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조선의 화석 [Korean fossils, Vol. 2 – Mesozoic fossils]. Science and Encylcopedy publ., 112 p. [in Korean] pdf

조선의 지질 [Korean geology]. Ac. Sci. DPRK, 1960. 320 p. [in Korean] pdf

8th International Symposium Cephalopods – Present and Past, August 30 – September 3, 2010, University of Burgundy & CNRS, Dijon – France. Abstracts Volume. 157 pp. pdf

9th International Congress on the Jurassic System, Jaipur, India. Abstracts // Beringeria, Special Issue 8. 213 pp. pdf

11th International Symposium on Cephalopods Present and Past, Abstracts.  47 pp. pdf


- A -

A. Th. v. Middendorff's Reise in den äussersten Norden und Osten Sibiriens. Bd. 1. Einleitung.  Klmatologie. Geognosie. Botanik. Theil 1.  Einleitung. Meteorologische, geothermische, magnetische und geognostische beobachtungen, fossile Hölzer, Mollusken und Fische. St. Petersburg, Buchdr. der K. Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1848. 274 S. pdf

A Boundary between the Jurassic and Cretaceous systems // Transactions of Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Sib. Branch Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol. 699. 192 p. [in Russian] pdf


Remane J. The Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary: problems of definition and procedure

Egoyan V.L. The Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in the light of the general stratigraphic problems

Hoedemaeker P.J. Tethyan-boreal correlations and the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary

Rawson P.P. Event stratigraphy and the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary

Neale J.W. Non-marine Cretaceous correlation in Western Europe, event stratigraphy and the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary

Oloriz P., Tavera J.M. The Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in Southern Spain. Some ecostratigraphical consideration

Chen Pei-Ji. Distribution and migration o f the Jehol fauna with reference to the non-marine Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in China

Sakharov A.S. Stratigraphy and correlation of Tithonian, Berriasian and Valanginian deposits o f North-Eastern Caucasus and adjacent areas by ammonites

Varlamova S.V. Berriasian and Valanginian foraminifera from Urukh river basin (Northern Caucasus)

Gorbatchik T.N., Kuznetsova K .I ., Grigelis A.A. The Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous foraminifera of the Tethys. Systematic composition, peculiarities, distribution

Lobacheva S.V ., Tkachuk G.A. Berriasian brachiopods of North Caucasus

Prosorovskyi V.A. Berriasian stage of South USSR

Zakharov V.A. Definition of Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary on buchias

Kelly S.R.A. Biostratigraphy of the bivalve Buchia in the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous sediments of Europe

Crame J.A. Buchiid bivalves from the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in Antarctica

Paraketsov K.V. About Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary on buchias and some aspects of event stratigraphy

Bogomolov J.I . Correlation of the boreal and tethyan Valanginian by ammonites

Klimova I.G. Neocomlan biostratlgraphy of Western Siberia

Rovnina L.V., Purtova S.I., Slabospltskaya E.A. Microphytofossils from the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary beds of Western Siberia

Sey I.I., Kalacheva E.D. Lower Berriasian deposits of South Primorye and the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in the Far East of the USSR

Abdesselam-Mahdaoui S.B., Benzaggagh M., Razgallah S. (2010) Nouvelles données biostratigraphiques sur les niveaux de passage Jurassique-Crétacé et les calcaires du Campanien dans le secteur de Hammam Zriba-Jebel Guebli (Tunisie septentrionale) // Geo-Eco-Trop., Vol.34. P.113–126. pdf

Abdulkasumzadeh M.R. (1963) Stratigraphy and fauna of the Upper Jurassic deposits of the North-East part of Lesser Caucasus. Baku: Ac. Sci. Azerb. SSR. 105 p. [in Russian] pdf

Abdulkasumzadeh M.R. (1988) Upper Jurassic of the Lesser Caucasus within Azerbaijanian SSR (stratigraphy and ammonite fauna). Baku: Elm. 184 p. [42 Mb] pdf

Abel O. (1916) Paläobiologie der Cephalopoden aus der Gruppe der Dibranchiaten. Jena: Gustav Fischer. 281 S. pdf

Aberhan M. (1994) Early Jurassic Bivalvia of northern Chile. Part I. Subclasses Palaeotaxodonta, Pteriomorphia, and Isofilibranchia // Beringeria. Hft. 13. P. 3-115. pdf

Aberhan M. (1998) Early Jurassic Bivalvia of western Canada. Part I. Subclasses Palaeotaxodonta, Pteriomorphia, and Isofilibranchia // Beringeria. Hft. 21. P. 57-150. pdf

Aberhan M. (2004) Early Jurassic Bivalvia of northern Chile. Part II. Subclass Anomalodesmata // Beringeria. Hft. 34. P.117-154. pdf

Aberhan M. (2007) A new species of Coelastarte (Astartidae; Bivalvia) from the Early Jurassic of Chile and unusual ornamentation in eastern Pacific Jurassic bivalves // Beringeria. Hft. 37. P. 3-9. pdf

Abich W. (1862) Sur la structure et géologie du Daghestan // Mémoires de l’Académie Impériale des Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg, VII sér. T. IV, no.10. 32 p. pdf

Accordi G., Pallini G. (1997) Early Cenomanian, Mantelli zone, ammonite assemblage, from a carbonate shelf edge sequence (Matese, Central Apennines) // Palaeopelagos, Vol. 6 [1996]. P.  273-280. pdf

Advances in Jurassic Research 2000. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on the Jurassic System. R.L. Hall and P.L. Smith (Eds.), GeoResearch Forum 6, Trans Tech Publications. 545 pp. pdf


1. Timescales and Correlation

Blau J., Meister C. Upper Sinemurian Ammonite Successions Based on 41 Faunal Horizons: an Attempt at Worldwide Correlation

Bloos G., Page K.N. The Proposed GSSP for the Base of the Sinemurian Stage Near East Quantoxhead/West Somerset (SW England) - the Ammonite Sequence

Bloos G., Page K.N. The Basal Jurassic Ammonite Succession in the North-West European Province - Review and New Results

Callomon J.H., Dietl G. On the Proposed Basal Boundary Stratotype (GSSP) of the Middle Jurassic Callovian Stage

Caracuel J.E., Olóriz F., Rodríguez-Tovar J.J. Oxfordian Biostratigraphy from the Lugar Section (External Subbetic, Southern Spain)

DeBari S.M., Anderson R.G., Mortensen J.K. Early to Middle Jurassic Magmatism: New Zircon U-Pb Ages and Comparative Geochemistry from a Crustal Transect Through the Bonanza Arc on Vancouver Island, Canada

Gygi R.A.Zone Boundaries and Subzones of the Transversarium Ammonite Zone (Oxfordian, Late Jurassic) in the Reference Section of the Zone, Northern Switzerland

Henriques M.H.Aalenian of the Zambujal de Alcaria Section (Central Lusitanian Basin; Portugal)

Hewaidy A.G.A., Al-Saad H.A. Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy of the Lower - Middle Jurassic Sequences in Eastern Arabia

von Hillebrandt A.Ammonite Biostratigraphy of the Hettangian/Sinemurian Boundary in South America

Matsuoka A., Yang Q. A Direct Correlation between North American and Japan-Pacific Radiolarian Zonal Schemes for the Upper Jurassic

Matyja B.A., Wierzbowski A. Biostratigraphical Correlations between the Subboreal Mutabilis Zone and the Submediterranean Upper Hypselocyclum - Divisum Zones of the Kimmeridgian: New Data from Northern Poland

McArthur J.M., Morton N., Thirlwall M.F. Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy of the Aalenian/Bajocian Auxiliary Stratotype Point at Bearreraig, Isle of Skye, NW Scotland

Ohmert W.  The Nature of Biostratigraphic Boundaries in the Early Middle Jurassic of South West Germany

Page K.N., Meléndez G. Correlation of Late Bathonian Ammonite Faunas between England and North East Spain and a Proposed Standard Zonation for the Upper Bathonian of Northern and Western Europe

Page K.N., B1oos G., Bessa J.L., Fitzpatrick M., Hart M., Hesselbo S.P., Hylton M.D., Morris A., Randall D.E. East Quantoxhead, Somerset: a Candidate Global Stratotype Section and Point for the Base of the Sinemurian Stage (Lower Jurassic)

Pálfy J., Dosztály L.A New Marine Triassic-Jurassic Boundary Section in Hungary

Pálfy J., Smith P.L., Mortensen J.K.A Revised Numeric Time Scale for the Jurassic

Podobina V., Tatyanin G. Upper Jurassic Foraminiferal Zones and Position of the Jurassic-Cretaceous Boundary in Western Siberia

Schweigert G. New Biostratigraphic Data from the Kimmeridgian/Tithonian Boundary Beds of SW Germany

Schweigert G. Immigration of Amoeboceratids into the Submediterranean Upper Jurassic of SW Germany

Taylor D.G. The Canadensis Zone (Early Jurassic) in the Shoshone Mountains, Nevada

Taylor D.G., Boelling K., Guex J. The Triassic/Jurassic System Boundary in the Gabbs Formation, Nevada

Vijaya. Recognition of Potential Palynoevents in the Jurassic Sequence of India and their Correlation in Australia

Villaseñor A.B., Olóriz F., González-Arreola C. Recent Advances in Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian - Tithonian) Ammonite Biostratigraphy of North-Central Mexico Based on Recently Collected Ammonite Assemblages

Xiaoqiao W., Jansa L.F., Sarti M., Zhao W. New Results of the Jurassic Stratigraphic Study in the Nyalam Area of Southern Tibet

2. Sequence Stratigraphy

Alvarez P.P. Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of the Early and Middle Jurassic Los Patillos Formation, La Ramada Basin (31°30'-32°30' SL), Argentina

Aurell M., Meléndez G., Badénas B., Pérez-Urresti I., Ramajo J. Sequence Stratigraphy of the Callovian-Berriasian (Middle Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous) of the Iberian Basin (NE Spain)

Fernández-López S. Ammonite Taphocycles in Carbonate Epicontinental Platforms

Gómez J.J., Goy A. Definition and Organization of Limestone-Mar) Cycles in the Toarcian of the Northern and East-Central Part of the Iberian Subplate (Spain)

Henderson A.S., Hart M.B. The Distribution of Foraminiferida in the Oxfordian Sequences of North Dorset, U.K.

Krishna J., Pathak D. B., Pandey B., Ojha J.R. Transgressive Sediment Intervals in the Late Jurassic of Kachchh, India

Martire L., Clari P., Pavia G. Discontinuities and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Antalo Limestone (Upper Jurassic, North Ethiopia)

Pena dos Reis R.P.B., Proença Cunha P., Dinis J.L., Trincao P.R.. Geologic Evolution of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal) during the Late Jurassic

Surlyk F., Noe-Nygaard N.Jurassic Sequence Stratigraphy of East Greenland

3. Paleontology and Biogeography

Damborenea S.E Hispanic Corridor: Its Evolution and the Biogeography of Bivalve Molluscs

Joral F.G., Goy A. Stratigraphic Distribution of Toarcian Brachiopods from the Iberian Range (Spain) and its Relation to Depositional Sequences

Manceñiido M.O. A Systematic Summary of the Stratigraphic Distribution of Jurassic Rhynchonellide Genera (Brachiopoda)

Pavia G. New Subcollina (Ammonitida) from the Topmost Lower Bajocian: their Phylogenetic and Paleogeographic Significance

Tang C.M., Bottjer D.J. Paleoecology and Biostratigraphic Resolution: Review of Jurassic Biostratigraphic Issues in the U.S. Western Interior

4. Sedimentary Geology and Paleoenvironments

Colacicchi R., Bartolini A., Baumgartner P.O. Siliceous Sedimentation in the Mediterranean Harrison J.C., Wall J.H., Brent T.A., Poulton T.P., Davies E.H. Jurassic Caused by Volcanism, Greenhouse Climate and Eutrophication

Hinnov L., Park J., Erba E. A Jurassic Rift System in the Canadian Arctic Islands Lower-Middle Jurassic Rhythmites from the Lombard Basin, Italy: a Record of Orbitally Forced Carbonate Cycles Modulated by Secular Environmental Changes in West Tethys

Hylton M.D., Hart M.B. Benthic Foraminiferal Response to Pliensbachian-Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) Sea-Level Change and Oceanic Anoxia in NW Europe

Liu B., Deng S., Qi X. Jurassic Climatic Events of North China and their Geological Significance

Monaco P. Biological and Physical Agents of Shell Concentrations of Lithiotis Facies Enhanced by Microstratigraphy and Taphonomy, Early Jurassic, Trento Area (Northern Italy)

Morettini E., Baumgartner P.O., Hunziker J.C., Monaco P., Ripepe M. Stable Isotopic Signal of Carbon and Oxygen in Jurassic Marlstone-Limestone Rhythms (Italy, Central Apennines)

5. Terrestrial Ecosystems

Baternan R.M., Morton N., Dower B.L. Early Middle Jurassic Plant Communities in Northwest Scotland: Paleoecological and Paleoclimatic Significance

Shenghui D., Fen C. Jurassic Floras of North China

Dunagan S.P. Constraining Late Jurassic Paleoclimate Within the Morrison Paleoecosystem: Insights from the Continental Carbonate Record of the Morrison Formation (Colorado, USA)

Engelmann G.F., Fiorillo A.R. The Taphonomy and Paleoecology of the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation Determined from a Field Study of Fossil Localities

Afanasieva M.S., Vuks V.Ja., Alekseev A.S., Pronina-Nestell G.P., Yanko-Hombach V.V. (2013) 6th International Conference on Environmental Micropaleontology, Microbiology, and Meiobenthology (EMMM-2011) // Paleontological Journal, Vol. 47, No. 10, P. 1107–1109. pdf

Afanasenkov À.Ð., Nikishin A.M., Obukhov A.N. (2007) Eastern Black Sea Basin: geological structure and hydrocarbon potential. Moscow: Nauchny mir. 172 p. [in Russian] pdf

Afitsky A.I. (1970) Biostratigraphy of Triassic and Jurassic deposits of Bolshoi Anuy river basin (Western Chukotka) // Trans. North-East Complex Scient. Inst. Issue 26. P.3-144. [in Russian] pdf

Agaev V.B., Guseinov G.M. (1972) The genus Kepplerites Neumayr et Uhlig from the Late Jurassic deposits of north-west Azerbaijan // Scientific reports of Azerbaijan State University, series geological-geographical sciences. No.1. P.38-41. [in Russian] pdf

Agassiz L. (1839) Mémoire sur les moules de mollusques vivans et fossiles: 1ère partie: moules d'acéphales vivans. Neuchatel: Impr. Petitpierre. 48 p. pdf

Agassiz L. (1840) Etudes critiques sur les mollusques fossiles. Livr. 1. Mémoire sur les trigonies. Neuchatel: Impr. Petitpierre. 58 p. pdf

Agassiz L. (1842) Etudes critiques sur les mollusques fossiles. Livr. 2. Contenant les Myes de Jura et de la Craie Suisses. Neuchatel. 141 p. pdf

Agassiz L. (1842) Etudes critiques sur les mollusques fossiles. Livr. 3. Contenant les Myes de Jura et de la Craie Suisses. Neuchatel. P.142-287. pdf

Agayev V.B., Guseynov G.M. (1988) Jurassic pelecypods of North-Western Azerbaijan // Geology and hydrogeology of mineral deposits of Azerbaijan. Baku. P.32-43. pdf

Ager D.V. (1973) The nature of stratigraphical record. New York: John Wiley and Sons. 114 pp. pdf

Agrawal S.K. (1956) Contribution a l’etude stratigraphique et paléontologique du Jurassique du Kutch (Inde) // Annales du Centre d’Études et de documentation paléontologiques. Num.19. P. 1-188. pdf

Ahmad F. (1999) Middle Jurassic macroinvertebrates from northwestern Jordan // Beringeria. H.23. P.3-46, 3 figs., pls.1-9. pdf

Aisenstadt G. E.-A. (1951) Lower and Middle Jurassic deposits of South Emba // Stratigraphy and facies of the Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits of Emba. Trans. All-Union geol-surv. Oil inst. (VNIGRI), Vol.55. Leningrad-Moscow: Gostoptechizdat. P.5-112. [in Russian] pdf

Akopyan V.T. (1962) Stratigraphy of the Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits of south-east Zangezur. Erevan: Arm. Ac. Sci. publ., 264 p. [in Russian] pdf

Akopyan V.T. (Ed.) (1974) Atlas of fossils of Armenian SSR. Erevan: Ac. Sci. Arm.SSR. 838 p. [in Russian] pdf

Akramhodzhaev A.M., Mirkamalov H.H., Ahmedov P.U., Korsun’ V.V., Abdullaev G.S. (1982) Stratigraphical and facial schemes of the Late Jurassic carbonate formations of the West Uzbekistan // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow, ser.geol. Ò. 57. Issue 6. P.53-62.[in Russian] pdf

Alberti G. (1961) Zur Kenntnis mesozoischer und alttertiärer Dinoflagellaten und Hystrichosphaerideen von Nord-und Mitteldeutschland sowie einigen anderen europäischen Gebieten // Palaeontographica Abteilung A. Bd.116. Lief. 1-4. S.1-58. pdf

Alberti M., Pandey D.K., Fürsich F.T. (2011) Ammonites of the genus Peltoceratoides Spath, 1924 from the Oxfordian of Kachchh, Western India // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh., Bd. 262. P.1–18. pdf

Alberti M., Parent H., Garrido A.C., Andersen N., Garbe-Schönberg D. Danise S. (2020) Stable isotopes (δ13C, δ18O) and element ratios (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca) of Jurassic belemnites, bivalves, and brachiopods from the Neuquén Basin (Argentina): challenges and opportunities for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions // Journal of the Geological Society of London. Vol. 178. P. 1-16. pdf

Aleinikov A.N., Meledina S.V. (1993) Application of the boreal-zonal standard to the Middle and Upper Oxfordian of East Siberia // Geologiya i geofizika. No.6. P.3-15. [in Russian] pdf

Alekseev A.S. (Ed.). Paleostrat-2009. Annual meeting of the Paleontological Section of the Soc. Natur. Moscow, January 26-27, 2009. Program and abstracts. Moscow: Paleontological Instute. 49 pp. [in Russian] pdf or .htm

The following Jurassic papers or/and written by members of the Jurassic.ru Team included:

Alekseev A.S. Reimers A.N., Orlova O.A., Ippolitov A.P., Larchenko V.A., Lebedev O.A., Stepanov V.P. Stratigraphy of the Vendian and Carboniferous deposits of the lower flows of Onega river (Arkhangelsk region). P.4-5.

Baraboshkin E.Yu. «Ammonitico rosso» facies in the Jurassic and Cretaceous of the south of Russia and CIS. P.5-6.

Guzhov A.V. On usage of baking soda for extraction fossils from clayey rocks. P.11-12.

Ippolitov A.P., Rogov M.A., Nelihov A.E. Actual problems of popularization of paleontology within Russian-speaking portion of the Internet. P.18-20.

Maleonkina S.Yu. Jurassic stromatolites of the Moscow. P.26-27.

Rogov M.A., Ippolitov A.P., Polyakova M.V. Online electronic libraries and their role for paleontology and stratigraphy: state-of-art and perspectives of further development. P.36-37.

Tesakova E.M., Olferiev A.G. On Lower Callovian ostracods of the Kursk region. P.42-43.

Ustinova M.A. Zonal subdivision of the Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian deposits of the Mikhalenino section (Kostroma region) by foraminifers. P.43-45.

Alekseev M.A. (2012) The genus Glomospira (Foraminifera) from the reference section of the Jurassic deposits in the Lena river delta // Regional geology and metallogeny. No.50. P.37-45. [in Russian] pdf

Alekseev M.A. (2014) Foraminifers and palaeogeography of the Jurassic of the Lena-Anabar depression (Middle Siberia) // Regional geology and metallogeny. No. 57. P.37-48. [in Russian] pdf

Alekseev S.N. (1982) Development of septal sutures in the ontogeny of some Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous Craspeditidae and Polyptychitidae // Stratigraphy of Triassic and Jurassic deposits of oil-and-gas bearing basins of the USSR (collection of scientific articles). Leningrad: VNIGRI. P.115-128. [in Russian]  pdf

Alekseev S.N. (1984) New data on the zonal subdivision of the Berriasian Stage in the north of Siberia // in. Menner V.V. (Ed.). Boundary stages of the Jurassic and Cretaceous System. Trans. Inst. Geol. Geophys. no.644. P.18-27. [in Russian] pdf

Alekseev S.N., Repin Yu.S. (1989) Problems of zonal subdivision of Lower Callovian of he Russian Platform // Methodical aspects of stratigraphical investigations in oil-and-gas basins (collection of scientific papers). Leningrad: VNIGRI. P.122-134. [in Russian] pdf

Alekseev S.N., Vavilov M.N. (1983) On principles of the development and terminology of septal suture of Mesozoic ammonoids // Annual All-Union Paleont. Soc. Vol.XXVI. P.93-104. [in Russian] pdf

Aleynikov A.N., Kutsman A.N. (2009) Biostratigraphy of the Lower Kheta formation of the Vankor oil-and-gas field // in: Budnikov I.V., Krasnov V.I. (Eds) Regional geology. Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Phanerozoics of Siberia. Collection of scientific papers. Novosibirsk: SNIIGGiMS. P.130-141. [in Russian]  pdf

Ali-zadeh Ak.A. (resp.ed.) (1988) Cretaceous fauna of Azerbaijan. Baku: Elm. 648 p. [in Russian] pdf

Ali-Zadeh Ak.A., Aliev S.A., Mamedalizadeh, Gamzaev G.A. (1982) Isotope temperatures of the Early Cretaceous basins of East Azerbaijan // Geochemistry. no.9. P.1370-1373. pdf

Ali-Zadeh Ak.A., Gasanov T.A. (1966) Some belemnites from the Jurassic deposits of Azerbaijan // Transactions of the Ac. Sci. Azer. SSR., Ser. Earth sciences. no.1. P.36-44. pdf

Aliev G. A. (1969) New gastropod representatives from the Tithonian deposits of Lesser Caucasus // Reports of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR. Vol. 25. ¹2. P.63-68, 7 figs. (= 1 pl.) [in Russian] pdf

Alifirov A.S. (2009) Ammonite scale for the Volgian of Western Siberia and its paleontological substantiation // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, Vol. 17, No. 6, P.632–644. pdf

Alifirov A.S. (2009) Craspedites schulginae sp. nov., a new ammonite species from the Volgian Stage // Paleontological Journal, Vol. 43, No. 6, P.612–614. pdf

Alifirov A.S., Aleynikov A.N., Meledina S.V. (2014) Ammonites and new Oxfordian zonal scale for West Siberia // News of palaeontoly and stratigraphy. Issue19. P.77-92. [in Russian] pdf

Almeras Y. (1964) Brachiopodes du Lias et du Dogger // Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie de la Faculté des Sciences de Lyon. no. 5, 161 p. pdf

Almeras Y. (1970) Les Terebratulidae du Dogger dans le Mâconnais, le Mont d’Or lyonnais et le Jura méridional. Étude sytématique et biostratigraphique. Rapports avec la paléoécologie // Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie de la Faculté des Sciences de Lyon. No.39. Fasc. 2. P.345-690. pdf

Almeras Y. (1994) Le genre Soaresirhynchia nov. (Brachiopoda, Rhynchonellacea, Wellerellidae) dans le Toarcien du sous-bassin nord-lusitanien (Portugal) // Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie de la Faculté des Sciences de Lyon. No.130. 135 p. pdf

