordian of Tuarkyr // Bull. Ac. Sci. Turkm. SSR, ser. phys.-techn., chem. and geol. sci. no.2. P.62-70. [in Russian] pdf

Amannijasov K. (1962) Erymnoceras from the Middle Callovian of Tuarkyr // Trans. Inst. Geol. Ac. Sci. Turkm. SSR. Vol. IV. P.136-164. [in Russian] pdf

Arkhangelsky M.S., Zverkov N.G., Spasskaya O.S., Evgrafov A.V. (2018) On the First Reliable Record of the Ichthyosaur Ophthalmosaurus icenicus Seeley in the Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian Beds of European Russia // Paleontological journal. V. 52. № 1. P. 49-57. pdf

Berlin Т.S., Naidin D.Р., Sachs V.N., Teis R.V., Chabakhov A.V. (1966) The climates of Jurassic and Cretaceous periods in the north of the USSR according to paleotemperature determinations // Geol. Geophys. . no.10. P.17-31. [in Russian] pdf

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Crick R.E. (1988) Buoyancy regulation and macroevolution in nautiloid cephalopods // Senckenbergiana lethaea, Bd.69. Nr.1/2. P.13-42. pdf

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Fürsich F.T. (1978) Variability of Jurassic hardground faunas: pitfalls in studies of community evolution // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont., Abh. Bd.157. Nr.1-2. S.52-56. pdf

Gasanov T.A. (1967) Lower Jurassic of Azerbaijan: Lesser Caucasus. Baku: Ac. Sci. Az. SSR publ. 200 p. [in Russian] pdf

Hengsbach R. (1986) Ontogenetisches Auftreten und Entwicklung der Sutur-Asymmetrie bei einigen Psilocerataceae (Ammonoidea; Jura) // Senckenbergiana lethaea. Bd. 67. Nr.1-4. S. 323-330. pdf

Hengsbach R. (1986) Zur Kenntnis der Sutur-Asymmetrie bei Ammoniten // Senckenbergiana lethaea. Bd. 67. Nr.1-4. S. 119-149. pdf

Hengsbach R. (1991) Die Symmetropathie, ein Beitrag zur Erforschung sogenannter Anomalien // Senckenbergiana lethaea, Bd.71. Nr.3/4. S.339-366. pdf

Hölder H. (1954) Über die Sipho-Anheftung bei Ammoniten // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte 8. S.372–379. pdf

Keupp H. (2012) Atlas zur Paläopathologie der Cephalopoden // Berliner paläobiologische Abhandlungen, Vol. 12. 392 S. pdf

King A.H. (1993) Mollusca: Cephalopoda (Nautiloidea) // The Fossil Record 2. Edited by M. J. Benton. Published in 1993 by Chapman & Hall, London. P.169-188. pdf

Kiselev D.N., Rogov M.A. (2018) Ammonites and stratigraphy of the terminal part of the Middle Volgian Substage (Upper Jurassic; Epivirgatites nikitini Zone and its equivalents) of the Panboreal Realm: 2. Titanites and Glaucolithites // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, Vol. 26, No. 1, P. 15–61. DOI 10.1134/S0869593818010057 pdf

Krystofоviс A. (1916) Les matériaux pour la connaissances de la flore de Jura du pays d’Oussouri // Travaux du Musée Géologique et Minéralogique Empereur Pierre le Grand près l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de Petrograd. Tome II. Fasc. 4. P.81-110. [in Russian] pdf

Kudyaev J. (1927) The Dogger Ammonites of Jagman in the Turkmenian Republic // Tr. Leningr. Soc. Natur. Vol.57. no.4. P.133-150. [in Russian] pdf

Kullmann J., Wiedmann J. (1982) Bedeutung der Rekapitulationsentwicklung in der Paläontologie // Verh. Naturwiss. Ver. Hamburg (N.F.). Bd.25. S.71–92. pdf

Lominadze T.A., Sakharov A.S. (1985) Cosmoceratids of the Caucasus. Tbilisi: Metsniereba, 62 pp. [in Russian] pdf

Makridin V.P., Zinoviev M.S. (1962) New ammonite records in the Upper Jurassic deposits of the north-west outskirts of the Donets folded belt // Proc. Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol. 101, no.3. P.537-539. [in Russian] pdf

Meledina S.V. (1984) Illegality of using the species Kosmoceras enodatum Nikitin as subzonal index for the Lower Callovian // Geol. Geophys. No.5. P.55-61. [in Russian] pdf

Mutvei H. (1972) Ultrastructural studies on cephalopod shells. Part 2: Orthoconic cephalopods from the Pennsylvanian Buckhorn Asphalt // Bull geol. Instn Univ. Upsala N. S. Vol.3, no.9. P. 263-272. pdf

Riegraf W. (1986) Stratigraphische Verbreitung der Ammonitengattung Catacoeloceras im Toarcium Europas // Senckenbergiana lethaea. Bd. 67. Hft. 1/4. S. 305-313. pdf

Rotkite L.M. (1970) Kosmoceras from the Callovian deposits of Lithuania and Latvia // Palaeontology and stratigraphy of Baltics and Belorussia. Vilnius. Coll. 11. P.125-173. [in Russian] pdf

Shimansky V. N. (1957) Systematics and phylogeny of the order Nautilida // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol. XXXII. Issue 4. P.105-120. [in Russian] pdf

Smirnova T.N. (1992) Late Mesozoic brachiopods of the Peri-Caspian depression and Russian Platform // Paleont. Journ. No.4, P.23-30. [in Russian] pdf

Stumbur K.A. (1960) On some lifetime damages of nautiloid shells // Paleont. Journ. No.4. P.133-135. [in Russian] pdf

Tobien H. (1964) Über Suturen nautiliconer Nautiloidea (Cephalopoda) // Notizbl. hess. L.-Amt Bodenforsch. Bd. 92. S. 7-28. pdf

Westermann G.E.G. (1964) Evolution and taxonomy of Pachyceratidae and Mayaitidae, as suggested by septal patterns (Jurassic Ammonitina) // XXII Intern. Geol. Congr. India, 1964. Pt. VIII. Proc. Sect. 8. Palaeontology and stratigraphy. New Dehly, P. 1-15. pdf

Westermann G.E.G., Riccardi A.C. (1976) Middle Jurassic ammonite distribution and the affinities of the Andean faunas // Prim. Congr. Geol. Chileno. V. 1. P. 23-39. pdf

Zeiss A. (1968) Fossile Cephalopoden mit Weichteilen // Natur und Museum, Bd. 98. Hft. 10. S.418-424. pdf


New Cretaceous publications are added:

Gol’bert А.V., Zakharov V.A., Klimova I.G. (1977) New data on the stratigraphy of Boreal Hauterivian // Geol. Geophys. No.7. P.75-82. [in Russian] pdf

Krasilov V.A. (1976) Early Cretaceous flora of Southern Primorie and its significance for stratigraphy. Moscow: Nauka. 264 pp. [in Russian] pdf

Mandov G. (1976) Premières trouvailles des rhyncolites dans les dépôts du Crétacé inférieur en Bulgarie // Palaeontology, stratigraphy and lithology. Vol.5. P.23-30. [in Bulgarian] pdf

Nackij А.D. (1916) Les belemnites des argiles septariaires du Mangyslak // Travaux du Musée Géologique et Minéralogique Empereur Pierre le Grand près l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de Petrograd. Tome II. Fasc. 4. P.1-22. [in Russian] pdf

Nackij А.D. (1916) Les gastéropodes des argiles septariaires du Mangyslak // Travaux du Musée Géologique et Minéralogique Empereur Pierre le Grand près l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de Petrograd. Tome II. Fasc. 4. P.23-48. [in Russian] pdf

Naidin D.P., Teis R.V., Zadorozhny I.K. (1964) Some new data on the temperatures of Maastricht basins of the Russian platform and adjacent areas according to the isotopic oxygen composition in belemnite rostra // Geochemistry. No.10. P.971-979. [in Russian] pdf

Rengarten V.P. (1961) Reference sections of the Lower Cretaceous of Daghestan. Moiscow-Leningrad: Ac. Sci. publ. 87 p. [in Russian] pdf

Shimansky V. N. (1951) On distribution of the Cretaceous Nautiloidea in the USSR // Transact. Soc. Natur. Moscow, vol. 1. Sect. Geol. P.152-160 [in Russian] pdf

Shimansky V. N. (1973) New rhyncholite from the Cenomanian of Crimea // Paleont. Journ. No.3. P.132-134. [in Russian] pdf

Shimansky V. N. (1987) On the some anomalies in rhyncholite construction // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol. 62. Issue 2. P.110-117. [in Russian] pdf


New Triassic publications are added:

Müller A.H. (1963) Über Rhyncholithen aus dem Oberen Muschelkalk des germanischen Triasbeckens // Geologie. Jg. 12. Hft. 7. S. 842-857. pdf

Müller A.H. (1968) Ein Nautiliden-Kiefer (Conchorhynchus similis n. sp., Cephalopoda) aus der Oberkreide (Obersanton) des nördlichen Harzvorlandes // Geologie. Jg. 17. S. 1062-1069. pdf

Müller A.H. (1969) Nautiliden-Kiefer (Cephalopoda) mit Resten des Cephalopodiums aus dem Muschelkalk des Germanischen Triasbeckens // Monatsberichte der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Bd. 11. Hft. 4. S.308-315. pdf

Tobien H. (1965) Juvenile Suturen spätpaläozoischer und triassischer Nautiliden (Cephal.)// Notizbl. hess. L.-Amt Bodenforsch. Bd. 93. S. 47-60. pdf



New hyperlinks to open access periodicals are added:

ABC taxa

Biological communications

Bollettino dei musei di zoologia e anatomia comparata della R. Università di Genova

Carnets natures

Evolution letters

Geologica Hungarica. Series geologica (1914-2004)

Geologica Hungarica. Series palaeontologica (1928-2013)

The Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science

Journal of Research of the U. S. Geological Survey

Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium

Northern Territory naturalist

Professional Paper of the Geological Survey of Belgium

Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science

Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters

Voprosy mikropaleontologii (BHL)


New Jurassic publications are added:

Almeras Y. (1964) Brachiopodes du Lias et du Dogger // Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie de la Faculté des Sciences de Lyon. no. 5, 161 p. pdf

Almeras Y. (1970) Les Terebratulidae du Dogger dans le Mâconnais, le Mont d’Or lyonnais et le Jura méridional. Étude sytématique et biostratigraphique. Rapports avec la paléoécologie // Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie de la Faculté des Sciences de Lyon. No.39. Fasc. 2. P.345-690. pdf

Almeras Y. (1994) Le genre Soaresirhynchia nov. (Brachiopoda, Rhynchonellacea, Wellerellidae) dans le Toarcien du sous-bassin nord-lusitanien (Portugal) // Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie de la Faculté des Sciences de Lyon. No.130. 135 p. pdf

Almeras Y., Moulan G. (1982) Les Térébratulidés liasiques de Provence. Paléontologie, biostratigraphie, paléoécologie, phylogénie // Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie de la Faculté des Sciences de Lyon. No.86. 365 p. pdf

Bülow-Trummer E. von (1920) Fossilium Catalogus. I. Animalia Pars 11. Cephalopoda Dibranchiata. Berlin, W. Junk. 313 S. pdf

Desai Bh. G., Ippolitov A.P, Gulyaev D.B. (2017) Ichnofabric analysis reveals successive colonization of muddy sediments in Late Bajocian back arc basin, Eastern Crimea // 14th International ichnofabric workshop. Abstract volume. Taiwan. P. 3. pdf

Dochev D., Idakieva V., Ivanov M., Velev S., Bonev K. (2017) Ammonite fauna from the Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica // Comptes rendus de l'Académie bulgare des Sciences. T. 70. no. 11. P.1557-1566. pdf

Gulyaev D.B., Ippolitov A.P. New data on the marine Lower Bathonian of Central Russia (Penza region) // Jurassic System of Russia: Problems of stratigraphy and paleogeography. Seventh All-Russian meeting. September 18-22, 2017, Moscow. Scientific materials. Moscow: GIN RAS, 2017. P. 42-46. pdf

Ippolitov A.P., Gulyaev D.B. New data on the lower Bathonian belemnites of Russian platform // Jurassic System of Russia: Problems of stratigraphy and paleogeography. Seventh All-Russian meeting. September 18-22, 2017, Moscow. Scientific materials. Moscow: GIN RAS, 2017. P. 78-81. pdf

Kasanzev V.P. (1934) Zur Kenttnis der Jura-Foraminiferen der Erdölfeldes Makat (Embanepht) // Mitteilungen des geologischen Erdöl-Instituts. Ser. A. Hft. 49. 32 S. [in Russian] pdf

Kasanzev V.P. (1936) Zur Kenttnis der Foraminiferen aus dem Neokom und dem Jura des Emba-Gebiets // Mitteilungen des geologischen Erdöl-Instituts. Ser. A. Ser. A. Hft. 56. 26 S. [in Russian] pdf

Kulyova G.V., Yanochkina Z.A., Bukina T.F., Ivanov A.V., Baryshnikova V.N., Troitskaya E.A., Eryomin V.N. (2004) Upper Jurassic shale-bearing section of the Volga Basin (Dorsoplanites panderi Zone) // Trans. Geol. Scient. Inst. Saratov State Univ. Vol.XVII. 110 p. [in Russian] pdf

Lakova I., Petrova S., Andreeva P., Metodiev L., Rehakova D., Michalik J. (2017) Notes on the stratigraphy and microfacies of Tithonian and Berriasian carbonate sequence around Dragovishtitsa village (Western Srednogorie, Bulgaria) // Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences. T.70, no. 10. P.1429-1436. pdf

Mangold C. (1970) Stratigraphie des etages Bathonien et Callovien du Jura meridional // Doc. Labor. Géol. Fac. Sci. Lyon. 1970. no. 41. Fasc. 2. 246 p. pdf

Meledina S.V. (1998) New findings of Callovian and Oxfordian cardioceratids (Ammonoidea) of Western Siberia // Geology and geophysics. Vol. 39, no.8, P.1032-1038. [in Russian] pdf

Mironenko A., Gulyaev D. (2018) Middle Jurassic ammonoid jaws (anaptychi and rhynchaptychi) from Dagestan, North Caucasus, Russia // Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. V. 489. P 117–128. pdf

Mitta V., Kostyleva V., Dzyuba O., Glinskikh L., Shurygin B., Seltzer V., Ivanov A., Urman O. (2014) Biostratigraphy and sedimentary settings of the Upper Bajocian-Lower Bathonian in the vicinity of Saratov (Central Russia) // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie-Abhandlungen. Vol. 271. no.1. P.95-121. pdf

Romanowsky G. (1856) Geognostische Debersicht des südlichen Thiels des Gouvernements Rjasan // Verh. Russ.-Kais. Miner. Gesell. Jg. 1855-1856. S.85-107. pdf

Schindewolf O.H. (1933) Vergleichende Morphologie und Phylogenie der Anfangskanunern tetrabranchiater Cephalopoden. Eine Studie über Herkunft, Stammesentwicklung und System der niederen Ammoneen // Abh. Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt. N.F. Hft. 148. S.3-115. pdf

Shurupova Y.A., Tesakova E.M. (2017) Detailed biostratigraphic scales as based on the palaeobiogenetical approach (an example of the Upper Bajocian – Lower Bathonian ostracod scale of the Russian Platform) // Volumina Jurassica. Vol XV, no.1. P.121-138. DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0010.6074 pdf

Tsereteli I.D. (1989) Bathonian oppeliids of Transcaucasus. Tbilisi: Metsniereba. 112 p. pdf [in Russian]

Wetzel W. (1954) Die Bielefelder Garantianen, Geschichte einer Ammonitengattung // Geol. Jahrb. Bd. 68. S. 547-586. pdf


New Cretaceous publications are added:

Ali-Zadeh Ak.A. (1961) New representatives of belemnites from the Aptian deposits of south-east Caucasus // Proc. Ac. Sci. AzerSSR. Ser. geol-geogr. sci. and oil. no 4. P.39-56. pdf [in Russian]

Arkadiev V.V., Grishchenko V.A., Guzhikov A.Yu., Manikin A.G., Savelieva Yu.N., Feodorova A.A., Shurekova O.V. (2017) Ammonites and magnetostratigraphy of the Berriasian–Valanginian boundary deposits from eastern Crimea // Geologica Carpathica, 68, 6. P. 505–516. pdf

Bragina L.G. (1994) Upper Cretaceous radiolarians and stratigraphy of Khotkovo Group, Moscow region // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol.69. Issue 2.P.91-100. [in Russian] pdf

Bykova N.K. (1939) The foraminifera from the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene deposits of Fergana // Transactions of the Geological Oil Institute. Ser. A. Fasc. 121. 48 p. [in Russian] pdf

Christensen W.K. (1988) Upper Cretaceous belemnites of Europe: state of the art // In:Streel, M., Bless, M.J.M. (Eds.), The Chalk District of the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. Natuurhistorisch Museum, Maastricht and Laboratoires de Paléontologie de I’Université d’Etat, Liége, P. 5-16. pdf

Christensen W.K., Ernst G., Schmid F., Schulz M.-G., Wood C.J. (1975) Belemnitella mucronata mucronata, Schlottheim 1813, from the Upper Campanian: Neotype, biometry, comparisons and biostratigraphy // Geologisches Jahrbuch Reihe A. Bd.28. S. 27-57. pdf

Christensen W.K., Schmid F. (1987) The Belemnites of the Vaals formation from the C.P.L. Quarry at Hallembaye, Belgium. Taxonomy, biometry and biostratigraphy // Geologisches Jahrbuch Reihe A. Bd. 94. 37 S.  pdf

Collignon M. (1965) Nouvelles Ammonites néocrétacées sahariennes // Annales de Paléontologie, t. 51, vol. 2. P.165-202. pdf

Ernst G., Schulz M.-G. (1974) Stratigraphie und Fauna des Coniac und Santon im Schreibkreide-Richtprofil von Lägerdorf (Holstein) // Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg. Heft 43. S. 5-60. pdf

Houša V. (1967) Lewesiceras Spath (Pachydiscidae, Ammonoidea) from the Turonian of Bohemia // Sb. Geol. Vĕd. Paleontologie. řada P. sv. 9. p.7-50. pdf

Kaplan U. (1991) Zur Stratigraphie der tiefen Oberkreide im Teutoburger Wald (NW-Deutschland). Teil 2: Turon und Coniac im Steinbruch des Kalkwerks Foerth, Halle/Westfalen // Ber. Naturwiss. Verein Bielefeld u. Umgegend. Bd. 32. S.125-159. pdf

Lipnik O.S. (1961) Foraminifera and stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous deposits of Dnepr-Donets depression // Trans. Inst. Geol. Sciences. Ser. stratigr. and paleont. Issue 35. 65 p. [in Ukrainian] pdf

Mikhailova I.A., Naidin D.P. (2002) On the taxonomic position and distribution of the genus Borissiakoceras Arkhangelsky, 1916 (Ammonoidea) // Paleont. Journ. No.6. P.46-56. [in Russian] pdf

Ravn J.P.J. (1902) Molluskerne i Danmarks Kridtaflejringer. II. Scaphopoder, Gastropoder og Cephalopoder // Mémoires de l’Académie Royale des Sciences et des Lettres de Danemark, Copenhague, 6me série, Section des Sciences, t. XI, n°4. P.207-270. pdf

Rouchadze J. (1938) Les ammonites aptiennes du Caucase du Nord // Bulletin du Musée d'État de Géorgie, 9A.P.113-209. pdf

Savelieva Yu.N., Shurekova O.V., Feodorova A.A., Arkadiev V.V., Grishchenko V.A., Guzhikov A.Yu., Manikin A.G. (2017) Microbiostratigraphy of the Berriasian–Valanginian boundary in eastern Crimea: foraminifers, ostracods, organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts // Geologica Carpathica, 68, 6. P. 517–529. pdf

Trauth F. (1935) Anaptychi und anaptychus-ähnliche Aptychi der Kreide // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie. Beilage-Band 74. Abteilung B. S.448-468. pdf

Tröger K.-A., Christensen W.K. (1991) Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Santonian) inoceramid bivalve faunas from the island of Bornholm, Denmark. With a review of the Cenomanian-Santonian lithostratigraphic formations and locality details // Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelse. Ser. A. Nr. 28. 47 p. pdf


New Triassic publication is added:

Kiparisova L. (1936) Upper Triassic pelecypods from the Kolyma-Indigirka land // Transactions of the Arctic Institute. Vol.XXX. P. 71-136. pdf



New hyperlinks to open access periodicals are added:

Acta climatologica

Acta mineralogica-petrographica

Annali del Museo Civico di Rovereto

Bonn zoological Bulletin

Ciencia. Revista hispano-americana de Ciencias puras y aplicadas

Geologica Szegediensia

Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Revue d'IFP Energies nouvelles

Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach. Geologia

Rozpravy České akademie věd a umění. Třída II, (Mathematicko-přírodovědecká)



New Jurassic publications are added:

Antonova Z.A. (1973) New Miliolidea from the Lower Jurassic deposits of the Western Caucasus // Paleont. Journ. no.2. P.10-18. [in Russian] pdf

Babaev R.G. (1973) On the discovery of a rare Tithonian hydroid in the USSR // Paleont. Journ. no.2. P.122-124. [in Russian] pdf

Dembowska J., Marek S. (1985) Gostynin IG-1/1a, Gostynin IG-3, Gostynin IG-4, Żychlin IG-3 // Profile Głębokich Otworów Wiertniczych. Zeszyt 60. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Geologiczne. 299 S. pdf

Dembowska J., Marek S. (1988) Mszczonów IG-I, Mszczonów IG-2, Nadarzyn IG-l // Profile Głębokich Otworów Wiertniczych. Zeszyt 65. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Geologiczne. 414 S. pdf

Erben H.K., Flajs G., Siehl A. (1969) Die frühontogenetische Entwicklung der Schalenstruktur ectocochleater cephalopoden // Palaeontographica Abteilung A. Bd. 132. Lief. 1-3. S.1-54. pdf

Golbert A.V. (1979) A contribution to the characteristics of Mesozoic and Cenozoic climates of the Middle Asia (with special reference to the megaclasts transformation by ice) // Proceedings of the USSR Academy of Sciecnce. Geological series. No.11. P.141-148. [in Russian] pdf

Hillebrandt A. (1977) Ammoniten aus dem Bajocien (Jura) von Chile (Südamerika). Neue Arten der Gattungen Stephanoceras und Domeykoceras n. gen.(Stephanoceratidae) // Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Historische Geologie. Hft. 17. S.35-69. pdf

Ippolitov A.P., Berezin Yu., Rogov M.A., Desai B.G. (2017) The first record of Late Jurassic megateuthidid belemnites: Chuvashiteuthis aenigmatica gen. et sp. nov. from the Upper Kimmeridgian of Central Russia // Bulletin of Geosciences. Vol.92. no.3, P.357-372. DOI: 10.3140/bull.geosci.1655 pdf

Jerzmański J. (1992) Niedźwiedź IG 1, Niedźwiedź IG 2 // Profile Głębokich Otworów Wiertniczych. Zeszyt 75. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Geologiczne. 111 S. pdf

Kutygin R.V., Knyazev V.G. (2017) The problem of distinguishing between the Middle and Upper Oxfordian in the northern Siberia by ammonites // Otechestvennaya geologiya. No.5. P.111-115. [in Russian] pdf

Nikolaeva V.P. (1969) New kosmoceratid species from the Upper Callovian deposits of the Saratov Pravoberezhie // Questions of geology of Southern Urals and the Volga area. Issue 5. Part 1. Mesozoic. Saratov: Saratov State Univ. Publ. P.94-96. [in Russian] pdf

Repin Y.S. (1999) Jurassic Ammonite Zones of Guker Island (Franz Josef Land Archipelago) // Doklady earth sciences,. Vol. 367. no.3. P.389-393. [in Russian, reference for English version - Vol. 367A, P.762-766] pdf

Riccardi A.C., Westermann G.E.G., Elmi S. (1991) Biostratigraphy of the Upper Bajocian - Middle Callovian (Middle Jurassic), South America // Journ. South Amer. Earth Sci. Vol.4. no.3. P.149-157. pdf

Riccardi A.C., Westermann G.E.G., Elmi S. (1991) Hettangian and Sinemurian (Lower Jurassic) biostratigraphy of Argentina // Journ. South Amer. Earth Sci. Vol.4. no.3. P.159-170. pdf

Spath L.F. (1938) A catalogue of the ammonites of the Liassic family Liparoceratidae in the British Museum (Natural History). London. 191 p. pdf

Westermann G.E.G., Riccardi A.C. (1972) Middle Jurassic ammonoid fauna and biochronology of the Argentine – Chilean Andes. Part I: Hildocerataceae // Palaeontographica. Abt. A. Bd. 140. Lfg. 1-3. P.1-116. pdf

Westermann G.E.G., Riccardi A.C. (1979) Middle Jurassic ammonoid fauna and biochronology of the Argentine – Chilean Andes. Part II: Bajocian Stephanocerataceae // Palaeontographica. Abt. A. Bd. 164. Lfg. 4-6. P.85-188. pdf


New Cretaceous publications are added:

Dobrov S.A. (1952) Guide fossils of Late Cretaceous of the USSR. Inoceramus lobatus auct. // Scientific reports of Moscow State University. Issue 161. Geology. Vol.V. P.100-107. [in Russian] pdf

Dzhalilov M.R., Arustamov A.L. (1972) Cenomanian gastropods of the Tadzhik depression // Lithology and stratigraphy of oil-and-gas bearing units of Tadzhik depreassion. Dushanbe: Donish. P. 135-143. [in Russian] pdf

Khakimov F.H. (1972) Campanian Scaphitidae of south-western Tadzhikistan // Lithology and stratigraphy of oil-and-gas bearing units of Tadzhik depreassion. Dushanbe: Donish. P. 156-161. [in Russian] pdf

Klikushin V.G. (1973) Lingula from the Cenomanian of the Mountaneous Crimea // Paleont. Journ. no.2. P.126-128. [in Russian] pdf

Komarov V.N. (2003) The first finds of Upper Cretaceous Rhyncholites of the genus Akidocheilus Till // Paleon. Journ. No.1. P.21-23. [in Russian] pdf

Nalivayko L.E. (1935-1936) Macrofauna of the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the southern outskirts of Donbass // Ukrainian scientific geological-prospecting institute. Materials on geology and mineral resources of Ukraine. Issue XVI. Pt.1 (1935) 35 pp. Pt.2. (1936) 61 pp. [in Ukrainian] pdf

Stratigraphy and fauna of the Cretaceous deposits of West Siberian lowlands // Transactions of VSEGEI. New series. 1960. Vol. 29. 348 p. [in Russian] pdf


New Triassic publications are added:

Danilov A.I. (1973) Remains of postcranial skeleton of Uralokannemeyeria (Dicynodontia) // Paleont. Journ. no.2. P.128-131. [in Russian] pdf

Ivachnenko M.F. (1973) New cotylosaurs from Cisuralia // Paleont. Journ. no.2. P.131-134. [in Russian] pdf

Kisielevsky F. Yu. (1993) Charophyta from the Inder Horizon of the Caspian Depression // Paleont. Journ. No.1. P.87-94. [in Russian] pdf

Tatarinov L.P. (1973) Gondwana-like cynodonts in the Middle Triassic of the USSR // Paleont. Journ. no.2. P.83-89. [in Russian] pdf

Welter O.A. (1914) Die obertriadischen Ammoniten und Nautiliden von Timor // Palaeontologie von Timor. Lief. 1. Stuttgart. S.v-ix, 1-256. pdf



New hyperlinks to open access periodicals are added:

Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

Acta Musei Silesiae, Scientiae Naturales

Acta Scientifica Naturalis

Acta Societatis Metheoriticae Polonorum

Annalen der Physik

Annales de Chimie et de Physique

Annali di Botanica

Annals of botany

Archiv für Zellforschung

Arquivo da Universidade de Lisboa

Association pour l'Etude de la Paléontologie et de la Stratigraphie houillères

Bidrag till kännedom av Finlands natur och folk

Biological Letters

Biometrical Letters

Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi

Boletin del Museo Nacional (Chile)

Bollettino del Reale Comitato geologico d'Italia

Botanica Lithuanica

Brandenburgische Geowissenschaftliche Beiträge

Bulletin de la Société belge de Géologie

Bulletin de la Société chimique de Paris

Bulletin de la Société d'étude des sciences naturelles de Reims

Bulletin de la Société d'histoire naturelle de Colmar

Bulletin de la Société des études littéraires, scientifiques et artistiques du Lot

Bulletin de la Société des sciences naturelles du Maroc

Bulletin de la Société française de mineralogy (1886-1932)

Bulletin de la Société géologique et minéralogique de Bretagne

Bulletin des Séances de Académie Royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer

Bulletin of the Philosophical Society of Washington

Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences 1949-1971

Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences – Biology

Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Earth Sciences

Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences – Entomology

Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Natural History Museum. 1930-1948

Bullettino della Società botanica italiana

Centre national de géologie houillère - Nationaal centrum voor geologie der steenkolenformaties

Contemporary Trends in Geoscience

Ekológia (Bratislava)

Evolution (free except 3 last years)

Folia biologica et geologica

Fossil imprint (=Sborník Národního muzea, řada B - přírodní vědy)

Geoscience Records

The Glasgow naturalist


Iranian Journal of Ichthyology

Journal of arachnology

Journal of Botany

Journal of Evolutionary Biology (free except 3 last years)

Journal of the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (Journal of Tokyo University of Fisheries)


Mémoires de la Société impériale des naturalistes de Moscou

Mémoires de la Société linnéenne de Normandie

Mémoirs de Académie Royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer

Memoirs of the Royal Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences

Memoirs of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences: first series

Memoirs of the Royal Institute of Natural Sciences of Belgium: second series

Mineralogical Magazine (1876-1999)

Museologia Scientifica Memorie

Notizblatt des Hessischen Landesamtes für Bodenforschung zu Wiesbaden

Novitates Paleoentomologicae

Organisms. Journal of Biological Sciences

Pacific science

The Pan-Pacific entomologist

Periodico di Mineralogia

Records of the Botanical Survey of India

Revista de los Progresos de las Ciencias Exactas Fisicas y Naturales.

Revue de Paléobiologie (zenodo)

Revue scientifique (1884-1954)

Science reports of the Tohoku Imperial University

Sitzungsberichten der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

Southeastern biology

Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali

Transactions of the Leicester Literary & Philosophical Society

Wulfenia (Mitteilungen des Kärntner Botanikzentrums Klagenfurt)


Hyperlinks to other useful web-sites:

Geological maps of Brasilia

Okeanos DSpace

New web-page of the Cretaceous Subcommission of ICS: http://cretaceous.stratigraphy.org/

New Jurassic publications are added:

Boehm G. (1904-1912) Beiträge zur Geologie von Niederländisch-Indien (1. Abs. Grenzschichten zwischen Jura und Kreide; 2. Abs. Der Fundpunkt am oberen Lagoi auf Taliabu.; 3 Abs. Oxford des Wai Galo; 4 Abs. Unteres Callovien) // Palaeontographica. Supplement-Band IV. 179 S. pdf

Burckhardt C. (1911) Bemerkungen über die russisch-borealen Typen im Oberjura Mexikos und Südamerikas // Centralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie. S.477-483. (+ Uhlig V. (1911) Ueber die sogen. borealen Typen des südandinen Reiches // Ibid., S. 483-490, 517-522, 536-547.; + Burckhardt C. (1911) Schlusswort zu der Diskussion über die russisch-borealen Typen im Oberjura Mexikos und Südamerikas Ueber die sogen, borealen Typen des südandinen Reiches // Ibid., S. 771-773.) pdf

Burckhardt C. (1912) Faunes Jurassiques et Crétaciques de San Pedro del Gallo // Bol. Inst. Geol. Mexico. Num. 29. Р. 1-264. pdf

Douvillé R. (1909) Contributions à l’étude de la faune jurassique de Normandie. 4e mémoire: Céphalopodes calloviens d’Argences // Mémoires de la Société Linnéenne de Normandie. Vol. XXIII. P.121–134. pdf

Frebold H. (1933) Untersuchungen über die Verbreitung, Lagerungsverhältnisse und Fauna des oberen Jura von Ostgrönland // Meddelelser om Grønland. Bd.94. Nr.1. 81 S. pdf

Hölder H. (1952) Über Gehäusebau, insbesondere Hohlkiel jurassischer Ammoniten // Palaeontographica. Abt. A, Bd. 102, Lfg. 1-2. S.18-48. pdf

Hölder H., Mosebach R. (1950) Die Conellen auf Ammonitensteinkernen als Schalenrelikte fossiler Cephalopoden // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont., Abh., Bd.92, S.367-414. pdf

Jurassic deposits of the southern part of the Moscow Syneclise and their fauna // Transaction of the Geological Institute. Vol. 615. Moscow: GEOS, 2017, 328 p. pdf

Table of contents

Introduction (Rogov M.A., Zakharov V.A.)

Ammonites and infrazonal stratigraphy of the Kimmeridgian and Volgian Stages of southern part of the Moscow Syneclise (Rogov M.A.)

Anatomy and some aspects of ammonoid palaeobiology: current view (Mironenko A.A.)

Sublethal injuries on the shells of Jurassic ammonites from Central Russia (Mironenko A.A.)

Mesozoic rissoid gastropods of genera Bralitzia Gründel and Palaeoceratia Gründel (Guzhov A.V.)

Jurassic marine reptiles of Moscow and surroundings (Zverkov N.G., Shmakov A.S., Arkhangelsky M.S.)

Stratigraphy of the Callovian – Lower Oxfordian of the Mikhailovtsement section (Ryazan region) by microfauna and nannoplankton (Tesakova E.M., Shurupova Ya.A., Ustinova M.A.)

Ostracods of the Virgatites virgatus Zone from Moscow sections (Tesakova E.M.) Microplaeontological characteristics (foraminifera and calcareous nannoplanton) of the Lower Kimmeridgian of Bolgary section (Vladimir region) (Ustinova M.A.)

Gastrochaenolites isp. borings in phosphorite concretions of Dorsoplanites panderi zone (Volgian Stage, Upper Jurassic) of Moscow and the vicinities of Moscow (Baraboshkin E.E.)


Jurassic System of Russia: Problems of stratigraphy and рaleogeography. VII all-Russian meeting. September 18-22, 2017, Moscow. Scientific materials / V.A. Zakharov, M.A. Rogov, E.V.Shchepetova (eds.). Moscow: GIN RAS, 2017. 272 p. pdf


Zakharov V.A. Address to the Conference participants, as the occasion for sharing several thoughts about the present and future of our meetings

Antonovskaya T., Zujkova O., Babich T. Role of Jurassic deposits in formation of oil and gas fields on the Barents Sea shelf

Baraboshkin E.Yu., Yanin B.T. Some ichnofossils from Eskiorda and Tauric Groups (Late TriassicEarly Jurassic) of the Mountain Crimea

Berezin A.Yu., Glukhov M.S. New data on the Jurassic plesiosaurs of the subfamily Colymbosaurinae of European Russia

Vishnevskaya V.S. Possible correlation of Upper Jurassic zonal scales for Boreal and Tethyan Realms by Radiolaria and calcareous dinocysts

Vuks V.Ja. Zoning of the Jurassic sediments for the European part of Russia: problems and prospects for their solution

Grishchenko V. A., Manikin A.G., Guzhikov A.Yu. Magnetic texture as an indicator of sedimentary environments in anomalous sections of Bazhenov Formation

Guzhikov A.Yu., Zastrozhnov A.S. Magnetostratigraphy of the Middle Jurassic of Saratov Transvolga region

Guzhov A.V. Systematic position of family Ceritellidae (Gastropoda): retrospective and results

Gulyaev D.B., Ippolitov A.P. New data on the marine Lower Bathonian of Central Russia (Penza region)

Deviatov V.P., Nikitenko B.L., Pavlukhin I.S. The Upper Jurassic Clinoform Complex in the Khatanga Region

Zhukovskaya E.A., Gabova K.V. The nature of the formation the shelly beds in the lagoonal deposits of the Мiddle-Upper Oxfordian (South-east of West Siberia)

Zakharov V.A., Rogov M.A., Shchepetova Е.V. Black shale events in the Late Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous of Central Russia

Zverkov N.G., Zaitsev B.A. The first find of Jurassic marine reptile in Crimea

Ippolitov A.P. Discovery of marine Aalenian?-Lower Bajocian strata in the Volga region

Ippolitov A.P. Late Bajocian belemnites of the Volga region: biodiversity and palaeobiogeographical significance

Ippolitov A.P., Gulyaev D.B. New data on Lower Bathonian belemnites of Russian platform

Kirillova G.L., Zabrodin V.Yu. Evolution of the Uda-Torom fragment of the East Asian Mesozoic continental margin: Tectono-stratigraphic systems, paleogeography and geodynamics

Kiritchkova A.I., Kostina E.I., Nosova N.V., Yaroshenko O.P., Herman A.B. Phytostratigraphy of the Continental Jurassic of Irkutsk Basin

Kiselev D.N. New data on the Callovian stratigraphy of the Rybinsk district

Kiselev D.N., Rogov М.А., Zakharov V.А. Volgidisсus singularis – the uppermost zone of the Volgian Stage in the European part of Russia

Kontorovich А.Е., Beyzel' A.L., Borisov E.V., Vakulenko L.G., Ershov S.V., Kasanenkov V.A., Kalinina L.M., Kontorovich V.A., Nekhaev A.Yu., Nikitenko B.L., Ryzhkova S.V., Fomin M.A., Shurygin B.N., Yan P.A. Facial zonation of Bazhenovo, Georgievka and Vasyugan horizons in the West Siberian sedimentary basin

Kosenko I.N., Oudoire T., Cuvelier J., Colpaert C. Upper Jurassic oysters from the collection of Lille Natural History Museum and their significance for the systematics of Ostreoidea

Kravchenko G.G. Facial features of the transgressive cyclite in the upper part of the Vasyugan horizon (Tomsk region)

Krapiventseva V., Kirillova G. Composition, cyclicity and catagenesis of the Jurassic deposits of Bureya Basin (Far East of Russia) in connection with hydrocarbon generation conditions

Kudamanov A.I., Marinov V.A., Sidorov D.A., Taran V.A. Evidences of tectonism during the Volgian in the South-Western part of Western Siberia

Magomedov R.A. Traces of paleoseismic events in the sedimentary cover of Eastern Caucasus

Magomedov R.A. About the search of paleoseismic traces in the Jurassic and Cretaceous sedimentary formations of the Eastern Caucasus

Malenkina S. Lithological and facial characteristics of the local stratigraphic units and some paleogeographic aspects of the Oxfordian of Moscow area

Manikin A.G., Grishchenko V.A., Guzhikov A.Yu. Paleomagnetic data on the JurassicCretaceous boundary interval of Western Siberia

Medvedeva S.A., Kudymov A.V. Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary in the Komsomolsk section (Far East of Russia) by lithochemistry of the terrigenous rocks: preliminary results

Mitta V.V. Jurassic ammonites of the Bolshoi Zelenchuk River (Bajocian–Bathonian of Karachay-Cherkessia, Northern Caucasus): an update on the research

Mikheeva E.A., Demonterova E.I. Sedimentary trends of the Early-Middle Jurassic in the south of the Siberian Platform (Irkutsk Coal Basin) recorded by geochemical and isotope (Sm-Nd) data

Myasnikova M.A., Taninskaya N.V., Nizyaeva I.S., Vasiliev N.J., Zeltser V.N. Facial modeling of the Bathonian deposits of the Lyaminsk area in Western Siberia

Panchenko I., Nemova V. Contourites in Bazhenov deposits of Western Siberia: formation, distribution and practical significance

Pestchevitskaya E.B. Preliminary data on the palynostratigraphy and biofacies of the transitional Jurassic-Cretaceous interval in the Maurynya section (Northern Urals)

Polkovnikova Е.V., Starikov N.N., Tatyanin G.M., Kostesha О.N., Lyalyuk K.P., Chekantsev V.А. Biostratigraphy and depositional environments of the Middle-Upper Jurassic of the Pudino

mesouplift of Western Siberia

Popov A., Nikitenko B. Cyclic analysis of the basal Jurassic horizons at the Aircat cape (north of Middle Siberia)

Popov A., Shurygin B. Rosselia ichnotaxon of the basal Jurassic horizons at the Aircat cape (north of Middle Siberia): morphology and facial distribution

Pustovoyt K.G. New data on the Early-Middle Jurassic palaeofloristic assemblage from Bakhar locality (Mongolia)

Repin Yu.S. Ammonoidea of Lower Jurassic of the Crimea

Rogov М.А., Berzon E.I., Schneider G.V., Trikolidi F.A. New data on the Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy of the Kheta river upper flows (Khatanga depression)

Rogov М.А., Bizikov V.A., Mironenko A.A., Ippolitov A.P., Panchenko I.V. Megaonychites (Coleoidea, Cephalopoda) in the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous of the Northern Hemisphere

Rychkova I.V. Nilssonia gigantea, a new cycads plant in West Siberia

Savelieva J.N. Ostracods from the Bajocian-Bathonian boundary beds of the Bolshoy Zelenchuk river basin (Northern Caucasus)

Selkova L.A. Palynological characteristics in Jurassic sediments of the Yarenga oil shale region (north-east of the Russian plate)

Smokotina I.V. Comparative palynostratigraphy of the Bajocian of Ulugchem and Kansk-Achinsk coal basins

Starodubtseva I.A. Researchers of the Jurassic corals of Crimea: E.V. Solomko and A.B. Missuna

Stafeev A.N., Stoupakova A.V., Suslova A.A., Gilaev R.M., Shelkov E.S. Depositional conditions of the Bazhenov Formation of West Siberia

Stafeev A.N., Sukhanova T.V., Latysheva I.V., Kosorukov V.L., Kulibaba A.L. Sably Delta (Upper Pliensbachian – Lower Toarcian) of the Mountain Crimea

Tesakova E.M. Microfauna of black shale horizons of the East European Platform and the conditions of their formation

Tugareva A.B., Mucher A.G., Kulagina S.F. Geological-geophysical model of the structure of the Lower-Middle Jurassic deposits of central part of West Siberian Plate

Ustinova M.A. Upper Bajocian-Lower Bathonian foraminifers of Penza region

Ukhov I. Lithological characteristics of the Upper Volgian - Ryazanian (?) sandy sequence in the

Cheremukha River basin (between Vasil’evskoye and Sel'tso - Voskresenskoe)

Ukhov I. Refinement of the genesis and correlation for the Middle Volgian and Valanginian of the Yaroslavl Volga region by lithological data (Glebovo and Sutka sections)

Fomin M.A. The specification of the boundaries for the Upper Jurassic organic carbon - rich deposits in the Cis - Ural part of West Siberian sedimentary basin

Shurupova Y.A., Tesakova E.M. The detalization of biostratigraphic scales based on the paleobiogenetic method (according to the ostracod scale of Russian Plate for the Upper Bajocian - Lower Bathonian)

Eder V.G., Zamirailova A.G. Localization of the increased concentrations of some authigenic minerals on the boundary between Bazhenov Fm with underlying and overlying strata, as a result of diagenetic migration (by the analysis of pyrite and barite distribution)

Desai B.G., Ippolitov A.P. Trace fossils and Ichnofabric analysis of the Aalenian (?) - Lower Bajocian strata of Volgograd region (south of Russian platform)

Wierzbowski A.Evolution and palaeogeography of the ammonite family Aulacostephanidae Spath, 1924 during Late Oxfordian and Early Kimmeridgian in Europe

Wierzbowski H., Bajnai D., Wacker U., Fiebig J., Rogov M. Clumped isotope record of salinity variations of the Middle Russian Sea at the Middle-Upper Jurassic transition

Knyazev V.G. (1971) Materials for systematics of Cardioceratidae Siemiradzky by its septal suture // Geol. Geophys. No.2. P.140-146. [in Russian] pdf

Morales C., Rogov M., Wierzbowski H., Ershova V., Suan G., Adatte T., Föllmi K.B., Tegelaar E., Reichart G.-J., de Lange G.J., Middelburg J.J., van de Schootbrugge B. (2017) Glendonites track methane seepage in Mesozoic polar seas // Geology. Vol. 45, P. 503-506. doi:10.1130/G38967.1 pdf

Pestchevitskaya E.B., Lebedeva N.K. (2017) Systematics of the Dinocyst Group Scriniodinium–Endoscrinium–Athigmatocysta and Description of the New Species Scriniodinium multistratum sp. nov. from the Jurassic‒Cretaceous Boundary Beds of Northern Siberia // Paleontological Journal. Vol. 51. No. 2. P. 214–222. pdf

Riabinin A.N. (1936) A Sauropterygian vertebra from Franz-Joseph Land // Transactions of the Arctic Institute. Vol. LVIII. P.143-145. [in Russian] pdf

Rogov M.A. (2017) Ammonites and infrazonal stratigraphy of the Kimmeridgian and Volgian Stages of southern part of the Moscow Syneclise // Transactions of the Geological Institute. Vol. 615. P.7-160 [in Russian with English summary & translation of some parts] pdf

Rogov M.A., Wierzbowski A., Shchepetova E. (2017) Ammonite assemblages in the Lower to Upper Kimmeridgian boundary interval (Cymodoce to Mutabilis zones) of Tatarstan (central European Russia) and their correlation importance // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. Vol. 285. no.2. P.161-185. DOI: 10.1127/njgpa/2017/0675 pdf

Saks V.N. (Ed.) (1975) Jurassic-Cretaceous Boundary and the Berriasian Stage in the Boreal Realm. Jerusalem: Israel Program for Scientific Translations. 398 pp. pdf