Almeras Y., Elmi S., Mekahli L., Ouali-Mehadjii A., Sadki D., Tlili M. (1994) Biostratigraphie des Brachiopodes du Jurassique moyen dans le domaine atlasique (Maroc, Algérie). Contraintes environnementales et relation avec révolution verticale des peuplements d'ammonites // Miscellanea del Servizio Geologico Nazionale. Volume 5. P.219-241. pdf

Almeras Y., Moulan G. (1982) Les Térébratulidés liasiques de Provence. Paléontologie, biostratigraphie, paléoécologie, phylogénie // Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie de la Faculté des Sciences de Lyon. No.86. 365 p. pdf

Althoff W. (1936) Trigonia (Clavotr.) interrupticosta n. sp. aus dem unteren Dogger von Bielefeld // Zentralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, (Abteilung B), S. 154-157. pdf

Amannijasov K. (1960) Cardioceras from the Lower Oxfordian of Tuarkyr // Bull. Ac. Sci. Turkm. SSR, ser. phys.-techn., chem. and geol. sci. no.2. P.62-70. [in Russian] pdf

Amannijasov K. (1962) Erymnoceras from the Middle Callovian of Tuarkyr // Trans. Inst. Geol. Ac. Sci. Turkm. SSR. Vol. IV. P.136-164. [in Russian] pdf

Amanniyazov K.N. (1962) Stratigraphy and ammonites of the Upper Jurassic of Tuarkyr. Ashkhabad: Turkm. Ac. Sci. Publ. 110 p. [in Russian] pdf

Amanniyazov K.N. (1968) Upper Jurassic deposits of northern Turkmenia // Proc. Ac. USSR, ser. geol. No.3. P.116-120. [in Russian] pdf

Amanniyazov K.N. (1971) Biostratigraphy, zoogeography and ammonites of the Upper Jurassic of Turkmenia. Ashkhabad. 249 p. [in Russian] pdf

Amanniyazov K.N. (1971) Upper Jurassic ammonites of Kugitang // Palaeontological substantiation of reference sections of the Jurassic System of Uzbekistan and adjacent areas. Collection no.10. Leningrad: Nedra. P.41-55. [in Russian] pdf

Ames H.T., Spackman W. (1981) Catalog of fossil spores and pollen. Volume  42. Cretaceous  Spores and Pollen from the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. Published at University Park, Pennsylvania. 231 p. pdf

Ames H.T., Spackman W. (1985) Catalog of fossil spores and pollen. Volume  44. Tertiary and  Upper Cretaceous Spores and Pollen from Africa, Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Published at University Park, Pennsylvania. 182 p. pdf

Ames H.T., Traverse A., Spackman W. (1976) Catalog of fossil spores and pollen. Volume  40. Triassic – Cretaceous Spores and Pollen. Published at University Park, Pennsylvania. 243 p. pdf

von Ammon L. (1875) Die Jura-Ablagerungen zwischen Regensburg und Passau // Abhandlungen des zoologisch - mineralogischen Vereines in Regensburg. Hft. 10. 200 S. pdf

Amon E.O., Vishnevskaya V.S., Gatovsky Yu.A. (2022) Morphotypes of radiolarians and some features of paleogeography of Arctic periphery of Western Siberia (Yamal Peninsula) during Late Jurassic // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow. Sect.geol. Vol. 97. no.1. P.15-45. [in Russian] pdf

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Tylkina K.F., Komissarenko V.K. Records of Bathonian foraminiferal assemblage in the Tyumen Formation

Komissarenko V.K., Tylkina K.F. New data on the stratigraphy of the Callovian-Oxfordian deposits of Western Siberia

Komissarenko V.K., Tylkina K.F Paleontological characteristics of the Kimmeridgian-Volgian deposits of the Siberian Plane

Belousova N.A., Bogomyakova E.D., Rylkova G.E. Biostratigraphical subdivision of Berriasian and Valanginian deposits of Western Siberia by foraminifers

Bogomyakova E.D., Rylkova G.E., Belousova N.A. Hauterivian foraminifeal assemblages of the Western Siberian Plane

Belousova N.A., Bogomyakova E.D., Braduchan Yu.V., Kiselyova O.T., Rylkova G.E. On question of correlation of the Neocomian deposits of the Western Siberian Plane by foraminifers

Kiselyova O.T. Record of the Orientalia ? N. Bykova, 1947 in the Hauterivian of the Shirotnoe Priobye \

Kiselyova O.T. Materials for study of the Albian foraminifers of the Western Siberian Plane

Kiryanova F.V. Again about the Santoian Stage of Ural region

Tanacheva M.I. Foraminiferal aasemlages from the Upper Cretaceous deposits of north of Western Siberia

Komissaremko V.K. Records of the genus Ammobaculoides Plummer from the Upper Jurassic of the Western Sberian Plane

Yakovleva S.P. The genus Ammobaculoides Plummer from the Volgian deposits of the Russian Plane

Tanacheva M.I. New species of the genus Ammobaculoides Plummer, 1932 from the Upper Cretaceous of the Western Siberian Plane

Belousova N.A. Members of the genus Trochammina from the Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Western Siberia

Tylkina KF. Members of the genus Citharinella Marie from the Kimmeridgian-Volgian deposits of the Western Siberian Plane


Biostratigraphy of Boreal Mesozoic // Transactions Inst. Geol. Geophys. Sib. Branch Ac. Sci. USSR. Issue 136. 186 p. [in Russian] pdf


Dagys A.S., Bychkov Ju Ì., Arkhipov Ju. V. Northeast Asia Triassic Biostratigraphy

Vavilov M. N., Kaplan Ì. E. Cape of Tsvetkov Triassic deposits (Eastern Taimyr)

Milova L. V. The analysis of the bivalves species complexes of the Triassic –Jurassic boundary in the basin of the Gizhiga river (Okhotsk sea basin)

Repin Ju. S. Amaltheidae representatives from the Upper Pliensbachian deposits in the north — eastern parts of the USSR and their stratigraphical significance

Kaplan Ì. E ., Knjazev V. G ., Meledina S. V ., Mesezhnikov M. S. Jurassic deposits of the Cape of Tsvetkov and Chernokhrebelnaja river (Eastern Taimyr)

Meledina S. V. Middle Jurassic and Callovian stratigraphy problems of the Boreal realm

Polubolko I. V., Repin Ju. S. Aalenian stage stratigraphy of the north - eastern parts of the USSR

Nalnjaeva Ò.I. Stratigraphical and geographical expansion of Paramegateuthis genus

Kirina Ò. I., Meledina S. V. Concerning of the Middle Jurassic deposits stratigraphy of Lena river lower course (Zhigansk district)

Zakharov V.A., Shurygin B.N. Biostratigraphical and paleobiogeographical significance of the rare Middle Jurassic bivalves in Northern Siberia

Zakharov V.A., Sanin V.J., Spiro N.S., Shulgina N. J., Judovny E.G. Zonal subdivision, lithological-geochemical and paleoecological characteristic of Lower Cretaceous deposits in the northern part of Pakhsa peninsula, Anabar bay (North of the Middle Siberia)

Teslenko Ju. V. Vegetative remains from the Upper levels of the Shadoron series in the Eastern Zabaykal’ je and their stratigraphical significance

Sachs V.N., Shulgina N.J. Valanginian stage of the Boreal realm

Aristov V. N. A bout the ammonites of the Homolsomites genus from the Lower Cretaceous of the Russian platform

Bulatova Z.I. New data in the stratigraphy of the Cenomanian-Coniacian deposits of the West Siberian Plain      


Biostratigraphy of Mesozoic deposits of the oil-bearing areas of the USSR. Moscow: IGIRGI, 1972. 116 p. [in Russian] pdf


Moskvin M.M., Endelman L.G. Late Cretaceous sea urchins of Mangyshlak and their stratigraphic implications

Panteleev G.S. Some Upper Maastrichtian Exogyra of Tuarkyr

Aliev M.M., Gofman E.A. On the recognition of the Bathonian deposits in the Mountain Mangyshlak

Aliev M.M., Tsanturova A.A. New data on Lower Triassic deposits of Mangyshlak

Zabelina T.M. Foraminiferal habitat conditions in the Cenomanian-Turonian basin of Trans-Caspia

Nehrikova N.I. On the position of the Danian-Montian boundary in Mangyshlak and Western Turkmenia (on the base of study of brachiopods)

Alekseeva L.Z., Korotkov V.A., Shilova D.D. On the age of Kyzylkyr Formation of Tuarkyr (Western Turkmenia)

Shilova D.D. Ostracod genus Cypridea from Kyzylkyr Formation of Tuarkyr (Western Turkmenia)

Tsanturova A.A. New data on stratigraphy of the Lower Jurassic deposits of South Mangyshlak Genkina R.Z. On stratigraphy and flora of the Jurassic terrestrial deposits of the Hanaka river bsin (southern slope of Gissar Range)

Nikishova V.M., Dubrovskaya E.N. On stratigraphy of the Jurassic deposits of Shurab coal field (South Fergana)

Dubrovskaya E.N. Spore-pollen assemblages of the Lower Mesozoic terrestrial deposits of Kavak-Tau Ridge (Tian-Shan)

Galeeva L.I. New Barremian ostracods of the genus Cypridea from the south Peri-Aral

Mazur V.M. Usage of data of the diphractometric analysis of clay minerals for aims of detalization of some questions of palaeogeography

Rovnina L.V., Yastrebova T.A. Stratigraphy of Lower-Middle Jurassic deposits of Novy Port oli-and-gas field in Yamal Peninsula

Rovnina L.V., Glushko N.K. Spore-pollen assemblages of gas-bearing deposits of Yamal and their stratigraphic significance

Sinyakova G.N. New data on biostratigraphic subdivision of the Upper Cretaceous gas-bearing deposits of north of Western Siberia

Edrenkin S.S., Orudzgeva D.S., Yuferov Yu.K., Solomin V.A., Ovcharenko M.I. On rhythmic structure of the Lower Jurassic deposits of Mountain Mangyshlak


Biostratigraphy of the Mesozoic of Siberia and Far East // Trans. Inst. Geol. geophys. Sib. Branch Ac. Sci. USSR. 1986. Issue 648. 206 p. pdf


Dagis A.S. Problems of biostratigraphy of the Triassic of Siberia and Far East

Mesezhnikov M.S. Major questions of the Jurassic stratigraphy of Siberia

Dagis A.S., Kazakov A.M., Konstantinov A.G., Kurushin N.I. Biostratiraphy of the Lower Induan of Eastern Verkhoyanie

Betechtina O.A., Mogucheva N.K., Batyaeva S.K., Kushnarev M.P. Permian-Triassic boundary in the stratotype of the Maltsevo Formation of Kuzbass

Vavilov M.N., Arkadiev V.V. New and rare ammonoids of Middle and Upper Triassic of Middle Siberia

Dagis A.S., Konstantinov A.G. Infrazonal scale of the Upper Anisian of north pof Siberia

Dagis A.S. Conodonts from the Lower Olenekian deposits of North-East of the USSR

Polubotko I.V. Zonal assemblages of Late Triassic halobiids of North-East of the USSR

Mogucheva N.K., Dobruskina I.A. Conifers of the marmorate sandstone in the Korvunchan flora

Klimko S.A. Triassic palynoassemblages of central part of West Siberian Plate (by Nikolsk parametrical well - 1)

Obonitskaya E.K. Lower Triassic palynoassemblages of the Middle Siberia

Zakharov V.A., Lebedev A.I. Beds with buchiids in the Upper Jurassic and Neocomian of the Western Siberia

Kalacheva E.D., Sei I.I. Ammonites and range of the Oxfordian Stage of northern part of the Far East

Meledina S.V. Problems of correlation of the Boreal Bathonian and Bathonian-Callovian boundary beds

Nalnyaeva T.N. Biostratigraphic subdivisions in Lower and Middle Jurassic by belemnites

Polubotko I.V., Milova L.V. Sinemurian and Pliensbachian pectinids of North-East of the USSR and their stratigraphical significance

Sei I.I. Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian buchiids of the Western Priokhotie (Far East)

Sapianik V.V. Early Jurassic foraminiferal assemblages of east of the Siberian Platform

Markovich E.M. New data on flora and phytostratigraphy of the Jurassi deposits of Gonam river basin (South Yakutia)

Skoblo V.M., Lyamina N.A. Biostratigraphical correlation of Jurassic and Cretaceous terrestrial deposits of Western Transbaikalia and some other regions of the Asia part of the USSR and Mongolia

Amon E.O., Papulov G.N., Sitnikova Z.I. On recognition of beds with Oxytoma uralica as marker horizon in the Maastrichtian of south of Western Siberia

Bulynnikova S.P., Belousova N.A., Bogomyakova E.D., Rylkova G.E. New in biostratigraphy of the Neocomian of Western Siberia by foraminifers

Zonova T.D., Turenko T.V. New materials for unified scheme of the Cretaceous of Sakhalin

Klimova I.G. Early Valanginian polyptychitids of Siberia – new data on systematics and biostratigraphy

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Table of contents

Bychkov Yu.M. Late Triassic molluscs of the Kenkeren Range (Koryak Upland)

Afitsky A.I. Molluscs’ communities, subdivision and correlation of the Triassic (Upper Norian) -Jurassic (Lower Hettangian) boundary beds of the North-East of Asia 

Milova L.V. New Pliensbachian bivalves of the Northern Okhotsk region

Koshelkina Z.V. Some bivalves from the Aalenian deposits of the Viliga river basin (North-East of the USSR)

Paraketsova G.I. Pectinids from the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits of North-East of the USSR

Paraketsova G.I., Paraketsov K.V. Ecological-stratigraphical and geographical distribution of Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous molluscs in the Northe-East of the USSR

Pokhialainen V.P. Structure of inoceramid populations

Terekhova G.P. Bivalves and cephalopods from Maastrichtian deposits in the North-East of Koryak Upland

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Polubotko I.V., Repin Yu.S. Triassic bivalves of the western part of the Northern Caucasus

Gavrilova V.A. Triassic bivalves and ammonoids of the Central and Eastern Praecaucasus

Lobachova S.V., Bogdanova T.N., Yanin B.T. Early Cretaceous brachiopods, echinoids and bivalvia of the Northern Caucasus (Brachiopods and echinoids (S.V. Lobacheva); Bivalves (T.N. Bogdanova, B.T. Yanin)

Bugrova E.M. Paleogene foraminifers of the central part of the Northern Caucasus and Praecaucasus

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Contributions to current cephalopod research: Morphology, Systematics, Evolution, Ecology and Biostratigraphy. Eds. T.B. Leonova, I.S. Barskov, V.V. Mitta. Proceeding of conference (Moscow, 9–11 April, 2012). Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences, Borissiak Paleontological Institute. 125 pp.[in Russian with English summaries] pdf  

includes many articles regarding ammonites, such as:

Rogov M.A. Some peculiarities of evolution of Boreal ammonite faunas during the Kimmeridgian and Volgian (on example of the Middle Volgian Sea

Mikhailova I.A., Bogdanova T.N. Genus Parahoplites Anthula, 1899: composiyion, evolution and distribution

Yagt J.W.M., Hollarts S., Machalski M., Yagt-Yazikova E.A. The complicated history of species Pachydiscus (P.) neubergicus (Hauer, 1858) and state of the problem in present

Gulyaev D.B. On the revision of ammonites of the genus Paracadoceras (Cardioceratidae) from the Upper Bathonian and Lower Callovian of East Greenland

Repin Yu.S. The endemic branch of the Phylloceratida (Ammonoidea) of Arctic Mesozoic

Mitta V.V., Dietl G. The Garantiana beds in the Upper Bajocian of the Middle Volga area

Pestchevitskaya E.B., Mitta V.V. Comparative analysis of the development of ammonite and dinocyst communities of the Russian Platform throughout Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary

Mitta V.V., Ploch I. Comparative study of the Berriasian ammonites of Poland and Central Russia (preliminary data)

Zakharov Yu.D., Baraboshkin E.Yu., Mikhailova I.A., Smyshlyaeva O.P., Safronov P.P., Afanasyeva T.B., Velivetskaya T.A. On ecological life conditions of the Early Aptian ammonoids at the Russian Platform area

Seltser V.B. Bite marks on the tests of Quenstedtoceras (Ammonoidea)

Mironenko A.A. Traces of lifetime damage on the shells of Upper Jurassic (Upper Volgian) Kachpurites (Craspeditidae, Ammonoidea)

Boiko M. S., Mychko E. V. Raupology: a computer program based on the conchometric method devised by D.M.Raup


Contributions to current cephalopod research: Morphology, Systematics, Evolution, Ecology and Biostratygraphy. Proceeding of conference (Moscow, 2-4 April, 2015); Russian Academy of Sciences, Borissiak Paleontological Institute; eds. T.B. Leonova, I.S. Barskov,V.V.Mitta. 138 pp. [in Russian with English abstracts] pdf


Konstantinov A.G. Evolution of the Boreal Middle Triassic ammonoid families Tsvetkovitidae and Nathorstitidae. P.29-31.

Mitta V.V. On the phylogeny of the Middle Jurassic Arctocephalitinae and Cadoceratinae (Cardioceatidae, Ammonoidea). P.32-35.

Gulyaev D.B. On the neo-endemic Early Callovian Eastern Europe lineage of ammonites of the subfamily Macrocephalitinae (Sphaeroceratidae) and revision of its representative Macrocephalites multicostatus (Paryshev). P.36-39.

Knyazev V.G., Meledina S.V., Alifirov A.S., Kutygin R.V. The Middle Callovian evolution of the Siberian Cardioceratidae. P.40-45.

Rogov M.A. The «Lilliput effect» and the evolution of Late Jurassic Boreal ammonites. P.46-48.

Mitta V.V. On ammonite collections described in the monographs of D.I. Ilovaisky. P.52-54.

Kiselev D.N. Taxonomic value of the final signs of growth in the morphogenesis of the ammonite subfamily Dorsoplanitinae Arkell, 1950 and its contribution to the family systematics. P.55-58.

Baraboshkin E.Yu. Some Upper Hauterivia ammonites from the central regions of the Russian Platform in the collection of the Vernadsky State Geological Museum. P.59-61.

Dzyuba O.S., Weis R. Megateuthididae (Belemnitida) from the Lower-Middle Jurassic of northern and eastern Russia: taxonomy and nomenclature. P.62-64.

Repin Yu.S. Upper Triassic ammonoids from Iran. P.89-91.

Repin Yu.S. Characteristic features of the Lower Jurassic Arctic ammonoid biota. P.92-94.

Gulyaev D.B. Ammonites of the genus Bullatimorphites (Tulitidae) from the Lower Callovian of the Kanev dislocation area, Central Ukraine. P.95-96.

Gulyaev D.B., Rogov M.A. The Boreal Lower Callovian ammonites of Crimea. P.97-99.

Shkolin A.A. Ammonites from the Upper Jurassic of the vicinity of Kolomenskoe (Moscow). P.100-104.

Mitta V.V. Ammonites and the subdivision of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary beds in the lower reaches of the Unzha river (Kostroma region). P.105-108.

Arkadiev V.V. New occurrences of the genus Riasanites (Ammonoidea) in the Upper Berriasian of the Eastern Crimea. P.109-111.

Stenshin I.M., Baraboshkin E.Yu. O the finding of Dufrenoya furcata (J. de C. Sowerby, 1836)

(Deshayesitidae, Ammonoidea) in Ulianovsk Povolzhye. P.112-114.

Stenshin I.M., Semenov D.Yu., Blagoveshchensky I.V., Shumilkin I.A. Distribution patterns of nautilids in the Lower Aptian of Ulianovsk Povolzhye. P.115-117.

Mironenko A.A. Color patterns in Jurassic ammonites from Central Russia. P118-119.

Seltser V.B., Kosenko I.N. Epiokia of oysters Liostrea roemeri on ammonites. P.120-123.

Igolnikov A.E. Polymorphism in the Berriasian craspeditids of Siberia. P.126-128.

Contributions to current cephalopod research: Morphology, Systematics, Evolution, Ecology and Biostratigraphy. Proceeding of conference (Moscow, 25 – 27 October, 2021). Moscow: PIN RAS, 2021. 96 pp. [in Russian] pdf

Cooper M.K.E. (1987) New calcareous nannofossil taxa from the Volgian Stage (Upper Jurassic) lectostratotype site at Gorodishche, U.S.S.R // N. Jb. Geol. Paläont., Monatsh. Hft.10. P.606-612. pdf

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Cope J.C.W. (2013) Stage nomenclature in the uppermost Jurassic rocks of Britain // Geoscience in South-West England, Vol.13. P.216-221. pdf

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Cossmann M. (1896) Essais de paléoconchologie comparée. Paris: Chez l’auteur et Comptoir géologique. Livr. 2. 179 pp., 48 figs., 8 pls. pdf

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Golden Age of Russian Malacology. Collective volume of the All-Russia research conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Professor Viktor Nikolaevich Shimansky / Editorial Board: I.S. Barskov, A.V. Ivanov, T.B. Leonova, S.V. Nikolaeva, I.A. Yashkov. Moscow-Saratov: Borissiak Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences – Yuri Gagarin Saratov State Technical University – «Kuznitza reclamy», 2016. 340 pp. [in Russian with English summaries] pdf



Autobiography of Shimansky Viktor Nikolayevich

An appraisal report of V.N. Shimansky (for the award of the title Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation)

List of works of V.N. Shimansky

Publications on V.N. Shimansky

Amitrov O.V., Solovjev A.N. Viktor Nikolaevich Shimansky – some facts about the scientist

Penkevich A.G. My memories about Viktor Nikolaevich Shimansky

Shimansky V.N. About school in native paleontology

Shimansky V.N. Opening address on the meeting dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Section of Paleontology of Moscow Society of Naturalists

Amitrov O.V. The Paleontological Institute Expedition to Povolzhye (from a personal diary from 1974)

Ivanov A.V. V.N. Shimansky and Saratov Povolzhye

Melik-Adamyan H.U. The contribution of V.N. Shimansky to the study of fossil cephalopods of the Caucasus

Barskov I.S., Leonova T.B., Ivanov A.V. Golden age of Russian malacology: a brief review of molluscan studies in Russia

Barskov I.S. Innovative ideas in the work and activities of Viktor Nikolaevich Shimansky

Doguzhaeva L.A., Bogoslovskaya M.F., Zhuravleva F.A. Consideration of the phylogenetic significance of bactritoid cephalopods by V.N. Shimansky and his successors and co-workers, based on Late carboniferous-Early Permian specimens from the South Urals

Laptikhovsky V.V., Nikolaeva S.V. Cephalopod embryonic shells as a tool to reconstruct reproductive strategies in extinct taxa

Leonova T.B. Unsolved problems in the classification of Late Paleozoic ammonoids

Kutygin R.V., Boiko M.S. Morphological features of the shells of the Asselian-Sakmarian goniatite genus Svetlanoceras

Kutygin R.V., Knyazev V.G. On the ontogeny of the Late Oxfordian ammonite species Amoeboceras transitorium Spath, 1935

Stenshin I.M. Ontogenetic stage of sculpture in representatives of Ancyloceratoidae (Ammonoidea) from the Aptian Stage of the Ulyanovsk Volga basin, and its role in species diagnosis

Zakharov Y.D., Horacek M., Smytshlyaeva O.P., Popov A.M., Bondarenko L.G., Guravskaya G.I. Early Olenekian ammonoids from the Kamenushka river basin, South Primorye and their environment

Mironenko A.A. Sublethal injuries and abnormalities on embryonic shells of Recent and Jurassic Nautilida

Mirantsev G.V. New data on crinoid-platyceratid associations in the upper Carboniferous of the Moscow Region

Kosenko I.N., Seltser V.B. The Middle-Late Jurassic oyster «Liostrea» roemeri (Quenstedt): morphology, ethology and taxonomy