Shurupova J.A., Tesakova E.M., Kolpenskaya N.N., Seltser V.B., Ivanov A.V. (2016) Saratov Volga region in the Late Bajocian (Middle Jurassic): paleogeography reconstructed by the ostracods // Zhizn’ Zemli. Vol.38. no.1. P.22-37. pdf [in Russian]

Trueman A.E., Williams D.M. (1925) Studies in the ammonites of the family Echioceratidae // Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, V.53. P.699-739. pdf

Wierzbowski H., Anczkiewicz R., Pawlak J., Rogov M.A., Kuznetsov A.B. (2017) Revised Middle–Upper Jurassic strontium isotope stratigraphy // Chemical Geology. Vol. 466. P.239-255., doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.06.015 pdf


New Cretaceous publications are added:

A contribution to project Mid-Cretaceous events. Organic evolution and biostratigraphy in the middle of the Cretaceous Period. Vladivostok, 1981. 144 pp. [in Russian] pdf


Naldin D.P., Alexeev A.S. Bearing of the DSDP results on the interpretation of sedimentary and biotic environments in the Cenomanian of the Crimea Mountains

Naidin D.P., Alexeev A.S., Kopaievich L.F. Turonian fauna from the Katcha -Bodrak watershed and the Cenomanian - Turonian boundary

Saveliev A.A. On the zonal ammonite division of the Albian stage in Mangyshlak

Zakharov Ju.D., Grabovskaja V.S., Kalishevitch T.G. Succession of marine invertebrates from the Najbinskaja and Bykovskaja suits of the reference Upper Cretaceous section in Sakhalin

Grabovskaja V.S. Ontogeny of the suture line in the Cretaceous Phylloccratidae of Sakhalin

Pokhialaynen V.P. Evolution of the Pacific inoceramids in the Cenomanian - Turonian time

Krassilov V.A., Nevolina S.I., Philippova G.G. Floristic evolution in the Far East and the middle Cretaceous geological events

Markevitch V.S. Albian palynoflora of Primorve

Bratzeva G.M. (1965) Pollen and spores in Maestrichtian deposits of the Far East // Transactions of the Geological Institute, Vol. 129. 69 p. [in Russian] pdf

Ettachfini M. (2004) Les ammonites du Néocomien dans l’Atlas atlantique, Maroc. Biostratigraphie, paléontologie, paléobiogéographie et paléoécologie // Strata. T.44, 225 p. pdf

Kiprijanoff W. (1882) Studien über die fossilen Reptilien Russlands, II. Theil. Gattung Plesiosaurus Conybeare aus dem sewerischen Sandstein oder Osteolith der Kreidegruppe // Mémoires de l’Académie Impériale des Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg, VII sér. T. XXX, no.6. 55 S. pdf

Kiselev D., Rogov M., Zakharov V. (2017) Latest Volgian (earliest Berriasian) Volgidiscus-bearing beds of the European part of Russia and their significance for inter-regional correlation and palaeogeography // Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt. Bd. 120, P.144. pdf

Lebedeva N.K., Kuzmina O.B., Sobolev E.S., Khazina I.V. (2017) Stratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic Deposits of the Bakchar Iron Ore Deposit (Southwestern Siberia): New Data // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol. 25. No. 1. P. 76–98. pdf

Riabinin A.N. (1939) On new discoveries of Plesiosauria in Soviet Arctic and of a centrum of a cervical vertebra of Plesiosaurus latispinus Owen from the Lonely Island in the Kara Sea // Problems of Arctic. No.9. P.49-55. [in Russian] pdf

Rogov M., Jäger H. (2017) Early Cretaceous climate and glendonites // Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt. Bd. 120, P.229. pdf

Shchepetova E., Rogov M., Pokrovsky B. (2017) Early Aptian anoxic basin of the Russian Plate as a response to OAE1a: δ13C chemostratigraphy and palaeoecological changes of cephalopod communities // Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt. Bd. 120, P.242. pdf

Upper Cretaceous deposits of the southern Trans-Urals (Upper Tobol area). Sverdlovsk: Ural Branch Ac. Sci. USSR, 1990. 223 p. [in Russian] pdf

Wiedmann J. (1962) Ammoniten aus der Vascogotischen Kreide (Nordspanien). I. Phylloceratina, Lytoceratina // Palaeontographica (Abteilung A). Bd. 118. S.119-237. pdf


New Triassic publications are added:

Kiparisova L.D. (1954) Field atlas of the characteristic faunal and floral assemblages of the Triassic deposits of Primorie area. Moscow: Gosgeoltechizdat. 126 p. [in Russian] pdf

Novikov I.V. (2015) On the age of Early Triassic Tupilakosaurus fauna of Eastern Europe // Proceedings of Higher Educational Establishments. Geology and exploration. No.5. P.8-13. [in Russian] pdf



New hyperlinks to open-access periodicals are added (partially received from C. Svitak):

Abhandlungen der Schweizerischen Paläontologischen Gesellschaft

Abstract of proceedings of the South London Entomological & Natural History Society

Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica

Acta Biologica Slovenica

Acta botanica neerlandica

Acta Entomologica Slovenica

Actualidades Biológicas

African Journal of Aquatic Science

African Journal of Marine Science

Afrique Science: Revue Internationale des Sciences et Technologie

Album der natuur

Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Entomologie

Általános földtani szemle

American Journal of Environmental Sciences

American Journal of Geoscience

American Mineralogist (1916-1999)

Amphipacifica: journal of systematic biology

Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências

Annales de l'Association des Naturalistes de Levallois-Perret

Annals of the Cape provincial Museums. Natural history

Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York

Aquatic Invasions

Arbeiten aus dem Zoologischen Institut zu Graz

Arbeiten aus der Botanischen Station in Hallstat

Archiv für Molluskenkunde (pdfs available for Bd.75 and earlier issues)

Archive for bryology

Archived Fieldnotes (1971-88) and Arizona Geology Newsletters (1988-2011)

Arizona Geology Newsletter

Arizona Geological Survey Bulletins

Arizona Geological Survey Contributed Reports

Arizona Geological Survey Circulars

Arquivos de Ciências do Mar

Atlantic seabirds

Bangladesh Journal of Microbiology


Beiträge zur Naturkunde Oberösterreichs

Biharean biologist

Biologia on-line. Revista de divulgació de la Facultat de Biologia

Biologia Serbica

Boletim do Instituto Paulista de Oceanografia

Boletín Científico. Centro de Museos. Museo de Historia Natural

Bollettino della Societa Geologica Italiana (BHL)

Botanical Sciences

Bulletin (Essex institue, Colorado)

Bulletin (State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut)

Bulletin biologique de la France et de la Belgique

Bulletin de la Société d'Études scientifiques d'Angers

Bulletin de la Société Entomologique d’Égypte

Bulletin de la  Société géologique de Normandie (BHL)

Bulletin du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, 1ère série (1907-1928)

Bulletin du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, 2ème série  (1929-1970)

Bulletin du Museum national d'histoire naturelle. Sciences de la terre (1971-1978)

Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Section C, Sciences de la terre, paléontologie, géologie, minéralogie (1979-1996)

Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle . Écologie générale

Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Section B. Adansonia

Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Botanique (1972 – 1978)

Bulletin du Museum national d'histoire naturelle. Zoologie (1971 – 1978)

Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Section B, botanique, biologie et écologie végétales, phytochimie

Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Section A, Zoologie, biologie et écologie animales

Bulletin du Museum national d'histoire naturelle. Supplément

Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Miscellanea

Bulletin of the American Malacological Union

Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences

Bulletin of the California Academy of Sciences (BHL)

Bulletin of Carnegie Museum of Natural History

Bulletin of the Essex Institute

Bulletin of the Natural History Museum in Belgrade

Bulletin of the New York Botanical Garden

Bulletin of Zoological Survey of India

Bulletin scientifique publié par l'Académie impériale des sciences de Saint-Pétersbourg

Butlletí de la Institució Catalana d'Història Natural (BHL)

Cainozoic research

Carinthia II - Sonderhefte

Centralblatt für Bakteriologie und Parasitenkunde

Cogent Biology

Cogent Geoscience

Conservation Area Series

Contactblad Nederlandse Libellenonderzoekers

Contributions from the New York Botanical Garden

Contributions in science (BHL)


Cuadernos de Herpetología

Cuadernos del Museo Geominero

Current Research in Earth Sciences, Bulletin  (Kansas GS)

Dansk botanisk arkiv

De Korhaan

De Tropische Natur

Deinsea (Natuurhistorisch Museum Rotterdam )

Denkschriften der Königlich-Baierischen Botanischen Gesellschaft in Regensbur

Earth and Space Science

Earth Science Frontiers


Ecología en Bolivia

Entomologische Rundschau


Estuarine Ecosystem Series

Ethiopian Journal of Biological Sciences

Evolutionary Applications

Florae Austriacae Novitates

Freshwater Ecosystem Series

Freshwater Mollusk Biology and Conservation


Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research

Geological Survey of Canada, Open File

Geological Survey of Canada, Papers

Geological Survey of South Australia, Quarterly Geological Notes

Geologische Beiträge Hannover

Geologické výzkumy na Moravě a ve Slezsku

The geology of Minnesota

Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva (Annales géologiques de la péninsule Balkanique, early issues)


Geoscience, Scientific Quarterly Journal

Geoscience Research Reports

Ghana Mining Journal

Global Journal of Environmental Sciences

Global Journal of Geological Sciences

Goeldiana zoologia

Göttinger Arbeiten zur Geologie und Paläontologie

Herpetologica Romanica (Bulletin of the Romanian Herpetological Society)

Himalayan Ecosystem Series



Hydrology and Earth System Sciences

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Special issues


Ife Journal of Science


International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences

International Journal of Morphology

International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences

International Research Journal of Geology and Mining

Jahangirnagar University Journal of Biological Sciences

Jahrbuch des Naturhistorischen Landesmuseums von Kärnten

Jeffersoniana: contributions from the Virginia Museum of Natural History

Journal de botanique

Journal für Ornithologie

Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas

Journal of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences

Journal of East African Natural History

Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia

Journal of Environmental Science and Natural Resources

Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums

Journal of the Geological Society of India

Journal of Hokkaido University of Education. Sect. 2.B

Journal of the Natural History Museum (Kathmandu)

Journal of the New York Botanical Garden

Journal of the New York Entomological Society

Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia (BHL)

Journal of Stratigraphy and Sedimentology Researches (Iran)

Kirtlandia (BHL)

Lepidopterologische Rundschau

Limnology and Oceanography: Letters

Marine Ecosystem Series

Mededelingen van de Werkgroep voor Tertiaire en Kwartaire Geologie

Mediterranean naturalist

Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium

Memoirs of Indian Museum

Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden

Memorias de la Sociedad Cubana de Historia Natural "Felipe Poey"

Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Memoirs


Mitteilungen aus dem Geologischen Institut der Universität Hannover

Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München

Natuur van Nederland

Nederlandsch kruidkundig archief. Serie 1

Nederlandsch kruidkundig archief. Serie 2

Nederlandsch kruidkundig archief. Serie 3

Nigerian Journal of Animal Science

North American flora

Northeastern Geoscience (formerly Northeastern Geology; Northeastern Geology and Environmental Science)

Ocean Science, Special issues

Oesterreichisches botanisches Wochenblatt

Oesterreichische botanische Zeitschrift

Oil Shale (back issues)

Oltenia, Studii şi comunicări, Seria Ştiinţele Naturii

OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences

The Ontario natural science bulletin

Open University Geological Society Journal

Ornithologischer Anzeiger

Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology


Petrology (Iran)

The Philippine journal of science

Phyton - revista internacional de botánica experimental

The proceedings and transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Proceedings of the California Academy of Science

Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. 3 ser., Botany

Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. 3 ser., Geology

Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. 3 ser., Zoology

Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science

Proceedings of the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow


Quarterly Notes

Rajshahi University Journal of Life & Earth and Agricultural Sciences

Records of the Australian Museum, Supplement (BHL)

Records of the Australian Museum. Supplement  (1890/91 - 1920/23)

Records of the Geological Survey of New South Wales

Records of the Indian Museum

Recueil des travaux botaniques néerlandais

Reports of the Survey. Botanical series

Research Journal of Seed Science

Revista Brasileira de Oceanografia

Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada

Revista Geociencias

Revista mexicana de micología

Revista Peruana de Biología

Revue générale de botanique (BHL)




Sauteria-Schriftenreihe f. systematische Botanik, Floristik u. Geobotanik


Scottish birds


Senckenbergiana (1918 – 1921)

Serie Correlación Geológica

Sitzungsberichte der Mathematisch-Physikalischen Klasse der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu München

South African Journal of Botany

South African Journal of Geology

South London Entomological and Natural History Society. Report

South London Entomological and Natural History Society. Proceedings


Stamford Journal of Microbiology


A stereo-atlas of ostracod shells



Tanzania Journal of Science


Transactions and proceedings and report of the Philosophical Society of Adelaide, South Australia

Transactions of the Linnaean Society of New York

Transactions of the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences of Mauritius

Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia

Tropical Freshwater Biology

Tulane studies in zoology (1953 – 1968)

Tulane studies in zoology and botany (1968 – 2002)


Ungarische Botanische Blätter

Verhandlungen des Vereine für Naturkunde zu Presburg

Verhandlungen und Mitteilungen des Siebenbürgischen Vereins für Naturwissenschaften zu Hermannstadt

Water Beetles of China


West African Journal of Applied Ecology

Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science

Wiek en sneb

Zeitschrift für Entomologie Breslau


Zoologia (Curitiba)


Zoological series (Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota)


As well as other useful hyreplinks:

Geological maps of India:


Geological maps of Russia: http://www.geolkarta.ru/

Geological maps of Japan:


Flanders marine Institute Catalogue http://www.vliz.be/en/catalogue


New Jurassic publications are added:

Arkadiev V.V., Guzhikov A.Yu., Grishchenko V.A., Manikin A.G., Savel’eva Yu.N., Feodorova A.A., Shurekova O.V. (2016) Berriasian-Valanginian boundary in the Crimean Mountains // XIIth Jurassica Conference. IGCP 632 and ICS Berriasian workshop. – Field Trip Guide and Abstracts Book / Edited by: Jozef Michalík and Kamil Fekete / April 19–23, 2016, Smolenice, Slovakia. Earth Science Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. P.79-82. pdf

Guzhikov A.Yu., Arkadiev V.V., Baraboshkin E.Yu., Feodorova A.A., Shurekova O.V., Baraboshkin E.E., Manikin A.G., Golozubov V.V., Kasatkin S.A., Nechaev V.P. (2016) New Bio- and Magnetostratigraphic Data at the Jurassic–Cretaceous Boundary of the Chigan Сape (Vladivostok Region, Russia) // XIIth Jurassica Conference. IGCP 632 and ICS Berriasian workshop. – Field Trip Guide and Abstracts Book / Edited by: Jozef Michalík and Kamil Fekete / April 19–23, 2016, Smolenice, Slovakia. Earth Science Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. P.101-104. pdf

Gulyaev D.B., Rogov M.A. (2016) On the inclusion of the "Biohorizons" concept in the official national stratigraphy // General stratigraphic scale and methodological problems of the development of Russia's regional stratigraphic scales. Materials of Interdepartmental work meeting. St. Petersburg, 17-20 October 2016. SPb.: FGBU «VSEGEI» Publ. P. 56-58. [in Russian] pdf

Rogov M.A. (2016) New Zonal and Infrazonal Scales for the Kimmeridgian in Western Siberia based on Cardioceratid Ammonites // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol. 24. No. 5. P. 503–526. DOI: 10.1134/S0869593816050051 pdf

Sheremet Y., Sosson M., Muller C., Gintov O., Murovskaya A., Yegorova T. (2016) Key problems of stratigraphy in the Eastern Crimea Peninsula: some insights from new dating and structural data // Geological Society, London, Special Publications; doi:10.1144/sp428.14 pdf

Soloviev A.N. (1971) Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous disasteroid echinoids of the USSR // Transactions of the Paleontological Institute of the Ac. Sc. USSR. Vol. 131. 123 p. [in Russian] pdf

Stolbov N.M., Kosteva N.N, Korago E.A. (2012) Detrital zircon from Brentskardhaugen Bed (Nordenskiold Land, Spitsbergen) // Geological-geophysical features of the lithosphere of the Arctic Region. No.8. Transaction ofVNIIOkeangeologia. V. 223. P. 116-122. [in Russian] pdf

Vakhrameev V.A. (1964) Jurassic and Early Cretaceous floras of Eurasia and the paleofloristic provinces of this period // Transactions of the Geological Institute Ac. Sci. USSR, Vol. 102. 264 p. [in Russian] pdf


New Cretaceous publications:

Baraboshkin E.Yu., Arkadiev V.V., Kopaevich L.F. (2016) Reference sections of the Cretaceous System of the Mountain Crimea. Guidebook of the Field Excursions of the 8th All-Russian meeting, 26 September - 3 October 2016 / Ed. E.Y. Baraboshkin. Simferopol: ChernomorPress Publishing House, 2016. 90 p. [in Russian] pdf

Cretaceous system of Russia and CIS countries: problems of stratigraphy and paleogeography. Proceedings / Ed. E.Y. Baraboshkin. Simferopol: Chernomorpress Publishing House, 2016. 298 p. pdf

Cretaceous Ecosystems and Their Responses to Paleoenvironmental Changes in Asia and the Western Pacific:  Short papers for the Fourth International Symposium of IGCP Project 608, Novosibirsk, August 15–20, 2016 / Dzyuba, O.S., Pestchevitskaya, E.B., and Shurygin, B.N., Eds. Novosibirsk, IPGG SB RAS, 2016. 134 p. pdf



Zakharov V.A., Shurygin B.N. Vladimir N. Saks: geologist and paleontologist, and the founding father of the Mesozoic paleontology and stratigraphy Research Group in Novosibirsk Academy Town (to the 105th anniversary of the birth of V.N. Saks)

Session 1: Biodiversity of terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Cretaceous fauna and flora of Asia and the Western Pacific

Afonin M.A. Fossil woods from the Bykov Formation (Late Cenomanian–Early Campanian) of Sakhalin Island, Russian Far East

Bugdaeva E.V., Markevich, V.S. The change of the Early Cretaceous ecosystems of Gusinoozerskiy Basin (the Buryat Republic)

Golovneva L.B., Alekseev P.I. Taxonomy and morphological diversity of infructescences co-occurred with Trochodendroides leaves

Herman A.B., Spicer R.A. The composition and dynamics of the Late Cretaceous and Paleocene Arctic plant communities 

Kosenko I.N. Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous oysters (Bivalvia, Ostreoidea) from Siberia: Taxonomy, palaeoecology, distribution and variations of carbon and oxygen isotopes 

Makarkin V.N. The neuropteran assemblage (Insecta) of the mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber confirms transitional character of its biota

Markevich V.S., Bugdaeva E.V., Kovaleva T.A., Volynets E.B., Afonin M.A. The mid-Cretaceous swamp plant communities of northeastern Asia 

Smokotina I.V. Upper Cretaceous palynology (spores, pollen and dinoflagellate cysts) of the Yakovlevskaya-2 borehole, Ust-Yenisei region

Sun B.N., Xu X.H., Yan D.F., Jin P.H. Conifer fossils from the Lower Cretaceous of Inner Mongolia, North China and their geologic significance

Volynets E.B., Bugdaeva E.V., Markevich V.S., Kovaleva T.A. First flowering plants in Primorye region (Russia)

Session 2: Cretaceous paleogeography and paleobiogeography

Bajpai S. Late Cretaceous paleobiogeography of peninsular India: An overview of constraints from fossil tetrapods

Jafar S.A. Terminal Maastrichtian–Danian marine incursion in Central India: Myth or Reality? 

Li G.B., Han Z.C., Li X.F., Niu X.L., Wang T.Y., Han Y., Yao Y.J., Lv B.B., Zhang W.Y. The discovery of the CORB in the Southern Tethyan Himalaya and its paleogeographic implication

Sha J.G., Cestari R. Palaeobiogeographic implications of the Late Aptian–Albian polyconitid rudist fauna

Session 3: Cretaceous climate and environmental changes

Kirillova G.L., Medvedeva S.A. Cretaceous paleoenvironments of the Russian Southeast

Lebedeva N.K. Palynomorphs and biofacies in the Upper Cretaceous sediments of northern Siberia

Malkani M.S. Pakistan paleoclimate under greenhouse conditions; Closure of Tethys from Pakistan; Geobiological evolution of South Asia (Indo-Pak subcontinent)

Mohabey D.M., Samant B. Assessing effects of Deccan volcanism on biota and environments of non-marine Maastrichtian–Palaeogene sediments of Central India

Pestchevitskaya E.B. Environmental changes in Early Cretaceous palaeobasin of Western Siberia based on marine and terrestrial palynomorphs

Pestchevitskaya E.B., Nikolenko O.D., Vakulenko L.G., Ershov S.V., Yan P.A. Palaeoenvironmental changes in the Early Cretaceous of Gydan region (NW Siberia)

Samant B., Yadav D., Mohabey D.M. Palynological study of intertrappean sediments in the central and eastern parts of Deccan volcanic province of India to understand age and depositional environment

Uranbileg L., Ichinnorov N., Eviikhuu A. The Cretaceous flora of Mongolia and its paleoenvironment

Zorina S.O., Pavlova O.V. Discontinuous euxinia during the early Aptian oceanic anoxic event (OAE 1a): A case study from the Russian Platform

Session 4: Cretaceous stratigraphy and sedimentology

Ando H., Hasegawa H., Ichinnorov N., Hasebe N., Ohta T., Hasegawa T., Yamamoto M., Li G.B., Erdenetsogt B., Heimhofer U. Chronostratigraphy of the Jurassic–Cretaceous lacustrine deposits in southeast Mongolia: Brief results of Japan-Mongolia Joint research project

Beisel A.L. Supersequenses in the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of Western Siberia

Dzyuba O.S., Shurygin B.N. The Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary in the Asian part of Russia

Ichinnorov N., Hofmann Ch.-Ch., Hasegawa H., Uranbileg L. Lower Cretaceous formations and palynology of the Matad area (Tamsag Basin), southeastern Mongolia

Igolnikov A.E., Rogov M.A., Alifirov A.S. Ryazanian (Boreal Berriasian) ammonite succession of the Nordvik section (Russian Arctic): Revision and new data

Li G.B. The closing age of Himalayan Tethys: New evidence from planktic foraminifera

Malkani M.S. Revised stratigraphy of Indus Basin (Pakistan): Sea level changes

Teerarungsigul N. Stratigraphy of Jurassic–Cretaceous rocks of Thung Yai–Khlong Thom area, peninsular Thailand

Thakre D., Samant B., Mohabey D.M. Palynology and magnetostratigraphy of Deccan volcanic associated sedimentary sequence of Amarkantak Group in Central India: Age and paleoenvironment

Urman O.S., Dzyuba O.S., Shurygin B.N., Kirillova G.L. Bio- and lithostratigraphy of the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary deposits in the Komsomolsk section (Russian Far East)

Zlobina O.N. Environments of conservation of the dinosaurs in the Mesozoic deposits of south-eastern West Siberia (Shestakovskii Yar section)

Session 5: Cretaceous vertebrates of Asia and the Western Pacific

Amiot R., Lazzerini N., Lécuyer Ch., Fourel F. Stable isotope composition of modern and fossil archosaur eggshells as a tracer of animal ecology, living environment and reproductive strategy

Bhadran A. Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) vertebrate fossils from inland basins of Indian peninsula  – their palaeogeographic significance

Demidenko N.V., Maschenko E.N. Results of paleontological excavations 2014–2015 held by the Kemerovo Regional Museum at the Early Cretaceous Shestakovo vertebrate localities

Feofanova O.A. Historical stages of natural science collection formation in the Kemerovo Regional Museum

Hirayama R., Takisawa T., Sasaki K., Sonoda T., Yoshida M., Takekawa A., Mitsuzuka Sh., Kobayashi Y., Tsuihiji T., Matsumoto R., Kurosu M., Takakuwa Y., Miyata S., Tsutsumi Y. Fossil vertebrates from the Late Cretaceous Tamagawa Formation (Turonian) of Kuji City, Iwate Prefecture, northeastern Japan

Ivantsov S.V., Fayngerts A.V., Leshchinskiy S.V., Rezviy A.S., Skutschas P.P., Averianov A.O. The Lower Cretaceous continental vertebrate fauna from the Shestakovo locality (West Siberia): Results of 20-year research

Kostyunin A.E. The history of discovery and research of the Shestakovo locality of Early Cretaceous vertebrates

Kusuhashi N., Wang Y.-Q., Li C.-K. Reinvestigation of an Early Cretaceous eutherian mammal Endotherium niinomii

Malkani M.S. Vitakri Dome of Pakistan – a richest graveyard of titanosaurian sauropod dinosaurs and mesoeucrocodiles in Asia

Sonkusare H., Samant B., Mohabey D.M. Lithostratigraphy and biota of the Late Cretaceous dinosaur bearing Lameta and Intertrappean sediments along Salbardi fault in Betul and Amravati districts of Central India 

Summart O.-U., Wongko K., Chantasit Ph. Early Cretaceous fossil sites in Kalasin Province, Thailand

Karpuk M. S. (2016) New Protocytherines (Ostracods) from the Lower Cretaceous sequences of the Crimean Peninsula // Revue de Micropaléontologie. Vol.59. P. 180–187. pdf

Matlai L.M. (2016) Calcareous nannoplankton in the Lower Berriasian deposits of the South-Eastern Crimea // 17th Czech-Slovak-Polish Palaeontological Conference, Krakow, 20-21 October 2016. Abstract Volume. P.68. pdf

Pergament M.A. (1964) Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous deposits of North-Western Kamchatka (Penzhina area) // Transactions of the Geological Institute Ac. Sci. USSR, Vol. 39. 148 p. [in Russian] pdf

Rogov M.A., Ershova V.B., Shchepetova E.V., Zakharov V.A., Pokrovsky B.G., Khudoley A.K. (2017) Earliest Cretaceous (late Berriasian) glendonites from Northeast Siberia revise the timing of initiation of transient Early Cretaceous cooling in the high latitudes // Cretaceous Research. Vol. 71, P. 102–112. DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2016.11.011 pdf

Viskova L.A. (1972) Late Cretaceous cyclostomatous Bryozoa of the Volga region and the Crimea // Transactions of the Paleontological Institute of the Ac. Sc. USSR. Vol. 132. 96 p. [in Russian] djvu

Zaklinskaya E.D. (1964) Angiosperm pollen and its significance for Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene stratigraphy // Transactions of the Geological Institute Ac. Sci. USSR, Vol. 74. 258 p. [in Russian] pdf




New hyperlinks to open-access periodicals are added):

Abhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien

Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica

Acta Musei Tutovensis

Acta Sedimentologica Sinica

Acta Societatis Linneanae Lugdunensis. Télé-Bibliothèque

Analele Bucovinei

Annales de l’Association des Naturalistes de Levallois-Perret

Annales de limnologie

Arachnologische Mitteilungen

Beiträge zur Paläontologie

Bericht des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Bielefeld und Umgegend



Bulletin de la Société linnéenne de Lyon, hors série

Bulletin mensuel de la Société linnéenne de Lyon

Bulletin of the scientific laboratories of Denison University

Bulletins de Géologie (Lausanne)

California Wild (formerly Pacific Discovery)


Entomologica Americana

Értekezések a természettudományok köréből

Folia Musei rerum naturalium Bohemiae occidentalis. Geologica et Paleobiologica

Fossil mammals of Africa

Genes & Development

Géocarrefour (=Les Études rhodaniennes, =Revue de géographie jointe au Bulletin de la Société de géographie de Lyon et de la région lyonnaise =Revue de géographie de Lyon)

Geochemical Perspectives Letters

Geologija. Geografija


Geophysical Journal International. Express letters

Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt und Bergakademie zu Berlin

Journal of the East Africa and Uganda Natural History Society

Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society

Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani


Mémoires de Géologie (Lausanne)

Mémoires de la Société linnéenne de Lyon

Mémoires de la Société royale des sciences de Liège

Miscellanea palaeontologica

Muelleria: an Australian journal of botany

Munis Entomology & Zoology

The Naturalist / Yorkshire Naturalists' Union

Nature notes: the Selborne Society's magazine

NCGT Journal

Przegląd Geologiczny (1953-2003)

The Queensland naturalist

Rozpravy české akademie cisaře Františka Josefa pro vĕdy, slovesnost a umĕní

Schriften der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Danzig

The Scottish naturalist

Selcuk University Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology

Sitzungsberichte des Deutschen Naturwissenschaftlich-Medicinischen Vereines für Böhmen "Lotos" in Prag

Studii și cercetări de geologie-geografie, biologie-muzeologie (Anuarul Muzeului de Științe Naturale Piatra Neamț)

Transactions of the Burnley Literary & Scientific Club

Verslagen van de gewone vergaderingen der Wis- en Natuurkundige Afdeeling

Yakka (Revista de Estudios Yeclanos)

Zoologica; scientific contributions of the New York Zoological Society


Other useful hyperlinks:

Global Seawater Oxygen-18 Database

Palaeolatitude calculator: http://www.paleolatitude.org/

University of Leichester OA repository


New Jurassic publications (scanned by and/or received from A. Ippolitov, M. Rogov, I. Yashkov and cretaceous.ru web-site)

Böckh J. (1881) Adatok a Mecsekhegység és dombvidéke jurakorbeli lerakódásainak ismeretéhez. II. Palaeontologiai rész // Értekezések a Természettudományok Köréből 11/9, P.1–106. pdf

d'Orbigny A. (1844) Paléontologie du Voyage de M. Hommaire de Hell // In: Hommaire de Hell. Les steppes de la mer Caspienne, le Caucase, la Crimée et la Russie méridionale. Voyage pittoresque, historique et scientifique, T.3. Paris. P.419-491. pdf

Frau C., Bulot L.G., Wimbledon W.A.P., Ifrim C. (2016) Systematic palaeontology of the Perisphinctoidea in the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary interval at Le Chouet (Drôme, France), and its implications for biostratigraphy // Acta Geologica Polonica Vol 66, No 2. P.157–177. pdf

Galácz A. (2015) Macrocephalitid-bearing Lower Callovian (Middle Jurassic) beds in the Mecsek Mts (South Hungary) // Hantkeniana. Vol. 10, P.73–88. pdf

Golden Age of Russian Malacology. Collective volume of the All-Russia research conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Professor Viktor Nikolaevich Shimansky / Editorial Board: I.S. Barskov, A.V. Ivanov, T.B. Leonova, S.V. Nikolaeva, I.A. Yashkov. Moscow-Saratov: Borissiak Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences – Yuri Gagarin Saratov State Technical University – «Kuznitza reclamy», 2016. 340 pp. [in Russian with English summaries] pdf



Autobiography of Shimansky Viktor Nikolayevich

An appraisal report of V.N. Shimansky (for the award of the title Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation)

List of works of V.N. Shimansky

Publications on V.N. Shimansky

Amitrov O.V., Solovjev A.N. Viktor Nikolaevich Shimansky – some facts about the scientist

Penkevich A.G. My memories about Viktor Nikolaevich Shimansky

Shimansky V.N. About school in native paleontology

Shimansky V.N. Opening address on the meeting dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Section of Paleontology of Moscow Society of Naturalists

Amitrov O.V. The Paleontological Institute Expedition to Povolzhye (from a personal diary from 1974)

Ivanov A.V. V.N. Shimansky and Saratov Povolzhye

Melik-Adamyan H.U. The contribution of V.N. Shimansky to the study of fossil cephalopods of the Caucasus

Barskov I.S., Leonova T.B., Ivanov A.V. Golden age of Russian malacology: a brief review of molluscan studies in Russia

Barskov I.S. Innovative ideas in the work and activities of Viktor Nikolaevich Shimansky

Doguzhaeva L.A., Bogoslovskaya M.F., Zhuravleva F.A. Consideration of the phylogenetic significance of bactritoid cephalopods by V.N. Shimansky and his successors and co-workers, based on Late carboniferous-Early Permian specimens from the South Urals

Laptikhovsky V.V., Nikolaeva S.V. Cephalopod embryonic shells as a tool to reconstruct reproductive strategies in extinct taxa

Leonova T.B. Unsolved problems in the classification of Late Paleozoic ammonoids

Kutygin R.V., Boiko M.S. Morphological features of the shells of the Asselian-Sakmarian goniatite genus Svetlanoceras

Kutygin R.V., Knyazev V.G. On the ontogeny of the Late Oxfordian ammonite species Amoeboceras transitorium Spath, 1935

Stenshin I.M. Ontogenetic stage of sculpture in representatives of Ancyloceratoidae (Ammonoidea) from the Aptian Stage of the Ulyanovsk Volga basin, and its role in species diagnosis

Zakharov Y.D., Horacek M., Smytshlyaeva O.P., Popov A.M., Bondarenko L.G., Guravskaya G.I. Early Olenekian ammonoids from the Kamenushka river basin, South Primorye and their environment

Mironenko A.A. Sublethal injuries and abnormalities on embryonic shells of Recent and Jurassic Nautilida

Mirantsev G.V. New data on crinoid-platyceratid associations in the upper Carboniferous of the Moscow Region

Kosenko I.N., Seltser V.B. The Middle-Late Jurassic oyster «Liostrea» roemeri (Quenstedt): morphology, ethology and taxonomy

Popov S.V., Goncharova I.A., Guzhov A.V. Paleoecological conclusions based on mollusks of the Eastern Paratethys: records and problem

Barskov I.S., Boiko M.S. Sakmarian (Early Permian) nautilids of the Shakh-tau reef (Bashkortostan)

Nikolaeva S.V., Kim A.I., Erina M.V. New Early Devonian ammonoids from neritic limestones of South Tien-Shan (Dalejan Event)

Kutygin R.V. On Asselian-Sakmarian ammonoids on the right bank near the mouth of the Lena river (north-western edge of the Kharaulakh ridge, North Verkhoyansk region)

Repin Yu.S. The genus Boreophylloceras Alexeev et Repin (Ammonoidea) of the Mesozoic of the Arctic

Gulyaev D.B., Ippolitov A.P. On the Bathonian-Callovian boundary deposits in the reference sections of the north of European Russia (Komi Republic)

Rogov M.A. Ammonites and infrazonal stratigraphy of the Lower-Middle Callovian boundary beds of the Mountain Crimea (preliminary data)

Seltser V.B., Polkovoy K.S. The structure of a biofossil complex from Aptian shaly clays (near Saratov)

Repin Yu.S. Bivalves from the Jurassic of Iran

Seltser V.B., Ivanov A.V. A Lower Campanian molluscan assemblage from the south-west of the Elhanо-Sergievskiy flexure (Saratov Povolzhye)

Yanina T.A. Late Pleistocene of the Ponto-Caspian region (paleogeographic analysis of the malacofaunistic data)

Ostrovsky A.M. Towards a study of fossil and recent mollusks from the Gomel region

Shimansky V.N. On the work of V.A. Varsanofieva at the Pedagogical Institute, 1934-1943

Zhdanova L.R., Astakhova I.S. The role of the geological museum named after A.A. Chernov in the popularization of paleontological knowledge

Sosnovskaya R.L. To paleontology from school (from experience)

Pleve I.R., Yashkov I.A., Ivanov A.V. Threshing stones and millstones made of Paleogene coquina sandstone produced by Volga Germans in the 19th-20th centuries, and housed in the Natural history museum of Yu.A. Gagarin Saratov State Technical University

Kiselev G.N. Mesozoic mollusks of Volga area are material of scientific researching and subjects for preparing of souvenirs

Gulyaev D.B., Ippolitov A.P. (2016) On the Bathonian-Callovian boundary deposits in the reference sections of the north of European Russia (Komi Republic) // Golden Age of Russian Malacology. Collective volume of the All-Russia research conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Professor Viktor Nikolaevich Shimansky. Moscow-Saratov: Borissiak Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences – Yuri Gagarin Saratov State Technical University – «Kuznitza reclamy». P.235-248. [in Russian with English summary] pdf

Hoedemaeker P.J., Janssen N.M.M., Casellato C.E., Gardin S., Reháková D., Jamrichová M. (2016) Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary in the Río Argos succession (Caravaca, SE Spain) // Revue de Paléobiologie. Vol.35. no.1. P.111-247. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.51872 pdf

Ippolitov A.P., Rzhavsky A.V. (2014) Tube morphology, ultrastructures and mineralogy in recent Spirorbinae (Annelida: Polychaeta: Serpulidae). I. General introduction. Tribe Paralaeospirini// Invertebrate Zoology. Vol.11. No.2: 293–314. pdf

Ippolitov A.P., Rzhavsky A.V. (2015) Tube morphology, ultrastructures and mineralogy in recent Spirorbinae (Annelida: Polychaeta: Serpulidae). II. Tribe Spirorbini // Invertebrate Zoology. Vol.12. No.1: 61–92. pdf

Ippolitov A.P., Rzhavsky A.V. (2015) Tube morphology, ultrastructures and mineralogy in recent Spirorbinae (Annelida: Polychaeta: Serpulidae). III. Tribe Circeini // Invertebrate Zoology. Vol.12. No.2: 151–173. pdf

Klikushin V.G. (1979) Crinoids from the genera Balanocrinus and Laevigatocrinus // Palaeont. Journ. No. 3. P. 87-96. [in Russian] pdf

Matlai L. (2016) Calcareous nannoplankton from the Jurassic deposits of the Southern Ukraine // The 8th International Siberian Early Career GeoScientists Conference: Proceedings of the Conference (13-24 June 2016, Novosibirsk, Russia). IGM SB RAS, IPPG SB RAS, NSU: Novosibirsk. P.307-308. pdf

Moiseev A.S. (1944) On Liassic ammonites of Crimea // Scient. Rep. Leningr. State Univ., ser. Geol.-soil sci., issue 11. P.29-37. [in Russian] pdf

Rogov M.A. (2016) Ammonites and infrazonal stratigraphy of the Lower-Middle Callovian boundary beds of the Mountain Crimea (preliminary data) // Golden Age of Russian Malacology. Collective volume of the All-Russia research conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Professor Viktor Nikolaevich Shimansky. Moscow-Saratov: Borissiak Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences – Yuri Gagarin Saratov State Technical University – «Kuznitza reclamy». P.249-255. [in Russian with English summary] pdf

Rousseau L. (1842) Description des principaux fossiles de la Crimée // In: Demidoff A. Voyage dans la Russie meridoniale et la Crimée, par la Hongrie, la Valachie et la Moldavie, exécuté en 1837. T.2. Paris: Bourdin. P.781–819. pdf

Sinzow I.F. (1899) Notizen über die Jura-, Kreide- und Neogen-Ablagerungen der Gouvernements Saratow, Simbirsk, Samara und Orenburg // Rep. Imp. Novorossiisk Univ. Vol. 77, P.1-106. pdf

Shevchuk O.A., Veklych О. D., Dorotyak Yu.B. (2015) Microforaminifers of the Callovian and Cretaceous sediments of Ukraine // Geological Journal (Ukraine). No.2. P. 57-70. pdf

Svobodova A., Kostak M. (2016) Calcareous nannofossils of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary strata in the Puerto Escano section (southern Spain) – biostratigraphy and palaeoecology // Geologica Carpathica. Vol.67. no.3. P.223-238. DOI: 10.1515/geoca-2016-0015 pdf

Wimbledon W.A.P., Mohialdeen I.M.J., Andreini G., Rehakova D., Stoykova K. (2016) The Jurassic /Cretaceous boundary beds in Kurdistan – a preliminary note on wider correlations // Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani Part-A- (Pure and Applied Sciences). Special Issue, GeoKurdistan II. P.269-276. pdf

Zakharov V.A. (2016) Depths of paleobasin and approaches to their reconstructions // Palaeontology. Stratigraphy. Astrobiology. For 80 anniversary of Academician A.Yu. Rosanov. Moscow: PIN RAS. P.208-228. [in Russian with English summary] pdf


New Cretaceous publications:

Bogdanova T.N., Yanin B.T. (1995) Early Cretaceous Neithea (Bivalvia) from Crimea // Paleont. Journ. No.1. P. 49-53. [in Russian] pdf

Frau C., Bulot L.G., Reháková D., Wimbledon W.A., Ifrim C. (2016) Revision of the ammonite index species Berriasella jacobi Mazenot, 1939 and its consequences for the biostratigraphy of the Berriasian Stage // Cretaceous Research. Vol. 66. P.94-114. DOI 10.1016/j.cretres.2016.05.007 pdf

Maalaoui K., Zargouni F. (2016) Biozones de calpionelles et d’ammonites du Berriasien inférieur et moyen de la Formation Sidi Kralif au Jebel Meloussi, Tunisie centrale // Revue de Paléobiologie. V.35. no.1. P.373-384. DOI : 10.5281/zenodo.51883 pdf

Matlai L.M. (2016) Calcareous nannoplancton from the Cretaceous deposits of Crimean continental slope (based on materials of the cruise 37 of the Academician Vernadsky s/v) // Transact. Natl. Ac. Sci. Ukraine. No. 2. P.69-74. DOI 10.15407/dopovidi2016.02.069 [in Ukrainian] pdf

Matveev A.V. (2013) Calcareous nannoplancton from the Aptian of Mountain Crimea // Coll. Scient. Pap. Inst. Grol. Sci. Natl. Ac. Sci. Ukraine. Vol.6. Issue 1. P.75-79. [in Russian] pdf

Robaszynski F., Bless M.J.M., Felder P.J., Foucher J.-Cl., Legoux O., Manivit H., Meessen J.P.M.T., van der Tuuk L.A. (1985) The Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary in the chalky faciès close to the type Maastrichtian area // Bulletin des Centres de recherches exploration-production Elf-Aquitaine, T.9. P.1-113. pdf

Smirnova T.N. (1962) On the new subspecies of Thecidiopsis (Thecidiopsis) tetragona (Röemer) // Bull. Moscow State University, ser. 4. Geology. No. 3. P. 54-57. [in Russian] pdf

Smirnova T.N. (1968) On occurrence of the genus Dictyothyris Douville in the Lower Cretaceous of Crimea // Bull. Moscow State University, ser. 4. Geology. No. 4. P. 59-64. [in Russian] pdf

Sosson M., Stephenson R., Sheremet Y., Rolland Y., Adamia S., Melkonian R., Kangarli T., Yegorova T., Avagyan A., Galoyan G., Danelian T. (2016) The eastern Black Sea-Caucasus region during the Cretaceous: New evidence to constrain its tectonic evolution // Comptes Rendus Geoscience. Vol.348. P.23–32. pdf





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Acta Geologica Hungarica

Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici. Nauki Matematyczno-Przyrodnicze. Geografia

Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

Actes de la Société linnéenne de Bordeaux. Série A

Animal Welfare Etológia és Tartástechnológia

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Az Állatvilág a Hazai Zoologiai Laboratorium folyóirata

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BioClimLand (Biota, Climate, Landscapes)

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Boletin de la Sociedad de Biología de Concepción

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Bourgogne Nature

Brazilian Journal of Geology

Bulletin, South Dakota School of Mines. Department of Geology

Bulletin of the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. Supplement

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Centralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie

CIBTech Journal of Microbiology

CIBTech Journal of Zoology

Columella: journal of agricultural and environmental sciences

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Journal des Mines 1794-1815

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… as well as other valuable hyperlinks:

American Doctoral Dissertations, 1933 - 1955

Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações

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BrachNet http://paleopolis.rediris.es/BrachNet/

Catalogue of Life: http://www.catalogueoflife.org/

CiNii Dissertations Japanese Theses

Cybertesis Theses from Latin America

DART-Europe E-theses Portal

DigiZeitschriften – archive of German periodicals

International Subcommission on Jurassic StratigraphyODSN Plate Tectonic Reconstruction Service

Open Access Theses & Dissertations (OATD)

Publications about Cretaceous System of Gernmany: http://www.kreidefossilien.de/literatur/       

RCIN (Digital Repository of the Scientifics Institutes)

REAL-J - repository of the Library and Information Centre, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Granada

(Tesis http://digibug.ugr.es/handle/10481/191 )

Swedish University Dissertations

Taxonomicon http://taxonomicon.taxonomy.nl/

http://www.theses.fr French dissertations

WBD (World Brachiopoda Database)

WoRMS (Word Register of Marine Species) http://www.marinespecies.org/

Zoological Survey of India


New Jurassic publications (scanned by and/or received from A. Ippolitov, M. Rogov, V. Vuks and cretaceous.ru web-site)

Afanasieva M.S., Vuks V.Ja., Alekseev A.S., Pronina-Nestell G.P., Yanko-Hombach V.V. (2013) 6th International Conference on Environmental Micropaleontology, Microbiology, and Meiobenthology (EMMM-2011) // Paleontological Journal, Vol. 47, No. 10, P. 1107–1109. pdf

Cherkashin V.I., Gavrilov Yu.O., Zakharov V.A., Rogov M.A., Ippolitov A.P., Gulyaev D.B. et al. (2015) Jurassic deposits of the central part of Mountain Dagestan. Field guide to the VI All-Russian conference “Jurassic system of Russia: problems of stratigraphy and paleogeography”, September 15-20, 2015, Makhachkala. Makhachkala: ALEF. 132 p. [in Russian] pdf

Jurassic System of Russia: Problems of stratigraphy and рaleogeography. Fifth All-Russian meeting. September 15-20, 2015, Makhachkala. Scientific materials. V.A. Zakharov (ch. ed.), M.A. Rogov, A.P. Ippolitov (eds.). Makhachkala: ALEF, 2015. 344 p. pdf

Zakharov V.A. An issue for concern

Alekseev V.P. Facies characteristics of the Jurassic deposits of Western Siberia

Alekseev М.А. Wall structure in the agglutinated Jurassic foraminifers from boreal regions of Russia

Aukhatov Y. Shale oil from the Bazhenov deposits of Western Siberia

Baraboshkin E.Yu., Baraboshkin E.E. Ichnology of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary interval of the Chigan cape (Primorsky Krai)