Popov S.V., Goncharova I.A., Guzhov A.V. Paleoecological conclusions based on mollusks of the Eastern Paratethys: records and problem

Barskov I.S., Boiko M.S. Sakmarian (Early Permian) nautilids of the Shakh-tau reef (Bashkortostan)

Nikolaeva S.V., Kim A.I., Erina M.V. New Early Devonian ammonoids from neritic limestones of South Tien-Shan (Dalejan Event)

Kutygin R.V. On Asselian-Sakmarian ammonoids on the right bank near the mouth of the Lena river (north-western edge of the Kharaulakh ridge, North Verkhoyansk region)

Repin Yu.S. The genus Boreophylloceras Alexeev et Repin (Ammonoidea) of the Mesozoic of the Arctic

Gulyaev D.B., Ippolitov A.P. On the Bathonian-Callovian boundary deposits in the reference sections of the north of European Russia (Komi Republic)

Rogov M.A. Ammonites and infrazonal stratigraphy of the Lower-Middle Callovian boundary beds of the Mountain Crimea (preliminary data)

Seltser V.B., Polkovoy K.S. The structure of a biofossil complex from Aptian shaly clays (near Saratov)

Repin Yu.S. Bivalves from the Jurassic of Iran

Seltser V.B., Ivanov A.V. A Lower Campanian molluscan assemblage from the south-west of the Elhanî-Sergievskiy flexure (Saratov Povolzhye)

Yanina T.A. Late Pleistocene of the Ponto-Caspian region (paleogeographic analysis of the malacofaunistic data)

Ostrovsky A.M. Towards a study of fossil and recent mollusks from the Gomel region

Shimansky V.N. On the work of V.A. Varsanofieva at the Pedagogical Institute, 1934-1943

Zhdanova L.R., Astakhova I.S. The role of the geological museum named after A.A. Chernov in the popularization of paleontological knowledge

Sosnovskaya R.L. To paleontology from school (from experience)

Pleve I.R., Yashkov I.A., Ivanov A.V. Threshing stones and millstones made of Paleogene coquina sandstone produced by Volga Germans in the 19th-20th centuries, and housed in the Natural history museum of Yu.A. Gagarin Saratov State Technical University

Kiselev G.N. Mesozoic mollusks of Volga area are material of scientific researching and subjects for preparing of souvenirs


Goldfuss A. (1826-1833) Petrefacta Germaniae, tam ea, Quae in Museo Universitatis Regiae Borussicae Fridericiae Wilhelmiae Rhenanea, serventur, quam alia quaecunque in Museis Hoeninghusiano Muensteriano aliisque, extant, iconibus et descriiptionns illustrata. I. Düsseldorf: Arnz & Co. 252 S. pdf

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Goldfuss A., Münster G. (1841-1844) Petrefacta Germaniae, tam ea, Quae in Museo Universitatis Regiae Borussicae Fridericiae Wilhelmiae Rhenanea, serventur, quam alia quaecunque in Museis Hoeninghusiano Muensteriano aliisque, extant, iconibus et descriiptionns illustrata. III., Divisio quinta. Molluscorum gasteropodum reliquiae. Düsseldorf: Arnz & Co. 1841-1844. S.1-128, pls. CLXVI-CXCIX text & plates

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Baraboshkin E.Yu. Preface

Erofeeva N.L., Gusev V.V. The role of geology in social and economic development of the Samara region

Arkadiev V.V., Guzhikov A.Yu., Savelieva J.N., Feodorova A.A., Shurekova O.V., Bagaeva M.I., Grishchenko V.A., Manikin A.G. New data on bio- and magnetostratigraphy of the Upper Berriasian section “Zavodskaya Balka” (Eastern Crimea, Feodosiya)

Arkhangelsky M.S., Zverkov N.G. A Valanginian ichthyosaur from Kirov region (Russia) supporting the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary crossing for ichthyosaurs

Baraboshkin E.Yu., Baraboshkin E.E. Ichnology of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary interval of the Chigan Cape (Vladivostok region, Russia)

Baraboshkin E.Yu., Guzhikov A.Yu., Manikin A.G., Pimenov M.V. Bio- and magnetostratigraphic data on the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary of the Kashpir and Gorodischi sections (Volga region, Russia)

Berezin À.Y. Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary beds at Menya river, center of the Russian Platform

Dzyuba O.S., Urman O.S., Shurygin B.N. Belemnites and bivalves from the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary interval of the Kashpir section, Middle Volga basin, Russia: implications for biostratigraphy and Panboreal correlation

Efimov V.M. A first find of vertebrate remains in the Berriasian of the Samara region

Guzhikov A.Yu., Arkadiev V.V., Baraboshkin, E.Yu., Feodorova A.A., Shurekova O.V., Baraboshkin E.E., Manikin A.G., Surinsky A.M., Golozubov V.V., Kasatkin S.A., Nechaev V.P. New bio- and magnetostratigraphic data on the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary of the Chigan Cape (Vladivostok area, Russia)

Ippolitov A.P., Desai B., Arkadiev V.V. First find of Parabelemnopsis, the alien belemnite from the Southern Hemisphere, in the Upper Berriasian of Central Crimea

Meleshin I.A. Crocodiles of the family Metriorhynchidae in the Mesozoic of the Volga region

Morov V.P. The paleontological characteristics of the Valanginian deposits of the area nearby Syzran

Rogov M.A., Alifirov A.S., Igolnikov A.E. Revised ammonite succession of the Upper Volgian of Nordvik section: zonal boundaries and uncertainties

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Zakharov V.A. Upper Tithonian-Hauterivian biostratigraphy of the Paskenta area (Northern California) as a key for Boreal-Tethyan correlation

Zverkov N.G. On a typically Late Jurassic pliosaur from the Lower Cretaceous of Crimea


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Kazakov A.M., Devyatov V.P., Smirnov L.V. Stratigraphy and facies of the Lower-Middle Jurassic of the Tomsk region.

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Jeletzky J. (1979) Eurasian Craspeditid genera Temnoptychites and Tollia in the lower Valanginian of Sverdrup Basin District of Franklin, with comments on taxonomy and nomenclature of Craspeditidae // Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Canada. No. 299. 60 p. pdf

Jeletzky J.A. (1983) Macroinvertebrate paleontology, biochronology, and paleoenvironments of Lower Cretaceous and Upper Jurassic rocks, Deep Sea Drilling Hole 511, eastern Falkland Plateau //Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Vol. 71, Pt. 2, P. 951-975. pdf

Jeletzky J.A. (1984) Jurassic-Cretaceous Boundary Beds of Western and arctic canada and the problem of the Tithonian-Berriasian stages in the Boreal Realms // Geol. Assoc. Canada. Spec. Pap. 27. P. 175-255. pdf

Jeletzky J.A. (1989) Age of Neuburg Formation (Bavaria, Federal Republic of Germany) and its correlation with the Subboreal Volgian und Mediterranean Tithonian // Newsl. Stratigr. V. 20. no.3. P. 149-169. pdf

Jeletzky J.A., Kemper E. (1988) Comparative paleontology and stratigraphy of Valanginian Polyptychitinae and Simbirskitinae in Sverdrup Basin (Arctic Canada) and Lower Saxony Basin (NW Germany) // Bull. Geol. Surv. Can. no.377. 335 p. pdf

Jereb P., Roper C.F.E. (Eds) (2005) Cephalopods of the World. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of Cephalopod species known to date. Volume 1. Chambered Nautiluses and Sepioids (Nautilidae, Sepiidae, Sepiolidae, Sepiadariidae, Idiosepiidae and Spirulidae) // FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No.4. Vol.1. 262 p, zip or htm

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Jerzmański J. (1992) Niedźwiedź IG 1, Niedźwiedź IG 2 // Profile Głębokich Otworów Wiertniczych. Zeszyt 75. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Geologiczne. 111 S. pdf

Johnson A. (1984) The palaeobiology of the bivalve families Pectinidae and Propeamussiidae in the Jurassic of Europe // Zitteliana. Hft. 11. P. 3-235. pdf

Joly B. (1975) Les Phyllocerataceae de l'Est et du Sud-Est du Bassin Parisien au Lias // Bull. Soc. Géol. France. Sér.7, t. 17, P.1084-1091. pdf

Joly B. (1976) Les Phylloceratidae malgaches au Jurassique. Généralités sur les Phylloceratidae et quelques Juraphyllitidae // Doc. Lab. Géol. Lyon. T.67. 471 p. pdf

Joly B., Parent H., Garrido A.C. (2023) Aalenian phylloceratid ammonites from Picún Leufú, Neuquén Basin, Argentina // Revue de Paléobiologie. Vol.42. no.1. P. 143-148. pdf

Joly H. (1907) Les fossiles du jurassique de la Belgique avec description stratigraphique de chaque étage. I. Infra-Lias. Bruxelles: Impr. Polleunis & Ceuterick, Dreesen & De Smet, successeurs. 156 p. pdf

Joly H. (1936) Les fossiles du Jurassique de la Belgique. II. Lias inférieur // Mémoires du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique. T.79. 244 p. pdf

Jordan R. (1968) Zur Anatomie mesozoischer Ammoniten nach den Struhturelementen der Gehause-Innenwand // Beihefte zum Geologischen  Jahrbuch. Hft.77. 64 S. pdf

Jordan R. (1971) Megafossilien des Jura aus dem Antalo-Kalk von Nord-Äthiopien // Beih. Geol. Jb. Bd.116. S.141-172. pdf

Jordan R., Stahl W. (1970) Isotopische Paläotemperatur-Bestimmungen an jurassischen Ammoniten und grundsätzliche Voraussetzungen für diese Methode // Geol. Jb. Bd. 89. S.33-62. pdf

Joukowsky E., Favre J. (1913) Monographie géologique et paléontologique du Salève (Haut-Savoie, France) // Mémoires de la Société de physique et d'histoire naturelle de Genève. Vol. 37. fasc. 4. P.295-523, 56 figs., 1 in. sh. (map), pls. 6-34. text [21.6 Mb] maps+plates [60.6 Mb]

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Jurassic and Cretaceous inocerams of the north-east of the USSR // Transactions of the North-East Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute. Vol. 32. 193 p. [in Russian] pdf


Koshelkina Z.V. General characteristics and morphology of the shell of the genus Retroceramus

Koshelkina Z.V. Inocerams of the Jurassic of the Okhotsk coast, Western and Eastern Prikolymye and Koryak Highlands

Pohialainen V.P. On the nature of the articulation of the valves in Neocomian inoceramids

Pohialainen V.P. Neocomian inocerams of the Anadyr-Koryak folded region

Terekhova G.P. On the lower zone of the Cenomanian Stage of the Cretaceous System in the Anadyr-Koryak region

Koshelkina Z.V. New data on the stratigraphy of Jurassic deposits of the Anadyr River basin

Milova L.V. New Early Jurassic bivalves of the Bolshoy Anyuy river basin


Jurassic deposits of the southern part of the Moscow Syneclise and their fauna // Transaction of the Geological Institute. Vol. 615. Moscow: GEOS, 2017, 328 p. pdf

Table of contents

Introduction (Rogov M.A., Zakharov V.A.)

Ammonites and infrazonal stratigraphy of the Kimmeridgian and Volgian Stages of southern part of the Moscow Syneclise (Rogov M.A.)

Anatomy and some aspects of ammonoid palaeobiology: current view (Mironenko A.A.)

Sublethal injuries on the shells of Jurassic ammonites from Central Russia (Mironenko A.A.)

Mesozoic rissoid gastropods of genera Bralitzia Gründel and Palaeoceratia Gründel (Guzhov A.V.)

Jurassic marine reptiles of Moscow and surroundings (Zverkov N.G., Shmakov A.S., Arkhangelsky M.S.)

Stratigraphy of the Callovian – Lower Oxfordian of the Mikhailovtsement section (Ryazan region) by microfauna and nannoplankton (Tesakova E.M., Shurupova Ya.A., Ustinova M.A.)

Ostracods of the Virgatites virgatus Zone from Moscow sections (Tesakova E.M.) Microplaeontological characteristics (foraminifera and calcareous nannoplanton) of the Lower Kimmeridgian of Bolgary section (Vladimir region) (Ustinova M.A.)

Gastrochaenolites isp. borings in phosphorite concretions of Dorsoplanites panderi zone (Volgian Stage, Upper Jurassic) of Moscow and the vicinities of Moscow (Baraboshkin E.E.)

Jurassic System of Russia: Problems of stratigraphy and paleogeography. Second all-Russian meeting. Scientific materials // in: Zakharov V.A. (Editor-in-chief); Dzyuba O.S., Kiselev D.N, Rogov M.A. (Redaction board). Yaroslavl: Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University, 2007. 278 pp. [in Russian with English titles] pdf

Jurassic System of Russia: Problems of stratigraphy and ðaleogeography. Fifth AllRussian meeting. September 23-27, 2013, Tyumen. Scientific materials. (V.A.Zakharov (ch. ed.), M.A.Rogov, B.N.Shurygin (eds.). Yekaterinburg: “ID “IzdatNaukaServis” LLC, 2013. 270 p. [in Russian] pdf


Zakharov V.A. All-Russian and All-World stratigrapher forums

Aksenova T.P. Structure and conditions of formation of the Lower-Middle Jurassic deposits (Ontohskaya area, Shaim district)

Alekseev V., Amon E. Non-linearity in geology, sedimentation and stratigraphy

Alekseev V., Amon E., Valeev R., Lats S., Chernova O., Schergina E. Palaeogeographic reconstructions in forewhortening of intermittent-continuous sedimentation (on example of Jurassic deposits of the West Siberian Basin)

Alekseev M.A. Toarcian and Aalenian Verneuilinida (Foraminifera) and their role in stratigraphy of north of Central Siberia

Alifirov A.S., Beisel A.L. Zonal and geological correlation of the Corallian (Middle-Upper Oxfordian): principal aspects

Alifirov A.S., Meledina S.V. West Siberian sea basin in the frame of biochores during the Callovian ‒ Late Jurassic

Antonovskaya T. The structure and hydrocarbon potential of the Jurassic deposits of the shelf Norwegian, Barents and Kara Seas and the West Siberian platform

Beisel A.L. The pre-Vasyuganian (Bathonian-Callovian) transgression in West Siberia

Vischnevskaya V.S. Biostratigraphy and paleobiogeography of the Bazhenovo formation based on radiolarian analysis

Vuks V.Ja. Unified regional stratigraphic scheme of the Jurassic of the EasternEuropean platform: some problems and improvement prospects

Gabova K.V. Lithogeochemical peculiarities and depositional environments of the Ju1 horizon, exemplified by the Kazan oil-and-gas reservoir of the south-east part of Nyurol depression (Tomsk area)

Glinskikh L.A., Kostyleva V.V. Micropaleontological and sedimentological evidences of Boreal transgression in the Bajocian-Bathonian near Saratov

Goryacheva A.A. Biostratigraphy of the Lower Jurassic of the northern part of Eastern Siberia by dinocysts

Grinenko V.S., Knyazev V.G., Goryacheva A.A., Mikhailova T.E. New data on stratigraphy of the Jurassic marine deposits of the north-east of Aldan anteclise (east of the Siberian Platform)

Gulyaev D.B. New data on stratigraphy of the classical Callovian section near the village Alpat’evo (Oka river, Moscow Region)

Gulyaev D.B. On ammonite zonal scale of the uppermost Bajocian, Bathonian and lowermost Callovian of the East Europe Platform

Gulyaev D.B., Ippolitov A.P. Detailed biostratigraphy of the Lower Callovian of the Kanev district area (Cherkassy region, Ukraine)

Dzyuba O. Revision of belemnites from the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary beds in the Boyarka River Basin (Northern East Siberia)

Zhukovskaya E.A., Vakulenko L.G., Yan P.A. Oxfordian concretion-bearing horizon in sedimentary basins of Siberia

Zamirailova A., Zanin Yu., Eder V. The composition and lithogeochemical characteristics of the Middle Jurassic of the Yenisei-Khatanga basin

Ivantsov S., Kostesha O., Lyaluk K. Biostratigraphy of Middle Jurassic continental deposits of Nazarovo Depression (south-east of West Siberia)

Ippolitov A.P., Gulyaev D.B. Belemnite stratigraphy of the Lower Callovian of south-west of Western Europe platform: preliminary results

Kazanenkov V.A., Ryzhkova S.V. Regional oil and gas Jurassic reservoirs of the Kara-Yamal area

Karogodin Y.N. Oil and gas systems and their electrophysical models in the lithmostratigraphic system version (on example of Jurassic of Western Siberia)

Karogodin Y.N. Jurassic deposits in sequencestratigraphical and lithmostratigraphical models (oil-and-gas aspect)

Kim N.S. Possibilities of application of methods of organic geochemistry for the paleogeographic reconstructions: the case of Jurassic deposits of the Yenisei-Khatanga Trough

Kiselev D.N. New data on the biostratigraphy of the Callovian in the Chermenino reference section (Unzha river, Kologriv area)

Kiselev D.N., Ohapkina E.A. Preliminary results of “chromostratigraphic” method approvals for the studying of the Callovian in the Tchermenino reference section (Unzha river, Kologriv area)

Klimova I.G. The history of Stratigraphy of oil-bearing deposits of Siberia: how everything began

Knyazev V.G., Kutygin R.V., Nikitenko B.L., Alifirov A.S. Ammonite zonal stratigraphy of the Upper Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian of the Urdyuk-Khaya cape (Northern Siberia)

Kosenko I., Dzyuba O., Shurygin B. Variations of carbon and oxygen isotopes around the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary strata of the Northern Urals: comparative analysis of belemnites and oysters

Kulikova N.K., Shurekova O.V. Palynostratigraphy of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous (Ryazanian) deposits of the Shtockman area of the Barents Sea

Malenkina S. The Upper Jurassic Oxfordian and Lower Volgian carbonaceous clay some sections of the Moscow and the vicinity: preliminary results

Mantsurova V.N., Zdobnova E.N., Boguslavskaya E.V. Stratigraphy and correlation of the Jurassic deposits in the North Caspian

Makhnach V.V. Correlation of the Callovian-Oxfordian of different facial regions of Belarus

Meledina S.V. Zonal subdivisions of the Siberian Bajocian and Bathonian in the light of new paleontological data

Meledina S.V., Alifirov A.S., Aleynikov A.N. Ammonites and Oxfordian zonal stratigraphy of the Western Siberia

Mitta V.V. On improving the rules for Regional stratigraphic schemes

Mitta V.V., Alsen P. Ammonites and zonal scale of the Bathonian of Greenland

Naidenov L.F., Repin Yu.S., Kolpenskaya N.N., Kulikova I.S., Savelyeva Yu.N., Fedorova À.À., Shurekova Î.V. New materials on biostratigraphy of the upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits of the North of the Western Siberia

Nekhaev A.Y. Depositional environments during the Layda time (Aalenian) of the northern West Siberia

Novruzov E.S., Kerimov K.M., Khalafly A.A. Questions of possible oil-and-gas bearing of the Jurassic deposits of Yelakh-Agjabedi depression

Panchenko I.V., Vishnevskaya V.S., Kalmikov G.A., Baraboshkin E.Yu. New biostratigraphic data on Abalak and Bazhenov Formations of the Shirotnoe Priobie, based on integrated study of macro- and microfossils

Pestchevitskaya E., Ryabokon A. New data on dinocyst successions from the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of Gorodischie section (Ul’yanovsk region): biostratigraphy and correlation

Platonov E.S., Lakova I., Arkadiev V.V. Tintinnids from the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary deposits of the Eastern Crimea

Polkovnikova Å.V., Kravchenko G.G., Tatyanin G.M., Kostesha Î.N., Lyalyuk K.P., Konovalova V.À., Chekantsev V.À. Biostratigraphy and sedimentary conditions of the Callovian-Upper Jurassic deposits of the Silginskian structure-facial area of Western Siberia

Raevskaya E.G., Kulikova N.K., Shurekova O.V. Microalgological features of the Bazhenov Horizon sediments of the West Siberia

Repin Yu.S. Cladogenesis and parallelism in evolution of the Upper Pliensbachian Amaltheidae

of North-East Asia

Repin Yu.S. On ecology of Jurassic ammonoids

Rogov M.A. Dimorphism and polymorphism of the Boreal and Subboreal Volgian ammonites (Dorsoplanitidae, Craspeditidae, Virgatitidae)

Rogov M.A., Shkolin A.A., Malenkina S.Yu. New data on stratigraphy of the Volgian Stage (Upper Jurassic) in sections of Moscow and of the Moscow region

Savelieva J.N., Shurekova O.V. Ostracods and dinocysts from the Tithonian-Berriasian boundary beds of the Eastern Crimea (Tonas river basin)

Savenko V., Rakovskaya I., Knysh N. Movement of the paleolandscapes boundaries in the Middle Jurassic of the northern part of Shaim area (south-west of the West-Siberian Basin)

Smokotina I.V. Biostratigraphy of the Lower Jurassic deposits in reference sections of the south-western part of the Siberian platform (an overview)

Starodubtseva I.A. D. Sokolov and his research on the collections held in the Piter the Great Geological Museum of Emperor's Academy of Science

Starodubtseva I.A. Can the famous geologist I.F. Sintsov be accounted as “one of the best experts in Mesozoic geology of the Volga river region”?

Stafeev A., Smirnova S., Rostovtseva J., Sukhanova T., Kosorukov V. Palynostratigraphy and sedimentation environments of the Eski-Orda Group of the Mountain Crimea

Stafeev A., Sukhanova T., Smirnova S., Rostovtseva J., Kosorukov V. Paleogeographic justification of a stratigraphy of the Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic of the Mountain Crimea

Syurin A.A. Structural models and depositional environments of Bathonian reservoir in the Urengoy region

Taninskaya N.V., Nizyaeva I.S., Bakyev O.V., Mazkova M.A., Vasiliev N.J. Sedimentological characteristics of the Middle-Upper Jurassic deposits of the North of the Western Siberia

Trubicyna A.N. Callovian dinocyst assemblages in biostratigraphy of the sub-Ural part of Western Siberia

Ulanovskaya T., Kalinin V., Zelenschsikov G. On some problems of stratigraphy of Jurassic basement and the cover of the Scythian Plate (South-East Europe)

Urman O., Shurygin B. Lower Bathonian Bivalvia in Boreal-Tethyan ecotone zone on the South-East of the Russian Platform (Sokur section)

Ustinova M., Malenkina S. The characteristic foraminifera of the Upper Oxfordian to Middle Volgian deposits of Moscow (Krylatskoe section)

Feodorova À.À. Paleoecological analysis of foraminiferal assemblages from the Middle Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous of the northern part of Western Siberia (Bolshaya Kheta area)

Shemin G.G. Structure, formation conditions and hydrocarbon potential of the Malyshevka horizon of the Arctic regions of West Siberia and the Kara Sea water area

Shchepetova E.V., Rogov M.A. Organic carbon-rich horizons in the Upper Kimmeridgian of the northern part of Ulyanovsk-Saratov trough (Russian Platform): biostratigraphy, sedimentology, geochemistry


Jurassic System of Russia: Problems of stratigraphy and ðaleogeography. Fifth All-Russian meeting. September 15-20, 2015, Makhachkala. Scientific materials. V.A. Zakharov (ch. ed.), M.A. Rogov, A.P. Ippolitov (eds.). Makhachkala: ALEF, 2015. 344 p. pdf

Zakharov V.A. An issue for concern

Alekseev V.P. Facies characteristics of the Jurassic deposits of Western Siberia

Alekseev Ì.À. Wall structure in the agglutinated Jurassic foraminifers from boreal regions of Russia

Aukhatov Y. Shale oil from the Bazhenov deposits of Western Siberia

Baraboshkin E.Yu., Baraboshkin E.E. Ichnology of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary interval of the Chigan cape (Primorsky Krai)

Baraboshkin E.Yu., Guzhikov A.Yu., Manikin A.G., Pimenov M.V. Bio- and magnetostratigraphic data on the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary of the Kashpir and Gorodishchi sections (Volga region, Russia)

Beisel A.L. Traces of the Vesulian event (Lower-Upper Bajocian boundary) in the Middle Jurassic of Siberia

Beisel A.L., Vakulenko L.G, Yan P.A. Isotope δ13Ñ record and sequences in the Togur and Ilansky Formations (Lower Toarcian) in SE part of Western Siberia

Berzon E., Smokotina I. Ulug-Khem coal basin (Tuva): new data on litho- and biostratigraphy

Bessudnova Z.A, Starodubtseva I.A. K.O. Milaschevitsch and his contribution to the research of the Jurassic of Kostroma region

Vetoshkina O. S., Lyurov S. V. The application of isotopy of organic and carbonate matter of rocks for paleoenvironmental studies (Unzha River sections)

Vishnevskaya V.S. Jurassic Family Leugeonidae Yang et Wang, 1990 (Radiolaria) and its stratigraphic and paleogeographic significance

Vuks V.Ja. State of knowledge and research perspectives of defining the stage boundaries of the Jurassic and Berriasian at the Caucasus

Gavrilov Yu.O. The main trends in the formation of Jurassic sedimentary complexes of the Northern Caucasus

Gadzhieva T.R., Shulgina T.A., Melikov M.M. Petrographic study of cores from the Middle Jurassic of Pri-Kuma oil-and-gas district of Eastern Ciscaucasia

Glinskikh L.A., Mitta V.V. On the foraminiferal assemblages of some intervals of the Middle Jurassic in the Bol’shoi Zelenchuk river basin (Northern Caucasus)

Goryacheva A.A. Biofacies of the Lower and Middle Jurassic deposits of Siberia by palynomorphs

Goryacheva A.A. Palynological characteristics of the Bathonian deposits on the river Izhma

Grinenko V.S., Goryacheva A.A., Devyatov V.P., Knyazev V.G., Michailova T.E. A new type of Lower Jurassic section in Vilyuy syncline and its paleontological characteristics

Guzhikov A.Yu., Arkadiev V.V., Baraboshkin E.Yu., Feodorova A.A., Shurekova O.V., Baraboshkin E.E., Manikin A.G., Surinsky A.M., Golozubov V.V., Kasatkin S.A., Nechaev V.P. New bio- and magnetostratigraphic data on the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary interval of the Chigan Ñape (Primorsky Krai)

Gulyaev D.B. On the Callovian in the upper reaches of the Unzha river (Kologriv district, Kostroma region)

Gulyaev D.B. Stratigraphy of the BathonianCallovian nearboundary deposits of European Russia

Gulyaev D.B. A few more words about the nature of the biohorizons

Gulyaev D.B., Guzhov A.B., Beketova Y.A. New data on the heteromorph ammonites of the genus Parapatoceras from the Lower Callovian of European Russia

Dzyuba O.S., Urman O.S., Shurygin B.N. On the temporal range of the belemnite genus Spanioteuthis Gustomesov, 1960 (Cylindroteuthididae): results of fieldwork 2013 at the Oka River (Central Russia)

Zhigulsky I.A., Eder V.G. Lithology and sedimentary environments of the Bazhenov Formation in the northern part of Khantei hemianteclise

Zaitsev B.A., Ippolitov A.P. A discovery of new Latest Sinemurian–Pliensbachian cephalopod complex in Crimea

Zakharov V.A. Golden spike in the base of the Jurassic

Zakharov V.A. Performance capabilities of the Boreal-Perithetyan correlation of the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous successions by buchiids

Zakharov V.A., Rogov M.A. Correlational potential of the Jurassic biostratigraphical scales over boreal sedimentological successions

Zverkov N.G., Arkhangelsky M.S. On a find of a Callovian short-snouted pliosaur in Kostroma region (Russia)

Ippolitov A.P. A first find of Atractites guard in the Lower Jurassic (Sinemurian/Pliensbachian) of the Caucasus

Ippolitov A.P., Bordunov S.I., Yakovishina E.V., Nikishin A.M. Eski-Orda suite of the Mountain Crimea is a tectonic melange. New data on macrofauna contradicting the accepted geological model

Karogodin Y.N. The role and importance of the “basal layers” in structure and formation of main hydrocarbon deposits of oil, gas and bitumen giant fields by the example of the Jurassic and Cretaceous of Western Siberia and other Phanerozoic's systems of the world oil and gas basins

Karogodin Y.N., Epov M.I. Oil and gas complexes of the Jurassic and Cretaceous of Western Siberia in the sequencestratigraphic, lithmostratigraphic and electrophysical models

Kerimov I.A. Prediction of hydrocarbon traps in the Jurassic deposits of the Terek-Caspian Basin by the complex of gravity and seismic data

Kiselev D.N. The similarities and differences of the Dorsoplanitinae from the Middle Volgian and Portlandian and taxonomy questions

Konovalova V.A. New data on the Late Jurassic ostracods from the south-east Western Siberia (the Kazan field)

Kosenko I.N. New in the systematics of Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous oysters (Bivalvia, Ostreoidea) from Northern Siberia

Latysheva I.V. Chemical composition of authigenic micas in Lower-Middle Jurassic terrigenous rocks of Northern-Western Caucasus (Belaya River valley)

Malenkina S.Yu. Preservation of fossils in Jurassic phosphatic nodules

Manikin A., Grishenko V., Guzhikov A., Surinskiy A. Paleomagnetic characteristic of the section of Bathonian «Sokursky trakt» (Saratov)

Meledina S.V., Knyazev V.G., Marinov V.A., Alifirov A.S., Igolnikov A.E. New data on the Jurassic ammonite stratigraphy of Yurung-Tumus Peninsula

Mitta V.V. On some “non-cardioceratid” taxa of the Early Callovian Ñardioceratidae (Ammonoidea)

Nekhaev A.Y., Marinov V.A., Alifirov A.S., Igolnikov A.E. À new section of the Middle and Upper Jurassic West side Yurung-Tumus peninsula

Novruzov E.S. , Mammadova U.J. Perspectives of oil-and-gas content of the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous effusives of the near the edge zones of the Kura intermountain depression

Palechek T.N., Moiseev A.V. Jurassic radiolarians of the Ust’ Belsky Mountains (Chukotka)

Panov D.I. The scheme of the regional stratigraphic subdivision of the Lower-Middle Jurassic deposits of the Caucasus

Panov D.I. Jurassic sedimentary basins of the Caucasus: paleogeography, tectonics and geodynamics

Panov D.I. The regional stratigraphic chart of the Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic deposits of the Mountain Crimea

Platonov E., Rudko S. Substantiation of the Calpionella zone and Alpina subzone (Lower Berriasian) of assemblage of calpionellids from the limestone breccias in Baydarskaya Basin of Southwest Crimea

Polkovnikova Å.V. Foraminifera and detailed biostratigraphy of the Upper Callovian-Oxfordian of the Severo-Vasyugan 18 borehole (Western Siberia)

Repin Yu.S. Traces of lifetime damage on the shells of Ammonoidea

Repin Yu. S., Polubotko I.V. On the Suynguyuyde Formation in the Jurassic of the Eastern Siberia

Rogov M.A. Glendonites in the Jurassic deposits of Northern Hemisphere

Rud`ko S.V., Pokrovsksy B.G., Kuznetsov A.B. Upper Jurassic δ13Ñ variation in the Northern Tethys based on Sr-chemostratigraphy, paleontological and paleomagnetic data (Crimean Mts)

Rychkova I. New paleobotanical and paleogeographic data about Batonian-Oxfordian deposits of Nyurolsk depression (south-east of Western Siberia)

Sabanaev K.A., Cherkashin V.I. Post-sedimentational processes in reservoirs development and distribution in the Jurassic complex of Daghestan and adjacent regions

Samulenko S. History of Jurassic flora collection of the Donets Basin in the Vernadsky State Geological Museum of Russian Academy of Sciences

Selkova L.A., Vetoshkina O.S. Palynological and isotopic studies of the Jurassic deposits near Loino settlement (Kama River, Kirov region)

Starodubtseva I.A. Jurassic of the Northern Caucasus: initial research

Stafeev A.N., Sukhanova T.V., Latysheva I.V., Kosorukov V.L., Rostovceva Y.I. Stratigraphy, correlation and sedimentary dynamics of Eski-Orda and Tauric series (Middle Triassic-Middle Jurassic) of the Mountain Crimea

Temirbekova U.T., Barkueva L.S. Biostratigraphy of the Càllovian deposits of Daghestan

Tesakova E.M. Correlation of the Middle-Late Jurassic ostracod scales of Western and Eastern Europe

Tesakova E.M., Ippolitov A.P., Gulyaev D.B. Ostracode-based reconstruction of the Early Callovian events of the Kanev dislocations area (preliminary results)

Trubicyna A.N. Late Callovian palynology of the Dubki section (Saratov area, Ryazan-Saratov flexure, Russian Platform)

Ulanovskaya T., Kalinin V. When and how the folded basement of the Scythian Plate (South-East Europe) was formed

Ukhlova G.D. Depositional modeling based on seismic data: myth or reality? (A case study from the Jurassic deposits in West Siberia)

Uhov I.S. Features of facies genesis of the Middle and Upper Volgian (Upper Jurassic) of the Yaroslavl Volga

Feodorova A.A., Fedyaevsky A.G., Rogov M.A., Kulikova N.K., Platonov E.S. New biostratigraphic data on the Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous of Krasnoleninskiy area, Western Siberia

Cherkashin V.I., Yusupov A.R., Abdullaev M. Sh., Isaeva N.A. Geological-geochemical characteristics of Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of Daghestan

Shkolin A.A., Malenkina S.Yu. Comparison of types of the Upper Jurassic (Volgian) - Lower Cretaceous sections at the southeast of Moscow region

Shurekova O.V. New dinoflagellate cysts data from the Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) of East Crimea

Shurygin B.N., Dzyuba O.S., Izokh O.P., Kosenko I.N., Kuznetsov A.B. Isotope markers (Ñ, O, Sr) of the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary beds in Boreal regions (Maurynya section, Western Siberia)

Shurygin B.N.,Dzyuba O.S., Izokh O.P., Kosenko I.N., Urman O.S. Carbon isotope variations in the Lower Bathonian of the Sokur section (Russian Platform)

Shchepetova E., Panchenko I., Baraboshkin E., Nemova V., Smirnova M., Zujkova M. Fish-debris tempestites within highly carbonaceous deposits of Bazhenov Formation and paleobathimetry of Bazhenov sea in West Siberia

Eder V.G., Zigulskiy I.A., Zamirailova A.G. Comparative analysis of the macro-, microelement composition and conditions of sedimentation of the Bazhenov Formation from the south-east and central parts of the West Siberia geosyneclise


Jurassic System of Russia: Problems of stratigraphy and ðaleogeography. VII all-Russian meeting. September 18-22, 2017, Moscow. Scientific materials / V.A. Zakharov, M.A. Rogov, E.V.Shchepetova (eds.). Moscow: GIN RAS, 2017. 272 p. pdf


Zakharov V.A. Address to the Conference participants, as the occasion for sharing several thoughts about the present and future of our meetings

Antonovskaya T., Zujkova O., Babich T. Role of Jurassic deposits in formation of oil and gas fields on the Barents Sea shelf

Baraboshkin E.Yu., Yanin B.T. Some ichnofossils from Eskiorda and Tauric Groups (Late TriassicEarly Jurassic) of the Mountain Crimea

Berezin A.Yu., Glukhov M.S. New data on the Jurassic plesiosaurs of the subfamily Colymbosaurinae of European Russia

Vishnevskaya V.S. Possible correlation of Upper Jurassic zonal scales for Boreal and Tethyan Realms by Radiolaria and calcareous dinocysts

Vuks V.Ja. Zoning of the Jurassic sediments for the European part of Russia: problems and prospects for their solution

Grishchenko V. A., Manikin A.G., Guzhikov A.Yu. Magnetic texture as an indicator of sedimentary environments in anomalous sections of Bazhenov Formation

Guzhikov A.Yu., Zastrozhnov A.S. Magnetostratigraphy of the Middle Jurassic of Saratov Transvolga region

Guzhov A.V. Systematic position of family Ceritellidae (Gastropoda): retrospective and results

Gulyaev D.B., Ippolitov A.P. New data on the marine Lower Bathonian of Central Russia (Penza region)

Deviatov V.P., Nikitenko B.L., Pavlukhin I.S. The Upper Jurassic Clinoform Complex in the Khatanga Region

Zhukovskaya E.A., Gabova K.V. The nature of the formation the shelly beds in the lagoonal deposits of the Ìiddle-Upper Oxfordian (South-east of West Siberia)

Zakharov V.A., Rogov M.A., Shchepetova Å.V. Black shale events in the Late Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous of Central Russia

Zverkov N.G., Zaitsev B.A. The first find of Jurassic marine reptile in Crimea

Ippolitov A.P. Discovery of marine Aalenian?-Lower Bajocian strata in the Volga region

Ippolitov A.P. Late Bajocian belemnites of the Volga region: biodiversity and palaeobiogeographical significance

Ippolitov A.P., Gulyaev D.B. New data on Lower Bathonian belemnites of Russian platform

Kirillova G.L., Zabrodin V.Yu. Evolution of the Uda-Torom fragment of the East Asian Mesozoic continental margin: Tectono-stratigraphic systems, paleogeography and geodynamics

Kiritchkova A.I., Kostina E.I., Nosova N.V., Yaroshenko O.P., Herman A.B. Phytostratigraphy of the Continental Jurassic of Irkutsk Basin

Kiselev D.N. New data on the Callovian stratigraphy of the Rybinsk district

Kiselev D.N., Rogov Ì.À., Zakharov V.À. Volgidisñus singularis – the uppermost zone of the Volgian Stage in the European part of Russia

Kontorovich À.Å., Beyzel' A.L., Borisov E.V., Vakulenko L.G., Ershov S.V., Kasanenkov V.A., Kalinina L.M., Kontorovich V.A., Nekhaev A.Yu., Nikitenko B.L., Ryzhkova S.V., Fomin M.A., Shurygin B.N., Yan P.A. Facial zonation of Bazhenovo, Georgievka and Vasyugan horizons in the West Siberian sedimentary basin

Kosenko I.N., Oudoire T., Cuvelier J., Colpaert C. Upper Jurassic oysters from the collection of Lille Natural History Museum and their significance for the systematics of Ostreoidea

Kravchenko G.G. Facial features of the transgressive cyclite in the upper part of the Vasyugan horizon (Tomsk region)

Krapiventseva V., Kirillova G. Composition, cyclicity and catagenesis of the Jurassic deposits of Bureya Basin (Far East of Russia) in connection with hydrocarbon generation conditions

Kudamanov A.I., Marinov V.A., Sidorov D.A., Taran V.A. Evidences of tectonism during the Volgian in the South-Western part of Western Siberia

Magomedov R.A. Traces of paleoseismic events in the sedimentary cover of Eastern Caucasus

Magomedov R.A. About the search of paleoseismic traces in the Jurassic and Cretaceous sedimentary formations of the Eastern Caucasus

Malenkina S. Lithological and facial characteristics of the local stratigraphic units and some paleogeographic aspects of the Oxfordian of Moscow area

Manikin A.G., Grishchenko V.A., Guzhikov A.Yu. Paleomagnetic data on the JurassicCretaceous boundary interval of Western Siberia

Medvedeva S.A., Kudymov A.V. Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary in the Komsomolsk section (Far East of Russia) by lithochemistry of the terrigenous rocks: preliminary results

Mitta V.V. Jurassic ammonites of the Bolshoi Zelenchuk River (Bajocian–Bathonian of Karachay-Cherkessia, Northern Caucasus): an update on the research

Mikheeva E.A., Demonterova E.I. Sedimentary trends of the Early-Middle Jurassic in the south of the Siberian Platform (Irkutsk Coal Basin) recorded by geochemical and isotope (Sm-Nd) data

Myasnikova M.A., Taninskaya N.V., Nizyaeva I.S., Vasiliev N.J., Zeltser V.N. Facial modeling of the Bathonian deposits of the Lyaminsk area in Western Siberia

Panchenko I., Nemova V. Contourites in Bazhenov deposits of Western Siberia: formation, distribution and practical significance

Pestchevitskaya E.B. Preliminary data on the palynostratigraphy and biofacies of the transitional Jurassic-Cretaceous interval in the Maurynya section (Northern Urals)

Polkovnikova Å.V., Starikov N.N., Tatyanin G.M., Kostesha Î.N., Lyalyuk K.P., Chekantsev V.À. Biostratigraphy and depositional environments of the Middle-Upper Jurassic of the Pudino

mesouplift of Western Siberia

Popov A., Nikitenko B. Cyclic analysis of the basal Jurassic horizons at the Aircat cape (north of Middle Siberia)

Popov A., Shurygin B. Rosselia ichnotaxon of the basal Jurassic horizons at the Aircat cape (north of Middle Siberia): morphology and facial distribution

Pustovoyt K.G. New data on the Early-Middle Jurassic palaeofloristic assemblage from Bakhar locality (Mongolia)

Repin Yu.S. Ammonoidea of Lower Jurassic of the Crimea

Rogov Ì.À., Berzon E.I., Schneider G.V., Trikolidi F.A. New data on the Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy of the Kheta river upper flows (Khatanga depression)

Rogov Ì.À., Bizikov V.A., Mironenko A.A., Ippolitov A.P., Panchenko I.V. Megaonychites (Coleoidea, Cephalopoda) in the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous of the Northern Hemisphere

Rychkova I.V. Nilssonia gigantea, a new cycads plant in West Siberia

Savelieva J.N. Ostracods from the Bajocian-Bathonian boundary beds of the Bolshoy Zelenchuk river basin (Northern Caucasus)

Selkova L.A. Palynological characteristics in Jurassic sediments of the Yarenga oil shale region (north-east of the Russian plate)

Smokotina I.V. Comparative palynostratigraphy of the Bajocian of Ulugchem and Kansk-Achinsk coal basins

Starodubtseva I.A. Researchers of the Jurassic corals of Crimea: E.V. Solomko and A.B. Missuna

Stafeev A.N., Stoupakova A.V., Suslova A.A., Gilaev R.M., Shelkov E.S. Depositional conditions of the Bazhenov Formation of West Siberia

Stafeev A.N., Sukhanova T.V., Latysheva I.V., Kosorukov V.L., Kulibaba A.L. Sably Delta (Upper Pliensbachian – Lower Toarcian) of the Mountain Crimea

Tesakova E.M. Microfauna of black shale horizons of the East European Platform and the conditions of their formation

Tugareva A.B., Mucher A.G., Kulagina S.F. Geological-geophysical model of the structure of the Lower-Middle Jurassic deposits of central part of West Siberian Plate

Ustinova M.A. Upper Bajocian-Lower Bathonian foraminifers of Penza region

Ukhov I. Lithological characteristics of the Upper Volgian - Ryazanian (?) sandy sequence in the

Cheremukha River basin (between Vasil’evskoye and Sel'tso - Voskresenskoe)

Ukhov I. Refinement of the genesis and correlation for the Middle Volgian and Valanginian of the Yaroslavl Volga region by lithological data (Glebovo and Sutka sections)

Fomin M.A. The specification of the boundaries for the Upper Jurassic organic carbon - rich deposits in the Cis - Ural part of West Siberian sedimentary basin

Shurupova Y.A., Tesakova E.M. The detalization of biostratigraphic scales based on the paleobiogenetic method (according to the ostracod scale of Russian Plate for the Upper Bajocian - Lower Bathonian)

Eder V.G., Zamirailova A.G. Localization of the increased concentrations of some authigenic minerals on the boundary between Bazhenov Fm with underlying and overlying strata, as a result of diagenetic migration (by the analysis of pyrite and barite distribution)

Desai B.G., Ippolitov A.P. Trace fossils and Ichnofabric analysis of the Aalenian (?) - Lower Bajocian strata of Volgograd region (south of Russian platform)

Wierzbowski A.Evolution and palaeogeography of the ammonite family Aulacostephanidae Spath, 1924 during Late Oxfordian and Early Kimmeridgian in Europe

Wierzbowski H., Bajnai D., Wacker U., Fiebig J., Rogov M. Clumped isotope record of salinity variations of the Middle Russian Sea at the Middle-Upper Jurassic transition


Jurassic System of Russia: Problems of stratigraphy and ðalaeogeography. Proceedings of the VIIIth All-Russian Meeting with international participation. Online, September 7–10, 2020 / V.A. Zakharov (resp. ed.), M.A. Rogov, E.V. Shchepetova, A.P. Ippolitov (eds). Syktyvkar: IG Komi SC UB RAS, 2020. 294 pp. pdf


Zakharov V.A., Ippolitov A.P., Rogov M.A. Welcome words to the participants

Alekseev M.A. Early Jurassic deposits and foraminifers from the middle reaches of Amga River and Yakutsk City area

Antonovskaya T.V. Some features of reservoir fluids in the Jurassic deposits of Western Siberia, exemplified by the Pogranichnoye oil field

Aukhatov Ya.G., Sitdikova L.M. Atypical sections of the potentially oil-producing Bazhenovî Formation in Western Siberia

Baraboshkin E.Yu. Sudak Fortress (eastern Crimea) – open-air ichnofossil museum

Beisel A.L. Development of an inversion scale of stratigraphic formations for the Jurassic of Siberia based on geographical cycles

Boldushevskaya L.N. Stratigraphy, lithology, oil and gas potential and composition of reservoir fluids of the Middle Jurassic deposits of the eastern part of the Yenisei-Khatanga regional

Bugdaeva E.V., Markevich V.S., Volynets E.B. Coal-forming plants of the Pereyaslovka coal mine of the Kansk-Achinsk Basin

Bugdaeva E.V., Markevich V.S., Volynets E.B. Coal-forming plants of the Nazarov coal mine of the Kansk-Achinsk Basin

Bugdaeva E.V., Markevich V.S., Volynets E.B. Coal-forming plants of the Aban coal mine of the Kansk-Achinsk Basin

Vaytekhovich À.P., Kotochkova J.À., Pronina N.V. Accumulation conditions of the Tyumen formation (West Siberian Basin)

Vishnevskaya V.S., Gatovsky Yu.A. Late Jurassic Saturnalidae (Radiolaria) of Yamal (Arctic Siberia)

Goryacheva A.A. Preliminary results of palynological studies of the Upper Toarcian – Lower Aalenian boundary strata of the Northeastern Siberia (outcrop 7A, Kelimyar River)

Grinenko V.S., Baranov V.V., Kirichkova A.I., Deviatov V.P. New volcanic-sedimentary type of the Upper Jurassic – Late Cretaceous section of the Vilyui syneclise

Gusev I.M., Panchenko I.V., Smirnova M.E., Taldykin Y.B., Kulikov P.Yu. Approaches to assessing the maturity of organic matter in the Bazhenovo formation according to a comparison of pyrolytic parameters, lithology and stratigraphy of sections

Dzyuba O.S., Urman O.S., Shurygin B.N., Glinskikh L.A., Goryacheva A.A. New data on paleontology and stratigraphy of the Middle Jurassic of the Bureya sedimentary basin (Russian Far East)

Zhukovskaia E.A., Shpindler A.A. Evolution of West Siberian Lower–Middle Jurassic river systems

Zabrodin V.Yu. Interference of the Central Asian and Pacific fold belts in Priamurie (Russian Far East) in the Jurassic