Baraboshkin E.Yu., Guzhikov A.Yu., Manikin A.G., Pimenov M.V. Bio- and magnetostratigraphic data on the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary of the Kashpir and Gorodishchi sections (Volga region, Russia)

Beisel A.L. Traces of the Vesulian event (Lower-Upper Bajocian boundary) in the Middle Jurassic of Siberia

Beisel A.L., Vakulenko L.G, Yan P.A. Isotope δ13С record and sequences in the Togur and Ilansky Formations (Lower Toarcian) in SE part of Western Siberia

Berzon E., Smokotina I. Ulug-Khem coal basin (Tuva): new data on litho- and biostratigraphy

Bessudnova Z.A, Starodubtseva I.A. K.O. Milaschevitsch and his contribution to the research of the Jurassic of Kostroma region

Vetoshkina O. S., Lyurov S. V. The application of isotopy of organic and carbonate matter of rocks for paleoenvironmental studies (Unzha River sections)

Vishnevskaya V.S. Jurassic Family Leugeonidae Yang et Wang, 1990 (Radiolaria) and its stratigraphic and paleogeographic significance

Vuks V.Ja. State of knowledge and research perspectives of defining the stage boundaries of the Jurassic and Berriasian at the Caucasus

Gavrilov Yu.O. The main trends in the formation of Jurassic sedimentary complexes of the Northern Caucasus

Gadzhieva T.R., Shulgina T.A., Melikov M.M. Petrographic study of cores from the Middle Jurassic of Pri-Kuma oil-and-gas district of Eastern Ciscaucasia

Glinskikh L.A., Mitta V.V. On the foraminiferal assemblages of some intervals of the Middle Jurassic in the Bol’shoi Zelenchuk river basin (Northern Caucasus)

Goryacheva A.A. Biofacies of the Lower and Middle Jurassic deposits of Siberia by palynomorphs

Goryacheva A.A. Palynological characteristics of the Bathonian deposits on the river Izhma

Grinenko V.S., Goryacheva A.A., Devyatov V.P., Knyazev V.G., Michailova T.E. A new type of Lower Jurassic section in Vilyuy syncline and its paleontological characteristics

Guzhikov A.Yu., Arkadiev V.V., Baraboshkin E.Yu., Feodorova A.A., Shurekova O.V., Baraboshkin E.E., Manikin A.G., Surinsky A.M., Golozubov V.V., Kasatkin S.A., Nechaev V.P. New bio- and magnetostratigraphic data on the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary interval of the Chigan Сape (Primorsky Krai)

Gulyaev D.B. On the Callovian in the upper reaches of the Unzha river (Kologriv district, Kostroma region)

Gulyaev D.B. Stratigraphy of the BathonianCallovian nearboundary deposits of European Russia

Gulyaev D.B. A few more words about the nature of the biohorizons

Gulyaev D.B., Guzhov A.B., Beketova Y.A. New data on the heteromorph ammonites of the genus Parapatoceras from the Lower Callovian of European Russia

Dzyuba O.S., Urman O.S., Shurygin B.N. On the temporal range of the belemnite genus Spanioteuthis Gustomesov, 1960 (Cylindroteuthididae): results of fieldwork 2013 at the Oka River (Central Russia)

Zhigulsky I.A., Eder V.G. Lithology and sedimentary environments of the Bazhenov Formation in the northern part of Khantei hemianteclise

Zaitsev B.A., Ippolitov A.P. A discovery of new Latest Sinemurian–Pliensbachian cephalopod complex in Crimea

Zakharov V.A. Golden spike in the base of the Jurassic

Zakharov V.A. Performance capabilities of the Boreal-Perithetyan correlation of the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous successions by buchiids

Zakharov V.A., Rogov M.A. Correlational potential of the Jurassic biostratigraphical scales over boreal sedimentological successions

Zverkov N.G., Arkhangelsky M.S. On a find of a Callovian short-snouted pliosaur in Kostroma region (Russia)

Ippolitov A.P. A first find of Atractites guard in the Lower Jurassic (Sinemurian/Pliensbachian) of the Caucasus

Ippolitov A.P., Bordunov S.I., Yakovishina E.V., Nikishin A.M. Eski-Orda suite of the Mountain Crimea is a tectonic melange. New data on macrofauna contradicting the accepted geological model

Karogodin Y.N. The role and importance of the “basal layers” in structure and formation of main hydrocarbon deposits of oil, gas and bitumen giant fields by the example of the Jurassic and Cretaceous of Western Siberia and other Phanerozoic's systems of the world oil and gas basins

Karogodin Y.N., Epov M.I. Oil and gas complexes of the Jurassic and Cretaceous of Western Siberia in the sequencestratigraphic, lithmostratigraphic and electrophysical models

Kerimov I.A. Prediction of hydrocarbon traps in the Jurassic deposits of the Terek-Caspian Basin by the complex of gravity and seismic data

Kiselev D.N. The similarities and differences of the Dorsoplanitinae from the Middle Volgian and Portlandian and taxonomy questions

Konovalova V.A. New data on the Late Jurassic ostracods from the south-east Western Siberia (the Kazan field)

Kosenko I.N. New in the systematics of Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous oysters (Bivalvia, Ostreoidea) from Northern Siberia

Latysheva I.V. Chemical composition of authigenic micas in Lower-Middle Jurassic terrigenous rocks of Northern-Western Caucasus (Belaya River valley)

Malenkina S.Yu. Preservation of fossils in Jurassic phosphatic nodules

Manikin A., Grishenko V., Guzhikov A., Surinskiy A. Paleomagnetic characteristic of the section of Bathonian «Sokursky trakt» (Saratov)

Meledina S.V., Knyazev V.G., Marinov V.A., Alifirov A.S., Igolnikov A.E. New data on the Jurassic ammonite stratigraphy of Yurung-Tumus Peninsula

Mitta V.V. On some “non-cardioceratid” taxa of the Early Callovian Сardioceratidae (Ammonoidea)

Nekhaev A.Y., Marinov V.A., Alifirov A.S., Igolnikov A.E. А new section of the Middle and Upper Jurassic West side Yurung-Tumus peninsula

Novruzov E.S. , Mammadova U.J. Perspectives of oil-and-gas content of the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous effusives of the near the edge zones of the Kura intermountain depression

Palechek T.N., Moiseev A.V. Jurassic radiolarians of the Ust’ Belsky Mountains (Chukotka)

Panov D.I. The scheme of the regional stratigraphic subdivision of the Lower-Middle Jurassic deposits of the Caucasus

Panov D.I. Jurassic sedimentary basins of the Caucasus: paleogeography, tectonics and geodynamics

Panov D.I. The regional stratigraphic chart of the Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic deposits of the Mountain Crimea

Platonov E., Rudko S. Substantiation of the Calpionella zone and Alpina subzone (Lower Berriasian) of assemblage of calpionellids from the limestone breccias in Baydarskaya Basin of Southwest Crimea

Polkovnikova Е.V. Foraminifera and detailed biostratigraphy of the Upper Callovian-Oxfordian of the Severo-Vasyugan 18 borehole (Western Siberia)

Repin Yu.S. Traces of lifetime damage on the shells of Ammonoidea

Repin Yu. S., Polubotko I.V. On the Suynguyuyde Formation in the Jurassic of the Eastern Siberia

Rogov M.A. Glendonites in the Jurassic deposits of Northern Hemisphere

Rud`ko S.V., Pokrovsksy B.G., Kuznetsov A.B. Upper Jurassic δ13С variation in the Northern Tethys based on Sr-chemostratigraphy, paleontological and paleomagnetic data (Crimean Mts)

Rychkova I. New paleobotanical and paleogeographic data about Batonian-Oxfordian deposits of Nyurolsk depression (south-east of Western Siberia)

Sabanaev K.A., Cherkashin V.I. Post-sedimentational processes in reservoirs development and distribution in the Jurassic complex of Daghestan and adjacent regions

Samulenko S. History of Jurassic flora collection of the Donets Basin in the Vernadsky State Geological Museum of Russian Academy of Sciences

Selkova L.A., Vetoshkina O.S. Palynological and isotopic studies of the Jurassic deposits near Loino settlement (Kama River, Kirov region)

Starodubtseva I.A. Jurassic of the Northern Caucasus: initial research

Stafeev A.N., Sukhanova T.V., Latysheva I.V., Kosorukov V.L., Rostovceva Y.I. Stratigraphy, correlation and sedimentary dynamics of Eski-Orda and Tauric series (Middle Triassic-Middle Jurassic) of the Mountain Crimea

Temirbekova U.T., Barkueva L.S. Biostratigraphy of the Cаllovian deposits of Daghestan

Tesakova E.M. Correlation of the Middle-Late Jurassic ostracod scales of Western and Eastern Europe

Tesakova E.M., Ippolitov A.P., Gulyaev D.B. Ostracode-based reconstruction of the Early Callovian events of the Kanev dislocations area (preliminary results)

Trubicyna A.N. Late Callovian palynology of the Dubki section (Saratov area, Ryazan-Saratov flexure, Russian Platform)

Ulanovskaya T., Kalinin V. When and how the folded basement of the Scythian Plate (South-East Europe) was formed

Ukhlova G.D. Depositional modeling based on seismic data: myth or reality? (A case study from the Jurassic deposits in West Siberia)

Uhov I.S. Features of facies genesis of the Middle and Upper Volgian (Upper Jurassic) of the Yaroslavl Volga

Feodorova A.A., Fedyaevsky A.G., Rogov M.A., Kulikova N.K., Platonov E.S. New biostratigraphic data on the Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous of Krasnoleninskiy area, Western Siberia

Cherkashin V.I., Yusupov A.R., Abdullaev M. Sh., Isaeva N.A. Geological-geochemical characteristics of Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of Daghestan

Shkolin A.A., Malenkina S.Yu. Comparison of types of the Upper Jurassic (Volgian) - Lower Cretaceous sections at the southeast of Moscow region

Shurekova O.V. New dinoflagellate cysts data from the Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) of East Crimea

Shurygin B.N., Dzyuba O.S., Izokh O.P., Kosenko I.N., Kuznetsov A.B. Isotope markers (С, O, Sr) of the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary beds in Boreal regions (Maurynya section, Western Siberia)

Shurygin B.N.,Dzyuba O.S., Izokh O.P., Kosenko I.N., Urman O.S. Carbon isotope variations in the Lower Bathonian of the Sokur section (Russian Platform)

Shchepetova E., Panchenko I., Baraboshkin E., Nemova V., Smirnova M., Zujkova M. Fish-debris tempestites within highly carbonaceous deposits of Bazhenov Formation and paleobathimetry of Bazhenov sea in West Siberia

Eder V.G., Zigulskiy I.A., Zamirailova A.G. Comparative analysis of the macro-, microelement composition and conditions of sedimentation of the Bazhenov Formation from the south-east and central parts of the West Siberia geosyneclise

Rogov M.A. (2015) New data on ammonites and stratigraphy of the Upper Kimmeridgian and Volgian deposits of the Belgorod region // Bulletin of the Regional interdepartmental stratigraphic commission for the center and south of the Russian Platform. Vol. 6. P.77-83. [in Russian] pdf

Vialov О.S. (1983) General classification of oysters // Proc. Ac. Sci. Ukrainian SSR, Geol., chem., biol. Sciences. No.11. P.6-8. [in Russian] pdf

Vialov О.S. (1984) Classification of oysters // Paleonological collection. No.21. P.31-36. [in Russian] pdf

Vuks V. Ja. (2013) Middle–Late Jurassic foraminifers of the Western Caucasus: evolution of foraminiferal assemblages and some environmental aspects // Paleontological Journal, Vol. 47, No. 10, P.1163–1169. pdf

Yaroshenko O.P. (1965) Spores and pollen complexes of Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits of Northern Caucasus and their stratigraphic importance // Transactions of the Geological Institute, Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol. 117. 131 p. [in Russian] pdf

New Cretaceous publications  (received from the  cretaceous.ru web-site) are added:

Arkadiev V.V., Guzhikov A.Yu., Savelieva J.N., Feodorova A.A., Shurekova O.V., Bagaeva M.I., Grishchenko V.A., Manikin A.G. (2015) New data on bio- and magnetostratigraphy of the Upper Berriasian section “Zavodskaya balka” (Eastern Crimea, Feodosiya) // Vestnik of St.Petersburg University. Series 7. Geology. Geography. Issue 4. P. 4-36. [in Russian with English summary] pdf

Balakhmatova V.T., Lipman R.H., Romanova V.I. (1955) Characteristic foraminifera of the Cretaceous and Paleogene of Western Siberian lowland // Materials of VSEGEI. New series. Issue 2. 124 p. [in Russian] pdf

Ivannikov A.V. (1979) Inocerams of the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the south-west of the East European Platform. Kiev: Naukova dumka. 104 p. [in Russian] pdf

Pervushov Е.M., Seltser V.B., Benyamovskiy V.N., Aleksandrova G.N., Kalyakin Е.А., Vishnevskaya V.S., Kopaevich L.F., Аkhlestina Е.F., Оvechkina М.N. (2015) Biostratigraphic subdivision of Kokurino section (Saratov region) and some aspects of Campanian stratigraphy in Middle Volga // Bull. Soc. Nature. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol.90. issue 2. P.51-84. [in Russian] pdf

Stenshin I.M. (2012) Sculpture morphogenis in the Early Cretaceous heteromorph ammonits of the genus Audouliceras Thomel, 1964 // Bull. Soc. NAtur. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol 87, no.2 P.60-69. pdf

Tkachuk G.A., Yanin B.T. (1983) Rudist facies of the Lower Valanginian of Northern Caucasus  // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscou, sect. geol. Т.58. issue 4. P.81-90. pdf

Tseisler V.M. (1958) Boring molluscs from the Albian deposits of Crimea // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol. XXXIII. Issue 3. P.132-133. pdf



03.10.2015 - Jubilee issue no. 100!


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Abhandlungen der Senckenberg Gesellschaft fur Naturforschung

Anales de la Universidad de Chile

Anales del Museo Nacional de Mexico (1877-1977)

Annales de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon

Berichte des Institutes für Erdwissenschaften der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz/Austria


Boletim biológico

Boletin de la Sociedad Geografica de Lima

Bulletin de la Société linnéenne de Bordeaux

European Journal of Taxonomy

The Geelong naturalist


The journal of the College of Agriculture, Tohoku Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan

Journal of Natural Science Collections

Mémoires du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle

Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Série B, Botanique

Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Sér. C, Sciences de la Terre

Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Série D, Sciences physico-chimiques

Mitteilungen der aargauischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft

Open Geosciences

Pozsonyi Orvos-Termeszettudomanyi Egyesulet Kozlemenyei

Punjab University Journal of Zoology

Western Naturalist


as well as hyperlinks to other useful web-sites:

AlphaDelta - Stable Isotope Fractionation Calculator

Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE): http://www.base-search.net/

Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontologia


Universal Multimedia Electronic Library (UrMEL): http://www.urmel-dl.de/


Krajewski Marcin


New Jurassic publications (scanned by and/or received from V. Beniamovsky, M. Benzaggagh, L. Bulot, A. Ippolitov, M. Krajewski, A. Kuzmin, D. Olshanetsky, A. Pronin, M. Rogov, E. Tesakova, H. Wierzbowski and from the cretaceous.ru, geokniga.org web-sites and forum Groupe de Recherche en Paleobiologie et Biostratigraphie des Ammonites):

Bardin J., Rouget I., Benzaggagh M., Fürsich F.T., Cecca F. (2015) Lower Toarcian (Jurassic) ammonites of the South Riffian ridges (Morocco): systematics and biostratigraphy // Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, Vol.13. P. 471-501. pdf

Benzaggagh M., Homberg C., Schnyder J., Abdesselam-Mahdaoui S.B. (2015) Description et biozonation des sections de crinoïdes saccocomidés du Jurassique supérieur (Oxfordien-Tithonien) du domaine téthysien occidental // Annales de Paléontologie. Vol. 101, no. 2, P. 95–117. pdf

Benzaggagh M., Homberg C., Schnyder J., Razgallah S., Hssaida T. (2015) Intérêt des kystes de dinoflagellés calcaires et du biomicrofaciès pélagique dans la datation des terrains du sommet du Jurassique et de la base du Berriasien dans le domaine téthysien occidental // Annales de Paléontologie, in press pdf

Boehm G. (1911) Grenzschichten zwischen Jura und Kreide von Kawhia1 (Nordinsel Neuseelands) // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie. I Band. S.1-24. pdf

Bulot L.G., Frau C., Wimbledon W.A.P. (2014) New and poorly known Perisphinctoidea (Ammonitina) from the Upper Tithonian of Le Chouet (Drôme, SE France) // Volumina Jurassica, Vol.XII. no.1. P.113–128. pdf

Cherkashin V.I., Gavrilov Yu.O., Zakharov V.A., Rogov M.A., Ippolitov A.P., Gulyaev D.B. et al. (2015) Jurassic deposits of the central part of Mountain Dagestan. Field guide to the VI All-Russian conference “Jurassic system of Russia: problems of stratigraphy and paleogeography”, September 15-20, 2015, Makhachkala. Makhachkala: ALEF. 132 p. [in Russian] pdf

Contributions to current cephalopod research: Morphology, Systematics, Evolution, Ecology and Biostratygraphy. Proceeding of conference (Moscow, 2-4 April, 2015); Russian Academy of Sciences, Borissiak Paleontological Institute; eds. T.B. Leonova, I.S. Barskov,V.V.Mitta. 138 pp. [in Russian with English abstracts] pdf


Konstantinov A.G. Evolution of the Boreal Middle Triassic ammonoid families Tsvetkovitidae and Nathorstitidae. P.29-31.

Mitta V.V. On the phylogeny of the Middle Jurassic Arctocephalitinae and Cadoceratinae (Cardioceatidae, Ammonoidea). P.32-35.

Gulyaev D.B. On the neo-endemic Early Callovian Eastern Europe lineage of ammonites of the subfamily Macrocephalitinae (Sphaeroceratidae) and revision of its representative Macrocephalites multicostatus (Paryshev). P.36-39.

Knyazev V.G., Meledina S.V., Alifirov A.S., Kutygin R.V. The Middle Callovian evolution of the Siberian Cardioceratidae. P.40-45.

Rogov M.A. The «Lilliput effect» and the evolution of Late Jurassic Boreal ammonites. P.46-48.

Mitta V.V. On ammonite collections described in the monographs of D.I. Ilovaisky. P.52-54.

Kiselev D.N. Taxonomic value of the final signs of growth in the morphogenesis of the ammonite subfamily Dorsoplanitinae Arkell, 1950 and its contribution to the family systematics. P.55-58.

Baraboshkin E.Yu. Some Upper Hauterivia ammonites from the central regions of the Russian Platform in the collection of the Vernadsky State Geological Museum. P.59-61.

Dzyuba O.S., Weis R. Megateuthididae (Belemnitida) from the Lower-Middle Jurassic of northern and eastern Russia: taxonomy and nomenclature. P.62-64.

Repin Yu.S. Upper Triassic ammonoids from Iran. P.89-91.

Repin Yu.S. Characteristic features of the Lower Jurassic Arctic ammonoid biota. P.92-94.

Gulyaev D.B. Ammonites of the genus Bullatimorphites (Tulitidae) from the Lower Callovian of the Kanev dislocation area, Central Ukraine. P.95-96.

Gulyaev D.B., Rogov M.A. The Boreal Lower Callovian ammonites of Crimea. P.97-99.

Shkolin A.A. Ammonites from the Upper Jurassic of the vicinity of Kolomenskoe (Moscow). P.100-104.

Mitta V.V. Ammonites and the subdivision of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary beds in the lower reaches of the Unzha river (Kostroma region). P.105-108.

Arkadiev V.V. New occurrences of the genus Riasanites (Ammonoidea) in the Upper Berriasian of the Eastern Crimea. P.109-111.

Stenshin I.M., Baraboshkin E.Yu. O the finding of Dufrenoya furcata (J. de C. Sowerby, 1836)

(Deshayesitidae, Ammonoidea) in Ulianovsk Povolzhye. P.112-114.

Stenshin I.M., Semenov D.Yu., Blagoveshchensky I.V., Shumilkin I.A. Distribution patterns of nautilids in the Lower Aptian of Ulianovsk Povolzhye. P.115-117.

Mironenko A.A. Color patterns in Jurassic ammonites from Central Russia. P118-119.

Seltser V.B., Kosenko I.N. Epiokia of oysters Liostrea roemeri on ammonites. P.120-123.

Igolnikov A.E. Polymorphism in the Berriasian craspeditids of Siberia. P.126-128.

Diener C. (1912) Lebensweise und Verbreitung der Ammoniten // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie. II Band. S.67-89. pdf

Guide des excursions du VII Congrès géologique international. St. Peterbourg, Impr. de M. Stassuléwitsch, 1897. 725 p. pdf

Guzhov A.V., Zakharov V.A. (1915) Cap-shaped gastropods from Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits of northern East Siberia // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, Vol. 23. P.517-535. pdf

Hssaida T., Chahidi S., Benzaggagh M., Riding J. B., Oumalch F. (2014) Associations de kystes de dinoflagellés des séries du Jurassique supérieur (Oxfordien–Tithonien) du Rif externe (Prérif interne et Mésorif, Maroc) et comparaisons régionales // Annales de Paléontologie. Vol. 100, No. 4, P.327-342. pdf

von Huene F. (1900) Ueber schwäbische Aucellen und eine verwandte Form // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie. I Band. S.48-56. pdf

The International Scientific Conference on the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary. September 7-13, 2015, Samara (Russia). Togliatti: Kassandra, 2015. 96 p. pdf


Baraboshkin E.Yu. Preface

Erofeeva N.L., Gusev V.V. The role of geology in social and economic development of the Samara region

Arkadiev V.V., Guzhikov A.Yu., Savelieva J.N., Feodorova A.A., Shurekova O.V., Bagaeva M.I., Grishchenko V.A., Manikin A.G. New data on bio- and magnetostratigraphy of the Upper Berriasian section “Zavodskaya Balka” (Eastern Crimea, Feodosiya)

Arkhangelsky M.S., Zverkov N.G. A Valanginian ichthyosaur from Kirov region (Russia) supporting the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary crossing for ichthyosaurs

Baraboshkin E.Yu., Baraboshkin E.E. Ichnology of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary interval of the Chigan Cape (Vladivostok region, Russia)

Baraboshkin E.Yu., Guzhikov A.Yu., Manikin A.G., Pimenov M.V. Bio- and magnetostratigraphic data on the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary of the Kashpir and Gorodischi sections (Volga region, Russia)

Berezin А.Y. Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary beds at Menya river, center of the Russian Platform

Dzyuba O.S., Urman O.S., Shurygin B.N. Belemnites and bivalves from the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary interval of the Kashpir section, Middle Volga basin, Russia: implications for biostratigraphy and Panboreal correlation

Efimov V.M. A first find of vertebrate remains in the Berriasian of the Samara region

Guzhikov A.Yu., Arkadiev V.V., Baraboshkin, E.Yu., Feodorova A.A., Shurekova O.V., Baraboshkin E.E., Manikin A.G., Surinsky A.M., Golozubov V.V., Kasatkin S.A., Nechaev V.P. New bio- and magnetostratigraphic data on the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary of the Chigan Cape (Vladivostok area, Russia)

Ippolitov A.P., Desai B., Arkadiev V.V. First find of Parabelemnopsis, the alien belemnite from the Southern Hemisphere, in the Upper Berriasian of Central Crimea

Meleshin I.A. Crocodiles of the family Metriorhynchidae in the Mesozoic of the Volga region

Morov V.P. The paleontological characteristics of the Valanginian deposits of the area nearby Syzran

Rogov M.A., Alifirov A.S., Igolnikov A.E. Revised ammonite succession of the Upper Volgian of Nordvik section: zonal boundaries and uncertainties

Vasileva E.L. On the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary in the decisions of the Interdepartmental Stratigraphic committee

Zakharov V.A. Upper Tithonian-Hauterivian biostratigraphy of the Paskenta area (Northern California) as a key for Boreal-Tethyan correlation

Zverkov N.G. On a typically Late Jurassic pliosaur from the Lower Cretaceous of Crimea

Jantschke H. (2014) Ammoniten aus dem bimammatum-Faunenhorizont im Weißjura (Malm, Oxfordium) der Schwabischen Alb // Jahreshefte der Gesellschaft fur Naturkunde in Württemberg, Bd.170. Nr.1. S.205-243. pdf

Joly B. (1976) Les Phylloceratidae malgaches au Jurassique. Généralités sur les Phylloceratidae et quelques Juraphyllitidae // Doc. Lab. Géol. Lyon. T.67. 471 p. pdf

Ljubimova P.S., Kazmina T.A., Reshetnikova M.A. (1960) Ostracods from the Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits of Western Siberian lowland // Transact. VNIGRI. Vol.160. 427 p. [in Russian] pdf

Ljubimova P.S., Khabarova T.N. (1955) Ostracods from the Mesozoic deposits of the Volga-Ural region // Transact. VNIGRI, new ser. Vol.84. 199 p. [in Russian] pdf

Makhnach V.V., Tesakova E.M. (2015) Palaeogeographic reconstructions of the natural environment in southeast Belarus during the Bathonian-Oxfordian ages // Moscow University Geology Bulletin, Vol.70. P.159-170. pdf

Matlai L.M. (2015) Calcareous nannoplankton in the Jurassic deposits of the Dobrudja foredeep (Ukraine and Moldova) // Russian Geology and Geophysics. Vol.56. P.737–744. pdf

Meledina S.V., Mikhailov Yu.A., Schulgina N.I. (1979) New data on stratigraphy and ammonites of Upper Jurassic (Callovian and Oxfordian) of the north of USSR // Geol. And geophys. No.12. P.29-41. [in Russian] pdf

Modern micropaleontology. Proceedings of the XVI All-Russian micropaleontological meeting (Kaliningrad), 2015, 478 p. [in Russian] pdf

Ogg J.G., Lowrie W. (1986) Magnetostratigraphy of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary // Geology, V.14. P.547-550. pdf

Platonov E., Lakova I., Petrova S., Arkadiev V. (2014) Tithonian and Lower Berriasian calpionellid against ammonite biostratigraphy of the Dvuyakornaya Formation in eastern Crimea // Geologica Balcanica, V.43. no.1–3, P. 63-76. pdf

Pompeckj J.F. (1901) Aucellen im Fränkischen Jura // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie. I Band. S.18-36. pdf

Preobrazhenskaya V.N. (1966) Jurassic and Lower Cretaceoius of the Central Black Soil Region. Voronezh: Voronezh State University. 282 p. [in Russian] pdf

Renz C. (1904) Der Jura von Daghestan // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie. II Band. S.71-85. pdf

Renz C. (1912) Stratigraphische Untersuchungen im portugiesischen Lias // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie. I Band. S.58-90. pdf

Rogov M.A., Baraboshkin E.Yu., Guzhikov A.Yu., Efimov V.M., Kiselev D.N., Morov V.P., Gusev V.V. (2015) The Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in the Middle Volga region. Field guide to the International meeting on the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary. September 7-13, 2015, Samara (Russia). Samara: Samara State Technical University, 2015. 130 p. pdf

Salfeld H. (1906) Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Peltoceras Toucasi d’Orb. und Peltoceras transversarium Qu. // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie. I Band. S.81-90. pdf

Sanders M.T., Bardin J., Benzaggagh M., Cecca F. (2013) Early Toarcian (Jurassic) belemnites from northeastern Gondwana (South Riffian ridges, Morocco) // Paläontologische Zeitschrift. Bd. 89(1). P.51-62. pdf

Schlagintweit F., Krajewski M. (2015) Sarmentofascis? digitatus n. sp., a new cladocoropsid stromatoporoid from the Tithonian-early Berriasian (Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous) of the Ay-Petri massif (Crimea Peninsula) // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie-Abhandlungen, Bd. 277. P.141-151. pdf

Sibiriakova L.V. (1961) Middle Jurassic molluscan fauna of Bolshoi Balkhan and its stratigraphical significance // Problem of oil-an-gas bearing of the Middle Asia. Vol. 5. (Trans. VSEGEI. New ser. Vol. 47). 234 p. [in Russian] pdf

Sjögren Hj. (1899) Uebersicht der Geologie Daghestans und des Terek-Gebietes // Jahrbuch der k. k. geol. Reichsanstalt. 1889. Bd. 39. Heft1-2. S. 417-438. pdf

Stratigraphy and fauna of the Mesozoic of the eastern areas of the USSR // Transact. VSEGEI. New series. 1973. Vol. 219. 271 p. [in Russian] pdf


Okuneva T.M. Stratigraphy of the Jurassic marine deposits of Eastern Transbaikalia and its paleontological substantiation

Sibiriakova L.V. Stratigraphy of the Jurassic marine deposits of Upper Peri-Amur area and its paleontological substantiation

Yakushina A.A. Early Cretaceous mollusks of fresh-water basins of the Southern Primorie

Tesakova E.M. (2014) Ostracods of the Genus Palaeocytheridea Mandelstam in the Middle and Upper Jurassic of Europe: 3. Stratigraphy and Paleobiogeography // Paleontological Journal, Vol. 48, No.1, P.53–57. pdf

Ustinova M.A., Tesakova E.M. (2015) The distribution of Early Callovian foraminifers and ostracods in the Bartolomeevka section (Saratov region): Comparative analysis // Moscow University Geology Bulletin, Vol. 70, P.250-261. pdf

Weiter O.A. (1913) Eine Tithonfauna aus Nord-Peru // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie. I Band. S.28-42. pdf

Yavorsky B. (1947) On some Palaeozoic und Mesozoic Hydrozoa, Tabulata and Algae // Palaeontology of USSR Monographs. Vol. XX. Fasc.1 46 p. pdf


New Cretaceous publications (scanned by and/or received from V. Kuzmin, M. Rogov, E. Tesakova as well as from the cretaceous.ru web-site and forum Groupe de Recherche en Paleobiologie et Biostratigraphie des Ammonites) are added:

Abramova L.N. (1983) Late Cretaceous flora of the Khatanga river basin // Paleontological substantiation of subdivision of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic of Arctic regions of the USSR. Collection of scientific papers. Leningrad: Sevmorgeologiya. P.118-127. [in Russian] pdf

Akimets V.S. (1971) New data on stratigraphy and foraminifers from the Lower Cretaceous deposits of the eastern part of Belorussia // in: Paleontology and stratigraphy of Baltic and Belorussia, Vol.3. Vilnus: Mintis, P.117-184. [in Russian] pdf

Ali-Zade Ak.A., Aliev S.A. (1975) Isotopic paleotemperatures of Aptiamn basins pf the South-East Caucasus // Geochemistry. No.10. P.1585-1589. [in Russian] pdf

Arambourg C. (1952) Les Vertébrés fossiles des gisements de phosphates (Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie) // Service géologique Maroc. Notes et Mémoires. No.92. 398 p. pdf

Arkhangelsky А.D. (1912) Die fossile Fauna der Küsten des Aralsees. 1. Kreide-ablagerungen. Lieferung X1. // Mitteilungen der Turkestanischen Abteilung der Kaiserlichen Russischen Geographischen Gesellschaft. Bd. VIII. Lief. 2. 79 S. pdf

Basov V.A., Schulgina N.I., Ronkina Z.Z., Yudovny E.G. (1983) New data on Lower Hauterivian deposits of the Preobrazheniya Island // Paleontological substantiation of subdivision of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic of Arctic regions of the USSR. Collection of scientific papers. Leningrad: Sevmorgeologiya. P.128-148. [in Russian] pdf

Batten D.J. (1982) Palynofacies and salinity in the Purbeck and Wealden of southern England // Aspects of micropalaeontology. Springer Netherlands. P.278-308. pdf

Bobkova N.N. (1961) Late Cretaceous oysters of the Tadzhik depression // Problem of oil-an-gas bearing of the Middle Asia. Vol. 7. (Trans. VSEGEI. New ser. Vol. 50). 141 p. [in Russian] pdf

Bobkova N.N. (1961) Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous deposits and Late Cretaceous Lamellibranchiata of the Tadzhik depression // Problem of oil-an-gas bearing of the Middle Asia. Vol. 8. (Trans. VSEGEI. New ser. Vol. 54). 191 p. [in Russian] pdf

Bondarenko N.M. (1983) Spore and pollen contents and distribution in the Upper Cretaceous pf Novaya Sibir Island (New Siberian Islands) // Paleontological substantiation of subdivision of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic of Arctic regions of the USSR. Collection of scientific papers. Leningrad: Sevmorgeologiya. P.149-156. [in Russian] pdf

Bucur I.I., Dusa A. (1986) Agardhiellopsis cretacea Lemoine dans les calcaires du crétacé inférieur de Sirbi-Vladesti (Monts De Mures) // D. S. Inst. Geol. Geofiz. Vol. 70-71/3 (1983; 1984). p. 155-162. pdf

Butsura V.V. (1951) On subdivision of the Upper Senonian of the Russian Platform // Scient. Rep. Saratov State Univ., geol. issue, Vol. 23. P. 64-71. [in Russian] pdf

Delanoy G. (1997) Biostratigraphie des faunes d’Ammonites à la limite Barrémien-Aptien dans la région d’Angles-Barrême-Castellane. Etude particulière de la famille des Heteroceratidae Spath, 1922 (Ancyloceratina, Ammonoidea) // Ann. Mus. Hist. Natur. Nice. T.XII. 270 p. pdf

Delanoy G., Baudouin C., Gonnet R., Conte G., Frau C. (2012) Sur la présence des genres Heminautilus Spath, 1927 et Eucymatoceras Spath, 1927 (Nautilida, Nautilaceae) dans le Barrémien inférieur du Gard (sud-est de la France) // Ann. Mus. Hist. nat. Nice, T.XXVII. P. 155-195. pdf

Dobrov S.A. (1951) Inoceramus caucasicus sp. n. - Inoceramus tegulatus Hag. Group in the Northern Caucasus // In memoir of Academician A.D. Arkhangelsky. Questions of lithology and stratigraphy of the USSR. Mosvow: Ac. Sci. USSR. P. 163-172. [in Russian] pdf

Efremova V.I., Cherkesov O.V. (1979) First records of Late Cretaceous Inoceramus in the Novaya Zemlya // Upper Paleozoic and Mesozoic of islands and coasts of Arcitic Seas of the USSR. Collection of scientific papers. Leningrad: NIIGA. P.67-72. [in Russian] pdf

Fossil fresh-water mollusks and their significance for palaeolimnology. Leningrad: Nauka, 1976. 259 p. [in Russian] pdf


Kolesnikov Ch.M. Microstructure of exoskeleton of the Mesozoic limnic mollusks and questions of phylogeny

Martinson G.G., Shuvalov V.F. Stratigraphy and fossil mollusks from the Lower Cretaceous lake deposits of Trans-Altai Gobi in Mongolia

Tolstikova N.V. Molluscs from ancient lakes of Zaisan depression (south-east Kazakhstan, Cretaceous, Paleogene, Neogene)

Frebold H. (1935) Marines Aptien von der Koldewey Insel (nordliches Ostgronland). Meddelelser om Gronland 95 (4). 112 p. pdf

Fries G. (1999) Evolution de la partie nord-orientale du bassin subalpin de l'Aptien au Nummulitique (SE France) // Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France, v.170, P.531-544. pdf

Guillaume H.A., Bolli H.M., Beckmann J.P. (1972) Estratigrafía del Cretáceo Inferior en la serranía del Interior, Oriente de venezuela // IV Congreso Geológico Venezolano, 3. P.1619-1659. pdf

Hanzlikova E., Roth Z. (1963) Lithofacies, biofacies and sedimentary conditions in the Cretaceous beds of the Flysch Zone in the Czechoslovak Carpathians // Geologicky Sbornik XIV, 1. P.83-108. pdf

Ivanov M.I. (1992) New evidence on the Upper Barremian-Lower Aptian ammonite succession in the north of the town of Popovo (North-East Bulgaria) // Comptes rendus de l"Académie bulgare des Sciences. T.45. no.9. P. 69-72. pdf

Ivanov M., Nikolov T. (1995) New data on the ammonite occurrence in the Loveč Urgonian Group (Lower Cretaceous) of the Central Fore-Balkan (Bulgaria) // Comptes rendus de l"Académie bulgare des Sciences. T.48, no.5. P.59-61. pdf

Ivanov M.I., Stoykova K.H. (1994) Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in the area of Bjala, Eastern Bulgaria - biostratigraphical results // Geologica Balcanica, V.24, no.6. P. 3-22. pdf

Ivanov M., Stoykova K. (1995) The Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary and the "mass extinction" problem as could be seen in the sections around Bjala (East Bulgaria) // Comptes rendus de l"Académie bulgare des Sciences. T. 48, no.2. P.77-79. pdf

Karpuk M.S., Tesakova E.M. (2014) New Ostracodes of the Families Loxoconchidae and Trachyleberididae from the Barremian–Albian of Southwestern Crimea // Paleontological Journal, 2014, Vol. 48, No. 2, P. 177–181. pdf

Kauffman E.G. (1965) Middle and Late Turonian oysters of the Lopha lugubris group // Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. Vol. 148, No. 6. 92 p. pdf

Koenen A. von (1904) Ueber die Untere Kreide Helgolands und ihre Ammonitiden // Abhandlungen der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. N.F. Bd.III. Nr.2. 63 S. pdf

Lev O.M. (1983) Early Cretaceous ostracods of the Bojarka river // Paleontological substantiation of subdivision of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic of Arctic regions of the USSR. Collection of scientific papers. Leningrad: Sevmorgeologiya. P.103-117. [in Russian] pdf

Leongard N.I. (1971) Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary in the south-east of the Russian Platform // Proceedings of Higher Educational Establishments. Geology and Exploration. No.11. P. 3-7. [in Russian] pdf

Ljubimova P.S. (1965) Ostracods from the Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Peri-Caspian depression // Transact. VNIGRI. Vol.244. 200 p. [in Russian] pdf

Martinson G.G. (1982) The Upper Cretaceous mollusks of Mongolia (systematic, stratigraphy, taphonomy) // Trans. Joint Soviet-Mongol. Paleont. Expedition. Vol.17. 84 p. [in Russian] pdf

Mirkamalov H.H. (1963) Classification of exogyres // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol., Vol. XXXIII (5). P. 152. [in Russian] pdf

Mirkamalov H.H. (1965) Oysters from the Albian deposits of the south-west branches of Gissar range // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol., Vol. XL (6). P. 97-107. [in Russian] pdf

Mirkamalov H.H. (1971) New species of oysters from the Lower Cretaceous of the south-west branches of Gissar range // Paleont. Journ. No. 2. P. 36-40. [in Russian] pdf

Mirkamalov H.H. (1971) Oysters from the Okuzbulak Formation (?Barremian) of the south-west branches of Gissar range // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol., Vol. XLVI (1). С. 114-123. [in Russian] pdf

Mirkamalov H.H. (1974) On systematics and evolution of Exogyra // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol., Vol. ХLIХ (2). P. 104-106. [in Russian] pdf

Mirkamalov H.H. (1986) Stratigraphy and fauna of the Cretaceous deposits of the south-west branches of Gissar range. Tashkent: Fan. 104 p. [in Russian] pdf

Mironenko A.A., Rogov M.A. (2015) First direct evidence of ammonoid ovoviviparity // Lethaia, in press, DOI: 10.1111/let.12143 pdf

Mozgovoy V.V. (1969) Biometrical analysis of some Campanian and Maastrichtian belemnetellids // Questions of the geology of South Urals and the Volga area. Vol. 5, Pt. 1. P. 146-171. [in Russian] pdf

Nikolov T.G., Stoykova K.H., Ivanov M.I. (1983) Ammonite occurrence in the Barremian-Aptian boundary beds in North-Eastern Bulgaria // Comptes rendus de l"Académie bulgare des Sciences. T.36, №8. P.1081-1084. pdf

Pavlow A. (1901) La Cretacé inférieur de la Russie et sa faune // Nouv. Mém. Soc. Natur. Moscou. T.16 (21). No.3. Р.1-87. pdf

Pop G. (1986) Rèflexions sur certaines calpionelles nèocomiennes // D. S. Inst. Geol. Geofiz. Vol. 70-71/3 (1983; 1984). P. 103-108. pdf

Prozorovsky V.A., Korotkov V.A., Mamontova E.V., Poretskaya E.S., Prozorovskaya E.L. (1961) Neocomian of Western Turkmenia // Problem of oil-an-gas bearing of the Middle Asia. Vol. 6. (Trans. VSEGEI. New ser. Vol. 51). 232 p. [in Russian] pdf

Saveliev A.A. (l992) Lower Albian ammonites of Mangyshlak, their phylogeny and their significance for the zonal stratigraphy of the Albian of southern SSSR (superzone of Cleoniceras mangyshlakense ). St. Petersbourg: Nedra. 223 pp. [in Russian] pdf

Savko A.D., Dmitriev D.A., Ivanova E.O., Chigarev A.G. (2009) Lithology and mineral resources of the Santonian of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (KMA) central area // Proceedings of the Voronezh State University Science-and-Research Geology Institute. Issue 54. 108 p. [in Russian] pdf

Schulgina N.I., Burdykina M.D. (1983) Detalization of reference sections of the Valanginian of Bojarka river – Paksa Peninsula // Paleontological substantiation of subdivision of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic of Arctic regions of the USSR. Collection of scientific papers. Leningrad: Sevmorgeologiya. P.77-91. [in Russian] pdf

Sikharulidze G.Ya. (1979) Albian corals of the Tsnakhari village (Western Georgia) // Transactions opf the A.I. Janelidze Geological Institute. New series. Vol. 63. 75. p. [in Russian] pdf

Stahlecker R. (1935) Neocom auf der Kapverden-Insel Maio // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie Abhandlungen 73B, 265-301. pdf

Szász L. (1986) Lower Turonian ammonite assemblage in the Maramureş Mountains (East Carpathians - Romania) // Dari de seama, Institutul Geologic, Geofiz. Vol. 70-71/3 (1983; 1984), P.117-134. pdf

Szász L. (1986) The presence of the genus Didymotis Gerhardt 1897 (Bivalvia) in the Upper Cretaceous of Romania and its biochronological significance // D. S. Inst. Geol. Geofiz. Vol. 70-71/3 (1983; 1984). P. 109-115. pdf

Toula F. (1900) Neue geologische Mittheilungen aus der Gegend von Rustschuk in Bulgarien // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie. I Band. S.29-47. pdf

Wanderer K. (1909) Die Wichtigsten Tierversteinerungen aus der Kreide des Königreiches Sachsen. Jena: Gustav Fischer. 80 S. pdf

Wegner R.N. (1909) Uebersicht der bisher bekannten Astieria-Formen der Ammonitengattung Holcostephanus nebst Beschreibung zweier neuer Arten // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie. I Band. S.77-92. pdf

Wilckens O. (1947) Paläontologische und geologische Ergebnisse der Reise von Kohl-Larsen (1928-29) nach Süd-Georgien // Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft. Abh.474. S.1-75. pdf

Wong W.O., Dilcher D.L., Labandeira C.C., Sun G., Fleischmann A. (2015) Early Cretaceous Archaeamphora is not a carnivorous angiosperm // Frontiers in Plant Science, Volume 6, Article 326. P. 1-4. pdf

Yanin B.T. (2004) Early Cretaceous Trigoniids of the Crimea // Paleontological Journal. Vol. 38. Suppl. 6. P. S563-S652. pdf


New Triassic publications are added (scanned by and/or received from A. Pronin and M. Rogov):

Gavrilova V.A. (2007) Upper Olenekian of the Mountain Mangyshlak (stratigraphy, correlation, ammonoids) // Bulletin of the Saint-Petersburg State University; Series 7: Geology, Geography. Issue 3. P.20-36. [in Russian] pdf

Geology of the oil-and-gas bearing regions of the south of the USSR // Trans. Moscow Inst. Oil-chem. and gas industry. 1973. 248 p. [in Russian] pdf

Including papers on Triassic and Cretaceous:

Schleifer A.G. Ostracods from the Triassic deposits of the Peri-Caspian depression

Dmitrienko O.B. Nannoplancton in the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Peri-Caspian depression

Kiparisova L. (1938) Upper Triassic Pelecypoda of Siberia (Arctic and Subarctic regions, Ussuri Land and Transbaikalia) // Palaeontology of USSR Monographs. Vol.47. Pelecypoda of the Triassic System of USSR. Fasc. 1. 56 p. pdf

Nuralin N.N., Ivanshin B.F., Dzhaminov K. (1979) On stratigraphy of Mangyshlak Karatau // Proc. Ac. Sci. Kazakhstan SSR. Ser. geol., №3. P.63-68. [in Russian] pdf

Vasilevskaya N.D. (1983) Triassic flora of Novaya Zemlya // Paleontological substantiation of subdivision of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic of Arctic regions of the USSR. Collection of scientific papers. Leningrad: Sevmorgeologiya. P.39-49. [in Russian] pdf

Vasilevskaya N.D., Korchinskaya M.V. (1979) Paleogeographic significane of ammonoid and algae records in the Triassic deposits of the Kotelny Island (New Siberian Islands) // Upper Paleozoic and Mesozoic of islands anc coasts of Arctic seas of the USSR. Collection of scientific papers. Leningrad: NIIGA. P.113-119. [in Russian] pdf





New hyperlinks to open-access periodicals are added (partially received from C. Svitak):

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Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences

Atti della Reale accademia delle scienze fisiche e matematiche

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Bergens Museums skrifter (BHL)

Bericht des Naturhistorischen Vereins in Augsburg (BHL)

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Bulletin of the ICZN

Bulletin of the Saitama Museum of Natural History New series

Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Fisheries

Bulletin of the Wisconsin Natural History Society

Bullettino Malacologico Italiano (1868-1874)

Bullettino della Società Malacologica Italiana


Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles

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Some new links to e-libraries, societes and other interesting web-sites:

IRIS – Digital Library of the University of Lille: http://iris.univ-lille1.fr/

Simurg – Spanish digital library http://simurg.bibliotecas.csic.es/viewer/search/

Paperity - Multidisciplinary aggregator of Open Access journals & papers

Società Italiana di Malacologia

ElasmodusLab http://elasmodus.com/ - web-site devoted to research of fossil chondrychtians

The International fossil plant names index: http://fossilplants.info/

The Etches Collection: http://www.theetchescollection.org


New Jurassic publications (scanned by and/or received from A. Igolnikov, A. Kuzmin, H. Parent, A. Pavlova, M. Rogov and from the cretaceous.ru, geokniga.org web-sites and forum Groupe de Recherche en Paleobiologie et Biostratigraphie des Ammonites):

Abich W. (1862) Sur la structure et géologie du Daghestan // Mémoires de l’Académie Impériale des Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg, VII sér. T. IV, no.10. 32 p. pdf

Agrawal S.K. (1956) Contribution a l’etude stratigraphique et paléontologique du Jurassique du Kutch (Inde) // Annales du Centre d’Études et de documentation paléontologiques. Num.19. P. 1-188. pdf

Arkell W.J. (1951) Monograph of the English Bathonian Ammoniten. Pt. I // Monogr. Palaeontogr. Soc. Vol. 104. no.2. P.1-46. pdf

Arkell W.J. (1955) Monograph of the English Bathonian Ammoniten. Pt. V // Monogr. Palaeontogr. Soc. Vol. 108. no. 2. P.129-140. pdf

Arkell W.J. (1958) Monograph of the English Bathonian ammonites. Part VIII // Monogr. Palaeontogr. Soc. Vol.112. no.4. P.211-232. pdf

Bandel K. (1981) The Structure and Formation of the Siphuncular Tube of Quenstedtoceras compared with that of Nautilus (Cephalopoda) // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont, Abh., Bd.161. P.153-171. pdf

Bandel K. Hoefs J. (1975) Die Isotopenzusammensetzung von Molluskenschalen am Beispiel der Gastropoden // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh., Hft. 1, S.1-11. pdf

Bandel K., Leich H. (1986) Jurassic Vampyromorpha (dibranchiate cephalopods) // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh. Hft.3. P.129-148. pdf

Bandel K., Zeiss A. (1987) Über die ersten Ammoniten-Funde aus dem Jura Jordaniens // N. Jb. Geol. Palaont., Mh. Hft. 9. S. 513-526. pdf

Barthel K.W. (1957) Zwei seltene Ammoniten aus dem oberen Weißen Jura Beta // N. Jb. Geol., Pal., Abhandl. Bd. 105, Hft.2. S.220-230. pdf

Barthel K.W. (1959) Die Cephalopoden des Korallenkalks aus dem oberen Malm von Laisacher bei Neuburg a.d. Donau. I. Gravesia, Sutneria, Hybonoticeras // N. Jb. Geol., Pal., Abhandl. Bd. 108, Hft.1. S.47-74. pdf

Barthel K.W. (1967) Anchispirocyclina lusitanica (Egger) im Fränkischen Jura // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont., Mh. Hft.4. S.193-194. pdf

Barthel K.W. (1971) Stratigraphic problems: Reference sections, the Tithonian, and the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont., Mh. Hft.9. P.315-316. pdf

Barthel K.W., Geyssant J.R. (1973) Additional Tethydian ammonites from the lower Neuburg formation (Middle Tithonian, Bavaria) // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont., Mh. Hft.1. P.18-36. pdf

Barthel K.W., Janicke V. (1970) Aptychen als Verdauungsrückstand. Ein Fund aus den Solnhofener Plattenkalken, unteres Untertithon, Bayern // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont., Mh. S.65-68. pdf

Bayer J. (1970) Anomalien bei Ammoniten des Aaleniums und Bajociums und ihre Beziehung zur Lebensweise // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. Bd.135. S.19-41. pdf

Bayer J. (1972) Zur Ontogenie und Variabilität des jurassischen Ammoniten Leioceras opalinum // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. Bd.140. Hft.3. S.306-327. pdf

Bayer J. (1975) Organische Tapeten im Ammoniten-Phragmokon und ihr Einfluß auf die Fossilisation // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh., Hft.1, S.12-25. pdf

Bayer J. (1977) Cephalopoden-Septen Teil 2: Regelmechanismen im Gehäuse- und Septenbau der Ammoniten // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. Bd.155. Hft.2. S.162-215. pdf

Bayer J. (1982) Ammonite maneuverability - a new look at the function of shell geometry // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. Bd.164. Hft.1/2. P.154-156. pdf

Behmel H., Geyer O.F. (1966) Beiträge zur Stratigraphie und Paläontologie des Juras von Ostspanien. III. Stratigraphie und Fossilführung im Unterjura von Albarracin (Provinz Teruel) // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. Bd.124. Hft.1. S.1-52. pdf

Beznosov N.V. (1957) New data on morphology and systematics of Phyllocerataceae // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol.XXXII. Issue 2. P.166. pdf

Beurlen J.R. (1958) Die Exogyren. Ein Beitrag zur phyletischen Morphogenese der Austern // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont., Mh. Hft.5. P.197-217. pdf

Birkelund T., Thusu B., Vigran J. (1978) Jurassic-Cretaceous biostratigraphy of Norway, with comments on the British Rasenia cymodoce Zone // Palaeontology, Vol.21. no.1. P.31-63. pdf

Biró-Bagóczky L. (1980) Algunos ammonites nuevos en la Formación Lo Valdés, Titoniano-Neocomiano, Provincia de Santiago (33° 50`lat. Sur.), Chile. Actas II Congreso Argentino Paleontología Bioestratigrafía I Congreso Lationoamericano Paleontología, Buenos Aires 1978, 1, P. 223-242. pdf

Blind W. (1966) Über die verwandtschaftlichen Beziehungen von Schlotheimia zu Storthoceras // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. Bd. 125. S.125-135. pdf

Bogolubow N.N. (1909) Sur quelques restes de deux reptiles (Cryptodidus simbirskensis n. sp. et Ichthyosaurus steleodon n. sp.), trouvés par Mr. le Profes. A. P. Pavlow sur les bords de la Volga dans les couches mésozoïques de Simbirsk // Annuaire géologique et minéralogique de la Russie. Vol.XI. livr.1-3. P.42-64. pdf

Bragin N.Yu., Kiselev D.N. (2013) Radiolarians from Upper Jurassic (Middle Oxfordian and Upper Kimmeridgian) Deposits of Yaroslavl Oblast // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 2013, Vol. 21, No. 6, P. 628–636. pdf

Bremer H. (1965) Zur Ammonitenfauna und Stratigraphie des unteren Lias (Sinemurium bis Carixium) in der Umgebung von Ankara (Türkei) // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. Bd.122. Hft.2. S.127-221. pdf

Bremer H. (1966) Ammoniten aus dem unteren Bajocium und unteren Bathonium in der Umgebung von Ankara (Türkei) // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. Bd. 125. S.155-169. pdf

Brik M.I. (1952) The fossil flora and stratigraphy of the Lower Mesozoic deposits of the Ilek middle flows basin in Western Kazakhstan. Moscow: Gostechizdat (Trasactions of VSEGEI) 116 p. [in Russian] pdf

Burckhardt C. (1906) La faune jurassique de Mazapil avec un appendice sur les fossiles du Crétacique supérieur // Bol. Inst. Geol. Mexico. No.23. 216 p. pdf

Cariou E., Hantzpergue P. (1988) Modalités et taux d'évolution des Ammonoidea en relation avec les environnements: exemples dans le Jurassique de la marge européenne de la Téthys // C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, T.307, P.1037–1043. pdf

Cariou E., Hantzpegue P. (coord.) (1997) Biostratigraphie du Jurassique Ouest-Europeen et Mediterrannen // Bull. Centre Rech. Elf. Explor. Prod. 1997. Mém. 17. 440 p. pdf

Cope J.C.W. (2013) Stage nomenclature in the uppermost Jurassic rocks of Britain // Geoscience in South-West England, Vol.13. P.216-221. pdf

Corvalán J. (1959) El Titoniano de Río Leñas Prov. de O’Higgins. Con una revisión del Titoniano y Neocomiano de la parte chilena del Geosinclinal Andino // Instituto de Investigaciones Geológicas, Chile, Boletín no.3. 65 p. pdf

Dacqué E. (1905) Beiträge zur Geologie des Somalilandes, II Teil, Oberer Jura // Beiträge zur Paläontologie und Geologie Österraich-Ungarns Orients. Bd. XVII. Hft. III-IV. S. 119-160. pdf

Dacqué E. (1910) Dogger und Malm aus Ostafrica // Beiträge zur Paläontologie und Geologie Österraich-Ungarns, Bd. XXIII, Heft I-II. S.1-63. pdf

Depeche F. (1969) Les Ostracodes du Callovien inférieur et moyen du sondage Chonville 1 (Meurthe et Moselle, France) // Bulletin du Centre de Recherches Pau. T.3, P.259–285. pdf

Dera G., Prunier J., Smith P.L., Haggart J.W., Popov E., Guzhov A., Rogov M., Delsate D., Thies D.,. Cuny G., Pucéat E., Charbonnier G., Bayon G. (2015) Nd isotope constraints on ocean circulation, paleoclimate, and continental drainage during the Jurassic breakup of Pangea // Gondwana Research, Vol.27. P.1599-1615. DOI  10.1016/j.gr.2014.02.006 pdf

Dommergues J.L., Faure P., Peybernes B. (1986) Le Lotharingien inférieur du Djebel Oust (Tunisie); description d'ammonites nouvelles (Asteroceratinae, Arieticeratinae) // Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 2, Mécanique, Physique, Chimie, Sciences de l'univers, Sciences de la Terre, T.302, P.1111-1116. pdf

Dommergues J.L., Meister C., Faure P. (1985) Trois espèces nouvelles d’Harpoceratinæ du Carixien supérieur et du Domérien basal du Nord- Ouest de l’Europe // Les Cahiers de l'Institut Catholique de Lyon. No.14. P.153-173. pdf

Donovan D.T., Hölder H. (1958) On the existence of heteromorph ammonoids in the Lias // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont., Mh. Hft.5. P.217-220. pdf

Dzik J. (1986). Uncalcified cephalopod jaws from the Middle Jurassic of Poland // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont., Mh. P.405-417. pdf

Engeser T., Reitner J. (1981) Beiträge zur Systematik von phragmokontragended Coleoiden aus dem Untertithonium (Malm zeta, ‘Solnhofener Plattenkalk’) von Solnhofer und Eichstätt (Bayern) // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh. S.527-545. pdf

Fischer W. (1963) Neue Arten der Ostracoden-Gattung Procytheridea Peterson 1954 aus dem Oberen Lias Schwabens // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh. S.295-300. pdf

Fürsich F., Sykes R.M. (1977) Palaeobiogeography of the European Boreal Realm during Oxfordian (Upper Jurassic) times: a quantitative approach // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. Bd.155. Hft.2. P.137-161. pdf

Géczy B. (1966) Upper Liassic dactylioceratids of Urkut // Acta Geologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. T.X. P.427-443. pdf

Gerth H. (1965) Ammoniten des mittleren und oberen Jura und der ältesten Kreide vom Nordabuhang des Schneegebirges in Neu Guinea // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont., Abhandl. Bd.121. Hft.3. S.209-218. pdf

Geyer O.F. (1960) Über Oxydiscites Dacqué. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Ochetoceratinae (Cephal. Jurass.) // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont., Mh. Hft.9. S.417-425. pdf

Geyer O.F. (1963) Beitrage zur Stratigraphie und Paläontologie des Jura von Ostspanien. I. Eine Ammoniten-Fauna aus dem Unterkimmeridgium der Sierra de Monteneglelo (WSW Tortosa, Prov. Tarragona) // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont., Abh. Bd.118. S.182-196. pdf

Geyer O. (1983) Obertithonische Ammoniten-Faunen von Peru // Zbl. Geol. Paläont. Teil I. Hft. 3/4. S.335-350. pdf

Gurvich A.A. (1951) Stratigraphy and fauna of the Upper Jurassic deposits of the vicinities of Orlovka village // Scientific reports of the Saratov Stata Univ. Vol. XXVIII. P.226-255. pdf

Heer O. (1876) Beiträge zur Jura-Flora Ostsibiriens und des Amurlandes // Mémoires de l’Académie Impériale des Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg, VII sér. T. XXII, no.12. 122 S. pdf

Heer O. (1880) Nachträge zur Jura-Flora Sibiriens : gegründet auf die von Richard Maak in Ust-Balei gesammelten Pflanzen // Mémoires de l’Académie Impériale des Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg, VII sér. T. XXVII, no.10. 34 S. pdf

Hewitt R.A., Westermann G.E.G. (1987) Function of complexly fluted septa in ammonoid shells. II. Septal evolution and conclusions // N. Jb. Geol. Palaont. Abh. Bd. 174. P.135-169. pdf

Hoedemaeker P.J. (1991) Tethyan-boreal correlations and the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary // Newslett. Stratigr. Vol. 25. no.1. P. 37-60. pdf

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Contribution à l’étude paléontologique de L’Oxfordien supérieurs de Trept (Isère).

I. Enay R. Stratigraphie et ammonites.

II. Bastien M.-Th., Sigal J. Foraminiferes.

III. Donze R. Les ostracodes

Donze P., Enay R. De la limite Dogger-Malm dans l’ile Cremieu.

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Zell H., Zell I., Winter S. (1979) Das Gehäusewachstum der Ammonitengattung Amaltheus de Montfort während der frühontogenetischen Entwicklung. // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh., Hft.10. S. 631-640. pdf

Ziegler B. (1956) Creniceras dentatum [Ammonitacea] im Mittel-Malm Südwestdeutschlands // Neues Jb. Geol. Paläontol., Mh. S.553-575. pdf

Zverkov N.G., Arkhangelsky M.S., Pardo Pérez J.M., Beznosov P.A. (2015) On upper Jurassic ichtyosaur remains from the Russian North// Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS. Vol. 319, No. 1. P. 81–97. pdf 


New Cretaceous publications (scanned by and/or received from V. Beniamovsky, M. Delamette, A. Kuzmin, M. Rogov, L. Young as well as from the cretaceous.ru web-site and forum Groupe de Recherche en Paleobiologie et Biostratigraphie des Ammonites) are added:

Abdel-Gawad G.I., El-Sheikh H.A., Abdelhamid M.A., El-Beshtawy M.K., Abed M.M., Fürsich F.T., El Qot G.M. (2004). Stratigraphic studies on some Upper Cretaceous successions in Sinai, Egypt // Egyptian Journal of Paleontology, Vol.4. P.263-303. pdf

Andert H. (1934) Die Kreideablagerungen zwischen Elbe und Jeschken. Teil III: Die Fauna der obersten Kreide in Sachsen, Böhmen und Schlesien // Abhandlungen der Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt. Neue Folge. Heft 159. 477 S. pdf

Arkadiev V.V., Baraboshkin E.Yu., Bagaeva M.I., Bogdanova T.N., Guzhikov A.Yu., Manikin A.G., Piskunov V.K., Platonov E.S., Savel’eva Yu.N., Feodorova A.A., Shurekova O.V. (2015) New Data on Berriasian Biostratigraphy, Magnetostratigraphy, and Sedimentology in the Belogorsk Area (Central Crimea) // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol. 23, No. 2, P. 155–191. pdf

Averianov A.O. (2000) A new record of Hispidaspis prisca Sokolov, 1978 (Chondrichthyes: Lamniformes: Odontaspididae) // Zoosystematica Rossica, Vol.8. P.349-350. pdf

Baraboshkin E.Y. (2004) Boreal-Tethyan correlation of Lower Cretaceous ammonite scales // Moscow University Geology Bulletin. Vol.59. no.6. P.9-20. pdf

Baryshnikova V.I. (1951) On the stratigraphical subdivision Upper Cretaceous deposits of Khvalynsk-Volsk region by foraminiferal fauna // Scientific reports of the Saratov State Univ. Geological issue. Vol.XXVIII. P.181-193. [in Russian] pdf

Baryshnikova V.I. (1959) On the subdivision of the Turonian-Coniackian deposits of the Middle Don basin // Scientific reports of the Saratov State Univ. Geological issue. Vol.65. P.65-77. [in Russian] pdf

Basov V.A., Preobrazhenskaya E.N., Bystrova V.V. (2013) Stratigraphy and foraminifers of the Neocomian in the section of the mapping core no. 11 in the Bunge Land (New Siberian Islands) // Scientific materials on the Phanerozoic biostratigraphy, fauna and flora from Russia, Atlantic and Antarctic. Trans. NIIGA-VNIIOkeangeologiya. Vol.226. P.120-129. pdf

Вeniamovski V.N., Kopaevich L.F., Akimets V.S., Baryshnikova V.I., Bondareva M.V., Gladkova V.I. (1988) On stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous of the Ulianovsk Volga area by foraminifers // Proc. Ac. Sci. USSR, ser. geol. No.5. P.65-74. [in Russian] pdf

Bragina L.G. (2004) Cenomanian-Turonian Radiolarians of Northern Turkey and the Crimean Mountains // Paleontological Journal. Vol. 38, Supplement 4. P.S325-S456. pdf

Casey R., Rawson P.F. (Eds.) (1973) The Boreal Lower Cretaceous // Geological Journal Special Issue, No.5. 448 p. pdf


Jones D.L. Structural elements and biostratigraphical framework of Lower Cretaceous rocks i n southern Alaska

Potter Chamney Т. Micropalaeontological correlation of the Canadian boreal Lower Cretaceous

Jeletzky J.А. Biochronology of the marine boreal latest Jurassic, Berriasian and Valanginian in Canada

Surlyk F. The Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in Jameson Land, East Greenland

Anderson F.W. Тhе Jurassic-Cretaceous transition: the non-marine ostracod faunas

Middlemiss F.А. The geographical distribution of Lower Cretaceous Terebratulacea in Western Еuroре

Owen Е.F. The distribution of Lower Cretaceous (Berriasian-Barremian) rhynchonelloid and terebratelloid brachiopods in the northern hemisphere

Rawson Р.F. Lower Cretaceous (Ryazanian-Barremian) marine connections and cephalopod migrations between the Tethyan and Boreal Realms

Owen Н.G. Ammonite faunal provinces in the Middle and Upper Albian and their palaeogeographical significance

Donze P. Ostracod migrations from the Mesogean to Boreal Provinces in the Ешореап Lower Cretaceous

Fletcher В.N. The distribution of Lower Cretaceous (Berriasian-Barremian) foraminifera in the Speeton Clay of Yorkshire, England

Neale J.W. Ostracoda as means of correlation in the Boreal Lower Cretaceous, with special reference to the British marine Ostracoda

Hughes N.F. Palynological time-correlation of English Wealden with boreal marine successions

Casey R. The ammonite succession at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in eastern England

Hart M.B. А correlation of the macrofaunal and microfaunal zonations of the Gault Clay in southeast England

Thieuloy J.-P. The occurrence and distibution of boreal ammonites from the Neocomian of southeast France (Tethyan Province)

Juignet Р., Rioult М., Destombes Р. Воreal influences in the Upper Aptian-Lower Albian beds of Normandy, northwest France

Kemper E. The Valanginian and Hauterivian stages in northwest Germany

Kemper E. The Aptian and Albian stages in northwest Germany

Spaeth Chr. Neohibolites ernsti and its occurrence in the Upper Albian of northwest Germany and England

Marek S., Raczynska A. The stratigraphy and palaeogeography of the Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Polish Lowland area

Saks V.N., Shulgina N.I. Correlation of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary beds in the Boreal Realm  

Saks V.N., Nalnyaeva T.I. Belemnite assembIages from the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary beds in the Boreal Realm

Basov V.А., Bulynnikova S.P., Kuznetsova K.I. Foraminifera from the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary beds in the U.S.S.R. (Boreal Realm)

Scheibnerova V. А comparison of the austral and boreal Lower Cretaceous foraminiferal and ostracodal assembIages

Casey R., Rawson P.F. А review of the Boreal Lower Cretaceous

Collignon M. (1950) Recherches sur les faunes albiennes de Madagascar. (II. Les Echinides d’Ambarimaninga.; III. L'Albien de Komihevitra. IV. L'Albien de Mokaraha // Ann. Geol. Serv. Mines Madagascar. Fasc.XVII. 85 p. pdf

Collignon M. (1964) Atlas des Fossiles Caractéristiques de Madagascar (Ammonites). Fascicule XI (Cenomanien). Tananarive: Service Géologique, Madagascar. 152 p. pdf

Cooper M.R. (1981) Revision of the Late Valanginian Cephalopoda from the Sundays River Formation of South Africa, with special reference to the genus Olcostephanus // Annals of the South African Museum. Vol. 83. P.147-366. pdf

Cretaceous of the Western Tethys. Proceedings of the 3rd International Cretaceous Symposium Tübingen 1987 (Edited by Jost Wiedmann). Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1989. 1005 pp. pdf


A. Western Mediterranean

Malod J. A.: Iberian Kinematics during the Cretaceous - Paleogeographic consequences

Rat P. The Iberian Cretaceous: Climatic Implications

Kuhnt W., Obert D. Two Transversals through the Cretaceous North African Continental Margin: The Tellian Units of the Western Rif (Morocco) and of the Babors (Algeria)

Kuhnt W.,Kaminski M. Upper Cretaceous Deep-Water Agglutinated Benthic Foraminiferal Assemblages from the Western Mediterranean and Adjacent Areas

Martins U.P. Sedimentary Evolution of the Shallow-Marine Late Cretaceous in the Southern Basco-Cantabrian Basin (Northern Spain)

Lamolda M.A., Lopez G., Martinez R. Turonian integrated Biostratigraphy in the Estella Basin (Navarra, Spain)

Kochler T., Ernst G. Integrated Biostratigraphy of the Turonian-Coniacian Transition Interval in Northern Spain with Comparison to NW Germany

Kuechler R., Kutz A. Biostratigraphie des Campan bis Unter-Maastricht der E-Barranca und des Urdiroz/Imiscoz-Gebietes (Navarra, N-Spanien)

Pascual O., Pons J., Vicens E. Rudist Horizons in the Montsec (South Central Pyrenees)

Caus E., Gomez-Garrido A. Correlation of Larger Benthic and Planktonic Foraminifera of the Late Cretaceous in the South-Central Pyrenees

Gierlowski-Kordesch E., Janofske D. Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of the Weald around Uña (Serranía de Cuenca, Cuenca Province, Spain)

Carenas B., Garcia A., Calonge A., Perez P., Segura M. Middle Cretaceous (Upper Albian - Turonian) in the Central Sector of the Iberian Ranges (Spain)

Dhondt A.V., Dieni I. The Sardinian Early Cretaceous Bivalves and their Paleobiogeographic Affinities

Salaj J., Wiedmann J. The Campanian-Maastrichtian Boundary in the El Kef Section, Tunisia

B. Alps, Carpathians, Dinarids, Caucasus

Nikolov T.G. Mobile Belts and Early Cretaceous Orogenic History of the Mediterranean Region - A Review

Adatte T., Rumley G. Sedimentology and Mineralogy of the Valanginian and Hauterivian in the Stratotypic Region (Jura Mountains, Switzerland)

Salomon D. Paleoecology and Environmental Analysis of the Lower Cretaceous Shallow-Marine Drusberg and Schrattenkalk Facies of the Gottesacker Area (Allgäu/Vorarlberg)

Csaszar G., Oberhaeuser R., Lobitzer H. The Schrattenkalk of Vorarlberg: An Example of Urgonian Sedimentation

Bodrogi I. Foraminiferen, Kalkalgen und die Biostratigraphie des Schrattenkalks von Vorarlberg (Österreich)

Czabalay L. Korrelation der Pachyodonten-Faunenzonen des Urgons der westlichen Tethys

Hilbrecht H., Liedholz J. Redeposited Blocks of Seewen Limestone and Facies Differentiation in the Helvetic Amden Formation (Santonian-Campanian), German Alps

Weidich K.F. Planktonic and Benthonic Foraminiferal Zonations of the Lower Cretaceous of the Northern Calcareous Alps

Horvath A. Zur Lebensweise der Ammoniten der Penzeskut- Formation (Alb-Cenoman), Ungarn

Peza L.H. An Outline of the Cretaceous of Albania

Michalik J., Vasicek Z. Lower Cretaceous Stratigraphy and Paleogeography of the Czechoslovakian Western Carpathians

Pop G. Age and Facies of the Calpionellid Formations from the South Carpathians

Kotetishvili E.V. Biofacies Characteristics of Lower Cretaceous Deposits of Georgia

Kakabadze M.V. The Barremian Biostratigraphical Subdivisions of Georgia (USSR) and Comparison with some Western Mediterranean Regions

C. Events

Coccioni R., Franchi R., Nesci O., Wezel F.-C., Battistini F., Pallecchi P. Stratigraphy and Mineralogy of the Selli Level (Early Aptian) at the Base of the Marne a Fucoidi in the Umbro-Marchean Apennines (Italy)

Foellmi K.B. Mid-Cretaceous Platform Drowning, Current-Induced Condensation and Phosphogenesis, and Pelagic Sedimentation along the Eastern Helvetic Shelf (Northern Tethys Margin)

Dupasquier Ch., Ligouis B., Caron M. The Organic Matter of "Mid-Cretaceous" Deposits of the Median Prealps

Breheret J.-G., Delamette M. Correlations between Mid- Cretaceous Vocontian Black Shales and Helvetic Phosphorites in the Western External Alps

Cech S. Upper Cretaceous Didymotis Events from Bohemia

Lahodynsky R. The K/T Boundary and "Yellow Clay" Layers in the Gosau Group, Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria

Mutterlose J. Faunal and Floral Distribution in Late Hauterivian Rhythmic Bedded Sequences and their Implications

D. Biostratigraphy, Correlation, Paleogeography

Kutek J., Marcinowski R., Wiedmann J. The Wawaf Section, Central Poland - An important Link between Boreal and Tethyan Valanginian

Marek S. Sedimentäre und paläotektonische Entwicklung der epikontinentalen Unterkreide Polens

Zakharov V.A., Bogomolov J.L. Correlating Boreal and Subtethyan Valanginian with Buchias and Ammonites

Shulgina N. Subdivisions of the Marine "Neocomian" in Siberia and Correlation with the Type Section - A Review

Yi-Yong Z. Late Cretaceous Palynoflora from the Western Tarim Basin of South Xinjiang, NW China

Leanza H.A., Wiedmann J. Nuevos ammonites del Berriasiano/Valanginiano (Cretacico inferior) de Neuquen, Argentina

Musacchio E. Biostratigraphy of the Non-Marine Cretaceous of Argentina Based on Calcareous Microfossils

Reitner J. Lower and Mid-Cretaceous Coralline Sponge Communities of the Boreal and Tethyan Realms in Comparison with the Modern Ones - Palaeoecological and Palaeogeographic Implications

Kuss J., Malchus N. Facies and Composite Biostratigraphy of Late Cretaceous Strata from Northeast Egypt

Troeger K.-A. Problems of Upper Cretaceous Inoceramid Biostratigraphy and Paleobiogeography in Europe and Western Asia

Wiedmann J., Kaplan U., Lehmann J., Marcinowski R. Biostratigraphy of the Cenomanian of NW Germany

E. Volcanism, Magneto-Stratigraphy

Zimmerle W. Vestiges of Volcanic Activity in Cretaceous Sediments of Europe

Hemling J. Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene Magnetic Stratigraphy from the "Atlas Gulf" (Western High Atlas Mountains, SW Morocco)

Dacqué E. (1904) Beiträge zur Geologie des Somalilandes, I Teil, Untere Kreide // Beiträge zur Paläontologie und Geologie Österraich-Ungarns Orients. Bd. XVII. Hft. I-II. S. 7-20. pdf

Delamette M. (1983) Ammonite nouvelle de l'Albien de la Perte-du-Rhône (Ain, France): Neophlycticeras (Neophlycticeras) rhodanense n. sp. (Lyelliceratidae) // Revue de Paléobiologie. Vol.2. no.1. P.43-45. pdf

Doyle J.C. (1989) The stratigraphy of a late Lower Hauterivian horizon in the Speeton Clay formation (Lower Cretaceous) of East Yorkshire // Proc. Geol. Assoc. V.100. no.2. Р.175-182. pdf

Fallot P. (1920) La faune des marnes aptiennes et albiennes de la région d'Andraitx (Majorque) // Trabajos del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. Serie Geológica. Núm.26. 68 p. pdf

Fallot P. (1920) Remarques sur le genre Silesites // Mém. pour servir à l'expl. de la Carte géol. de la France. P.207-227. pdf

Fallot P., Termier H. (1923) Ammonites nouvelles des Iles Baléares // Trabajos del Museo de Ciencias Naturales. Serie Geológica. Núm. 32. 77 p. pdf

Filippova G.G. (2000) Grebenka Floral Assemblage in the Anadyr River Basin (Chukotka) // Geol. of Pac. Ocean, Vol.15, P.547-566. pdf

Franke A. (1928) Die foraminiferen der oberen Kreide Nord- und Mittel-Deutschlands // Abhandlungen der Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt. Neue Folge, Hft. 111. 208 S. pdf

Freneix S. (1959) Mollusques fossiles du Crétacé de la côte occidentale d'Afrique du Cameroun à l'Angola. III. Conclusions stratigraphiques et paléontologiques // Annales du Musée royal du Congo belgeTervuren (Belgique). Sér. 8. Sciences géologiques. Vol.24. 126 pp. pdf

Golovinova M.A., Chernov V.G. (1974) Gastropods from the Urgonian assemblage of the Barremian and Aptian of Soviet Carpathians // Bull. Moscow State Univ, geol. no.5. P.43-48. [in Russian] pdf

Gorbachik T.N., Chernov V.G. (1974) Small foraminifera from the Urgonian facies (Barremian- Aptian of Soviet Carpathians) // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol. XLIX. No.2. P.35-44. [in Russian] pdf

Gorn N.K. (1968) On the systematics of the Early Cretaceous Belemnopsinae // Paleontological Journal. No.3. P. 99-101. [in Russian] pdf

Gräf O., Turculeţ I. (1988) Zwei neue Lamellaptychus-Arten aus dem oberen Barrême der rumänischen Ostkarpaten // Z. geol. Wiss. Bd.16. Hft.6. S.531-542. pdf

Gutsaki V.A., Morozov N.S., Shumeyko S.I. (1975) Expirience of the integrate study of the Maastrichtian section in the upper flows of the Sukhaya Kazanla river (Saratov Volga area) // Questions of palaeontology and stratigraphy. Issue 1. Saratov: Saratov State Univ. P. 80-96. [in Russian] pdf

He G., Xia J. (1984) Early Early Cretaceous Ammonites from Bangoin, Northern Xizang // Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, Vol.23. no.6. P.657-671. pdf

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Hofker J. (1957) Foraminiferen der Oberkreide von Nordwestdeutschland und Holland // Beihefte zum Geologischen Jahrbuch. Hft.27. 464 S. pdf

Karakasch N.I. (1903) Les Cirripedes du terrain Crétace de la Crimee // Travaux de Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de St.-Petersbourg. Vol.XXXI. livr. 5. P.1-18. pdf

Kiprijanoff W. (1881) Studien über die fossilen Reptilien Russlands. I Theil. Gattung Ichthyosaurus König aus dem severischen Sandstein oder Osteolith der Kreide-Gruppe // Mémoires de l’Académie Impériale des Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg, VII sér. T. XXVIII, no.8. 103 S. pdf

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Kler M.O. (1908) Neoceratits from the Eastern Bukhara // Travaux du Musée Géologique Pierre le Grand près l’Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg. T.II. P.157-174. [in Russian] pdf

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Komarov V.N., Kutluakhmetov F.R. (2014) First finding of the brachiopods in Mangush Formation (Upper Albian) of south-west Crimea // Proceedings of Higher Educational Establishments. Geology and Exploration. No.5. P.6-10. [in Russian] pdf

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Krymholts G.Ya. (1936) Turkmenia balkhanensis gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Turkmenia // Trans. Leningr. Naturalists Soc. Vol. XLV, issue 1. P. 96-100. [in Russian] pdf

Kupriyanova N.V. (2013) Barremian-Aptian ostracods of the Barents Sea shelf and their biostratiraphic and paleofacial interpretation // Scientific materials on the Phanerozoic biostratigraphy, fauna and flora from Russia, Atlantic and Antarctic. Trans. NIIGA-VNIIOkeangeologiya. Vol.226. P.130-153. pdf

Kuzmicheva E.I. (1987) Corals from the Lower Barremian organogenic build-ups of Maly Balkhan and Tuarkyr // Geological structure of Turkmenistan: collaction of articles. P. 217-262. [in Russian] pdf

Leanza A.F., Leanza H.A. (1973) Pseudofavrella gen. nov. (Ammonitina) del Hauteriviano del Neuquén, sus diferencias con Favrella R. Douville, 1909, del Aptiano de Patagonia Austral y una comparación entre el Geocinclinal Andino y el Geocinclinal Magallanico // Boletin de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias. T.50. ent.1-4. P.127-145. pdf

Leanza H.A. (1972) Acantholissonia, nuevo género de ammonites del Valanginiano de Neuquén, Argentina, y su posición estratigráfica // Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, Vol.17. no.4. P. 63-70. pdf

Leschukch R. (2014) Some bivalves and cephalopods from Upper Aptian of the southern Ukraine (Plain Crimea) // Paleontological Review, № 46. P.37-51. [in Ukrainian] pdf

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Sograf G. (1909) Einige Worte über das Vorkommen des Simbirskites in den Umgegenden von Kineschma // Annuaire géologique et minéralogique de la Russie.Vol.IX, livr.4-5. P.126-130. pdf

Sokolov M.I. (1966) Zonal subdivisions and facies of Albian and Upper Cretacceous deposits of Transcaspia // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol. XLI. No.4. P.56-72. [in Russian] pdf

Spengler E. (1910) Untersuchungen über die südindische Kreide-Formation. Die Nautiliden und Belemniten des Trichinopolydistrikts // Beiträge zur Paläontologie und Geologie Österraich-Ungarns, Bd. XXIII, Heft III. S.125-157. pdf

Tavera J. (1976) Sobre impresiones de las partes blandas de un ammonoideo: un nuevo antecedente para la ubicación sistemática del grupo // Congreso Geológico Chileno, No. 1, Actas 3: L3-L9. Santiago. pdf

Tovbina S.Z. (1965) On the ontogeny of the ammonite genus Colchidites // Palaeontol. Journ. No.3. P.40-48. pdf

Tovbina S.Z. (1979) On the Barremian – Aptian stage boundary of south and west of Turkmenia // Proc. Ac. Sci. USSR, ser. geol. no.5. P.61-67. pdf

Transactions of the Institute of Geological Sciences. Issue 149. Geological series (no.62). 1953. 83 pp. [in Russian] pdf


Rengarten V.P. On the stratigraphy of the Cretaceous deposits of Lesser Caucasus

Slavin V.I. Tithonian-Valanginian ammonites of the Carpathians

Puscharovsky Yu.M. Geological development of the northern part of Eastern Carpathians in the Cretaceous and Paleogene time

Vakhrameev V.A (1981) Development of flora in the middle part of ther Cretaceous period and ancient angiosperms // Palaeontol. Journ. No.2. P.3-14. [in Russian] pdf

Vasilievsky M.M. (1908) Note on the beds with Douvilleiceras in the vicinity of Saratov // Travaux du Musée Géologique Pierre le Grand près l’Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg. T.II. P.29-51. [in Russian] pdf

Voigt E., Lafrenz H.R. (1973) Serpuliden (?) als Kommensalen in einer Stockkoralle aus dem englischen Ober-Albien // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh. Hft.8. S.501-511. pdf

Wetzel W. (1960) Die Coyhaique-Schichten des patagonischen Neocoms, und ihre Ammoniten // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh. Hft. 6. S.246-254. pdf

Wiedmann J. (1962) Habitus, Skulptur und Sutur bei Kreide-Ammonoideen (Notizen zur Systematik der Kreide - Ammoniten I.) // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. Bd.114. S.317-332. pdf

Wright C.W. (1975) The Hauterivian ammonite genus Lyticoceras Hyatt, 1900 and its synonym Endemoceras Thiermann, 1963 // Palaeontology. Vol.18. Pt.3. P.607-611. pdf

Zhelezko V.I. (1987) Selachiazones of the Santonian and Lower Campanian of the Southern Urals and Mugodzhary // in: Biostratigraphy and lithology of the Upper Paleozoics of Urals. Sverdlovsk. P.117-130. [in Russian] pdf


New Triassic publications are added (scanned by and/or received from V. Arkadiev, M. Rogov, and A. Sennikov):

Atlas of the Late Triassic flora of Primorye. Vladivostok: DVGU, 2009. 185 p. [in Russian] pdf

Efremov I.A., Vyushkov B.P. (1955) Catalogue of the localities of Permian and Triassic terrestrial vertebrates in the territory of the USSR // Transact. Palaeont. Ins. Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol. XLVI. 194 p. [in Russian] pdf

Gower D.J., Hancox P.J., Botha-Brink J., Sennikov A.G., Butler R.J. (2014) A New Species of Garjainia Ochev, 1958 (Diapsida: Archosauriformes: Erythrosuchidae) from the Early Triassic of South Africa // PLoS ONE 9(11): e111154. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0111154 pdf

Mojsisovics E. (1885) Arktische Triasfaunen. Beiträge zur palaeontologischen Charakteristik der arktisch-pacifischen Triasprovinzen // Mémoires de l’Académie Impériale des Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg, VII sér. T. XXXIII, no.6. 159 S. pdf

Mundlos R. (1970) Wohnkammerfüllung bei Ceratitengehäusen // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh., Hft. 1. S.18-27. pdf

Rieber H. (1974) Breviconoteuthis breviconus (Reis), ein Phragmoteuthide aus der Mittleren Trias des Monte San Giorgio (Kanton Tessin, Schweiz) // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh., Hft.7, S.415-421. pdf

Seilacher A. (1966) Lobenlibellen und Füllstruktur bei Ceratiten // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. Bd.125. S.480-488. pdf

Shevyrev A.A. (2005) Heteromorph Ammonoids of the Triassic: A Review // Paleont. Journ. Suppl. 5. Vol. 39. P.S614-S628. pdf

Sookias R.B., Sennikov A.G., Gower D.J., Butler R.J. (2014) The monophyly of the Euperkeriidae (Reptilia: Archosauriformes) and the origins of Archosauria: a revision Ofdorosuhus neoetus from the Mid-Triassic of Russia /// Palaeontology, Vol. 57. Pt. 6. P.1177–1202. pdf

Vavilov M.N. (1965) Biostratigraphy of the Olenekian Stage of Western Verkhoyanie // Bull. Lening. Univ., ser. geol. geogr. No.12. issue 2. P.17-27. [in Russian] pdf

Vavilov M.N. (1967) On Lower Triassic zones of Western Verkhoyanie // Trans. Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol.175. issue 5. P. 1105-1107. [in Russian] pdf

Vavilov M.N. (1968) New data on the stratigraphy and ammonites of the Induan Stage of Western Verkhoyanie // Mesozoic marine fainas of North and Far East of the USSR and their stratigraphical significance (Transactions Inst. Geol. Geophys Sib. Branch Ac. Sci. USSR, Vol.48). P.5-13. [in Russian] pdf

Vavilov M.N. (1969) Ontogenetic development of some Anisian ammonoids of the Taimyr // Paleontol. Journ. No.2. P.39-48. [in Russian] pdf

Vavilov M.N., Zakharov Yu.D. (1976) The revision of Early Triassic genus Pachyproptychites // Transact. Biol.-Soil Inst. Vol.42 (145). P.60-67. [in Russian] pdf

Wenger R. (1956) Über einige Aberrationen bei Muschelkalk Ceratiten // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. Bd.108. Nr.1/2. S.223-232. pdf

Wittenburg P. (1911) Ueber Triasfossilien vom flusse Dulgolach // Travaux du Musée Géologique Pierre le Grand près l’Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg. T.IV. S.63-73. pdf

Zakharov Yu.D. (1969) The problem of sexual dimorphism in fossil cephalopods // Problems of phylogeny and systematics. Vladivostok. P.108-127. [in Russian] pdf

Zakharov Yu.D., Ignatiev A.V., Kotlyar G.V., Ukhaneva N.G., Cherbardzhi A.K. (1996) Stable carbon isotopes and Ca/Mg Ratio in the Permo-Triassic carbonates and mass extinction of organisms // Geol. of Pac. Ocean. Vol.13, P.1-20. pdf




Happy New Year 2015!


New hyperlinks to open-access periodicals are added (partially received from C. Svitak):

Abhandlungen aus dem Westfälischen Museum für Naturkunde

Abhandlungen und Berichte des Koniglichen Zoologischen und Anthropologisch-Ethnographischen Museums zur Dresden

Academic Journal of Entomology

Academic Journal of Plant Sciences

Acta Botanica Croatica

Acta Botanica Hungarica

Acta Ecologica Sinica

Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae

Acta Entomologica Sinica

Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica

Acta Microscopica

Acta Mycologica

Acta Protozoologica

Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Biologia

Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae

Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica

Addisonia: Colored Illustrations and Popular Descriptions of Plants

Advances in Biological Research

Advances in Biology

Advances in Botany

Advances in Oceanography

Advances in Zoology

African Primates

Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science

Allgemeine Botanische Zeitschrift fur Systematik, Floristik, Pflanzengeographie

American Arachnology Newsletter

American-Eurasian Journal of Botany

Anais da Faculdade de Ciências do Porto (Anais da Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto)

Annales Universitatis Turkuensis-sarja, A II: Biologica - Geographica – Geologica

Aus der Heimat

Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science

Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research

Bangladesh Journal of Zoology

BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management

BEC Reports

Boletín de la Sociedad Aragonesa de Ciencias Naturales (BHL)

Boletín de la Sociedad Ibérica de Ciencias Naturales (BHL)

Botany Research International

Bulletin des services de la carte géologique de la France et des topographies souterraines

Bulletin of the Iraq Natural History Museum

Bureau of Mineral Resources of Australia Bulletin & BMR journal of Australian geology and geophysics

Cartography and Geoinformation

Ceylon Journal of Science (Biological Sciences)

Chinese Bulletin of Botany

Chinese Journal of Biology

Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology

Chittagong University Journal of Biological Sciences

Croatian Journal of Fisheries

Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences

Entomologia Croatica

European Journal of Biological Sciences

Fieldiana. Botany.

Fieldiana. Zoology.

Fossils and Strata



Geologie und Paläontologie in Westfalen (table of contents – pdf)

Geology leaflet / Field Museum of Natural History

Geschiebekunde Aktuell

Global Journal of Environmental Research

Grondboor & Hamer

HYLA - Herpetological bulletin

Informes del Instituto de Fisiografía y Geología

International Journal of Biodiversity

International Journal of Ecology

International Journal of Mineralogy

International Journal of Natural Sciences

International Journal of Oceanography

Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining

Iraqi Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering

Iraqi Journal of Science

Iraqi National Journal of Earth Sciences

Jahangirnagar University Environmental Bulletin

Jahrbuch des Oberösterreichischen Musealvereines

Jökull Journal

Journal of Animals

Journal of Baghdad for Science

Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences

Journal of Basrah Researches (Sciences)

Journal of Bio-Science

Journal of Botany

Journal of Crystallography

Journal of Earthquakes

Journal of Ecosystems

Journal of Environmental Professionals Sri Lanka

Journal of Geochemistry

Journal of Kerbala University

Journal of Life and Earth Science

Journal of Marine Biology

Journal of Mycology

Journal of Natural History Museum

Journal of Petroleum Research & Studies

Journal of Science and Natural Resources

Journal of Science of the University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka

Journal of the West Australian Natural History Society

Magazin of Al-Kufa University for Biology

Marsh Bulletin

Memórias do Instituto de Butantan

Mesopotamian Journal of Marine Science

Meyniana (table of contents see at http://www.ifg.uni-kiel.de/Meyniana/ )

Monographs of the Palaeontological Society of India

MULTEQUINA Latin American Journal of Natural Resources

Natur und Heimat – floristische, faunistische und ökologische Berichte

Nemouria; occasional papers of the Delaware Museum of Natural History

Open Biology

Paleontology Journal

Proceedings of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences

Pyroclastic Flow. Journal of Geology

Rafidain Journal of Science

Rajshahi University Journal of Science 2010-2011

Rendiconti online della Societa Geologica Italiana

Report of the proceedings of the Geological and Polytechnic Society of the West-Riding of Yorkshire

Revista de Climatología

Revista Española de Micropaleontología (or here)

Royal Society Open Science

Sri Lanka Journal of Aquatic Sciences


TAPROBANICA: The Journal of Asian Biodiversity


Iraq journals: http://www.iasj.net/iasj?func=browse&uiLanguage=en

Tesis Doctorales y de Maestría FCEN-UBA (Argentina)


Chinese fossil collections: http://www.nimrf.net.cn/index.action


Berriasian Working Group: http://berriasian.blogspot.com

Callovian Working Group: http://jurassic.ru/callovian.htm


New Jurassic publications (scanned by and/or received from A. Bendik, V. Efimov, A. Mironenko, V. Mitta and M. Rogov):

Bendík A. (2014) Ammonite fauna of family Liparoceratidae Hyatt, 1867 from Adnet formation in the Veľká Fatra Mts. (Central Slovakia) // Proceedings of the Slovak National Museum in Martin. Kmetanium. T.XIII. P.141-153. pdf

Chumakov N.M., Zakharov V.A., Rogov M.A. (2014) Did an Ice Sheet Exist in Northeast Asia at the Middle–Late Jurassic Boundary? (Critical Remarks on the Article by Y. Donnadieu et al. (2011) “A Mechanism for Brief Glacial Episodes in the Mesozoic Greenhouse”) // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, Vol. 22, No. 6, P.655–658. pdf

Ippolitov A.P., Rzhavsky A.V. (2014) Tube morphology, ultrastructures and mineralogy in recent Spirorbinae (Annelida: Polychaeta: Serpulidae). I. General introduction. Tribe Paralaeospirini // Invert. Zool. Vol. 11. No. 2. P.293-314. pdf

Keupp H. (1992) Organische Lamellen in einem Ammoniten-Gehäuse (Craspedites) // Fossilien, Hft.3. S.141-146. pdf

Mironenko A.A. (2014) Discovery of the Jaw Apparatus of the Upper Volgian Ammonite Kachpurites fulgens (Craspeditidae) // Paleontological Journal, Vol. 48, P. 580–586. pdf

Mitta V.V. (1983) New species of Virgatites (Ammonites) from the Upper Jurassic of the Moscow region // Bull. Soc. Natuir. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol.58. Issue 5. P. 94-100. [in Russian] pdf

Mitta V.V. (2014) On the Upper Bathonian biostratigraphy of the Russian platform // Problems of paleoecology and historical geoecology. Collections of papers of the All-Russian scientific meeting in memoir of Professor Vitaly Georgievich Ochev. Saratov: Saratov State Technical Univ. P.91-100. [in Russian] pdf

Mitta V.V., Sherstyukov M.P. (2014) On the Bajocian and Bathonian of Bolshoy Zelenchuk River basin (Northern Caucasus). // Problems of paleoecology and historical geoecology. Collections of papers of the All-Russian scientific meeting in memoir of Professor Vitaly Georgievich Ochev. Saratov: Saratov State Technical Univ. P.74-81. [in Russian] pdf

Rogov M.A., Starodubtseva I.A. (2014) The Khoroshevo section (Moscow), «Palaeontological Klondike» of XIX century, and its significance for studying of ammonites and stratigraphy of Volgian Stage // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol.89. Issue 5. P.16-33. [in Russian] pdf

Rogov M.A., Poulton T.P. (2015) Aulacostephanid ammonites from the Kimmeridgian (Upper Jurassic) of British Columbia (western Canada) and their significance for correlation and palaeobiogeography // Bulletin of Geosciences. Vol.90. no.1. P.7–20. DOI: 10.3140/bull.geosci.1501 pdf

New Cretaceous publications are added (received from cretaceous.ru web-site):

Arkadiev V.V. (2014) Representatives of the Substeuroceras genus (Neocomitidae, Ammonoidea) from the Berriasian of the Mountainous Crimea // Bulletin of the Saint-Petersburg State University; Series 7: Geology, Geography. Issue 4. P. 79-87. [in Russian] pdf

Averianov A.O., Popov E.V. (2014) A Pterosaurian Vertebra from the Upper Cretaceous of the Saratov Region // Paleontological Journal. Vol. 48, No. 3, P.326–329. pdf

Gorn N.K. (1969) Almella almensis – new ammonite from the Barremian deposits of the Crimea // Bull. Leningr. State Univ. no.12. P.84-90. [in Russian] pdf

Shurekova O.V., Kulikova N.K., Raevskaya E.G., Razumkova E.G. (2014) Dinocysts and their potential for Lower Cretaceous biostratigraphy of the Northern Caspian // Algaes in the biosphere evolution. Series “Geo-biological systems in the past”. Moscow: PIN RAS. P.187-205. [in Russian] pdf

Vishnevskaya V.S., Ovechkina M.N., Beniamovsky V.N. (2014) Radiolarians from Santonian-Campanian reference sections of Saratov Povolzhir and correlation of subdivisions on calcareous nannoplancton, foraminifers, and radiolarians // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow. Vol.89. no.5. P.43-55. [in Russian] pdf



New hyperlinks to open-access periodicals are added:

Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt in Wien

Abhandlungen der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft Nürnberg

Acta Academiae Aboensis. Mathematica et physica

Acta Albertina Ratisbonensia

American malacological bulletin

Anales de la Universidad Nacional de los Estados Unidos de Colombia

Annalen des Wiener Museums der Naturgeschichte

Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences (=Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geologischen Gesellschaft; Mitteilungen des Alpenländischen Geologischen Vereines)

Beiträge zur Paläontologie und Geologie Österreich-Ungarns und des Orients (1882-1914)


Boletín Ciencias de la Tierra

British naturalist

Bulletin der Vereinigung Schweizerischer Petroleum-Geologen und -Ingenieure

Bulletin der Vereinigung Schweizerischer Petroleumgeologen und Petroleumingenieur

Bulletins des séances de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelle

Časopis Národního musea

Catalogus Faunae Austriae

Denkschriften der Akademie der Wissenschaften (1852-1990)

Eröffnungsrede der Jahresversammlung der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften

European Journal of Taxonomy


Geología Colombiana

Geological Survey of Canada Bulletins

Geological Survey of Canada Memoirs

Geology, Geophysics and Environment


Göttingen Contributions to Geosciences

Invertebrate Zoology

Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt Sonderbände

Jahrbuch der St. Gallischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft

Journal of Molluscan Studies

Mémoires de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles

Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society

Mineralogische Mittheilungen

Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern. Neue Folge

Monografien Geowissenschaften Gemischt

Museum Senckenbergianum: Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der beschreibenden Naturgeschichte

Nature communications

Pakistan Journal of Hydrocarbon Research

Paleontological Research (forthcoming papers)

Pamietnik Fizyjograficzny


Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse

Verhandlungen der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften

Verhandlungen der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft

Verhandlungen der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft. Wissenschaftlicher und administrativer Teil

Veröffentlichungen des Tiroler Landesmuseums Ferdinandeum

Hyperlink to site devoted to Cretaceous nautilids: http://www.nautiloidea.cz/

Cephalopod reproductive strategies through time and space: Database on cephalopod egg size (Coleoidea) and embryonic shell size (Nautiloidea and extinct taxa): http://jurassic.ru/cepheggs.htm


New Jurassic publications (scanned by and/or received from M. Arkhangelsky, G. Cuny, D. Guzhov, A. Ippolitov, A. Kuzmin, M. Ustinova, V. Vuks and from the cretaceous.ru, geokniga.org web-sites and forum Groupe de Recherche en Paleobiologie et Biostratigraphie des Ammonites):

Amanniyazov K.N. (1968) Upper Jurassic deposits of northern Turkmenia // Proc. Ac. USSR, ser. geol. No.3. P.116-120. [in Russian] pdf

Arkhangelsky M.S., Zverkov N.G. (2014) On a new Ichthyosaur of the genus Undorosaurus // Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, Vol. 318, No. 3, P.187–196. pdf

Benton M.J., Shishkin M.A., Unwin D.M., Kurochkin E.N. (Eds) (2001) The Age of Dinosaurs in Russia and Mongolia. Cambridge: University press. 696 pp. pdf

Beznosov N.V. (1956) New and little-known genera of Jurassic Lytoceratina // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol.31. issue 4. P.109-110. [in Russian] pdf

Beznosov N.V. (1958) Development of septal suture in suborder Phylloceratina // Proceedings of Higher Educational Establishments. Geology and exploration. No.11. P.34-40. [in Russian] pdf

Beznosov N.V., Mikhailova I.A. (1981) Systematics of Middle Jurassic leptosphinctins and zigzagiceratins // Paleont. Journ. no.3. P.47-60. [in Russian] pdf

Cephalopods ‒Present and Past 9 & Coleoids through Time 5, Zürich 2014 (Abstracts and program, Klug C., Fuchs D. (Eds.). Zürich, 2014. 147 pp. pdf

Chernov V.G. (1971) On stratigraphy of the red deposits of the Marmarosh Clippen zone of the Ukrainian Carpathians (Ugolka river basin) // Palaeontological collection №.8, issue 2, P.53-56. [in Russian] pdf

Christ H.A. (1960) Beitrage zur Stratigraphie und Paläontologie des Malm von Westsizilien // Schweizer. Paläont. Abhandl. Bd.77. S.5-141. pdf

Clari P.A., Marini P., Pastorini M., Pavia G. (1984) Il Rosso Ammonitico Inferiore (Bajociano-Calloviano) nei Monti Lessini Settentrionali (Verona) // Riv. It. Paleont. Strat. Vol.90. no.1. P. 15-86. pdf

Crame J.A., Howlett P.J. (1988) Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous biostratigraphy of the Fossil Bluff Formation, Alexander Island // Bull. British Antarctic Survey, Vol.78. P.1-35. pdf

Cuny G., Tabouelle J. (2014) First mention of the family Pseudonotidanidae (Chondrichthyes: Neoselachii) in the Jurassic of Normandy // Bulletin Sciences et Géologie Normandes, T.7, P.21-28. pdf

Dera G., Prunier J., Smith P.L., Haggart J., Popov E., Guzhov A., Rogov M. A., Delsate D., Thies D., Cuny G., Puceat E., Charbonnier G., Bayon G. (2014) Continental drainage and oceanic circulation during the Jurassic inferred from the Nd isotope composition of biogenic phosphates and sediments // Beringeria. Special issue 8. P.48-49. pdf

Doludenko M.P. (1984) The Late Jurassic floras of South-West Eurasia // Trans. Geol. Inst. Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol. 390. 112 p. [in Russian] pdf

Frebold H., Mountjoy E.W., Tempelman-Kluit D.J. (1967) New occurrences of Jurassic rocks and fossils in central and northern Yukon Territory // Geol. Surv. Can., Paper 67-12. 35 p. pdf

Gründel J. (2007) Gastropoden aus dem unteren Pliensbachium von Feuguerolles (Normandie, Frankreich) // Freiberger Forschungshefte. Reihe C, Nr.524. 34 S. pdf

von Huene F.F. (1937) Die Frage nach der Herkunft der Ichthyosaurier // Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Upsala. Vol. XXVII. S.1-9. pdf

Ilyina V.I. (1970) On the age of Jurassic deposits on the south-east margin of West Siberian lowland // Soviet geol. Geophys. No.3. P.124-130. [in Russian] pdf

Ilyina V.I. (1978) Palynological evidence reasoning the stratigraphic subdivision of the Jurassic in northern Middle Siberia // Soviet geol. Geophys. No.9. P.16-22. [in Russian] pdf

Ippolitov A. (2014) Belemnite “Doppellinien”: myths and realities // Cephalopods - Present and Past 9 & Coleoids through Time 5, Zürich 2014 (Abstracts and program, Klug C., Fuchs D. (Eds.). Zürich, 2014. P.50. pdf

Ippolitov A., Gulyaev D. (2014) Infrazonal belemnite stratigraphy of the Lower Callovian of the East European Platform // Cephalopods - Present and Past 9 & Coleoids through Time 5, Zürich 2014 (Abstracts and program, Klug C., Fuchs D. (Eds.). Zürich, 2014. P.49. pdf

Jain S. (2014) The Arkelli Chronozone: A new early Middle Bathonian standard ammonite zone for Kachchh, western India (southern Jurassic Tethys) // Zitteliana A, Bd.54. P.91-136. pdf

Kryschtofovitsch A. (1912) Die Pflanzenreste aus den Jura-Ablagerungen der Krim // Bulletin de la Société des naturalistes et des Amis de la Nature en Crimée. Vol.II. P.41-45. [in Russian] pdf

Laptikhovsky V., Nikolaeva S., Rogov M. (2014) Cephalopod reproductive strategies through time and space: Database on cephalopod egg (Coleoidea) and embryonic shell (Ammonoidea and Nautiloidea) dimensions // Cephalopods - Present and Past 9 & Coleoids through Time 5, Zürich 2014 (Abstracts and program, Klug C., Fuchs D. (Eds.). Zürich, 2014. P.125. pdf

Meledina S., Alifirov A., Aleinikov A. (2014) Zonal stratigraphy and biogeography of the West Siberian Oxfordian based on ammonites // Russian Geology and Geophysics.Vol.55. P.1205–1218, doi: 10.1016/j.rgg.2014.09.006 pdf

Naidin D.P. (1972) Isotope palaeotemperatures and some questions of geology // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol., Vol.47, issue 5. P.112–124. [in Russian] pdf

Naidin D.P., Teis R.V. (1973) Role of polymorphous organogenic carbonates in determination of temperatures and palaeotemperatures // Integrate studies of ocean nature. Issue 4. Moscow: Moscow Univ. publ., P. 146–154. [in Russian] pdf

Naidin D.P., Teis R.V. (1976) On oxygen isotope values in Jurassic (Toarcian-Aalenian) seas of Eurasia // Geochemistry. No.12. P. 1857–1868. [in Russian] pdf

Naidin D.P., Teis R.V. (1977) Oxygen isotope values of water in the Mesozoic seas of Eurasia // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol.52, issue 3. P.5–11. [in Russian] pdf

Nevesskaja L.A., Popov S.V., Goncharova I.A., Guzhov A.V., Janin B.T., Polubotko I.V., Biakov A.S., Gavrilova V.A. (2013) Phanerozoic Bivalvia of Russia and surrounding countries // Transactions Paleon. Inst. Russian. Ac. Sci. Vol. 294. 524 p. [in Russian] pdf

Rogov M.A. (2014) Khetoceras (Craspeditidae, Ammonoidea) - a new genus from the Volgian Stage of Northern Middle Siberia, and parallel evolution of Late Volgian Boreal ammonites // Paleontological Journal, Vol. 48, No. 5, P.457-464. DOI: 10.1134/S0031030114050086 pdf

Rogov M.A. (2014) Preliminary report on the ammonite fauna and stratigraphy of the Beckeri Zone (Upper Kimmeridgian) of the southern Crimea (Ukraine) // Beringeria. Special issue 8. P.169-170. pdf

Rogov M.A. (2014) Quantitative and qualitative aspects of changes in shell size through the evolution of Volgian ammonites in the Russian Sea: Cope's rule, Lilliput effect, dimorphism, and polymorphism // Beringeria. Special issue 8. P.171-173. pdf

Rogov M.A., Mironenko A.A. (2014) Aptychi of the Boreal and Subboreal Middle Jurassic – Early Cretaceous ammonites: new records and review of published data // Cephalopods - Present and Past 9 & Coleoids through Time 5, Zürich 2014 (Abstracts and program, Klug C., Fuchs D. (Eds.). Zürich, 2014. P.77. pdf

Rogov M.A., Wierzbowski A., Shchepetova E.V., Wierzbowski H. (2014) New data on the Lower-Upper Kimmeridgian boundary beds of southern Tatarstan Central Russia // Beringeria. Special issue 8. P.174-175. pdf

Ruget-Perrot C., Moitinho D'Almeida F. (1961) Ammonites nouvelles du Callovien supérieur du Portugal // Comunicações dos Serviços Geológicos de Portugal. T.XLV. P. 177-195. pdf

Savitsky V.O., Krasnov E.V. (1970) On presence of the marine Upper Jurassic in the Sakhalin // Soviet geol. geophys. No.3. P. 12-21. [in Russian] pdf

Ustinova M.A., Malyonkina S.J., Vishnevskaya V.S. (2014) Micropaleontological characteristics of Upper Oxfordian and Middle Volgian (Upper Jurassic) of Krylatskoe section in Moscow // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol.89. Issue 3. P.19-32. [in Russian] pdf

Vuks V.Ja. (1984) New species of nodosariids (foraminifera) from the Bajocian of Lesser Caucasus // Bull. Leningr. Univ. no.6. P.78-80. [in Russian] pdf

Wignall P.B. (1994) Black shales // Oxford monographs on geology and geophysics. Vol.30. 127 pp. pdf

Zakharov V. (2014) Appendix. Comments on bivalves Buchia from the Katarowa Góra section // Volumina Jurassica, Vol. XII. No.1. P.96-98. pdf


New Cretaceous publications (scanned by and/or received from A. Kuzmin, E. Popov, M. Rogov, A. Shkolin as well as from the cretaceous.ru web-site and forum Groupe de Recherche en Paleobiologie et Biostratigraphie des Ammonites) are added:

Arzumanova E.M. (1973) Stratigraphic and geographic distribution of Late Cretaceous inoceramids in Turkmenia // Questions of biostratigraphy and geology of mineral resources of Turkmenistan. Ashkhabad. P.3-15. pdf

Beizel A.L. (1973) Systematic contents and facial assemblages of the Lower Neocomian gastropods of Khatanga depression // Collection of Scientific Student’s Society no.9. Moscow: MSU. P.35-43. [in Russian] pdf

Berlin T.S., Khabakov A.V. (1968) Results of palaeotemperature determinations in belemnites by calcium-magnesium method // Bulls. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol. XLIII. No.1. P.17-30. pdf

Bondarenko N.A. (1978) On distribution of the Belemnella Licharevi zone in the Saratov Volga area // Questions of stratigraphy and palaeontology. Issue 3. Saratov: Univ. publ. P. 35-51. [in Russian] pdf

Bucur I.I., Strutinski C., Cucuruzan I. (1985) Formatiunile mezozoice din sud-vestul bazinului Rusca Montană // Dări de Seăma ale şedinţelor, Vol. LXIX. No.4 (1982), P.57-76. pdf

Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. - Sciences de la terre. Vol. 69, 1999. 172 p. pdf


Hancock J. М. The contributions of D. P. Naidin to the study o f the Cretaceous system

Alekseev A.S., Kopaevich L.F., Ovechkina M.N., Olferiev A.G. Maastrichtian and Lower Palaeocene o f Northern Saratov Region (Russian Platform, Volga River): Foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton

Dhondt A.V. Upper Maastrichtian bivalve faunas from the Crimea, Maastricht and Mangyshlak

Cobban W.A., Kennedy W.J., Landman N.H. Platyscaphites, a new ammonite from the Lower Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) of the United States Western Interior

Gale A.S., Hancock J.M., Kennedy W.J. Biostratigraphical and sequence correlation of the Cenomanian successions in Mangyshlak (W. Kazakhstan) and Crimea (Ukraine) with those in southern England

Gabdullin R.R., Guzhikov A.Ju., Bogachkin A.B., Bondarenko N.A., Lubimova T.V., Widrik A. B. Periodites below and above the КУТ boundary

Kennedy W.J., Cobban W.A. Pachydiscus (Pachydiscus) hombyense Jones, 1963, and P. (P.) catarinae (Anderson & Hanna, 1935) (Cretaceous, Campanian: Ammonoidea), Pacific Realm marker fossils in the Western Interior Seaway o f North America

Kopaevich L.F., Beniamovskii V.N. Foraminiferal distribution across the Maastrichtian/ Danian boundary o f Mangyshlak p e ninsula (West Kazakhstan)

Jagt J.W.М. An overview o f Late Cretaceous and Early Palaeogene echinoderm faunas from Liege-Limburg (Belgium, The N e therlands)

Nikishin A.M., Ziegler P.A., Stephenson R.A., Ustinova M.A. Santonian to Palaeocene tectonics o the East-European craton and adjacent areas

Robaszynski F., Cretaceous Stages Boundaries in central Tunisia: how to follow the Brussels 1995 Symposium Recommendations

Kotetishvili E. Upper Cretaceous Ammonites and their extinction: interpretation of data from the Caucasus and comparison with Mangyshlak, the Crimea and the Maastricht area

Zhelezko V.I. Stratigraphie distribution of lamnoid sharks at Cretaceous and Palaeogene stage boundaries in the Eastern Peri-Tethys

Doludenko M.P., Teslenko Yu.V. (1987) New data on the Late Albian flora of the Ukraine (vicinities of Kanev) // Paleont. Journ. no.3. P.114-118. [in Russian] pdf

Egoyan V.L. (1965) On some ammonites from Clansayésien of Western Caucasus // Trnsactions of Krasnodar Branch of Al-Unin oil-and-gas scientific institute. Issue 1. P. 112-160. [in Russian] pdf

Gavrilishin V.I. (1978) First record of the Neocomian ammonite in the Lvov mould // Paleontological collection. Issue 15. P.43-47. [in Russian] pdf

Glikman L.S., Averianov A.O. (1998) Evolution of the Cretaceous Lamnoid Sharks of the genus Eostriatolamia // Paleontological Journal, Vol.32. no.4. P.376-384. pdf

Gnibidenko Z.N., Lebedeva N.K., Shurygin B.N. (2014) A Regional Upper Cretaceous Magnetostratigraphic Section of Southern West Siberia (Omsk Depression) // Doklady Earth Sciences. Vol. 458, P.1107-1111. pdf

Gorbachik T.N., Krechmar V. (1969) Subdivision of the Aptian-Albian deposits of Crimea by planctonic foraminifers // Moscow Univ. Bull., Geol. No. 3. P. 46-56. [in Russian] pdf

Hollis C.J. (1997) Cretaceous-Paleocene Radiolaria from eastern Marlborough, New Zealand // Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences monograph 17. 152 p. pdf

Howlett P.J. (1986) Olcostephanus (Ammonitina) from the Fossil Bluff Formation, Alexander Island, and its stratigraphical significance // Bull. British Antarctic Survey, Vol.70. P.71-77. pdf

Jacob С., Tobler А. (1906) Etudes stratigraphique et paleontologique du Gault de lа valее de l'Engelberger Аа (Alpes calcaires suisses, environs du lас des Quatre Cantons) //Mem. Soc. Paleont. Suisse. Т. ХХХIII. 26 p. pdf

Kakabadze M.V., Sharikadze M.Z. (1991) On mode of life of Ptychoceras d’Orbigny (Ammonoidea) // Bulleton of the Academy of Sciences of Georgia. Vol.141. no.2. P.345-348. pdf

Kvantaliani I.V., Lysenko N.I. (1979) A new Berriasian genus Tauricoceras // Bull. Ac. Georg. SSR. Vol.93. no.3. P.629-632. [in Russian] pdf

Kvantaliani I.V., Lisenko N.I. (1980) A new Berriasian ammonites of Crimea // Bull. Geol. Soc. Georgia. no.9. P.3-12. [in Russian] pdf

Leschukh R.I. (1979) On new ammonite records in the Lower Crtacceous flysh of the siuth-east of Ukrainian Carpathicans // Paleontological collection, Issue 16. P.59-64. [in Russian] pdf

Linetskaya L.V. (1971) Globochaete alpina Lоmbаrd in the Mesozoics of the European and Middle Asian parts of the Tethys in the USSR // Paleontological collection. Issue 8 (2), P.37-41. [in Russian] pdf

Mikhailov N.P. (1948) Zonal subdivision of the upper part of the Cretaceous deposits of the Carpathians and Western Ukraine by cephalopods // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol. XXIII, No.6. P. 3-10. [in Russian] pdf

Naidin D.P. (1954) Some peculiarties of Late Cretaceous belemnites distribution in Europe // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol.Vol.29, issue 3, P.19–28. [in Russian] pdf

Naidin D.P. (1956) Some questions of zonal stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Russian Platform // Scientific rep. Moscow Univ., Issue 176. geol. P.17–24. [in Russian] pdf

Naidin D.P. (1965) Isotope palaeotemperature determinations by belemnitellids // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol.XL, issue 6. P.148. [in Russian] pdf

Naidin D.P., Barskov I.S., Kiyashko S.I. (1987) Nature of aragonite and calcite from the Upper Cretaceous belemnite rostra of western Taimyr: data on oxygen and carbot stable isotopes // Paleont. Journ. no. 3. P.3-8. [in Russian] pdf

Naidin D.P., Beniamovsky V.N., Kopaevich L.F. (1984) Scheme of the biostratigraphic subdivision of the Upper Cretaceous of the European biogeographic realm // Bull. Moscow Univ., Ser.4. Geol. No.5. P.3–15. [in Russian] pdf

Patrulius D., Avram E. (1976) Stratigraphie et corrélation des terrains néocomiens et barrémo-béduliens du couloir de Dîmbovicioara (Carpates Orientales) // Dări de Seăma ale şedinţelor, Vol. LXII (1974-1975), ser. 4, P.135-160. pdf

Rawson P.F., Jeremiah J. (2001) A Tethyan belemnite, Duvalia, and associated nannofossils from the Upper Barremian (Lower Cretaceous) of the Central North Sea // Proceedings of the Geologists Association, Vol.112. P.55-58. pdf

Riccardi A.C., Westermann G.E.G., Levy R. (1971) The Lower Cretaceous Ammonitina Olcostephanus, Leopoldia, and Favrella from West-Central Argentina // Palaeontographica Abt.A, Bd.136, Lief.1-6. P. 83–121. pdf

Sokolov M.I. (1978) Shark teeth as guide-fossils for the zonal subdivision of the Cretaceous deposits of the Turanian Plate. Moscow: Nedra, 70 p. [in Russian] pdf

Thomel G. (1965) Zonéostatigraphie et paléobiogéographie du Cénomanien du Sud-Est de la France // 90 Congrès des Sociétés Savantes. Nice, 1965. Tome II, P.127-154. pdf

Tzankov V. (1935) Notes sur le genre Holcodiscus // Ann. Univ. Sofia, Т.XXXI. pt.3. P. 57-100. pdf

Tzankov V., Breskovski S. (1985) Ammonites des familles Holcodiscidae Spath, 1924 et Astieridiscidae Tzankov & Breskovski, 1982. II. Description paléontologique // Geol. Balkanika, Vol.15. no. 5. P.3-52. pdf

Venkatachalapati V. (1968) Sone new representatives of nodosariids from the Berriasian and Valanginian deposits of Crimea // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow., sect. geol. Vol.XLIII. no.1. P.83-96. [in Russian] pdf

Verestschagin V.N. (1977) Cretaceous System of the Far East // Transact. Geol. Inst. (VSEGEI)< new series. Vol.242. 208 p. [in Russian] pdf


New Triassic publications are added (scanned by and/or received from V. Vuks and M. Rogov):

Burij I.V., Zharnikova N.K. (1983) Ammonoidea fom the Tirolites zone of South Primorie // Paleont. Journ. no.3. P.61-69. [in Russian] pdf

Dagys A.S., Ermakova S.P. (1981) Triassic ammonoids of North Siberia (family Parapopanoceratidae) // Transactions of the Inst. Geol. Geophys. Sib. Branch Ac. Sci. USSR, Vol. 495. 107 p. [in Russian] pdf

Ermakova S.P. (1998) Evolution of the Ammonoid Boreal Family Keyserlingitidae // Paleont. Journ. No.4. P.31-35. [in Russian] pdf

Kotlyar G.V., Baud A., Pronina G.P., Zakharov Y.D., Vuks V.Ja., Nestell M.K., Belyaeva V., Marcoux J. (1999) Permian and Triassic exotic limestone blocks of the Crimea, // in Crasquin-Soleau S. & De Wever P. (eds), Peri-Tethys: stratigraphic correlations 3, Geodiversitas. Vol. 21. no. 3. P. 299-323. pdf

Schastlivtceva N.P. (1983) On siphuncular structure of some Triassic nautiloids // Paleont. Journ. №3. P.70-77. pdf



New hyperlinks to open-access periodicals are added:

Lunds universitets års-skrift. Acta Universitatis Lundensis

Lunds universitets årsskrift. 2. Afd., Medicin samt matematiska och naturvetenskapliga ämmen

Mémoires de l'Académie impériale des sciences de St.-Pétersbourg. VIIe série

Mémoires de la Société linnéenne de Normandie (1824-1872) (available for downloading of selected pages or viewing, while download of the whole volumes is restricted)

Mémoires du Comité géologique

Miscellanea Curiosa, sive Ephemiridum Medico-Physicarum Germanicarum Academiae Naturae Curiosorum


Link to personal web-page by Robert Riding is also added: http://www.robertriding.com/

New Jurassic publications (scanned by and/or received from M. Alberti, M. Alekseev, C. Frau, D. Gulyaev, A. Ippolitov, A. Kuzmin, V. Mitta, H. Parent, M. Rogov, A. Shkolin and from the cretaceous.ru, geokniga.org web-sites and forum Groupe de Recherche en Paleobiologie et Biostratigraphie des Ammonites):

9th International Congress on the Jurassic System, Jaipur, India. Abstracts // Beringeria, Special Issue 8. 213 pp. pdf

Alekseev M.A. (2014) Foraminifers and palaeogeography of the Jurassic of the Lena-Anabar depression (Middle Siberia) // Regional geology and metallogeny. No. 57. P.37-48. [in Russian] pdf

Biostratigraphy of Mesozoic deposits of the oil-bearing areas of the USSR. Moscow: IGIRGI, 1972. 116 p. [in Russian] pdf


Moskvin M.M., Endelman L.G. Late Cretaceous sea urchins of Mangyshlak and their stratigraphic implications

Panteleev G.S. Some Upper Maastrichtian Exogyra of Tuarkyr

Aliev M.M., Gofman E.A. On the recognition of the Bathonian deposits in the Mountain Mangyshlak

Aliev M.M., Tsanturova A.A. New data on Lower Triassic deposits of Mangyshlak

Zabelina T.M. Foraminiferal habitat conditions in the Cenomanian-Turonian basin of Trans-Caspia

Nehrikova N.I. On the position of the Danian-Montian boundary in Mangyshlak and Western Turkmenia (on the base of study of brachiopods)

Alekseeva L.Z., Korotkov V.A., Shilova D.D. On the age of Kyzylkyr Formation of Tuarkyr (Western Turkmenia)

Shilova D.D. Ostracod genus Cypridea from Kyzylkyr Formation of Tuarkyr (Western Turkmenia)

Tsanturova A.A. New data on stratigraphy of the Lower Jurassic deposits of South Mangyshlak Genkina R.Z. On stratigraphy and flora of the Jurassic terrestrial deposits of the Hanaka river bsin (southern slope of Gissar Range)

Nikishova V.M., Dubrovskaya E.N. On stratigraphy of the Jurassic deposits of Shurab coal field (South Fergana)

Dubrovskaya E.N. Spore-pollen assemblages of the Lower Mesozoic terrestrial deposits of Kavak-Tau Ridge (Tian-Shan)

Galeeva L.I. New Barremian ostracods of the genus Cypridea from the south Peri-Aral

Mazur V.M. Usage of data of the diphractometric analysis of clay minerals for aims of detalization of some questions of palaeogeography

Rovnina L.V., Yastrebova T.A. Stratigraphy of Lower-Middle Jurassic deposits of Novy Port oli-and-gas field in Yamal Peninsula

Rovnina L.V., Glushko N.K. Spore-pollen assemblages of gas-bearing deposits of Yamal and their stratigraphic significance

Sinyakova G.N. New data on biostratigraphic subdivision of the Upper Cretaceous gas-bearing deposits of north of Western Siberia

Edrenkin S.S., Orudzgeva D.S., Yuferov Yu.K., Solomin V.A., Ovcharenko M.I. On rhythmic structure of the Lower Jurassic deposits of Mountain Mangyshlak


Biostratigraphy of the Mesozoic of Siberia and Far East // Trans. Inst. Geol. geophys. Sib. Branch Ac. Sci. USSR. 1986. Issue 648. 206 p. pdf


Dagis A.S. Problems of biostratigraphy of the Triassic of Siberia and Far East

Mesezhnikov M.S. Major questions of the Jurassic stratigraphy of Siberia

Dagis A.S., Kazakov A.M., Konstantinov A.G., Kurushin N.I. Biostratiraphy of the Lower Induan of Eastern Verkhoyanie

Betechtina O.A., Mogucheva N.K., Batyaeva S.K., Kushnarev M.P. Permian-Triassic boundary in the stratotype of the Maltsevo Formation of Kuzbass

Vavilov M.N., Arkadiev V.V. New and rare ammonoids of Middle and Upper Triassic of Middle Siberia

Dagis A.S., Konstantinov A.G. Infrazonal scale of the Upper Anisian of north pof Siberia

Dagis A.S. Conodonts from the Lower Olenekian deposits of North-East of the USSR

Polubotko I.V. Zonal assemblages of Late Triassic halobiids of North-East of the USSR

Mogucheva N.K., Dobruskina I.A. Conifers of the marmorate sandstone in the Korvunchan flora

Klimko S.A. Triassic palynoassemblages of central part of West Siberian Plate (by Nikolsk parametrical well - 1)

Obonitskaya E.K. Lower Triassic palynoassemblages of the Middle Siberia

Zakharov V.A., Lebedev A.I. Beds with buchiids in the Upper Jurassic and Neocomian of the Western Siberia

Kalacheva E.D., Sei I.I. Ammonites and range of the Oxfordian Stage of northern part of the Far East

Meledina S.V. Problems of correlation of the Boreal Bathonian and Bathonian-Callovian boundary beds

Nalnyaeva T.N. Biostratigraphic subdivisions in Lower and Middle Jurassic by belemnites

Polubotko I.V., Milova L.V. Sinemurian and Pliensbachian pectinids of North-East of the USSR and their stratigraphical significance

Sei I.I. Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian buchiids of the Western Priokhotie (Far East)

Sapianik V.V. Early Jurassic foraminiferal assemblages of east of the Siberian Platform

Markovich E.M. New data on flora and phytostratigraphy of the Jurassi deposits of Gonam river basin (South Yakutia)

Skoblo V.M., Lyamina N.A. Biostratigraphical correlation of Jurassic and Cretaceous terrestrial deposits of Western Transbaikalia and some other regions of the Asia part of the USSR and Mongolia

Amon E.O., Papulov G.N., Sitnikova Z.I. On recognition of beds with Oxytoma uralica as marker horizon in the Maastrichtian of south of Western Siberia

Bulynnikova S.P., Belousova N.A., Bogomyakova E.D., Rylkova G.E. New in biostratigraphy of the Neocomian of Western Siberia by foraminifers

Zonova T.D., Turenko T.V. New materials for unified scheme of the Cretaceous of Sakhalin

Klimova I.G. Early Valanginian polyptychitids of Siberia – new data on systematics and biostratigraphy

Brik М.I. (1937) La flore Mesozoïque du Fergana méridional. II. Fougères (fin), Equisétinées // Transactions of the Geological trust of the Central Asia. Fasc. 3. 75 p. [in Russian] pdf

Buvalkin A.K. (1978) Jurassic deposits of the East Kazakhstan. Alma-Ata: Nauka KazSSR, 164 p. [in Russian] pdf

Canavari M. (1900) Hopliti titoniani dell’Apennino Centrale // Atti della Societá Toscana di Scienze Naturali. Memorie. Vol. XVII. P.95-103. pdf

Christensen E. (1925) Neue Beiträge zum Bau der Belemniten // N. Jb. Mineral. Geol. Paläont. Beil.-Bd., LI. S.118-158. pdf

Dagys A.S. (1968) Jurassic and Early Cretaceous brachiopods of north of Siberia // Transactions of the Institute of geology and geophysics SB Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol.41 169 p. [in Russian] pdf

Dembowska J. (1965) Opracowanie stratygraficzne utworów z czterech wierceń w okolicy Kcyni // Biul. Inst. Geol. no.175. S.7-127. pdf

Dera G., Prunier J., Smith P.L., Haggart J.W., Popov E., Guzhov A., Rogov M., Delsate D., Thies D.,. Cuny G., Pucéat E., Charbonnier G., Bayon G. (2014) Changing patterns of oceanic circulation, paleoclimate, and continental drainage during the Jurassic breakup of Pangea, assessed by the Nd isotope composition of past seawater and sediments // Gondwana Research, in press http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2014.02.006 pdf

Dubowski A.G. (1971) Über Ontogenese von Craspedites subditus Trautschold // Materials on geology, geophysics and geochemistry of the Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Trans-Baikalia. Collection of scientific papers no.3. Kiev: Kiev University publ. P.177-181. [in Russian] pdf

Eichwald E. (1861) Der Grünsand in der Umgegend von Moskwa // Bull. Soc. Imp. Natur. Moscou. Vol. XXXIV. No.3. S.278-313. pdf

Eichwald E. (1862) Die vorweltlische Fauna und Flora der Grünsanddes der Umgegend von Moskwa // Bull. Soc. Imp. Natur. Moscou. Vol. XXXV. No.2. S.355-410. pdf

Enay R. (1966) L’Oxfordien dans la mortié sud du Jura français. Etude stratigraphique. Deuxième partie. Contribution a la connaissance des Périsphinctidés // Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. nat. Lyon. Fasc. VIII. T II. P.331-624. pdf

Fossil cephalopods: evolutionary trends and systematics of some groups. Moscow: Nauka Publishers, 1990. 136 p. (Trans. Paleont. Inst. Ac. Sci. USSR., Vol.243) [in Russian] pdf

Inluding, among the others, the following articles:

Bogoslovsky B.I., Shimansky V.N. The role of convergence in the historical development of Nautiloidea and Ammonoidea

Doguzhaeva L.A. Analysis of the ammonoid shell gowth

Shevyrev A.A. Biogeography of the Triassic ammonoids

Doguzhaeva L.A., Mikhailova I.A., Kabanov G.K. Unusual Deschayesites (Ancyloceratina) of the Ulianovsk Volga area

Barskov I.S. Inner structure of the siphuncle of Late Jurassic ammonite irgatites virgatus (Buch)

Gabdullin R.R., Samarin E.N., Freiman S.V., Yakovishina E.V. (2014) A Characterization and the Formation Conditions of the Callovian–Upper Jurassic Deposits in the Akhtsu Zone (Krasnodar Krai) // Moscow University Geology Bulletin, Vol. 69, No. 3, P.134–145. pdf

Gründel J., Mitta V. (2013) Gastropoden aus dem Untercallovium des Unzha-Beckens (Zentralrussland) // Paläontologie, Stratigraphie, Fazies (21), Freiberger Forschungshefte, C 545. S.107–139. pdf

Gulyaev D.B. (2014) Features of the evolution of the boreal ammonite family Cardioceratidae in the Middle Jurassic of the Northern Hemisphere // Diversification and stages of evolution of the organic world in the light of the fossil record. Materials of LX session of the Paleontological Society at RAS (7-11 April 2014, Saint-Petersburg). SPb.:VSEGEI. P. 58-59. pdf

Gulyaev D.B., Ippolitov A.P., Kiselev D.N. (2014) Jurassic geology and biostratigraphy of the Early Callovian in the Kanev district area (Cherkassy region, Ukraine) // 9th International Congress on the Jurassic System, Jaipur, India. Abstracts. Beringeria, Special Issue 8. P. 62-64. pdf

Haupt O. (1907) Beiträge zur Fauna das oberen Malm und der unteren Kreide in der argentinischen Cordillere // Neues Jahrbuch fuer Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie. XXIII. Beilage-Band. S.187-236. pdf

Iminov Y.H. (1976) Cycadophytes of the Upper Triassic and Jurassic of the Middle Asia and their significance for stratigraphy. Tashkent: Fan. 60 p. [in Russian] pdf

Ivanova E.K. (1962) Palynological characteristics of the Mesozoic deposits of Amga and Chabyda river basins // Geology and mineral resources of Yakutian ASSR. Trans. Yakutian subdivision of Sib. Branch of Ac. Sci USSR. Issue 14. P.89-110. [in Russian] pdf

Jain S., Garg R. (2014) Jurassic benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphy – an age-constrained template for local, regional and global correlation // Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India. Vol.59. no.1. P. 1-14. pdf

Karitzky A. (1886) Der paläontologische Charakter der Jura-Ablagerungen der Umgegend von Traktomirow und Grigorowka im Gouvernement Kiew // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaentologie. Bd. I. S.195-204. pdf

Karitzky A. (1887) Ueber die verticale Vertheilung der Ammonitiden im Kiewer Jura // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaentologie. Bd. II. S.57-63. pdf

Keyserling A. (1846) Wissenschaftliche Beobachtungen auf einer Riese in der Pechora Land im Jahre 1843. St.Petersburg. 465 p. pdf

Khudyaev J. (1929) On the some Upper Mesozoic fossils from the region of the river Ob // Trans. Leningr. Soc. Nat. Vol.LIX. Issue 1. P.127-135. [in Russian] pdf

Macquart L.-C.-H. (1789) Essais ou recueil de mémoires sur plusieurs points de minéralogie: avec la description des pièces déposées chez le roi, la figure, & l'analyse chimique de celles qui sont les plus interéssantes, & la topographie de Moscow: après un voyage fait au Nord par ordre du Gouvernement. A Paris: Chez Cuchet, XXXVI, 580 p. pdf

Malinowska L. (1973) Fauna dolnego kimerydu w profilu wietniczym Środa IG 1 (północna część obszaru przedsudeckiego) // Biul. Inst. Geol. No.264. Z badań geologicznych regionu dolnośląskiego. T. XXII. S. 237-243. pdf

Malinowska L. (1988) Lower Kimmeridgian Biostratigraphy in Poland // Biul. Inst. Geol. No.359. Geology of Poland. Vol.VIII. P.43- 60. pdf

Martinson G.G. (1956) Manual of Mesozoic and Cenozoic freshwater mollusks of the Eastern Siberia. Moscow-Lningrad: Ac. Sci. publ. 92 p. [in Russian] pdf

Mesozoic gymnosperm plants of the USSR (reference guide). Moscow: Nauka, 1980. 231 p. [in Russian] pdf

Mesozoic marine faunas of the North and Far Est of the USSR and their stratigraphic significance // Trans. Inst. Geol geophys. Sib. Branch Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol. 48. 156 p. [in Russian] pdf


Vavilov М.N. New Data on Stratigraphy on Ammonites of Induan Stage of Western Part of Verkhoyansk Region

Goduntsov R. Т., Simakov К. V., Shevchenko V. M. To the Faunal Characteristics of Triassic Beds of Westtern Part of Omolon Block

Nalnjaeva Т. I. Systematic Composition of the Family Hastitidae in Suborder Belemnoidea

Moskalenko Z. D. Belemnites from Jurassic Beds of the Region of Upper Course of the Amur

Sei I. I., Kalacheva E. D. Late Aalenian Erycitoides from the Southern Coast of the Okhotsk Sea (the Far East)

Ershova E. S., Meledina S. V. Late Bathonian Oppeliidae of North Siberia

Teis R.V., Naidin D.P., Sachs V.N. Determination of Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous Paleotemperatures by Isotopic Composition of Oxygen in belemnite guards

Sachs V. N., Mesezhnikov M. S., Schulgina N. I. Volgian Stage and Position of the Boundary between Jurassic and Cretaceous Systems in the Arctic Zoogeographic Realm

Sachs V.N., Nalnjaeva Т.I. Alterations of Composition of Belemnites at Boundary between Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods in the Arctic and Boreal-Atlantic zoogeographic Realms

Zakharov V. A. Alteration of Complexes of Bivalve Mollusk Species at the Boundary between Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods in the Boreal and Arctic Zoogeographic Realms

Schulgina N. I. Ammonites of the Genus Chetaites from Boundary Layers of Jurassic and Cretaceous of Siberia

Bassov V. A. Forarniniferas in Volgian and Berriassian Beds of North Siberia and Arctic Islands

Ivanova E. F. Composition of Foraminifera and their Evolution during Volgian and Berriassian Ages in Khatanga Depression and in Northern Taimyr

Mitta V.V., Kostyleva V.V., Glinskikh L.A., Shurygin B.N., Starodubtseva I.A. (2014) Middle Jurassic Stratigraphy in the Southwestern Part of the Republic of Tatarstan // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, Vol. 22, No. 1, P.28–43. pdf

Neumayr M. (1887) Ueber die Beziehung zwischen der russischen und der westeuropäischen Juraformation // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaentologie. Bd. I. S.70-88. pdf

Platonov E.S., Lakova I., Arkadiev V.V. (2014) Titjhonian-Berriasian tintinnids (Ciliophora) of the Eastern Crimea // Bull. Saint-Petersb. Univ. Ser. 7 Geology, geography. Issue 2. P.57-78. [in Russian] pdf

Prieser T. (1937) Beitrag zur systematik und stammegeschichte der Europaischen Peltoceraten // Palaeontographica. Abt.A. Bd.86. Lief. 1-4. 144 S. pdf

Prinada V.V. (1962) Mesozoic flora of Eastern Siberia and Transbaikalia. Moscow: Gosgeoltechizdat. 368 p. [in Russian] pdf

Quenstedt F.A. (1858) Der Jura. Tubingen: Berlag der Laupp’tchen Buchhandlung, 842 S. pdf

Quenstedt F.A. (1886-1887) Die Ammoniten des Schwäbischen Jura. Band II. Der Braune Jura. Stuttgart: Schweizerbart. S.441-815. (text) pdf

Quenstedt F.A. (1887-1888) Die Ammoniten des Schwäbischen Jura. Band III. Der Weiße Jura. Stuttgart: Schweizerbart. S. 817-1101. (text) pdf

Rosenkrantz A. (1934) The Lower Jurassic rocks of East Greenland. Part 1. // Meddelelser om Grønland. Bd.110. Nr.1. 122 p. pdf

Rostovtseva J.I. (2013) Palynological characteristics of the Kudinovo Formation (Middle Jurassic) of Moscow region // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol.88. no.5. P.15-21. [in Russian] pdf

Rouillier C., Frears H. (1845) Coupe géologique des environs de Moscou // Bull. Soc. Nat. de Moscou. T. 18. № 4. pdf

Schweigert G., Scherziger A. (2014) Miscellanea aus dem Nusplinger Plattenkalk (Ober-Kimmeridgium, Schwäbische Alb). 15. Die Ammonitengattung Virgataxioceras Arkell // Jber. Mitt. oberrhein. geol. Ver., N.F. 96, S.341–349. DOI:10.1127/jmogv/96/0016 pdf

Sokolova E.I. (1939) To the stratigraphy of the Jurassic deposits of the Ural-Emba region. Trudy Geol. Neft. Inst., Ser. A, 114, 1-45 [in Russian] pdf

Steinmann G. (1881) Zur Kenntniss der Jura- und Kreideformation von Caracoles (Bolivia) // N. Jb. Min., Geol., Paläont., Beilage-Band. Bd.I. S.239-301. pdf

Stratigraphy and palaeontology of Uzbekistan and adjacent areas. Book two. Tashkent: Ac. Sci. Uzb.SSR. 293 p. [in Russian] pdf