Zamirailova A.G., Eder V.G. Ultramicrostructures in the Upper Jurassic phosphorites of the Bazhenovî and Georgievka Formations of the West Siberian basin

Zakharov V.A. Memories associated with the immersion into being a paleontologist

Ilyasov V.S., Staroverov V.N. Perspective objects for searching of hydrocarbons within the sediments of Upper Jurassic Dorsoplanites panderi zone, Kotsebinskoe oil shale field

Ippolitov A.P., Gulyaev D.B. Additional data on the Bathonian of southwestern part of the Republic of Tatarstan (Tarkhanovskaya pristan’ – Dolinovka section)

Kiselev D.N. A new version of the Boreal (Arctic) Standard for Bathonian and Callovian by ammonites and principles of its construction

Kiselev D.N. Infrazonal volume of the Middle Jurassic stages of European Russia and its spatial change

Kiselev D.N., Ippolitov A.P. On the sequence of Arctocephalitinae (Ammonoidea) in the Upper Bajoñian and Lower Bathonian of the Timan-Pechora region

Koksharova Yu.A. Underground waters of the Middle Jurassic of the Sysola Dome

Kosenko I.N., Ippolitov A.P. Encrusters and borings on Gryphaea shells from the Middle Callovian of the Fokino section (Bryansk region): taphonomical and palaeoecological interpretation

Latysheva I.V.,, Stafeev A.N., Suhanova T.V., Kosorukov V.L., Zhirenko D.O., Strashko A.V. Geological structure of Jurassic deposits of the Belbek river valley head (SW Crimea)

Lutikov O.A., Arp G. Revision of Monotis substriata (Münster, 1831) and new species of bivalve in the Lower Toarcian in northern Russia and southern Germany (family Oxytomidae Ichikawa, 1958)

Lutikov O.A., Arp G. Biochronological scale of the Lower Toarcian for bivalve mollusks of the family Oxytomidae Ichikawa, 1958

Malenkina S.Yu. Morphological variability of the Jurassic microbial buildings of European Russia as a reflection of the environment of their formation

Manikin A.G., Grishenko V.A., Dakirov R.S., Naumov E.V. Results of magnetostratigraphic studies of reference sections of the JurassicCretaceous boundary strata of the Middle Volga region

Mironenko A. Phosphatized membranes in the phragmocones of Jurassic ammonites

Mironenko A.A., Mitta V.V. On the lower jaws of Kosmoceratidae (Ammonoidea: Stephanoceratoidea) from the Middle Jurassic of Central Russia

Mityusheva T.P. Deposits of the Jurassic underground waters of the Pechora basin

Naugolnykh S.V. Jurassic paleosol of the Rusavkino section (Moscow region)

Novikov D.A., Vakulenko L.G., Dultsev F.F., Chernykh A.V., Nikolenko O.D. Groundwaters equilibruim of the Oxfordian horizon Yu1 of the northern part of Novosibirsk oblast

Ostroukhov S.B. The use of the retene-cadalene index for characterizing Jurassic oils in the Middle Caspian

Palechek T.N., Mitta V.V., Ustinova M.A., Zhegallo E.A., Zaytseva L.V. The Jurassic and Cretaceous Ogarkovo key section on the Unzha River (Kostroma region): the results of an integrative study

Panchenko I.V. The problem of the absence of a stratotype in the conditions of the necessary unification of the stratigraphy of the Bazhenovo horizon of Western Siberia in the framework of creating a methodological guide for calculating hydrocarbon reserves

Panchenko I.V., Sobolev I.D., Latyshev A.V. Pyroclastic material in the Bazhenovo deposits of Western Siberia: its role in sedimentogenesis and possible sources

Pestchevitskaya E.B., Lidskaya A.V., Rostovceva Yu.I. Results of biostratigraphic analysis of dinocysts from the Upper Jurassic in the Eganovo section (Moscow area)

Punanova S.A. Geochemical detail of the genetic characteristics of the organic matter of the Bazhenovo formation

Punanova S.A. Jurassic oil and gas complexes of Western Siberia: prospects and combined traps

Rogov M.A. Lower Volgian Substage of Spitsbergen and its Panboreal correlation by ammonites

Rizhkova S.V., Zamirailova A.G., Eder V.G., Kostyreva E.A., Sotnich I.S. Complex characteristics of the boundary strata of the Bazhenovo and Kulomzino horizons in the central and southeastern parts of West Siberia

Savelieva J.N. Ostracods from the Upper Bajocian–Bathonian of Northern Caucasus (the Bolshoy Zelenchuk river basin)

Sitdikova L.M., Aukhatov Ya.G. Generation potential of organic matter in "anomalous sections" of the Bazhenovo formation (Western Siberia)

Stafeev A.N., Latysheva I.V., Rogov M.A., Bychkov A.J., Kosorukov V.L., Zhirenko D.O. Kimmeridgian and Volgian deposits of Kheta river valley head (southwest of the Yenisei-Khatanga trough) – interpretation of the sedimentary conditions

Tesakova E.M., Glinskikh L.A., Fedyaevsky A.G., Mironenko A.A., Ippolitov A.P. Microfossils from the Lower Ñallovian Subpatruus Zone of the Nizhny Novgorod region

Urman O.S., Shurygin B.N., Dzyuba O.S. A new conception about the dating of the Retroceramus based zones of the Bajocian–Bathonian of the Yuryung-Tumus Peninsula (northern Siberia)

Frolov À.Î., Enushchenko I.V. Angiosperm plant fossils from the Middle Jurassic sediments of Eastern Siberia

Shamonin E.S., Knyazev V.G. The sequence of Upper Bajoñian – Lower Oxfordian ammonites in the lower reaches of Lena river (Chekurovka section)

Schneyder G.V., Alekseev M.A. Jurassic deposits of North Taimyr (Chelyuskin Peninsula)

Shurupova Ya.A., Tesakova E.M. Heterochrony in different sexes, as a method of detailing zonal scales (exemplified by ostracods)

Shurygin B.N., Dzyuba O.S., Schraer C.D., Schraer D.J. Middle Jurassic molluscs from the problematic fossil locality in the Boulder Creek region of the Talkeetna Mountains (southern Alaska)

Shchepetova E.V., Rogov M.A., Gulyaev D.B., Zastrozhnov A.S., Tesakova E.M., Ustinova M.A., Kostyleva V.V. Local stratigraphic units, lithology and sedimentary environments of the Bajocian–Bathonian of the Saratov region (left bank of the Volga River): preliminary results

Yudin V.V., Zaitsev B.A. The problem of the Eskiorda formation in Crimea

Yudin V.V., Zaitsev B.A. The structure of Hayasy Hill in Simferopol melange (Republic of Crimea) Wierzbowski H., Ippolitov A.P., Gulyaev D.B., Rogov M.A. Callovian oxygen and carbon isotope records of the Russian Platform: indices of oceanographic and climatic changes


Jurassic System of Russia: Problems of stratigraphy and ðalaeogeography. Proceedings of the IXth All-Russian Meeting with international participation. Syktyvkar, September 9–16, 2023 / Ì.A. Rogov (resp. ed.), E.V. Shchepetova, A.P. Ippolitov, Å.Ì. Tesakova (eds). Syktyvkar: IG Komi SC UB RAS, 2023. 194 pp. [in Russian] pdf


Beznosov P.A., Zverkov N.G., Ippolitov A.P. Taphonomic features of articulated plesiosaur skeletons from the Bajocian–Bathonian of the European North of Russia

Bugdaeva E.V., Rychkova I.V. The Middle–Late Jurassic coal-forming plants of Western Siberia and Russian Far East

Bugdaeva E.V., Frolov A.O. The Early Jurassic coal-forming plants of the Irkutsk Basin

Burdelnaya N.S., Bushnev D.A., Burtsev I.N., Lyyurov S.V. Geochemistry of the organic matter in oil shales from the Aiyuva field

Burtsev I.N., Saldin V.A., Mashin D.O., Inkina N.S., Shebolkin D.N., Gruzdev D.A., Simakova Yu.S. Chim-Loptyugà oil shale field in the Upper Jurassic of the northeast of the Russian Plate

Velikikh A.V., Novak A.V., Fedorenko E.K. Sedimentation model of the Tyumen formation accumulation in the areas of its wedging towards the elevations of the basement

Vovshina A.Yu., Vuks V.Ja., Repin Yu.S. New preliminary results of the study of the Paromes Formation of the Pechora Jurassic

Vuks V.Ja. Zamezhnaya Formation of the Pechora syneclise

Glinskikh L.A. On the foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Middle Jurassic of the European part of Russia

Grinenko V.S. The South-Verkhoyansk type of marine sedimentation: new ideas about the subdivision of the reference section and paleogeography of the Early Jurassic at the western periphery of the Verkhoyansk-Kolyma folded area and adjacent parts of the Siberian Platform

Gulyaev D.B., Ippolitov A.P. Macrocephalites aff. triangularis Spath (Macrocephalitidae, Ammonitida) from the Middle Bathonian of Eastern Crimea

Gulyaev D.B., Ippolitov A.P., Desai B.G. Stratigraphy and ammonites of the Middle Jurassic of the Yanyshar Ranges (Eastern Crimea). Preliminary results

Gusev I.M. Mineralogy of siliceous matter in the rocks of the Bazhenovo horizon

Dzyuba O.S., Shurygin B.N. Bio- and chemostratigraphic criteria for the Boreal-Tethyan correlation of the Bajocian–Bathonian

Zaitsev B.A. Early Jurassic ammonoids in Mountain Crimea

Zlobina O.N. Organic remains of an unclear systemic position in the deposits of the Middle–Upper Jurassic of the northwest of Middle Siberia

Ippolitov A.P. On some peculiar belemnites from the Callovian of the Sysola River basin (Komi Republic)

Keleptrishvili Sh., Mikadze Kh. History of the study of the Jurassic system in Georgia

Kislukhin I.V., Marinov V.A. Geological structure of the Upper Jurassic deposits in the north of the Taz-Kheta structural-facies area of Western Siberia

Koksharova Yu.A. Characteristics of the groundwater of the Middle Jurassic aquifer complex as the main source of water supply in the southern regions of the Komi Republic

Levkovich O.S., Marinov V.A., Igolnikov A.E., Kolmakov A.Yu. Preliminary data on the structure of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary beds of the north-eastern regions of Western Siberia

Lidskaya A.V. Dinocysts from the reference sections of the Volgidiscus singularis Zone, terminal Volgian

Lutikov O.A. Biochronological zonation of the Toarcian–lower Aalenian of Eastern Siberia and North-East of Russia based on bivalves (family Oxytomidae Ichikawa, 1958)

Mironenko A.A. Rare and unusual findings of epizoans on Jurassic ammonites

Nugumanova A.A., Shimansky V.V., Taninskaya N.V., Nizyayeva I.S., Kolpenskaya N.N., Rayevskaya E.G., Vasil'yev N.Y., Myasnikova M.A., Zel'tser V.N., Grislina M.N., Mirzoeva I.I. Reconstruction of paleogeographic settings of the Jurassic sedimentation in the West Siberian basin

Peshtchevitskaya E.B. Marine and terrestrial palynomorphs in the Mikhaylovtsement section of the Callovian–Lower Oxfordian (Ryazan region)

Repin Yu.S. New species of Platyphylloceras (Ammonoidea, Phylloceratida) from the Ñallovian of Eastern Taymyr

Rogov M.A. Ammonites of the family Virgatitidae in the Middle Volgian of northern part of European Russia: their significance for paleobiogeography and interregional correlations

Ryzhkova S.V. Geophysical characteristics of the Salym and Nyurol’ka sections of the Bazhenovo formation (Western Siberia)

Selkova L.A. Palynocomplex from the Callovian exposures of the Sysola River near the Votcha village (Russian Platform)

Smirnova O.I., Melikhova E.V., Smirnov M.V. New data on the subdivision of the Upper Jurassic of the Prikum-Central Caspian system of deflections and uplifts (Central Caspian)

Smokotina I.V. The Middle Jurassic palynological assemblages of the Kas depression (south-east of the West Siberian plate)

Starodubtseva I.A. Jurassic system of Russia in the Vernadsky State Geological Museum of RAS monographic collections

Tesakova Å.Ì., Ustinova Ì.À., Gulyaev D.B., Shchepetova Å.V., Rogov Ì.À., Zastrozhnov À.S.

Biostratigraphy of the Kamennyi Ovrag Formation of the Saratov Trans-Volga region based on ostracods

Urman O.S., Shurygin B.N., Zikin A.A., Dzyuba O.S., Shamonin E.S. Mollusk complexes and lithostratigraphy of the Lower Jurassic in the Onon-Borzya outcrop (Eastern Transbaikalia)

Shneyder G.V., Fediaevskiy A.G. New data on the distribution and stratification of Jurassic deposits on the Chelyuskin Peninsula (Based on drilling data from the Kara and Laptev Seas)

Shamonin E.S. Ontogenetic transformations of the sculpture and shape of the Late Bajoñian ammonite Cranocephalites Spath, 1932 (based on the materials from the YuryungTumus Peninsula, northern Siberia) in comparison with Arctocephalites Spath, 1928 and Arcticoceras Spath, 1924

Shurupova Ya.A. Heterochrony and sexual dimorphism of Middle Jurassic Lophocythere SylvesterBradley, 1948 (Ostracoda, Crustacea) from the Russian Plate

Shurygin B.N., Dzyuba O.S., Schraer C.D., Schraer D.J. Middle Volgian beds with Meleagrinella lata and Buchia mosquensis corresponding to shallow water facies as a reference level  (southeastern Western Siberia – southern Alaska)

Yudin V.V. Tectonics and paleogeodynamics of the Upper Jurassic of the Crimean Mountains

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            Includes the following articles devoted to Mesozoic cephalopods:

1. Ippolitov A.P., Bizikov V.A., Rogov M.A. A functional morphological interpretation of some Mesozoic belemnites. P.27-30.

2. Baraboshkin E.Yu., Mikhailova I.A. The genus Paraspiticeras (Ammonoidea) distribution and evolution P.38-40.
3. Kiselev D.N. Parallel evolution of the Arctic and Central-Russian Paracadoceras (Cadoceratinae, Ammonoidea). P.41-46.

 4. Rogov M.A., Perminov V.A. The first record of Kimmeridgian and Berriasian ammonites with traces of color pattern. P.47-49.

5. Seltzer V.B. Anomalous phragmocones of the Late Callovian Cardioceratidae (Ammonoidea). P.50-51.

6. Repin Yu.S. Internal structure of the shells of the Early Toarcian ammonites of the genera Tiltoniceras and Eleganticeras. P.59-60.

7. Ippolitov A.P., Zibrov I.A., Tishchenko A.I. New finds of aulacoceratid phragmocones (Coleoidea) in the Lower Jurassic of the Crimea. P.61-65.

8. Mitta V.V. On the discovery of aptychi in the Upper Bathonian of the Russian Platform. P.66-68.

9. Mitta V.V., Bogomolov Yu.I. New data on Delphinites from the Lower Valanginian of the Russian Platform. P.69-71

10. Gulyaev D.B., Rogov M.A. Macrocephalitids (Sphaeroceratidae, Ammonoidea) in the Early Callovian of the East-European Subboreal sea. P.72-74.

11. Arkadiev V.V. Ammonites of the genera Euthymiceras and Neocosmoceras (Neocomitidae) from the Berriasian of the Mountainous Crimea. P.77-79.

12. Igolnikov A.E. Problems in the systematics of the Berriasian Craspeditidae Spath (Ammonoidea). P.80-82.

13. Kasumzade A.A., Akhmedova S.A. Patterns of the spatial-temporal distribution of the Lower Cretaceous aptychi in the Greater Caucasus (Azerbaijan). p.83-84.

14. Repin Yu.S. On Boreal Phylloceratida. P.85.

15. Ruban D.A. Diversity dynamics of Triassic-Jurassic ammonoids in the Caucasus and transgressive-regressive cycles. P.105-106.

16. Gulyaev D.B. The evolution and stratigraphic significance of the Middle Jurassic Boreal genus Paracadoceras (Cardioceratidae, Ammonoidea). P.107-109.

17. Knyazev V.G., Kutygin R.V., Meledina S.V. Cadoceratinae and zonal biostratigraphy of the Lower Callovian of Northern Siberia. P.110-117.

18. Alifirov A.S. Taxonomic identification of ammonites from the borehole cores and biostratigraphy of the Volgian Stage in Western Siberia. P.118-120.

19. Berezin A.Yu. Ammonites from the Volgian and Ryazanian boundary beds in the basin of the Sura river. P.121-123.

20. Rogov M.A., Igolnikov A.E. Bochianites (Ammonoidea) in the Lower Cretaceous of the Panboreal Superrealm and their significance for paleobiogeographical reconstructions. P.124-126.

21. Kiselev D.N. Evaluation of sutural complexity and functional aspects of septal shape in ammonoids. P.131-136.

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Krymholz G.Ya. Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary and Ryazanian horizon – p.5-8.

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Mesezhnikov M.S. (1967) On possibility of zonal subdivision of the Upper Kimmeridgian of Northern Siberia // in: Stratigraphy of Mesozoic and Cenozoic of the Middle Siberia. Novosibirsk: Nauka. P.79-85. [in Russian] pdf

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Mesezhnikov M.S., Golbert A.V., Zakharov V.A., Klimova I.G., Kravets V.S., Sachs V.N., Shulgina N.I., Alekseev S.N., Bulynnikova S.P., Kuzina V.I., Jakovleva S.P. (1979) News in the stratigraphy of thr Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary beds of Pechora basin // Upper Jurassic and its boundary with Cretaceous System. Novosibirsk: Nauka publ. P.66-71.  [in Russian] pdf

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Mesozoic marine faunas of the North and Far Est of the USSR and their stratigraphic significance // Trans. Inst. Geol geophys. Sib. Branch Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol. 48. 156 p. [in Russian] pdf


Vavilov Ì.N. New Data on Stratigraphy on Ammonites of Induan Stage of Western Part of Verkhoyansk Region

Goduntsov R. Ò., Simakov Ê. V., Shevchenko V. M. To the Faunal Characteristics of Triassic Beds of Westtern Part of Omolon Block

Nalnjaeva Ò. I. Systematic Composition of the Family Hastitidae in Suborder Belemnoidea

Moskalenko Z. D. Belemnites from Jurassic Beds of the Region of Upper Course of the Amur

Sei I. I., Kalacheva E. D. Late Aalenian Erycitoides from the Southern Coast of the Okhotsk Sea (the Far East)

Ershova E. S., Meledina S. V. Late Bathonian Oppeliidae of North Siberia

Teis R.V., Naidin D.P., Sachs V.N. Determination of Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous Paleotemperatures by Isotopic Composition of Oxygen in belemnite guards

Sachs V. N., Mesezhnikov M. S., Schulgina N. I. Volgian Stage and Position of the Boundary between Jurassic and Cretaceous Systems in the Arctic Zoogeographic Realm

Sachs V.N., Nalnjaeva Ò.I. Alterations of Composition of Belemnites at Boundary between Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods in the Arctic and Boreal-Atlantic zoogeographic Realms

Zakharov V. A. Alteration of Complexes of Bivalve Mollusk Species at the Boundary between Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods in the Boreal and Arctic Zoogeographic Realms

Schulgina N. I. Ammonites of the Genus Chetaites from Boundary Layers of Jurassic and Cretaceous of Siberia

Bassov V. A. Forarniniferas in Volgian and Berriassian Beds of North Siberia and Arctic Islands

Ivanova E. F. Composition of Foraminifera and their Evolution during Volgian and Berriassian Ages in Khatanga Depression and in Northern Taimyr


Mesozoic palaeobiogeography of the north of Eurasia // Transactions of the Institute of Geology and Geophgysics SB Ac. Sci. USSR. Issue 80. 196 p. [in Russian] pdf


Dagis À.S. Main features geographical differentiation of Triassic brachiopods

Dagis À.À. Latå Pliensbaclian and Toarcian Paleobiogeography on ammonites

Kozlova À.Å., Radostev I.N., Simonova V.I. On the composition of Toarcian belemnite rostra in regard to their distribution and conditions of existence

Meledina S.V., Nalnjaeva Ò.I. Geographical spreading of the boreal late Ààlenian ammonites and belemnites

Sei I.I., Kalacheva Å.D. Specimen of the Northpacific ammonite fauna in Lower Bajocian of the Far East

Bassov V.À. On the some characteristics of Foraminifera geographical spreading in Jurassic

Mesezhnikov Ì.S. On alteration of the boundaries of the paleozoogeographical realms and provinces

Mesezhnikov Ì.S., Zakharov V.À. Volgian paleozoogeography of the North of Eurasia

Schulgina N. I. Paleozoogeography of the Boreal realm in Late Volgian, Berriassian and Valanginian

Zakharov V.À., Judovnyi E.G. Sedimentary process and environmental conditions îf fauna in the Khatanga Early Cretaceous Sea

Pochialaynen V.Ð. Spreading îf the Neocomian Pacific Inoceramidae

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Metodiev L.S. (2006) New Data about the Ammonite Genus Pseudolioceras Buckman, 1889 (Harpoceratinae, Ammonitina) from the Toarcian of the Balkan Mountains (Bulgaria) // C.R. Acad. Bulg. Sci. Vol. 59. no7. P.757-762. pdf

Metodiev L.S. (2008) The Ammonite Zones of the Toarcian in Bulgaria – New Evidence, Subzonation and Correlation with the Standard Zones and Subzones in North-Western Europe // Comptes rendus de l’Acade'mie bulgare des Sciences. Vol.61. no.1. P.87-132. pdf (file received from optimized original version, available through web-site of journal, see page Links)

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Microfauna of oil fields of the USSR (Collection I): Second Baku and Western Siberia // Transactions of VNIGRI. New series. Issue. 31 [in Russian] pdf

Contents (in part)

Dain L.G. Materials to the stratigraphy of the Jurassic deposits of the Saratov region

Bykova E.V. On the significance of fossil foraminifera for the stratigraphy of jurassic deposits of the Samarskaya Luka area.

Zaspelova V.S. Foraminifera of the Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits of the Western Siberian Lowland

Netskaya A.I. About some foraminifera from Upper Cretaceous deposits of Western Siberia


Microfauna of the oil fields of the Caucasus, Emba and Central Asia. Moscow-Leningrad: Gostoptehizdat, 1947. 264 p. pdf

Contents (only Mesozoic papers are listed):

Vasilenko V.P., Myatlyuk E.V. Foraminifera and stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous of the South Emba district

Bykova N.K. Materials for the study of the fauna of the foraminifera of the Cenomanian of the Bukhara region

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Pavlov B.V., Zenkov V.N. Stratigraphy and palynological characterisation of the Lower Cretaceous coal-bearing member of Bolshoy Begichev Island

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Okuneva Ò. M. Triassic bioslraligraphy of southern regions of the East USSR (without the Primorye territory)

Punina T.A. Ladinian-Carnian and Norian coral complexes of Sikhote-Alin

Burij I.V., Zakharov Yu.D . Zharnikova N.K. The Late Triassic cephalopods from Primorye region

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New in the systematics of microfauna // Transactions of the All-Union Petroleum Research Geological Exploration Institute (VNIGRI). Vol. 291. 131 p. [in Russian] pdf

Contents (in part)

Bogdanovich A.K. About some morphological anomalies of miliolids

Myatlyuk E.V. To systematics of spiral-planular representatives of Haplophragmoididae (Foraminifera)

Kuzina B.I. Towards systematics of foraminifera of the family Polymorphinidae

Azbel A.Y. Towards systematics of some genera of Miliolidae of the subfamily Ophthalmidiinae

Maslakova N.I. Classification of Globotruncanidae

Subbotina N.N. Systematics of planktonic foraminifera

Saperson E.I. New data on the systematic position and stratigraphic distribution of foraminifera of the genus Heterolepa (family Anomalinidae).