Including some publications about the Jurassic and Cretaceous fossils:

Repman E.A. Middle Jurassic freshwater mollusks of Northern Fergana

Repman E.A. Jurassic bivalve mollusks from the south-west parts of Gissar Range

Kuzichkina Yu.M. Spores of modern plants and their fossil analogues

Vinokurova E.G. Cretaceous sea urchins of Uzbekistan

Vinokurova E.G. For characteristics of the Cretaceous bivalves from Amu-Daria lower flows

Vinokurova E.G. Cretaceous bivalve and cephalopod mollusks from Sultan-Uiz-Dagh and some parts of Kyzylkum

Vinokurova E.G. Cretaceous bivalve and cephalopod mollusks from the south-west parts of Gissar Range

Teis R.V., Naidin D.P. (1973) Palaeothermometry and oxygen isotope values of organogenic carbonates. Moscow: Nauka. 255 p. [in Russian] pdf

Toula F. (1874) Beschreibung mesozoischer Versteinerungen von der Kuhn-Insel // Zw. Deutsch. Nordpolarfahrt, Bd. 2, S.497-507. pdf

Trautschold H. (1867) Der südöstlische Theil des Gouvernements Moskau. Commentar zu specielen geologishen Karte dieses Landestheils // Materials for geology of Russia. (offprint). 77 S. pdf

Trautschold H. (1872) Das Gouvernement Moskau // Zeitschrift der Deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft. Bd. XXIV. S.361-376. pdf

Trautschold H. (1877) Der russische Jura // Neues Jarbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie. S.474-493. + Neumayr M. (1877) Bemerkungen über den russischen Jura // Neues Jarbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie. S.791-797. pdf

Trautschold H. (1883) Über die Stellung der Schichten mit Amaltheus fulgens // Neues Jarbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie. Bd.I. S.79-80. + Trautschold H. (1883) Zweite Notiz über die Stellung des Grünsandes mit Am.fulgens // Neues Jarbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie. Bd.II. S.245-247. + Nikitin S. (1883) Über die Stellung der Wolgaer Stufe des Moskauer Jura // Neues Jarbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie. Bd.II. S.247-250. pdf

Upper Jurassic Stratigraphy. International Symposium in the USSR (June 6-18, 1967). Program and guide-books. Moscow, 1967. 51 p. pdf


Program of the International Symposium on the Upper Jurassic Stratigraphy in the USSR

Gerasimov P.A., Mikhailov N.P. Volgian stage and Universal Stratigraphic Scale of the Upper Jurassic

Gerasimov P.A. Geological excursion to the Moscow suburbs

Bendukidze N.S., Khimshiashvili N.G., Paichadze G.A. Georgia

Vakhrameev V.A. (1991) Jurassic and Cretaceous floras and climates of the Earth. Cambridge University Press. xix+318 pp. pdf

Vinogradova K.V. (1971) Stratigraphy and palynology of the Jurassic oil-bearing deposits of Mangyshlak and Western Turkmenia. Moscow: Nauka. 75 p. [in Russian] pdf

Voronets N.S. (1957) New records of Morrissiceras and Xenocephalites in the north of Siberia // Collections of papers on palaeontology and stratigraphy. Issue 2. Leningrad: NIIGA. P.20-24. [in Russian] pdf


New Cretaceous publications (scanned by and/or received from C. Frau, A. Kuzmin, M. Rogov, A. Shkolin as well as from the cretaceous.ru web-site and forum Groupe de Recherche en Paleobiologie et Biostratigraphie des Ammonites) are added:

Aristov V.N. (1968) On the Polyptychites-Simbirskites ammonite fauna of the Yaroslavl region // Notes on history of the geological-geographical knowledge. Yaroslavl. P.165-178. [in Russian] pdf

Atlas of Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen assemblages of some regions of the USSR // Trans. VSEGEI. New series. 1964. Vol.124. 552 pp. [in Russian] pdf

The atlas of the guide forms of the fossil faunas of USSR. Vol. XI. Upper Series of the Cretaceous System. Moscow: Gosgeolizdat, 1949. 304 p. [in Russian] pdf

Biostratiraphy and palaeogeography of Meso-Cenozoic of oil-bearing regions of south-east of the USSR. Moscow: IGIRGI, 1964. 90 p. [in Russian] pdf

Including the following Mesozoic articles:

Zabelona T.M., Radionova M.K. On stratigraphic subdivision of Upper Cretaceous and Lower Paleogene deposits of Akkuyun uplift by foraminiferal fauna

Samsonov S.K. New data on Upper Cretaceous flora of Karatau

Aliev M.M., Aliev R.A. Some bivalve mollusks from the Cretaceous deposits of Gaurdak, Kopet-Dagh and Mountain Badhys

Kunaeva S.B., Aliev M.M., Aliev R.A. Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen assemblages of South-East Caucasus and their stratigraphic significance

Nikishova M.V., Vinogradova K.V. On stratigraphy of the Jurassic deposits of Naryn river basin (Northern Fergana)

Genkina R.Z. Cycadocarpidium Nathorst and Fraxinopsis Wieland from the Aktash Formation of the Upper Triassic of south coast of Issyk-Kul in Kirgisia

Aliev M.M., Mamezadeh R.N. On the distribution of Cenomanian deposits in the Azerbaijanian part of Lesser Caucasus

Korotkov V.A., Mikhailova I.A. On the position of beds with Acanthohoplites ex gr. uhligi and Diadochoceras

Bogdanova T.N., Kakabadze M.V. (1976) On the systematics of the genus Ammonitoceras Dumas // Bull. Ac. Sci. Georgian SSR. Vol.82. no.1. P.125-128. pdf

Bragina L.G., Bragin N.Yu., Kopaevich L F. (2014)  Radiolaria, Planktonic Foraminifera, and Stratigraphy of Turonian–Lower Coniacian in the Biyuk-Karasu Section, Crimea // Moscow University Geology Bulletin, Vol. 69, No. 3, P.121–133. pdf

Bürgl H. (1956) Catálogo de los amonitas de Colombia Parte I. Pulchelllidae // Boletin Geologico. Vol.IV. no.1. 119 p. pdf

Continental Cretaceous of the USSR. Vladivostok: Far Eastern Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1990. 224 p. pdf

The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary // International geological congress, XXI session. Reports of Soviet geologists. Problem 5. Moscow: Ac. Sci. Publ. 218 p. [in Russian] pdf

The Cretaceous System in East and South Asia. Research Summary 1994. Newsletter Special Issue IGCP 350. Fukuoka: Kyushu University, 1994. 68 p. pdf

Duraj M., Filák P., Vašíček Z. (1990) Ammoniten des Desmoceratentyps aus Ablagerun gender Hauterive-Barreme-Grenze von der Lokalitat Lietvaska Lucka bei Zilina (Westkarpaten, Krizna-Decke) // Knihovnička Zemniho plynu a nafty, Sv.9a, S.55-68. pdf

Egoyan V.L. (1959) Ancyloceras renauxianum d’Orb. var. caucasica var. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous “brachiopod” sandstones of the Pshekha river valley (North-Western Caucasus) // Proceedings of Higher Educational Establishments. Geology and Exploration. No.2. P.30-35. [in Russian] pdf

Egoyan V.L. (1965) On the first find of Colchidites in orth-Western Caucasus // Trans. VNIGNI. Issue XLIX. P.116-127. [in Russian] pdf

Etayo-Serna F. (1983) The Georgian heteromorph ammonite genera Kutatissites and Pseudoaustraliceras in Northwest Southamerica // Geologica norandina. No.7. P.3-13. pdf

Faraud M. (1940) Le Genre Vascoceras dans le Turonien du Gard // Bulletin de la Société d’Etude des Sciences Naturelles de Vaucluse, no.3-4. P.3-24. pdf

Fossil and recent echinoderm researches. Tallinn, 1989. 224 p. [in Russian] pdf

Including some articles about Cretaceous echinoderms:

Klikushin V. G. Ecogeny of the pentacrinid crinoids

Solovjev A. N. New echinoid genus Echolaster (Spatangoida, Holasteridae) from the Berriasian

Melikov O. G. Morphological peculiarity of the new species of the genus Heteraster Orbigny, 1853 (Echinoidea) from the urgonian facies of Azerbaijan

Poretzkaya E. S. New echinoid species Codechinus prosorovskyi from the Barremian of Turkmenistan

Alekseev A. S., Ende1ma n L. G. Association of ectoparasitic prosobranch gastropods with Upper Cretaceous echinoid Galerites

Moskvin М. M. Echinoids of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Boundary beds

Fülöp J. (1964) Unterkreide-Bildungen (Berrias-Apt) des Bakony Gebirges // Geologica Hungarica. Series geologica. T. 13. P. 1-194. pdf

Glazunova A.E. (1972) Palaeontological substantiation of stratigraphical subdivision of the Cretaceous deposits of the Volga area. Upper Cretaceous. Moscow: Nedra. 204 p. [in Russian] pdf

Khlonova A.F. (1960) Specific composition of pollen and spores in the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Chulym-Yenissei depression // Trans. Inst. geol. geophys. Issue 3. 101 p. pdf

Kokoszyńska B. (1949) Stratygrafia dolnej kredy północnych Karpat fliszowych // Prace Państw. Inst. geol., T.VI. 99 s. pdf

Matsumoto T. (1947) On some interesting ammonites from the Paleocretaceous of the Yuasa district, South-West Japan) // Science Reports. Department of Geology. Kyushu University, Japan. P.13-19. [in Japanese] pdf

Mikhailov N.P. (1951) Upper Cretaceous ammonites of the south of the European part of the USSR // Trans. Inst. Geol. Sciences. Vol. 129. Geol. Series no.50. 142 p. [in Russian] pdf

Morov V.P. (2014) Palaeontological characteristics of the Valanginian deposits of the Kashpir section // Regional proceedings (Kraevedcheskie zapiski). Issue XVII. P.28-42. [in Russian] pdf

Mutterlose J., Wippich M. G. E., Geisen M. (eds.) (1997) Cretaceous Depositional Environments of NW Germany // Bochumer geologische und geotechnische Arbeiten, Bd.46. 134 S. pdf

Palaeontology and stratigraphy of oil-and-gas regions of the USSR. Biostratigraphy and palaeogeography of Mesocenozoic. Moscow: Ac. Sci. Publ., 1963. 200 p. [in Russian] pdf

Including the following Jurassic-Cretaceous papers:

Aliev M.M., Mamedzade R.N. Biostratigraphy and palaeogeography of the Upper Senonian of Koshkarchai – Debetchai interflows (Lesser Caucasus)

Aliev M.M., Nehrikova N.I. Maastrichtian and Danian brachiopods of Central Kopet-Dagh (Turkmenian SSR)

Samsonov S.K. Again about the Late Cretaceous flora of Karatau

Pavlova M.M., Zabelina T.M. On the Coniakian deposits of Mountain Mangyshlak

Zabelina T.M. Some new data about the stratigraphical subdivision of the Upper Cretaceous deposits of Kara-Bogaz-Gol bay by foraminiferal fauna

Zabelina T.M., Movshovich E.B. Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Astrakhan Peri-Caspian

Aliev M.M., Aliev O.B. Biostratigraphy and palaeogeography of the Lower Cretaceous and lower Upper Cretaceous of the Koshkarchai – Terterchai interflows (Lesser Caucasus)

Aliev M.M., Aliev O.B. Biostratigraphy and palaeogeography of the Upper Senonian and Danian of the Koshkarchai – Terterchai interflows (Lesser Caucasus)

Movshovich E.B. Stratigraphical subdivision and correlation of the Lower Cretaceous sections of Astrakhan Peri-Caspian

Alekseeva L.V. On the stratigraphy of the Cretaceous deposits of North Karshi and Bekdash areas

Alekseeva L.V. Forarminiferal fauna of the Cretaceous deposits of Krasnovodsk peninsula

Genkina R.Z. On the age of the continental deposits of the Atjuss region of Northern Urals

Vinogradova K.V. Spore-pollen assemblages of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits of Mountain Mangyshlak, Tuarkyr, Bolshoi Balkhan and their stratigraphic significance

Genkina R.Z. Cycadophytes from the Jurassic deposits of Sogutinsk area in the south bank of Issyk-Kul lake

Pergament M.A. (1978) Upper Cretaceous stratigraphy abd inocerams of the Northern Hemisphere // Transactions of the Geological Institute os Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol.322 220 p. [in Russian] pdf

Poslavskaya N.A. (1958) On the species and generic criteria of some Spatangoida // Bull. Soc. Natur. Mosow, sect.geol. Vol. XXXIII, no.9. P.159-160. [in Russian] pdf

Savelieva J.N., Shurekova О.V. (2014) First data on ostracodes and dinocysts from the Hauterivian of the southwestern Crimea // Bull. Saint-Petersb. Univ. Ser. 7 Geology, geography. Issue 2. P.32-56. [in Russian] pdf

Tavani G. (1949) Fauna malacologica cretacea della Somalia e dell'Ogaden. Parte Seconda. Gastropoda - Cephalopoda – Conclusioni // Palaeontographia Italica. Vol. XLV (Nuova Serie Vol. XV). P.1-76. pdf

Tsagareli A.L. (1954) Upper Cretaceous of the Georgia // Institute of geology and mineralogy. Monographs. No.5. 462 p. [in Russian] pdf

Vakhrameev V.A. (1952) Stratigraphy and fossil flora of the Cretaceous deposits of Western Kazakhstan // Regional stratigraphy of the USSR. Vol.1. Moscow: Ac. Sci. USSR publ. 340 p. [in Russian] pdf

Vašíček Z. (1979) Zwei neue faunistische Fundorte der Unterkreide in der silesischen Einheit ud Zusammenfassung der Revision von V Uhlig (1883) Beschreibenen // Sborník vědeckých prací Vysoké školy báňské v Ostravě Ročník XX, číslo 2, řada hornicko-geologická, článek 480. S.119-134. pdf

Vašíček Z., Faupl P. (1998) Late Valanginian cephalopods in relation to the palaeogeographic position of the Rossfeld and Schrambach Formation of the Reichraming Nappe (Northern Calcareous Alps, Upper Austria) // Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, part 1. P.1421-1432. pdf

Vašíček Z., Klajmon P. (1998) Contribution to the knowledge of some small Early Barremian ammonites from Silesian Unit (Outer Carpathians, Czech republic) // Vestník Ceského geologického ústavu, T.73. P.331-342. pdf

Vermeulen J. (2007) Nouvelles données sur l’évolution et la classification des Holcodiscidae Spath, 1923 (Ammonitida, Ammonitina, Silesitoidea) // Annales du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de Nice, T. 22, P. 137-178. pdf

Vermeulen J., Arnaud H., Arnaud-Vanneau A., Lahondere J.-C., Lepinay P., Massonnat G. (2013) L'Hauterivien supérieur et le Barrémien inférieur de la région de Seynes et de Belvézet (Gard) // Annales du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de Nice, T.XXVIII. P.1-16. pdf


New Triassic publications are added (scanned by and/or received from V. Vuks and geokniga.org web-site):

Kiparisova L.D. (1972) Palaeontological substantiation of stratigraphy of the Triassic deposits of Primorie region. Part 2. Late Triassic bivalves and general stratigraphy // Trans. VSEGEI, new series. Vol.181. 248 p. [in Russian] pdf

Kolar-Jurkovšek T., Vuks V. J., Aljinoviæ D., Hautmann M., Kaim A., Jurkovšek B. (2013) Olenekian (Early Triassic) fossil assemblage from eastern Julian Alps (Slovenia) // Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, Vol.83. P.213–227. pdf

Popov Yu.N. (1961) Triassic ammonoidea of the North-East of the USSR // Trans. Inst. Arctic geol. Vol.79. 179 p. [in Russian] pdf



New hyperlinks to open-access periodicals are added:

Acta zoologica bulgarica

African Natural History

Annales de la Société d'histoire naturelle de Toulon

Annales de la Société scientifique de Bruxelles

Archiv für biontologie

Archiv pro přírodovědecký výzkum Čech

Archiv skandinavischer Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte 

Archives néerlandaises des sciences exactes et naturelles

Atti della Accademia nazionale dei Lincei

AusGeo News 

Bericht des Westpreussischen Botanisch-Zoologischen Vereins

Bericht über die Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Frankfurt am Main

Biologisches Centralblatt

Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria

Bonner zoologische Beiträge

Bonner zoologische Monographien

Botanisk tidsskrift

Bulletin de l'Institut Botanique de Buitenzorg

Bulletin de la Société belge de géologie, de paléontologie et d'hydrologie

Bulletin de la Société d'histoire naturelle de Metz

Bulletin de la Société d'histoire naturelle de Toulouse

Bulletin de la Société de sciences naturelles et d'archéologie de la Haute-Marne


Comptes rendus des séances de la Société Serbe de géologie


Florida scientist

Jahresbericht des Mannheimer Vereins für Naturkunde

Journal des Museum Godeffroy

Journal of Geosciences and Geomatics

Memorie dell'Istituto geologico della R. Università di Padova

Memorie Descrittive della Carta Geologica d’Italia (back issues; new issues)

Memorie per Servire alla descrizione della Carta Geologica d'Italia

Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg

Monitore zoologico italiano

Natural history

Neujahrsblatt herausgegeben von der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich

Norsk Geologisk Tiddskrift

North-Western Journal of Zoology

Nova acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis

Palaeontographica Bohemiae

Palaeontologia Africana


Proceedings and Report of the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society

Proceedings of the Bournemouth Natural Science Society

Proceedings of Yerevan State University, Chemistry and Biology

Proceedings of Yerevan State University, Series Geology and Geography

Special papers in palaeontology

Svensk zoologi

Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History Society

Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellshaft in Zürich




Hyperlinks to collections of publications are added:

cIRcle - the University of British Columbia's digital repository

GEOSCAN -  the bibliographic database for scientific publications of the Earth Sciences Sector (ESS) of Natural Resources Canada

Universidad de GranadaTesis

New Jurassic publications (scanned by and/or received from A. Kuzmin,  H. Parent, M. Rogov, A. Wierzbowski, H. Wierzbowski and from the cretaceous.ru web-site and forum Groupe de Recherche en Paleobiologie et Biostratigraphie des Ammonites):

Boehm G. (1907) Betrage zur Geologie von Niederlandish-Indien. I Abt. Die Sudkusten der Sula- Inseln Taliabu und Mangoli. 3 Abs. Oxford des Wai Gao // Palaeontographica. Suppl. 4. Lief.2. S.59-120. pdf

Bragina E.N. (2005) Hybodont shark Hybodus hauffianus Fraas, 1895 from the continental Upper Bathonian deposits of the Moscow region // Proceedings of Higher Educational Establishments. Geology and Exploration. P.19-22. [in Russian] pdf

Dembowska J. (1973) Portland na Niżu Polski // Prace Inst. geol. T. LXX. 107 S. pdf

Gustomesov V.A. (1972) On the usage of belemnite pharagmocones for systematics // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow. Sect.geol. Т.XLVII. Iss.1. P.121-125. [in Russian] pdf

Hoedemaeker P.J. (1979) The Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary near Mira-Vetes (Caravaca, SE Spain); arguments for its position at the base of the Occitanica zone // Сuad. Geol. Univer. Granada, V.10. P. 235-247. pdf

Jeremejew P. (1882) Die pseudomorphen Krystalle des Aragonits und des Eisenoxydes aus den russischen Fundorten // Verhandlungen der russisch-kaiserlischen mineralogischen Gesellschaft zu St.-Petersburg. Ser. 2. Bd. 17. S.319-336. [in Russian] pdf

Kirichkova A.I. (1966) On the record of Lower Jurassic flora in Eastern Siberia // Trans. VNIGRI. Issue 249. P.120-124. [in Russian] pdf

Kopik J. (1979) Callovian of the Częnstochowa Jura (South-Western Poland) // Prace Instytutu Geologicznego. T.XCIII. 69 pp. pdf

Malinowska L. (1999) Poziom Aulacostephanus eudoxus (kimeryd górny) w otworze wiertniczym Kcynia IG I // Wybrane zagadnienia stratygrafii, tektoniki i okruszcowania Dolnego Śląska. Konferencja poświęcona 45-leciu pracy naukowej Profesorów: Jerzego Dona, Tadeusza Guni i Jerzego Niśkiewicza, Wrocław, 1999. P.38-42. pdf

Mangold C. (1970) Morphoceratidae (Ammonitina-Perisphinctaceae) Bathoniens du Jura Méridional, de la Nièvre et du Portugal // Geobios. No.3 Fasc.1. P.43-130. pdf

Mesezhnikov M.S., Kirina T.I. (1966) About the marine Aalenian deposits in the western part of Vilui Synclise // Trans. VNIGRI. Issue 249. P.72-77. [in Russian] pdf

Papp K. (1907) Beschreibung der wahrend der Forschungsreisen M. V. Dechy im Kaukasus gesammelten Versteinerungen. III // In: Dechy M. Kaukasus Reisen und Forschungen im Kaukasischen Hochgebirge. Berlin. S.141-174. pdf

Prozorovskaya E.L. (1987) About the brachiopods from the Berriasian and Tithonian deposits of west of the Middle Asia // Paleontological Journal. no 4. P.115-119. pdf

Rogov M. (2014) Infrazonal subdivision of the Volgian Stage in its type area using ammonites and correlation of the Volgian and Tithonian Stages // STRATI 2013. First International Congress on Stratigraphy. At the Cutting Edge of Stratigraphy. Springer Geology, P.577-580, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-04364-7_111 pdf

Rogov M., Zakharov V. (2014) Russian GSSP Candidate Sections for the Jurassic System // STRATI 2013. First International Congress on Stratigraphy. At the Cutting Edge of Stratigraphy. Springer Geology, P.277-281, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-04364-7_56 pdf

Roman F. (1936) Le Tithonique du massif de Djurdjura (Province d’Alger) // Mater. Carte Géol. Algere. 1 Sér. Paléontologie. no.7. 43 p. pdf

Sachs V.N., Ronkina Z.Z., Schulgina N.I., Basov V.A., Bondarenko N.M. (1963) Stratigraphy of the Jurassic and Cretaceous systems of the north of the USSR. Moscow-Leningrad: Ac. Sci. Publ. 227 p. [in Russian] pdf

Schweigert G. (1995) Zum Auftreten der Ammonitenarten Amoeboceras bauhini (Oppel) and Amoeboceras schulginae Mesezhnikov im Oberjura der Schwabischen Alb // Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für Naturkunde in Württemberg, Jh.151, S.171-184. pdf

Stehn E. (1923) Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Bathonien und Callovien in Südamerika // N. Jahrbuch f. Mineralogie etc. Beil.-Bd. XLIX. S.52-158. pdf

Svanidze C.I. (1965) Fossil flora from the Lower Jurassic deposits of vicinities of Shrosha village (Western Georgia) // Bull. Geol. Soc. of Georgia, Vol..IV, Issue 2. P.25-37. [in Russian] pdf

Svanidze C.I. (1972) On the first record of the genus Weichselia in the Jurassic deposits of the USSR // Bull. Geol. Soc. of Georgia, Vol.VIII, Issue 1,2. P.23-27. [in Russian] pdf

Topchishvili M.V. (1996) Stratigraphy of the Lower Jurassic and Aalenian deposits of Georgia // Proceedings of Geological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Georgian SSR. New Series, Vol. 108, 216 p.[in Russian] pdf

Velikzhanina L.S. (1966) Representatives of genera Meleagrinella and Arctotis from Lower and Middle Jurassic of Western Yakutia // Trans. VNIGRI. Issue 249. P.80-103. [in Russian] pdf

Waagen W. (1875) The Cephalopoda // Jurassic fauna of Kutch. Palaeontologia Indica. Ser. IX. V. 1. Calcutta. 247 p. pdf

Zakharov V.A., Kim B.I., Rogov M.A. (2013) Probable distribution of Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits on the aptev Sea Shelf and their petroleum resource potential // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, Vol. 21, No. 5, P.496–514. pdf

Zakharov V., Rogov M. (2014) Review of the Jurassic System of Russia: Stages, Boundaries, and Perspectives // STRATI 2013. First International Congress on Stratigraphy. At the Cutting Edge of Stratigraphy. Springer Geology, P.629-634, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-04364-7_121 pdf

Zakharov V.A., Rogov M.A., Dzyuba O.S., Žák K., Košt’ák M., Pruner P., Skupien P., Chadima M., Mazuch M., Nikitenko B.L. (2014) Palaeoenvironments and palaeoceanography changes across the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary in the Arctic realm: case study of the Nordvik section (north Siberia, Russia) // Polar Research 2014, 33, 19714, pdf/html

Zatwornitzky A. (1914) Mesojurassische Tone im Tale des Kuban // Bull. Geol. Com. T.XXXIII, no.5. P.525-558. [in Russian] pdf

 New Cretaceous publications (scanned by and/or received from A. Kuzmin, M. Rogov and from the cretaceous.ru web-site and forum Groupe de Recherche en Paleobiologie et Biostratigraphie des Ammonites) are added:

Alekseev A.S., Kopaevich L.F. (1997) Foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the uppermost Campanian-Maastrichtian in SW Crimea (Bakhchisaray and Chakhmakhly sections) // Bull. Inst. Royal Scien. Natur. Belg. Sciences de la Terre, T.67. P.103-118. pdf

Aliev M.M., Aliev R.A. (1959) Ammonites from the Campanian and Maastrichtian of central Kopet-Dagh // Transactions of the Instiite of Geology Ac. Sci. Turkmenian SSR. T.II. P.199-211. [in Russian] pdf

Aliev M.M., Aliev R.A. (1959) Ammonites from the Cenomanian of central Kopet-Dagh // Transactions of the Instiite of Geology Ac. Sci. Turkmenian SSR. T.II. P.212-221. [in Russian] pdf

Aliev R.A. (1962) On records of re-deposited Lower Cretaceous fauna on northern slope South-East Caucasus // Proc. Ac. Sci. Azerbaijan SSR, ser. geol-georg. science. No.6. P.63-77. [in Azerbaijanian] pdf

Bogdanova T.N., Luppov N.P., Yahnin E.Y. (1963) On stratigraphy of the Aptian and Albian deposits of Tuarkyr // Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno Issledovatelskogo Geologicheskogo Instituta, New Ser., Vol. 109, P.75-97. [in Russian] pdf

Dubicka Z., Peryt D. (2012) The Lower/Upper Maastrichtian boundary interval in the Lublin Syncline (SE Poland, Boreal realm): new insight into foraminiferal stratigraphy // Newsletters on Stratigraphy. Vol. 45/2. Pp. 139-150. pdf

Faas A. (1908) To the knowledge of the fauna of the echinoids from the Cretaceous deposits in Russian Turkestan. I. Description of some forms found in the province of Fergana // Mém. Com. Géol., n. sér. T.49. 24 p. [in Russian] pdf

Fossil fauna and flora of the Ukraine. Issue 3. Kiev: Naukova Dumka. 136 pp. [in Ukrainian] pdf

Luppov N.P. Palaeontological substantiation of the stratigraphy of the upper part of Albian deposits of Peri-Caspian and their correlation with West-European sections

Ivannikov O.V. Mollusan fauna of the Lower-Upper Cretaceous boundary beds of the south-ewst part of the East-European Platform

Kaptarenko-Chernousova O.K., Lipnik O.S. Changes in microfauna as criteria for the recognition of the Lower and Upper Cretaceous in the North-East Ukraine

Martinene R.A. Selachian teeth in the Albioan deposits near the Kanev

Savchinskaya O.V. Stages of the development of the fauna and supposed boundary between the Lower and Upper series of the Cretaceous System in the Ukrainian SSR (based on materials from the Donets basin and some other region)

Pasternak S.I., Gavrilishin V.I. Significance of the molluscan faunas for the recognition of the Lower and Upper Cretaeous boundary in the Volyn-Podolia

Plotnikova L.F. Foraminifers from the Albian-Cenomanian boundary beds of the south of Ukraine

Maslakova N.I. Planctonic foraminifers and recognition of the Albian and Cenomanian boundary in Crimea and Soviet Carpathians

Gorbunov V.S. Radiolarians from the Albian and Cenomanian deposits of Ukraine

Akimets V.S. Albian deposits of the north-west part of the Dnepr-Donets depression

Akimets V.S., Grigelis A.A., Lipnik O.O. Foraminifer zones of the Cenomanian of the western part of the European part of the USSR

Morozov M.S., Poslavskaya G.G. About the boundary between the Lower and Upper series of the Cretaceous System of the Lower Volga area

Voloshina G.M. About the Albian foraminifers of the Volin-Podolie

Aliulla H. Significance of the planctonic foraminifers for the recognition of the Lower and Upper Cretaceous boundary

Permyakova M.M. Ostracod genus Lophocythere in the Jurassic deposits of the Dnepr-Donets depression

Lulieva S.A. Coccolithophorids from the Campanian deposits of the Black Sea depression

Teslenko O.V. Lower Sarmatian plants from the vicinity of Zaporozhie

Voronova M.A. Concerning the evolution of the Ukrainian vegetation during the Albian-Cenomanian and problem of the boundary between the Lower and Upper Cretaceous

Shumenko S.І. Calcareous nannoplancton in the Lower-Upper Cretaceous boundary of the Crimea

Golbert A.V., Klimova I.G., Sachs V.N. (1972) Reference section of the Neocomian of Western Siberia and Subpolar Transurals. Novosibirsk: Nauka, Sib. branch. 184 p. pdf

Grigorovich A.S. (1971) Microphytoplancton of the Cretaceous and Paleogene deposits of northern slope of Soviet Carpathians // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol. XLVI. No.2. P. 83-98. [in Russian] pdf

Khalilov A.G. (1962) Dwarf Phylloceratidae from the Lower Cretaceous of South-East Caucasus // Proc. Ac. Sci. Azerbaijan SSR, ser. geol-georg. science and oil. No.4. P.39-56. [in Russian] pdf

Kirichkova A.I., Slastenov Yu. L. (1966) Stratigraphy and flora from the Lower Cretaceous deposits of Lepiske river // Trans. VNIGRI. Issue 249. P.147-169. [in Russian] pdf

Kuznetsov V.I. (1963) Belemnites from the Upper Cretaceous of Tuarkyr // Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno Issledovatelskogo Geologicheskogo Instituta, N.S., Vol. 109, P.120-141. [in Russian] pdf

Kvantaliani I.V. (1972) Some new species from the Clansayésien of the Georgia // Bull. Geol. Soc. of Georgia, Vol.VIII, Issue 1,2. P.10-21. pdf

Lamolda M.A., Paul C.R.C., Peryt D., Pons J.M. (2014) The Global Boundary Stratotype and Section Point (GSSP) for the base of the Santonian Stage, “Cantera de Margas”, Olazagutia, northern Spain // Episodes. Vol. 37. No. 1. P. 2-13. pdf

Luppov N.P., Sirotina E.A., Tovbina S.Z. (1960) About stratigraphy of Aptian and Albian deposits of the Kopet Dagh // Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-Issledovatelskogo Geologicheskogo Inistituta, N.S., Vol. 42, P.156-173. [in Russian] pdf

Myroshnyk O.Yu. (2009) Foraminifers of the Upper Turonian in the Mender mountain section (the mountainous Crimea) // Coll. Sci. pap. Inst. Geol. Sci. Natl. Ac. Sci. Ukraine. Issue 2. Palaeontology and stratigraphy. P.207-209. [in Ukrainian] pdf

Nacki A. (1913) Die Zone mit Hoplites (Leymeriella) tardefurcatus Leym. an Mangyschlak // Annuaire gélogique et mineralogique de la Russie. Vol.XIV, livr. 9. P.270-272. pdf

Natsky A. D. (1914) Kurzer Bericht über die geologischen Untersuchungen in Küren-Dagh im Jahre 1913 // Bull. Geol. Com. T.XXXIII. no.5. P.509-523. [in Russian] pdf

Reboulet S., Szives O., Aguirre-Urreta B., Barragán R., Company M., Idakieva V., Ivanov M., Kakabadze M.V., Moreno-Bedmar J.A., Sandoval J., Baraboshkin E.J., Çağlar M.K., Fözy I., González-Arreola C., Kenjo S., Lukeneder A., Raisossadat S.N., Rawson P.F., Tavera J.M. (2014) Report on the 5th International Meeting of the IUGS Lower Cretaceous Ammonite Working Group, the Kilian Group (Ankara, Turkey, 31st August 2013) // Cretaceous Research, 50. P. 126-137. pdf

Sasonov N.T. (1951) On some little-known ammonites from the Lower Cretaceous // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol. XXVI, no.5. P.57-63. [in Russian] pdf

Savchinskaya O.V. (1965) Late Cretaceous sea urchins of the Donets Basin (their stratigraphic and palaeogeographic significance) // Natural and work resources of the left shore Ukraine and their usage (materials of the 2nd Interdepartmental Scientific Conference). Vol. VI. Geology and mineral resources. Moscow: Nedra. P.65-70. [in Rissian] pdf

Smirnova T.N. (1973) On the ontogeny of some Cretaceous rhynchonellids (Brachiopoda) // Paleontological journal. no.2. P. 61-70. [in Russian] pdf

Smirnova T.N., Konovalov V.P. (1986) First records of the Early Cretaceous brachiopods in Primorie // Paleontological journal. no.3. P. 73-84. [in Russian] pdf

Stratigraphy and palaeogeography of the Cretaceous deposits of Estern Caucasus and adjacent areas of the Volga-Ural region. Moscow: Nauka, 1967. 135 p. [in Russian] pdf


Aliev M.M., Aliev R.A., Sadovnikova T.K. Stratigraphy and palaeogeography of the Maastrichtian of south-east of Great Caucasus

Makhlin V.Z. New data on the Santonian-Campanian boundary in the south-east of the Russian Platform

Aliev M.M., Aliev R.A., Sadovnikova T.K. Biostratigraphical characteristics and palaeogeographical peculiarities of the Santonian of south-east of Great Caucasus

Aliev M.M., Aliev R.A., Sadovnikova T.K. Biostratigraphy and palaeogeography of the Upper Turonian and Campanian of south-east of Great Caucasus

Orel G.V., Smirnov Yu.P., Vasin B.G. On the subdivision of the Cenomanian-Turonian deposits of Daghestan

Smirnov Yu.P. Palaeotectonic background of the Upper Cretaceous stratigraphy of Daghestan

Smirnov Yu.P., Vasin B.G., Orel G.V. Brief lithological-biostratigraphical characteristics of the Upper Cretaceous of Daghestan

Benenson V.A. Stratigraphy and correlation of the Lower Cretaceous sections of the North-East Peri-Caucasus and sout of the Volga-Ural interflow

Konyukhov I.A., Nazarevich I.A., Kuvaeva S.B., Skvortsov E.A. Lithological and palynological peculiarities of the Lower Cretaceous gas field North Russian Khutor

Aliev M.M., Pavlova M.M., Pergament M.A. About the unification of terminology, explanations and measurements of morphological elements in shells of the Cretaceous inocerams

Aliev M.M., Pavlova M.M., Pergament M.A. About the stratigraphical distribution of inocerams in the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the south of the USSR

Tovbina S.Z. (1963) On Upper Barremian ammonites of Turkmenia // Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno Issledovatelskogo Geologicheskogo Instituta, N.S., Vol. 109, P.98-119. [in Russian] pdf

Yanin B.T. (1958) Rudist facies of the Valanginian Stage of Crimea // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol.Vol. XXXIII, no.9. P.160-161. [in Russian] pdf

 New Triassic publication is added:

Popov Yu.N. (1961) Norian ammonoids of the North-East Asia // Materials on geology and mineral resources of the North-East USSR. Issue 15. P.194-207. [in Russian] pdf



New hyperlinks to open-access periodicals are added

Acta geologica Polonica (back issues)

Boletim da Sociedade Geológica de Portugal


Geological Quarterly / Kwartalnik geologiczny (back issues)

Proceedings of the University of Bristol Spelæological Society

Publicações da Sociedade Geológica de Portugal


New Jurassic publications (scanned by and/or received from A. Kuzmin, A. Matveev, V. Mitta, A. Pavlova, H. Parent, M. Rogov, V. Rogov and from the cretaceous.ru web-site and forumGroupe de Recherche en Paleobiologie et Biostratigraphie des Ammonites ):

A Boundary between the Jurassic and Cretaceous systems // Transactions of Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Sib. Branch Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol. 699. 192 p. [in Russian] pdf


Remane J. The Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary: problems of definition and procedure

Egoyan V.L. The Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in the light of the general stratigraphic problems

Hoedemaeker P.J. Tethyan-boreal correlations and the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary

Rawson P.P. Event stratigraphy and the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary

Neale J.W. Non-marine Cretaceous correlation in Western Europe, event stratigraphy and the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary

Oloriz P., Tavera J.M. The Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in Southern Spain. Some ecostratigraphical consideration

Chen Pei-Ji. Distribution and migration of the Jehol fauna with reference to the non-marine Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in China

Sakharov A.S. Stratigraphy and correlation of Tithonian, Berriasian and Valanginian deposits of North-Eastern Caucasus and adjacent areas by ammonites

Varlamova S.V. Berriasian and Valanginian foraminifera from Urukh river basin (Northern Caucasus)

Gorbatchik T.N., Kuznetsova K .I ., Grigelis A.A. The Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous foraminifera of the Tethys. Systematic composition, peculiarities, distribution

Lobacheva S.V ., Tkachuk G.A. Berriasian brachiopods of North Caucasus

Prosorovskyi V.A. Berriasian stage of South USSR

Zakharov V.A. Definition of Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary on buchias

Kelly S.R.A. Biostratigraphy of the bivalve Buchia in the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous sediments of Europe

Crame J.A. Buchiid bivalves from the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in Antarctica

Paraketsov K.V. About Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary on buchias and some aspects of event stratigraphy

Bogomolov J.I . Correlation of the boreal and tethyan Valanginian by ammonites

Klimova I.G. Neocomlan biostratlgraphy of Western Siberia

Rovnina L.V., Purtova S.I., Slabospltskaya E.A. Microphytofossils from the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary beds of Western Siberia

Sey I.I., Kalacheva E.D. Lower Berriasian deposits of South Primorye and the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in the Far East of the USSR

Agaev V.B., Guseinov G.M. (1972) The genus Kepplerites Neumayr et Uhlig from the Late Jurassic deposits of north-west Azerbaijan // Scientific reports of Azerbaijan State University, series geological-geographical sciences. No.1. P.38-41. [in Russian] pdf

Ager D.V. (1973) The nature of stratigraphical record. New York: John Wiley and Sons. 114 pp. pdf

Aleinikov A.N., Meledina S.V. (1993) Application of the boreal-zonal standard to the Middle and Upper Oxfordian of East Siberia // Geologiya i geofizika. No.6. P.3-15. [in Russian] pdf

Alekseev S.N., Repin Yu.S. (1989) Problems of zonal subdivision of Lower Callovian of he Russian Platform // Methodical aspects of stratigraphical investigations in oil-and-gas basins (collection of scientific papers). Leningrad: VNIGRI. P.122-134. [in Russian] pdf

Beznosov N.V. (1967) Bajocian and Bathonian deposits of Northern Caucasus // Transactions of VIIIGas. Issue 28/36. 179 p. [in Russian] pdf

Biostratigraphical characteristics of Jurassic and Cretaceous oil-and-gas bearing deposits of western Siberia // Transactions ZapSibNIGNI. 1977. Issue 119. 132 p. [in Russian] pdf


Tylkina K.F., Komissarenko V.K. Records of Bathonian foraminiferal assemblage in the Tyumen Formation

Komissarenko V.K., Tylkina K.F. New data on the stratigraphy of the Callovian-Oxfordian deposits of Western Siberia

Komissarenko V.K., Tylkina K.F Paleontological characteristics of the Kimmeridgian-Volgian deposits of the Siberian Plane

Belousova N.A., Bogomyakova E.D., Rylkova G.E. Biostratigraphical subdivision of Berriasian and Valanginian deposits of Western Siberia by foraminifers

Bogomyakova E.D., Rylkova G.E., Belousova N.A. Hauterivian foraminifeal assemblages of the Western Siberian Plane

Belousova N.A., Bogomyakova E.D., Braduchan Yu.V., Kiselyova O.T., Rylkova G.E. On question of correlation of the Neocomian deposits of the Western Siberian Plane by foraminifers

Kiselyova O.T. Record of the Orientalia ? N. Bykova, 1947 in the Hauterivian of the Shirotnoe Priobye

Kiselyova O.T. Materials for study of the Albian foraminifers of the Western Siberian Plane

Kiryanova F.V. Again about the Santonian Stage of Ural region

Tanacheva M.I. Foraminiferal aasemlages from the Upper Cretaceous deposits of north of Western Siberia

Komissaremko V.K. Records of the genus Ammobaculoides Plummer from the Upper Jurassic of the Western Sberian Plane

Yakovleva S.P. The genus Ammobaculoides Plummer from the Volgian deposits of the Russian Plane

Tanacheva M.I. New species of the genus Ammobaculoides Plummer, 1932 from the Upper Cretaceous of the Western Siberian Plane

Belousova N.A. Members of the genus Trochammina from the Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Western Siberia

Tylkina KF. Members of the genus Citharinella Marie from the Kimmeridgian-Volgian deposits of the Western Siberian Plane

Biostratigraphy of Boreal Mesozoic // Transactions Inst. Geol. Geophys. Sib. Branch Ac. Sci. USSR. Issue 136. 186 p. [in Russian] pdf


Dagys A.S., Bychkov Ju М., Arkhipov Ju. V. Northeast Asia Triassic Biostratigraphy

Vavilov M. N., Kaplan М. E. Cape of Tsvetkov Triassic deposits (Eastern Taimyr)

Milova L. V. The analysis of the bivalves species complexes of the Triassic –Jurassic boundary in the basin of the Gizhiga river (Okhotsk sea basin)

Repin Ju. S. Amaltheidae representatives from the Upper Pliensbachian deposits in the north — eastern parts of the USSR and their stratigraphical significance

Kaplan М. E ., Knjazev V. G ., Meledina S. V ., Mesezhnikov M. S. Jurassic deposits of the Cape of Tsvetkov and Chernokhrebelnaja river (Eastern Taimyr)

Meledina S. V. Middle Jurassic and Callovian stratigraphy problems of the Boreal realm

Polubolko I. V., Repin Ju. S. Aalenian stage stratigraphy of the north - eastern parts of the USSR

Nalnjaeva Т.I. Stratigraphical and geographical expansion of Paramegateuthis genus

Kirina Т. I., Meledina S. V. Concerning of the Middle Jurassic deposits stratigraphy of Lena river lower course (Zhigansk district)

Zakharov V.A., Shurygin B.N. Biostratigraphical and paleobiogeographical significance of the rare Middle Jurassic bivalves in Northern Siberia

Zakharov V.A., Sanin V.J., Spiro N.S., Shulgina N. J., Judovny E.G. Zonal subdivision, lithological-geochemical and paleoecological characteristic of Lower Cretaceous deposits in the northern part of Pakhsa peninsula, Anabar bay (North of the Middle Siberia)

Teslenko Ju. V. Vegetative remains from the Upper levels of the Shadoron series in the Eastern Zabaykal’ je and their stratigraphical significance

Sachs V.N., Shulgina N.J. Valanginian stage of the Boreal realm

Aristov V. N. A bout the ammonites of the Homolsomites genus from the Lower Cretaceous of the Russian platform

Bulatova Z.I. New data in the stratigraphy of the Cenomanian-Coniacian deposits of the West Siberian Plain           

Boletzky S. von, Wiedmann J. (1978) Schulp-Wachtum bei Sepia officinalis in Abhängigkeit von ökologischen Parametern // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abhandlungen. Bd.157. Hft.1/2. S.103-106. pdf

Borissjak A. (1908) Die Fauna des Donetz-Jura. I. Cephalopoda // Mém. Com. Géol., new sér. T.37. 94 S. pdf

Checa A. (1984). Phylogenetic relationship among Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian Aspidoceratidae "classical species", deduced from the Subbetic record (South Spain). A proposal // Géobios. T.17, P.21-31. pdf

Dommergues J.-L. (1978) Un cas de dimorphisme sexuel chez une ammonite carixienne Phricodoceras taylori (J. de C. Sowerby, 1826), Eoderoceratidae Spath, 1929 // Bulletin scientifique de Bourgogne, T.31. P.41-45. pdf

Frebold H. (1970) Marine Jurassic faunas // In: Douglas R. J. W. (ed.) Geology and Economic Minerals of Canada. Geol. Survey Canada, Economic Geology Report no.1. P.641-648. pdf

Gladenkov Yu.B., Zakharov V.A., Ganelin V.G., Gladenkov A.Yu., Dronov A.V., Korchagin O.A., Rogov M.A. (2013) New approaches to recognition of development of Phanerozoic ecosystems of Boreal Belt // in: Galimov E.M. (Ed.) Problems of appearance and evolution of biosphere. Moscow: KRASAND. P.525-550. [in Russian] pdf

Gygi R.A. (1998) Taxonomy of perisphinctid ammonites of the Early Oxfordian (Late Jurassic) from near Herznach, Canton Aargau, Switzerland // Palaeontographica. Abt.A. Bd.251. Lfg.1- 4. P.1-37. pdf

Hahn W. (1968) Die Oppeliidae Bonarelli und Haploceratidae Zittel (Ammonoidea) des Bathoniums (Brauner Jura ε) im Südwestdeutschen Jura // Jh. geol. Landesamt. Baden-Württemberg. Bd. 10. S.7-72. pdf

Hahn W. (1969) Die Perisphinctidae Steinmann (Ammonoidea) des Bathoniums (Brauner Jura ε) im südwestdeutschen Jura // Jh. geol. Landesamt. Baden-Württemberg. Bd.11. S.29-86. pdf