Zhamoida A.I., Kozlova G.E. Correlation of suborders and families in the order Spumellaria (Radiolaria)

Runyova N.P. Observations on the character of microfauna burial

Oleynikov A.N. Possibilities of application of digital coding in microcropalaeontological researches.

Miklukho-Maclay K.V. Variability of values of taxonomic characters and some remarks on the use of mathematical methods in palaeontology

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Includes among the others description of ne Mesozoic taxa:

Bogdanova T.N. New Nucula from the Lower Cretaceous of Western Turkmenia

Yakushina A.A. New Cretaceous Lopatinia from North-East of the USSR and ne mytilid from Sikhite-Alin

Okuneva T.M. New representative of Early Triassic Bakevellidae from Middle Amur area

Lobacheva S.V. New Terebratulida from the Late Aptian of Western Turkmenia

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Nikitenko B.L., Knyazev V.G., Lebedeva N.K., Peshchevitskaya E.B., Kutygin R.V. (2011) Problems of Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian stratigraphy in northern Central Siberia (Nordvik Peninsula section) // Russian Geology and Geophysics. Vol.52. P.963–978. pdf         

Nikitenko B.L., Mickey M.B. (2004) Foraminifera and ostracodes across the Pliensbachian-Toarcian boundary in the Arctic Realm (stratigraphy, palaeobiogeography and biofacies) // in: Beaudoin A.B. & Head M.J. (eds). The Palynology and Micropalaeontology of Boundaries. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 230, P.137-174. pdf

Nikitenko B., Pestchevitskaya E., Lebedeva N., Ilyina V. (2008) Micropalaeontological and palynological analyses across the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary on Nordvik Peninsula, Northeast Siberia // Newsl. Stratigr. V.42. no.3. P.181–222. pdf

Nikitenko B.L., Shurygin B.N., Knyazev V.G., Meledina S.V., Dzyuba O.S., Lebedeva N.K., Peshchevitskaya E.B., Glinskikh L.A., Goryacheva A.A., Khafaeva S.N. (2013) Jurassic and Cretaceous stratigraphy of the Anabar area (Arctic Siberia, Laptev Sea coast) and the Boreal zonal standard // Russian Geology and Geophysics. Vol.54. P.808–837. pdf

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Phillips J. (1865-1909) A monograph of British belemnitidae: Jurassic. London: Paleontogr. Soc. 130 p. [17,6 Mb] pdf

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Including following Mesozoic papers:

Kulikova N.K. Palynostratigraphy of Lower Triassic deposits of south part of the Lena-Anabar depression (Buur-Olenek region) (pp. 17-25)

Menshikova N.Ya. Palynocomplexes of the Upper Triassic deposits of Peri-Caspian depression (pp. 25-29)

Kirichkova A.I., Chirva S.A., Khramova S.N. Jurassic flora of the Pechora river (pp. 30-40) Timoshina N.A. Pteridophyte spores from the Sary-Diirmen Formation of Western Kazakhstan (pp. 40-47)

Kirichkova A.I., Moskvin A.G. New species of the genus Phoenicopsis from the Middle Jurassic deposits of south of the Middle Siberia (pp. 47-51)

Fedorova V.A. New species of dinocysts and prasynophytes from Boreal Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous deposits of the USSR

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Pignatti J., Mariotti N., D'Arpa C., Sorbini C. (2019) Mesosceptron Fucini, 1915 from the Sinemurian of Sicily: an aulacoceratid cephalopod and not an octocoral // Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, Vol.58. no. 2. P. 155-163. pdf

Pimenov M.V., Glinskih L.A., Guzhikov A.Yu., Mihailov A M, Rogov M.A., Tesakova E.M. (2009) About possible reflection of paleocological conditions in petromagnesism of the Callovian - Oxfordian deposits of Dubki section (Saratov) // Bull. Saratov State Univ. New series. Earth Sciences. No.1. P.70-75. [in Russian] pdf

Pimenov M.V., Guzhikov A.Yu., Seltzer V.B., Ivanov A.V. (2006) Paleomagnetic characteristics of the Lower Bathonian deposits of “Sokurski trakt” section (Saratov) // Volga and Pricaspian Region Resources. Issue 47. P.46-55. [in Russian] pdf

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Pinna G. (1968) Ammoniti del Lias superiore (Toarciano) dell'Alpe Turati (Erba, Como): Parte III: famiglie Lytoceratidae, Nannolytoceratidae, Hammatoceratidae (excl. Phymatoceratinaè), Hildoceratidae (excl. Hildoceratinae e Bouleiceratinae) // Memorie della Società italiana di Scienze naturali e del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Milano. Vol.XVII. Fasc.I. P.3-69. pdf

Pinna G. (1969) Revisione delle ammonti figurate da Giuseppe Meneghine nelle tav. 1-22 della "Monographie des fossiles du calcaire rouge ammonitique" (1867-1881) // Memorie della Società italiana di Scienze naturali e del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Milano. Vol.XVIII. Fasc.I. P.7-21. pdf

Pinna G., Levi-Setti F. (1971) I Dactylioceratidae della Provincia Mediterranea (Cephalopoda Ammonoidea) // Memorie della Società italiana di Scienze naturali e del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Milano. Vol.XIX. Fasc.II. P.49-136. pdf

Piskunov V.K., Rud’ko N.E., Baraboshkin E.Yu. (2012) The Formation Conditions of Middle-Upper Tithonian Limestones of the Demerdzhi Plateau (Mountainous Crimea) // Moscow University Geology Bulletin, Vol.67, No.7, P. 273–281. pdf

Płachno B.J., Benyoucef M., Mekki F., Adaci M., Bouchemla I., Jain S., Krajewski M.,  Salamon M.A. (2024) Copernicrinus zamorae gen. et sp. nov., the oldest thiolliericrinid crinoid (Crinoidea, Echinodermata) from the Bajocian strata of Algeria, Africa // Journal of Palaeogeography, Vol.13. no.2, P.237-251. pdf

Plašienka D., Grecula P., Putiš M., Kováč M., Hovorka D. (1997) Evolution and structure of the Western Carpathians: an overview // In Grecula, P., Hovorka, D., Putiš, M. (Eds.) Geological evolution of the Western Carpathians. Mineralia Slovaca - Monograph, Košice, P.1–24. pdf

Platonov E.S., Lakova I., Arkadiev V.V. (2014) Titjhonian-Berriasian tintinnids (Ciliophora) of the Eastern Crimea // Bull. Saint-Petersb. Univ. Ser. 7 Geology, geography. Issue 2. P.57-78. [in Russian] pdf

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Popov E.V., Beznosov P.A. (2006) Remains of chimaeroid fishes (Holocephali, Chimaeroidei) from the Upper Jurassic deposits of Komi Republic, Russia // Modern paleontology: classical and latest methods -2006. Moscow: PIN RAS. P.55-64. [in Russian] pdf

Popov E.V., Efimov V.M. (2012) New Records of the Chimaeroid Genus Stoilodon Nessov & Averianov, 1996 (Holocephali, Chimaeroidei) Remains from the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous of European Russia // Proceedings of Saratov University. Vol. 12. Ser. Earth Sciences., iss. 1. P.66-79. [in Russian] pdf

Popov E.V., Grigoriev S.V., Volkov A.V. (2001) On first records of teeth of Jurassic sharks (Chondrichtyes: Elasmobranchii) in the Volga area // Trans. Geol. Scient. Inst. Of the Saratov State University, New series. Vol. VII. P.5–18. [in Russian] pdf

Popov E.V., Seltzer V.B., Volkov A.V.  (2004) On records of elasmobranches teeth (Chondrychties: Elasmobranchii) from the Lower Callovian of Saratov, Russia // Trans. Scientific Research geol. Inst. of Saratov State Univ. New series. V.XVI. P.133-154. [in Russian] pdf

Popov E.V., Shapovalov K.M. (2007) New finds of chimaeroid fishes (Holocephali, Chimaeroidei) from the Jurassic of European Russia // Modern paleontology: classical and latest methods -2007. Moscow: PIN RAS. P.25-44. [in Russian] pdf

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Poulton T.P. (1989) Jurassic (Oxfordian) ammonites from the Fernie Formation of western Canada: a giant peltoceratinid, and Cardioceras canadense Whiteaves // Bull. Geol. Surv. Canada. no. 396. P. 173-179. pdf

Poulton T.P., Zeiss A., Jeletzky J.A. (1988) New molluscan faunas from the Late Jurassic (Kimeridgian and Early Tithonian) of Western Canada // Bull. Geol. Surv. Canada. no.373. P.103-116. pdf

Pozzi R. (1965) Studi geologici sulle isole del Dodecaneso (mar Egeo). 2, Nuova fauna ad Aptici del Malm dell'isola di Rodi (Grecia) // Riv. Ital. Paleont. V.71. no.3. P.855-880. pdf

Pozzi R. (1967) La fauna liassica dell’alta Valtellina (Alpi Retiche) // Rivista italiana di paleontologia e stratigrafia. Vol.66. no.4. P.445-490, 1 fig., 2 in. sh., pls. 40-43. pdf

Practical manual on microfauna. Vol. 7: Mesozoic Ostracoda. SPb.: VSEGEI Press, 1999. 244 p. pdf

Practical palynostratigraphy (Ed. by L. A. Panova, M. V. Oshurkova, and G. M. Romanovskaya). L., Nedra, 1990. 348 p. [in Russian] pdf

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Prinada V.D. (1935) Jurassic plants from the Naryn river basin in the Middle Asia // Transactions of integrate Kirgiz expedition of the years 1932-1933. Vol.1. Materials on geology and geochemistry of Tian-Shan. Part IV. Leningrad-Moscow: Ac. Sci. USSR. P.215-230. [in Russian] pdf

Prinada V.V. (1962) Mesozoic flora of Eastern Siberia and Transbaikalia. Moscow: Gosgeoltechizdat. 368 p. [in Russian] pdf

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Prinz G. (1904) Die Fauna der älteren Jurabildungen im nordöstlichen Bakony // Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche der Königlich Ungarischen Geologischen Anstalt. Bd. XV. S.1-142. pdf

Problems of Paleoecology and Historical Geoecology. Collection of scientific papers of All Russian scientific conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor Vitaly Georgiyevich Ochev. Edited by A.V. Ivanov. Saratov: Saratov State Technical University, 2012. 232 p. [in Russian] pdf

            Includes the following Mesozoic articles:

Ochev V.G. Materials to the Tetrapod history at the Paleozoic-Mesozoic boundary [in English]

Novikov I.V., Sennikov A.G. Complexes of the Triassic Tetrapods of Obshy Syrt

Minih A.V., Minih M.G. Once again on a coastal-marine origin of the Triassic location Tikhvinskoye

Popov E.V. On anomalies in the structure of the tooth plates of Cretaceous chimaeras (Golocephali, Chimaeroidei)

Podobina V.M. Dependence of the taxonomic composition of foraminifers from their habitat

Morov V.P. Geology feature and fauna of the Podvalye outcrop

Seltser V.B. Special features of preservation and burial of the Late Cretaceous ammonites

Molostovskaya I.I. Non-marine ostracods of the Upper Permian and Lower Triassic of the European Russia, their spatial and facial differentiation

Golubev V.K., Sennikov A.G., Minih A.V., Minih M.G., Kuhtinov D.A., Balabanov Yu.P., Silantev V.V. The Permian-Triassic boundary in the South-East of Moscow synclise

Mitta V.V., Shurygin B.N., Dzyuba O.S., Kostyleva V.V., Glinskih L.A., Seltser V.B., Ivanov A.V., Urman O.S. Preliminary results of the investigations of the Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) deposits near Saratov in 2012 year

Starodubtseva I.A., Novikov I.V. First expeditions of I.A. Efremov: beginning of taphonomic and biostratigraphic studies of the terrestrial Triassic of the European Russia

Starodubtseva I.A. The Callovian deposits in Elatma district: history of exploration. Museum collections

Problems of stratigraphy and correlation of Phanerozoic deposits of Ukraine: materials of the XXXIII session of Ukrainian Palaeontological Society, Kiev, 2011. 124 p. [in Ukrainian and Russian] pdf

Proceedings of the Bajocian - Bathonian Working Groups Meeting, Budapest 2000 // Hantkeniana. 2001. Vol. 3. 182 p. pdf


Chandler R.B.,. Dietze V., Sommer V., Gauthier H. Remarks on the Astarte Bed (Upper Bajocian, Middle Jurassic) of Burton Bradstock (Dorset, Southern England)

Fernandez-Lopez S.R. Upper Bathonian ammonites of the Catalan Basin (Tivissa and Cap Salou, Spain)

Galacz A. Frogdenites, the early Sphaeroceratid ammonite from the lower Bajocian of the Bakony and Gerecse Hills, Hungary

Von Hillebrandt A. Ammonite stratigraphy of the Bajocian in Northern Chile

Matyja B.A., Wierzbowski A. Palaeogeographical distribution of early Bathonian ammonites of the Asphinctites-Polysphinctites group

Mitta V.V. Distribution of the Bajocian-Bathonian ammonites in the South-West chains of Hissar Range

Page K.N. Up a Bathonian backwater - a review of the ammonite evidence for correlating sequences with interdigitating non-marine facies in central and northern England

Raucsik B. Demeny A., Borbely-Kiss I., Szabo G. Monsoon-like climate during the Bajocian - Clay mineralogical and geochemical study on a limestone/marl alternation (Komlo Calcareous Marl Formation, Mecsek Mountains, Southern Hungary)

Voros A. Bajocian and Bathonian brachiopods in Hungary: a review

Prosorovskaya E.L. (1968) On the new genus of Upper Jurassic brachiopods of the Gissar Range // Annual All-Russian Palaeont. Soc. Vol.18. P. 244-247. [in Russian] pdf

Prozorovskaya E.L., Pozhariskaya G.F. (1968) Systematic position and volume of the genus Gusarella (Brachiopoda) // Palaeontol. Journ., no.1. P.27-38. pdf

Prosorovskaya E., Sey I., Kalacheva E. (1995) About the Kimmeridgian-Tithonian (Volgian) boundary on the territory of the former Soviet Union // Newsletter Intern. Subcomm. Jurassic Stratigr. No.6. P.2-5. pdf

Prosorovsky V.A. (1991) Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of west of the Middle Asia. Leningrad: LSU publ. 254 p. [in Russian] pdf

Prosviryakova Z.P. (1961) Palaeobotanical characteristics of coal-bearing deposits of Southern Yakutia // Transactions of the coal laboratory of Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Vol. XI. Moscow-Leningrad: Ac. Sci. USSR. P.122-175. [in Russian] pdf

Prosviryakova Z.P. (1961) Palinological substantiation of stratigraphical subdivision of the Jurassic coal-bearing deposits of Mangyshlak // Questions of geology of coal-bearing deposits of Asian part of the USSR. Moscow-Leningrad: Ac. Sci. USSR. P.216-223. [in Russian] pdf

Prosviryakova Z.P. (1961) Jurassic flora of Mangyshlak and itsstratigraphical distribution // Coal-bearing formations of some regions of the USSR. Moscow-Leningrad: Ac. Sci. USSR. P.414-422. [in Russian] pdf

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Quenstedt F.A. (1886-1887) Die Ammoniten des Schwäbischen Jura. Band II. Der Braune Jura. Stuttgart: Schweizerbart. (plates) pdf

Quenstedt F.A. (1886-1887) Die Ammoniten des Schwäbischen Jura. Band II. Der Braune Jura. Stuttgart: Schweizerbart. S.441-815. (text) pdf

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Questions of paleontology and stratigraphy ”in the Saratov University

Pervushov E.M. The genus Gueltardiscyphia Mantell, 1822 (Porifera, Hexactinellida)

Pervushov E.M. Invery of areals of Cretaceous hexactinellids

Seltser V.B., Ivanov A.V. Periodical changes of some features in evolution of cardioceratid ammonites

Seltser V.B., Ivanov A.V. Results of analysis of attahment of Callovian Gryphaea of the Volga area

Ivanov A.V. Some preliminary results and perspectives of investigation of Late Cretaceous pycnodontid oysters

Minih A.V. New representativers of actinopterygians (order Discordichthida ord. nov.) from the Upper Permian of the East-European Platform

Yarkov A.A., Popov E.V. New fauna of chondrychties from the Berezovo beds (Lower Paleocene) of the Volgograd Volga area: preliminary data

Moroz S.A., Ermokhina L.I. paleogeographical conditions of the Volga bay during the Danian

Guzhikov A.Yu., Eremin V.N., Nazarov Kh., Baraboshkin E.Yu. Barremian - Lower Aptian magnetostratigraphy of the Segiz-Yab River (Central Kopet-Dagh)



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Rogov M.A. (2014) Khetoceras (Craspeditidae, Ammonoidea) - a new genus from the Volgian Stage of Northern Middle Siberia, and parallel evolution of Late Volgian Boreal ammonites // Paleontological Journal, Vol. 48, No. 5, P.457-464. DOI: 10.1134/S0031030114050086 pdf

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Rogov M.A. (2017) Ammonites and infrazonal stratigraphy of the Kimmeridgian and Volgian Stages of southern part of the Moscow Syneclise // Transactions of the Geological Institute. Vol. 615. P.7-160 [in Russian with English summary & translation of some parts] pdf

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Rogov M.A. (2020) Infrazonal ammonite biostratigraphy, paleobiogeography and evolution of Volgian craspeditid ammonites // Paleontological Journal, Vol. 54, No. 10. P. 1189-1219. DOI 10.1134/S0031030120100068 pdf

Rogov M.A. (2021) Ammonites and infrazonal stratigraphy of the Kimmeridgian and Volgian stages of Panboreal Superrealm // Transactions of the Geological Institute. Vol. 627. 732 p. DOI: 10.54896/00023272_2021_627_1 pdf

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Rogov M., Guzhikov A. (2009) Advances in bio- and magnetostratigraphy of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary beds of Svalbard // in: M.B.Hart (Ed.) 8th International Symposium on the Cretaceous System, University of Plymouth, September 5-12 2009. Abstracts volume. P.87-88. pdf

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Rogov M.A., Mironenko A.A. (2021) Jaw apparatuses of Jurassic Aspidoceratidae (Ammonoidea) and Cope's rule in evolution of aspidoceratid ammonites (comment on “Giant Middle Jurassic (Bathonian) cf. Laevaptychus sp. of the Aztlán section, Hidalgo State, central Mexico” by C. Esquivel-Macías, P. Zell, JA Moreno-Bedmar and K. Flores-Castro [Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 110, 103302]) // Journal of South American Earth Sciences. Vol. 112, 103529. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2021.103529 pdf

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Rosanow A. (1909) Sur la répartition de la zone à Cr. nodiger dans les environs de Moscou // Î ðàñïðîñòðàíåíèè çîíû Cr.nodiger â îêðåñòíîñòÿõ Ìîñêâû // Annuaire géologique et minéralogique de la Russie. T.ÕI. Livr.1-3. P.25-41. pdf

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Rovnina L.V. (1968) Òhe Jurassic spore-pollen assemblages of western part of the West-Siberian lowland // Palaeopalynological method in stratigraphy. Materials for 2nd International Palynological Conference (Holland, September 1966). Leningrad. P.82-87. [in Russian] pdf

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Rulleau L. (2008) Les Nautiles du Lias et du Dogger de la region lyonnaise. Edité par Lous Rulleau et la Section Géo-Paléo du Comité d'Établissement des carrières Lafârge à Lettonne. Publié avec le soutien de Lafarge Ciments. 149 p. pdf

Rulleau L., Elmi S., Thévenard B. (2001) Géologie et paléontologie des dépôts ferrugineux du Toarcien et de l'Aalénien aux environs de Lyon // Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie de Lyon. T.154. 153 p. pdf

Ruzhencev V.E. (resp.ed.) (1962) Fundamentals of paleontology. Vol.5. Molluscs - Cephalopoda. I. Nautiloidea, Endoceratoidea, Actinoceratoidea, Bactritoidea, Ammonoidea (Agoniatitida, Goniatitida, Clymeniida). Ìoscow: Ac. Sci USSR publishing house. 438 p. [in Russian] pdf

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- S -

SabanaevK.A., Cherkashin V.I. (2008) Geological structure and oil-and-gas bearing of the sedimentary complex of the Russian sector of Caspian Sea. Mahachkala: Dinem. 208 p. [in Russian] pdf

Sacchi Vialli S., Cantaluppi G. (1967) I nuovi fossili di Gozzano (Prealpi Piemontesi) // Memorie della Società italiana di Scienze naturali e del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Milano. Vol.XVI. Fasc.II. P.63-127. pdf

Sachs V.N. (Ed.) (1969) Reference section of the Upper Jurassic deposits of the Kheta river basin (Khatanga depression). Leningrad: Nauka. 207 p., 20 fig., 14 tab., XXXIX pls. pdf

Sachs V.N. (1972) Belemnites // in: Golbert A.V., Klimova I.G., Sachs V.N. Reference section of Neocomian of Western Siberia in the Subpolar trans-Ural. Novosibirsk: Nauka. P. 158-163. [in Russian] pdf

Sachs V.N. (Ed.) (1972) Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary and Berriassian Stage in Boreal Realm. Novosibirsk: Nauka. 371 p. [in Russian] pdf

Sachs V.N. (1976) Stratigraphy of the Jurassic System of the north of the USSR. Moscow: Nauka publ. 436 p. [in Russian] pdf

Sachs V.N. (2007) Selected papers in 2 vol.. Vol.1. Biostratigraphy and palaeobiogeography of the Mesozoic of Siberia (resp. ed. acad. A.E. Kontorovich). Novosibirsk: Geo. 643 p. pdf


Section 1. Regional geology

1. Works of the Alazeya geological expedition at 1936 year  [in Russian]

2. Terra incognita in the north-east part of Yakutia  [in Russian]

3. Geological study and geological map of the Soviet Arctic  [in Russian]

4. Findings of new horizons of Mesozoic in North-Siberian lowlandin the upper Kheta river [in Russian]

5. Scheme of stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous deposits of Khatanga depression [in Russian]

6. On tectonic development of Khatanga depression during the Mesozoic era [in Russian]

7. For the question about distribution and stratigraphical significance of the Lower Cretaceous belemnites at north of Siberia [in Russian]

8. Stratigraphy of Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Khatanga depression [in Russian]

9. Belemnite Assemblages from the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary beds in the Boreal Realm

10. Paleontology, stratigraphy and palaeobiogeography of Mesozoic, Paleogene and Neogene of the Siberia and Far East [in Russian]

Section 2. Biostratigraphy of Mesozoic and Cenozoic of Siberia

11. New in geology of Arctic [in Russian]

12. Stratigraphy of the Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits of central sector of Soviet Arctic [in Russian]

13. New data on Lower and Middle Jurassic belemnite faunas of Siberia [in Russian]

14. On possibility of using of the general stratigraphical scale for subdivision of the Jurassic deposits of Siberia [in Russian]

15. Cretaceous System in Siberia. Proposals on stage and zonal subdivision [in Russian]

16. Uber die Anwendungsmoglichkeit der allgemeinen Juragliederung auf die Juraablagerungen Sibiriens

17. On allocation of the Berriassian Stage within the Cretaceous System [in Russian]

18. Volgian Stage in Siberia [in Russian]

19. New zones of the Neocomian and boundary of Berriassian and Valanginian Stages in Siberia [in Russian]

20. On range and position of the Callovian Stage in Arctic [in Russian]

21. Basic problems of the Upper Volgian, Berriasian and Valanginian stratigraphy of the Boreal zone

22. Valanginian Stage of the Boreal Belt [in Russian]

23. Zonal stratigraphy of the Jurassic and Neocomian of the Boreal Belt [in Russian]

Section 3. Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeobiogeography

24. For perception of the Late Tertiary history of the North polar basin [in Russian]

25. Chief problems of the history of geological development of the Arctic during the Mesozoic Era [in Russian]

26. Some considerations on geological history of the Arctic [in Russian]

27. Palaeogeography of the Khatanga depression and adjacent areas during the Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods [in Russian]

28. Geological history of the Arctic Ocean during the Mesozoic Era [in Russian]

29. Some problems of the palaeogeography of the Jurassic Period in connection with investigation of belemnite faunas of Siberia [in Russian]

30. New data on the history of geological development of the Arctic ocean [in Russian]

31. Palaeogeography of the Arctic in the Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods [in Russian]

32. Palaeogeographical maps-schemes of the Asia part of the USSR for ages of the Early and Late Triassic (Induan and Carnian ages) [in Russian]

33. On connection of the Jurassic and Cretaceous sea basins on north and south of Eurasia [in Russian]

34. Climates of the Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods on north of the USSR by  palaeotemperature determinations [in Russian]

35. Determination of temperatures of growth of some modern and fossil mollusks by Î18/Î16 ratio within their skeletal structures [in Russian]

36. Results of the palaeomagnetic investigations of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic of Siberia [in Russian]

37. Determinations of Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous palaeotemperatures by isotope composition of oxygen within belemnite rostra [in Russian]

38. Some results of palaeomagnetic investigations of Mesozoic and Cenozoic of Siberia [in Russian]

39. Changes of composition of belemnite assemblages on the boundary between Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods in the Arctic- and Boreal-Atlantic zoogeographical realms [in Russian]

40. The Volgian Stage and position of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary in Arctic zoogeographical realm [in Russian]

41. Problem of Neogene and Quaternary Periods in light of the palaeomagnetic data [in Russian]

42. Some problems of palaeotemperature analysis (by belemnite guards) [in Russian]

43. Palaeozoogeography of seas of the Boreal Belt during Jurassic and Neocomian [in Russian]

44. Problem of continent displacement in the Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods by palaeobiogeographical data [in Russian]

45. Magnesium and strontium within belemnite rostra – indicator of the water temperature of ancient sea basins [in Russian]

46. Some common questions of palaeogeography and palaeobiogeography of the Mesozoic Era [in Russian]

47. For method of preparation of palaeogeographical maps [in Russian]

48. About the nature of the concentric lamination in the belemnite rostra [in Russian]

49. Palinology and palaeogeography [in Russian]

50. Some aspects of geological development of north of Eurasia (in connection with plate tectonics) [in Russian]

Sachs V.N. (2007) Selected papers in 2 vol.. Vol.2. Staging of the development of biosphere and organic world in the Mesozoic (resp. ed. acad. A.E. Kontorovich). Novosibirsk: Geo. 339 p. pdf


Section 1. Mesozoic history of the West-Siberian sedimentary basin and perspectives of its oil-and-gas bearing

1. Kaolins in the north of West-Siberian depression and their implication for the cognition of structure of this area [in Russian]

2. Possible source rocks at forming of Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits of Ust’-Enissei depression [in Russian]

3. For question of perspectives of gas- and oil-content of the Ust’-Enissei depression [in Russian]

4. Some questions of the stratigraphy and facial characteristics of the Mesozoic deposits of West-Siberian depression [in Russian]

5. On correlation of the general and regional stratigraphical scales [in Russian]

6. New data on Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary beds of the West Siberia [in Russian]

7. On formational subdivision of the Jurassic System in the east part of the Enissei-Khatanga depression [in Russian]

8. Bazhenovo (Volgian – Berriassian) sea of the West Siberia [in Russian]

Section 2. Staging of the development of organic world and biosphere evolution

9. Late Mesozoic stage of the palaeogeographical development [in Russian]

10. On influence of the Mediterranean and Pacific faunas on forming of the Late Jurassic assemblages of cephalopod mollusks of the Arctic [in Russian]

11. L'evolution des Belemnites a la fin du Jurassique et au debut du Cretace

12. Problems of the staging in the development of the life and zonal stratigraphy of the Mesozoic [in Russian]

13. Belemnoidea of the Late Jurassic and Neocomian seas of the Boreal Belt [in Russian]

14. Staging of the development of organic world in the past [in Russian]

15. Modern conceptions about development of the fauna and zonal stratigraphy of the Jurassic and Neocomian of the Boreal Belt [in Russian]

16. Palaeoecology of the Arctic basin in the Jurassic and Neocomian [in Russian]

17. Evolution of the biosphere [in Russian]

Section 3. Redistribution of the water resources of Siberian rivers

18. Tasks of the scientific investigations in Siberia under development of questions of the redistribution of the part of flow of rivers in the Middle Asia [in Russian]

19. New data about development of the shelf  relief of Siberia during the Mesozoic Era [in Russian]

20. Questions of territorial redistribution and protection of the water resources of Siberia [in Russian]

21. Tasks of Siberian scientists in investigations in problem of redistribution of river flow in Siberia [in Russian]

22. Water resources and their redistribution [in Russian]

Sachs V.N., Mesezhnikov M.S., Shulgina N.I. (1968) The Volgian Stage and position of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary in Arctic zoogeographic realm  // Mesozoic sea faunas of the Soviet Far East and their stratigraphic significance. Trans. Inst. Geol. Geophys. Sib. Branch Ac. Sci. USSR. no.48.Moscow: Nauka Publ., P.72-79. [in Russian] pdf

Sachs V.N., Mesezhnikov M.S., Shulgina N.I. (1968) The Volgian Stage in Siberia // Soviet Geol. Geophys. no.3. P.29-40. [in Russian] pdf

Sachs V.N., Nalnjaeva T.I. (1964) The Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous belemnites of the North of the USSR. Genera Cylindroteuthis and Lagonibelus. Moscow, Nauka. 267 p. [in Russian] pdf

Sachs V.N., Nalnjaeva T.I. (1966) The Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous belemnites of the North of the USSR. Genera Pachyteuthis and Acroteuthis. Moscow – Leningrad, Nauka. 216 p. [in Russian] pdf

Sachs V.N., Nalnyaeva T.I. (1967) On the separation of Passaloteuthinae subfamily within suborder Belemnoidea (Cephalopoda, Dibranchia, Decapoda) // Trans. Ac. Sci. USSR. Ò.173. no.2. P.438-441. [in Russian] pdf

Sachs V.N., Nalnjaeva T.I. (1972) The Early and Middle Jurassic belemnites of the North of the USSR. Nannobelinae, Passaloteuthinae and Hastitidae. Leningrad, Nauka. 228 p. [in Russian] pdf

Sachs V.N., Nalnjaeva T.I. (1975) The Early and Middle Jurassic belemnites of the North of the USSR. Megateuthinae and Pseudodicoelitinae. Leningrad, Nauka. 192 p. [in Russian] pdf

Sachs V.N., Ronkina Z.Z., Schulgina N.I., Basov V.A., Bondarenko N.M. (1963) Stratigraphy of the Jurassic and Cretaceous systems of the north of the USSR. Moscow-Leningrad: Ac. Sci. Publ. 227 p. [in Russian] pdf

Sadki D. (1996) Le Haut-Atlas central (Maroc). Stratigraphie et paléontologie du Lias supérieur et du Dogger inférieur. Dynamique du bassin et des peuplements // Docum. Lab. Géol. Lyon, no. 142, P. 1-245. pdf

Sahagian D., Pinous O., Olferiev A., Zakharov V.  (1996) Eustatic curve for the Middle Jurassic-Cretaceous based on Russian platform and Siberian stratigraphy: zonal resolution // Bull. A.A.P.G. V.80. P.1433-1458. pdf

Sakharov A.S. (1977) Kranaosphinctes kionensis Sacharov n.sp. from the Lower Oxfordian deposits of North Ossetia // Geology of Mesozoic and Paleogene deposits of the Northeast Caucasus Proceedings of the North Caucasus Petroleum Research Institute (Sevkavnipineft). Vol. XII. P.3-7. [in Russian] pdf

Sakharov A.S. (1982) Interregional correlation of Upper Tithonian and Berrriasian deposits // Proc. Ac. Sci. USSR, ser. geol. No.2. P.121-125. [in Russian] pdf

Sakharov A.S. (1982) Substantiation of age of the Upper Tithonian of North-West Caucasus // Trans. Ac. Sci. USSR. Vol.266. no.2. P.698-700. [in Russian] pdf

Sakharov A.S. (1983) First records of Late Tithonian ammonites at the North-East Caucasus // Ann. All-Union Paleont. Soc. Ò. XXVI. Leningrad: Nauka. P. 78-89. [in Russian] pdf

Sakharov A.S. (1988) Reference section of Berriassian of the Kabardino-Balkaria // Proc. Ac. Sci. USSR, ser.geol. ¹10. P.128-130. [in Russian] pdf

Sakharov A.S. (1991) Stratigraphy and ammonites of the Berriassian of survey district Zamankul // in: Kirichkova A.I., Chirva S.A. (Eds) Stratigraphy and paleogeography of the sedimentary formations of oil-and-gas bearing basin of the USSR. Leningrad: VNIGRI. P.87-91. [in Russian] pdf

Sakharov A.S. (1993) Boreal elements in the stratigraphical scheme of the Upper Jurassic and Neocomian of the NE Caucasus // in: Stratigraphy of the phanerozoic of the oil-and-gas bearing regions of Russia (collection of scientific papers). Saint-Petersburg: VNIGRI. P.146-156. [in Russian] pdf

Sakharov A.S., Pogodina I.A. (2003) On systematics of ammonite family Berriasellidae Spath, 1922 // Palaeont. Journ. no.3. P. 36-38. [in Russian] pdf

Sakharov A.S. Starostina E.A. (1977) On the joint occurrence of ammonites and Scleractinia in the reef massifs of the Upper Jurassic deposits of North Ossetia // Geology of Mesozoic and Paleogene deposits of the North-Eastern Caucasus. Proceedings of the North Caucasus Petroleum Research Institute (Sevkavnipineft). Vol. XII. P.8-14. [in Russian] pdf

Saks V.N. (Ed.) (1975) Jurassic-Cretaceous Boundary and the Berriasian Stage in the Boreal Realm. Jerusalem: Israel Program for Scientific Translations. 398 pp. pdf

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            Includes some articles by our scientific group:

Glowniak E., Kiselev D.N., Rogov M., Wierzbowski A., Wright J.K. (2010) The Mikhalenino Section of the Russian Platform: A Key Section for Palaeobiogeography and Ammonite Correlation of the Middle Oxfordian to Lowermost Kimmeridgian in Europe // Earth Science Frontiers, Vol. 17, Special Issue, P.87-88. pdf

Gulyaev D.B., Rogov M.A., Kiselev D.N. (2010) Nomenclature Problems of Ammonite Biohorizons (Faunal Horizons) in Jurassic and Cretaceous Stratigraphy // Earth Science Frontiers, Vol. 17, Special Issue, P.91-93. pdf

Ippolitov A.P. (2010) Serpulid (Annelida, Polychaeta) Evolution and Ecological Diversification Patterns During Middle-Late Jurassic // Earth Science Frontiers, Vol. 17, Special Issue, P.207-208. pdf

Ippolitov A.P., Tischenko A.I., Rogov M.A. (2010) Finds of a unique Upper Toarcian fauna from the SW Crimea (Ukraine) // Earth Science Frontiers, Vol. 17, Special Issue, P.100-101. pdf

Rogov M.A. (2010) New data on the Kimmeridgian ammonite biostratigraphy of Spitsbergen // Earth Science Frontiers, Vol. 17, Special Issue, P.94-95. pdf

Rogov M.A., Zakharov V.A. (2010) Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous glendonite occurrences and their implication for Arctic paleoclimate reconstructions and stratigraphy // Earth Science Frontiers, Vol. 17, Special Issue, P.345-347. pdf

Rogov M.A., Zakharov V.A., Nikitenko B.L. (2010) The Jurassic-Cretaceous Boundary Problem and the Myth on J/K Boundary Extinction // Earth Science Frontiers, Vol. 17, Special Issue, P.13-14. pdf

Tesakova E.M. (2010) Early Callovian (Middle Jurassic) Ostracods from the Kursk Region (Central Russia) as Paleodepth Indicators // Earth Science Frontiers, Vol. 17, Special Issue, P.311-312. pdf

Wierzbowski H., Rogov M.A. (2010) Carbon and oxygen isotope composition of Upper Callovian-Lower Kimmeridgian (Middle-Upper Jurassic) cephalopod shells from the Russian Platform: a proxy for a global climate change? // Earth Science Frontiers, Vol. 17, Special Issue, P.336-337. pdf

Zakharov V.A., Shurygin B.N. (2010) Eastern Arctic in Jurassic: Paleogeography and Paleoclimatology // Earth Science Frontiers, Vol. 17, Special Issue, P.288-289. pdf

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Shulgina N.I. (1996) Biostratigraphic chart for the Lower Cretaceous of the central and eastern European (Russian) platform // Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg. Hft. 77. S. 89-93. pdf

Shulgina N.I., Burdykina M.D. (1992) Biostratigraphical scheme of Jurassic and Lower Cretaceousof shelves of Barents, Norwegian and North seas // Geological history of Arctic in Mesozoics and Cenozoics. Volume 1. Materials of lectures in memory of V.N.Sachs. Saint-Petersburg: VNIIOkeangeologia. P.106-114. [in Russian] pdf

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Shurupova Ya.A., Tesakova E.M. (2019) Species Interrelatedness in the Genus Lophocythere Silvester-Bradley, 1948 (Ostracoda) in the Late Callovian of the Russian Plate // Paleontological Journal. Vol. 53, No. 9, P. 933–938. pdf

Shurupova J.A., Tesakova E.M., Kolpenskaya N.N., Seltser V.B., Ivanov A.V. (2016) Saratov Volga region in the Late Bajocian (Middle Jurassic): paleogeography reconstructed by the ostracods // Zhizn’ Zemli. Vol.38. no.1. P.22-37. pdf [in Russian]

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Sinzow I. (1913) Beiträge zur Kenntnis der unteren Kreideablagerungen des Nord-Kaukasus // Travaux du Musée Géologique Pierre le Grand près Académie Impériale des Sciences. T.VII. S.93-117. pdf

Sjögren Hj. (1899) Uebersicht der Geologie Daghestans und des Terek-Gebietes // Jahrbuch der k. k. geol. Reichsanstalt. 1889. Bd. 39. Heft1-2. S. 417-438. pdf

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Smirnova T.N. (Ed.) (1989) Palaeontological metod in practical stratigraphy. Moscow: IGiRGI. 65 p. [in Russian] pdf

Includes among the others:

Bugrova I.Yu. Coelenterates of the Urgonian facies of Western Kopet-Dagh, p.23-31

Egoyan V.L. New ammontes from Lower Barremian deposits of Western Caucasus, p.135-145.

Korotkov V.A. On the Tithonian-Kimmeridgian boundary by gastropods in Bolshoi Balkhan and Kopet-Dagh, p.86-93.

Lobacheva S.V. Role of brachiopods in subdivision of the Aptian deposits of Middle Asia, p.47-57.

Smirnova T.N. (1992) Late Mesozoic brachiopods of the Peri-Caspian depression and Russian Platform // Paleont. Journ. No.4, P.23-30. [in Russian] pdf

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Smith D.G., Harland W.B., Hughes N.F., Pickton C.A.G. (1976) The geology of Kong Karls Land, Svalbard // Geol. Magaz. 1976. V.113. no.3. P.193-232., 16 fig., 5 tabl. pdf

Smith P.L., Beyers J.M., Carter E.S., Jakobs G.K., Pálfy J., Pessagno E., Tipper H.W. (1994) 5. North America; 5.1 Lower Jurassic // Newsletters on Stratigraphy. Vol.31. no.1. P.33-70. pdf

Smith P.L., Tipper H.W. (1996) Pliensbachian (Lower Jurassic) Ammonites of the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia // Bulletins of American Paleontology, Vol. 108. no.348. P. 1–122. pdf

Smorodine N. (1928) Sur la postion systenatique du genre Chamoussetia Douv. // Bull Assoc. Scient. Inst. Phys.-Math. Fac. MSU-I. Ò.I. no.3-4. P.417-426. [in Russian with French summary] pdf

Smorodine (Moltchanow) N. (1929) Etude sur les relations genetique des ammonites de la famille des Cardioceratidae // Bull. Assoc. Scient. Inst. Phys.-Math. Fac. Moscow State Univ. Vol.1. issue 1-2. P. 97-114. pdf

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Sokolov D.N. (1908) Aucella from Timan and Spitsbergen // Mem. Geol. Com. New ser. Issue 36. 29 p. pdf

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Sokolow D.N. (1908) Ueber Aucellen aus dem Norden und Osten von Sibirien // Memoires de l’Academie imperiale des sciences de St.-Petersbourg. Serie 8, classe physico-mathematique.– Vol. 21. No.3. 18 S., 3 pls. pdf

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Sokolov V.D. (1886) Materiaux pour la geologie de la Crimee. Tithonien de la Crimee. Saint-Petersbourg: Imprimerie de l'Academie imperiale des sciences. 43 p. pdf

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Spath L.F. (1933) Revision of the Jurassic Cephalopod fauna of Kachh (Cutch). Pt. VI. // Mem. Geol. Surv. India. Palaeontologia Indica. N. S. Vol. IX. Mem. 2. P. 659-945. pdf

Spath L.F. (1933) The evolution of the Cephalopoda // Biological Review. V.VIII. no.4. P.418-463. pdf

Spath L.F. (1934) The Jurassic and Cretaceous ammonites and belemnites of Attock district // Paleont. Ind. N.S. V.20. Mem.4.  39 p. pdf

Spath L.F. (1935) The Upper Jurassic invertebrate faunas of Cape Leslie, Milne Land. I. Oxfordian and Lower Kimmeridgian // Medd. om Grønl. Bd.99. nr.2. 78 p. [20,3 Mb] pdf

Spath L.F. (1936) On a new ammonite genus (Sphenarpites) from the Lias of Baluchistan // Annals and Magazine of Natural History. Ser. 10. Vol. 17(102). P. 641-645. pdf

Spath L.F. (1936) On Bajocian Ammonites and Belemnites from Eastern Persia (Iran) // Mem. Geol. Surv. India. Palaeontologia Indica. N. S. Vol. XXII. Mem. 3. 21 p. pdf

Spath L.F. (1936) The Phylogeny of the Cephalopoda // Paläont. Zeitsch. Bd.18. Nr.3/4. S.156-180. pdf

Spath L.F. (1936) The Upper Jurassic invertebrate faunas of Cape Leslie, Milne Land. II. Upper Kimmeridgian and Portlandian // Medd. om Grønl. Bd.99. nr.3. 180 p. pdf

Spath L.F. (1938) A catalogue of the ammonites of the Liassic family Liparoceratidae in the British Museum (Natural History). London. 191 p. pdf

Spath L.F. (1945) The type of the genus Ammonites // Annals and Magazine of Natural History. Ser. 11. Vol. 12(91). P. 490-497. pdf

Spath L.F. (1947) Additional observations on the invertebrates (chiefly ammonites) of the Jurassic and Cretaceous of East Greenland. I. The Hectoroceras fauna of the S.W.Jameson Land // Medd. om Grønland. Bd.132. Nr.3. p., 5 pl. pdf

Spath L.F. (1950) A new Tithonian ammonoid fauna from Kurdistan, northern Iraq // Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology. Vol.1. no.4. P.93-146. pdf

Spath L.F. (1950) The study of Ammonites in thin, median sections // Geol. Mag. Vol.LXXXVII. no.2. P.77-84. pdf

Spath L.F. (1952) Additional observations on the invertebrates (chiefly ammonites) of the Jurassic and Cretaceous of East Greenland. II. Some infra-Valanginian ammonites from Lindeman-Fjord, Wollaston Foreland; with a note on the base of the Cretaceous // Medd. om Grønland. Bd.133. Nr.4. 40 p. [13,2] pdf

Spijarski Ò. (1932) The Upper Jurassic beds of the Unzha river within the limits of Sheet 70 // Bull. United Geol. Prospect. Serv. U.S.S.R. Fasc.69. P.1027-1037. [in Russian] pdf

Stage and zonal scales of the Boreal Mesozoic of the USSR // Transactions of Institute of Geology and Geophysics, 1989. Vol. 722. 223 pp. [in Russian] pdf


 Trophimuk A.A. V.N. Saks — great organizator of science in the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Science of the USSR

Zakharov V.A., Mesezhnikow M.S., Shulgina N.I. Saks contribution in stage and zonal scales of Jurassic and Cretaceous systems

Gramberg I.S., Kulakov In.N. Leningrad’s period in creative work of Saks

Mogucheva N.K: P/T boundary in the continental deposits of Middle Siberia

Smirnova S.B., Kazakova Z.I., Jakovleva G.E.. Vinogradova K.V., Tsaturova A.A. Possibilities of Triassic deposit’s correlation of Barents Sea and Precaspian (on palynological material) Kasatkina E.A. Triassic foraminifera of Soviet Arctic and Spitsbergen

Dagis A.S., Dagis A.A. Detail biostratigraphical scheme of the Olenekian stage of North Siberia on ammonites and conodonts

Kurushin N.I. Biostratigraphy of Olenekian stage on the north of Middle Siberia on bivalves

Grausman V.V., Tumanova I.Yu. Paleontological characterictics of the Lower Triassic deposits of the north—western part of Vilyi syneclise

Dagis A.S., Dagis A.A. Questions of biostratigraphy and paleobiogeography of Triassic of the exotic blocks of North-Western Pacific

Basov V.A., Vasilenko L.V., Sokolov A.R., Yakovleva S.P. Zonal subdivision of the marine mesozoic deposits of Barents Sea

Shurygin B.N. Problems of creation of zonal Jurassic scales on the north of Siberia on bivalves

Kuzmin S.P. Problems of creation of zonal Lower Jurassic scales of Far East on bivalves

Krymgolts G.Y., Repin Yu. S. About few Jurassic guards from Iran and belemnitid’s commissure

Meledina S. V. Ammonites and zonal subdivision of subboreal Callovian of the USSR

Nalnjaeva T.I. Layers with belemnites in the subboreal Callovian of Russian Platform

Mesezhnikow M .S., Kalacheva E.D. Zonal subdivisions of boreal Upper Oxfordian of the USSR

Shulgina N.I. Formation and development of views on stage and zonal scales of the marine Neocomian of Siberia

Bogomolov Yu.I. Zonal subdivision of Valanginian of Northern Siberia

Sey 1.1., Kalacheva E.D. Lower Cretaceous ammonites of Middle Sikhote-Alin’

Kirichkova A.I. Paleoflora of Jurassic and Early Crataceous of Siberian paleofloristic region and detailed phytostratigraphy

Alabushev A.I. Geografical differenciation of Pacific ammonites in Albian

Bugdaeva E.V. Correlation of Lower Cretaceous deposits of isolated depressions of Transbaikal region on flora

Papulov G.N., Amon E.O. Problems of zonal biostratigraphy of Cretaceous of south-western part of West Siberian plate

Zakharov V.A., Khomentovsky Î. V. New data on stratigraphy of marine Upper Cretaceous of Ust-Yenisei depression

Amon E.O., Papulov G.N. On biostratigraphy of marne Upper Cretaceous deposits of Middle and South Transuralian on foraminifera and radiolarians

Podobina V.M. New data on zonal stratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous of West Siberia