Hahn W. (1970) Die Parkinsoniidae S.Buckman und Morphoceratidae Hyatt (Ammonoidea) des Bathoniums (Brauner Jura ε) im südwestdeutschen Jura // Jh. geol. Landesamt. Baden-Württemberg. Bd.12. S.7-62. pdf

Hahn W. (1971) Die Tulitidae S.Buckman, Sphaeroceratidae S.Buckman und Clydoniceratidae S.Buckman (Ammonoidea) des Bathoniums (Brauner Jura ε) im südwestdeutschen Jura // Jh. geol. Landesamt. Baden-Württemberg. Bd.13. S.55-122. pdf

Hahn W. (1972) Neue Ammonitenfunde aus dem Bathonium (Brauner Jura ε) im Schwäbischen Alb // Jh. geol. Landesamt. Baden-Württemberg. 1972. Bd.14. S.7-16. pdf

Hahn W., Koerner U., Malz H. (1971) Die Aufsphlüsse imn oberen Dogger (Bathonium-Callovium) im Albstollen der Bodenseewasserversorgung unter der Zollernalb (SW-Deutschland) // Jh. geol. Landesamt. Baden-Württemberg. Bd.13. S. 123-144. pdf

House M.D. (Ed.) (1993) The Ammonoidea: Environment, Ecology, and Evolutionary Change // The Systematics Association Special Volume No.47. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 354 p. pdf

Ivanova E.F. (1973) Foraminifera of the Volgian age of Boreal basins of the USSR // Transactions of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol. 171. 129 p. [in Russian] pdf

Joly B. (1975) Les Phyllocerataceae de l'Est et du Sud-Est du Bassin Parisien au Lias // Bull. Soc. Géol. France. Sér.7, t. 17, P.1084-1091. pdf

Jurassic System of Russia: Problems of stratigraphy and рaleogeography. Fifth AllRussian meeting. September 23-27, 2013, Tyumen. Scientific materials. (V.A.Zakharov (ch. ed.), M.A.Rogov, B.N.Shurygin (eds.). Yekaterinburg: “ID “IzdatNaukaServis” LLC, 2013. 270 p. [in Russian] pdf


Zakharov V.A. All-Russian and All-World stratigrapher forums

Aksenova T.P. Structure and conditions of formation of the Lower-Middle Jurassic deposits (Ontohskaya area, Shaim district)

Alekseev V., Amon E. Non-linearity in geology, sedimentation and stratigraphy

Alekseev V., Amon E., Valeev R., Lats S., Chernova O., Schergina E. Palaeogeographic reconstructions in forewhortening of intermittent-continuous sedimentation (on example of Jurassic deposits of the West Siberian Basin)

Alekseev M.A. Toarcian and Aalenian Verneuilinida (Foraminifera) and their role in stratigraphy of north of Central Siberia

Alifirov A.S., Beisel A.L. Zonal and geological correlation of the Corallian (Middle-Upper Oxfordian): principal aspects

Alifirov A.S., Meledina S.V. West Siberian sea basin in the frame of biochores during the Callovian ‒ Late Jurassic

Antonovskaya T. The structure and hydrocarbon potential of the Jurassic deposits of the shelf Norwegian, Barents and Kara Seas and the West Siberian platform

Beisel A.L. The pre-Vasyuganian (Bathonian-Callovian) transgression in West Siberia

Vischnevskaya V.S. Biostratigraphy and paleobiogeography of the Bazhenovo formation based on radiolarian analysis

Vuks V.Ja. Unified regional stratigraphic scheme of the Jurassic of the EasternEuropean platform: some problems and improvement prospects

Gabova K.V. Lithogeochemical peculiarities and depositional environments of the Ju1 horizon, exemplified by the Kazan oil-and-gas reservoir of the south-east part of Nyurol depression (Tomsk area)

Glinskikh L.A., Kostyleva V.V. Micropaleontological and sedimentological evidences of Boreal transgression in the Bajocian-Bathonian near Saratov

Goryacheva A.A. Biostratigraphy of the Lower Jurassic of the northern part of Eastern Siberia by dinocysts

Grinenko V.S., Knyazev V.G., Goryacheva A.A., Mikhailova T.E. New data on stratigraphy of the Jurassic marine deposits of the north-east of Aldan anteclise (east of the Siberian Platform)

Gulyaev D.B. New data on stratigraphy of the classical Callovian section near the village Alpat’evo (Oka river, Moscow Region)

Gulyaev D.B. On ammonite zonal scale of the uppermost Bajocian, Bathonian and lowermost Callovian of the East Europe Platform

Gulyaev D.B., Ippolitov A.P. Detailed biostratigraphy of the Lower Callovian of the Kanev district area (Cherkassy region, Ukraine)

Dzyuba O. Revision of belemnites from the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary beds in the Boyarka River Basin (Northern East Siberia)

Zhukovskaya E.A., Vakulenko L.G., Yan P.A. Oxfordian concretion-bearing horizon in sedimentary basins of Siberia

Zamirailova A., Zanin Yu., Eder V. The composition and lithogeochemical characteristics of the Middle Jurassic of the Yenisei-Khatanga basin

Ivantsov S., Kostesha O., Lyaluk K. Biostratigraphy of Middle Jurassic continental deposits of Nazarovo Depression (south-east of West Siberia)

Ippolitov A.P., Gulyaev D.B. Belemnite stratigraphy of the Lower Callovian of south-west of Western Europe platform: preliminary results

Kazanenkov V.A., Ryzhkova S.V. Regional oil and gas Jurassic reservoirs of the Kara-Yamal area

Karogodin Y.N. Oil and gas systems and their electrophysical models in the lithmostratigraphic system version (on example of Jurassic of Western Siberia)

Karogodin Y.N. Jurassic deposits in sequencestratigraphical and lithmostratigraphical models (oil-and-gas aspect)

Kim N.S. Possibilities of application of methods of organic geochemistry for the paleogeographic reconstructions: the case of Jurassic deposits of the Yenisei-Khatanga Trough

Kiselev D.N. New data on the biostratigraphy of the Callovian in the Chermenino reference section (Unzha river, Kologriv area)

Kiselev D.N., Ohapkina E.A. Preliminary results of “chromostratigraphic” method approvals for the studying of the Callovian in the Tchermenino reference section (Unzha river, Kologriv area)

Klimova I.G. The history of Stratigraphy of oil-bearing deposits of Siberia: how everything began

Knyazev V.G., Kutygin R.V., Nikitenko B.L., Alifirov A.S. Ammonite zonal stratigraphy of the Upper Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian of the Urdyuk-Khaya cape (Northern Siberia)

Kosenko I., Dzyuba O., Shurygin B. Variations of carbon and oxygen isotopes around the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary strata of the Northern Urals: comparative analysis of belemnites and oysters

Kulikova N.K., Shurekova O.V. Palynostratigraphy of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous (Ryazanian) deposits of the Shtockman area of the Barents Sea

Malenkina S. The Upper Jurassic Oxfordian and Lower Volgian carbonaceous clay some sections of the Moscow and the vicinity: preliminary results

Mantsurova V.N., Zdobnova E.N., Boguslavskaya E.V. Stratigraphy and correlation of the Jurassic deposits in the North Caspian

Makhnach V.V. Correlation of the Callovian-Oxfordian of different facial regions of Belarus

Meledina S.V. Zonal subdivisions of the Siberian Bajocian and Bathonian in the light of new paleontological data

Meledina S.V., Alifirov A.S., Aleynikov A.N. Ammonites and Oxfordian zonal stratigraphy of the Western Siberia

Mitta V.V. On improving the rules for Regional stratigraphic schemes

Mitta V.V., Alsen P. Ammonites and zonal scale of the Bathonian of Greenland

Naidenov L.F., Repin Yu.S., Kolpenskaya N.N., Kulikova I.S., Savelyeva Yu.N., Fedorova А.А., Shurekova О.V. New materials on biostratigraphy of the upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits of the North of the Western Siberia

Nekhaev A.Y. Depositional environments during the Layda time (Aalenian) of the northern West Siberia

Novruzov E.S., Kerimov K.M., Khalafly A.A. Questions of possible oil-and-gas bearing of the Jurassic deposits of Yelakh-Agjabedi depression

Panchenko I.V., Vishnevskaya V.S., Kalmikov G.A., Baraboshkin E.Yu. New biostratigraphic data on Abalak and Bazhenov Formations of the Shirotnoe Priobie, based on integrated study of macro- and microfossils

Pestchevitskaya E., Ryabokon A. New data on dinocyst successions from the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of Gorodischie section (Ul’yanovsk region): biostratigraphy and correlation

Platonov E.S., Lakova I., Arkadiev V.V. Tintinnids from the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary deposits of the Eastern Crimea

Polkovnikova Е.V., Kravchenko G.G., Tatyanin G.M., Kostesha О.N., Lyalyuk K.P., Konovalova V.А., Chekantsev V.А. Biostratigraphy and sedimentary conditions of the Callovian-Upper Jurassic deposits of the Silginskian structure-facial area of Western Siberia

Raevskaya E.G., Kulikova N.K., Shurekova O.V. Microalgological features of the Bazhenov Horizon sediments of the West Siberia

Repin Yu.S. Cladogenesis and parallelism in evolution of the Upper Pliensbachian Amaltheidae

of North-East Asia

Repin Yu.S. On ecology of Jurassic ammonoids

Rogov M.A. Dimorphism and polymorphism of the Boreal and Subboreal Volgian ammonites (Dorsoplanitidae, Craspeditidae, Virgatitidae)

Rogov M.A., Shkolin A.A., Malenkina S.Yu. New data on stratigraphy of the Volgian Stage (Upper Jurassic) in sections of Moscow and of the Moscow region

Savelieva J.N., Shurekova O.V. Ostracods and dinocysts from the Tithonian-Berriasian boundary beds of the Eastern Crimea (Tonas river basin)

Savenko V., Rakovskaya I., Knysh N. Movement of the paleolandscapes boundaries in the Middle Jurassic of the northern part of Shaim area (south-west of the West-Siberian Basin)

Smokotina I.V. Biostratigraphy of the Lower Jurassic deposits in reference sections of the south-western part of the Siberian platform (an overview)

Starodubtseva I.A. D. Sokolov and his research on the collections held in the Piter the Great Geological Museum of Emperor's Academy of Science

Starodubtseva I.A. Can the famous geologist I.F. Sintsov be accounted as “one of the best experts in Mesozoic geology of the Volga river region”?

Stafeev A., Smirnova S., Rostovtseva J., Sukhanova T., Kosorukov V. Palynostratigraphy and sedimentation environments of the Eski-Orda Group of the Mountain Crimea

Stafeev A., Sukhanova T., Smirnova S., Rostovtseva J., Kosorukov V. Paleogeographic justification of a stratigraphy of the Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic of the Mountain Crimea

Syurin A.A. Structural models and depositional environments of Bathonian reservoir in the Urengoy region

Taninskaya N.V., Nizyaeva I.S., Bakyev O.V., Mazkova M.A., Vasiliev N.J. Sedimentological characteristics of the Middle-Upper Jurassic deposits of the North of the Western Siberia

Trubicyna A.N. Callovian dinocyst assemblages in biostratigraphy of the sub-Ural part of Western Siberia

Ulanovskaya T., Kalinin V., Zelenschsikov G. On some problems of stratigraphy of Jurassic basement and the cover of the Scythian Plate (South-East Europe)

Urman O., Shurygin B. Lower Bathonian Bivalvia in Boreal-Tethyan ecotone zone on the South-East of the Russian Platform (Sokur section)

Ustinova M., Malenkina S. The characteristic foraminifera of the Upper Oxfordian to Middle Volgian deposits of Moscow (Krylatskoe section)

Feodorova А.А. Paleoecological analysis of foraminiferal assemblages from the Middle Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous of the northern part of Western Siberia (Bolshaya Kheta area)

Shemin G.G. Structure, formation conditions and hydrocarbon potential of the Malyshevka horizon of the Arctic regions of West Siberia and the Kara Sea water area

Shchepetova E.V., Rogov M.A. Organic carbon-rich horizons in the Upper Kimmeridgian of the northern part of Ulyanovsk-Saratov trough (Russian Platform): biostratigraphy, sedimentology, geochemistry

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Aly M.F. (2006) Aptian cephalopods from Gabal Aru Ruqum, North Sinai, Egypt // Egypt. J. Paleontology. Vol.6. P.347-385. pdf

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Barroso-Barcenilla F. (2007) Revision and new data of the ammonite family Acanthoceratidae de Grossouvre, 1894, from the lower Turonian of the Iberian Trough, Spain // Palaeontographica, Abt.A. Bd.280. P.123-163. pdf

Barroso-Barcenilla F., Goy A. (2010) The ammonite genus Vascoceras Choffat, 1898 (familiy Vascoceratidae Douvillé, 1912) in the Iberian Trough, Spain // Palaeontographica. Abt. A. Bd. 290. Lief.4-6. P.199-235. pdf

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Kennedy W.J., Klinger H.C. (2012) Cretaceous faunas from Zululand and Natal, South Africa. The ammonite genera Mojsisovicsia Steinmann, 1881, Dipoloceroides Breistroffer, 1947, and Falloticeras Parona & Bonarelli, 1897 // African Natural History, Vol. 8. P.1-15. pdf

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New Triassic publications (scanned by and/ or received from S. Lucas and A. Pronin)

Klein H., Lucas S.G. (2010) Tetrapod footprints - their use in biostratigraphy and biochronology of the Triassic // Geological Society, London, Special Publications. Vol.334. P. 419-446. pdf

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Lucas S.G. (2010) The Triassic timescale based on nonmarine tetrapod biostratigraphy and biochronology // Geological Society, London, Special Publications. Vol.334. P. 447-500. pdf

Lucas S.G. (2013) Plant megafossil biostratigraphy and biochronology, upper Triassic Chinle Group, Western USA // in: Tanner, L.H., Spielmann, J.A. and Lucas, S.G., eds., 2013, The Triassic System. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 61. P.354-365. pdf

Lucas S.G., Spielmann J.A. (2013) Magnetostratigraphy of the Upper Triassic Chinle Group in New Mexico: an appraisal of 40 years of analysis // in: Tanner, L.H., Spielmann, J.A. and Lucas, S.G., eds., 2013, The Triassic System. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 61. P.375-381. pdf




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Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia

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American Journal of Plant Science

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Anuari ornitològic de les Balears: revista d'observació estudi i conservació dels aucells

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Brazilian Journal of Botany

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Bulletin Aardwetenschappen - Bulletin Sciences de la Terre (2007-2010)

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Bulletin of Botanic Garden, Hokkaido University

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Territoris: revista del Departament de Cičncies de la Terra

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Zoological Society bulletin

Zootecnia tropical


Links to e-libraries:

Books from the 15th to 19th century http://www.e-rara.ch

Publications by Palaeontological Society of Japan: http://www.palaeo-soc-japan.jp/English/publication-E.html


New Jurassic publications (scanned by and/or received from V. Arkadiev, A. Bondarev, A. Cantú Chapa, R. Gallois, A. Kuzmin, V. Morov, M. Ovechkina, H. Parent, A. Pavlova, M. Rogov, E. Tesakova, S. Sassarolli, and from the cretaceous.ru web-site):

Andelković M.Ž. (1958) Die Aptychen aus den oberjurassischen Kalken des Greben und ihre stratigraphische Bedeutung // Ann. Geol. Pénins. Balkan. T.25. S.29-43. pdf

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Cantú Chapa A. (1970) El Kimeridgiano Inferior de Samalayuca, Chihuahua // Revista del Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo, Vol. II, No. 3, P.40-44. pdf

Cantú Chapa A. (1992) El Kimeridgiano Inferior del subsuelo en el Este de México // Revista Mexicana del Petróleo, Año XXXIV, No. 334, P.30-35. pdf

Cantú Chapa A. (2013) Producción Petrolera en Estratos del Titoniano-Kimeridgiano (Jurasico Sup.), en la Planicie Costera y Golfo de México; Confrontación de Conceptos Geológicos // PetroQuiMex, Mayo-Junio, P.22-28. pdf

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Golbert A.V., Markova L.G., Polyakova I.D., Sachs V.N., Teslenko Yu.V. (1968) Paleolandscapes of West Siberia in Jurassic, Cretaceous and Paleogene. Moscow: Nauka. 150 p. [in Russian] pdf

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Hantzperue P., Debrand-Passard S. (1980) L’Oxfordien supérieur et le Kimméridgien des Charents (Bassin aqutan) et du Berry (Bassin parisien). Extension géographique des repères ammonitiques // Bull. Soc. Géol. France. Sér.7. T.XXII. №3. Р. 369-375. pdf

von Hillebrandt A., Kossler A., Gröschke M. (2000) Caracoliceras, a new Oxfordian (Upper Jurassic) ammonite genus from northern Chile // Rev. paléobiol. Vol. spec.8. P.65-81. pdf

Knyazev V.G. (1991) Toarcian Harpoceratinae of north of Asian part of the USSR // Transactions Inst. Geol. Geophys. Sib. Branch Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol.769. P.37-47. [in Russian] pdf

Korchagin O.A. (2013) Fossil micrometeorites, microtektites and microkristites: method of investigations, classification and Impact-Stratigraphy Scale // In: Stratigraphy in the beginning of the XXI century – trends and new ideas. Notes on regional geology of Russia. Issue 6. Moscow: Geolkart-GEOS. P.112-142. [in Russian] pdf

Kossler A., Gröschke M. (2004) Early Callovian Reineckeids from the Back-Arc Basin of Northern Chile // Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg. Heft 88. P.99-114. pdf

Krasnov E.V., Savitsky V.O. (1973) Upper Jurassic coral reefs of Sakhalin and hypotesys of drif of Japanese Islands // Transactions Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol.209. no.3. P.659-661. [in Russian] pdf

Krymholz G.Ya., Tazikhin N.N. (1957) New materials on stratigraphy of the Jurassic deposits of Vilyi synclise // Transactions Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol.116. no.1. P.129-130. [in Russian] pdf

Kvantaliani I.V., Lominadze T.A. (1984) On the systematics of the Perisphinctina (Ammonoidea) // Bull. Ac. Sci. Georgian SSR. V.116. no.3. P.553-556. [in Russian] pdf

Kvantaliani I.V., Lominadze T.A. (1986) Family Ataxioceratidae, its problems of systematics and volume // Bull. Ac. Sci. Georgian SSR. V.121. no.3. P.561-564. [in Russian] pdf

Lominadze T.A., Kvantaliani I.V. (1985) On the systematics of family Dorsoplanitidae (Ammonoidea) // Bull. Ac. Sci. Georgian SSR. V.119. no.2. P.337-340. [in Russian] pdf

Lominadze T.A., Sakharov A.S. (1982) Biostratigraphic scheme of the Caucasian Callovian deposits // Geology and prospecting of mineral deposits of Georgia. Transactions of the Georgian Polytechnic Institute, no.3 (248). P.36-39. [in Russian] pdf

Lominadze T.A., Sakharov A.S. (1984) Stratigraphical position of the Kepplerites gowerianus layers on the Northern Caucasus // Geology and prospecting of mineral deposits of Georgia. Transactions of the Georgian Polytechnic Institute, no.11 (281). P.27-31. [in Russian] pdf

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Maubeuge P.L. (1961) Rauracoceras rauracum: un Hecticoceratinae nouveau du Rauracien // Bull. Soc. belge Géol., Paléont. et d’Hydrol. T. LXX. Fasc. 3. P. 413-417. pdf

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Maubeuge P.L. (1966) Le problème du stratotype du sous-étage Lotharingien: excistence de la zone à Gagaticeras en Lorraine // Bulletin de l'Académie et Société Lorraines des Sciences, T.VI. No.2. P.62-72. pdf

Maubeuge P.L., Rioult M. (1964) Présence de Paltarpites (Ammonoidea) dans le Jurassique inférieur du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg // Archives de la section des Sciences de l’Institute Grand-Ducal, Nouvelle Série, T.XXX. 1963. P. 107-113. pdf

Maubeuge P.L., Rioult M. (1966) Nouvelles découvertes de Paltarpites (Ammonoidea) dans le Jurassique inférieur du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg // Archives de la Section des Sciences de l’Institute Grand-Ducal, Nouvelle Série, 1964-1965. T.XXXI. P.305-308. pdf

Meledina S.V. (1991) Bajocian ammonites of north of the Middle Siberia // Transactions Inst. Geol. Geophys. Sib. Branch Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol.769. P.113-124. [in Russian] pdf

Meledina S.V. (1991) Zonal scheme of the “Boreal Bathonian” – Lower Callovian of Siberia // Transactions Inst. Geol. Geophys. Sib. Branch Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol.769. P.125-154. [in Russian] pdf

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Prinada V.D. (1935) Jurassic plants from the Naryn river basin in the Middle Asia // Transactions of integrate Kirgiz expedition of the years 1932-1933. Vol.1. Materials on geology and geochemistry of Tian-Shan. Part IV. Leningrad-Moscow: Ac. Sci. USSR. P.215-230. [in Russian] pdf

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Sey I.I., Kalacheva E.D. (1992) Bathonian-Callovian Boundary in the Boreal and Subboreal Regions of Russia // Otech. Geol., no.10. P.47–52. pdf

Sharikadze M.Z., Lominadze T.A., Kvantaliani I.V. (1988) Traces of the attachment of muscles on the shells of Callovian and Aptian ammonites // Bull. Ac. Sci. Georgian SSR. V.132. no.2. P.325-328. [in Russian] pdf

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Stage and zonal scales of the Boreal Mesozoic of the USSR // Transactions of Institute of Geology and Geophysics, 1989. Vol. 722. 223 pp. [in Russian] pdf


 Trophimuk A.A. V.N. Saks — great organizator of science in the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Science of the USSR

Zakharov V.A., Mesezhnikow M.S., Shulgina N.I. Saks contribution in stage and zonal scales of Jurassic and Cretaceous systems

Gramberg I.S., Kulakov In.N. Leningrad’s period in creative work of Saks

Mogucheva N.K: P/T boundary in the continental deposits of Middle Siberia

Smirnova S.B., Kazakova Z.I., Jakovleva G.E.. Vinogradova K.V., Tsaturova A.A. Possibilities of Triassic deposit’s correlation of Barents Sea and Precaspian (on palynological material) Kasatkina E.A. Triassic foraminifera of Soviet Arctic and Spitsbergen

Dagis A.S., Dagis A.A. Detail biostratigraphical scheme of the Olenekian stage of North Siberia on ammonites and conodonts

Kurushin N.I. Biostratigraphy of Olenekian stage on the north of Middle Siberia on bivalves

Grausman V.V., Tumanova I.Yu. Paleontological characterictics of the Lower Triassic deposits of the north—western part of Vilyi syneclise

Dagis A.S., Dagis A.A. Questions of biostratigraphy and paleobiogeography of Triassic of the exotic blocks of North-Western Pacific

Basov V.A., Vasilenko L.V., Sokolov A.R., Yakovleva S.P. Zonal subdivision of the marine mesozoic deposits of Barents Sea

Shurygin B.N. Problems of creation of zonal Jurassic scales on the north of Siberia on bivalves

Kuzmin S.P. Problems of creation of zonal Lower Jurassic scales of Far East on bivalves

Krymgolts G.Y., Repin Yu. S. About few Jurassic guards from Iran and belemnitid’s commissure

Meledina S. V. Ammonites and zonal subdivision of subboreal Callovian of the USSR

Nalnjaeva T.I. Layers with belemnites in the subboreal Callovian of Russian Platform

Mesezhnikow M .S., Kalacheva E.D. Zonal subdivisions of boreal Upper Oxfordian of the USSR

Shulgina N.I. Formation and development of views on stage and zonal scales of the marine Neocomian of Siberia

Bogomolov Yu.I. Zonal subdivision of Valanginian of Northern Siberia

Sey 1.1., Kalacheva E.D. Lower Cretaceous ammonites of Middle Sikhote-Alin’

Kirichkova A.I. Paleoflora of Jurassic and Early Crataceous of Siberian paleofloristic region and detailed phytostratigraphy

Alabushev A.I. Geografical differenciation of Pacific ammonites in Albian

Bugdaeva E.V. Correlation of Lower Cretaceous deposits of isolated depressions of Transbaikal region on flora

Papulov G.N., Amon E.O. Problems of zonal biostratigraphy of Cretaceous of south-western part of West Siberian plate

Zakharov V.A., Khomentovsky О. V. New data on stratigraphy of marine Upper Cretaceous of Ust-Yenisei depression

Amon E.O., Papulov G.N. On biostratigraphy of marne Upper Cretaceous deposits of Middle and South Transuralian on foraminifera and radiolarians

Podobina V.M. New data on zonal stratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous of West Siberia

Zhelezko V.I., Papulov G.N. About find of teath of Santonian-Campanian selachians on South Transuralian and possibility of Boreal-Tethyan correlations

German A.B. Paleobotanical basis of correlation of Upper Cretaceous deposits of the North-East of the USSR

Samylina V.A. Stages in development of flora of Middle Cretaceous - the basis of biostratigraphy of continental deposits of the North-East of the USSR

Startseva G.N. (1972) Expirience of biometrical studies of Pseudolamarckina genus from the Upper Jurassic deposits of Mojsha and Civil interflows // Questions of geology of Southern Urals and Volga area. Issue 8. Saratov: Saratov University. P.103-121. [in Russian] pdf

Startseva G.N., Kozlova V.I. (1972) New species of foraminifera from thge Lower Callovian of Insar river // Questions of geology of Southern Urals and Volga area. Issue 8. Saratov: Saratov University. P.122-128. [in Russian] pdf

Tesakova E.M., Seltser V.B. (2013) Ostracods and ammonites from Lower Callovian of Bartolomeevka section (Saratov region) // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol.88. no.2. P.50-68. [in Russian] pdf

Ustinova M.A., Lavrenko N.S. (2013) Assemblage of foraminifera of Middle Volgian Substage of Aiyuva river section (Timan-Pechora Province) // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol.88. no.2. P.69-78. [in Russian] pdf

Vakhrameev V.S., Puscharovsky Yu.N. (1954) On Mesozoic geological history of the Vilyui depression and the adjoining part of the Priverkhoyansk foredeep // in: Shatsky N.S. (Ed.) Questions of geology of Asia. Vol.1. Moscow: Academy of Sciences of the USSR. P.588–528. [in Russian] pdf

Venzo S. (1959) Cefalopodi neogiurassici degli Altipiani Hararini. Roma : Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, 97 p. pdf

Wierzbowski H., Rogov M.A., Matyja B.A., Kiselev D., Ippolitov A. (2013) Middle-Upper Jurassic (Upper Callovian–Lower Kimmeridgian) stable isotope and elemental records of the Russian Platform: indices of oceanographic and climatic changes // Global and Planetary Change, V.107. P.196-212. pdf

Wimbledon W.A.P. (2012) A revised description of the lithostratigraphy of the Kimmeridgian-Tithonian and Kimmeridgian-Volgian boundary beds at Kimmeridge, Dorset, UK: discussion to Gallois 2011 // Geoscience in South-West England. Vol.13. P.131. pdf


New Cretaceous publications (scanned by and/or received from C. Baudouin, D. Bert, H. Klinger, J. Lehmann, M. Ovechkina, A. Pavlova, M. Rogov, C. Salazar, E. Tesakova)

Bert D. (2012) Les ammonites du Niveau Paquier (Albien basal, Crétacé inférieur) du Sud-Est de la France // Fossilies. No.12. P.6-27. pdf

Biro-Bagóczky L. (1976) Titanites chilensis n. sp. en la Formación Lo Valdés, Titoniano-Neocominao, Provincia de Santiago, Chile // Actas Primer Congreso Geológico Chileno, Santiago, Chile, 2-7 Agosto, t.3, seccion L, P.L11-L19. pdf

Bogomolov Yu.I., Shenfil’ O.V. (1991) Zonal stratigraphy of the Valanginian deposits of Sabyda river (Khatanga depression) // Transactions Inst. Geol. Geophys. Sib. Branch Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol.769. P.164-171. [in Russian] pdf

Collignon M. (1956) Ammonites néocrétacées du Menabe (Madagascar). IV. Les Phylloceratidae. V. Les Gaudryceratidae. VI. Les Tetragonitidae // Annales géologiques du service des mines. Fasc. XXIII. 107 p. pdf

Förster R. (1975) Die geologische Entwicklung von Süd-Mozambique seit der Unterkreide und die Ammoniten-Fauna von Unterkreide und Cenoman // Geologisches Jahrbuch B 12. 324 S. pdf

Ivanova A.N. (1969) Early Creatceous bivalves of Astrakhan Volga area and adjacent part of Kalmykian ASSR // Questions of stratigraphy, paleontology and lithology of Lower Volga area. Saratov. P.342-394. [in Russian] pdf

Kakabadze M.V., Thieuloy J.-P. (1991) Ammonites Hétéromorphes du Barrémien et de l’Aptien de Colombie (Amérique du Sud) // Géologie Alpine. T. 67. Pp. 81-113. pdf

Kennedy W.J., Bilotte M., Melchior P. (1995) Ammonite faunas, biostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy of the Coniacian-Santonian of the Corbieres (NE Pyrenees) // Bull. Centres Rech. Explor.-Prod. Elf Aquitaine, T.19, no.2. P.377-499. pdf

Kvantaliani I.V., Kvernadze A.V., Sharikadze M.Z. (1982) To the stratigraphy of Lower Cretaceous deposits of the river Agura middle course (Sochi region) // Geology and prospecting of mineral deposits of Georgia. Transactions of the Georgian Polytechnic Institute, no.3 (248). P.44-50. pdf

Kvantaliani I.V., Sharikadze M.Z., Kakabadze M.V. (1982) On the Clanseian in the environs of the village David-Bekh (Armenian part of the Lesser Caucasus) // Geology and prospecting of mineral deposits of Georgia. Transactions of the Georgian Polytechnic Institute, no.3 (248). P.50-52. pdf

Ovechkina M.N. (2007) Upper Cretaceous (Campanian and Maastrichtian) calcareous nannoplancton of south and east of the Russian Platform // Transactions of the Palaontological Institute of RAS. Vol.288. Moscow: Nauka. 352 p. [in Russian] pdf

Pergament M.A. (1973) Senonian inoceramid zones of West-Sakhalinian mountains // Transactions of Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol.209. no.1. P.173-176. pdf

Renngarten V.P. (1965) Reference sections of the Late Cretaceous of Daghestan. Moscow-Leningrad: Nauka. 99 p. pdf

Sharikadze M.Z., Gugunishvili G.G. (1984) Morphogenesis of Protacanthoplites Tovbina (Ammonoidea) genus // Geology and prospecting of mineral deposits of Georgia. Transactions of the Georgian Polytechnic Institute, no.11 (281). P.32-39. pdf

StchirowskyW. (1893) Ueber der Genera Oxynoticeras und Hoplites aus dem nord-simbirsk'schen Neocom // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscou, no.4. S.369-380. pdf

Stolley E. (1912) Über die Kreideformation und ihre fossilien auf Spitzbergen // Kungl. Svensk. Vettenskapsakad. Handlingar. Bd.47. №11. 29 S. pdf

Traverse A., Ames H.T. (1979) Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary Spores and Pollen from the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. // Catalog of fossil spores and pollen. Volume 41. Published at University Park, Pennsylvania. 268 p. pdf

Upper Cretaceous of the south of the USSR. Moscow: Nauka, 1986. 232 p. [in Russian] pdf

Vekshina V.N. (1959) Coccolithophorids from the Maastrichtian deposits of Western Siberian lowland // Transactions of SNIIGGiMS (Siberian Scientific Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources), Issue 2. P.56-81. [in Russian] pdf

Zhelezko V.I., Glickman L.S. (1971) On Cenomanian deposits of Western Kazakhstan and some Cretaceous sclerophagous sharks // Problems of geology of Western Kazakhstan. On 60 anniversary of Academician A.L. Yanshin, Ac. Sci. Kaz. SSR. P.179-188. [in Russian] pdf


New Triassic publications (scanned by and/ or received from, A. Pronin, M. Rogov)

Dagys A.S. (1959) New Triassic Terebratellaceae // Lietuvos TSR Mokslu Akademijos Darbai, Serija B, T.3, no. 19. P.97-102. [in Russian] pdf

Dagys A.S. (1959) Neue triasische Terebratulidstämme // Lietuvos TSR ma geologijos ir geografijas institutas mokslinae pranesimae, geologija, geografija. T.IX. S.23-41. pdf

Kiselevsky F.Yu. (1969) Triassic charophytes of the border zone of Peri-Caspian depression // Questions of stratigraphy, paleontology and lithology of Lower Volga area. Saratov. P.203-212. [in Russian] pdf

Kiselevsky F.Yu., Rykov S.P. (1972) On correlation of the Triassic deposits of the Peri-Caspian and North German depressions by Charophyta // Questions of geology of Southern Urals and Volga area. Issue 8. Saratov: Saratov University. P.76-80. [in Russian] pdf

Kukhtinov D.A. (1997) New ostracoda from the Triassic deposits of Peri-Caspian depression // Interior of the Volga and Peri-Caspian. Issue 14. P.22-27. [in Russian] pdf

Kukhtinov D.A., Crasquin-Soleau S. (1999) Upper Permian and Triassic of the Precaspian Depression: stratigraphy and palaeogeography // Peri-Tethys: stratigraphic correlations 3, Crasquin-Soleau S., De Wever P. (eds), Geodiversitas Vol.21. no.3. Р.325-346. pdf

Lozovsky V.R., Shevyrev A.A., Pyatakova M.V. (1988) Lower Triassic ammonite and conodont zonation. Article 1. Ammonite zonation // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow. Sect. geol. Vol.63. no.3. P. 55-64. [in Russian] pdf

Lozovsky V.R., Shevyrev A.A., Pyatakova M.V. (1989) Lower Triassic ammonite and conodont zonation. Article 2. Conodont zonation // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow. Sect. geol. Vol.64. no.3. P. 44-56. [in Russian] pdf

Minikh M.G., Minikh A.V. (2005) Ichtyofauna and correlation of the Triassic sections of Southern Cisuralian, Voronezh and south-east of Volga-Ural anteclises and peri-Caspian depression // Interior of the Volga and Peri-Caspian. Issue 42. P.35-45.[in Russian] pdf

Ochev V.G., Danilov A.I. (1972) On first record of Prokolophon in the Middle Triassic deposits of the USSR // Questions of geology of Southern Urals and Volga area. Issue 8. Saratov: Saratov University. P. 81-85. [in Russian] pdf

Vyalov O.S. (1946) Triassic oysters of the USSR // Scientific reports of Lvov State University, Vol.II. Series geology. Issue 3. P.22-54. [in Ukrainian] pdf


New hyperlinks to open access periodicals are added:

American Paleontologist

Annales de la Société malacologique de Belgique

Annales de la Société royale zoologique et malacologique de Belgique

Annales des sciences naturelles. Zoologie et paléontologie

Biblioteka warszawska

Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique de Monaco

Forhandlinger i Videnskabs-selskabet i Christiania

Fragmenta Minerologica et Palaeontologica

Fragmenta palaeontologica Hungarica

Geologické práce, Správy

Indian Journal of Geosciences (Indian Minerals)

Invertebrate Systematics

Journal of Environmental Biology

Journal of palaeogeography

Lethaia Rossica. Russian palaeobotanical journal

Mediterranean Marine Science

Mémoires de la Société géologique de France. Paléontologie

Memoirs of the Geological Survey of New South Wales. Geology

Memoirs of the Indian Museum


Natural science research, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokushima (here or here)

Nova Guinea: résultats de l'expédition scientifique néerlandaise à la Nouvelle-Guinée en 1903-1920

Proceedings and transactions of the Liverpool Biological Society

Slovak Geological Magazine

Vertebrata Hungarica Musei Historico-Naturalis Hungarici

The West American scientist



Hyperlink to web-page by Ethan L. Grossman, specialist in stable isotopes and by Michael Foote (scientific interests - rates of evolution and major features of the diversification of life)


New Jurassic publications are added (scanned by and/or received from V. Arkadiev, E. Baraboshkin, M. Benzaggagh, Z. Kovács, D. Lomax, L. Matlay, A. Mironenko, A. Pavlova, P. Querelhaq, M. Rogov, J. Sha):

Abdesselam-Mahdaoui S.B., Benzaggagh M., Razgallah S. (2010) Nouvelles données biostratigraphiques sur les niveaux de passage Jurassique-Crétacé et les calcaires du Campanien dans le secteur de Hammam Zriba-Jebel Guebli (Tunisie septentrionale) // Geo-Eco-Trop., Vol.34. P.113–126. pdf

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Baraboshkin E. J., Mikhailova I.A. (1994) A revision of the Neocomian ammonites of the Crimea: the genera Neohoploceras Spath and Luppovella Nikolov // Paleontological Journal, Vol. 28, no.3. P.48-66. pdf

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Shilin P.V. (1977) Late Cretaceous flora of Beleuty river // Materials on history of fauna and flora of Kazakhstan. Vol. VII. P.126-139. pdf

Shmidt O.I. (1976) On first records of sea urchins in Upper Cretaceous deposits of Soviet Arctic // Biostratigraphy of Mesozoic deposits of oil-and-gas regions of the USSR. Trans. VNIGRI. Vol.388. P.151-156. pdf

Sinzow I. (1906) Die Beschreibung einiger Douvilleiceras-Arten aus dem oberen Neokom Russlands // Verhandlungen der Rus-sisch-Kaiserlichen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft zu Sankt-Petersburg, (ser. 2), Vol. 44, P.157-198. pdf

Stoykova K.N. (1990) Certain stratigraphy and correlation problems of the Aptian in Bulgaria // Comptes rendus de l'Acadèmie bulgare des Sciences. Tome 43, № 1. P. 95-96. pdf

Torcapel A. (1884) Quelques fossiles nouveaux de l’Urgonien du Languedoc // Bulletin de la Société d’Etude des Sciences Naturelles de Nimes, 11th year, no.9&11. P.109–110(1–2), 133–141(3–11). pdf

Tovbina S.Z. (1979) On systematic and phylogeny of the family Parahoplitidae // The stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous deposits of the oil-gas-bearing regions of the USSR, Trans. VNIGRI. P.109-122. [in Russian] pdf

Urgonian deposits of Soviet Carpathians (stratigraphy, lithology, palaeontology). Moscow: Nauka, 1980. 239 p. [in Russian] pdf

Vachrameev V.A. (1978) The climates of the Northern Hemisphere in the Cretaceous in the light of paleobotanical data // Paleont. Jour. Vol.12, no. 2. P.143-154. pdf

Volynets E.B. (2005) Aptian-Cenomania flora of Primorie. Article 1. Floral assemblages // Stratigraphy. Geological correlation. Vol.13.no.5. P.60-79. [in Russian] pdf

Volynets E.B. (2006) Aptian-Cenomanian flora of Primorie. Article 2. Correlation of floral assemblages // Stratigraphy. Geological correlation. Vol. 14.no.1. P.94-105. [in Russian] pdf

Wang Y., Sha J., Pan Y., Zhang X., Rao X. (2012) Non-marine Cretaceous ostracod assemblages in China: a preliminary review // Journal of Stratigraphy. Vol.36. no.2. P.289-299. pdf

Wang Y., Sha J., Pang Y. (2013) Revision of Cypridea (non-marine Ostracoda) from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation of the BeipiaoeYixian Basin in western Liaoning, northeast China // Cretaceous Research. Vol.40. P.102-109. pdf

Wiedmann J. (1960) Zur systematik jungmesozoischer nautiliden // Palaeontographica, Abt. A, Bd.115. P.144-296. pdf

Wiedmann J., Kauffman E.G. (1976) Mid-Cretaceous Biostratigraphy of Northern Spain // Annales du Museum d’Històire naturelle deNice. Vol. IV. Pp. III.1-III.34. pdf

Wiedmann J., Schneider H.L. (1979) Cephalopoden und Alter der Cenoman-Transgression von Mülheim-Broich, SW-Westfalen // Aspekte der Kreide Europas. lUGS Series A, No.6, P.645-680. pdf

Zhang X., Sha J. (2012) Sedimentary laminations in the lacustrine Jianshangou Bed of the Yixian Formation at Sihetun, western Liaoning, China // Cretaceous Research. Vol. 36. P.96-105. pdf

New Triassic publications (scanned by and/or received from M. Rogov, J. Sha, M. Vinarsky)

Dagis A.S., Ermakova S.P. (1990) Early Oleneklan ammonoids of Siberia. Moscow: Nauka. 112 p. [in Russian] pdf

Dagys A.S., Kurushin N.I. (1985) Triassic brachiopods and bivalves of north of Middle Siberia // Trans. Inst. Geol. Geophys. Sib. Branch Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol. 633. 160 p. [in Russian] pdf

Lin L., Zhu L.D., Pang Y.C., Sha J., Fürsich F.T., Fu X., Wang X. (2011) Late Triassic bivalves associated with a hydrothermal vent system in the Yidun Island Arc (SW China) of the eastern Tethys // Sci China Earth Sci, Vol.54. P.1864–1870, doi: 10.1007/s11430-011-4302-2 pdf

Orlovskaya E.R. (1977) On Early Mesozoic flora of Ilek river basin // Materials on history of fauna and flora of Kazakhstan. Vol.VII. P. 105-125. [in Russian] pdf

Shimansky V.N., Erlanger A.A. (1955) Оn records of the Triassic nautilids in the USSR // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol., Vol.ХХХ. Issue 3. P.95-96. [in Russian] pdf


New hyperlinks to open access periodicals are added:

Annales de la Société géologique du Nord (1875-1973)

Annals of the South African Museum

Brigham Young University Geology Studies

Durban Museum Novitates

Fossilium catalogus. I, Animalia


Mitteilungen der Abteilung Geologie Paläontologie und Bergbau am Joanneum

Natalia (Journal of the Natal Society Foundation)

Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History (or here)

Proceedings of the San Diego Society of Natural History (1990-2002; 2002-2011)

Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina (1943-1976)

Revue suisse de zoologie

Russian Geology and Geophysics

Schriften der Physikalisch-Ökonomischen Gesellschaft zu Königsberg

Texas conchologist

Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh

The Victorian naturalist




Publication Server of Goethe University Frankfurt am Main


J/K boundary Working Group web-page is updated, new photos from Prague meeting (26-29 October, 2012) along with some presentations and list of contributions are added as well as links to new publications


New Jurassic publications (scanned by and/or received from M. Alekseev, V. Dietze, D. Kiselev, A. Kuzmin, E. Mychko, D. Pandey, H. Parent, A. Pavlova, A. Pronin, M.Rogov, F. Trikolidi)

Alekseev M.A. (2012) The genus Glomospira (Foraminifera) from the reference section of the Jurassic deposits in the Lena river delta // Regional geology and metallogeny. No.50. P.37-45. [in Russian] pdf

Andal D.R., Esguerra J.S., Hashimoto W., Reyes B.P., Sato T. (1968) The Jurassic Mansalay Formation, Southern Mindoro, Phillippines // Geology and Paleontology of Southeast Asia. Vol.IV. P.179-197. pdf

Besnosov N.V., Mikhailova I.A. (1983) Evolution of the Jurassic-Cretaceous Ammonoidea // Transact. Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol. 269. no.3. P.733-737. [in Russian] pdf

Besnosov N.V., Shevyrev A.A. (1956) On the intravital damages of shells of the Jurassic ammonites // Bulletin of Moscow State University. №6. P.123-129. [in Russian] pdf

Bogolyubov N.N. (1911) From history of plesiosaurs in Russia // Scientific reports of Moscow University, Vol. XXIX. pp. i-iv, 1-412. [in Russian] pdf

Boiko М.S., Mychko Е. V. (2012) "Raupology" program – instrument for morphometric study of ammonoid shell // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect.geol. Vol.87. no.6. P.49-56. [in Russian] pdf

Brik M.I. (1933) Materials for study of Mesozoic flora of the Middle Asia // in Petrosjants A.Ya., Smidt M.A. (Eds). Materials on geology of the Middle Asia. Issuae 1. Tashkent. P.3-15. [in Russian] pdf

Brik M.I. (1941) Caytoniales in the Jurassic of Middle Asia // Soviet Botanics. №5-6. P.18-22. [in Russian] pdf

Brookfield M.E., Westermann G.E.G. (1982) Mesozoic ammonites from the Spong Valley, Zanskar, N.W. India // Journal of the Geological Society of India. Vol.23. P.263-266. pdf

Callomon J.H. (1963) Sexual dimorphism in Jurassic ammonites // Trans. Leicester Liter., Philos. Soc. Vol. LVII. P. 21-56. pdf

Callomon J.H. (1975) Jurassic ammonites from the northern North Sea // Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift. Vol. 55. P.373-386. pdf

Callomon J.H., Chandler R.B. (1994) Some early Middle Jurassic ammonites of Tethyan affinities from the Aalenian of southern England // Proc. 3rd Pergola Int. Symp., Pergola, 25-30 october 1990. Paleopelagos Spec. Publ.1. 1994. P.17-40. pdf

Cave R., Cox B M. (1975) The Kellaways Beds of the area between Chippenham and Malmesbury, Wiltshire // Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, No.54, P.41-46. pdf

Contreras M.B., Martínez A., Gómez M.E. (1988) Bioestratigrafía y sedimentología del Jurásico Superior en San Pedro del Gallo, Durango, México // Revista del Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo, Vol. 20, no.3, P.5-49. pdf

Cope J.C.W., Zeiss A. (1964) Zur Parallelisierung des englischen Oberkimmeridge mit dem fränkischen Untertithon (Malm ζ) // Geol. Bl. NO-Bayern. Bd. 14. Hft. 1. S.5-14. pdf

Dietze V., von Hillebrandt A., Riccardi A., Schweigert G. (2012) Ammonites and stratigraphy of a Lower Bajocian (Middle Jurassic) section in Sierra Chacaico (Neuquén Basin, Argentina) // Zitteliana A 52, P.119–139. pdf