Zhelezko V.I., Papulov G.N. About find of teath of Santonian-Campanian selachians on South Transuralian and possibility of Boreal-Tethyan correlations

German A.B. Paleobotanical basis of correlation of Upper Cretaceous deposits of the North-East of the USSR

Samylina V.A. Stages in development of flora of Middle Cretaceous - the basis of biostratigraphy of continental deposits of the North-East of the USSR

Stancliffe R.P.W., Sarjeant W.A.S. (1990) The complex chorate dinoflagellate cysts of the Bathonian to Oxfordian (Jurassic): their taxonomy and stratigraphic significance // Micropaleontology. V.36. no.3. P.197-228. pdf

Stanislavsky F.A. (1953) Upper Triassic and Jurassic flora of Great Donbass // Geological Journal (Ukrainian). Vol.13. Issue 4. P.59-65. [in Ukrainian] pdf

Stanek K.-P., Wormbs J. (1985) Jurassic ammonites from the Orville Coast, Antarctic Peninsula // Zeitschrift fuer Geologische Wissenschaften. Bd. 18. S. 369-372. pdf

Stankevitch E.S. (1964) Ammonites from sandy-clayey deposits of North-West Caucasus. Moscow-Leningrad: Nauka. 68 p. [in Russian] pdf

Stănoiu I. (1967) Contribuţii la cunoaşterea Liasicului şi Aaleniamilui din materialul exotic asociat depozitelor de tip Wildflysch din sinclinalul Rarău (Carpaţii orientali) // Dări de Seamă ale Şedinţelor. Pt. 1-a. 1965-1966. Vol. LIII. P. 457-463. pdf

Stănoiu I. (1978) Les calpionelles des couches de Sinaia de la région située entre les vallées de Motru et de Coşuştea (Carpates Méridionales) // Dări de Seamă ale Şedinţelor. 4. Stratigraphie. 1976-1977. Vol. LXIV. P. 183-191. pdf

Stanton T. W. (1895) Contributions to the Cretaceous paleontology of the Pacific Coast. The fauna of the Knoxville beds // Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey. No.133. 132 p. pdf

Startseva G.N. (1967) Lower Kimmeridgian substage on the territory of Ivanovo Oblast // Problems of geology of the Southern Urals and Volga region. Issue 4. Pt. 1. Saratov: SGU. P.232-236. [in Russian] pdf

Startseva G.N. (1972) Expirience of biometrical studies of Pseudolamarckina genus from the Upper Jurassic deposits of Mojsha and Civil interflows // Questions of geology of Southern Urals and Volga area. Issue 8. Saratov: Saratov University. P.103-121. [in Russian] pdf

Startseva G.N. (1986) Detailed subdivision of the Middle Volga area by data of studying of forams // in: Mesezhnikov M.S. (Ed.) Jurassic deposits of the Russian Platform. Leningrad, VNIGRI. P.30-40. [in Russian] pdf

Startseva G.N., Kozlova V.I. (1972) New species of foraminifera from thge Lower Callovian of Insar river // Questions of geology of Southern Urals and Volga area. Issue 8. Saratov: Saratov University. P.122-128. [in Russian] pdf

Stchepinsky V. (1937) Le Lias de Dufort (Gard) // Bull. Soc. Géol. France. Sér.5. T. VII. No.9. P.593-614. pdf

Stefanini G. (1933) Molluschi del Giuralias della Somalia. Introdizione, Cephalopodi // Palaeontographia  Italica. V.XXXII. suppl.I. P.97-149. pdf

Stehn E. (1923) Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Bathonien und Callovien in Südamerika // N. Jahrbuch f. Mineralogie etc. Beil.-Bd. XLIX. S.52-158. pdf

Steiner M.B. (1998) Age, correlation, and tectonic implications of Morrison Formation paleomagnetic data, including rotation of the Colorado Plateau // Modern Geology. Vol. 22 P.261–281. pdf

Steinmann G. (1881) Ueber Tithon und Kreide in den peruanischen Anden // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie. Bd.2. S.130-153. pdf

Steinmann G. (1881) Zur Kenntniss der Jura- und Kreideformation von Caracoles (Bolivia) // N. Jb. Min., Geol., Paläont., Beilage-Band. Bd.I. S.239-301. pdf

Steinmann G. (1930) Geologia del Perú. Heidelberg: Carl Winters. 448 p. pdf

Stefanov A. (1934) Geologie des Vorbalkan von Ellena (Stratigraphische, tektonische und palaeontologische Untersuchungen) // Mitteilungen aus den Königlichen naturwissenschaftlichen Instituten in Sofia. Bd. 7. S.189-221. pdf

Stepanov I.V. (1966) On new findings of conchostracans from Mesozoic continental sediments of the Irkutsk and Kansk-Achinsk coal-bearing basins // Continental Upper Paleozoic and Mesozoic of Siberia and Central Kazakhstan (biostratigraphy and palaeontology). M.-L.: Nauka. P.150-183. [in Russian] pdf

Stephanov J. (1960) Representatives of the family Amaltheidae in Bulgaria // Travaux sur la géologie de Bulgarie. Série paléontologie. Vol.II. P.265-293. [in Bulgarian] pdf

Stephanov J. (1961) Ammonoid operculums (Aptychi) from the Lower Cretaceous of Bulgaria // Travaux sur la géologie de Bulgarie. Série paleontology. 1961. Vol.3. P.209-235. [in Bulgarian] pdf

Stephanov J. (1961) The Bathonian in the section of Belogradcik-Gora Oreshets road (North West Bulgaria) // Bull. Geol. Inst. IX. P.337-370. pdf

Stephanov J. (1963) Bajocian ammonites of the superfamily Stephanocerataceaein Bulgaria // Travaux sur la géologie de Bulgarie. Série paléontologie. Vol.V. P.167-209. [in Bulgarian] pdf

Stephanov  J. (1966) The Middle Jurassic ammonite genus Oecotraustes Waagen // Travaux sur la géologie de Bulgarie. Série Paléontologie. Vol.VIII. P. 29-70. pdf

Steinmann G. (1881) Ueber Tithon und Kreide in den peruanischen Anden // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie. Bd.2. S.130-153. pdf

Stevens G.R. (1965) The Jurassic and Cretaceous belemnites of New Zealand and a review of the Jurassic and Cretaceous belemnites of Indo-Pacific region // New Zealand Geological Survey. Palaeontology Bulletin. no.36. 283 p. pdf

Stevens G.R. (1990) The Influences of Palaeogeography, Tectonism and Eustasy on Faunal Development in the Jurassic of New Zealand // Atti II Conv. Int. F.E.A. Pergola, 1987. Com. Cent. Raffaele Piccinini. P.441-457. pdf

Stevens G.R. (1997) The Late Jurassic ammonite fauna of New Zealand // Institute of geological and Nuclear Sciences monograph. no.18. 216 p. pdf

Steuer A. (1921) Estratos Jurásicos Argentinos. Contribución al conocimiento de la Geología y Paleontología de los Andes Argentinos entre el río Grande y el río Atuel // Actas Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Córdoba. T.7. No2. P.25-128. pdf

Stipanicic P.N. (1951) Sobre la presencia del Oxfordense superior en el arroyo de La Manga (provincia de Mendoza) // Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, T.6. no.4. P.241-252. pdf

Stipanicic P.N., Westermann G.E.G., Riccardi A.C. (1975) The Indo-Pacific ammonite Mayaites in the Oxfordian of the southern Andes // Ameghiniana. T.XII. no.4. P.281-305. pdf

Stolbov N.M., Kosteva N.N, Korago E.A. (2012) Detrital zircon from Brentskardhaugen Bed (Nordenskiold Land, Spitsbergen) // Geological-geophysical features of the lithosphere of the Arctic Region. No.8. Transaction ofVNIIOkeangeologia. V. 223. P. 116-122. [in Russian] pdf

Stoll E. (1934) Die Brachiopoden und Mollusken der pommerschen Doggergeschiebe // Abhandlungen aus dem geologisch-palaeontologischen Institut der Ernst-Moritz Arndt – Universität Griefswald. Heft XIII. S.1-62. pdf

Stolley E. (1919) Die Systematik der Belemniten // Jahresbericht des Niedersächsischen geologischen Vereins in Hannover. Bd.11. S.1-59. pdf

Stolley E. (1935) Zur Kenntnis des Jura und der Unterkreide von Misol. II. Paläontologischer Teil // Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, Beilage-Band Abteilung B, Bd. 73. S. 42-69. pdf

Stolley E. (1938) Zur Kenntnis der arktischen Belemniten von König-Karls-Land // Zentralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, (Abteilung B), 1938, S. 19-28. pdf

Stolley E. (1949) Die Nucleus-Zone nebst anschließenden Horizonten und die Gattung Saynoceras im norddeutschen Unter-Neokom // Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Geowissenschaften. Bd.101. Hft.2. S.121-132. pdf

Stolyarova L. R. (2007) A new genus of Cardioceratids (Ammonoidea) from the Upper Callovian–Lower Oxfordian of Northern Siberia // Paleontological Journal. Vol.41. No.3. P.241–247. pdf

Stover L.E, Sarjeant W.A.S., Drugg W.S. (1977) The Jurassic dinoflagellate genus Stephanelytron: emendation and discussion // Micropaleontology. V.23. no.3. P.330-338. pdf

van Straelen V. (1925) Contribution a l’étude des Crustacés décapodes de la période Jurassique // Mémoires de l’Académie Royale de Belgique, Classe des Sciences, Deuxième série. T.VII, fasc.1. 462 p. pdf

Stratigraphic Code of Russia. Third edition, 2006. SPb.: VSEGEI Press, 2012. 48 p. pdf

Stratigraphy and fauna of the Mesozoic of the eastern areas of the USSR // Transact. VSEGEI. New series. 1973. Vol. 219. 271 p. [in Russian] pdf


Okuneva T.M. Stratigraphy of the Jurassic marine deposits of Eastern Transbaikalia and its paleontological substantiation

Sibiriakova L.V. Stratigraphy of the Jurassic marine deposits of Upper Peri-Amur area and its paleontological substantiation

Yakushina A.A. Early Cretaceous mollusks of fresh-water basins of the Southern Primorie


Stratigraphy and palaeontology of Meso-Cenozoic of the Soviet Arctic. Collection of scientific articles. Leningrad, 1990. [in Russian] pdf


Basov V.A., Ronkona Z.Z. Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary on the North European shelves: stratigraphical and palaeogeographical aspects

Vasilenko L.B. Late Cretaceous foraminiferal fauna of the South Barents Basin its biostratigraphical and palaeogeographical significance

Shulgina N.I. Correlation of the Valanginian zonal scales of Siberia and Arctric Canada

Fefilova L.A. Palinological characteristics of the Triassic deposits in the southern part of the Barents Sea based on parametrical drilling

Bondarenko N.M. Composition and distribution of spores and pollen in the Upper Cretacfeous of Ust-Yenissei region 

Burdykina M.D. Determination of ammoinites by graphs of changes of parameters on example by some Valanginian ammonites

Bystrova V.V. New index species of foraminifers from the V alanginian-Hauterivian deposits of the Pechora river basin


Stratigraphy and Paleontology of Mesozoic Deposits of Georgia. Tbilisi: Metsniereba, 1979. 132 p. [in Russian] pdf


Topchishvili M.V. Stratigraphy of Toarcian-Lower Aalenian deposits of Tusheti

Zesashvili Z.I. On the zonal subdivision of the Jurassic shale complex in the Eastern Caucasus

Todria V.A. Some Late Jurassic foraminifers of Georgia

Tikeridze L.R. Barremian foraminifers from the Lower Cretaceous deposits of the south wing of the Racha-Lechkhumi Syncline

Kotelishvili E.V. Main issues of the biostratigraphy of the Albian deposits in Georgia

Zesashvili V.I. State of study and main problems of the stratigraphy of the Caucasian Jurassic deposits


Stratigraphy and palaeontology of the Mesozoic deposits of North of Siberia. Moscow: Nauka, 1965. 88 pp. [in Russian] pdf


Astakhova T.V. Stratigraphy of the Triassic deposits of the Olenek Bay coast

Dagys A.A., Dagys A.S. On zonal subdivision of the Toarcian deposits in the North-East of the USSR

Sachs V.N., Basov V.A., Zakharov V.A., Mesezhnikov M.S., Ronkona Z.Z., Shulgina N.I., Yudovny E.G. Stratigraphy of Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Khatanga depression

Basov V.A., Zakharov V.A., Mesezhnikov M.S., Yudovny E.G. On stratigraphy of the Jurassic deposits of Leningradskaya river basin (Northern Taimyr)

Mesezhnikov M.S. On distribution of the Upper Kimmeridgian in the north of Siberia

Zakharov V.A. New Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous Camptonectes (Pectinidae, Bivalvia) of Artic Siberia

Shulgina N.I. New Homolsomites bojarkensis Zone in the Neocomian of Northern Siberia


Stratigraphy and paleontology of Mesozoic sedimentary basins of the North of the USSR. Collection of scientific papers. L.: PGO “Sevmorgeology". 196 p. [in Russian] pdf


Preobrazhenskaya E. N., Shkola I.V., Korchinskaya M.V. Stratigraphy of Triassic deposits of the Franz Josef Land archipelago (based on parametric drilling materials)

Korchinskaya M.V. Faunal characteristics of the Triassic deposits of Franz Josef Land

Kasatkina E.A. Microfaunal characteristics of Triassic deposits from the Hayes well (Franz Josef Land Archipelago)

Vasilevskaya N.D. Triassic flora of Franz Josef Land and Novaya Zemlya

Lev O.M., Gerke A.A. Late Triassic ostracods of the Nordvik-Khatanga district

Kasatkina E.A., Preobrazhenskaya E.N., Cherkesov O.V. Foraminifera assemblages from terrigenous rocks of Permian, Lower and Middle Triassic of the northwest coast of Kotelny Island

Sokolov A.R. Biostratigraphic sundivision and characteristic types of foraminifera of the Middle Jurassic deposits of the Arctic regions of the USSR

Kartseva G.N., Obrazkova V.P. Correlation of sections of the Middle and Upper Jurassic on the Sredneyarovskaya area in the western part of the Yenisei-Khatanga trough

Shulgina N.I., Burdykina M.D. New data on the stratigraphy of the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Northern Timan

Pavlov V.V., Fefilova L.A., Lodkina L. B. Palynological characteristics of Mesozoic deposits of the southern part of the Barents Sea shelf

Abramova L.N. Cretaceous conifers from the Bunge formation of Faddeevsky Island (Novosibirsk Islands)

Vasilevskaya N.D., Pavlov V.V., Lodkina L. B. New Early Cretaceous Haumannia fern from the Pronchishchev ridge area

Vasilenko L. V. Forainifera in Late Cretaceous deposits of the eastern coast of Penzhinskaya Bay (North-Western Kamchatka)

Gor Yu.G. Permian and Triassic boundary in the north of Angarida

Pchelina T.M. History of Triassic sedimentation in Svalbard and the adjacent shelf of the Barents Sea


Stratigraphy and paleontology of Paleozoic and Mesozoic deposits of North-East of the USSR. Moscow. 207 pp. [in Russian] pdf

Include the following articles devoted to Mesozoic:

Bychkov Yu.M. Stratigraphy and ammonoidea of Induan Stage of the Kolyma river headwaters

Repin Yu.S. Ammonites from the Lower Jurassic and Aalenian deposits of Viliga river basin (North-East of the USSR)

Paraketsova G.I. Late Jurassic bivalves of Bolshoy Anyui river basin

Paraketsov G.V. Some ammonites from the Lower Cretaceous deposits of Umkuveem Depression (Eropol river basin)

Filippova G.G. Cretaceous conifers of the middle flows of Anadyr river basin

Samylina V.A. On the Cretaceous flora of Kananyga river (Northern Priokhotie)

Pokhialaynen V.P. Late Senonian heteromorphy ammonites of the Anadyr-Koryakia region


Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Phanerozoic of the North-East of the USSR. Magadan: SVKNII DVO of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1988. 165 pp. pdf

Includes the following papers, among the others:

Bychkov Yu.M., Chekhov A.D. Triassic deposits of the western coast of Lake Peculnean

Milova L.V. New Early Jurassic bivalve molluscs of the North-East of the USSR

Paraketsov K.V. New species of Buchia from the Upper Jurassic deposits of the North-East of the USSR

Pohialainen V.P. Morphology of the ligamentous site in colonicerams

Terekhova G.P. On the age of the Krivorechenskaya suite and the Grebenkinsky floral complex


Stratigraphy and palaeontology of Uzbekistan and adjacent areas. Book two. Tashkent: Ac. Sci. Uzb.SSR. 293 p. [in Russian] pdf

Including some publications about the Jurassic and Cretaceous fossils:

Repman E.A. Middle Jurassic freshwater mollusks of Northern Fergana

Repman E.A. Jurassic bivalve mollusks from the south-west parts of Gissar Range

Kuzichkina Yu.M. Spores of modern plants and their fossil analogues

Vinokurova E.G. Cretaceous sea urchins of Uzbekistan

Vinokurova E.G. For characteristics of the Cretaceous bivalves from Amu-Daria lower flows

Vinokurova E.G. Cretaceous bivalve and cephalopod mollusks from Sultan-Uiz-Dagh and some parts of Kyzylkum

Vinokurova E.G. Cretaceous bivalve and cephalopod mollusks from the south-west parts of Gissar Range

Stratigraphy of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic of West-Siberian lowland. Moscow: Gostoptechizdat, 1957. 149 p. pdf

Stratigraphy of the Ukrainian Soviet Republik. Vol. VII. Jurassic (Ed. Yamnichenko I.M.). Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1969. 219 p. [in Ukrainian] djvu

Stremoukhow D. (1892) Note sur la zone a Olcostephanus nodiger pres du village Milkovo, du district de Podolsk, gouv. de Mocsou // Bull. Soc. Imp. Natur. Moscou. N.S. 1892. T.VI. no.3. P.432-436. pdf

Stremooukhow D. (1895) Note sur la Posidonomya Buchi, Roemer, des schistes de Balaclava en Crimée // Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou. no.3. P.391-395. pdf

Strémooukhov D. (1896) Description de quelques Trigonies des dépôts secondaires de la Russie // Verhandlungen der Russisch-Kaiserlichen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft zu St. Petersburg. Ser. 2. Bd. 34. P.243-266. pdf

Stremoukhoff D.P. (1913) On Jurassic shales of Koktebel. Article 2. // Bull. Sect. Géol. Soc. Imp. Amis Scient. Natur. Moscou. 1911-1912. Ò.1. P.57-58. [in Russian] pdf

Stremoukhoff D.P. (1913) On Jurassic shales of Koktebeil // Matherials for knowledge of the geological structure of the Russian Empire. Issue 4. P.1-16. [in Russian] pdf

Stremooukhof D. P. (1916) Les Ammonites de la montagne Eguer-Oba pres de Koktebel // Bull. Sect. Géol. Soc. Imp. Amis Scient. Natur. Moscou. V.IV. P.45-69. [in Russian] pdf

Stremooukhof D. P. (1923) Les Ammonites de la montagne Eguer-Oba pres de Koktebel. Deuxieme article. // Bull. Moscow Branch of the Geological Committee. Vol.1. P.267-286. [in Russian] pdf

Stroganova T.S. (2002) Fluidodynamics of the Cretaceous and Jurassic deposits of the Surgut arch of Western Siberia // Bull. Moscow Univ. Ser.4. Geology. no.4. P.45-50. [in Russian] pdf

Strübin K. (1903) Eine Harpocerasart aus dem untern Dogger (Zone des Sphaeroceras Sauzei.) // Abhandlungen der schweizerischen paläontologischen Gesellschaft. Vol. XXX. 5 p. pdf

Struckmann C. (1882) Neue Beiträge zur Kenntniss des oberen Jura und der Wealdenbildungen der Umgegend von Hannover // Palaeontologische Abhandlungen. Bd.1, H.1. 37 S., 5 Taf. pdf

Structure of the Upper Jurassic carbonate formation of the central regions of the Middle Asia // Transactions of VNIGNI. 1976. Vol. 164. 128 ñ. [in Russian] pdf

Stuckenberg A. (1873) Geological sketch of Crimea. Dissertation, submitted to Physical-Mathematical Faculty of the Saint-Petersburg University for degree of Magister in Mineralogy and Geognosy. Saint-Petersburg. 102 p. [in Russian] pdf

Stuckenberg A. (1875) Report on geological journey to Pechora region and Timan tundra // Materials for the geology of Russia. Ò.VI. P.1-125. [in Russian] pdf

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Trauth F. (1937) Die Praestriaptychi und Granulaptychi des Oberjura und der Unterkreide // Paläont. Z. Bd.19. S.134-162. pdf

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Trautschold H. (1860) Recherches géologiques aux environs de Moscou. Couche jurassique de Galiowa // Bulletin de la Société impériale des naturalistes de Moscou. T.33. no.4. P. 338-361, pls. 6-8. pdf

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Trautschold H. (1861 b) Recherches géologiques aux environs de Moscou. Fossiles du Kharachovo et supplement // Bulletin de la Société impériale des naturalistes de Moscou. T. XXXIV. No.3. P.267-277. pdf

Trautschold H. (1862) Glanzkörnige braune sandstein bei Dmitrijewa-Gora an der Oka // Bulletin de la Société impériale des naturalistes de Moscou. T. XXXV. No.3. S.206-228. pdf

Trautschold H. (1863) Ueber jurassische Fossilien von Indersk // Bulletin de la Société impériale des naturalistes de Moscou. T. XXXVI. No.4. S.457-475. pdf

Trautschold H. (1866) Zur Fauna des russischen Jura // Bulletin de la Société impériale des naturalistes de Moscou. T.39. no.1. P.1-24, pls. 1-4. pdf

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Donze P., Enay R. De la limite Dogger-Malm dans l’ile Cremieu.

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Uhlig V. (1881) Ueber die Fauna des rothen Kellowaykalkes der Penninischen Klippe Babierzówka bei Neumarkt im Westgalizien // Jb. k.k. Geol. Reichsanst. Bd. XXXI. Hft. III. S. 381-422. pdf

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Egoyan V.L. Determination of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary

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Zeiss A. Problem of correlation in the Upper Jurassic and some considerations about the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary

Aristov V.N., Ivanov A.N. On Cretaceous beds bounded with Jurassic in the Yaroslavl Volga area

Birkelund T., Callomon J. Comparison of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous sections of Andoya in Northern Norway and Milne Land in East Greenland

Golbert A.V., Klimova I.G. Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary beds and marine Lower Cretaceous in the reference section of Neocomian of Western Siberia (based on outcrops near to Subpolar Urals)

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Erschova E.S., Pchelina T.M. On Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous boundary beds of Spitsbergen

Ivanov A.N. On significance of the Glebovo section (Yaroslavl volga area) for studying of the middle substage of the Volgian Stage and on results of the revision of the Laugeites stschurowskii  (Nikitin)

Cox B. Distribution of the ammonite genus Gravesia in England and their relation to Kimmeridgian Stage

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Mesezhnikov M.S., Golbert A.V., Zakharov V.A., Klimova I.G., Kravets V.S., Sachs V.N., Shulgina N.I., Alekseev S.N., Bulynnikova S.P., Kuzina V.I., Jakovleva S.P. (1979) News in the stratigraphy of thr Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary beds of Pechora basin

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Khabarova T.N. On the question of the Jurassic-Creatceous boundary in the lower Volga reaches

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Vakhrameev V.A. Flora of Siberian paleofloristical realm in the boundary of the Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods

Voronova M.A., Teslenko Yu.V. Changes of palinoassemblages and Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in Ukraine and some adjacent territories

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Yakovleva S.P. On foraminifers from the Ryazanian Horizon of the Oke river Basin

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