Dypvik H., Zakharov V. (2012) Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous fine-grained epicontinental Arctic sedimentation – mineralogy and geochemistry of shales from the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous transition // Norwegian Journal of Geology, Vol 92, P.65-87. pdf

Fürsich F.T., Pandey D.K., Callomon J.H., Oschmann W., Jaitly A.K. (1994) Contributions to the Jurassic of Kachchh, Western India. II. Bathonian stratigraphy and depositional environment of the Sadhara Dome, Pachchham Island // Beringeria. Vol. 12. P. 95-125. pdf

Ishibashi T. (1982) Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous ammonites from Sarawak, Borneo, East Malaysia // Geology and Palaeontology of South-East Asia. Vol.23. P.65-75. pdf

Jakovleva S.P. (1973) On representatives of Riyardhella Redmond, 1965 in the Jurassic Deposits of the USSR Northern Regions // Questions of micropalaeontology. Vol.16. P.100-104. [in Russian] pdf

Kiselev D.N. et al. (2012) Geosites of the Yaroslavl area: stratigraphy, paleontology, paleogeography. Moscow: Yustitsinform. 304 pp. [in Russian, with English Table of contents at p.203] pdf

Krantz F. (1928) La fauna del Titono superior y medio en la parte meridional de la provincia de Mendoza // Academia Nacional de Ciencias, Actas. T.10. P.1-57. pdf

Krishna J. (1983) Callovian-Albian ammonoid stratigraphy and paleobiogeography in the Indian subcontinent with special reference to the Tethys Himalaya // Himal. Geol. Vol.2. P.43-72. pdf

Krishna J., Thierry J. (1987) Discovery of the genus Erymnoceras from the Middle Callovian of Kachchh, Western India: Paleontological, stratigraphical and paleobiogeographical implications // Newsl. Stratigr. Vol.17. no.2. P.71-78. pdf

Кrуshtоfоviсh A., Рrуnаdа V. (1932) Contribution to the Mesozoic Flora of the Ussuriland // Bulletins of the united geological and prospecting service. LI. Fasc. 22. 11 pp. [in Russian] pdf

Кrуshtоfоviсh A., Рrуnаdа V. (1934) Guide on Mesozoic flora of the USSR. Manual for studying of the Mesozoic coal basins of the USSR. Moscow-Leningrad-Novosibirsk: ONTI-NKTP USSR. 92 p. [in Russian] pdf

Kuzmicheva E.I., Makridin V.P. (1962) New data on colonial corals of the Upper Jurassic deposits of north-west margin of the Donets folded structure // Notes of the geological section of Kharkov State University. Vol.15. P.112-131. [in Russian] pdf

Lominadze T.A. (1977) Study on the ontogenetic development of suture of Cadoceratinae // Bulletin of the Ac. Sci. Georg. SSR. Ser. Biol. T.3. no.4. P.326-330. [in Russian] pdf

Lominadze T.A. (1980) Sequence of formation of the primary shell elements in the ammonites // Bulletin of the Ac. Sci. Georg. SSR. Ser. Biol. T.6. no.4. P.381-383. [in Russian] pdf

Makarieva S.F. (1974) Significance of fossil Tintinnidae (Infusoria) for substantiation of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in the Chechnya-Ingushetia SSR (Assa river) // Collection of papers “Geology and oil-and-gas bearing of Eastern Peri-Caucasus”. Vol. XX. P.15-20. [in Russian] pdf

Makarieva S.F. (1976) Subdivision of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary beds of Northern Caucasus by Tintinnida // Collection of papers “Perspectives of oil-and-gas bearing of Eastern Peri-Caucasus in light of new geological data”. Vol. XXV. P. 8-12. [in Russian] pdf

Makarieva S.F. (1979) Detailed Stratigraphie Scheme of the Upper OxfordianValanginian of the Northern Caucasus According to Tintinnina // Questions of micropalaeontology. Vol.22. P.50-63. [in Russian] pdf

Matlaj L.M. (2012) Calcareous Nannofossils from the oldest Jurassic deposits of the Petropavlovsk's quarry (Southwestern Crimea) // Transactions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, no.2. P.141-145. [in Ukrainian] pdf

Migacheva E.E. (1962) Ammonoidea of the Aalenian Stage of North-West Caucasus // Notes of the geological section of Kharkov State University. Vol.15. P.69-93. [in Russian] pdf

Mitta V.V., Shurygin B.N., Dzyuba O.S., Kostyleva V.V., Glinskih L.A., Seltser V.B., Ivanov A.V., Urman O.S. (2012) Preliminary results of the investigations of the Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) deposits near Saratov in 2012 year // Problems of Paleoecology and Historical Geoecology. Collection of scientific papers of All Russian scientific conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor Vitaly Georgiyevich Ochev. Edited by A.V. Ivanov. Saratov: Saratov State Technical University. P. 151-163. [in Russian] pdf

Mouterde R., Dommergues J.-L. (1978) Le gisement des Cottards (ou Coutards), coupe du Carixien du Cher // Bulletin d'information des géologues du bassin de Paris, vol. 15 (2), P.65-69. pdf

Orlovskaya E.R. (1963) New fern from the Jurassic of Baikonur // Materials on history of fauna and flora of Kazakhstan. Vol.IV. Alma-Ata: Kazakhst. Ac. Sci. P.223-228. [in Russian] pdf

Orlovskaya E.R. (1971) Brachyphyllum and Pagiophyllum in the Late Jurassic of Karatau range // Materials on history of fauna and flora of Kazakhstan. Vol.V. P.66-77. [in Russian] pdf

Pandey D.K., Fürsich F.T. (1998) Distribution and Succession of Jurassic Rocks in Gora Dongar, Pachchham "Island", Kachchh, India // Journal of the Geological Society of India. Vol.51. P.331-344. pdf

Problems of Paleoecology and Historical Geoecology. Collection of scientific papers of All Russian scientific conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor Vitaly Georgiyevich Ochev. Edited by A.V. Ivanov. Saratov: Saratov State Technical University, 2012. 232 p. [in Russian] pdf

            Includes the following Mesozoic articles:

Ochev V.G. Materials to the Tetrapod history at the Paleozoic-Mesozoic boundary [in English]

Novikov I.V., Sennikov A.G. Complexes of the Triassic Tetrapods of Obshy Syrt

Minih A.V., Minih M.G. Once again on a coastal-marine origin of the Triassic location Tikhvinskoye

Popov E.V. On anomalies in the structure of the tooth plates of Cretaceous chimaeras (Golocephali, Chimaeroidei)

Podobina V.M. Dependence of the taxonomic composition of foraminifers from their habitat

Morov V.P. Geology feature and fauna of the Podvalye outcrop

Seltser V.B. Special features of preservation and burial of the Late Cretaceous ammonites

Molostovskaya I.I. Non-marine ostracods of the Upper Permian and Lower Triassic of the European Russia, their spatial and facial differentiation

Golubev V.K., Sennikov A.G., Minih A.V., Minih M.G., Kuhtinov D.A., Balabanov Yu.P., Silantev V.V. The Permian-Triassic boundary in the South-East of Moscow synclise

Mitta V.V., Shurygin B.N., Dzyuba O.S., Kostyleva V.V., Glinskih L.A., Seltser V.B., Ivanov A.V., Urman O.S. Preliminary results of the investigations of the Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) deposits near Saratov in 2012 year

Starodubtseva I.A., Novikov I.V. First expeditions of I.A. Efremov: beginning of taphonomic and biostratigraphic studies of the terrestrial Triassic of the European Russia

Starodubtseva I.A. The Callovian deposits in Elatma district: history of exploration. Museum collections

Prosviryakova Z.P. (1961) Palaeobotanical characteristics of coal-bearing deposits of Southern Yakutia // Transactions of the coal laboratory of Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Vol. XI. Moscow-Leningrad: Ac. Sci. USSR. P.122-175. [in Russian] pdf

Prosviryakova Z.P. (1961) Palinological substantiation of stratigraphical subdivision of the Jurassic coal-bearing deposits of Mangyshlak // Questions of geology of coal-bearing deposits of Asian part of the USSR. Moscow-Leningrad: Ac. Sci. USSR. P.216-223. [in Russian] pdf

Prosviryakova Z.P. (1961) Jurassic flora of Mangyshlak and itsstratigraphical distribution // Coal-bearing formations of some regions of the USSR. Moscow-Leningrad: Ac. Sci. USSR. P.414-422. [in Russian] pdf

Rakus M. (1978) Sur l'existence de deux types distincts d'empreintes de muscles rétracteurs chez les ammonites // Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sc. Nat., no.354, Vol.74. P.139-145. pdf

Repin Yu.S. (1970) For the question of the zonal subdivision of Toarcian deposits of North-East of USSR // Kolyma. No.5. P.41-44. [in Russian] pdf

Rogov M.A., KIselev D.N., Shchepetova E.V. (2012) Stratigraphy of the Callovian and Upper Jurassic of Orenburg region: new biostratigraphic results and proposals on lithostratigraphic subdivision // Bulletin of the Regional Interdepatrmental Stratigraphic Commission on South and Center of the Russian Platform. Issue 5. Moscow: Russ. Ac. Nat. Sci. P.129-137. [in Russian] pdf

Salfeld H. (1914) Die Gliederung des oberen Jura in Nordwesteuropa von den Schichten mit Perisphinctes Martelli Oppel an aufwärts auf Grund von Ammoniten // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie. Beilage-Band, 37. S.125–246. pdf

Samylina V.A. (1990) Grenana – a new genus of seed ferns from the Jurassic deposits of the Middle Asia // Botanical journal. Vol.75. no.6. P.846-850. [in Russian] pdf

Sato T. (1972) Ammonites du Toarcien au Nord de Saïgon (Sud Viet-Nam) // Geology and Palaeontology of South-East Asia. Vol.X. P.231-242. pdf

Schindewolf O. (1965) Studien zur Stammesgeschichte der Ammoniten. Lief.IV // Akademie der Wissenchaften und der Literatur, Abhandlungen der matematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse. Nr.6. S. 409(139)-508(238). pdf

Schindewolf O.H. (1967) Analyse eines Ammoniten-Gehauses // Akademie der Wissenchaften und der Literatur, Abhandlungen der matematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse. Nr.8. S. 1-54. pdf

Schweigert G. (1998) Die Ammonitenfauna des Nusplinger Plattenkalks (Ober-Kimmeridgium, Beckeri-Zone, Ulmense-Subzone, Baden-Württemberg) // Stuttg. Beitr. Naturk., Ser. B. Nr.267. 61 S. pdf

Schweigert G., Zeiss A. (1999) Lithacoceras ulmense (Oppel) (Ammonitina) – eine wichtige Leitart des Ober-Kimmeridgiums // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont., Abhandl. Bd. 211. Hft.1/2. S. 49-73. pdf

Shilin P.V. (1963) New data on Jurassic flora of Mhat deposit (Turgai depression) // Materials on history of fauna and flora of Kazakhstan. Vol.IV. Alma-Ata: Kazakhst. Ac. Sci. P.192-200. [in Russian] pdf

Spalletti L.A., Parent H., Veiga G.D., Schwarz E. (2012) Amonites y Bioestratigrafía del grupo Cuyo en la Sierra de Reyes (Cuenca Neuquina central, Argentina) y su significado secuencial // Andean Geology. Vol.39. no.3. P.464-481. pdf

Stratigraphic Code of Russia. Third edition, 2006. SPb.: VSEGEI Press, 2012. 48 p. pdf

Stuckenberg A. (1873) Geological sketch of Crimea. Dissertation, submitted to Physical-Mathematical Faculty of the Saint-Petersburg University for degree of Magister in Mineralogy and Geognosy. Saint-Petersburg. 102 p. [in Russian] pdf

Tesakova E.M., Demidov S.M., Guzhov A.V., Rogov M.A., Kiselev D.N. (2012) Middle OxfordianLower Kimmeridgian ostracod zones from the Mikhalenino section (Kostroma region) and their comparison with synchronous strata of the Eastern and Western Europe // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh., Bd. 266. P.239-249. pdf

Turutanova-Ketova A.I. (1930) Jurassic flora of the chain Kara-Tau (Tian-Shan) // Тravaux du Мusée Géologique pres l'Académie des Sciences de l'URSS, t. Vl. P.131-172. [in Russian] pdf

Ustinova M.A. (2012) Foraminifers and stratigratigraphy of Middle Oxfordian – Lower Kimmeridgian of Kostroma region (Mikhalenino section) // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect.geol. V.87. no.3. P.43-52. [in Russian] pdf

Vicente J.C. (1981) Elementos de la estratigrafía mesozoica surperuana // Volkheimer W. & Musacchio E., eds. Cuencas sedimentarias del Jurásico y Cretácico de América del Sur, Buenos Aires, t. 1, P.319-351. pdf

Yungerman A.E. (1962) On new trigoniid species from the Kimmeridgian deposits of North-East Ukraine // Notes of the geological section of Kharkov State University. Vol.15. P..106-111. [in Russian] pdf

Zakharov V.A., Baudin F., Dzyuba O.S., Daux V., Zverev K.V., Renard M. (2005) Isotopic and faunal record of high paleotemperatures in the Kimmeridgian of Subpolar Urals // Russian Geology and Geophysics. Vol. 46, No. 1, P.3-20. pdf

Ziegler B. (1972) Artbildung bei Ammoniten der Gattung Aulacostephanus (Oberjura) // Jh. Ges. Naturkde. Württemberg. Bd.127. S. 75-79. pdf


New Cretaceous publications (scanned by and/or received from A. Guzhov, A. Ippolitov, J. Lehmann, H. Parent, A. Pronin and M. Rogov as well as from the cretaceous.ru web-site)

Anderson F.M. (1958) Upper Cretaceous of the Pacific Coast // The Geological Society of America Memoir 71. 378 pp. pdf

Druschits V.V., Zevina G.B. (1969) New representatives of cirripedes from Lower Cretaceous deposits of Northern Caucasus // Paleontological Journal. No.2. С.73-85. [in Russian] pdf

Egoyan V.L. (1953) On new species of Turonian gastropods from the Vedi river basin (Armenian SSR) // Proc. Ac. Sci. Armen. SSR, phys.-math., natural and tech, sciences. VI, no.4. P. 53-64. [in Russian] pdf

Egoyan V.L. (1955) Upper Cretaceous deposits of south-west part of Armenian SSR. Erevan: Ac. Sci. Armenian SSR. 270 pp. [in Russian] pdf

Etayo-Serna F. (1979) Zonation of the Cretaceous of central Colombia by ammonites // Publicaciones Geologicas Especiales del Ingeominas, T.2. P.1-188. pdf

Gerth E. (1925) La fauna neocomiana de la Cordillera Argentina en la parte meridional de la provincia de Mendoza. Actas de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias, T.9. P.57-132. pdf

Kats Yu.I. (1962) New genera of Late Cretaceous brachiopods of Tadzhik depression and adjacent regions // Notes of the geological section of Kharkov State University. Vol.15. P.132-154. [in Russian] pdf

Lebedeva N.K., Pestchevitskaya E.B. (2012) Reference Cretaceous spore-pollen succession of West Siberia: evolutional stages, facies, and correlations // Journal of Stratigraphy. V. 36. N 2. P. 193-212. pdf

Lehmann J. (1995) Phylloceras (Hypophylloceras) (Ammonoidea) from the Turonian of North Germany // Paläontologische Zeitschrift, Bd.69, P.401-407. pdf

Lehmann J. (1998) Systematic palaeontology of the ammonites of the Cenomanian-Lower Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) of northern Westphalia, North Germany // Tübinger Geowissenschaftliche Arbeiten. Attempto, Tubingen, 58 pp. pdf

Lehmann J. (1999) Integrated stratigraphy and palaeoenvironment of the Cenomanian-Lower Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) of northern Westphalia, North Germany // Facies, Vol.40. P.25-70. pdf

Lehmann J. (2000) Upper Albian ammonites from ODP Leg 171B off northern Florida // Palaeontology, Vol.43, P.41-61. pdf

Lehmann J. (2004) A new brachyuran crab from a Late Cretaceous or Danian geschiebe (glacial erratic boulder) of Westphalia (N-Germany) // Archiv fur Geschiebekunde, Bd.3, S.801-808. pdf

Lehmann J. (2011) Ammonite biostratigraphy and correlation of Middle/Late Albian drilling cores in the Hannover area (northern Germany) // Newsletters on Stratigraphy, Vol.44, P.123-135. pdf

Lehmann J., Herbig H.-G. (2009) Late Cretaceous ammonites from the Bou Angueur syncline (Middle Atlas, Morocco) – stratigraphic and palaeobiogeographic importance // Palaeontographica, Bd.289, P.45-87. pdf

Lehmann J., Murphy M. A. (2001) A new placenticeratid ammonite from the Albian (Lower Cretaceous) of California and the inferred history of some placenticeratid and engonoceratid ammonites // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte, P.343-358. pdf

Lehmann J., Solarczyk A., Friedrich O. (2011) Belemnoid arm hooks from a short-term climate shift at the Middle/Late Albian boundary - implications for the palaeoecological behaviour of belemnites // Paläontologische Zeitschrift, Bd.85, P.287-302. pdf

Lehmann J., Troger K.-A., Owen H. G. (2008) Ammonites and associated macrofauna from the early Late Albian of the Zippelsforde 1/64 core, NE-Germany // Acta Geologica Polonica, Vol. 58, P.437-453. pdf

Lehmann J., Wendler I., Wendler J., Willems H., Hu X. (2005) First ammonite and inoceramid data from the Upper Cretaceous of the Tingri section in SE-Tibet: Biostratigraphical and palaeoenvironmental implications // Earth Science Frontiers, Vol.12, P.105-112. pdf

Lehmann J., Wippich M.G.E. (1995) Oyster attachment scar preservation of the late Maastrichtian ammonite Hoploscaphites constrictus // Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, Vol.40, P.437-440. pdf

Menner V.V. (1928) Les Sélaciens du Paléogène de Manghyschlak, d'Emba et du versant oriental d'Oural // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscou, sect. géol. T.VI. no.3-4. P.292-338. [in Russian] pdf

Mosavinia A., Wilmsen M., Aryai A. A., Reza Chahida M., Lehmann J. (2007) Mortoniceratinae (Ammonitina) from the Upper Albian (Cretaceous) of the Atamir Formation, Koppeh Dagh Mountains, NE Iran // Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, Bd.246, P.83-95. pdf

Obata I., Matsukawa M. (1988) Some Boreal or Subboreal ammonites in the Japanese Barremian // In: Wiedmann J., Kullmann J. (Eds.), Cephalopods - Present and Past. Stuttgart: Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung. P.469-476. pdf

Pestchevitskaya E.B. (2003) Taxonomy and morphology of dinoflagellate cyst genus Horologinella Cookson and Eisenack 1961 // Acta Palaeontologica Sinica. Vol.42. no.1. P.45-55. pdf

Pokhialainen V.P. (1985) Fundamentals of supraspecific systematic of Cretaceous inoceramid bivalves. Preprint. Magadan: NECSI FESC Ac. Sci. USSR. 37 pp. [in Russian] pdf

Royo y Gómez J. (1945) Fósiles del Barremiense colombiano // Compil. estud. Geol. oficiales Colombia. T.VI. P.455-495. pdf

Sakharov A.S. (1976) On question of substage subdivision of the Berriasian of North-East // Collection of papers “Perspectives of oil-and-gas bearing of Eastern Peri-Caucasus in light of new geological data”. Vol. XXV. P. 19-23. [in Russian] pdf

Sakharov A.S., Salamatin A.V. (1974) Berriasian stratons of North-East Caucasus // Collection of papers “Perspectives of oil-and-gas bearing of Eastern Peri-Caucasus in light of new geological data”. Vol. XXV. P. 3-11. [in Russian] pdf

Sey I.I., Kalacheva E.D. (2001) Early Cretaceous ammonites of the Sikhote-Alin and their biostratigraphic and biogeographic implications // Geol. of Pac. Ocean, Vol. 16. P.1091-1106. pdf (Russian version is published in the year 1999)

Shigeta Y., Futakami M., Hoffmann R. (2012) Two new ammonoid genera of the subfamily Gabbioceratinae from the Upper Albian (Lower Cretaceous) of Hokkaido, Japan // Paleontological Research, vol. 16, no. 3, P. 208–218. doi:10.2517/1342-8144-16.3.208 pdf

Souquet P., Debroas E.-J., Boirie J.-M., Pons P., Fixari G., Roux J.-C., Dol J., Thieuloy J.-P., Bonnemaison M., Manivit H., Peybernès B. (1985) Le groupe du Flysch Noir (Albo-Cénomanien) dans les Pyrénées // Bulletin des Centres de Recherche Exploration-Production ELF-Aquitaine. T.9. no.1. P.283-252. pdf

Vartak A.V., Ghare M.A. (1987) Genus Worthoceras Adkins from Cretaceous Deposits of Tiruchchirapalli District, Tamil Nadu, India // Journal of the Geological Society of India. Vol.30. P.296-304. pdf

Zakharov Yu.D., Smyshlyaeva O.P., Shigeta К., Tanabe K., Maeda H., Ignatiev A.V., Velivetskaya Т.А., Popov A.M., Afanasieva T.B., Moria K. (2003) Optimum growth temperatures for Campanian ammonoids in Sakhalin and Hokkaido on stable isotope data // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow., sect.geol. Vol.78. no.6. P.46-56. .46-56. [in Russian] pdf

Zor’kina V.A., Korachyants S.B., Khabarova T.N. (1971) New data on stratigraphy and correlation of the Cretaceous deposits of Peri-Caspian depression // Stratigraphy and correlation of Mesozoic deposits of Peri-Caspian depression and some peculiarities of its development in the Mesozoic time. Transactions VNIGRI, Vol. 109. P.135-196. [in Russian] pdf


New Triassic publications (scanned by and/or received from A. Pavlova, A Pronin and M. Rogov)

Dagys A.S., Keupp H. (1998) Internal ventral keels in Triassic ceratid ammonoids: description and functional interpretation as muscle scars // Z. dt. geol. Ges., Bd.149. P.81-89. pdf

Kirichkova A.I. (1990) Taxonomical revision of some Triassic plants from Eastern Urals // Botanical Journal. Vol.75. no.9. P.1288-1294. [in Russian] pdf

Lipatova V.V. (1971) Project of the unified scheme of Triassic and correlation of the Triassic deposits of Peri-Caspian depression // Stratigraphy and correlation of Mesozoic deposits of Peri-Caspian depression and some peculiarities of its development in the Mesozoic time. Transactions VNIGRI, Vol. 109. P.6-79. [in Russian] pdf

Lipatova V.V., Volozh Yu.A., Samodurov V.I., Svetlakova E.A. (1982) Triassic of Peri-Caspian depression and perspectives of its oil-and-gas bearing // Transactions of VNIGNI. Vol.236. 153 pp. [in Russian] pdf

Prinada V.D., Turutanova-Ketova A.I. (1962) Triassic horsetails and ferns of Bashkiria // Paleontological Journal. No.3. P.111-122. [in Russian] pdf

Zakharov Yu. D. (1984) Ontogeny of Permian Pronoritidae and Medlicottiidae and problem of ceratitid origin // Systematics and evolution of Far East invertebrates. Vladivoswtok: Far East Sci. Center Ac. Sci. USSR. P.23-40. [in Russian] pdf




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New Jurassic publications (scanned by and/or received from E. Baraboshkin, A. Cantú-Chapa, G. Dera, R. Hoffmann, A. Ippolitov, S. Jain, D. Pandey, E. Popov, M. Rogov, G. Schweigert and jurassic.ru forum user Jurafrenchy)

Cantú-Chapa A. (1989) Precisiones sobre el limite Jurasico-Cretacico en el subsuelo del este de Mexico // Rev. Soc. Mex. Paleont. Vol.2. no.1. P. 26-69. pdf

Casier E. (1959) Contributions à l'étude des poissons fossiles de la Belgique. XII - Sélaciens et Holocéphales sinémuriens de la Province de Luxembourg // Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. T.38 (8). P.1-35. pdf

Cavin L., Capetta H., Séret B. (1995) Révision de Belemnobatis morinicus (Sauvage, 1873) du Portlandien du Boulonnais (Pas-dé Calais, France). Comparaison avec quelques rhinobatidés jurassiques // Geologica et Palaeontologica, T.29. P.245-267. pdf

Cope J.C.W. (1974) Upper Kimmeridgian ammonite faunas of the Wash area and a subzonal scheme for the lower part of the Upper Kimmeridgian // Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, Vol.47. P.29-37. pdf

De Carvalho M.R., Kriwet J., Thies D. (2008) A systematic and anatomical revision of Late Jurassic angelsharks (Chondrichthyes: Squatinidae) // Mesozoic Fishes 4 - Homology and Phylogeny. P.469-502. pdf

Delsate D., Godefroit P. (1995) Chondrichthyens du Toarcien inférieur d'Aubange (Lorraine belge) // Belgian Geological Survey, Professional Paper: Elasmobranches et Stratigraphie, Vol. 278. P.23-43. pdf

Delsate D., Thies D. (1995) Teeth of the fossil shark Annea Thies 1983 (Elasmobranchii, Neoselachii) from the Toarcian of Belgium // Belgian Geological Survey, Professional Paper: Elasmobranches et Stratigraphie, Vol. 278. P.45-64. pdf

Dera G., Donnadieu Y. (2012) Modeling evidences for global warming, Arctic seawater freshening, and sluggish oceanic circulation during the Early Toarcian anoxic event // Paleoceanography, 27, PA2211, doi:10.1029/2012PA002283. pdf

Duffin C.J. (1998) Ostenoselache stenosoma n. g. n. sp., a new neoselachian shark from the Sinemurian (Early Jurassic) of Osteno (Lombardy, Italy) // Paleontologia Lombarda, T.9. P.3-27. pdf

Dutertre A.-P. (1926) Les Aucelles du terrain Jurassiques supérieur du Boulonnais // Bull. Soc. ; Géol. France, Sér.4. T.XXVI. P.395-408. pdf

Fayard J.-P., Gross N., Lajournade J.-B., Lathuilière B., Vailly G., Weis R. (coord.) (2005) Fossiles et Mineraux de la carrière d'Ottange-Rumelange. GEOLOR et AGMP. 152 p. pdf

Gallois R., Cox B.M. (1974) Stratigraphy of the Upper Kimmeridgian Clay of the Wash area // Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, Vol.47. P.1-28. pdf

Hervat P., Hervat M. (1993) Polyacrodus parvidens (Woodward, 1916) (Elasmobranchii, Hybodontoidea) dans un faciès Purbeckien (Tithonien supérieur) du Charentais (France) // Cossmanniana, Hors-série. T.2. P.43-48. pdf

Hoffmann R., Keupp H. (2008) Ammoniten, die man kennes muss Lytoceraten // Fossilien. Nr.4. S.242-249. pdf

Jain S. (2012) Integrated biostratigraphy and paleoenvironment of the Middle Jurassic sediments at Kuldhar (Jaisalmer), Western India // Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India. Vol. 57. no.1. P. 1-41. pdf

Krishna J. (1991) Discovery of Lower Berriasian (Lower Cretaceous) ammonoid genus Argentiniceras from Kachchh (India) and its relevance to the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary // Newsletters on Stratigraphy. Vol.23. P.141-150. pdf

Kuhn O. (1938) Die Ammoniten des frankischen Calloviums // Nova Acta Leopoldina. N.F. Bd. 6. Nr.43. S. 451-533. pdf

Lemann W. (1905) Les couches Jurassiques d'Orlovka (districte de Nikolaevsk, gouv. Samara) // Trans. SPb. Soc. Natur. Т.33. Iss.5. P.1-18. pdf

Maisey J.G. (1977) The fossil selachian fishes Palaeospinax Egerton, 1872 and Nemacanthus Agassiz, 1837 // Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, Vol. 60. P.259-273. pdf

Martill D.M., Hudson J.D. (1991) Fossils of the Oxford Clay. London: Palaeontological Association. 283 pp. pdf

Modern micropaleontology. Proceedings of the XV All-Russian micropaleontological meeting (12-16 September 2012, Gelendzhik), Moscow, 2012, 520 p. pdf

Moosleitner G. (2002) Fossilien sammeln in Suedfrankreich. FundsteIlen in den Causses und der  Provence. Weinstadt:  Goldschneck -Verl. 208 S. pdf

Mural M. (2011) First finds of the Upper Jurassic belemnites in the Ukrainian Carpathians // Paleontological collection. No.43. P.72–76. [in Ukrainian] pdf

Pandey D. K., Callomon J. H. (1995) Contributions to the Jurassic of Kachchh, Western India III, The Middle Bathonian ammonite families Clydoniceratidae and Perisphinctidae from Pachchham Island // Beringeria, Vol.16. P.125-145. pdf

Pessagno E.A. Jr., Cantú-Chapa A., Hull D.M., Kelldorf M., Longoria J.F., Martin C., Meng X., Montgomery H., Urrutia Fucugauchi J., Ogg J.G. (1999) Stratigraphic evidence for northwest to southeast tectonic transport of jurassic terranes in central Mexico and the caribbean (western Cuba) // Sedimentary Basins of the World. Volume 4 (Chapter 5), P.123–150. pdf

Phanerozoic zonal stratigraphy of Russia. In: T.N.Koren (Ed.), Saint Petersburg, Publishing house All-Russia scientifically - research geological institute (VSEGEI), 256 p., 12 tab., 12 encl. [in Russian]. pdf

Popov E.V., Efimov V.M. (2012) New Records of the Chimaeroid Genus Stoilodon Nessov & Averianov, 1996 (Holocephali, Chimaeroidei) Remains from the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous of European Russia // Proceedings of Saratov University. Vol. 12. Ser. Earth Sciences., iss. 1. P.66-79. [in Russian] pdf

Popov E.V., Grigoriev S.V., Volkov A.V. (2001) On first records of teeth of Jurassic sharks (Chondrichtyes: Elasmobranchii) in the Volga area // Trans. Geol. Scient. Inst. Of the Saratov State University, New series. Vol. VII. P.5–18. [in Russian] pdf

Schlegelmilch R. (1998) Die Belemniten des Süddeutschen Jura.  Stuttgart, Jena, Lübeck, Ulm: Gustav Fischer. 151 S. pdf

Schneider N. (1927) Étude stratigraphique et paléontologique de l'Aalénien de Gundershoffen (Bas-Rhin) // Memoires du Service de la Carte Géologique d'Alsace et de Lorraine, no. 3. 132 p. pdf

Schreiber G., Hoffmann R. (2009) Der Septallobus als diagnostisches Merkmal für die Überfamilie Lytoceratoidea (Cephalopoda: Ammonitina) // Berliner paläobiologische Abhandlungen. Vol.10. P.307-310. pdf

Thies D. (1993) New evidence of Annea and Jurobatos, two rare neoselachians (Pisces, Chondrichthys) from the Jurassic of Europa // Belgian Geological Survey, Professional Paper: Elasmobranches et Stratigraphie. Vol.264. P.137-146. pdf

Winkler A. (1986) Jura-Fossilien erkennen und bestimmen. I. Belemniten. Brachiopoden. Foraminiferen. Roehrenwuermen // Fossilien. Sonderheft 1. 49 S. pdf

Ziegler B. (1956) Creniceras dentatum [Ammonitacea] im Mittel-Malm Südwestdeutschlands // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte. Hft.1. S.553-575. pdf


New Cretaceous publications (scanned by and/or received from members of the GPA forum as well as E. Baraboshkin, R. Hoffmann, A. Kuzmin, A. Ippolitov, G. Mirantcev, M. Mostovski, A. Pavlova and received from the cretaceous.ru web-site)

Alekseev A.S., Nazarov M.A., Barsukova L.D., Kolesov G.M., Nizhegorodova I.V., Amanniyazov K.N. (1988) Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in South Turkmenia and its geochemistry // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol.63. no.2. P.55-69. [in Russian] pdf

Amon E.O. (2004) Upper Cretaceous radiolarian zonal standard for Urals // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol.79. no.2. P.48-59. [in Russian] pdf

Arkadiev V.V., Bogdanova T.N., Guzhikov A. Yu., Lobacheva S. V., Myshkina N.V., Platonov E.S., Savelyeva Yu. N., Shurekova O.V., Yanin B.T. (2012) Berriasian Stage of the Mountainous Crimea. Saint-Petersburg: LEMA. 472 pp. [in Russian with English summary] pdf

Atlas of the fossil flora and fauna of Tajikistan. Cretaceous. Dushanbe: Donish, 1998. 404 p. [in Russian] pdf

Baraboshkin E.Y. (1998) The new data on the Aptian zonation in the Ulyanovsk (Simbirsk) region, Russian Platform // Zbl. Geol. Palaont. Teil I, 1996 (11/12). P. 1131-1147. pdf

Baraboshkin E.Yu., Zibrov I.A. (2012) Characteristics of the Middle Cenomanian Rhythmic Sequence from Mount Selbukhra in Southwest Crimea. Moscow University Geology Bulletin, Allerton Press, Inc., Vol. 67, No. 3, P.176–184. pdf

Bogdanova T.N., Lobacheva S.V., Prozorovsky V.A., Favorskaya T.A. (1981) On subdivision of the Berriasian Stage of Mountain Crimea // Bull. Leningr. Univ., geol-geogr. Issue 1, no.6. P. 5–14. [in Russian] pdf

Cretaceous System of Russia and CIS countries: problems of stratigraphy and palaeogeography (Materials of 6th all-Russian meeting, Gelendzhik, 10-15 September 2012), E.Ju. Baraboshkin, N.A. Bondarenko. K.E. Baraboshkin (Eds.). Krasnodar: Krasnodar State University publ., 2012. 337 pp. [in Russian with English table of contents] pdf

Druschits V.V. (1963) On stratigraphic position of colchidite beds - Colchidites securiformis zone // Transactions (Doklady) Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol.152. no.6. P.1428-1431. [in Russian] pdf

Fischer J.-C., Gauthier H. (2006) Révision critique de la Paléontologie française d'Alcide d'Orbigny. Volume IV: Céphalopodes crétacés. 292 p. pdf

Guide-book of filed trips in Georgia (November 10-16, 1988). International field meeting in Georgia on Tethyan Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy. Platform carbonates, Project non 262 IGCP - UNESCO. Stratigraphic correlation and facies interrelations of the Cretaceous in the Tethyan Realm. Tbilisi. 56 pp. pdf

Herman A.B. (2011) Albian–Paleocene Flora of the North Pacific Region // Transactions of the Geological Institute. Vol. 592. 280 p. pdf

Hoffmann R. (2009) A new Rhabdammina species (Foraminifera: Textulariina) with an unusual distribution pattern from Cretaceous (Germany) and Recent (Greece: Aegina) localities // Berliner paläobiologische Abhandlungen. Vol. 10. P.215-222. pdf

Hoffmann R., Mutterlose J. (2011) Stratigraphie und Cephalopodenfauna des Unter-Apt von Alstätte (NRW) // Geol. Paläont. Westf. Bd.80. S.43-59. pdf

Hoffmann R., Zachow S. (2011) Non-invasive approach to shed new light on the buoyancy business of chambered cephalopods (Mollusca) // Proceedings IAMG 2011 Salzburg, P. 507-517. pdf

Ilyin V.D. (1957) Arkhangelkiceras gen. nov. from the Upper Cretaceous deposits of western Uzbekistan // Trans. Ac. Sci. USSR, T.113, P.425-427. [in Russian] pdf

Ilyin V.D. (1959) Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous deposits of West Uzbekistan and adjacent region of Turkmenia // Transactions VNIGNI, Vol. XXIII. P. 181-222. [in Russian] pdf

Jabarov G.N. (1964) Upper Cretaceous sea urchins of Central Kopet-Dagh and their stratigraphic significance. Ashkhabad: Turkmenizdat. 165 p. [in Russian] pdf

Khakimov F.H. (1998) Zonal subdivision of Upper Cretaceous of the east of Middle Asia by ammonites // Stratigraphy. Geol. Correlation. Vol.6, no.2. P.27-41. [in Russian] pdf

Leschukh R., Zub O., Ischenkо I. (2011) First records of cephalopods from the Lower-Upper Cretaceous boundary beds of the Plain Crimea // Paleontological collection. No.43. P.46–55. [in  Ukrainian] pdf

Lobacheva S.V., Tkachuk G.A. (1990) Berriasian brachiopods of the Northern Caucasus // Trans. Inst. Geol. Geophys. Sib. Bramch Ac. Sci. USSR, Vol.699. P.105-110. [in Russian] pdf

Maryash I., Kurepa Y. (2011) Acanthoceratid finds from the Cenomanian of Volyn // Paleontological collection. No.43. P.56–64. [in Ukrainian] pdf

Naidin D.P. (1969) Morphology and palaeobiology of Upper Cretaceous belemnites. Moscow: Moscow State University. 302 p. [in Russian] pdf

Olferieiv A.G., Beniamovski V.N., Ivanov A.V., Ovechkina M.N., Seltser V.B., Kharitonov V.M. (2009) Upper Cretaceous of north Saratov region. 1. Bolshevik quarry section in vicinity of Volsk // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, sect. geol. Vol.84. no.2. P. 5-22. [in Russian] pdf

Ovechkina M.N., Watkeys M., Mostovski M.B. (2009) Calcareous nannofossils from the stratotype section of the Upper Cretaceous Mzamba Formation, Eastern Cape, South Africa // Palaeont. afr. Vol.44. P.129–133. pdf

Pergament M.A. (1965) Inocerams and stratigraphy of the Cretaceous of the Pacific Realm // Transactions of the Geological Institute, Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol. 118. 102 p. [in Russian] pdf

Pergament M.A. (1971) Biostratigraphy and Inocerams of Turonian-Coniacian deposits of the Pacific Regions of the USSR // Transactions of the Geological Institute, Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol. 212. 202 p. [in Russian] pdf

Pergament M.A. (1974) Biostratigraphy and Inocerams of Senonian (Santonian-Maastrichtian) of the USSR Pacific Regions // Transactions of the Geological Institute, Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol. 260. 268 p. [in Russian] pdf

Smith A.B., Batten D.J. (Eds) (2002) Fossils of the Chalk (2nd Edition), 2nd ed., revised and enlarged. Field Guides to Fossils Series no. 2. London: The Palaeontological Association. ix + 374 pp. pdf

Stankevich E.S., Pojarkova Z.N. (1969) Vascoceratids from the Turonian of southern Kirgisia and Tadzhik depression // In: Kontinantal formations of the eastern regions of Middle Asia and Kazakhstan (lithology and biostratigraphy). Leningrad: Nauka, P.86-111. [in Russian] pdf

Stühmer H.H., Spaeth C., Schmid F. (1982) Fossilien Helgolands. Teil 1. Trias und Unter-Kreide. Helgoland-Ottendorf: Niederelbe-Verlag. 184 S. pdf

Stühmer H.H., Spaeth C., Schmid F. (1986) Fossilien Helgolands. Teil 2. Oberkreide.  Helgoland-Ottendorf: Niederelbe-Verlag. 208 S. pdf

Sztejn J. (1967) Stratygrafia mikropaleontologiczna kredy dolnej Kujaw // Inst. Geol., Biul. 200, 1967 r. P.237-264. pdf

Thomel G., Coulet P., Davoux J., Delanoy G., Führ F., Führ M., Gazel L., Giverso J., Jullian H., Jullian V., Levan G., Mascarelli E., Maurel L., Poupon A., Salomon M. (1990) Le genre Acrioceras Hyatt, 1900 dans le Barrémien du Sud-Est de la France // Annales du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de Nice. T. 7. P.20–151. pdf

Vermeulen J., Cecca F., Kruta I. (2007) Nouveaux taxa de la famille des Hamulinidae Gill, 1871 (Ammonitida) // Annales du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de Nice. T. XXII, P.1-25. pdf

Wright C.W., Callomon J.H., Howarth M.K. (1996) Cretaceous Ammonoidea // Treatise of Invertebrate Paleontology. Pt. L. Mollusca 4. Revised. V. 4. Geol. Soc. Amer., Univ. Kansas. 362 р.pdf

 New Triassic publications:

Efremov J.A. (1940) Preliminary description of the new Permian and Triassic Tetrapoda from USSR // Travaux de l’Institut Paleontologique. Vol.10. no.2. 140 pp. [in Russian] DjVu

Stühmer H.H., Spaeth C., Schmid F. (1982) Fossilien Helgolands. Teil 1. Trias und Unter-Kreide. Helgoland-Ottendorf: Niederelbe-Verlag. 184 S. pdf




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Archives du Musée Teyler

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Časopis českého Museum

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Geologische Berichte

Jahresbericht der Königlichen böhmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften

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Marine Ecological Journal (Ukraine)

Mémoires de la Société Linnéenne de Normandie

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Chattopadhyay Devapriya, Specialist in molluscan paleoecology


New Jurassic publications (scanned by and/or received from M. Kostak, A. Kuzmin, S. Maleonkina, D. Pandey, M. Rogov):

Advances in Jurassic Research 2000. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on the Jurassic System. R.L. Hall and P.L. Smith (Eds.), GeoResearch Forum 6, Trans Tech Publications. 545 pp. pdf


1. Timescales and Correlation

Blau J., Meister C. Upper Sinemurian Ammonite Successions Based on 41 Faunal Horizons: an Attempt at Worldwide Correlation

Bloos G., Page K.N. The Proposed GSSP for the Base of the Sinemurian Stage Near East Quantoxhead/West Somerset (SW England) - the Ammonite Sequence

Bloos G., Page K.N. The Basal Jurassic Ammonite Succession in the North-West European Province - Review and New Results

Callomon J.H., Dietl G. On the Proposed Basal Boundary Stratotype (GSSP) of the Middle Jurassic Callovian Stage

Caracuel J.E., Olóriz F., Rodríguez-Tovar J.J. Oxfordian Biostratigraphy from the Lugar Section (External Subbetic, Southern Spain)

DeBari S.M., Anderson R.G., Mortensen J.K. Early to Middle Jurassic Magmatism: New Zircon U-Pb Ages and Comparative Geochemistry from a Crustal Transect Through the Bonanza Arc on Vancouver Island, Canada

Gygi R.A.Zone Boundaries and Subzones of the Transversarium Ammonite Zone (Oxfordian, Late Jurassic) in the Reference Section of the Zone, Northern Switzerland

Henriques M.H.Aalenian of the Zambujal de Alcaria Section (Central Lusitanian Basin; Portugal)

Hewaidy A.G.A., Al-Saad H.A. Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy of the Lower - Middle Jurassic Sequences in Eastern Arabia

von Hillebrandt A.Ammonite Biostratigraphy of the Hettangian/Sinemurian Boundary in South America

Matsuoka A., Yang Q. A Direct Correlation between North American and Japan-Pacific Radiolarian Zonal Schemes for the Upper Jurassic

Matyja B.A., Wierzbowski A. Biostratigraphical Correlations between the Subboreal Mutabilis Zone and the Submediterranean Upper Hypselocyclum - Divisum Zones of the Kimmeridgian: New Data from Northern Poland

McArthur J.M., Morton N., Thirlwall M.F. Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy of the Aalenian/Bajocian Auxiliary Stratotype Point at Bearreraig, Isle of Skye, NW Scotland

Ohmert W.  The Nature of Biostratigraphic Boundaries in the Early Middle Jurassic of South West Germany

Page K.N., Meléndez G. Correlation of Late Bathonian Ammonite Faunas between England and North East Spain and a Proposed Standard Zonation for the Upper Bathonian of Northern and Western Europe

Page K.N., B1oos G., Bessa J.L., Fitzpatrick M., Hart M., Hesselbo S.P., Hylton M.D., Morris A., Randall D.E. East Quantoxhead, Somerset: a Candidate Global Stratotype Section and Point for the Base of the Sinemurian Stage (Lower Jurassic)

Pálfy J., Dosztály L.A New Marine Triassic-Jurassic Boundary Section in Hungary

Pálfy J., Smith P.L., Mortensen J.K.A Revised Numeric Time Scale for the Jurassic

Podobina V., Tatyanin G. Upper Jurassic Foraminiferal Zones and Position of the Jurassic-Cretaceous Boundary in Western Siberia

Schweigert G. New Biostratigraphic Data from the Kimmeridgian/Tithonian Boundary Beds of SW Germany

Schweigert G. Immigration of Amoeboceratids into the Submediterranean Upper Jurassic of SW Germany

Taylor D.G. The Canadensis Zone (Early Jurassic) in the Shoshone Mountains, Nevada

Taylor D.G., Boelling K., Guex J. The Triassic/Jurassic System Boundary in the Gabbs Formation, Nevada

Vijaya. Recognition of Potential Palynoevents in the Jurassic Sequence of India and their Correlation in Australia

Villaseñor A.B., Olóriz F., González-Arreola C. Recent Advances in Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian - Tithonian) Ammonite Biostratigraphy of North-Central Mexico Based on Recently Collected Ammonite Assemblages

Xiaoqiao W., Jansa L.F., Sarti M., Zhao W. New Results of the Jurassic Stratigraphic Study in the Nyalam Area of Southern Tibet

2. Sequence Stratigraphy

Alvarez P.P. Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of the Early and Middle Jurassic Los Patillos Formation, La Ramada Basin (31°30'-32°30' SL), Argentina

Aurell M., Meléndez G., Badénas B., Pérez-Urresti I., Ramajo J. Sequence Stratigraphy of the Callovian-Berriasian (Middle Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous) of the Iberian Basin (NE Spain)

Fernández-López S. Ammonite Taphocycles in Carbonate Epicontinental Platforms

Gómez J.J., Goy A. Definition and Organization of Limestone-Mar) Cycles in the Toarcian of the Northern and East-Central Part of the Iberian Subplate (Spain)

Henderson A.S., Hart M.B. The Distribution of Foraminiferida in the Oxfordian Sequences of North Dorset, U.K.

Krishna J., Pathak D. B., Pandey B., Ojha J.R. Transgressive Sediment Intervals in the Late Jurassic of Kac